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2009-01-06 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hello, everyone!  I'm off to a good start in my training.  It's very much a beginner's start but a start nonetheless.

Monday- Swam 150yds not counting warm-up and playing with my nephew in the pool.  I also walked 20 minutes.

Tuesday- Rode an exercise bike for 2 miles (I'm sure it's not the same but it's the best I can do) and walked for 20 minutes.

I'm starting slow but for me it's like Trizee was talking about: forming exercise habits.  I don't want to overwhelm myself to the point where I feel in over my head. 

I hope everyone is off to a good start in 2009 and thanks for the congrats!





2009-01-08 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

How's everybody coming along?  In reviewing the logs that are visible, it looks like we have a wide array of distances people are putting in, in Trizee's group.  I'm really excited to be on my program, and while I know it'll be a while till I build to the endurance level that I'm shooting for, I have NO rush whatsoever and it feels great just to be back in the community.

Keep up the great workouts, all!

2009-01-09 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

my new year has started off with a fabulous sinus no training as of yet!  i'm hoping to get a ride in this weekend, but we will see.

i've never joined a group such as this.  i've enjoyed reading the different backgrounds, feedback, experience, etc.  it's been hard to find a group in my area that has patience for rookies.  my goal is to keep moving...if i start thinking abt time/speed i will get frustrated and start going negative.  why is that easier to do than telling yourself "good job!" ?.... anyway, glad to find people who are positive and willing to share.....and i don't feel like i'm holding anyone else back from their workout by "waiting for the slow one"

hope everyone has a good weekend!.....emery

2009-01-09 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Emery - hope you're starting to feel better.  You aren't the slow one, the slow one is the one sitting home on their butt with no goals to work toward.  You have some and sound like the type who will put in the time and effort to reach them. You mentioned it, and for many of us it ends of being our thought process through many a race, JUST KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Laughing Get healthy, keep your goals in front of you and keep moving.

Looking forward to see you fill up that workout log!


ps: like my new colors Cool

Edited by trizee 2009-01-09 10:49 PM
2009-01-10 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hello, y'all! It's been a tough week, but I made it through! I, too, started back to teaching this week, and started with a new workout program. I took about a 6 month break from working out, so now I am trying to build a decent cardio base again. I have to go slowly with the running and sometimes biking because of my knees, but at least I'm trying. I joined the local gym this week, and it happens to be directly beside the school where I teach. (The PE staff actually use the gym facilities for their classes.) It is convenient, and this week I'm going to take my workout gear with me and try to get in a couple of workouts immediately after school before I pick up my kids from the sitter. I will be doing shorter workouts and some strength training during the week, and doing longer workouts and bricks on the weekend. Otherwise, I will wear myself out between work, kids, home, schoolwork to do at home, etc. My husband is very supportive of my efforts, and tries to be encouraging.

I hope everyone else is having a great weekend! Take care, and happy training!

2009-01-10 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Nice to come in hear and read how everyone is doing and what they are doing.  

 The college pool I use is still closed for winter break, so I have one more week to wait until I can get back into the water.  FInally going to get some outside running tomorrow, just a short 10K race.  I hope they still have it, because we expecting some snow.

 Everything else is still going well, just can't wait for this winter to be over.


Edited by RobbyN210 2009-01-10 6:39 PM

2009-01-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey all!! Haven't been on - just don't spend a lot of time on the computer. This week have been dealing with a really sore stiff back. Didn't do as much of a work out as I would of liked. Really had trouble straighten up after being seated for a while. Haven't been doing the bike for that reason. I am also trying to work on a base especially to try to help my running which I suck at. (Literally since I can't breathe right and I keep getting those side stitches every now and then). I find that if I don't spend a good 30min stretching before a work out I get in trouble which is probably why I have a stiff back right now. With the holdiays I slacked off and it was a little stressful - should of been exercising - so I put on a few pounds. Now I feel like I have gone backwards in my training. I find it hard to devote the time in the day to do what I need to do and work and be a mom and run the house. Ok I vented now I am getting serious. Going to go do a work out and stretch my back. Hope you all are doing well with your workouts TTYL
2009-01-11 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

suzee...i have back issues as well...stinks!..mine have led to painful sciatia...nerve that runs down my entire leg.  sometimes my leg falls asleep on the bike then all of a sudden i get the "needles" when it's coming back to life.  makes for an intersting ride.  however, i totally agree with you abt stretching.  it has really changed me.  i stretch in the morning and at night before i go to bed both for abt 10 min..and only my back.  i can't do much running...i'm afraid of injury and i don't breath right either.  i'm looking into a running/walking group to help, but still get a bit intimidated.  running seems so easy to most...i can sprint...but running for 2 min (much less 15ish) kills me!  i just stick to my fast walk/fake jog.  i will still cross the finish line!Smile

happy training to all!

