Other Resources Challenge Me! » June Running Challenge Rss Feed  
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2006-06-26 2:56 AM
in reply to: #438133

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Sudbury,Ontario CANADA
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge
Is there going to be a July running challenge?

2006-06-27 4:50 PM
in reply to: #465254

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge

Got caught up with my new bike and learning my TI drills so have neglected my running a bit .... but have decided to do some catch-up

got a good long run in on the w/e , so hopefully , I make my goal by Friday ... seems ambitious but will give it my best shot !

For any of the other fence-sitters (apart from me that is ) ... lets go get this challenge over with .

2006-06-29 4:21 PM
in reply to: #438133

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge
102.33 mi/ 100 miles- June running done!

Get those footsies in gear if you still have miles to run.
2006-06-29 4:30 PM
in reply to: #438133

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Extreme Veteran
Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge
I've widdled my total to less than 7 miles. I should be able to do that tomorrow unless I completly feel like crap tomorrow. It's been a hard week with 2 tests and 1 paper due. I don't think I am gonna make my June biking challenge though.
2006-06-30 1:16 PM
in reply to: #438133

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge
Looks like I missed the goal in the challenge I started.  Doh.  The 10 days it took me to replace the dilapidated running shoes really put the hurt on my mileage.  I signed up for the 100 mile challenge to make up for missing my goal this month.  Hope everyone else made their goal and good luck in July.
2006-06-30 11:33 PM
in reply to: #438133

silverton oregon
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge

I did it.  I did not like it....but it's done.  I need new shoes, my feet hurt.  I need some couching on how to run better or a good looking butt to chase!  I'm glad I did the challenge it sure got me out there and made me run.  Thanks

2006-07-01 11:06 AM
in reply to: #438133

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: June Running Challenge

Didn't make it ... but got darn close

ended up doing 36.6 / 40 mi. but hey am happy I did the challenge , at least this way I got running seriously again .

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