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2009-01-23 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1924269

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
...yes the weather in CO has been odd the last week. We had a day in the 70s, and they are foreccasting a high of 16 on Sunday :| Oh well, it keeps us busy trying to dress properly.

Thanks for your comments on strength training. I would like to understand the tri-specific weight training routines so that I can get myself ready for the transition.

I currently spend about an hour a day excercising - is it realistic for me to train in that amount of time (I expect that the answer is 'it depends on your goals'). I'm coming in with pretty simple goals, however, I can feel myself getting more jazzed about this stuff.

I don't talk a lot of tri-smack with my daughter yet - we are in different worlds. In the beginning of January her team went to Tuscon to train with the UofA team. I remember her telling me that their swim routine was: 1X1200, 2X600, 3X400 and 12X100 - the kicker is that each successive set had to be less time that the prior... I can barely swim 1200 so I was quite impressed. Anyway, we talk smack on a lot of other items so it evens out.

I am quite fired up to work with you and the rest of this team.



2009-01-24 4:21 AM
in reply to: #1924856

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Good Morning Andrea,

Sorry I didn't respond back to your reply yesterday, Like I mentioned crazy day. Anyway your workout will suffice as a way to just maintain a feel of the water, but as you know the yardage will need to increase and the times per week will also increase. For spint distance tri's we can double what your currently doing and get the job done. As you work toward your Birthday goal as you can imagine there will be a significant increase in yardage and workouts. This is where you will really have to adjust your time management and workouts to accomodate life. And don't be afraid to take a rest day, the body needs a day to repair muscle fibers and rejuvenate for the work ahead.
2009-01-24 4:30 AM
in reply to: #1926305

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group OPEN
Good Morning Brian,

Welcome, your daughters workout schedule in AZ is a good one, no doubt they have some swimmers among the group who can get that yardage done in a reasonable time frame. We don't have to get quite that aggressive for sprint distance events but similar in set construction.
I'll address the tri-specific weight work with the group and you can build - adapt into routines that seem best for you. An hour a day with purpose is fine and yes it does depend on your goals, but TIME will dictate much of what we do. Moto- do what you can when you can.

2009-01-24 5:45 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Ok I had this all written last night and hit a something on my keypad and it disappeared. Bummer

So I'll try it again. These are just some thoughts about triathlon training. First off we are all in the workforce, so unlimited training time does not exist. So TIME becomes a key element in your training efforts, schedules and to put it simply my MOTO- get done what you can when you can.


1) Workout/schedules- all wokouts should have purpose and to some degree specificity towards one of the disciplines. Although bike/run workouts have overlapping benefits there will still be a need to have specific thoughts on what you are accomplishing for that workout. i.e. hills, tempo days, long bike/runs, bricks. If you are following a plan 12,16,20 week there will be in the beginning the base conditioning phase, these are very aerobic workouts not intended to work much past 150 beats per minute, you may experience higher intially if you are not in shape already but that is what this segment is establishing. As you progress into the plan you see intensities increase during the specific endurance phase as you head to peak fitness for your event that is targeted. Speed work- be careful here. It has been written about alot if you are not used to this level of work injury often times happens hear, some say don't bother with it unless your a podium level athlete or have those expectations. And it will also come late in the training phase and close to the event, so it doesn't offer a lot of recovery time. You all now your bodies abilities and adaptations, so just be careful if you are doing speed work. The "taper", or reduction in miles/yardage as you near the event, it is intended to now let your body rest, repair and prepare for what is ahead. Pro's and elites have this down to a science but it is still uniqui to the person. Bottom line follow the path, trust in your training prior to this and don't freak out the last week or two that your are going to get out of shape.

2) Nutrition- Most of you probably already have your sports drink/gels etc. chosen that you like. There are many, you just have to go with what will keep your system happy during an event. An unhappy stomach during an event is no fun, even though I have never had a severe case it is still uncomfortable and can really change the days outcome. So some experimentation during training should take place so you know going into an event what will work for you.

3)Equipment- Ahhh all of those pretty bikes,wheels, seats aero bars set ups, outfits and shoes. Where do you start. Well simply if your are committed to this season or at least the beginning of it to use what you have stick with it. You will still compete and be happy with your efforts. It gets really confusing when you start to look at all of the options available. Make the choices you'll be happy with.

