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2018-12-27 9:15 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Originally posted by dmiller5

Yeah i'm pretty sure the new House would have to sign off on the bill, which seems highly unlikely given the makeup of the new congress

73 democrats in the House voted for the bill.


"The members who voted “yes” effectively had Pelosi’s blessing, as she did not make a significant effort to whip against the bill."

Something terribly wrong with this system. Why do democrats need permission or 'blessing' from anyone? Vote on the merits of the bill and represent the will of your constituency not on how Paul Ryan or Nancy Pelosi tell you to vote. This epitomizes why we have gridlock in Congress.

There is a video all over social media of Schumer giving a speech on illegal immigration.....and he sounds just like Trump. It is clear to me that this is all about politics and dems refuse to give Trump a "win" on this issue. Polls show Americans - reps and dems - overwhelming in favor of border security.

Dems picked a bad issue to fall on their swords over.

2018-12-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The Wall

Let them

2019-01-09 10:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: The Wall
Originally posted by Rogillio

Dems picked a bad issue to fall on their swords over.

Snippet from today's "negotiations"

He at one point asked Trump, "Why won't you open the government and stop hurting people?"

Trump responded bluntly, "Because then you won't give me what I want."

Polls also show that the blame for the shutdown is overwhelmingly on Trump, rightly so. I'd support a wall, good fences make good neighbors and I live in a border state. However holding the government hostage because you aren't getting what you want is despicable regardless of which party or president is doing it, fund the government and work out your other issues separately. If an agreement can't be reached move on to another issue until you have the support you need or something to offer in return. Or reallocate less than 1% of the DoD budget to fully fund the wall if this really is an issue of national security.

Maybe this goes on for a month... or 3 months... or 6. If the government can be funded with no strings attached and Trump vetos it because of no wall funding, I honestly cannot fathom how you could place the blame on the Dems.

Edited by Synon 2019-01-09 10:25 PM
2019-01-10 1:49 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: The Wall
My wife is a Federal manager who's income is part of our family budget.....leave it shut down until the lying hypocrites on the left fund what they were perfectly willing to do under a Democrat. We'll make do.
2019-01-10 7:31 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Wall
The US Postal Service 2018 net loss is projected to be $5.2 billion. Kinda puts the wall in perspective.

Saying the wall is will not stop illegal entry is like me saying my front door will no stop burglars so I might as well just leave it open.
2019-01-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Wall

yeah and the postal service is about 1000x more valuable. the 5 billion wont pay for the wall, and the maintenance on the wall will be billions.  what perspective were you looking for?

I'm a professional civil engineer, and all politics aside, this makes no sense to do.

2019-01-10 10:35 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: The Wall
Left Brain, be thankful your federal employee wife isn't your only income source. We can only guess how many families where this IS the case, and with how many families live paycheck to paycheck, what kind of situation does this put them in? Have you considered stepping outside yourselves once in a while and put yourself in someone else's situation where this will be devastating? If this carried on and you had to foreclose on your house and you begin to struggle to put food on the table, you would continue to support this?

This strategy of hurting Americans under the guise of "protection" is the most bass-ackwards thing I've ever seen.

I have a question for you both. What kind of precedent is this going to set, where our leaders will simply shut everything down until their demands are met? The dems won't give in for this exact reason, letting it be part of the republican playbook would be a terrible mistake. Lets not talk about hypocrisy, if the shoe was on the other foot you would be furious.
2019-01-10 11:11 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall

Originally posted by Synon Left Brain, be thankful your federal employee wife isn't your only income source. We can only guess how many families where this IS the case, and with how many families live paycheck to paycheck, what kind of situation does this put them in? Have you considered stepping outside yourselves once in a while and put yourself in someone else's situation where this will be devastating? If this carried on and you had to foreclose on your house and you begin to struggle to put food on the table, you would continue to support this? This strategy of hurting Americans under the guise of "protection" is the most bass-ackwards thing I've ever seen. I have a question for you both. What kind of precedent is this going to set, where our leaders will simply shut everything down until their demands are met? The dems won't give in for this exact reason, letting it be part of the republican playbook would be a terrible mistake. Lets not talk about hypocrisy, if the shoe was on the other foot you would be furious.

