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2009-01-21 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1919958


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


it sounds like you and I are shopping for the same bike! Let me know what you find out there and I will do the same. Good luck!


2009-01-24 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


I would love to join your group.  This is my 2nd attempt at doing a triathlon.  Last year I had the goal and bit off more than i could chew.  But i did complete my first 5k race in October and had a great time doing it.  Now that I have more time, I'm ready to train for my first triathlon in August.  I am married with 2 boys...age 4 and 1.  I have limited amount of time to train, but for the first couple months i am focused more on nutrition with limiting sugar in my diet.  

 I've started out by doing pilates 2x a week to strengthen my abs because i have a weak back after having babies.  I have been run/walking 1-2 times a week and today finally reached 3 miles again.  I do a spin class 1x a week and have yet to get in the pool. 

My goal is to relieve my back pain by getting in shape.  I also want to eat healthier and competing sounds like fun.  I'm interested in ideas for healthy snacks while training as well as some information on how to start the bike portion once i'm out of the gym and on the road.  I also am wondering about transitions and swimming in a lake verses a pool.

Thanks for your help!


2009-01-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1926910

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi Lisa!

Yes, I am still open for  a few more athletes.  If you check back at the thread, one of the questions I had for the week was about equipment.  What types of questions do you guys have for me?  It seems the bike and HR monitor are two big ones.  Let me know what you are looking at and what you mind need.

 Also, stick to a clean diet now that you are trying to get healthier.  It will make all the difference.  Don't run from carbs however, you need them! Just make sure they are the healthy ones and are part of your "clean" diet.




2009-01-24 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1927183


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hey again jlesser, 

    So my first triathlon is in May and the swimming portion is inside, so I think I'm going to hold off on the wetsuit purchase unless I find a great deal. Should I purchase a trisuit for the race in May, and if so, what brand(s) do you recommend? I also need a bike, but I don't want to spend a lot of money on my first one. Should I just get a used one? 

   I joined a masters swim group, and my first day will be Monday! Can't wait to get back into shape. 


2009-01-25 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1927183


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi J!

For some assistance in eating cleaner: Do you think you could jot down what you may eat in a typical day, and then what you might add on a bigger training day.  I don't know about you but I am hungry all day if I do a long run in the morning and could seriously gnaw off my arm if I don't eat soon after a tough swim workout.  Anyway, that would be helpful!

I noticed some questions about wet suits(and my shopping list gets longer!) My first tri is in June, which is when I also start twice weekly open water swims.  I hear that you are more buoyant with the wetsuits, any other advantages?  Necessary for a full wetsuit?



2009-01-25 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1910596

New user

Truckee, CA
Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi, I'd also like to join.

I'm a 42-year old mom and am in crummy shape and want to get fit and then finally maintain my fitness.  Unfortunately, I am a yo-yo exerciser and get in good shape after training for a race and then don't maintain that.  Now, that I'm in my 40's and finding that losing weight is a lot harder, I am determined to get back to a good place and then maintain it.  I've found in the past that I stay motivated if I have a race on the calendar for which I am training and also if I have someone looking over my shoulder for accountability.

I have been in good shape in the past and let myself go over the last three years by not exercising and eating too much.  About 10 years ago, I was overweight and signed up for the Marine Corp Marathon -- I got fairly fit and ran it (slowly!), but then let myself go again.  A couple years after that, I got back in shape by doing a bunch of sprint triathlons.  Although I was never at the top of my age group since I'm a slow runner, I usually finished top third.  I did sprints for about 2 years and then started road racing since I was best at the cycling leg, love to ride my bike and found a women's racing team.  I was good on the bike and usually finished top 5 in crits and upgraded to cat 3 at the end of my first year.  I raced sporadically as a cat 3 and then due to homeschooling my kids and doing a lot of traveling, I stopped racing and exercising and put on 30 lbs that I now need to lose.

I work full-time, so finding the time and motivation to exercise has been hard.  However, I've moved to a gorgeous part of the country (Lake Tahoe area) with lots of outdoor activity opportunities.  And, most people up here are very fit.  I have never done an olympic distance tri, so would like to do the local one (Donner Lake Triathlon) that takes place on July 19th and I'd like to do a couple of local sprints before that.  Running is definitely my weakness, so I have no expectations of finishing in a particular time -- just want to finish the race and fit back into my old clothes. 

I'm basically starting from zero again and need to build up my endurance in all three sports.  I have a trainer and will bike inside given the weather here.  I definitely enjoy biking more than running or swimming.  