2009-01-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hi everyone, I haven't written except for the first posting. I have been working on getting a good base. I have been following the BT winter program. I plan on following this until April then following a HIM program. My plan was to sprinkle in a few sprint tri's during the training this summer, the HIM is in September. Didn't know what anyone thought of that plan? Also my swimming has been getting better. I am starting to feel alot more comfortable in the water. Any comments would be appreciated.
2009-01-12 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Awesome job, everybody!  Sounds like everybody's still working toward their goals, which is awesome.  I had an *okay* weekend...  I didn't get in the swim I wanted to do but I went for a little longer run instead and I felt great (longer being a 'relative' term, I'm still not going very far).  I got a great spin class in this morning and felt strong.  This is my second week of the spin class, it's 3x/week and through the more wintery months I'll either be in there or on my indoor trainer.  Right  now I'm just trying to get some base miles and strength in my legs.

I'm getting ready to start a 12 week sprint tri program that's loosely based on Matt Fitzgerald's (Fitzgerald? Fitzpatrick? Fitzbumblefritz?) book w/ like 23098203948 training programs.  He has them customized based on the distance of the race and how strong you are in that distance, so theoretically the lowest of the low (me) can train for a sprint in 12 weeks (sprint lvl 1), somebody really fast can train for a sprint in 12 weeks w/ a great deal more distance, intervals, VO2 max, threshhold, pace, etc. workouts (sprint lvl 9).  If you don't already have a good training program it's worth a look, although I know BT also has some programs as well.

I can definitely say I feel 150% better physically and mentally than I did before I started training again.  Even though I'm not doing extreme distances, just getting one or two workouts in a day has really changed my days for the better.  LOVIN it! 

K all, keep up the great work!  Hey quick question, where's everybody from?


2009-01-13 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey folks:

I've been checking in but haven't posted or sent any inspiration out lately. Embarassed Sorry about that. Just on my way out for a run and swim. But, wanted to stop in to let you all know I'm still here for ya and will check in later. (If you haven't worked out yet today ...WHAT R U WAITING FOR! Yell

Laughing jk



Edited by trizee 2009-01-13 2:30 PM

2009-01-14 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey gang....

I am sorry that it has been so long since my last post.  I have been around but work is nuts right now.  Let me throw a few things out there that I have been reading on the board:

1.  Trizee - thanks for the great note.  I just had to smile and say "I am in the right group!"

2.  Does ANYBODY know how in the heck to add a picture or what the max file size is?  I have had a picture down to 106 kb and still get a 'file exceeds maximum size limit" message.

3.  I live in Oklahoma City.

 Alright -- training:  I just purchased a 2008 Javelin Narni tri bike from Ebay.  Stole it.  Best shopping bargain that I have ever found.  Bought a few other components for it and have it in the local shop right now getting put together for fitting tomorrow.  I am excited to ride!

I will start swimming next week when the local university opens back up for Spring semester.

I have been running 2 days on/off on a treadmill and combining it with the elliptical / exercsie bike.  I am going to try to get to spin classes across town at least once a week......or until my Team in Training bike rides kick in......which should be soon.  I am knocking out 45 minutes of cardio and trying to work up from 10 minute mile pace on the treadmill (too much xmas food)......then moving to a much faster (7 min mile pace) on the elliptical 3 days per week.  I then substitute the bike for the elliptical and switch the order on 2 days per week (bike/run).

 I feel good......and I may just get a wild hair and run the PF Changs 1/2 this weekend in Phoenix.  My wife is running the half and has recruited 50 women to join her with Team in Training.  They will have raised over $180k for blood cancer research over the last 5 months!  We shall seen and I will keep you posted.....

 Hope all is well with you......

2009-01-14 11:10 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hello everyone!

This is my first post since the sign up. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and motivation. Being here in Alaska is tough during the winter. We just came through a cold spell with it hovering around -20 for about 14 days. Now its +40 outside and turned every thing into a hockey rink.

Since I am to chicken to buy studs and ride outside on my bike. I have been doing all my bike training inside. I love spin class, if you have a good instructor and put in the required effort its just hard as riding outside. My indoor trainer is alright and it definitely is a mental challenge to keep at it, but it definitely is NOT as good as riding through the hills.

The run is improving and I tend to enjoy it once I got past the (what happened to my fitness in the off season) feeling. I can finally run an eight minute mile again. I do have studded running shoes and don't mind running outside as long as the temp is above 10F.

