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2009-01-11 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - OPEN

Hey Sharon - do you have room for one more?

I'm very new to BT - still figuring out the forums and logs.... My responsiveness is inversly related to how busy my job gets.  Things aren't crazy right now, so I should get the hang of things.

Name: Erin

Background: Was a swimmer in HS.... only ran if I was forced or being chased by a pack of dogs.  Ended up quitting swimming for 10 years due to really bad tendonitis that calcified.  Shoulders are all better now and I've been on a Masters team since Aug 2004.  I routinely compete in meets, currently swim 3,000 yards 3-4 times a week.  Needless to say, I've got the swim thing down.

Running is a challenge.... Back in 2000, I picked up running to lose weight, ended up with severe ITBS for 1.5 years and then quit.  Signed up to do the Disney Half Marathon in Jan 2008 - was supposed to walk it but my friend tricked me and I ended up training to run (full disclosure: slow jog) the whole thing.  I ended up breaking my 5th metatarsal on my right foot 2 weeks before the race (but not before I ran 10 miles on it broken... I'm stubborn and have a high pain tolerance.  Not a good combo!).  My pace is typically an 11 min mile.

I would say I'm a novice at biking.  I like spinning and do fine on the bike.  I probably spend the least amt of time biking because I prefer to swim and I know I need to improve my run, so I focus on those 2 things.   

About me: I'm 32, no kids (by choice), mom to 2 furry kitties (both 13) and married to a guy who races cars and lifts weights... and does NO cardio.  I like to travel, train for events, be outside.  I live in Texas, but I really hate Texas.  Be prepared for mega-whining from me when it gets hot again.  I grew up in Denver and went to college in Montana, and we've been trapped in TX for 10 yrs due to our jobs.  I'm an enviro engineer - and work tends to be a bit crazy.  Throw tri training in the mix, and things get really crazy.

Previous Tri Experience: I was recruited to do the swim leg of a Danskin tri in 2006 in Austin.  I really don't mean to offend anyone, but that race was *definitely* not for me.  The constant high fiving and being assigned a theme word by Sally was a bit too much for me.  My runner ended up bailing on us, so I also ran (I was not running at the time) and what really put me off was that the volunteers tried to bribe me into running faster by saying there was cake and ice cream at the finish line.  Which of course there was none, but it was just very strange.  Too much "go girl" for me.

My swim teams have a lot of tri people, and they always tried to get me to do a full tri.  My excuse was that I hate running.  Then after training for the half marathon (and swimming full time), I decided that adding biking to the mix really wasn't that big of a deal.  Once my broken foot healed, I signed up for a sprint.  It was supposed to be in September, but then Ike hit, so it was delayed until October.  It was a 400 m swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run.  Overall, I did really well.  My swim sucked (for me) - the water was 74 and I don't own a wetsuit. and I was just too cold to swim fast.  But my bike was 18 mph and my run was at an 11 min/mile pace, so I was very happy.  And I wasn't last for my age group, which was my goal.   

What I'm currently doing: not a whole lot, which is lovely.  I'm half-assed doing my swim workouts, which really isn't good since I have a meet in 2 weeks (our heater keeps breaking).  I'm pretty good about doing pilates regularly, and I've randomly tossed in a spin class or run when I feel guilty about my lack of cardio. 

Tri goals for 2009:  I want to do 4-5 events, mostly sprint with 1 olympic.  I really feel I could have done an Oly last fall with all the training I did.  I'll probably do the Lone Star April 4-5 in Galveston.  Not sure about which others, or even what distance I want to do in April.

I joined a local Tri Racing club, so that will be interesting.  And I am now the very proud "mom" of a 2008 Cervelo P2-SL.  I just got it yesterday and am VERY excited.  The bike is just too cool.  Hopefully I won't die trying to get used to the clip-in pedals and the aerobars (I am not very coordinated).

What I'm looking for in a mentor: tips, suggestions, tweaks, information.  I do not have an issue with motivation - once I set my mind to it and get a routine, I stick to it like glue.  I just have no idea what I'm doing with my training, and I worry most about over training, because I tend to go a bit overboard.

Ok, that was quite a bit for me... I'm going to run off and try to figure this log thing out.

2009-01-12 12:39 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Hey bxrgrl and erin_trail - you are my last two mentees! WELCOME TO YOU BOTH!!

bxrgrl please share your details with the group, your name, training, plans, etc.....

