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2008-12-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1864779

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

abud7373 - 2008-12-20 12:10 PM I am Amy. I am a mom of two. A 5yo boy and a 3 1/2 yo girl. This will be my third year of racing. I have done five sprints so far. Lately, I have been finding any excuse not to train, but I want to continue to get out there and do the races, so, I have to train. I tend to be the queen of nap time treadmill runs. I am pretty sure I am getting a bike trainer for Christmas, so I will be the queen of trainer rides as well. I work very part time as a 911 dispatcher. Which keeps me sane. I also love to do the monthly challenges. They keep me motivated.

Hi Amy, I am very glad to have you continuing on to this group!  I think this group will be very motivational to you, but if necessary we will prod at you a bit to keep you on track!  Very exciting about the bike trainer for Christmas!  We will have to do a discussion about different kind of trainer rides we can do to break up the boring long rides.  Do you have any goals/ race goals for 2009?  Welcome again! 

2008-12-20 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Okay... I am officially done for now.  I'll let others talk!  Welcome to everyone!  I am so very excited to have this group. I think we are going to have a great season! Just for quick reference, here is a list of who we have so far:

Velcromom – Linda

cathcan- Cath

kew- Karen


HelenR- Helen

etknowles- Emerson

amy mutz- Amy

abud7373- Amy

Sledge- Cheri (to check in soon)

2008-12-20 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1864783

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-20 10:13 AM

abud7373 - 2008-12-20 12:10 PM I am Amy. I am a mom of two. A 5yo boy and a 3 1/2 yo girl. This will be my third year of racing. I have done five sprints so far. Lately, I have been finding any excuse not to train, but I want to continue to get out there and do the races, so, I have to train. I tend to be the queen of nap time treadmill runs. I am pretty sure I am getting a bike trainer for Christmas, so I will be the queen of trainer rides as well. I work very part time as a 911 dispatcher. Which keeps me sane. I also love to do the monthly challenges. They keep me motivated.

Hi Amy, I am very glad to have you continuing on to this group!  I think this group will be very motivational to you, but if necessary we will prod at you a bit to keep you on track!  Very exciting about the bike trainer for Christmas!  We will have to do a discussion about different kind of trainer rides we can do to break up the boring long rides.  Do you have any goals/ race goals for 2009?  Welcome again! 

I guess I have to get on that. I know I will do my local spring and two fall sprints. I will be cheering on Emerson at the Oceanside IM. I guess that is a good start.

2008-12-20 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1864442

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - OPEN

Hey Pam and everyone!

I'm also one of the folks Pam was saying would join shortly.  I'm Cheri, and it will be great getting to know all of you.  I'm another one of those "mature" athletes -- I'm 51 years young and intend to do this for lots of years to come.  In fact, I just got back from a race this morning, and sat with one of my heros -- Billie -- as we were waiting for the awards ceremony.  Billie is 77 years old yet she trains like a maniac, competes in running races and triathlons, and makes all of us smile!  We should all be so fit at her age.

Anyway, my story is a little sappy.  I was in a bad car accident a little over 4 years ago, and it really has changed my life.  I was on the road to better health before the accident, but waking up alive really kicked it into overdrive.  I've had a couple of bumps along the way (Dad had ALS, broken collarbone that needed surgery twice), but despite the bumps I'm happy to be alive and training! 

I've been married to my husband for nearly 25 years, and we are fortunate to live in Florida where I can get outside almost every day of the year.  He's supportive of what I do, although he does think it's crazy (i.e., he will NEVER do it himself!).  I am an engineer working under contract to the Air Force, and do quite a bit of traveling.  (The travel can play havoc with training!)  So you'll hear me whine every once in awhile about being on the road again, and having to use the hotel treadmills.

I'm mostly a runner, do like to bike, but will need lots of help in the swimming area.  I have conned a friend into being a swim coach for me, and we plan to get started in January.  In fact, he's agreed to help me with swimming and I'm supposed to help him with running.  I do have another coaching friend too, and he's really helped my running times improve lately. 

My A race this year is the Gulf Coast HIM on May 9th.  I'm also planning a 15K race on February 7th and a half marathon on March 1st.   I'm sure I'll do some local races as well, and will probably do a couple of warm-up tris in April.  Who knows what will happen after May 9th???

I'm definitely interested in a nutrition discussion, although I don't really need to focus on weight loss (although I'd be happy to drop about 5 pounds, then I could run faster!).  I try hard to eat healthy, but can definitely use some advice in that area. 

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!


2008-12-20 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Am I reading the names right... there are nine fine ladies and me...  This is like my house for the last 20 years... my bride, my two daughters... even the dog was a girl... well, I am used to it...  So what a group, a grandfather as a co-mentor with a bright, inspiring go getter... I guess we are the age "book-ends" for the group.

