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2009-01-12 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1901216

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
[email protected] - 2009-01-11 4:59 PM

Take this with a grain of salt but never got football myself. Seemed odd to call a sport football when the "ball" is not round and it only touches the feet of two people once in awhile during an entire game.


Usually true, however in the Steelers game yesterday, the quarterback actually kicked the ball once. So it had a little more "foot" in it than usual.

BTW, I thought all of the games were pretty good. I didn't get to watch the games on Sunday, but I did listen to both on the radio as I cleaned out my garage.

2009-01-12 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Thought I'd spiel a bit about my training lately.  With December over (the busiest time in the wine biz) I have a little more time and energy to devote to my conditioning.

I've only had a road bike for 8 weeks now, but I'm getting increasingly comfortable on it.  Mostly because I gave myself a bit of tendonitis in my R ankle from trying to run too much in November.   I only do ocean swims and that can be sketchy when the seas are rough, so I've been concentrating on getting my minutes in on the bike.  

Did a couple firsts yesterday on the bike. Rode 46 miles, which would have been unimaginable a year ago.  It was good to know that I can exercise steadily for almost 3 hours; it gives me confidence that I'll have enough in the tank for my Oli race in March.  I also did my first ride in the dark.  A couple friends of mine get out at 5:30 AM a couple days a week.  One of them lent me a light and off we went.  I thought that rides like this would be an invitation to get run over, but we had the road to ourselves (expect for a few other cyclists) until almost 7AM.  It's also pretty damn cool to be pulling in a line and see the sun come up over the Atlantic.  The stretch of road all the cyclists in the area hit runs along the coast and to call it scenic is an understatement.  I feel lucky to be living here (South Florida) where the weather is so freaking good, however I reserve the right to change my opinion in July when it's blazing.

 Of course now that I'm cycling I'm thinking about all the junk I need to buy to keep this up.  On the short list are lights, a new pump, socks and jerseys, etc.  My birthday is this week so I can justify spending a few bucks on gear.  Like other sports I've done (golf and scuba, for example) this is a sport when you can definitely spend some $$$ if you want to.

 Also in my shopping cart are some nutrition items: goos, recovery drinks, "Sportlegs" supplements (though my legs feel just fine today).  To this point the only supplementation I've used are the multivitamins I bought a week ago.  Andy, have any suggestions about supplementation or fueling for longer workouts/races?

2009-01-12 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
First off nice ride this weekend!! One of the most rewarding things to me was when you go out and do something you never had the nerve to even try just a few months earlier.

When I do long rides and runs, (longer than 90 mins) I normally bring a couple bottles of GU2O or Gatorade Endurance formula and Gu gels. I typically tried to drink every 15 min and take a gel every 30 min which is the same strategy I use during HIM and IM races. When the weather is hotter and I'm sweating alot, I also will take electrolyte tablets every hour or so. Invest in a Bento Box for your bike to carry the gels, cell phone, keys, its worth it.
I like Gu because the package is easy to carry and easier to open and it seems to make less of a mess. They also have a better range of flavors, and the new line of Roctane GUs worked great for me.

As far as supplements go, I use a protein powder/Whey powder (chocolate flavor) which I drink with a glass of milk post workout for recovery (Normal Chocolate Milk is also supposedly an excellent post workout recovery drink). I also have used a product Amino Active, a supplement with essential Amino Acids which also helps recovery and helps flush the lactic acid out of your muscles. They gave this product out in my goody bag at the Boston Marathon, and it does seem to help after a hard race or really hard workout.

For the record I was on Team ZOOT/GU last year, (pseudo sponsorship, I wore their Jersey and got alot of stuff at a serious discount) but they discountinued the amature team this year. So I am a bit partial toward their products.

Edited by southwestmba 2009-01-12 10:36 PM
2009-01-12 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Well I'm on the road this week and One of the things I try and do when I travel is stay at a hotel that has a good workout room or an arrangement with a local gym (closer the better) or close to areas where I can run. You'd be surprised how much info you can find on the internet these days and it allows you to factor those thing in. This week the hotel has two full sized treadmills and a stationary bike.

One of the workouts I like to do which helps prepare you for the shock of heavy legs in T2, in the indoor brick. For example today I did a Duathlon Brick (Run-Bike-Run). I started with 20 min of running on the treadmill at a realatively comfortable pace to warm up and get a good sweat going. Then I move to the bike (after wiping down the treadmill) about a 15 sec transition. On the bike I go with a fairly low resistance ( but enough so you aren't bouncing in the saddle) and a high tempo (100-115 Rpm) for the next 40 min. Then finally wipe down the bike and hit the treadmill again for another 20 min. I usually bump up the pace for the last leg. Pay attention to how long before your stride feel smooth and normal and then how long till your legs feel good. Once they feel good bump up the pace another notch and finish strong.

