Subject: RE: cat starts fire, dog saves woman, dog dies trying to save catspokes - 2006-10-18 5:50 PM
jeanneroth - 2006-10-18 4:48 PM spokes - 2006-10-18 5:43 PM run4yrlif - 2006-10-18 11:56 AM RedCorvette - 2006-10-18 12:54 PM run4yrlif - 2006-10-18 12:49 PM autumn - 2006-10-18 11:35 AM lessons: dogs are awesome. have REAL plants. have FAKE candles. You forgot: don't have cats, cause they're evil. Cats = Republicans? Nah...cats are smart. Smart, but evil. Just remember, you are one embolism away from being your cat's next meal if you live alone. Seriously. Dogs tend to leave corpses alone even if they're starving, if its their masters. But they're still gonna sniff your butt You don't notice that if you're dead
its still rude. What if the EMT or Coroner walks in and your best buddy is going to town humping your leg? You will be the LAUGHING STOCK of the police department! |