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2009-04-16 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2088135

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
El Flaco - 2009-04-16 7:51 AM

Your replies are why I love you! You are so thoughtful and always willing to encourage anybody.  The fellow mentees have no idea what they are getting in a mentor.  And yes I have had bad ones!

I'll second the motion - granted I had to print up your responses to read on the train ride in Tongue out - but they were awesome (I grew up in Maine, just be glad I didn't whip out the "wicked awesome").  I'll try to respond to them all later when I get a chance.  There was alot of food for thought!

2009-04-16 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2087969

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
losta - 2009-04-16 12:53 AM Hi! I'm new here. I am looking for a mentor. I am just starting to train for my first Tri sprint this coming August.
Should I give more info? Am I a good candidate to be a mentee?
But I don't have a cape ;-)

Welcome Losta!  I'm preparing for my first one too.  I noticed you are in the NY Metro area - so am I.  What race are you planning on doing in August?  I've signed up for the Ironclad in Glen Cove at the end of May and the Long Island Gold Coast at the end of June so far.  Once I see how those go, I'll figure out which ones I should do after that.

2009-04-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
is there still room for a Doggy who has lost his way??

I am Rudy, live in CT, race as a Clydesdale when i can. I started training last August and then did a micro and full sprint. This year so far i have run a 1/4 Mary and did a sprint Du. My first Tri is May 31 (sprint) and i have a few oly's planned also.
i have been working hard on my run and swim, but really need the weather to cooperate to get more time on the bike. I am also working on losing weight, i had started at 262lbs and am down to 232 or so, my goal will be 210 by years end.

Was wondering if you have room in your mentor group??

2009-04-16 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2088217

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hi Sulcus,
I have relatives in Douglaston. I live in white plains. My 1st tri will be Danskin SheROX in Philadelphia, PA August 2nd. I will write more later. I am on my elliptical as I write this.
2009-04-16 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2072951


Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hi Cat
I'm a first timer and am very nervous about starting the triathlons - but also very excited! My first triathlon is in 6 weeks time and is a sprint triathlon with an open water swim. My second is in July, I have a third in August and Im hoping to add maybe one more in July if my training goes to plan. I am a relatively strong swimmer, I try and ride most days but my weakness is running. I really need motivation and some tips for this. I keep putting off the running part of the training, which I know is really really bad!! I am determined to start focusing on this now as I am getting very worried about it as my first triathlon approaches. I would be really grateful if you could mentor me and help me out with tips etc to help me raise my fitness levels, tone up and lose and bit of weight and, most importantly, get through my first triathlon without embarassing myself or coming last!
2009-04-16 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Room for one more?

I have wanted to try a triathlon for years. I have finally bitten the bullet and signed up for a "My First Tri" on June 6th. So, I am going to go for it. (I have been running and swimming for a few years, but am nervous about the bike.)

Let me know if you are still accepting Mentees, and I will give you the scoop on me. (Abridged version: Fat, but pretty Athletic Beginner. in Atlanta.)


2009-04-16 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Wow, looks like we have some really cool newcomers since I left work yesterday. 

I think since we are all in SuperCat's group, that makes us all super

I have a question...what does niggle mean?  Love the word, but have no clue what it means


2009-04-16 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2087545

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

kaqphin - 2009-04-15 7:42 PM

crews - 2009-04-16 1:06 AM

I would have to go with swimming as my strength, running as my weakness, and biking as my new love.  Bought a new bike just last week, and it should be here in the next 3 days.  I am ecstatic! 

Looks like this is going to be a great group of folks 

Just a warning... cycling is REALLY addictive! Especially when the weather is good and yuo have a new toy - what did you buy?

Ive got a new bike coming too - Its in the shop waiting for me to finish paying it off... thats just killing me knowing I cant take it home yet!!!

What are you doing to work on your weakness running? Do you have a method you are using to help build it up? Are you using the run/walk method or something else?

I got a 2006 Giant TCR C3 with 105 components.  I'm excited.  My current bike is a Specialized Dolce which was an amazing bike to start with, but I'm ready for something a tad lighter

What did you get???