Precedent is already set.  Obama shut the government down for 16 days in 2013 because he wanted funding for the ACA and Republicans didn't want to provide it. Ironically similar to Trumps argument for wall funding that the dems don't want. 
It's easy to blame Trump because it's the #1 campaign issue he ran on and it's one of the top issues his supporters want (myself included).  The Democrats will do everything they can to stop it, even though virtually all Democratic leadership is on record supporting and even mandating that a wall be built (prior to Trump of course). 
Either side could give in and get the government opened today, but both sides are digging in.  Trump will 100% not cave on the issue, so it's really a matter of how long the Democrats want to delay until they give in to his demands.  It's really on them IMHO.

Personally I'm trying to figure out how to keep the government shut down, but I'm probably in the minority. ;-

On a side note the Trump team internal polling is showing YUGE support for the wall and in general.  Take it for what it's worth, but politically the very comical response by the Democrats to Trumps national address was pathetic. 

2019-01-10 11:12 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The Wall
2019-01-10 11:18 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Wall
The above is why I don't pay attention to anything the left says. It's just "no" from me on anything that comes from them. There is no other way to deal with them.....no compromise or settlement is ever good enough.....they just want their way....period. In this instance of the wall being built...there is no running away from the fact that this is all based on not giving President Trump what he promised his voters he would do. The left continues to be exposed.
2019-01-10 11:22 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Synon....do your HW...the overwhelming majority of Federal employees are being paid....furthermore, the ones who aren't will all get full back pay for the days of the shutdown. This is a non issue like the rest of the Left's talking points on rhis shutdown.

2019-01-10 11:33 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall

Originally posted by Left Brain Synon....do your HW...the overwhelming majority of Federal employees are being paid....furthermore, the ones who aren't will all get full back pay for the days of the shutdown. This is a non issue like the rest of the Left's talking points on rhis shutdown.

Don't take away their "victims".  They need them to stir up outrage.  

2019-01-10 11:37 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall
2019-01-10 11:54 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: The Wall
Jeez man, the Republicans fully admitted the government shutdown in 2013 was their idea. It's time to man up and own the poor decisions of the past. You are right about it being ironically similar, just not in the way you suggest.

In September 2015, Boehner revisited the tumultuous shutdown period in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, following the Ohio Republican’s retirement announcement.

“The Bible says beware of false prophets. And there are people out there, you know, spreading noise about how much can get done. I mean this whole notion that we’re going to shut down the government to get rid of Obamacare in 2013 — this plan never had a chance,” Boehner said."

There is no other way to deal with them.....no compromise or settlement is ever good enough.....they just want their way....period.

Sounds very similar with the situation now and the demands for the wall. You can't have it both ways, if you really think the republicans hands are clean in all this you are doing exactly what you seem to despise. Maybe if congress wasn't paid during these shutdowns we'd come to a resolution much faster.
2019-01-10 11:59 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall

Originally posted by Synon Jeez man, the Republicans fully admitted the government shutdown in 2013 was their idea. It's time to man up and own the poor decisions of the past. You are right about it being ironically similar, just not in the way you suggest.
In September 2015, Boehner revisited the tumultuous shutdown period in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, following the Ohio Republican’s retirement announcement. “The Bible says beware of false prophets. And there are people out there, you know, spreading noise about how much can get done. I mean this whole notion that we’re going to shut down the government to get rid of Obamacare in 2013 — this plan never had a chance,” Boehner said."
There is no other way to deal with them.....no compromise or settlement is ever good enough.....they just want their way....period.
Sounds very similar with the situation now and the demands for the wall. You can't have it both ways, if you really think the republicans hands are clean in all this you are doing exactly what you seem to despise. Maybe if congress wasn't paid during these shutdowns we'd come to a resolution much faster.

I do agree congress shouldn't be paid, but it wouldn't change much.  Most of them are corrupt multi-millionaires who make far more money on the side than they do in Congress.  