4)TIME- this to me is one of the most important areas, we all have regular lives, family, jobs etc. so there is only so much time. Use it wisely, several of you have mentioned that weight training is an important element of your training routines, you will probably need to adjust the type of weight training you do during season, because the work you will do in each discipline will be take up some of that time. So tri-specifid weight training should be implemented. Many don't subscribe to doing weight training at all during season, I tend to like to do some all year round, but I don't over due it. Always do legs, squats presses etc. triceps and lats for swimming, we can talk about these later. And it does not need to take up that much of your time.

So those are just some thoughts that may be helpful to you as you move closer to race day.

Get done what you can when you can.

Have a great day!!!!!!

2009-01-25 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy and all,

Just finished my first week of triathlon training and I wanted to put my thoughts down on "paper."  I also have a great tri-specific weight training workout I will post on my training log.  I think everyone can view that, right? 

The week starts off with a 30 minute swim in the morning and an hour bike in the evening.  The swim I do as a non-stop base with no fast swimming.  I just plod along for the full half hour.  The bike I lock in at a 90 cadence and spin on the big chainring, 3rd gear in the back for the hour.  Tuesday is a rest day, but I do my weight training (actually weight training is a misnomer, I don't use weights).  Wednesday is a 45 min swim.  Here I do a 500M warm up, 1X100 fast, 2X200 fast, 1X100 fast and a 500M cool down.  My lats were FRRRRRRIIIIIIIEEEEEDDDD by the end of this workout.  I also play hockey wednesday nights for an hour.  Thursday was the first run of my training.  Just to let you know, I haven't run since stepping off the track after the finish of the conference 800M in May of 1998 my senior year in college, so I was somewhat nervous about starting back up.  I ran for a half hour starting at an 8 minute pace on the treadmill.  That seemed way too easy, so after 5 mins I bumped it to seven minute pace and was comfortable with the effort the remainder of the workout.  Friday was an hour and half bike that I did at 120 HR, about 65% of my max.  I also did my weight workout Friday pm.  Saturday is a rest day, I played racquetball for an hour (I suck).  Today was a 40 minute run.  I covered 5.5 miles total and the last ten minutes was at 6:30 pace. 

Overall I underestimated what kind of shape I was in and am very happy with the running part of my training.  I know it was only a week, but my results have been encouraging.  Sorry for the long post!!!

Have a great week!!!!

2009-01-25 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
hey group,

I had a good week... I posted my stuff in my log, but have to admit I don't understand all thats in there. I need to spend some time on the technology.

Key things for me this week:
- got in a couple runs and feel pretty good but have to watch for overtraining and aggravating my plantar f!
- need to read up on tri-strength training... did the abs work in the BT Forums and its really really good
- I need to get much better at swimming. Using the fins and paddles allows me to swim longer and therefore I can focus on form/breathing, etc. Thats good, but if I had to just swim non-stop I'm hurtin'
- I need to come up wiht some goals and you guys are inspiring me to reach higher than I was planning

Have fun this week.


2009-01-25 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1928273

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Greetings compadres--

Y'all are killin' me.  I've been endurance running for the past several years, and am just getting back into bike and (soon) swim workouts...and I read what you guys are already doing and it's just nuts!  (in a good way, I mean!)

 I am reahabbing a hip, so biking is really good to offset the repetitive strain of all the past running.  I did 35 minutes Thursday, about 16 mph, then got in a group 20 mile ride Saturday at 17 mph.  That is a bit misleading though, as we were about 20 mph on the outbound leg, then 15 coming back into the teeth of a 20 mph headwind on the return--we did get some good practice in precision drafting, however!

I'm headed to 24 hr fitness with a 7-day trial membership so I can start swimming indoors, waiting on my Costco special 2-year membership certificate to arrive in the mail ($299, no other fees, virtually any club but the top end ones). 

I did a lot of circuit training last season, blending in good core work with speed work, and I start that up again tomorrow, followed by hill/speed work on Tuesday.

I have another marathon (Napa Valley) coming up March 1, so I still need to keep up my running, all while blending in bike and swim workouts.

Keep the reports on your training incoming--if nothing else, it serves to point out what a slug I am--maybe it will shame me...who knows?! :-)



Edited by wildcat83 2009-01-25 8:24 PM
2009-01-25 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Today Sunday I ran 8.4 mi at 9;46 pace (this is both my longest and fastest run EVER), and followed it with a 12.5 mi bike Time Trial avg. about 21.5 mph. Well FL is flat, so this may not be the speed of some of you fellas.