The swim (what good can i say about the swim?) Well I am pretty buoyant. seriously it is getting better. I have stopped swallowing the pool, but am kind of stuck at the 100 yd at a time point. I am sure that I will make my 1000 yd goal eventually.

I plan on doing a couple of sprints this year my first one is May 2. I am using the 16 week sprint plan, balanced 3's. It will end 1 week before my first race. I need to add one week in there somewhere anyone have any ideas?

Everyone- Keep up the good work!!!

Keep the rubber down and kick some donkey! 

2009-01-15 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

WOW, it's great to see so many of our group stopping in this week!! Smile Keep it up.

Sox, glad to see your taking some steps to get it started. You're doing it when you don't really have to. As you go along there will be tough days, but it does get easier also. Then you'll wonder why you didn't start doing this before/

Jenn glad to see you back at it. How's the afterschool workouts going? Bad knees suck. I've talked to others with similar problems and depending on what your exact problem is sometimes PT and building the muscles around the knee seem to help. But, keep it up you're doing great!

Rob glad to hear about the pool. I dread the swim in my races and don't always look forward to going to the pool, but when I'm done I'm glad it did it. (get the blue coloring to go along with the pool talk)

Suzee & Emery just like Jenn's knee problems bad backs are really a pain Laughing (get it)  Emery great idea doing strecthing twice a day. Does it help? What kind of stretches are you doing? I've found for lower backs problems keeping your hamstrings well streched helps. Also, carrying a smaller "front porch" relieves the pressure on the back! Surprised Emery don't worry about the run, it will come. Most races are a "slog" (slow jog) around a nice walk. I've found swimming has helped my endurance for the bike/run.

Pants glad to see you back , was starting to miss you and thought you didn't care about us anymore Cry  Seriously, it's nice to see you so focused with a game plan set. Keep after it, I'll have a cold one waiting for you at the finish line in IMLP 2010 and if your in before I am that day, I always prefer a nice IV bag or two post-race. It's a nice pick me up!

Sean let me know what you think about the program your doing. I would be interested to hear about as I'm sure others in here will be also.  This will be the 4th season following Don Fink's "Being IronFit" program for me. I like it, he has 3 different 30-week programs to get through an IM. But it's good for any length race as shorter races are incorporated into it.

John nice to see you too.Smile It sure sounds great what you got going on. Please keep us updated and share what seems to work best for you. How soon till you can get outside on the new bike? I've got months yet and even then I ride an older bike until salt and sand are off the roads. It's good to do spinning classes and have your bike on a trainer (I'm lucky and use a computrainer- it's great) but nothing matches the road and REAL HILLS!

Mark - KEEP YOUR COLD WEATHER UP THERE!!Yell Winter is long enough here in northern NY, we don't need your 20 below stuff like we are getting now. Also, I know everyone's thinking it but are to shy to ask, Can you see Russia from your front porch? Sorry! Loving this sport but living in cold weather areas where a lot of training is done on treadmills and trainers really blows. But keeping after it helps not only to start building your body for your events, but its good training to help the mind stay focused to get through those BORING inside sessions. If anybody has any movie suggestions for my 2 hour rides in my basement please share them with me. I'll use my Netflix as part of my training Laughing

Well enough of my rambling for now. Put your workouts in your training logs, I'm checking on youCool Please share with each other if you aren't already. Help keep us cold weather people motivated as we ride and run under a 100 watt light bulb in our basements. 


I know, I'm still playing with all my stupid colors. Can you tell I'm easily entertained? 

Edited by trizee 2009-01-15 9:37 PM
2009-01-15 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey gang......against all common sense.....I am gonna run an easy half marathon on Sunday.  Easy clip/ run - walk intervals / 10 to 12 minute miles.......avoiding injury but taking in the event.

I'll keep you posted......I sell defibrillators for a living......and will let you know if they have to use my equipment on me!

 PF Changs in Arizona.....forecast: 76 on race day. 

2009-01-16 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Good Luck with the run! Send some of that warm weather up north for me will ya. Laughing

2009-01-17 5:14 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hey, y'all! I love reading everyone's posts on Saturday morning. It helps motivate to make it to the gym later. I was just looking over the pool schedule, and I've got to figure out how to fit in a few bricks with the odd schedule. It looks as if I will have to go early on Saturday and Sunday mornings. So much for sleeping in! Oh well! I know I will feel much better once I get my butt out of bed and into the pool, and it will become an old habit shortly.