As for the blame game, as I said before it's easy to blame either side.  Trump wants a wall and won't sign any bill without it, Democrats don't want a wall and refuse to pass anything with wall funding.  Both sides can just as easily make it end, so you can't say it's "ONLY" Trumps fault. 
Where it's looking terrible for the Democrats is that they have so much tape on them pushing FOR a wall and now that Trump wants it pushing against it exposes their tactics as being obviously political and nothing else.  Hence, Trump wins. 

2019-01-10 12:06 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: The Wall

Reply to the thread, not specifically to LB...

For all the bluster in the press about how Trump "stormed out of the meeting", there was this little snippet from the House Minority Leader on his perspective of how that meeting went (buried WAY down in my Yahoo news feed):



2019-01-10 12:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The Wall

Originally posted by briderdt

Reply to the thread, not specifically to LB...

For all the bluster in the press about how Trump "stormed out of the meeting", there was this little snippet from the House Minority Leader on his perspective of how that meeting went (buried WAY down in my Yahoo news feed):



I've seen that, and saw other quotes from that meeting that look nothing like the way Schumer or Pelosi portrayed it.  On this issue they will lie, and lie, and lie because it has NOTHING to do with the issue for them.  This is about NOTHING more than denying President Trump a campaign promise he made so they can hold that up in 2020. (because the man has done every thing he said was going to do as he campaigned....and they hate it)  Anyone who thinks differently, after reading quote after quote after quote from these liars in the past advocating for border security, to include a wall, is being played by these liars.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-01-10 12:36 PM
2019-01-10 2:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Wall
So now we know:

1. Walls are immoral

2. Walls don't work

Hmmmm. So walls are immoral but they don't work. I fail to see the problem!

What about doors? Are doors immoral too? What about roofs? How high does a wall have to be before moving into immorality territory? What about fences? Are they immoral too? I have a fence around my property. It might be immoral but it keeps our horses from wondering off. I have another fence around our swimming pool. I figure it would be immoral to NOT have a fence around it lest some neighborhood child fall in and drown.

"Immorality is the violation of moral laws, norms or standards. Immorality is normally applied to people or actions, or in a broader sense, it can be applied to groups or corporate bodies, beliefs, religions, and works of art."

Ok, I get it. The wall itself is not immoral but the concept of keeping people out is immoral. Ergo, open borders.

On a serious note....there is no way Trump caves. I think he realizes his political career rests with that wall. That means he has nothing to loose! I've email both of my Senators to fund border security. Sen Shelby is all in. Doug Jones (D) will be a one-and-done Senator from Alabama if he does not support the wall. I'm quire sure his inbox is flooded with email from this red state....

2019-01-10 2:34 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall

The true interesting thing to me is you have a President who is unashamed in putting American interest first and you have another political party who is literally lobbying on behalf of foreign citizens to be able to enter our country illegally.  
It's fascinating that they believe this will win them votes.  It will win them NYC, San Fran, and LA but they already have those votes.  They're continuing to alienate the Democratic party from African American and Working Class voters.
They obviously learned nothing from losing to Trump.  They obviously learned nothing in the mid-terms and falsely were emboldened with the congressional wins.

The great news of all this is they're ensuring 4 more years of Trump 

2019-01-10 2:55 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Originally posted by tuwood


The great news of all this is they're ensuring 4 more years of Trump 

This is what I really do not get. To me, it is so obvious. The wall does work and there are many miles of it already in place that prove it works. I am sure there are areas where it would be a waste of money. I think Trump has done a poor job of marketing this. He should have hired a marketing firm....like Rogillio's Marketing. He would have advice:

1. I don't ever want to hear you say "wall" again unless you are using it as a subset of "border security".
2. When you talk about border security, you needs to say, "some places a wall, some places a fence, some places natural barriers, some places towers and guards and surveillance"
3. Bring that cop's wife and baby to the White House
4. Host a reception for Angel Families
5. Put together a presentation showing what portions of the border already have a wall, what parts need repair, what parts need a wall, what parts need a fence and what parts don't need anything because there are natural barriers
6. Break things up into Phases. Maybe 5 Phases. Use the approach, Build-test-adjust-build.
7. Hire a company to do a documentary on the border and show all the atrocities and bodies
8. Present the details of how the 5.7 will be spent

So that is from an engineer, image if Trump hired professional marketers to sell his plan.

