BT Development Mentor Program Archives » cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-01-06 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Hi Cathy! [and all :] I too am looking to join my 1st support group and hope you're still taking new members? I've been involved in tri since 2007 and have only done 3 events (Sprints) but am looking to do an Oly and HIM this year. Like others, motivation and a band of tri'ers to check-in with regularly would help keep me on track for my fitness & tri goals this year [not to mention that I've been jealous my last 2 years on BT of not being in a group,  hint, hint, nudge, nudge :] I'm a solid clydesdale and use all the fun I've found in tri to keep me exercising towards better health (which has sadly been slacking this Winter)

I too will provide a more detailed 'intro' if accepted

Thanks for your consideration!

2009-01-06 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1889700

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

Awesome, looks like a great group of people we have here!  I'm going at lunch break to get fitted for new running shoes - can't wait!  And my new swimsuit and cap got shipped from this morning.

When is everyone's first event?  Are you in a structured training program yet?  How's it going?

2009-01-06 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
I'm not from Canada, but Lake Placid, NY sure is close!  Laughing
2009-01-06 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1889725

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
andigurl - 2009-01-06 2:02 PM

Awesome, looks like a great group of people we have here!  I'm going at lunch break to get fitted for new running shoes - can't wait!  And my new swimsuit and cap got shipped from this morning.

When is everyone's first event?  Are you in a structured training program yet?  How's it going?

My first event is Canada day long weekend. Gives my about 5 months to get ready not a long time so better head to the gym!


2009-01-06 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1884629

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

What do the numbers mean... ie in Ottawa 113 or Calgary 70.3?  Thanks for the help in advance.




2009-01-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1889901

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
Skyhunter - 2009-01-06 12:51 PM

What do the numbers mean... ie in Ottawa 113 or Calgary 70.3?  Thanks for the help in advance.



The numbers are an indication of the total distance. Both of these races would be the half distance.

Swim 2 km/1.2 miles
Bike 90 km/56 miles
Run 21km/13.1 miles

2+90+21 = 113 km
1.2+56+13.1 = 70.3 miles

2009-01-06 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1889725

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
andigurl - 2009-01-06 12:02 PM

When is everyone's first event?  Are you in a structured training program yet?  How's it going?

My first event will be a 10K on Feb 8. My A race is a half at the beginning of August.

I do have a structured training program. I work with a local coach, and she plans my weeks, but I have not been very good at following her plans lately. I do know that when I do follow her plans, I do well and feel better. So I hope to be back on track with following the prescribed workouts to see an improvement in 2009.
2009-01-06 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open
Hmmmmm....event.  Not sure. If I can find a half century ride in May, I will sign up.  That will hopefully be my first event of the year.
2009-01-06 7:18 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Open

I'm loosely following the Tri-Newbies 1/2 Ironman plan but with the distances/times cut back.  I am trying to get into the habit of having a regular schedule of workouts.  I don't want to overtrain.  (I have undertrained for a 1/2 marathon and I won't make that mistake again either.)

My first tri is scheduled for June.  (Assuming I buy a wetsuit.)  I'm hoping for a couple fun runs in the next couple months and then maybe a 1/2 in May?

2009-01-06 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - Full

Okay gang.. I'm going to close the group...  kerilynne, courtney, john and mtnjay... you are all in.

I'm working again tomorrow (Wed) and don't really get time for the internet on work days so you all just keep on getting acquainted.


2009-01-06 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

The closest pool to me is closed this week for their annual cleaning.  I made my taining start next week so that I can include the pool training.

I am getting ready to log my work for today.  Because of busy I am at work, I may only be able to check in once a day.  I'm excited to be here and it's hard right now to think about anything else.

I'm glad we have a good mix!

2009-01-07 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

What's on for today?  My bike commute got thwarted by freezing rain and snow.  So it looks like a spin and swim tonight at the gym...


2009-01-07 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1891461

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Still haven't fixed the flat-- so I will try to get to 2 miles walking on treadmill pain free.

Did end up doing pushups during Biggest Loser, though I had hoped I'd do more

2009-01-07 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Has everyone seen this challenge?

My friend in radio in Kelowna has challenged everyone she knows to try... So I'm starting today...

2009-01-07 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

My morning workout (spin and swim) got derailed by a sick kitty who has to go to the vet.  I don't like any of the spin instructors that have classes tonight, so I'm thinking I will swim and run. . . I haven't been in the pool in at least 2 months, this should be interesting!

 Have a great Wend everyone!

2009-01-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Cool! I finally made it in a group, thanks Cathy!

Intro, hmm... I like fireside chats, long walks on the beach, horseback riding ...