Pam, nice of you to be consider me worthy of being you partner...  I will do my best... As to the four generation picture you mention, here we go...

My Mom at 88, me (Emerson) at 52, Courtney at 24 and Rowan at about 4 days.

I have now been able to see all the logs but Cath's.  As soon as she opens hers up, we can get someone to do one of those nice "box" things with all our names and the link to this thread on it to put in our goal sections...  I don't know how to do it... EK

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-20 1:07 PM
2008-12-20 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

I am thinking about going after Dee to see if she will put together a box for us if she isn't too busy.  She did really cool ones in the past for the old mentor group.

Nice to have you introduce yourself Cheri!  I see you did very well during your race today!  Congrats!  Welcome to the group and I am looking forward to hearing about your swim progress with the coach.  Please also feel free to share running advice.  I know there are several of us here who could use it!


I am actually very happy to see everyone is kind of on the same level, some experience with tri's but still have plenty of goals.

If anyone has subject areas, like the nutrition they would like to discuss during one of the weeks, drop us a message and we can see what kind of knowledge we can find. 

Okay, off to cut down the Christmas tree!  Have a good day everyone! 

2008-12-20 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1864774

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-20 12:07 PM


Please feel free to say hi to everyone and get the discussion going. I will be posting things I would like the group to do in pink so everyone can tell! (Pink is my triathlon power color ) My first "assignment" for everyone once you have gotten your general introduction is to just post up what your strengths are and what your weaknesses or things you would like advice or guidance on over the next few months!  I also want to know something that just makes you really really excited!  I'll start!


My strengths:  Running is my strength, and is what got me here.  I started biking because I was running so much and my knees are OLD!  So I try to train smart now, and it seems to be working.  I got a 5K PR in September, so that shows me that I might have more in me than I thought.

My weaknesses/need advice area:  Lots and lots!  First is definitely swimming.  I can swim during training, although until I got the plate out of my shoulder last May I could only do breaststroke.  However, during a race I can't sight for anything!  I stray far away from the buoy and end up swimming extra distance.  Plus I saw a guy drown at the Gulf Coast HIM last year, so I have a mental thing going on too.  In fact, mental issues are definitely areas where I could use help in all three sports! 

What I am really excited about?  My "A" race, Gulf Coast HIM in May -- I'm excited and scared at the same time.  So I'm going to need lots of calming influence from you guys!

2008-12-20 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Cheri, thanks for your strengths and weaknesses.  I am happy you brought up mental training.  Since everyone here is looking at races above sprint, we could all use some mental training education.  I have found racing beyond a sprint or 5K/10K distance is really a mental game.  I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about this and this will be something we cover early and often.  After all we shouldn't just be training our body but our minds as well!
2008-12-20 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Okay everyone, I want to do a name box with our whole mentor group in it, but I want to do it colored and/or glittery.  I don't want to make this decision alone.  So I need feedback.  What color and glittery or not?  I'll workout it as soon as I hear what everyone wants.
2008-12-20 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1865026

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now


Whatever you come up with for the box is fine by me... I trust your judgment!  Just make it fun.

We also need a group name, I am not feeling very creative today.  Someone start with a good name for us...    Emerson

PS:  Looks like Cheri and I will need the same help.. we can run into oblivion but not so hot in the water... I am a brick with an anchor...

Edited by etknowles 2008-12-20 5:21 PM
2008-12-20 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1865065

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Emerson I asked because with you being the only guy I didn't want to make it pink and make you feel insulted   Any colors you would hate?

2008-12-20 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1864774

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Hi everyone...

I think I have added everyone to my "friends" list and made sure nothing is checked off in the privacy settings. Are you able to access my training log yet? If not, perhaps I am forgetting to do something.

Looking forward to chatting with you all very soon. Have to leave soon (before the snow starts to fall) but will check in later.


Pam, that triathlon in March is the UBC Triathlon. And yes, the weather can be quite wet and cold. At least the swim portion is inside.
2008-12-20 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Hey, everyone welcome! I'm in a bit of a funk right now, fighting a darn head cold, in the middle of trying to get my Christmas shopping done. Luckily, I was planning on this being a light couple of weeks after my half mary anyway, although I felt really good on my 3 mile run one week out (before I got sick). I'm off work from December 23rd through January 5th, so hope to give some thought into my races and training plan for 2009.

My strengths: Lets see, maybe a good knowledge base? I love to read and have read all kind of books on triathlon, running, swimming, etc. I could swim forever in the pool and am very comfortable in the water, but kind of get a little freaked in the open water swimming with my face submerged in green murk (I know of some open water swims this spring so that I can work on that). I'm beginning to enjoy running which a year ago would have thought was impossible.