So here's who I've got for our group:

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erin_trail / Erin

maggieweir / Maggie

lortciger / Lisa

Rjastrow – are you still in?  we haven't heard from you again.

Amy35 / Amy

Essinaj - are you still in?  we haven't heard from you again.
Runnergirl13 / Michelle

Ichibon11 / Sarah

BIGCOG / name?

Bxrgrl / name?



Alrighty then!  Welcome to Shrano's Tri Group!! Woohooo!!!  I'm really looking forward to this.  It's definitely different than the mentoring I did with Team in Training, since I saw my mentees a couple of times a week and had to help guide them with fundraising, etc.  But I love to talk tri shop and while I may not have all of the answers I will certainly do my best.  Since you are all relatively new to tri and new to BT, i strongly suggest you check out the Triathlon Talk forums.  There is a wealth of info on there and I encourage you to post questions now and then to the forums, too.  This site is a phenomenal resource and the people are really nice.  I've always been more of a lurker reading threads more than i post, as I've been on here for over 3 yrs (maybe 4?) and only just reached 400 posts about a week ago...

Anyway, so here;s what i'm thinking. 

1) Make sure that you start tracking your training in your training log.

2) Add all of the above names to your "friends" list and start checking in on everyone and leaving "inspire" messages.  Inspires can be whatever you want them to be.  Just check in with each other daily or weekly - it is your call - and leave a little note. 

3) I will check on each of you to make sure that you are logging and working out. 

4) We can use this group thread to have open discussions on various topics.  Open forum to be as honest and blunt as we want.  BUT! Let's keep it to tri-specific topics.   thanks!

Just so you all know...this week I'm at a work conference in Austin,TX and I don't know how much time I will have to be online doing anything more than dropping in my training time in my log (at least I have an "easy" training week.  whew) and throwing out a few inspires to ya'll (see? i'm feeling all Texan already! ).  Meaning, not sure how much activity in this here forum/thread/group of ours but do feel free to talk amongst yourselves - ask others in this group what they're doing, what works for them, plans, etc.  get to know each other.  (if you want to - no pressure).

have a fantastic week this week!!  I look forward to the next few months being really exciting for us all.



2009-01-12 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1898802


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - OPEN

Hi Sharon,

 My name is Janisse.

I officially started my training today.  I did a 25 min jog this am and later will be driving to the city pool to register for lap swimming.

I chose the 2o week sprint-2x balanced program.

 I don't have a road bike but will start training with my hybrid until I see if I can stick to the program.  My schedule is a bit complicated.

I haven't looked at tris in the area yet but will do soon and post it.

2009-01-12 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1901764

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - OPEN
essinaj - 2009-01-12 4:50 AM

Hi Sharon,

 My name is Janisse.

I officially started my training today.  I did a 25 min jog this am and later will be driving to the city pool to register for lap swimming.

I chose the 2o week sprint-2x balanced program.

 I don't have a road bike but will start training with my hybrid until I see if I can stick to the program.  My schedule is a bit complicated.

I haven't looked at tris in the area yet but will do soon and post it.

hey janisse!  that's great!!!!

i would like to point out that it is NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE A ROAD BIKE especially for your first (or even 2nd tri).  I did my first sprint and Oly on a hybrid.  i didn't want to invest in a road bike until I knew i liked the sport.  MY 2nd Oly was on a borrowed road bike I was babysitting for a friend that was out of the country for a year.  So don't feel pressured to go out and get a road bike right now if you have a hybrid or even a mountain bike.  im training w people doing a HIM and full IM and there are a few on hyrbrids/mtn bikes right now (altho they will be getting road bikes, it isn't impreative to get one right away).


2009-01-12 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Coolio!  We filled up the group!

Sharon - enjoy Austin!  Do you have any free time and need recommendations?  I know Austin fairly well. 

I've got my log all set up and the team added in, so I should be good to go!

Here's my Tri Training schedule from last fall.  I want advice on it, because I'm not sure its practical to keep this schedule for 6-8 months.  Doing this for 3 months (with a hurricane thrown in the middle) got to be pretty rough.  Mainly, my problem is that I will not cut my swimming down, because that's what I love the most.  But that creates problems in getting my other workouts in....

