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2005-04-01 12:07 PM
in reply to: #136679

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Renee - 2005-04-01 8:59 AM

ChuckyFinster - 2005-04-01 11:51 AM
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 8:41 AM You just gotta earn "yours".
 My wife's friend complained about her husband, "He's so romantic, he asked me if I had five minutes." 

Five minutes? The only sprint I want to do is a Sprint Tri.

You see, you SAY that, but you don't mean it. Otherwise, you'd be slipping viagra into your hubby's food.

2005-04-01 12:08 PM
in reply to: #136686

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
ChuckyFinster - 2005-04-01 10:07 AM
Renee - 2005-04-01 8:59 AM

ChuckyFinster - 2005-04-01 11:51 AM
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 8:41 AM You just gotta earn "yours".
 My wife's friend complained about her husband, "He's so romantic, he asked me if I had five minutes." 

Five minutes? The only sprint I want to do is a Sprint Tri.

You see, you SAY that, but you don't mean it. Otherwise, you'd be slipping viagra into your hubby's food.

Maybe her man doesn't need the viagra....

2005-04-01 12:12 PM
in reply to: #136686

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored
ChuckyFinster - 2005-04-01 12:07 PM You see, you SAY that, but you don't mean it. Otherwise, you'd be slipping viagra into your hubby's food.

Sweetie, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about.

  1. He didn't need viagra. He was a healthy boy. :-) Still is but not my husband anymore.
  2. Helps that he (and my subsequent BF) is almost 5 yrs younger than me. More health, stamina, etc.
  3. The reason I got into triathlon training is because I had too much time and energy on my hands. Training 6 days/week burns my excess energy and keeps me out of trouble.

Edited by Renee 2005-04-01 12:17 PM
2005-04-01 12:22 PM
in reply to: #136390

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
If I can take a moment to quote some of the immortal lines from the highly regarded film "Dumb and Dumber"...

Harry: So you got fired today?
Lloyd: Yeah, they always freak out when you leave the scene of an accident.
Harry: I lost my job today too.
Lloyd: Man, you are one pathetic loser. No offense.
Harry: Oh, none taken. But you know the thing that burns me though? I spent my entire life savings changing my van into a dog.
Lloyd: It's alright, Har. Chicks love it. It's a shaggin' wagon.

I have no idea what it has to do with the 'ole 5 minute rule, but somehow, it seemed appropriate.
2005-04-01 12:27 PM
in reply to: #136705

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Come on, Chuck, I thought we were being offensive here. I am so not offended. In fact, if I'm feeling anything, it's disappointment in you.
2005-04-01 12:30 PM
in reply to: #136715

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored

I think, pyschologically speaking, it's the same reaction as the boys had when the girls where talking about the uterus. Suddenly we had a massive peeing in the pool thread. In this case, we're suddenly talking Dumb & Dumber in reaction to our reaction to the 5minute thingy.

Know what I mean, Jelly Bean?

2005-04-01 12:33 PM
in reply to: #136719

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Yer smaaaart.
2005-04-01 12:36 PM
in reply to: #136723

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored

Nah, it's just my X chromosome at work.

"Research published last week in the journal Nature reveals that women are genetically more complex than scientists ever imagined, while men remain the simple creatures they appear.

"Alas," said one of the authors of the study, the Duke University genome expert Huntington Willard, "genetically speaking, if you've met one man, you've met them all. We are, I hate to say it, predictable. You can't say that about women. Men and women are farther apart than we ever knew. It's not Mars or Venus. It's Mars or Venus, Pluto, Jupiter and who knows what other planets."

Women are not only more different from men than we knew. Women are more different from each other than we knew - creatures of "infinite variety," as Shakespeare wrote." - NYTIMES

2005-04-01 12:47 PM
in reply to: #136715

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 9:27 AM

Come on, Chuck, I thought we were being offensive here. I am so not offended. In fact, if I'm feeling anything, it's disappointment in you.

oh, right right... what were we talking about again? PMS or the 5 minute rule. I like the 5 minute rule, so I'll go with that.

So here it is, you chicks complain that you want someone to "go the distance" but think about that. What does that really mean? You think simply in terms of "the act". But lets face it ladies, we started many many hours before that. When we lied to you and said you didn't look fat in that dress. When we kissed you and absorbed that friggin lipstick which ended up on the sleeve of our shirts. When we opened the car door. When we waited 1/2 hour to be seated at the local eatery. When we pulled your chair out, took your coat, said all the I love you's. When we gave the waiter crap for putting beans in the bean dip. When we paid $50 for a piece of chicken at a Sushi joint. When we took you to a movie that made you cry, but made us sleepy. When you held the $17 bag of popcorn like the gatekeeper to the dungeon. When you ate the $15 box of raisinettes and drank the last sip of the $47 dollar small soda. When you quized us on the movie after it finished (Woman: "Didn't you think Rick horrible in his treatment of Amy?" Man: "uhh, yeah!!!") as though we were paying attention. When we got home and you just wanted to "cuddle". We need to open up a $50 bottle of Syrah to loosen you up.