I'm finally completely set up at the gym. (It's a long process with a trainer setting up a program. Everything is computerized, and each person has a "key" for the equipment. It actually tracks everything you do and tells you what equipment to use next. It's almost idiot proof! I just need to add an extra bike/run/swim to the workouts.) I did go to the gym Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and planned to go on Thursday, but had a awful headache, so didn't make it. The knees are holding up well as long as I wear my braces and don't over do it. I've been to PT and know the exercises to do to strengthen my knees, but the PT was honest with me and said I could run until it's too uncomfortable. He said eventually I will get to the point that I will choose to do other things instead of run. He suggested I concentrate on biking and swimming. I can definitely increase my endurance with the swimming and biking and work on the run slowly.

My favorite running socks have flying pigs on them (if that tells you anything!!!). I never in a million years thought I would be able to do anything like a triathlon. I wasn't an athlete in school. (I was in the marching band and twirled a baton!) Then my husband ran a triathlon, and I started thinking, "I could do that." Then I did it! It felt good when I went to Texas last year for my first race, and I went out on a bike ride. When I returned and told my brothers how far I went (13 miles with some BIG hills), my older brother said, "You're tougher than I am!" I was hooked! It makes me proud to know that I've done something a lot of people don't think they can do!

To those of you just starting, keep at it. It does get a bit easier, but the feeling of finishing a race (especially if you finish faster than you thought you would) is absolutely amazing! I love the saying I saw on a shirt last year, "The pride outlasts the pain!" (I finished my first race 30 minutes faster than I thought I would!)

Keep up the good work, y'all! Take care, and happy training!

2009-01-17 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Hi everyone My low back has finally settled down but Emery I am still interested in what you do for stretches so if you get a chance let me know. I definitely find if I don't do stretching prior to running or biking I am hurting and stiff the next day.

Curious to know how the coach get all those colors and yellow happy faces. I guess I am not that great on the computer. Not on it very much - have to do a lot of computer work at work so I don't even want to see one when I get home so that's why you don't hear from me much.

Jenn I just wanted to tell you that I have worn out the cartilage under both patellas (kneecaps) and it is bone on bone so I know what you mean about the pain. I went to see a sports medicine orthopedic dr. who told me there was nothing much he could do to fix it and this was the fall of 2007. But with PT and persistence I did do the ironman in LP in 2008 and finished. Can't say I ran much but did a lot of power walking with a knee brace on my L knee (which was the one which had given out on me back in the fall of 2007). I am currently training now with out the knee brace and have been doing some strength training to strengthen the muscles around the knee which has helped a lot. My running still needs major improvement but slowly and surely I will get there. The key is to not to make things worse - don't injury yourself.

Well that is all for now still working on my aerobic base and doing stretching, strength training and running on the treadmill. Now I need to get back on the bike now that my back feels better. Old age sucks!!

Edited by suzee 2009-01-17 4:18 PM
2009-01-18 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hello, everyone.  It's been a few days since I've posted.  Last week saw me make some gains in training.  I'm swimming 100 yards at a time, which for me is great.  I'm biking easily 3 miles.  I can basically run as far or as long as I need to.  Yesterday, Saturday, I swam 100 yds, biked 3 miles, and ran one mile.  I did it mainly to experience the three events as they would happen in competition.  I know it's nothing close to a spring tri but it gave me encouragement.  I hope everyone is doing well.  To those with injuries, here's to quick healing!  Final exams next week so training will provide some stress relief for me.  Have a good week!



2009-01-18 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1866519


Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
OK Trizee I will keep that in mind, but I won't bank on finishing before you. Maybe we can grab a cold one after for sure.

I do have a question though, the swimming is new to me and I have been working on my technique with side swimming, finger tip drag and shark skill drills, as well as other drills. I find that my form is getting a little better but I am still winded after say one hundred yards or so of actual swimming, then my form falls apart. I have experimented with three stroke bilateral breathing and two stroke breathing. My endurance is there for running and biking. Is the issue of getting winded in the swim so fast more of a lack of endurance in swimming or am I doing something completely wrong? It almost feels like I can't get enough air, but I am not physically tired. It's a bit frustrating. Any feedback would be great. I know it must be difficult to figure out what is going on without being here. Thanks.

It's great to read everyone's posts, I think this group is great.
2009-01-18 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Ran my first snowshoe race today, and it was GREAT.  It was just like running but a little harder.  I am definitely going to do a few more this winter because it will break up my running. (they have a whole series of them in my area)

 Todays race was only a 5k, but they have some longer ones coming up.  Next up, another 5k next Sunday.  Never knew how much racing they had going on in the winter!  I have lived in the northeast my whole life and had no idea all these races that were going on.