Thanks -- Laura

2009-01-26 2:19 AM
in reply to: #1910596

User image

Northern CA
Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

I'm interested in the whole wetsuit thing too. I'm kind of tapped out from buying my bike so I'm not the market for a lot more equipment purchases just yet. Plus, since I'm still losing weight, I don't want to invest in a wet suit that won't fit me in a few months.

I've looked into renting. but I can't figure out how to tell what size I should wear and the rental places all seem to be mail order.

So input on the wet suit -- and how to save money on it -- would definitely be helpful.

2009-01-26 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1927183


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Thanks Jennifer.

I'm wondering if you could just list a couple of the best snacks to eat before a workout.  I have had headaches and alot of shakiness after a good workout and I'm wondering if I'm just not eating enough or drinking enough or if it is the type of things I'm eating.  What do you eat just before running or biking? and how much water do you drink?



2009-01-26 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1910596

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New user

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

I'd like to join your group.


I'm a 24 y/o female training for my first tri in May. I spent quite a few months training last year, but never got to actually compete in a tri. I was a swimmer in high school, but now I play soccer in a women's league. Running is definitely my weakest.

 Although I would say I'm a healthy eater, I do need help with nutrition. It seems that every time I log onto the nutrition forum I'm overwhelmed by everything everyone has to say.

 I would love to be part of a group that offers motivation. I'm very excited about competing in my first tri!

2009-01-26 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1928580


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


I visited your blog today, and you look amazing! How fantastic you must feel!  

Congratulations on such huge accomplishments.

By the way, your bike is beautiful.  Did you buy it online or go to a store?  

Good luck.


2009-01-26 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hello! I was wondering if there was still room to join your group! I am a 21 year old very active student but have never tried or trained for a triathalon. I have played a wide range of sports including tennis, cross country, track, and basketball which I played in college also. I have never been much of a swimmer but I think this would be a great opportunity to improve! Currently, I am not playing a team sport (besides the occasional basketball leagues at the local YMCA) but I do work out 4-5 times a week with running and lifting.  I like to stay active and set goals to work toward and I think that a race would be a perfect goal to strive for.

I think having a mentor would be really beneficial if I have any questions and just to keep me on track!

2009-01-27 1:44 AM
in reply to: #1929514

User image

Northern CA
Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

By the way, your bike is beautiful.  Did you buy it online or go to a store?  

Thanks. I love my bike. I bought it at a local store. They had to order it though because they didn't have my size in stock.

It set me back quite a bit, but I just don't have the time to buy used and I kind of wanted something new and shiny anyway.

2009-01-27 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hello Jennifer,

 I am very interested and nervous about trying this out but I think now is the time.  I am a 36 year old single mother of 16 year old daughter.  I also won my own business.   I played tennis for a few months and before that I played lots of softball in many different leagues. I would also like to lose 30 pounds & get back to my old self.   I have never taken place in any marathon but am very eager to train to accomplish that goal. I am looking forward to leaning from a person who shares the same interests


 [email protected]

2009-01-28 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1910596

New user

Franklin, MA
Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


I am a very interested in joining a mentor group. I have mentally committed to my first Sprint Tri in July. This will be my first. I am a wife, mom of 2 children, 3 yrs & 10mnts. I am 37 and am able to dedicate about 4-10 hrs of training time a week. Depending on the day and the kids. I do not really have a strong background in any of the 3 events. I used to be very athletic and active in many sports. This past fall I completed my first 5k, a personal goal finally obtained.

Currently I have started a couch to 5k running program. I took a break for 2-3 months and just jumped back into it. I live in New England and work at a local YMCA so I am able to train indoors until spring. 

 I need a focused training schedule with some flex. I have not swam in years, I did a beginner spin class the other day and can jog a 10 minute mile. I have met many people whom offer support in many areas of sport. I hope to take advantage of what lies ahead.

thank you,





2009-01-28 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

hi there! I would love to join your group!

I am a work-from-home computer geek, and a mother to five fabulous children! My kiddies are 8, 6, 4 and 20 month old twins (four girls and a boy)!

My goal for 2009 is to complete a sprint triathlon... I have picked out a Ladies only tri in Hapton, New Brunswick, Canada (I live in Nova Scotia) and the distance is 500m pool swim, 20k bike, 5k run. This will be my very first tri, and I am super excited!