You see the point? To you, it's five minutes. But for us, all the effort leading up to climax was work. Those 4 hours of time spent plus another four hours of salary lost, you've netted eight hours and five minutes. Don't you feel selfish and cheap? err, expensive?
2005-04-01 12:48 PM
in reply to: #136729

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Renee - 2005-04-01 10:36 AM

Women are not only more different from men than we knew. Women are more different from each other than we knew - creatures of "infinite variety," as Shakespeare wrote.

I always said, the question isn't 'What do women want?' but 'What does this particular woman want?'

I was right. Of course.

Edited by kimj81 2005-04-01 12:48 PM
2005-04-01 12:53 PM
in reply to: #136742

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored

Chucky, are you saying you've never felt used by a woman? That's just... sad. I weep for you.

(Anyone know how to make a tear emoticon?)

2005-04-01 12:57 PM
in reply to: #136390

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
I'm just saying, those eight hours were foreplay. Expensive, often painful foreplay. Give credit where credit be due!

Edited by ChuckyFinster 2005-04-01 12:58 PM
2005-04-01 1:02 PM
in reply to: #136742

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored

Geez Chucky, you are not very efficient at the foreplay. A well-timed slap on the bum usually works for my boyfriend.... but then again, it lasts longer than 5 minutes....

Edited by kimj81 2005-04-01 1:05 PM
2005-04-01 1:06 PM
in reply to: #136759

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Psst, Kim, maybe he's just stalling for time.
2005-04-01 1:09 PM
in reply to: #136759

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 10:02 AM

Geez Chucky, you are not very efficient at the foreplay. A well-timed slap on the bum usually works for my boyfriend.... but then again, it lasts longer than 5 minutes....

I'll take that advice under consideration. I have a feeling I'll come back with more bruises.

Wifey: loading the dishwasher
Me: smacks wifey's behind...
Wifey: "What the hell is your problem."
Me: "uh, this chick on BT.com said that you'd be ready"
Wifey: "So you're talking to another woman!?!? What do you mean ready!?!?"
Me: "uh, are you PMSing?"
Wifey: throws dishwasher at me
2005-04-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #136767

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Oh. crap. I've got tears coming out of my eyes. Try laughing hard but not out loud. It will give you the hiccups.

Edited by Renee 2005-04-01 1:14 PM

2005-04-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #136767

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored

I SAID well-timed. YOU load the dishwasher and when she walks by, then do it.

2005-04-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #136773

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Renee - 2005-04-01 10:14 AM

Oh. crap. I've got tears coming out of my eyes. Try laughing hard but not out loud. It will give you the hiccups.

you see, I worked the whole PMS and 5 minute rule into the same post. Awesome.
2005-04-01 1:19 PM
in reply to: #136775

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored

Verrrry sexy, a man loading a dishwasher. Do it Chucky! Do it! Do it! (Don't forget to spiff up first).

2005-04-01 1:21 PM
in reply to: #136775

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 10:15 AM

I SAID well-timed. YOU load the dishwasher and when she walks by, then do it.

You see, it's always something. You ladies need to write down the rules and publish a manual. We don't want to be "sad clown".
2005-04-01 1:25 PM
in reply to: #136782

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
Renee - 2005-04-01 11:19 AM

Verrrry sexy, a man loading a dishwasher. Do it Chucky! Do it! Do it! (Don't forget to spiff up first).

You know what's even sexier? A man doing dishes... by hand... in the sink! And then cooking me dinner. And then getting me a beer.

Edited by kimj81 2005-04-01 1:25 PM

2005-04-01 1:29 PM
in reply to: #136785

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 10:25 AM

Renee - 2005-04-01 11:19 AM

Verrrry sexy, a man loading a dishwasher. Do it Chucky! Do it! Do it! (Don't forget to spiff up first).

You know what's even sexier? A man doing dishes... by hand... in the sink! And then cooking me dinner. And then getting me a beer.

Hell, how about a foot rub and pedicure? Maybe you'd like him to rent "The Notebook". Daub your tears with a silk hanky. Get you a blanky when your chilly. Wear a speedo with the elephant snout.

It never ends...

Edited by ChuckyFinster 2005-04-01 1:29 PM
2005-04-01 1:30 PM
in reply to: #136785

Subject: RE: I'm Bored

kimj81 - 2005-04-01 1:25 PM

...even sexier? A man doing dishes... by hand... in the sink! And then cooking me dinner. And then getting me a beer.

I find it easier to let the dog lick the plate clean and then just rinse it off.  Saves on electricity and water.  When I'm feeling really frugal I just dry my hands on the dog too.

As for the dinner and beer part, now that's just silly talk. 

Sorry to interupt.  Please continue...

2005-04-01 1:31 PM
in reply to: #136787

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: I'm Bored

Ok, you really wanna know the secret to getting your woman horny at the drop of a hat?









Last longer than 5 minutes.

2005-04-01 1:32 PM
in reply to: #136785

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Subject: RE: I'm Bored
kimj81 - 2005-04-01 1:25 PM
Renee - 2005-04-01 11:19 AM

Verrrry sexy, a man loading a dishwasher. Do it Chucky! Do it! Do it! (Don't forget to spiff up first).

You know what's even sexier? A man doing dishes... by hand... in the sink! And then cooking me dinner. And then getting me a beer.

... in his Chippendale outfit that he bought at the uhh novelty shop.

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