2019-01-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Would it be be benificial to think about the fact that the money President Trump is asking for is 1/8th of 1% of our nations budget, or nah......I mean....for a family with a 100,000 yearly budget thats 125.00. LMAO.....is this a good point to talk about what this issue REALLY is or should the supporters of Schumer and Pelosi just stay in denial? I mean....Federal workers are starving to death over the equivalency of a new tire on the vehicle of that family with the 100,000 income.

Edited by Left Brain 2019-01-10 8:39 PM

2019-01-10 8:51 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Originally posted by Left Brain

Synon....do your HW...the overwhelming majority of Federal employees are being paid....furthermore, the ones who aren't will all get full back pay for the days of the shutdown. This is a non issue like the rest of the Left's talking points on rhis shutdown.

Do your homework. Not all will get back pay because they are paid by private companies with government contracts. Please, tell my friend who had their savings almost depleted due to an illness. Now, as an employee of a private company contracted by the government, they are without a paycheck.

So please, do your homework. Look and see how this affecting those who work in federal building but are paid by private companies. You know, like the custodians, security, my friend who is a computer programmer and an ill wife who can't work.

Both sides need to get it together.

2019-01-10 8:55 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: The Wall

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by Left Brain Synon....do your HW...the overwhelming majority of Federal employees are being paid....furthermore, the ones who aren't will all get full back pay for the days of the shutdown. This is a non issue like the rest of the Left's talking points on rhis shutdown.
Do your homework. Not all will get back pay because they are paid by private companies with government contracts. Please, tell my friend who had their savings almost depleted due to an illness. Now, as an employee of a private company contracted by the government, they are without a paycheck. So please, do your homework. Look and see how this affecting those who work in federal building but are paid by private companies. You know, like the custodians, security, my friend who is a computer programmer and an ill wife who can't work. Both sides need to get it together.

How is your friend unlike any other worker in America that gets laid off?  Do you feel government workers are entitled to more than the rest of us because they work for the Government?

2019-01-10 9:48 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: The Wall
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by Left Brain Synon....do your HW...the overwhelming majority of Federal employees are being paid....furthermore, the ones who aren't will all get full back pay for the days of the shutdown. This is a non issue like the rest of the Left's talking points on rhis shutdown.
Do your homework. Not all will get back pay because they are paid by private companies with government contracts. Please, tell my friend who had their savings almost depleted due to an illness. Now, as an employee of a private company contracted by the government, they are without a paycheck. So please, do your homework. Look and see how this affecting those who work in federal building but are paid by private companies. You know, like the custodians, security, my friend who is a computer programmer and an ill wife who can't work. Both sides need to get it together.

How is your friend unlike any other worker in America that gets laid off?  Do you feel government workers are entitled to more than the rest of us because they work for the Government?

No one is more entitled to anything because they work for the government. However, this shutdown is going to have a trickle down effect. Right now it is affecting a close friend and his ill wife. Have some compassion for those who are caught up in this mess at no fault of their own.

This entire shut down is a manufactured crisis. We need border security. We all understand that. In 2006 GW Bush signed the Secure Fence Act that would build 700 miles of fence. As of now, only 652 miles of that fence have already been built. Of the 652 miles built, only 36 of those miles are the double layers that the law required. Why hasn't all the money allocated in that act and money allocated since then not been spent on finishing the wall? Because it's not as simple as just acquiring funds to build the fence. You know, there will be land to purchase from private land owners, lawsuits to fight, the environmental impact the fence has already and will continue to bring to the area.

How is the current border situation a crisis? How is the border situation a national crisis? There is no crisis due to the lack of a wall. There will be a crisis if this shutdown continues. As I said before, both sides need to get it together.
2019-01-10 9:49 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: The Wall
The fact of the matter is that the Federal govt., under President Obama, became one of the best paying employers in our country....that's completely backwards. Sure, I can have empathy for individual people and how they may be affected....but it's far from the majority and it doesn't supercede the goals of a nation to secure it's borders.
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DACA and the Wall

Started by Rogillio
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2018-01-14 10:18 AM hessma