Mon AM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Mon PM: Pilates (advanced mat)

Tues AM: Run ~3 miles

Tues PM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Wed AM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Wed PM: Spin class (45 min) or Pilates

Thurs AM: sleep (usually) or yoga or run (rare)

Thurs PM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice - but most times I'm too tired)

Fri (9/80 day off) - brick, usually bike/run or 45 min spin class (if I work)

Sat (if I didn't do a brick on Friday) - brick, usually bike/run

I came up with this on my own.... but yeah, its a lot and I have no idea if this is reasonable.

2009-01-12 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1901679


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Hi, all!

NAME: bxrgrl/Natalie

STORY: I'm 37, live in the great (currently frozen) city of Chicago, and have two Olympic and two sprint triathlons under my belt. I got started in August 2007, when my sister and I signed up for the Accenture Chicago Olympic distance on something of a dare. I have dabbled in road cycling since I was 15 years old, but since the late '90s most of my riding has been in the form of commuting to and from work. I swam in high school, mostly 200 yard events and shorter, so I'm comfortable in the water. I have been running off and on since 2000, but I get very bored and have a hard time sticking with it. Running is by far my weakest leg.

When I did that first tri (taking on more than I probably should have for my first race), I thought I was going to die. I had never heard of a brick before, and my first swim in Lake Michigan, ever, was when my wave started. During the run, I walked a lot, telling myself the whole time that I was crazy for doing this. But the last quarter-mile, surrounded by thousands of cheering spectators, I suddenly was hooked. When I crossed the finish line, I knew I was going to sign up for the following year's event. And here we are!

FAMILY/WORK STATUS: Married for nine years, no kids, one dog. I'm an internist in my first year of subspecialty training in vascular medicine; I have a fairly normal schedule for a doctor, including weekends off, although sometimes it's unpredictable and can interfere with training.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I ride my bike five days a week for about 50 minutes to an hour as part of my commute to and from work. It's so crummy here this winter that I've been less than enthusiastic about longer road rides. I haven't swum since the beaches closed at Labor Day. My gym has a pool but I haven't been using it. I try to do two short runs and one longer one each week, but this has been highly variable because of the holidays, the weather, and lack of motivation. I'm hoping to get back in the pool next week (waiting for my new swimsuits to arrive).

2008'S RACES: The Subaru Women's Series sprint triathlon in Naperville, IL, in June; the Harbor Lights sprint tri in Waukegan, IL, in July; and the Accenture Chicago Olympic distance in August. Also, I did the Banco Popular Chicago Half Marathon and three legs of some crazy ultra relay footrace in Michigan, both in September.

2009'S RACES: I want to do but have not signed up for the Spirit of Racine Half Ironman, July 19. Other than that I haven't decided.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am at the upper limit of normal for my height but have been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for the last three years. Finally in November I started Weight Watchers online to try to rein in some of my dysfunctional eating habits. You can see that I already exercise quite a bit; if it weren't for that, I would certainly be overweight. I had a bit of a setback at the holidays but am back on track.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR IN A MENTOR GROUP: I guess you'd say I'm an experienced beginner. I have done four triathlons now and am starting to understand what things I need to do to get better. However, I'm so undisciplined, and I will fall off the training wagon multiple times this season. I'm looking for the encouragement and motivation that comes only from a group setting, and I'd like to offer my encouragement to others as well. Also, I want to make the leap to a half-Ironman this year, which means I won't be able to merely get by with minimal training like I did for my first Olympic. I need to solidify a training plan. My ultimate goal is a full Ironman by age 40; I'm targeting Ironman Wisconsin for 2010.

And I guess that's about it!

2009-01-12 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1902135

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
erin_trail - 2009-01-12 8:04 AM

Coolio!  We filled up the group!

Sharon - enjoy Austin!  Do you have any free time and need recommendations?  I know Austin fairly well. 

I've got my log all set up and the team added in, so I should be good to go!

Here's my Tri Training schedule from last fall.  I want advice on it, because I'm not sure its practical to keep this schedule for 6-8 months.  Doing this for 3 months (with a hurricane thrown in the middle) got to be pretty rough.  Mainly, my problem is that I will not cut my swimming down, because that's what I love the most.  But that creates problems in getting my other workouts in....