This workout gets your body used to what it will experience in T2 and the more you practice it the easier it will be on race day.

2009-01-13 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Ok Another day another treadmill workout.

One of the things I do like about a treadmill is that is requires that up run a steady pace and it allows you to learn to adjust your effort as you get tired to maintain that pace. Other wise you fall off and everyone laughs at you. Going with that theme a workout I like to do is start off at a relatively easypace for 10-20 min to get you warmed up, and then every 5 or 10 minutes boost the pace by .2 mph. While it is easy at first as you get more tired you have to work harder. Try this for 40 min at first and then push it to an hour.

Another version of this workout is to add incline instead of speed.

Have fun

2009-01-14 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Thanks for the nutrition info.  I'm gonna try to hydrate better and bring some gu for my 1hr+ workouts and see what changes happen in my performance or recovery.  I'm gonna check out mu LBS to see if they have any small or sample sizes of those recovery drinks.

2009-01-14 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I am out of town on business this week too and definately agree about the fitness centers. The hotel I am at right now has a nice one that I was able to use last evening; 2 treadmills and 2 ellipticals, all with built in tvs. I put in an hour on the treadmill and followed your tips for gradually increasing speed. Definately makes you feel it at the end

Thanks for the tips. I will try to do some more duathlon type bricks at home in my future workouts.

I also got a chance to set up my big Christmas gift- a Bodybugg. I don't know if everyone has heard of these, but they are a device you wear on your arm that accurately track your calories expended. I already am loving it, not just because you get an accurate measurement but it really does motivate you to do the extra little things like walk around while on the phone or take the stairs to see how high you can get the calorie total.

I put it on at 8 am this morning and I have already burned 2367 calories and that is spending most of the day in meetings. It was a little spendy, but I am already sold.
2009-01-14 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Pete, you can find Designer Whey Protein Powder (French Vanilla and Chocolate) you can find at most grocery stores in the Health/Diet section. Gatorade and Gatorade endurance you can find at just about any grocery store in the beverage section (buy the powder much better value). You can find Gu and Gu2O at at Target, Walmart, most sporting goods stores, and some grocery stores. A GNC might have a sample sizes for other brands of recovery drinks/protein powders. Alot of times I get sample sizes in goodie bags at races. Amino Activ (no e) made by ProMera health, I only have found on line, but I got a sample at the expo for the Boston Marathon and it worked for me.
2009-01-14 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Ok time for another treadmill workout. After a good 10-15 min warm up you do a ladder. Start at min incline and every 2 min increase the level 1% up to 10% (or whatever level you you chose) and then come back down 1% every 2 min. So a full ladder takes 40 min (throw in the w/u and C/d and you have an hour workout.

Again variations you can throw in for a shorter ladder go 1 min segments (20 min total) or go longer 3 min segments (60 min total- the 15 min you spend above 8% grade is a challenge). Another variation is to do 2 short ladders back to back and add a notch or two to the speed on the second ladder or add every 5-10 min during a normal or long ladder. These definitely help the time fly by and keep you engaged in the workout.

James, that Christmas present sound pretty cool. I asked my wife about it and she showed me the website and said they had them on the Biggest Loser. I'd be interested to see if the treadmill you are using has a calorie display, how well that compares to the value you get with you new toy. Glad you liked the workout.


2009-01-16 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Hello everyone, sorry I was missing in action yesterday, I got back to the hotel after my workout took a shower and was out like a light. Didn't even set the alarm, good thing the TV was still on and it woke me up or I would have been late for my last day at the site.

Today was a very cool day for me and I got to enjoy a often overlooked but very important part of multi sport training. Rest!! Rest and recovery is a vital part of every training regiment and is often overlooked. When you work out hard you tear down the muscules so you can't go hard every time out. That is a trapt many fall into, especially us Type A folks. You have to fight the urge sometimes to hammer each and every session. You need to step back and balence the hard efforts with easy recovery efforts, and yes even a day off. I usually take 1 day completelt off a week in the offseason and 1 every two weeks in season. Your body need a chance to recover, repair, and rebuild those muscules you worked all week. Its also good mentally to take a break.

Having two fairly young kids, I haven't seen a whole lot of movies that weren't made by Disney in the last 12 years, but tonight for the first time in ages just me and my wife went out to see a grown up movie and had a date. We saw "My Bloody Valentine" in 3d at an IMAX theather, romantic I know, but my wife is a huge fan of Jensen (from Supernatural) and I always had a soft spot for cheesy horror and sci-fi flicks. Good movie, (not exactly Oscar worthy, but hopefully you weren't expecting that out of a 3D Horror film), pretty well, done and they had some skillfully executed plots twists and had fun with the 3D stuff.