2009-04-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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State College, PA
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
I fear that I may be too late and this group might be full now, so let me whip out a request to join, then I'll send some info about myself in a few moments.

Cat - is there still room?
2009-04-16 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2072951

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State College, PA
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
OK, so here's a quick bio & update.  First, let me say that I hope there's still room, but Cat, I understand if there are just too many people for you to pay proper attention to.  Just let me know and I'll be on my merry way.  I like the composition of this group because there seems to be some very cool, interesting people all trying to learn around my same level as me and Cat's feedback that I have read so far has been tremendous (as well as the input from other members).

I started doing triathlon last Spring after coming off of a pretty bad shin splint incident in the Fall.  My doctor recommended that I ride bike more often to strengthen and even out my leg muscles in order to avoid re-injury.  Then, a friend suggested that swimming would help with the flexibility aspect.  And guess what?  I was now doing all three disciplines needed to do a triathlon!

My swimming was HORRIBLE, though.  I couldn't swim more than 25 yards without taking a 30 second breather.  I had such a hard time learning to breath properly and just couldn't get into any kind of rhythm whatsoever.  But, I kept trying.

The same friend who suggested the swimming invited me to do a sprint triathlon with her and some friends.  I laughed at the prospect, but she was persistent and I ended up training for the next 6 weeks and amazing myself by actually finishing without dying.  I ended up doing four sprints last year and had different and wonderful experiences at each one.  Seriously, I breast-stroked, back-stroked and dog-paddled my way through each swim, the longest being 1/2 mile, but I did finish.  I probably in the last group of about a dozen people after each swim, but ended up finishing the whole race usually somewhere between the half and top-1/3 overall.

My goals for this year are to beat all of my times for last year's sprints (shouldn't be too hard) and then to complete at least one Olympic and one HIM by the end of the season.  I'm not a competitive person when it comes to beating other people, but I like to see serious improvement in myself.

My biggest strength is by far running.  I don't run that often, but I have a pretty good base from the Army, so what I do has lasting effects on my abilities.  I try to run 3 times per week including one long trail run every Sunday (10 or so miles).

I also try to swim 3 times per week.  Lunch on Tuesday and Thursday and one time over the weekend.

Biking is the one sport that has been suffering.  I love to ride, but don't own a road bike yet.  I currently put my mountain bike up for sale to try to get a road bike.  Honestly, I just can't afford two bikes right now.  Keeping my fingers crossed!

Lastly, I'm coming off a pretty serious ankle sprain, but I'm hoping to be active again in the next week.  I'm finally going to try to swim tonight and see how that works out.  I have a half-marathon on the schedule for May 3rd and I'm hoping to be back up and running in time to finish without hurting myself.

I hope that wasn't too much info.  Didn't mean to ramble on.

I hope to join your group and maybe we can help each other out along the way!
2009-04-16 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

I've read through some of the thread and think this would be a good group for me.


Story:  I had a physical in September 2008 and, needless to say, results were not good:  weight - HIGH; blood pressure - HIGH; cholesterol - HIGH...  Doctor gave me six months to see if I could change my diet and lack of physical activity to lower the above and start getting into shape before prescribing meds; I told him round is a shape, and I'm smaller than an NFL lineman, but apparantely, he wasn't in the mood for jokes.  I started going back to the gym, hitting the stationary bike and hiring a personal trainer.  I dropped about 10 pounds and lowered my cholesterol by 20 points in about two months, but fell off the wagon right around Christmas due to Snow Bound Seattle 2008 (no plows, no salt and all hills with 10-12 inches of snow is NOT a good combination).  

In January, I stopped lurking here on BT and signed up for a mentor group and started the couch-to-5k program and continued with the stationary biking.  A bout with what I assumed to be shin splints in early February put me a week behind, but after starting back up with new shoes and no biking in February the shin splints were back and more sever after two weeks (this is when the stress fracture thoughts started so off to the doctor I went).  I was planning on doing the SeaFair Trathlon in Seattle in July as my first Triathlon, but the doctor put me on the shelf with severe shin splints (you can see my bone scans in my album, the bright white portion is where the healing process is occuring) and some overuse on the inside of the left knee.  I just started with a physical therapist and her, my PCP, and orthopedist all agree that no running should occur until the end of May.

