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2008-12-21 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

Hey Scott,

Great question this actually took me awhile to think of an advantage, being a total newbie, I don't think I have any advantage. The only thing maybe is disipline, but like you I need an end goal like a race. My heart attack is helping me change my way of thinking to some degree. As for a hinderence this was easy I am a newbie so everything is a hinderence, I think trying to switch from an all out intense workout all the time to varying things is hard to do. Coming from an anerobic lifestyle to an aerobic one will be challenging. It is weird that my heart attack has made major changes in my life as well as my training life, which seems to being fitting at this time.


2008-12-21 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I think my biggest advatage would be y mental toughness.  Having a background in the US Marines, we are tought to be mentally tough and to use your brain to override your body.  We used to say "It's mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter!"  So having the ability to ignore the pain and push yourself mentally beyond your physical abilities.  Your physical abilities tend to be alot more than you thought they were, you just have to be mentally stong enough to find those limits.

My biggest disadvantages would be 1) I am carrying around way too much weight. 2) i have developed athritis in both knees from years of abuse in football and being in the Marines.  3) My lack of knowledge when it comes to training for endurance sports (i.e., nutrition, running form, swimming form and how to increase my endurance).

2008-12-22 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1866011

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I guess my one advantage would be that I am new and still VERY excited about training, learning etc...

My hinderance is that with a daughter in college...buying a $800 bike seems WAY out of reach right now! weakness in swimming gets very frustating to me at times.

2008-12-22 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1857812

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Belleville, MI
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I believe my advantage is my passion for the sport.  I have alot of experience doing tris but would like to focus on improving on the time aspect along with finishing better than the last 10%.

My disadvantage is my weight (270lbs).  I have struggled with my weight for years and I want to change.  My wife has lost alot of weight and I would like to join her.  Also I have a daughter who is overweight most likely due to me.  I know I can improve my times by losing weight but just have not hit the right button yet.  I'm hoping talking with you guys will help keep me motivated!

2008-12-22 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1866237

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
I think your advantage and disadvantage will compliment each other nicely. Your commitment will eventually overcome your impatience and you will see the end result. (That felt kinda fortune cookie ish. hmmm) You've spoken a couple of times about weight loss. What is your plan for losing weight? Are you following a specific program? This will help us know how to encourage you.
2008-12-22 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1866242

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Sometimes Jeff I think being a newbie is an advantage simply because you bring a fresh outlook to the sport and are not trapped by normal conventions. It is unfortunate you had a heart attack but it sounds like you are using it to really help you refocus. I am heading into the nursing profession and there are lots of people who don't make that wise choice. Good for you.

We will talk about workout intensity in the weeks to come but it is a lot different than all out all the time. It can be a hard adjustment to make. I used to think that if I came back from a run and could still easily go about my business of the day I didn't work hard enough. I am still in the process of a "smarter not harder" approach to training. It will come eventually.

2008-12-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1866385

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Being a marine will help you a lot I think. Especially in longer races mental fatigue I think is the toughest obstacle to overcome.

Are you able to do anything for your knees?
2008-12-22 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1867018

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I am glad you're excited about the sport. I have really enjoyed my last year and so look forward to the next. My wife calls it my addiction.

Do you have access to a pool with a masters swim or lessons? Just getting a few pointers can make a huge difference. It's also easier to start good habits than change bad ones.

As far as the bike goes, do you have to spend $800? I made a huge mistake with my bike situation that I wish over and over that I could change. I bought a very expensive road bike because I was told there was not much difference between a road and tri bike (not true) So then I bought a used tri bike for $1000. What I ended up with was two bikes that weren't what I wanted. You might think about just getting or borrowing a road bike and save your pennies for the bike you really want. Ebay, the classifieds here and Craigs list are great resources. You can get barely used nikes for pretty cheap that are a lot like you want. Just a thought. I had to learn that the hard expensive way. Just a thought for what it's worth. A friend at a bike shop told me one time that no matter what kind of bike I get...I still have to pedal the thing.
2008-12-22 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1867061

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Hey Brian,
My first question with your weight is can we encourage you? I have been working on losing weight since I was 11 yrs old (wrestling) and continue with it today. I have a lot of advice but it may not be what is needed. So how can we help?

I am glad you have experience with the sport. I bet you have a lot to offer the group.
2008-12-22 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Hello group,
One thing I want to make sure is that you all feel free to comment on each other's posts. We all have a lot to offer each other and we can all share and comment. I'm not a guru just a facilitator more or less.

I have also seen a lot of questions about workouts. Would it be helpful for me to post some basic workouts? I just hired a coach this year and he has helped my training a lot. I am not a coach and don't want to just start giving everyone their workouts but I can give you some guidelines that may help in the water, on the run or bike.

Also Here is a tidbit for workouts. Don't ever let another activity be a substitute for a workout. If I rake leaves all day it is not the same as a swim workout. In writing it makes a lot of sense but I have seen people do it and wonder why their performance is going down hill. If you want to get better at have to run.
2008-12-22 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1868309

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

No, I am not following a program short of trying to eat properly. I am tracking what I eat and trying to keep my daily caloric intake in the 1600 to 2000 range. And keeping to a 50/30/20 percentage intake of carbs/protein/fat respectively. I am working out long and hard, so I am listening to my body as far as that goes about how much to eat. As long as I space my food out. I seem to be fine with that as an intake. I don't work well on diet plans. I work from home and cook most of my own meals, so I have the ability to make the right choices. As far as encouragement, anything is welcome, I am keeping very detailed logs on here regarding my training and nutrition, so I welcome anyone to peruse and comment.

Yes, I feel almost like right now until I get down to about 260 or 250 that is #1 concern at the moment. I just feel  my running and everything will continously improve as the weight comes off.