I have been doing some Spinervals the last 3 weeks and theyre surely paying off for me. Still need to work on losing more weight but the energy since satrting my low carb regime is simply put, AMAZING.

Today was supposed to be a long-slow day but after finding out about next weeek's childrens activities (M-Th & Sat busy) I figured I'd better do all I can today (weekend warrior style). That said, and as late as 10PM (bedtime), I have not felt tired... in fact, the more I exercise, the more energetic I feel.

Nutritionally: low carb (NOT no carb).  Yesterday was Choldren's Gasparilla and I brought a few snacks and few bottles of H20.  I have not cheated once, at least consciously.  Weight at 202.5 (199.8 after both workouts).

I know this (long-slow with a few prints and then a TT) isn't what's prescribed and I might end up paying for it in the week, but I want to know what other weekend warriors are doing out there. If it works? do I stick with it?

So, this coming week will be a challenge to do any kind of workouts (maybe another run during Jr's. TKD class but I hate not being there as a spectator when he will be going for his next belt - so, First Things First.

Hope ya'll have a wonderful and active week.

2009-01-26 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Good Morning to everyone!!!!

It looks like everyone had a good weekend, got accomplished what they were trying to get done. Just a couple of items I noticed in reading your blogs from the weekend.

Steve- nice job in completing your first week of training, and even better your run pace. I think we are all going to be jeolous of your running ability. If you can link those speeds into triathlon following the bike you are going to be really happy.

Brian- Fins and hand paddles are good for early season work. I like to use paddles with pull buoy, usually for no more than 400 yards total however you want to arrange it, 4x100, or a straght 400. You will probably find that some of your best technique will be in the set that follows the pull set. You'll have that good feel from the feedback from the hand paddles.

Mike- As your 12 week plan gets implemented we can arrange some good swim workouts that will get you ready for that first race.

Olman/Trkhilo2K- You quickly can see where your training schedules will need flexibilty due to other areas of life. So when you can forsee a tight training schedule it is fine to work in some other training, TT, sprints. Because ultimately having confidence in your abilities will help in your training and feeling good about what you are doing.

Andrea- Haven't heard from her as of yet, so we'll wait and see how the weekend went.

Does everyone know when there first race date is? Could you post it for me.

Also it is probably a good time to establish some swim workouts to go along with your run/bike work.

Have a great day.


2009-01-26 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1928825

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Happy Monday everyone!  Survived the weekend OK with all the kids' games.  Managed to fit in some training--basically Tae Kwon Do on FRI evening (not really hard but good core work), one hour swim on SAT and a 5 mile easy run on SUN with core work (in my log).  Overall, pretty happy with my first week of training coming back in.  I know I am going to have to really set up a good schedule to target the work needed on my weaknesses while building up volume each week.  This gets tough for me because I tend to do more of what I love--spin and run rather than swim.  But I will add in another swim workout.  Is it a good/bad idea to take one of the three sports (say swimming) and do more workouts within one week while running and spinning less in that week and then alternating to running as the primary focus the next week with swimming and cycling less, and then cycling more the third week while running and swimming less, etc.?  Or is balanced workouts better? 

Oh yeah and this SUN, I'm going to run the XTERRA Mission Gorge Trail Run (5k) for a fun run workout in the morning.  Exciting!!

2009-01-26 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1929083

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Good Day, glad your first week went well.
As you can see time is a critical element and training is now just one of the components. Balance is the best way to train, but there is no reason when one feels that they are going to need more work in one area over the other two to slightly imbalance the workout schedule. For me when I did my HIM training, I ended up only swimmiing twice a week on average, because I new once again TIME was going to be critical for me and I used that extra workout for either a run or a bike. So it is OK, but don't let an entire week go, try to stay balanced with your running and biking, but add a swim and you'll be fine. Unfortunately spinning may have to take a back seat, you can use it as a supplement workout, but it will for the short term or through the tri season not be one of your primary workouts.

The run you are doing is a great way to work in work at actual 5k pace. This will help you in establishing your workout pacing, and I see you have the HR monitor in use as well. Also an affective way to get a feel for what your capable of doing come race day.