I have been running for about 2 years, and have completed 5 half marathons (1:51 PR), a bunch of 10k races (PR 51:52), and a bunch of 5 k races (PR 21:57). I run 3 or four times a week, anywhere from 5 to 25 km, dending on how I feel and what the weather is like (our winter has been terribly cold this year!).

I do my biking in the spring/summer/fall, but I have never been on a street bike, and never been clipped in! I take my mountain bike out in the middle of the woods and hit the trails, but I occasionally do go for a long bike ride on the road (still on my mountain bike though).

I used to swim years ago (my pre-kids days) but haven't done much of anything other than play at the beach with the kids for 8+ years! A few weeks ago I enrolled in an "Improve Your Stroke" class. I have been getting in 2 swims per week, and have managed 800 meters in 30 minutes (with lots of rests)... slow, I know, but I have noticed improvement already.

I also work out with weights at least twice a week, and squeeze in as much yoga as I possibly can!

 I look forward to learning more about the sport of triathlon! I don't even know where to begin with my questions!


Edited by mom_of_many 2009-01-28 11:24 AM
2009-01-28 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

I am very interested in joining your group. My fiance has been doing sprints and olympics for several years, and last year I thought, well, maybe... but never got up the nerve to start anything. I decided this is my year, and a friend and I are aiming for 3 sprints in mid-late summer. If the group is still open, I may try to have my friend join in as well.



2009-01-28 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1910596


Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hello, I am interested in joining your group.  I turned 40 last month and a friend of mine convinced me that I need to do a triathalon.  She has done two of them. 

I am a wife and mother of two.  I work full-time.  I lost 52 lbs in the last year with Weight Watchers (and have reached my weight goal) but have not really incorporated exercise into my lifestyle.  I am excited and scared at the same time about this.

I am thinking about the following triathalon but I'm a little worried about it being too much for my first one.  It's local so that is a plus.

I look forward to hearing from you!



2009-01-28 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1927387

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


As far as tri-suits go, I like anything by Louis Garneau.  The material is usually pretty comfortable, except there is a little drag in the water.  You will want something that is not too tight anywhere (chest all the way to the stomach and legss).  If it is, you will think of nothing but how uncomfortable your suit is the whole time you are racing.

 If you can find a good used bike, then go for it. Just make sure to get the right size!


2009-01-28 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1927645

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

K-Jo, besides being warmer in the wetsuit, the buoyancy is a key important issue.  If it is June, make sure that the water will be cold enough to wear it.  If not, the wet suit will just hang in your closet and not get used!  Regardless, if you want to continue racing, you will eventually need one.

As far as diet goes, of course everyone is different.  What I have found works for me follows something like this as an example:

Breakfast:  2 pieces whole wheat toast (plain) with 3 eggs (2 egg whites, 1 whole egg) cooked in olive oil.  Coffee with skim milk or almond milk.

Snack:  apple plus protein drink (1 scoop of protein mixed with water)

Lunch:  Mixed greens salad, veggies, lean meat (4-6 oz), plus complex carb (sweet potato, whole wheat pita, brown rice, etc.)

Snack:   banana plus Peanut butter

Workout:  Run/swim/bike

Eat:  recovery drink/snack (smoothie?)

Dinner:  1 complex carb, lots of veggies, steamed or stir fried in olive oil, lean meat.


Hope that helps.  No sugar if you can help it.

2009-01-28 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1927946

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi Laura!

Welcome!  Hope you find a source of inspiration in your group. If we can do it, so you can you!  Anything you set your mind to, you can do!


2009-01-28 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1928580

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN


If you go online to the some of the individual wetsuit sites, it should tell you how to figure out your size...if not, look at a triathlon website such as  They should have a fit guide on there.  Not sure about the saving money thing....used wetsuits are not a safe bet unless you can find one "slightly" used.  Most tri stores put their wetsuits on sale at the end of the year, or you can find an older model on sale.


2009-01-28 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1929353

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN
Hi Nasr100!  Welcome!
2009-01-28 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1930041

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi Tara! Welcome to our group! I am going to close the group tonight, so you just got in!  Ask any questions you would like....


2009-01-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1932967

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi Amy!  Welcome to the group!


2009-01-28 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1933142

Subject: RE: jlesser's Mentor Group OPEN

Hi L Baker (don't know what else to call you?)

Welcome!  Good to know you have a warm place to train up there.  Spin classes and treadmills are going to rule your world for the winter season, but they are an effective and efficient way to increase your fitness.  Try to fit in 2-3 sessions of each discipline a week.  Start with 2 and increase up to 3 times a week if you can by the end of march.


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