My biggest hangup is early morning workouts - I set the alarm, but the snooze button is too convenient, so I'm thinking that joining a new Spring/Summer mentor group will increase my accountability and get me to haul arse out of bed and get to the gym for morning workouts.  I think I've found a cure for this in the May Guys vs Girls swim challenge, so look out Cat!

Family Status:  Single

Current Training:  Full body weight workout twice a week, performed in a circuit, so there is some cardio benefit to it as well.  In the process of adding one of the Sprint Distance plans w/o the run until the end of May.

2009 Races:  All up in the air now that I've been shut down from running.  Still hoping to do the SeaFair Tri in July and then sprinkle in some smaller local events and maybe destinations since I have family in Wisconsin and friends in California.

Weightloss:  I'm down about 15 lbs from the beginning of the year so far, but have a long way to go.  I'd like to get down to the 200-225 range, so I need to start focusing on my nutrition (hardest part since being from the Midwest my diet consists of red meat, beer, butter, and carbs) and getting back at the cardio workouts.

2009-04-16 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2087991

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Welcome everyone!  It looks like we have a great group forming.  A little word of warning to all my new teammates – a wall of text is coming your way in the next two posts.  



kaqphin - 2009-04-15 8:40 PM

Sulcus - 2009-04-16 10:31 AM Odd question and sorry to respond to myself - but when I follow through all the way in my swimming stroke, should I feel the water rushing over part of my leg?

It doesn't happen all the time but when I really concentrate on finishing my stroke, it seems to happen more.

Thats a new one to me - you might need to define it better... are you legs under the water like the are meant to be (just under near the surface) or are they up too high/sinking?

Which part of the leg is noticing it?

When yuo are focusing on finishing your stroke - Im assuming you are referring to good and entry and extending the arm forward for the catch...

Given my post count you are welcome to talk to yourself all you like!!!! Sorry Im late online today - I had a 9am meeting!

Seems to me like it might be good to kick thigns off talking about swimming in general anyway




Honestly, I’m going to have to pay more attention to it tomorrow night.  I’m pretty sure my legs are where they are supposed to be.  It just started happening as I focused on the whole thumb to thigh drill.  I had surgery for my rotator cuff and labrum about three years ago so I just wanted to be sure that I wasn’t “short arming” my swim stroke as an unconscious way to protect the shoulder.  It’s fine now but I held off having surgery for way too long so I have a tendency to do things to protect it without realizing I am.

Edited by Sulcus 2009-04-16 2:49 PM
2009-04-16 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

kaqphin - 2009-04-15 9:30 PM

Hi Shawn - I have a whole bunch to cover from your post so you might want to get a coffee while you read this!!!

Firstly - I know you are using a time based plan but are you making sure to vary the types of workouts you are doing and mix up your hard days and your easy days? For example if you are going to do a challenging ride one day dont follow it up with an interval run the next day... space out the hard workouts wherever possible.

Secondly - the 6 day a week thing. I actually find a lot of the time I function better on a 5 day a week training regime too... especially if Ive had a bit of down time. 5 days a week of training is PLENTY of time to get you ready for a sprint race so listen to yuor body. If right now it needs 2 days off every week or even every second week go for it!  Just make sure if you miss workouts they are in your strengths or weights workouts rather than what you consider you weakness

Thirdly - the run... I cannot say this loudly enough - BE CAREFUL! You have to be REALLY conservative when increasing run distance or time or frequency. Increase any of this too fast and you WILL get injured. To start with running 3 times a week is plenty and your run should including some walking too! I never liked it either but I do get a buzz when I finish a run session.

Also on the run... make sure you go to a REAL running shoe shop and get fitted with the right shoes. This is the single MOST IMPORTANT investment you can make on yuor long term training health and the strongest contribution you can make to staying injury free. The other MUST DO is stretching... dedicate time at the end of every workout (or every run workout as a minimum) to stretch out your body focusing on flutes, quads, hamstrings calves and achilles. If you are like me and succumb to aches/pains and niggles this will be a saving grace for your body.

I also use compression socks but there is no HARD evidence that they help just a personal feeling so if you want to try something like this... or even the dreaded ice baths that is entirely your choice.