My weaknesses/need advice area: Lack of fast twitch muscles! I'm just really slow, generally finishing around the 65%ile in my age group and overall (which I guess could be worse). I had a very bad bicycle accident in the fall of '07, landing on my shoulder and head hard enough I was knocked out. Thankfully, my husband was with me, and a motorist stopped and called an ambulance. Unfortunately, since then, I get somewhat apprehensive on the bike. My neighbor has loaned me his trainer which I'm going to start using so I can get use to my new bike shoes. I built up a good running base training for my half mary, but I'm not sure where to go with my running now, because I don't want to lose any of the gains I've made. Oh, and I'm not very computer savvy in trying to figure out the avatar thing, and how to make my goals look "pretty".

What I am really excited about? My 20 year old daughter coming home for Christmas on Tuesday - yeah!! Getting to know what sounds like a great group of people! Going into my 2nd year of triathlon, knowing that I CAN do it, and giving myself the opportunity to work on overall improvement. Looking forward to meeting and working with everyone.

And, Pam, as for our list of names, I don't mind so much the color but do like the glitter!

2008-12-20 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1865230

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

kew - 2008-12-20 7:30 PM Hi everyone... I think I have added everyone to my "friends" list and made sure nothing is checked off in the privacy settings. Are you able to access my training log yet? If not, perhaps I am forgetting to do something. Looking forward to chatting with you all very soon. Have to leave soon (before the snow starts to fall) but will check in later. Karen Pam, that triathlon in March is the UBC Triathlon. And yes, the weather can be quite wet and cold. At least the swim portion is inside.

Karen, I was able to access your log so we are all good.  We'll wait to hear back from you! 

2008-12-20 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1865074

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

crea0029 - 2008-12-20 4:29 PM Emerson I asked because with you being the only guy I didn't want to make it pink and make you feel insulted   Any colors you would hate?

Pam, real men are fine with pink....   pick whatever you like... but as already suggested, glitter would be nice too...  EK

2008-12-20 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1865369

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
etknowles - 2008-12-20 9:02 PM

crea0029 - 2008-12-20 4:29 PM Emerson I asked because with you being the only guy I didn't want to make it pink and make you feel insulted Any colors you would hate?

Pam, real men are fine with pink.... pick whatever you like... but as already suggested, glitter would be nice too... EK

Emerson, you really are as manly as they come And yet one of the sweetest guys I have met. Not to mention hanging in an almost all female mentor group!

So it looks like I will be working on a pink (not a sickly sweet pink) and glittery name box!

Edited by crea0029 2008-12-20 9:38 PM

2008-12-20 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1865411

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
crea0029 - 2008-12-20 8:38 PM
etknowles - 2008-12-20 9:02 PM

crea0029 - 2008-12-20 4:29 PM Emerson I asked because with you being the only guy I didn't want to make it pink and make you feel insulted Any colors you would hate?

Pam, real men are fine with pink.... pick whatever you like... but as already suggested, glitter would be nice too... EK

Emerson, you really are as manly as they come And yet one of the sweetest guys I have met. Not to mention hanging in an almost all female mentor group!

So it looks like I will be working on a pink (not a sickly sweet pink) and glittery name box!

You are too funny...

2008-12-21 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
I'm very excited for this new group!!!!!

Name: Amy, IN., not to be confused with the Amy CA.... Hello Amy CA.

Name: Amy Mutz

Age: 47, and always dealing with a 15-20 weight issue, when I stop training it is right there to hop back on my butt, waist and thighs............yikes!

Children: Lacy 22, Lee 16, step-children Tommi 22, Danielle 18, Clayton 17 and Heath 13, yes it can get very crazy sometimes.

Home: Haubstadt, Indiana, it is a small town of 5000 people in southern Indiana, it is a wonderful place to raise children. I have lived here my intire life, so I'm just a small town girl.

Tri-Experience: This will be my thrid tri season, I have done several sprints, and one olympic distance. I also have done many 5k's, 8k's and one mini marathon.
I have already planned my race schedule for next year and my plans include 3 sprints, 1 olympic, and one HIM (half ironman). But I must work very hard to stay healthy, last year I worked to much and overtrained and ended up with a body wear and tear breakdown at the end of the season.

I hope to encourage and inspire all of you to success, and also if you have any circumstances you need prayer for I be glad to pray for your needs.

Pam is like a daughter to me and I'm very proud of her accomplishments!!! This will be a wonderful mentor group!

I'm also here to let anyone know you don't have to be a small person to tri...and that a wetsuit is not forgiving in photo's... ha...just tri it!!!!

Love from Indiana!!!

Edited by amy mutz 2008-12-21 9:55 AM
2008-12-21 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
I hope this will be a wonderful mentor group... however, there seems to be a small absence of mentees   What is everyone up to?  I hope training and holiday things.
2008-12-21 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1864781

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Hi everyone...