 I can't wait to get back into the pool this week too.

2009-01-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED
Cool Hey guys I finally figured out how to get colors and better smiley faces.  Had a tough work out today.  Looking forward to getting back on the bike which is tomorrow.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Have good workouts this week!! 
2009-01-19 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1866519

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Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

What's up all_

Thanks to everybody to continue to participate and share your stories.  Everything from news on your current workouts to how you got into tri's and races you've done and your experience... it's all immensely motivating to be involved and it gives me that much more excitement even when I'm sitting here at my computer after working out earlier this morning.

I had a fantastic run this weekend, I was able to stretch out my stride a bit and felt better about my turnover.  I've been wanting to work on my running economy but getting back into it is SOOO not the time to worry about that too much ;-(at least for me, anyway!)  My spinning sessions have been fantastic, but more and more I'm realizing I better get my bike tuned and get on the trainer indoors (i'm a wimp, can't handle DC cold @ 20 mph!) so I can get some long tempo rides in along w/ getting my body back into an aero position.  My swims are feeling better as well, I'm sticking w/ the plans from my book but I'm adding an extra swim every week as it only has me doing 2x week. 

All in all I'm feeling pretty strong.  I can't wait for the first race but on the other hand, the more time between now and then the more time I have to train.  <g>

Keep up the amazing work everybody, and keep sharing


2009-01-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1866519

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

First off Rob, I don't know if I would classify a snowshoe race as GREAT! I too put on shoe shoe's yesterday (sunday) for the first time ever and did a 5K race.  This was after finishing 6.5 miles on a treadmill 2 hours earlier. It was different and challenging but Great, i don't know about that. Surprised

Pants keep with the drills, the endurance will come. I took a total immersion 1 day workshop to get better and at times I seem more tired than when I did it my old splashing around, fighthing with the water method. I find I swim my first lap (50 yds) very easily and wonder why I can't feel like that all the time, then from 50-150 yards I feel tired and am ready to stop. I keep going and my body (breathing) adjusts and I can trudge along. I'm not very fast but can complete it.

When I first started swimming in a pool and wanted to increase my distance (do a mile for the first time) I would freestyle 100-200 yards then breast stroke or sidestroke a lap then freestyle again. I would be able to catch my breath doing the other strokes while keeping moving. Eventually the freestyle portion would get longer until I didn't need to do the other stroke anymore.  I try to bilateral breath but find as I tire I need the air and breath everystroke (to the same side) An important thing I got out of the TI workshop was, as I lefty I always would breath to my left but we found my form was much better when I breathed to my right. So, now when i breath everystroke, it's to my right. Since the switch I do feel I'm getting a better glide. Practice both sides and if you have someone around have them watch you to see if you pick your head up when breathing to one side or the other. Gotta keep the big bowling ball of a head down. Wastes time and energy lifting it out of the water. Try to keep ear in water is you turn your head to breath.

Any strong swimmers out there, share your ideas with us. I am no expert when it comes to the water. But, I'm working at it to improve myself.

Sean if you can get a trainer. the spinning bikes at a health club are ok to get a workout in, but being on your own bike, like you said in areo position, is better for you. Also, try to find a trainer in which you can change the resistance. Especially where you can change it from your handlebars rather than have to get off your bike to adjust it.  But as soon as you can, get outside. Nothing beats the real road and hills.

Glad to see everyone in more often and enjoying what they're reading. I hope everyone keeps sharing their stories and TRAINING TIPS. If you have something that works for you or hear of something let us know about it. Anyone of you can answer or share with any other member in our group. For those of you not entering in your workouts in the BT training log, please do so. We aren't here to snoop on you, just to help and encourage you. On your BT Training logs we can show you some "love" (inspiration). We all have bad days and workouts so it's nice to have someone to let you know it's OK and help keep you going.

Keep training and be safe.


2009-01-19 11:48 PM
in reply to: #1866519

New user

Subject: RE: Trizee's mentor group - CLOSED

Hey gang.....this is an update for Arizona....not a note from the grave!   The half Sunday went great and I finished 2.27......which I was very please with considering that I hadn't run outside over 3 miles in 9 months!  Pretty sore today....but not too bad. 

I was most pleased with my ability just to stay very sharp mentally throughout and not get swept up by the "herd"........I just stuck to my run/walk intervals regardless of what was going on around or my location on the course.

I wish you all could have been here because it has been "chamber of commerce weather" the entire time.

I will start swimming and biking this week and entering in training log info.......thanks for the reminder......I had totally forgotten about that feature.

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