Next up - your bike! The great thing about tris is its fine to ride any bike you have available - so your mountain bike will be perfect. Recommendations I have is to take it straight to a bike shop for a look over and service before you get one it. If yuo have a little bit of cash you can change the mountain bike tyres to slicks which will make the whole riding thing that little bit easier (and faster!) for a minimal investment. Once again talk to the shop and see what they recommend.

In terms of yoru swimming - keep with it! Are you doing drills? What are you strengths and weaknesses? (ie do your legs sink? Can you float on yuor back without sinking? etc)

Hope some of this helps!




It was all very helpful!


One of the reasons that I liked this plan and went for the silver membership is because it had some


First – the plan seems arranged around long versus short workouts.  The only interval training I have been asked to do so far has been in the pool and that was just this last week.  It has given me some drills to work on in the pool as well though.  Most of the time, it just asks you to go steady on a flat surface because, as a Couch to Sprint, I think it just wants you to finish by building up your base.  Maybe that will change in the month to come because I know I have some bricks on the horizon.


Second – I joined the challenge because when I would take the second day a week off, I was missing my bike routine too often.  That’s how you got stuck with me there and now here too!


Third – I hear you on the increasing run stuff slowly.  I just got over eager and decided I should ramp it up because I felt slow.  I soon realized the error of my way and think I’ve found the correct mix of running and walking for me to be comfortable (3 min run to 1 min walk).  My shoes were fitted a while go but when Mizuno created the new model of it, they changed some stuff so I had some problems there until I went back to the originals.


Compression socks are a real consideration for me since after very long workouts, my varicose veins start to ache (or at a minimum, itch) a little bit.  My doctor told me that it will go away as I get stronger but it would be nice to have a little help until I do.


My bike – I was VERY nervous about trotting into my first race with a mountain bike but everyone has made me feel better about it.  I had to make a deal with my better half that I would actually complete a couple of races before I considered getting a new bike.  She knows me too well!


I actually just got it back from the shop – they did a real nice job of cleaning and lubing everything up.  My only disappointment was that I asked what tire would be best for triathlon training on the roads around where I live and they gave me some sort of commuting tire.  Not the end of the world but a valuable lesson to do a little more research the next time I go since they don’t seem to be great on the triathlon end of things.


Swimming – my plan has some drills and seems to focus on one at a time and, in the last week, some interval work.


Thanks again for all of your helpful comments!

2009-04-16 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hi!  Is there still room in this group?  I just started training for my first tri.  It's a sprint triathlon on June 28th in Kure Beach, NC.  I'm looking for any and all support I can get because I have a tendency to start things and not finish them...I need to break that pattern and I really want to succeed in doing triathlons.  I've always been athletic, but just need a little extra push here and there.  Let me know if there is still room and any other info that you may need or be interested in

2009-04-16 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2087991

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
kaqphin - 2009-04-16 1:00 AM

patchadams - 2009-04-16 3:29 PM Hey sorry it took me so long to introduce myself. But lets see, im a senior in college getting ready to graduate and go off to UNC med next year. Im a pretty decent swimmer I think. The biggest problem is im recovering from knee injuries (ACL surgery a year ago and torn meniscus 3 months ago). So im having trouble working the rehab exercises ive been doing in with tri-specific training. So I would like a little help on that. My goals are to compete in a number of tris this season, Sprint and olympics for now, and hopefully finish respectfully (MOP, I guess). I guess ill be competing in the Clydesdale division because im 6'6- 210ish. Any help you could give me on workouts and whatever would be great. Thanks!! One more thing...ive always been a basketball player, but due to injuries I switched to Tri.


Welcome! It would be great to have a name so I know what to call you! Or will patch do?

Forgive me but Im going to ask a bunch of questions in here so just a warning! Im trying to get to know you better and where I can help.

When it comes to your knees Im guessing you have the all clear for swimming and riding from the doctor. What is the call on running? Are you able to do it/do you have guidelines on how to ease into it?

With your rehab exercises - how long do they take and how often do you have to do them? My suggestion would be (if they only take say 10-15 minutes) to roll them into another workout. For example if you have a ride first it will warm up your muscles and joints - then you can do your rehab work and have a stretch which would be a great way to get your workouts in. The same could work for a swim if yuor pool has a gym facility.