My strengths: I guess running, since I have been doing that part the longest and feel the most comfortable at. I not very fast and I hope to improve my speed over the coming months.

My weaknesses/need advice on: I would say the swim. I took a Total Immersion Workshop back in October and that has helped somewhat. Need to improve and build up my endurance for the Olympic race in March. I enjoy the bike (when I get the opportunity to get out). Still struggling a bit with the clipless peddle thing. Worried I won't be able to clip in and out in time. Everybody tells me that I can expect to fall at least once.

What excites me: I enjoy the training aspect just as much as the racing. I just seem to feel a lot better after I exercise and I enjoy the variety. I also look forward to chatting with people who enjoy the same things as I do. What an upbeat group of people we have on this site!

Take care.

2008-12-21 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Hey Cath, I am working on the name table for the group and you are the only member of the group who hasn't opened their training log for the public or friends.  Could you please do that so I can post these tables for everyone?


2008-12-21 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

Hi Group!  

My strengths:  Biking... and tenacity!!! 

My weaknesses/need advice area:  My swimming. I have alot of endurance, however am slow.  Other weakness is currently discipline with the food- as love to eat- and know that even with loosing 5 lbs this will help my swim/bike and running! (looking forward to nutrition discussions)

What I am really excited about?  This group, my two big races planned for 2009 ( 1/2 IM- Peterbourough and Steelhead), and life - in general. Emerson- like you I'm a 'C ' survivor- renal cell (ie kidney) 11 yrs and counting!!!.  Have some medical issues unrelated to the cancer- but due to surgeries- (ie adhesions) -anyway- all is good!!!

Just a couple questions as I am not very computer savy. a) how do you put an avator on, and b) how do you make a group box with all the members names etc in your trng log??


many thanks guys- looking forward to the calmaraderie!!



PS- Pam- my daugher is 25- the one signed up for Louisville   


2008-12-21 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1866119

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now

crea0029 - 2008-12-21 4:40 PM I hope this will be a wonderful mentor group... however, there seems to be a small absence of mentees   What is everyone up to?  I hope training and holiday things.

Absolutely training and holiday things -- and football!!!  WOO HOO!!! My Falcons made the playoffs today.   Who woulda thunk it???

Anyway, Sundays are usually my long run day, and I got 10 miles in.  Crazy weather, but we don't really expect anything different in northwest Florida in winter.  Yesterday it was 70, and tomorrow morning it will be 30.  For a Florida girl, that's cold.   But I'm heading to Cleveland, OH on Wednesday so I guess I'll redefine cold then.

Did everyone have a good Sunday?  Obviously I did...

2008-12-21 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1866245

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
HelenR - 2008-12-21 6:04 PM

Hi Group!

My strengths: Biking... and tenacity!!!

My weaknesses/need advice area: My swimming. I have alot of endurance, however am slow. Other weakness is currently discipline with the food- as love to eat- and know that even with loosing 5 lbs this will help my swim/bike and running! (looking forward to nutrition discussions)

What I am really excited about? This group, my two big races planned for 2009 ( 1/2 IM- Peterbourough and Steelhead), and life - in general. Emerson- like you I'm a 'C ' survivor- renal cell (ie kidney) 11 yrs and counting!!!. Have some medical issues unrelated to the cancer- but due to surgeries- (ie adhesions) -anyway- all is good!!!

Just a couple questions as I am not very computer savy. a) how do you put an avator on, and b) how do you make a group box with all the members names etc in your trng log??


many thanks guys- looking forward to the calmaraderie!!



PS- Pam- my daugher is 25- the one signed up for Louisville


Thanks Helen for your strengths and weaknesses.  I am building a list of future suggestions so I am looking for any ideas people have.  The nutrition will be soon since it is a concern of many of us! 

As for the avatar, there is a box at the top of every page that shows Welcome, your user name and other info.  The top of that box has control panel.  You need to click on that and scroll all the way down.  There will be a place for you to upload a picture.  Watch the size, many digital images are too large and need to be sized down.  If you need more help beyond that, let me know.  As for the group training log team box, I am just waiting on Cath's page to be opened up and then I have three different designs for people to choose from.  You can actually preview them on my log.  I will have those posted here soon.

2008-12-21 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029's group - CLOSED for now
Just wondering what everyone was using as a training plan this go round. I used the Runner's World Smart Coach to train my half mary and felt it was just right for me. I don't want to lose my running base and some of the sprint plans seem like they would be a step back, although I do have a sprint plan I could use that has a run focus. I also want to incorporate some strength training which I lacked last year. Just wondering if others were using certain plans or coming up with their own. I definitely need a plan!

Hope everyone has a great Monday, in a short week - Yeah!
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