BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2008-12-19 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1862874

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the compliment on my run volume Jeff.  Running is just what I like to do.  Now, I am into road biking and can't wait for Spring.  I bought a Giant entry level road bike and love it.

2008-12-19 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1864168

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
2008-12-19 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1862883

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - OPEN

Name:Terps421 (Linda)

Story:I live in Hagerstown, MD (born in Detroit) and I always loved running distance.  Now that I am over 40, I want to do something else so I tried biking.  I just love getting on my road bike and moving.  It is so beautiful here in rural MD in the Spring through Fall.  I did my first sprint duathlon and was 1st place for Masters.  I could not believe when I looked up at the clock.  I also like to weight train several times a week. 

I want to work with other people for motivation and to collaborate on training.  I will need a lot of advice with swimming too.

Family Status:Husband and 14 and 16 year old girls and two fun dogs!

Training:I run every day first thing in the early morning.  I consider it my time.  I need to focus more on some kind of training plan including speed.  When I trained  for the Marine Corp and the Frederick marathons, I fractured my foot each time due to overtraining.  So, now I like to cross train at the gym or use my Cyclops trainer. 

2008-12-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1863952

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
I'm planning on doing my "long" run tomorrow on the treadmill...I'm going to complete my strength training now ( 9:15PM now that the girl is asleep...) and I think Sunday is a "cross-training" day so maybe I'll swim.
2008-12-21 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1864328

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

We're visiting the in-laws down in Homestead, FL this week.  I was able to go for an almost hour long ride this morning (which is long for me) in 70 degree weather - got word from friends back in Kentucky that it was 10.

If anyone ever needs motivation to ride more, they should move to South Florida.  I saw more roadies out in one hour than I saw all year back in KY.  And the flatness is just plain awesome for boosting both speed and confidence levels.

Oh, and I was able to work in a run yesterday from the campsite in northern Florida.  So far, staying true to the daily workout goal.

So yeah - I'm having a good Christmas week so far.

Now, if I could just steer clear of my mother-in-law's pumpkin bread (not working so far).

2008-12-22 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1866480

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Good for you on getting away from the cold and great job on the workouts.  I managed to get in a 60 minute ride on my trainer on Saturday but bailed on anything involving leaving my house on Sunday....-10 degree windchills.  On Saturday I swapped out a planned treadmill run for an hour of sledding with my girls.  Made myself run up the hills instead of walking...definitely a zone 4/5 event.

Edited by dangremond 2008-12-22 10:17 AM

2008-12-22 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1867288

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Hmmm...if my little one is feeling better maybe I can take a page from your book and do some outdoor sledding "training". Running up hill in 2.5 feet of snow has to be good for somethin'! 
2008-12-22 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1867837

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Think of it as interval my case there was a 1/2 mile walk/jog through the snow (there and back)...pulling my 10 year old (65 pounds) on the way back.  Then there are the multiple intervals where after sledding down the hill where you run back up the hill.  As you said, it has to count for something.
2008-12-22 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1867977

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Wow, running in the snow must really work a person's muscular endurance.  You must have a lot of snow there in MI.  We also had minus 10 wind chills today (no snow yet), and I felt like I was running against a huge fan this morning (20-30mph, gust to 40).  It really slows me down... I don't like to run in the wind!
2008-12-22 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1868372

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
We had about 8 inches of snow...more on the way tomorrow.  I'm already getting sick of clearing the driveway!
2008-12-28 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1856784

Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Happy Holidays everyone.

It wouldn't be a true holiday for me if I didn't get staying true to form, I've recovered from some form of the stomach flu and am now suffering from a sinus infection.  Ugh! 

I am flying to North Carolina tonight for work and I'll be there for three days.  I've already located a YMCA just minutes from my hotel, so I'll be able to get my workouts in. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

2008-12-28 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Hi guys, I am back.  So sorry, but it's not that I 've fallen off the wagon, just forgot where my group was.  So I am adding you all and won't lose you again.  I have tired to stay busy through the holidays.  Even got a heart rate monitor for Christmas that I am now using. 

So I made my first weight loss goal recently - 10 pounds b4 Christmas.  Now the next 10 to go.  Will post more later.

2008-12-29 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1874816

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Mitch - took advantage of some downtime at work - below is a table listing all the members of the group with a link to each person's logs.  Not that I suffer from it, but some folks have tons of people added to their "Friends", making it hard to find a consolidated grouping of people. 

I think one can just copy and paste this into the "Goals" section of their control panel.  If that doesn't work, I can package up the HTML code and one can do it that way.

Dangremond's Mentoring Group

Mitch dangremond
Linda Terps421
Grace gcoller
Jeff roch1009
Kristen hamiltks10
Christy crdvorscak
Chris cdymes
Avi duffers
Travis ttownse5

Edited by roch1009 2008-12-29 1:53 PM
2008-12-30 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1874332

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
hamiltks10 - 2008-12-28 9:31 AM

It wouldn't be a true holiday for me if I didn't get staying true to form, I've recovered from some form of the stomach flu and am now suffering from a sinus infection.  Ugh! 

December has been very rough for me from a sickness perspective.  I've had one sinus infection, a flu and then acold/sore throat thingy.  Being sick is tough when you are trying to maintain a workout plan.

2008-12-30 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1874816

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
crdvorscak - 2008-12-28 6:53 PM

So I made my first weight loss goal recently - 10 pounds b4 Christmas.  Now the next 10 to go.  Will post more later.

Congratulations!!!  Awesome accomplishment.