Have you picked/signed up for your first race yet? When is it? Having a timeframa/date that you are aiming for will be great in working out what/how much training you need to do and when.

Are you using a training plan from BT or elsewhere? If not what does your weekly training look like? What specific sessions are you doing in the pool, on the bike, running and strength/pt?

If you dont have your training worked out yet we can look at that together but just need to workout what time your realistically have to train and how much exercise you have been getting in the last month to work out where to go from here.

Sorry I ask a lot of questions!!!! Just trying to get to know you right now

Yeah, im all clear for swimming and biking as I choose. As far as running, they said to increase at most 10% each week, and im at 1.75 miles/workout. It feels really easy, but O well. My rehab exercises take about 20-25 minutes. So going for a 40 minute bike ride and then doing the exercises would be ok? I havent signed up for my first race yet...I probably should do that. Umm, ill usually do 2000 yds in the pool when i make it their, or ride for 30-40 minutse or run 1.75 miles, for now. Im also trying to workout my upper body once or twice a week.


Edited by patchadams 2009-04-16 3:42 PM
2009-04-16 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Hi Cat... can I jump in here? I've been intrigued by the mentor program, but haven't joined one yet. But I think I need something to kick me in the backside.

I've been doing tris for 5 years now. I go through phases where I'll stick with my training plan and see some gains and feel good, and then something will happen and life will get in the way and I drop off and start feeling bad again.

I'm in a "bad" phase right now, but am hoping that I've hit bottom and will start to bounce up again. For the most part, I know what I should be doing. I'm very good at making excuses. I need to get better at making stuff happen. I need some external motivation to get out there and do the training I know I need to do, and to make some better decisions food and life-wise.  

2008 races: are behind me. Seriously, 2008 was a bad year, race-wise. With all the wildfires and smoke in the air around here, we pretty much skipped most of our summer races.

2009 races:
first race of the season is on Sunday - a sprint tri. I'm kinda-sorta ready for it. I mean, I know I can do the distances. I don't expect to set any records, but I'll finish, and probably have fun doing it. 

I have a half-mary leg of a relay tri the first weekend in May. I'm totally NOT ready for that. But it's really too close to really do much about that now. I have a long-ish training run planned for next week. I really really really need to do the little runs, though. Those are the ones I seem to be skipping these days.

I have a 80 mile bike ride around Lake Tahoe for June. The longest ride I've done in the last couple of months has been < 40 miles. As soon as the May relay is out of the way, we'll start pushing up the riding mileage. But it's gonna be close. I think I need to schedule some private time with my bike trainer and some hard intervals, so the climbs don't totally kill me.

As for tris, I don't have any "A" races picked out yet. I'll do a couple of Olys over the summer, and a couple of sprints toward the end of the summer. If I can find more to do, I'll probably look into them.  We'll be missing the first Oly we usually do because of the bike ride.  Which I hope doesn't throw off my entire schedule.

Training/Race Goals: 
I don't really have any specific goals, which I think is part of the problem.

Weightloss Goals:
Man, I got on the scale this morning and was so disappointed to see 192.5, again. Just seeing that number on the screen in front of me right now makes me want to cry. I was 160 when I met Eric 6 years ago. I'm so frustrated with myself. I'm tired of the self-sabotage. Again, I know what I need to do. It's the doing that seems to be the challenge.  I think I need help just setting up a reasonable goal. I hate to think of myself turning 40 at the end of the year, and still being "fat." But saying I'll get back to 160 means losing 30+ pounds. And that's a lot to think of. Right now, I'd like to get below 190, and then 185, and then below 180.  And I think that would go a long long way toward helping me feel better, physically and emotionally.

So, anyway... that's where I am, and what I kinda hope to be going.

2009-04-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Okay, I just realized something and this may be a REALLY dumb question, but I think you'll find I specialize in those.  I am lefthanded and when I swim, I only breath to one side, my left, at the moment.  I just noticed that both races I signed up for go in a clockwise direction, so I will be looking out to the open ocean in both.