2009-01-26 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1929083

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I envy you for having events to participate in this time of year.  This morning it was -22F when I woke up for my morning swim.  I will not be doing anything outside until March.  I have winter running gear, but don't even attempt it until its -5 or higher and no wind (which in ND is rare).  It hurts to breathe at those temps. 

Have fun racing this weekend!!

2009-01-27 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
WOW!!!!! Thats cold, how do you even try to run at -5, and what duration of time can you safely be out? Makes me shiver even thinking about it.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-27 5:44 AM
2009-01-27 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1930904

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Steven, now I won't complain anymore running in 50-something degree weather.  Heh.  I admit I'm a wimp when it comes to running when it's cold.  I thought it was very cold during yesterday's evening run...and well, compared to the I said I won't complain anymore!  Definitely looking forward to this weekend's race.  Hopefully the good weather will stay.  We are supposed to get a storm sometime this week.  Today's weather is supposed to be sunny and around 65. 
2009-01-27 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I am feet-wet again!!  I printed a 7-day pass to the local 24 HR Fitness yesterday and went down to use the pool...for the first time since June of last year!  I surprised myself by getting in 500-600m (I know this isn't much, but for me...!), doing some left pull/right pull 25m intervals, some with a pull buoy, some catch-up intervals, etc.  But I was most pleased with my 100m freestyle times (remember now, I am just starting) that were 1:51 and 1:54 each.  What surprised me was how fast my one-arm pull drills were, about 35 sec per 25m.

My technique sucks, I am sure, but I was at least not disappointed in my endurance (thanks to all of the road miles+hill work+speed work I have put on my legs this past year).  When I got home, I went out and did some mile cruise intervals at a 7:40 pace, followed by a 1 min walk after each.  Did 3 of these and then coasted home the last mile at a 9:30 pace for a cool down.

I'm baaack! :-)


2009-01-27 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1931655

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Nice, I'm sure that felt good and should give you lots of confidence going forward. The swim yardage didn't matter how much for getting started, you were looking for feel and reinforcement of your stroke. I would continue doing similar work, your drills are good stroke technique drills. How was your breathe timing? Your at a good starting point, I like using the pull bouy and hand paddles for about 400 yards total, 4x100,2x200 or straight 400, this will give you a very good sense of hand placement and catch phase of the stroke. Following this kind of set do some 50's or a few 100's, you will still have the sensation of wearing the hand paddles and will be some of your best swimming for that session. You mentioned you were looking for a 12 week plan, we can certainly build that into your regular work.  Also good run work, seems like your must have really be energized by your swim workout.

Good Work 

2009-01-27 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Wow!  You guys are all speedsters!

I had a chance to switch into my running gear for a 30 min lunchtime run and took it.

My pace was 9:30something on a 3 miler.  The only signs I see here is IMPROVEMENT IS TAKING PLACE, SPEED IS CREEPING UP. 

I am a little worried that I didnt stretch or warm up or cool down (aside from my 3 min to get HR down), but it was the only chance I got to get the pump going.  The tri-club director in my 'hood said he would start the pool workouts in late march, that's not good.  I'm already paying an arm and a leg on CCDs.  I'm gonna have to start swimming solo w/o an observer or a coach.  Got me some freestyle swimming videos, havent watched them yet...

2009-01-27 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1931784

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I know some of the boys are already cruising. Make sure you stay within your self and let the adaptation take place. Your pace work will pay off. If you would like I'll be available this Saturday in Lakeland at our team practice. You could come over and I can do some work with you in the pool. Let me know. Remember be careful when you are trying to sneak in the quick workouts, not much warm up/down time.

2009-01-27 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1930904

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Through college we ran outside everyday.  I don't remember one workout indoors.  So, we did up to 90 minute runs in temps well below zero.  We trained year round for XC and track and our indoor season started in January.  After you are warmed up, you don't notice it.  But it is absolutely imperative that you head out into the wind and return with it or you will turn into a sweatsicle.  You also have to have the proper gear.  No sense in cheaping out when it meant comfort or frost bite.  And guys, remember, everything is relative.  If any of you grew up here, this would be something you just accepted, nothing special.  If I grew up in FL, I certainly wouldn't be talking about training in subzero temps (except to say "you're crazy!"