2008-12-30 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1876170

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
roch1009 - 2008-12-29 1:49 PM

Mitch - took advantage of some downtime at work - below is a table listing all the members of the group with a link to each person's logs.  Not that I suffer from it, but some folks have tons of people added to their "Friends", making it hard to find a consolidated grouping of people. 

I think one can just copy and paste this into the "Goals" section of their control panel.  If that doesn't work, I can package up the HTML code and one can do it that way.

Dangremond's Mentoring Group

Mitch dangremond
Linda Terps421
Grace gcoller
Jeff roch1009
Kristen hamiltks10
Christy crdvorscak
Chris cdymes
Avi duffers
Travis ttownse5



WOW!  Thanks!

2008-12-30 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Linda - Great December of workouts!  You ROCK!

Grace - Good luck on your New Year's Day doesn't often fit completely with our every day lives but I am sure you will do well.

Jeff - I loved your kayaking workout.  I went tubing/canoeing with my girls this summer and you are right...paddling two girls down a river for hours is one helluva workout.

Kristen - I hope you get well and that the New Year allows you to feel healthy!

Christy - Awesome week of training for the week starting 12/22!


2008-12-31 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Didn't want our group to slip off page 1!!

Happy New Year everyone - now don't let a night of drinking and debauchery be an excuse to skip a workout!

And Grace, good luck on the race tomorrow!

2009-01-01 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1856784

Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Happy New Years everyone!

Although I'm not 100%, I can't make any more I got my butt out this morning for a run.  Inspired by a post in the Michigan thread, I'm going to commit to running every day for 30 straight days (they're going for 100...but I thought I'd start small).  Running is my least favorite of the three diciplines, so this will be good for me.

I'm going up to Traverse City tomorrow and staying through the weekend.  I'll get a run in before leaving and should be able to get a few swims in while up there (my SO's grandfather swims every I'm hoping to tag along).  I'm also taking my snowboard (Crystal Mtn is just down the road) and my hockey gear (SO's grandparents live on Platte Lake).  It should be a very active weekend!

I leave for Baton Rouge for work on Monday morning and have located a YMCA near my hotel that offers a week long visitors pass for only $10.  They have a pool and an outside exactly what I need.


2009-01-02 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

How did everyone's holiday go.  Hopefully you all found sometime to get in a workout or two.  In my opinion, if you haven't already done so, now is the time to plan out your year and begin crafting your workout plan around what you want to accomplish.  I would love to know everyone's plans.  Below are mine (subject to revision of course):

April 5th - Martian Half Marathon (A-Race)

May 31st - Ann Arbor/Dexter Half Marathon (B-race)

June 22 - Big Fish Sprint Tri (A-race)

Mid July - One Helluva Ride Bicycle Century (just for fun)

August 2 - Sylvania Triathlon (Olympic?) (B-race)

August 22 - Crim 10 mile race (maybe...not sure about this) (C-race)

Sept (early) - MI Champ Triathlon Olympic (A-race)

October - Detroit Half Marathon (maybe full marathon?) (A-race)

The above seems like a lot and will certainly be affected by the economy as far as my willingness to fork over all the entry fees. 

2009-01-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1882522

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Mitch, your goals are impressive and they will guide you to keep on track with your fitness.

It is a good idea to post goals now.  I will begin to look up events in my area. 

2009-01-02 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED

Hey, Everyone!  I gleefully ran yesterday in the 10AM 10K and for the first time ever based my entire run on my heart rate.  I had a fantastic time, I think I beat my goal (under 70 minutes) and it was below 10 degrees with a -12 wind chill factor and some serious inclines! I'm proud of myself to the degree of absolute corniness and looking forward to a workout tomorrow.  Who the heck knows how I'm going to fit that in, but it will SO happen!


Mitch...what do I do now?  My next race is in June (tri) and I've heard about building strength and aerobic base??  I was thinking for the next few months or so to join a strength class, do interval and "long" runs, do some swimming/biking and be consistent but not on any particular training schedule?  Like maybe more of a 5 workouts/week instead of specifics?  Then I was thinking 12 weeks before the first event to begin a 12-week program based on my level of fitness at that point...


But that first tri in June is considered a "C" priority race for me where the August race is considered my major "A" do I bridge the gap between the two?


THANK YOU for all of you support...and thank you group for your inspires...they really help!

2009-01-03 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1883440

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED


Congratulations on your 10K in such frigid weather.  How did running based on your HR go?  Did you have a targeted HR?  Have you done a LT test to know whereyour zones are?

Regarding what to do next I have some suggestions.  (1) Consider buying Friel's Triathlon Training Bible.   It will give you a solid background on the theory behind setting up a season's worth of training and give you some suggested workouts, etc. (2) Consider siging up as a bronze, silver or gold member here.  YOu will then be able to download training plans to your training log and the plan your season accordingly.

What you have suggested will work.  I would try to do each discipline 2 times per week and if one discipline is weaker than the others maybe try to do that 3 times per week.  THese should be geared towards building a base to work off of later.  Then at12 weeks out begin a formal plan.  After your triathlon you can pick up the same plan or a harder one but at the point where it will finish to coincide with your A race in August.

2009-01-03 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1856784

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Thanks so much for the advice...I'm so on it!  I ran the whole thing in I think under 70 official results yet.  I have not had an LT test but I ran it at about 174 to 178 bpm and it felt GREAT! I even sprinted in
2009-01-03 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1884334

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's Group - FULL/CLOSED
Do you know how to conduct a running LT test?
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