Can I assume that most races move in this direction and that I better work on bi-lateral breathing for sighting reasons?

I don't know why this just struck me but I am kind of glad that it did. 

(That's all of my spam for the day - take care everyone!)

2009-04-16 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2072951

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi all - welcome te newcomers... Im going to read all of your intros in full with my morning coffee when I get to the office but yes! There is room for you all!

Will leave the group open until then but I think then it will be time to close it up so we can all focus on training!

Catch you all in an hour or so... Im almost running late for work!

2009-04-16 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2072951

Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open
Okay, looks like y'all are still taking members, so here goes:

Name: Annie (or Dogwood, i answer to both)

Family Status:  Married to Todd, two kids 3 and 5. 

Current Training:  I am doing the Hal Higdon 8 week program, mostly because my friend is doing the same and it will just make it easier. I have been working out for a while, so shouldn't have too much trouble with it.

2008 Races: I did a 5K last spring and a Half Marathon last Thanksgiving. The Half Marathon makes me sound like a complete bad , which I am most definitely not. :-) However, it did give me a huge confidence boost to know that I can do anything i put my mind to.

2009 Goals:  I also am going to try my first sprint and then if I like it, i will sign up for another right after that. I have already signed up for a "My First Tri" here in atlanta for Jun 6th. Nothing says "get on the ball" like having already paid for the race. I like the idea of a non-threatening distance, so that I can just concentrate on being nervous about the transitions and set up.

Weightloss:  My other goal is to lose weight (I need to lose at least 40 pounds, and would love to lose more.) I am in good shape from a cardio standpoint, but I just LOVE food and drink a little much.I definitely feel that I could be a pretty good triathlete if I could get the darn weight off. Sounds like i am not alone in this group in wanting to lose weight, so that is reassuring and comforting. Let's do this!

Misc: I was born and raised here in Atlanta, except for a two year stint in Rochester NY. (Not many GA peaches can ice skate!) I went to the Univ. of GA (go Dawgs!), lived in Denver, CO for a while, then returned to Atlanta, met my husband, got hitched.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better and see everyone meet their goals!

2009-04-16 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2089944

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi Annie! Great to meet you!

I agree having put down cash for that first race really really helps you stick with it. Also telling people helps to - like your husband, so that they are on your side as you work towards your goal. I really like the look of the race you have chosen, looks like it is absolutely perfect, especialy for your first one

Really love that you have already done a half marathon! Thats fantastic!!!! Way to go! So we know you have the base fitness for your triathlon! How are you going with the cycling and the swimming?

I think a lot of this group want to loose weight so I think one of the first things we can do together is look at some strategies for eating well while still providing enough evenrgy to train. It can be quite hard to find the balance and I have personal experiences of getting it wrong in either direction not working!! (too little can be just as bad as too much!)

Great to meet you!


2009-04-16 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2089759

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Sulcus - 2009-04-17 7:06 AM

Okay, I just realized something and this may be a REALLY dumb question, but I think you'll find I specialize in those.  I am lefthanded and when I swim, I only breath to one side, my left, at the moment.  I just noticed that both races I signed up for go in a clockwise direction, so I will be looking out to the open ocean in both.

Can I assume that most races move in this direction and that I better work on bi-lateral breathing for sighting reasons?

I don't know why this just struck me but I am kind of glad that it did. 

(That's all of my spam for the day - take care everyone!)

Ok - yes knowing how to bilateral breath is a good idea. Why?

1 - It balances out your stroke and your body rotation - especially for newer swimmers who dont really know they are out o of balance!

2 - Being able to breathe on either side gives you the option of avoiding waves or other splashy swimmers in a race situation

However, everyone has a favourite side to breathe! Mine is my left too... although Im righthanded! And a lot of the best triathlon swimmers actually breathe mostly on one side too (rstocks3 here on BT is a great example - dude is a fish!) but know how to breathe on the other side when needed - which is what it comes down to. I can take a breath on either side if I want to without interupting my stroke.  

If you want to learn to breathe on your weak side there the side kicking drill is a GREAT place to start. Working on holding your body up on your weak side with good body position is MUCH harder than you would think!