Roy, the date for my 1st race this year is the first weekend of June.  That matches up with the 20 week plan I started last week.  There are two 5ks prior to that I will do, but they don't count.  This will be an Olympic length race with an open water swim on the Missouri River (water temp was 66 last year on race day).  I will be purchasing a wet suit for competing up here on the tundra.  You wear your tri suit underneath your wet suit and just remove the wet suit upon leaving the water correct? 


2009-01-28 6:26 AM
in reply to: #1931924

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Good Morning Steven,

You are right about it being relative to where you are. I'm very comfortable in working out in 90 degree temps. Great concept on running into the wind on the outward, and back in with the wind.  Makes a lot of sense.

Thanks for the date, you can use the 5k as training runs. If you feel like it I wouldn't rest for either, run em with tired legs and see how you do. You can maybe extend those two runs into 10ks as well. Run the event, however they are being timed, get something to drink and head out with an easy pace. I do it that way in the summer, we have a 5k series here, and a group of us will do another lap 5k around the lake.

At that water temp you might check and see if most are wearing the neoprene cap as well, I don't remember what they are really called. Cold water in the ears is unsettleing to some, casue nauseau and dizziness. Something you might to check in on. And yes your tri suit will be worn underneath the wetsuit. It will be wet when you get out of the wetsuit, the wetsuit will let in some water which is OK, when you get to looking at wetsuits it may take some sampling to get the right fit. Also since it is a river swim also you might want to find out if you are swimming with the current or against. With currents makes for some good swim times.

Thanks for the info on cold weather running.

 Have a great day.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-01-28 6:37 AM
2009-01-28 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1931814

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy: thx for the advise, I'm well aware of the risk, and believe me I am not interested in learning 1st hand, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, right?  Does this count in training as well?

2009-01-28 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1933081

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
If we are to stay true to the moto, do what you can when you can, then yes you get done what you can. If only we were full time triathletes LOL.
2009-01-28 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1931762

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


Regarding my breath timing, it seems like I was breathing on every stroke of the arm I was doing one-arm pulls with, or every stroke of the right arm if I was doing free drills.  I am learning to make sure that I exhale through the stroke so that I am ready to only breathe in (and not have to exhale first) when I rol my head to take a breath.

I have yet to count my actual strokes for each lap, but am trying to utilize the glide portion of each stroke, thus slowing down my exertion and heart rate, and I really noticed a difference.

I need to get some swim paddles (I am assuming those are the mitts with half fingers and small webbing I've seen?) to help with my technique, as I feel like I'm only about 50% efficient with the pull.

My body roll technique is coming along and it is weird how much of a difference that makes as you slide through the water.  And I am having to learn to train my weak (left) side such that it is as coordinated and efficient as my right side stroke.

Will hit the pool again tonight after work so will keep trying to improve technique.


2009-01-28 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1933232

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hi Mike,

Your comments are all good and show you awareness of your swimming. You commented on your right side dominance, this is typical of late in life swimmers. Don't worry to much about it unless you are just determined to bi-lateral breath. Breathing on every right/left side arm stroke is OK, you just have to watch out for having any pause in your stroke when you breathe. A pause means forward velocity slows each time you breath. Using a pull buoy when wanting to work on right/left breathing is helpful as well. It just helps stabilize the body until you get better balance and timing.

 You can use the glove type or the molded plastic paddles, these are what most people will use. There are several types to choose from, look for the ones that have a hand conforming shape to them. You are using the paddles as resistance, overuse of the shoulder muscle groups much the same as weight lifting does. But as I mentioned don't over do it, about 400 yards total is a good number. I also like to use them after the warm up and some initial distance sets when a little fatigue has begun. As you gain in strength especially in the triceps, you'll be able to complete the arm stroke more efficiently. Its amazing how difficult it is to push that final 15-20 inches of the stroke




2009-01-28 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1933318

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I taught myself last spring how to breathe over either shoulder, such that I could breathe every 3 strokes instead of 4, and I don't mind rotating either way now.  At first I thought it would help my speed to take fewer breaths, but what I am finding out is that what I might gain in speed I probably more than lose in O2 depletion, causing me to tire faster.

So, I've about decided that breathing every full stroke cycle (instead of every 1.5 or 2 cycles) is probably an OK place for me to be right now as I am trying to build endurance and stamina.


I'll find some paddles to work into my workouts.

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