Mon AM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Mon PM: Pilates (advanced mat)

Tues AM: Run ~3 miles

Tues PM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Wed AM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice)

Wed PM: Spin class (45 min) or Pilates

Thurs AM: sleep (usually) or yoga or run (rare)

Thurs PM: Swim 3000 yards (team practice - but most times I'm too tired)

Fri (9/80 day off) - brick, usually bike/run or 45 min spin class (if I work)

Sat (if I didn't do a brick on Friday) - brick, usually bike/run

I came up with this on my own.... but yeah, its a lot and I have no idea if this is reasonable.

Hi Erin

thanks for sharing your workout week.  Couple of things stand out to me:

1) You need to cut back on your swimming.  Or find a way to add in more running and biking.   you have a solid foundation in the swim and unless your technique blows, I think you would benefit greatly from reducing your swim to 2x/wk. 

2) overall, you should do each of the 3 disciplines 2x per week.  for instance:

M - Rest

T - Run

W - Swim

Th - Bike

F - Swim

Sa - Run or Bike or BRick

Su - Bike or Run 

You should also know what your limiter is - what is your weakest of the 3 sports?  For me, it varies between the bike and the run.  I can get through both, i'm just not very fast.  But speed doesn't matter so much to me because I'm not placing in my AG. I digress...

Whatever is your strongest of the 3, you want to still work on, but it shouldn't be the majority of your training.  In your case swimming.  And as much as you enjoy swimming you have to spend more time in the saddle and on your feet.  The swim is the shortest part of the triathlon, so you need more time focusing and training in the other two.

As for BRicks (bike w/ a run immediately following) don't need to be done every week.  You can always tag on a short 10 min run after a bike.  But to really benefit from training, vary up your weekend long bikes and runs and add in a BRick as a key workout.  This is where I would strongly encourage you to find a plan to follow.  I can't train on my own, making up my own training schedule, I need one from a pro (coach).

A detailed plan will also help you to train properly.  You want to build 3 weeks and recover on the 4th.  I'm in a recovery week right now - last week was a build week.  Look at the plans on this site and if you don't like what they offer (paid or free), there are many other resources on the web.

2009-01-12 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1900416


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - OPEN

Hi sharon,


My names is Terry.


I have been trying to overcome my fear of water for about 8 months.  Had Asthma as a kid, and never liked being around water.  Had to really work on just putting my head under water.


I am working with someone who is patiently trying to teach me how to swim.  I have low body fat from the years of cycling (5 10"  145 pounds) so I can just barely float.   I purchased a used wet suit and tried it in the pool the last couple of times.  With the extra flotation from it I have just now been able to swim a lap.  Did four laps today ,and consider it a major breakthrough.


I will do several tri events this summer to pre pare me for the big test this fall.  I have not yet fully committed to doing it.  Waiting to see what progress I make this month in swimming.


Have a restful week off, you can build next week!



2009-01-12 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1874202

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
BREAKTHOUGH!!  I have finally learned my breathing technique in the water.  Yeah!!!!  I can now swim 4 lengths without stopping.  Finally.  Just had to put it out there.
2009-01-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1903228

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

lortciger - 2009-01-12 4:19 PM BREAKTHOUGH!!  I have finally learned my breathing technique in the water.  Yeah!!!!  I can now swim 4 lengths without stopping.  Finally.  Just had to put it out there.

YAY! GREAT WORK!!! just goes to show that you keep with it and it will come.

2009-01-13 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1874202


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Morning!  Last night I went to my tri Club membership meeting.  We had a panel of Ironman Finishers to talk to us. One guy has done 13 - Kona several times), one gal (age 55, Kona twice) has done 10, another 2 and then 3 people who have done 1.  It was awesome to hear all of them.  They all said that looking at the big picture was really scary for them...but to go each day, each workout and then it is manageable.  I never realized what a wealth of information was within my own club.  I could have listened to them for hours.


Anyway, they reminded me of a quote that I think is so true...train to your weakness, race to your strength.  I believe that is why I am concentrating on my is by far my weakness.  I know that people say you can't win a tri based on the swim...but you can lose it.  (My goal is to finish strong.)

That is my philosophy lesson for the day...thanks for listening.

2009-01-14 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

rjastrow: haven't heard from you again.  hopefully you are coming back for a visit and are still motivated.  please let us know if you are "in".

Michelle / Runnergirl13 - please set up your log on here so we can all start inspiring you.  just like you were inspired hearing those iron distance athletes speak, let's keep the momentum going for you so we can check in on your progress and keep you motivated!