2008-12-23 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1868346

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

Scott...thanks for the ideas.  Actually, I am picking up my brother-in-laws bike after Christmas.  He has a hybrid-bike that he isn't using at all...I plan on using it (better than nothing) until I can come across something affordable. 

I am a member of my local and a friend that I train with are going to look into swimming classes when the new year rolls around.  Right now I am doing about 4-5 mornings a week in the pool...I am improving...but it sure is slow!

Thanks again for the ideas and I am really excited about being part of this group...good luck to everyone!



2008-12-23 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1865460

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!-

Hello Everyone,

My name is Justin, originally from South Africa, but have been living in Taiwan for about 17 years now, I am new to this world of triathlons, so advice, thoughts, ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I do not know of any triathlons here, so I will be mainly doing my 'thing' in a non competitive way until I find out more. I have bought a bike and a Polar HRM s625x for running and riding. I got the gadges, now I must learn to use them.

Scott, you asked us to state our "IT". A few years ago I as told that I have a hereditary cholestrol problem. I had been getting sharp pains in my chest and not knowing why. My Mom phoned and told me that it was passed on down from her side of the family and that I should immediately go and see a specialist. I got such a shock that I started walking longer and longer distances.  I was over 90kgs at 5'9" (172cm) at the time. I am still overweight, but down to 84.5kgs.

I started enjoying the exercise and somehow came across BT. After reading various articles over a number of weeks, I decided to join and then to try the 'couch to sprint' program. In June or July I did an indoor 'sprint'  at the local 'spa' using a 25m pool , a cycling machine and a treadmill.

The articles that have most encouraged me are those that are those written honestly stating how they had battled to get up and go even when there was no real reason to do so. I appreciated their honesty.

I enjoy all three sports, but am not good at any of them. Cycling does come more easily than the others though.

Plans/goals: We are going to Calgary, Canada in July 2009. I was hoping that the Ironman 70.3 would also have other events that I could do. I am looking at Singapore and Hong Kong for triathlons too.

Look forward to the next few months as this is going to be a great learning experience.

Kind regards,


2008-12-23 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

I just wanted to say, this group is great and I hope everyone stays with it. I met bbarr66/Brian at the gym today as we live in the same city here. He said I helped motivate him to do more which is always nice to know you are positively influencing someone.

Beyond, that isn't it amazing. We can have a group with similar interest and I have someone next door and another on the other side of the globe. Happy Holidays to all!

2008-12-24 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1857812

schuylkill haven, pa
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

Merry Christmas to everyone in the group, Hope you have a safe and happy holiday


2008-12-25 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1869257

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!-
Hello and welcome. I loved how you said that you weren't really good at any of the three events. I think Triathlon levels the playing field a lot. My wife is an excellent swimmer and at her last tri she got out of the water in about 12 out of several hundred. By the time the bike was over she had moved out considerably and by the finish she placed in the bottom third of the pack. This confirmed to me that it is probably better to be a well rounded athlete than focus really hard on one area and have everyone catch you on the other two.

Sharp pains in your chest can be scary. I am glad you are getting it looked after.

Welcome to the group and I look forward to your participation.

2008-12-25 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1857812

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
2008-12-25 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1869940

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Well put Ray. I second it.
2008-12-25 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1869059

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
atostig - 2008-12-23 6:18 AM

I am a member of my local and a friend that I train with are going to look into swimming classes when the new year rolls around.  Right now I am doing about 4-5 mornings a week in the pool...I am improving...but it sure is slow!

Swimming progresses slower that the other two and goes away faster than the other two. If you need someworkout ideas let me know. I have been given some drills that have taken me further in a month than I got all last year by just swimming laps.


Edited by holt1997 2008-12-25 4:50 PM
2008-12-25 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1872104

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

Scott, I would really appreciate any help in the area of swimming!  Feel free to send me those drills you are talking about.

Hope you have had a great Christmas...



2008-12-25 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1872169

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Hi Chuck,
Try this one. Don't be intimidated by the length. This was one of my first workouts. It goes by fast because of the variation (at least it did for me). You can also adjust the times so you can have adequate rest between sets. Just make it work for you.

300m Warm up
12x25 on 1:00 fast
8x50 on 1:30
100 easy on 3:00
6x50 on 1:25
100 easy
4x50 on 1:20
100 easy
200 cool down

2008-12-25 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1872176

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

Scott, this will show you how little I know about swimming drills...could you please explain what you mean by 8 X 50 "on" 1:30, 100 easy "on" 3:00, etc...?  Sorry to ask questions like this...but I want to make sure I am understanding everything!



2008-12-25 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1872216

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Please feel free to ask all you want. No such thing as a dumb question. When I say 8x50 on 1:30 What that means is swim 50 meters under 1 minute 30 seconds. When you reach the end of your 50 meter swim rest for whatever time remains of the 1.5 minutes. When the one minute 30 seconds is done start the next 50 meter swim. Do this 8 times.

For example. I take off and swim 50 meters and do it in 1 minute 10 seconds. I then rest for 20 seconds. That ends number 1. I do this 8 times.

The 100 easy on 3:00 means that this is a rest swim between sets. So take your time and use most of the 3 minutes to finish the 100.

I hope this makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't and I will be happy to explain it in more detail.
2008-12-25 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1872253

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Goldsboro, NC
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.

That makes sense...I get it now, thanks!  I plan on starting these drills soon...I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again. 


2008-12-25 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1872258

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Come fly with me!- sorry full.
Perfect. And if you need more or have questions please just let me know. After about 1 month of doing drills like these my 1.2 mile time is less than it was last summer when I did a half iron.
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