STORY: Years ago (& I mean years), I was in great shape, a personal trainer and bouncer. Then I lost my way and got very out of shape. I worked out intermittently along the way since then but never achieved my goals or a similar healthy physique again. I ran a 5k in '03 since I enjoyed the running I did when I was a better exerciser. Then in '07 I got the tri bug and really enjoyed the training and having an event for goal setting. Never, ever swam a lap before in my life but swimming for a big guy turned out to be the most fun for me! (maybe 'cuz it was so new?). I've trained irregularly in '08 but have still maintained a love for tri and want to continue.
FAMILY/JOB STATUS: Married and have a dog. I work as a Systems Engineer (uhh computer guy) and have my own computer consulting business too.
CURRENT TRAINING: I've slacked down to 1 or 2 workouts a week this winter, but I'm not a tri only focused exercise guy as use tri to get healthy but I also enjoy weight lifting, want to learn cross fit and snowshoe a fair amount too.
PREVIOUS RACES: I did 2 sprints in '07 and one last year and took some Total Immersion lessons this past summer as I'm such a slow swimmer (even thought I love it) and so totally dig learning about torso/recovery arm drive and not focusing on pulling that I feel like a TI evangelist now :]
2009 RACES: I want to work up to an Oly and possibly an HIM near the end of the summer? I also need a 5 or 10k race this late winter or spring (+ some others?).
WEIGHTLOSS GOALS: I would like to get down to 200 [I'm about 270 now, solid clydesdale as I mentioned previously :] and am a firm believer in hitting a proper daily cal net (cal intake minus cals burned in daily exercise) but obviously don't know how long it would take to get to 200 (we all lose weight at differ rates of course). So my goal really is more to hit my daily cal net (and not just eating less to reach that # but have the all important exercise in 5+ days a week too) and I'll get healthy, a good BMI and down in weight as I maintain that goal.
WHY I WANT TO JOIN THIS GROUP: Two main reasons. I am more consistent in reaching my goals with peer motivation (and signing up for an event) so that I have regular interaction w/ similar minded folks and reminders throughout the week to keep me focused on making good decisions (food & exercise based). And in seeing/reading about all you great people already signed up, I felt like I wanted to be a part of this group. Secondly, although I have not be a consistent participator in my own heath goals/training over the years, I have attained a fair amount of good nutrition/exercise/sports knowledge during that time and really enjoy discussing it with others so I hope that I too can be a good motivator and offer ideas or advice those who are looking for it. Not to mention, being able to ask for that same advice from those I hope to learn more about this year

Looking forward to a healthy 2009 and making some new BT friends! 

2009-01-07 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
We have a bus strike in Ottawa which is going to limit my ability to get to a pool as am working in a different office until it is over.  Once it is over, there is a pool 10 min walk from where I work so will do swimming there.  Nice thing about being in the military I can use an hour a day work time for working out.  My real goal for Jan, is to get myself in good enough shape to start 20 week program from on the site here in Feb.  Today is 30 minutes treadmill walking with a good incline and upper body strength.  Tomorrow will be long workout on the eliptical.  Friday my off day to let my legs rest, snowboarding all day Saturday with my youngest boy and that is hard on the legs!  Light eliptical Sunday for 45 min.  That will end off my week.  There told everyone my plan so you can all give me crap if I don't complete it.  I find telling you is more for motivation for me to stick to it, like making a promise, if you break them to yourself it is not that big a deal, but breaking them to others is.
2009-01-07 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1891595

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
Silver_wlf - 2009-01-07 8:15 AM

Has everyone seen this challenge?

My friend in radio in Kelowna has challenged everyone she knows to try... So I'm starting today...

I'm very, very interested in this- I have had several people tell me that there is no body changing exercise like the push up.  I was doing a few sets every day at work (I have my own office )  but for some stupid reason stopped. Currently, I am doing them irregularly on the physio ball cause I'm not sure how it would torque my knee. I will ask my PT about this tomorrow-- very intrigued.

2009-01-07 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Wow, so I'm just getting the hang of this website and all of the tools/logs and everything it has to offer.  This is sweet!

Also, I'm training for my first tri with my friend Marissa that is a marathon runner.  I turned her on to this website - would it be a problem if we let her join this mentor group?  her name is mtemple.  She's awesome and would be  great addition, I promise.

2009-01-07 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
Well, for the first time since September (or maybe August), I actually did a swim, a bike, and a run workout, all in one week! I'm a triathlete again!
2009-01-07 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1891595

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
Silver_wlf - 2009-01-07 8:15 AM

Has everyone seen this challenge?

My friend in radio in Kelowna has challenged everyone she knows to try... So I'm starting today...

AND THERE IS A SISTER check it out!

2009-01-07 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hey Cathy,

 Can you or someone in the group make us one of those nifty lists with all the names a username links so we can inspire each other easily??

 Thanks so much!

2009-01-08 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1893933

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
You could add everyone in the group as a friend in your your training profile and they'll show up on the bottom left column under 'Other Blogs'? (that's what I did as the custom HTML links group list which you might include in your Short or Long term goal section at the top of your training profile is just a bit trickier to setup [but if you'd prefer that I'll help with that instead? :]
2009-01-08 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi everyone.  As you know the group is now closed and we have 11 members which is a large mentor group.  I've put together a link chart on my log which you can copy to yours for an easy way to keep track of the other members logs. 

I encourage everyone to use your training logs.  It really helps you see your own progress and keep track of your training.  As well be sure to visit the other group members logs and inspire each other - a great way to encourage others to keep training.

If you are new to BT be sure to check out all of the features of the logs and the site.  There is so much information here through the articles, forums and other members logs.  If you have specific questions about anything do post them in the forums... BT members knowledge base is huge, you will find an answer to anything here.  If you've been around BT for a while you've probably identified running, biking and swimming experts in the forums, visit their logs for some interesting info.

As I may have told you before, I have very limited internet access on work days.  My work schedule is 4 on, 5 off.  So if you don't see much from me for a few days don't worry, I haven't abandonned the group, I'm just out earning money to buy more tri stuff.  Today is day 3.  The past two days were really busy at work and by the time I got home I was tired enough to bail on any  workouts and just go to bed.   I do need to get on my bike now. 

Everyone have a great day.


2009-01-08 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1894987

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Oh yeah, duh, in thinking it could be slightly tricky I forgot that the copy feature would keep all the hyperlinks too [being blonde and male is more handicap than I can handle sometimes apparently :]


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