Everyone:  I know a few of you have said that you need motivation on the treadmill or running in general.  or swimming.  or biking.  or eating better.  or something.  I thought I would share some thoughts with you on how i get and attempt to stay motivated.  

first of all, let me be honest and tell you that i lack motivation and don't feel like working out plenty of times.  in fact, a big part of the reason that i only do 1 or 2 tris a year is because i would get burnt out from all the months of training.  i think i put too much stress on myself.  i've been training pretty consistently for the last year and have not lost my motivation, which i'm VERY happy about.

second of all, the hardest thing to do is getting dressed and getting up and out the door.  Once you do that, that's half the battle.  if i'm dressed in my workout clothes there is no way i'm turning back. 

What gets me through a run (and most other sports) is breaking everything up into segments either by distance or time.  If I have a specific route that I run, then i tell myself i just have to get to A.  THen when I get to A, that wasn't so bad.  just think about this moment when you are on the return and how fast the whole thing went!

The new issue of Runners World has some great tips in the feature "The Pack Rules: Tough it Out."  This is a monthly feature with tips and advice from readers.  It doesn't all have to apply just to running either.  This month's isn't available online yet, but check out older pieces online.

visualization really helps get me thru a lot of workouts, too.  visualize myself finishing.  having dinner (or breakfast/lunch - food is a great motivator for me!). visualizing the finish of a race.  visualizing the start of the race.  paying attention to my form and visualizing what i must look like to someone i'm running/biking/swimming past (i look good!  look at me, i'm active!)

one thing that gets me thru hills on the bike which i really don't like and i'm not really strong on, but i visualize this one thing ALL THE TIME.  My very first tri (a sprint) was in Harriman State Park in New York.  I didn't follow a plan, just winged it.  I had a hybrid bike and I practiced riding in Prospect Park, Brooklyn which wasn't hilly but there was one hill and I thought that would be sufficient as Harriman has rolling hills.  This was a 15 mile bike ride and I was riding that or more.  I thought i'd be FINE!  well, i was rather surprised as i was riding these hills going nowhere fast.  My legs were spinning, my speed was 4-5mps but I NEVER STOPPED TO GET OFF MY BIKE.  I JUST KEPT GOING.  I realize now that no hill that I encounter will ever be as difficult as the hills  that  i encountered on that August morning.  i was not properly prepared for these hills but i persevered.  And during my training rides now I think about that race. 

You, too, will have visions/thoughts/images such as these as you complete your first tri to keep in your training toolbox.  But incorporate some of your own thoughts  from the bike races or running races or tri's that you HAVE done.  Or think about another training day.  All you can do is keep pushing yourself through to the next workout and the next day.

happy training!

2009-01-16 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1908199

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Thanks for the suggestions.  Running is my biggest problem and I have started doing sprints and thinking to myself, "if I can just make it to point A, then I can walk."  Problem is when I get to point A I do walk.  I am starting to look at it not as a problem but as a recovery.  My question is how do I motivate myself to go just a few more feet, when my knees and quads are screaming out to stop. 

On another topic for those just beginning I went and purchased several books on tri's in the last few months.  They include Idiot's Guide to Triathlon Training by Colin Barr and Steve Katai (okay book), Your First Triathlon by Joe Friel (enlightening), Triathlons For Women by Sally Edwards (enjoyed greatly since it was aimed at women and covered topics the first two books did not.  I just purchased Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams (just started reading it and I can totally relate to it), and Shape Up with the Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams (haven't started it yet but it looks interesting).  Reading these have helped to keep me inspired as well.

2009-01-17 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
I took my first ride on my new bike today   Woo hoo!  Still need to get better at clipping in and clipping out, but wow, this bike is FAST.
2009-01-19 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1900416


Subject: How do I add friends

Could not sort out how to add those in our group to my friends list.


sorry to be such a kultz



2009-01-19 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1874202


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Anybody got any good masters workouts? US Masters has locked down their website so you can't see the workouts unless you're a member, and I don't want to cough up the $35 yet.

It's my first day back in the pool since September, so I'll be quite happy to swim for 45 minutes at the most (and I was really thinking more like 30 minutes).

Happy swimming, biking, and running!