But the morale of the story is... make sure you build in rest days and recovery days into you routine. Who knew sitting in a movie theather for 2 hours was a part of you weekly training program? A proper balance between family, work, and working out the key... for a alot of things. Gotta go.....


Edited by southwestmba 2009-01-16 10:41 PM
2009-01-17 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
My cycling buddy Jim just called me and it looks like I've got my first half-century on the books for tomorrow.  Wish me luck guys.  Despite the 5:30 AM start the upside is I'm gonna look very styling with the new ACDC jersey I got for my birthday yesterday.  Slightly less dorky than the hand-me-down club kit I've been wearing.

2009-01-17 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Cool deal. Take advantage of the opportunity to try out some gels and drinks and see how they work for you on a long ride. Hopefully your new jersey has some good pockets.

Have fun, it is supposed to snow on most of us tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to stay in and watch the Eagles!!!!

2009-01-18 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1914441

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Fun ride today.  Thanks Andy for the excellent hydration & fueling advice, I think it made a difference.  Started off w/ oatmeal for b-fast and took 2 big bottles of gatorade and  a couple gus on the ride.  Ended up feeling a lot fresher during and after compared to last week.  I think the hydration was the biggest difference because I made myself drink before I got thirsty plus I brought along 3x as much as last week.  Once again it was really cool to see the sun come up over the ocean and saw a lot of other cylists out this AM enjoying the same thing.

 Later on I hit Target and got some whey protein powder to try out as a recovery drink.  I'm curious to see if it will have any effect on my weight.  I'm looking to go down, not up, and muscle building has never been a problem for me.  Also stopped at the LBS for some gloves (cold hands on the ride today) and a couple sample sizes of Perpetuem and Recoverite.  I'll report back if I notice a difference using this stuff.

2009-01-19 12:31 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Nice job on the ride today. 52 miles at about 19.5 mph, that speaks for itself.

As far as the protein powder goes, I only use it after my workouts (when I'm not on the road), and I really haven't added any weight.

Well my Eagles tourtured me today. They started slow and stunk up the first half, then when things looked bleak they woke up and came back from 18 down to take the lead, only to have the defense not be able to stop the Cards on 3rd and 4th down and they march down the field score and burn over 7 min. And the Eagles couldn't go the length of field and score in the last 2 minutes and that was it. I was bummed but my ride this evening on my Coumptrainer helped ease the pain (240 watts ave for 71 min and 24.66 miles).

As life throws up, snow storms, business trips, -10 wind chills, and heartbreaking football games, exercise is a great way to ease the pains and relieve some stress and help you put things in perspective. As James said, its not just the 52 mile ride, but it's the little things like watching the sun come up over the ocean that just make you feel alive and great.

Remember, you only get one shot at this life, make sure you enjoy the ride. Do something special today. And have fun!!!

2009-01-19 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

Got this cartoon from my wife this AM.  Explains my motivation for getting up @ 5:30 in the morning to workout.


2009-01-19 11:14 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Hello everyone. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. Sure got to shovel alot of snow, but was able to improvise and get some good workouts in. I really would have loved to have gone for a run when the big fluffy snow flakes were falling early this afternoon before the roads got sloppy, but I had a few other obligations with my boys and did some sledding and shoufferring, and shopping. But I improvised and rode 25 miles in Florida thanks to the magic of my computrainer this evening.
We all have our own personal reasons for working out and staying fit. Most of us have finally begun to realize we aren't spring chickens anymore and that comic does hit home. But I would also remind you it is never to late to set your sites high and go after a dream. For me in a 6 month period I reached two life long dream, I Reached the finish line at Kona something I had thought was impossible, and I ran the Boston Marathon coming full circle and making the prophicy my 5th grade math teacher wrote on the picture he took at my first ever road race, "who knows, maybe someday you'll be running Boston". But it took 5 years of building a routine, establishing good habits, building a solid base, and pushing the envelop, until I was able to take advantage of the opportunities when they presented themselves.

Dare to chase the dream. Even if you don't catch it, the journey is worth the effort.

Have fun!

2009-01-20 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Finally back in town from my trip over the weekend. My wife and I got a chance to get away without the kids, which was nice. We spent Friday night in San Francisco, then I got up early on Saturday morning for a run down the Embarcadero/ Fisherman's Wharf area and it was incredible. I like running at sea level! It was also nice to see so many other people out running, not to mention the beauty of the sunrise and scenery.