2009-01-19 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1916013


Subject: RE: How do I add friends

Terry, go to your training log and look at the left rail. Next to the little calendar is a  series of icons, and the top one is your control panel (I don't know what it's supposed to be--a calendar with a gear on it? a flower?). Anyway, click on that, then click on the tab that says "Friends." Enter each of our names in little boxes, exactly as our screen names appear. Then click apply at the bottom of the page. That should do it. When you go back to your training log, you'll see your friends on the left rail toward the bottom.


2009-01-20 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Natalie - I sent you a PM with some swim info.

I also hear that has good workouts.  I've got a team and a coach, so I've never really looked at the website, but it couldn't hurt. 

2009-01-20 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

hi everyone!  sorry i've been a little MIA the last few days.  It was my birthday on Sat and I flew home that morning, had friends in town all weekend and saw a very ill friend yesterday and now crazy work things going on a la corporate relocation and layoffs looming...ACK!  My head is spinning at the moment to say the least...

to answer the question about swim workouts, whenever I don't have a structured workout, I always like to do a ladder:  100-200-300-400-300-200-100.  You can obviously adjust the distances as you see fit - start w 50 and do increments of 50 yds/mtrs, go up to 500 or 100 or more, it is up to you.  Then limit yourself on the rest, for instance :15-:30 sec btn each distance.  Start with a 200 warmup, do this, then a 200 cooldown and you've done 2000 yards!



2009-01-21 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1874202

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
Last night with 1/8 of a mile to go I felt a twinge in my right hip.  I stopped running and walked the rest of the way.  I then got on my bike and rode for a while.  After, I could feel a discomfort around the front of the hip bone.  4am I was up and hobbled.  After looking at my Anatomy book I believe I have injured my iliac spine.  I have been doing the RICE treatment since but I am unable to take anything but Tylenol.  I know this is an important muscle for stabilization but can I still workout (weights, bike, swim) or am I completely laid off? This is not painful, just uncomfortable.  I continued to workout with my sore quads but I think this may be more serious.

Edited by lortciger 2009-01-21 11:08 AM
2009-01-21 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1920187

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

lortciger - 2009-01-21 9:06 AM Last night with 1/8 of a mile to go I felt a twinge in my right hip.  I stopped running and walked the rest of the way.  I then got on my bike and rode for a while.  After, I could feel a discomfort around the front of the hip bone.  4am I was up and hobbled.  After looking at my Anatomy book I believe I have injured my iliac spine.  I have been doing the RICE treatment since but I am unable to take anything but Tylenol.  I know this is an important muscle for stabilization but can I still workout (weights, bike, swim) or am I completely laid off? This is not painful, just uncomfortable.  I continued to workout with my sore quads but I think this may be more serious.

Hi Lisa - 

I've been thinking about your post and your other post (or your logs?) re the question of your continued pain in your knees and legs.  Couple of thoughts I have on that, but with this post I would say STOP WORKING OUT and go see a doctor.  Whenever there is any sort of pain or discomfort that goes beyond usual muscle fatigue/soreness and when it is in a joint and prevents us from doing what we normally do (i.e. run, bike or swim), def rest, do the RICE treatment and if that is not helping, then seek medical attention.

You may be overdoing it - too much too soon.  You may need to scale back and/or take an extra day of rest.  First and foremost, make an appt w the doctor and stop running and biking for a couple of days.  If it doesn't hurt to lift weights, do yoga or swim, try some of those things.  But if those bother you, I suggest you stop training for now and get to a dr.

please keep us posted on your progress!

just re-read your post - pain in the front of your hip bone, do you mean in your groin area?  

Edited by shrano 2009-01-21 4:10 PM

2009-01-21 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1920937

Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
shrano - 2009-01-21 4:09 PM

lortciger - 2009-01-21 9:06 AM Last night with 1/8 of a mile to go I felt a twinge in my right hip.  I stopped running and walked the rest of the way.  I then got on my bike and rode for a while.  After, I could feel a discomfort around the front of the hip bone.  4am I was up and hobbled.  After looking at my Anatomy book I believe I have injured my iliac spine.  I have been doing the RICE treatment since but I am unable to take anything but Tylenol.  I know this is an important muscle for stabilization but can I still workout (weights, bike, swim) or am I completely laid off? This is not painful, just uncomfortable.  I continued to workout with my sore quads but I think this may be more serious.