The next two days were mostly driving north along the coast on Hwy 1, which was gorgeous, but slow going. Didn't get a chance to get any workouts in, but did play some tennis on Monday afternoon. So tonight I will be getting back into the swing of things.

I haven't had a chance to compare the calories burned calculation on my treadmill and compare it to the bodybugg, but I too am interested to see how close the two are. I am really liking the fact that I have this information on hand and it really does make me realize how many different things can burn calories throughout the day.

As far as the weather for these parts, I am mostly confined indoors but it hasn't snowed lately so I may be able to get out and run or bike soon, as long as I can find some time to do it in the daylight.
2009-01-20 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1918428

New user

Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

I can still remember the view from the Embarcadero/Fisherman's Wharf from when I was in SF a few years ago - absolutely gorgeous even with Alcatrez (sp?) in the background.

Glad you had a chance to enjoy it.




2009-01-20 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Subject: Bike Suggestions

OK, my birthday is coming up and I am looking at several bikes.  The ones I think I am most interested in is the Jamis Comet and/or Trilogy and the Trek Equinox.  I know people have their own ideas and opinions about makers, so I am seeing what you guys think. Pricewise I am confortable in the $1500-$2500 range 

Is anyone aware of other makers of solid bikes in that range? 


2009-01-20 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1918734

New user

Subject: RE: Bike Suggestions

Check out The people at this store write some of the articles for BT so I am thinking you should get some good information.


2009-01-20 11:20 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
Are you looking for a road bike or a tri bike?

You can probable get an excellent road bike from Specialized (Allez Elite) and some race wheels for that price range, Javelin makes a good frame as well for. I can't argue with the Trek either, that is a very nice bike.

I think you could able to afford a Cervello P2C, a great tri bike (2 genreations old but still light fast and very aerodynamic). They have gone up to the P3C and P4Cs so the price on this model has come way down. However it is an awesome bike and i believe there were more P2Cs at Kona in 2007 than any other model.

2009-01-20 11:32 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
I actually got outside for a run today and after a week and a half of nastiness, 26 degrees and sunny felt absolutely great. Had to share the road since hardly anyone shovelled their side walks and the trail through the park was covered with snow, but it was a reaaly refreshing feeling to get out there and run today.
On this historic day, I can say I was running through snow covered trails in Valley Forge Park when our President (and my new boss) was being sworn into office in Washington DC. Funny, after watch the highlighton TV tonight, I'd say I got the better of the deal (Everyone looked pretty miserable and cold sitting through all the speeches and ceremonys, while I was having a blast sweating like a pig.)



2009-01-21 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1884401

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full

I have respect for you guys that train in the cold. 33 this AM in sunny Florida and even though I ran it's not something I'd look forward to every day.  Ironically I woulda been happy to swim today since 74 degree water feels bathtub warm after standing on a near-freezing beach.

James, I have a Specialized Allez Elite too and I'm really pleased with it as a new cyclist.  I'm thinking I made the right decision getting a road bike instead of a tri specific bike because I'm enjoying these longer rides which I'm told ought to be more comfortable with road bike geometry.  The downside is I'm still fiddling with the best fit for my after-market aero bars.  I think as Andy recommended the Cervello P2C is a well regarded bike.  My buddy has one and loves it.  And Chrissie Wellington just won her second IM championship on one.  If you don't have a problem with used check out Craigslist.   That's where I found my bike and I got a sick deal because the guy was stepping up to an all-carbon bike and wanted this one out of the garage.

2009-01-21 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
How's everyone doing? Another day another fun run on a 25 degree afternoon and a cold wind, and a good easy spin on the trainer this evening and some french silk pie in between. Gotta love it!!
2009-01-22 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1884401

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: southwestmba's group - full
How's everyone doing today? See a number of you got some swimming in this week, great job. For me swim training is the hardest to work into my routine. I mean I can run anywhere, I have my trainer in the basement so I don't have to go far, but the swim, that takes, more planning more prep time and I have to work around everything else going on it the pool. Congrats to all of you guys you are putting me to shame. Even my 8 year old is swimming more than I am....gotta do something about that.

As winter rolls on it is usually a good time to get some maintenance done. My LBS usually has a February Special to overhaul/tune up/clean the drive train. February tends to be a slow month for the bike shops up north so keep your eyes open for some good deals and services. My LBS also does maintenance classes, tire truing, and tire changing clincs. Often these clincs are free to get you in the store. All these things are good to know.

Another idea for everyone, is to take a look at the Challenge Me section here on BT. Each month, they come up with various challenges ie bike focus, run focus, swim focus, or all of the above. Everyone in the challenge sets their goal, gets divided into teams, and the highest % of people who reach their goal for the month wins. Have a team counting on you is great motivation. I highly recommend it.

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