Hi Lisa - 

I've been thinking about your post and your other post (or your logs?) re the question of your continued pain in your knees and legs.  Couple of thoughts I have on that, but with this post I would say STOP WORKING OUT and go see a doctor.  Whenever there is any sort of pain or discomfort that goes beyond usual muscle fatigue/soreness and when it is in a joint and prevents us from doing what we normally do (i.e. run, bike or swim), def rest, do the RICE treatment and if that is not helping, then seek medical attention.

You may be overdoing it - too much too soon.  You may need to scale back and/or take an extra day of rest.  First and foremost, make an appt w the doctor and stop running and biking for a couple of days.  If it doesn't hurt to lift weights, do yoga or swim, try some of those things.  But if those bother you, I suggest you stop training for now and get to a dr.

please keep us posted on your progress!

just re-read your post - pain in the front of your hip bone, do you mean in your groin area?  


No, it's not in the groin.  If you put your hands on your hips it is on the bone that you feel in front.  I am hoping not to go to a doctor (no insurance).  I will take it easy for a few days and see what happens.  Usually when I complain about leg issues it is from overdoing it.  This time I think it was too many days without stretching and thinking I was okay.  Interesting that you should mention yoga.  A class started last night that I wanted to go to but I ran instead.  It is every Tuesday and Thursday and I will be attending.  What do you think of a spinning class as far as if it would help with racing.  There is one offered but I have never gone (and won't for awhile). 

2009-01-23 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

Hey Lisa - I saw the message you left for me in my training log

I had IT band issues - from my hip to my knee.  Knees are much better now, but I do have pain in about the same location that you do.  What helped me with keeping the ITBS away during my half marathon training was stretching EVERY night.

I still have nagging pain in my hip and I'm thinking about massage therapy to break up the scar tissue from my ITBS.  And continue with the stretching - because it makes a HUGE difference.

I personally prefer pilates (it directly benefits my swimming and offers some stretching), but yoga may be really good for you, so you can learn some stretches and techniques to help you with your issues.

I'm getting fit tested for my NEW bike today.  Soooo excited!

I also have a swim meet tomorrow AM, which is why I'm so swim-heavy right now.  Have another meet in Feb and again on March 7th.  Then I can work on balancing out my training so its not so swim focused.

2009-01-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1874202

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED

 I didn't even think of ITBS - good thinking erin!  My husband had IT Band hip snap, which may be what you are in fact experiencing.  I did a google search and found this iwth images, as it may help.

Two other great things for ITBS is a foam roller.  They are painful to use but its a good pain if you can believe that.  here's an image of using the roller for ITBS -


The other is try this stretch:

lay down on your back, arms at sides legs straight.

grab a strap of some sort and place it over your right foot.  

lift right leg in the air with strap over bottom of your right foot.

slowly pull the leg in towards you without bending it.  don't lock your knee and if you have a slight bend in your knee that is ok no one has a perfectly straight leg, but you don't want like a 45 or 90 degree bend.

as you pull your leg in you will feel a deep stretch in your hamstring.  now, take the strap and slowly pull your leg over to the left side while keeping it straight up in the air.  the stretch will be more intense.  you don't have to go very far to feel the stretch.

this is a killer stretch for sure, but it really works and helps the ITBS for the knee and the hip.

kind of like this - if you need to slightly bend the leg that is stabilizing you like in this photo, that is ok too.  instead of holding your leg like this woman is doing, use the strap over your foot.


Edited by shrano 2009-01-23 2:06 PM

2009-01-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1874202


Subject: RE: Shrano's Tri Group - FULL / CLOSED
Thank goodness I haven't had any overuse injuries (although I did tweak my foot last year one week before the half marathon, which I ran anyway like a moron), but I have a kind of interesting (to me) problem. Because of years of crummy posture at a computer, I somehow ended up with a lazy right scapula that sits high on my thorax. My upper trapezius and upper rhomboid muscles at some point started doing all the work that the mid and lower ones should be helping with, and consequently became knotted and painful while the lower muscles are atrophied. I'm in physical therapy now and have a brilliant therapist who really understands the mechanics of my problem, but I'm certain that cycling does not help me because my arms are stretched out in front of me. It's very difficult for me to ride and keep my scapula depressed and pulled into my ribcage the way it's supposed to be. My therapist hasn't gone so far as to suggest that I quit cycling altogether, and I'm not going to bring it up, but I think my avid bike riding is not making my recovery easy. However, there is no way I could give up biking unless it were actually threatening life or limb.
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