If you want to learn to bilateral breath we can work out some workouts based on your current workouts - then its just time and practice!

Sighting is another kettle of fish... and something that requires practice too!

Edited by kaqphin 2009-04-16 6:02 PM

2009-04-16 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2089738

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

madkat - 2009-04-17 6:59 AM Hi Cat... can I jump in here? I've been intrigued by the mentor program, but haven't joined one yet. But I think I need something to kick me in the backside.

I've been doing tris for 5 years now. I go through phases where I'll stick with my training plan and see some gains and feel good, and then something will happen and life will get in the way and I drop off and start feeling bad again.

I'm in a "bad" phase right now, but am hoping that I've hit bottom and will start to bounce up again. For the most part, I know what I should be doing. I'm very good at making excuses. I need to get better at making stuff happen. I need some external motivation to get out there and do the training I know I need to do, and to make some better decisions food and life-wise.  

Hi Karen - absolutely. I know what the "bad" phases are like - everyone here Im sure has either been there or will experience it for themselves at some time. Its the bad stuff that allows you to appreciate the good stuff right?

As a starting point we probably need to find some small things for you to focus on - the ones that you enjoy and will get the most joy out of - what do you think?

Im thinking the first race on Saturday will give you a starting point/a benchmark so to speak of where you are at right now! So go out, enjoy it - maybe help out some nervous newbies before the race and treat it as a fun day out

Id also try and get in one 'longish' run this weekend if you can so that you at least have a little confidence for the relay race and remember walk/run is a great method for just keeping on so Im sure you will be fine.

On the bike 40 miles to 80 miles isnt too bad in a couple of months. A lot of people riding centuries stick their long rides around 50-60 miles for the most part so Im pretty confident you will be fine as long as you get some long rides as well as some hills (simulated on the trainer if need be) to get some strength in your legs between now and then!

For someone with no A races you already are pretty committed for the first half of the season!!!

As for the weightloss - with this being so many peoples goals right now (including mine) I think we will need to be really supportive of everyone so lets start with this: what has worked for yuo in the past? Are you a plan person or do you like to wing it? What foods are you most likely to give in to? (actually everyone trying to loose weight should answer these qs if you can because it really helps to identify what yuo need nutrition wise)

When I gained my weight when I was sick I know it took a HUGE toll on my general well beign and self esteem. Not being avle to exercise just made the whole thing worse. I was pretty depressed to be honest... thats why we need multiple goals to focus on when it comes to our body image, at least I do!

Things that could work as goals include:

- Loosing inches as well as weight

- Eating less processed food

- Drinking less sugary drinks: juices/cordials/soft drinks

- Less alcohol

Youll notice Im all about the 'less' not the none. If you love something taking it away is not that fun in the long run right? Just like I dont think you should try and eat food you arent much of a fan of as long as you are getting a balance not liking something like cabbage (I hate raw cabbage) is not the end of the world!

Then some goals around your as well so that any one of these goals achieved in a day/week/month means a victory:

- Time distance based goal for swim/bike/run

- Swim/Bike/Run 1 minute longer than last week

- Workout 4 times per week

- Stretch more

- Core work 2 times per week

To be honest the options are endless!!! The goal is not to hit this stuff every week but over time to see little improvements! It helps with the motivation - at least for me!

Getting below 190 pounds is a GREAT goal! What do you think needs to happen for you to get there? And is this realistic in the terms of something you can maintain longterm? Does it fit with yuor lifestyle?

As with everything this is just my thoughts so take what you need! I tend to overthink things so feel free to pick/chose and ignore/disagree dependant on what suits you!


Edited by kaqphin 2009-04-16 6:17 PM
2009-04-16 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2089568

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

peach5757 - 2009-04-17 5:50 AM Hi!  Is there still room in this group?  I just started training for my first tri.  It's a sprint triathlon on June 28th in Kure Beach, NC.  I'm looking for any and all support I can get because I have a tendency to start things and not finish them...I need to break that pattern and I really want to succeed in doing triathlons.  I've always been athletic, but just need a little extra push here and there.  Let me know if there is still room and any other info that you may need or be interested in


Hi Jess! Welcome to the group

I love that you already have your first race picked out as it makes things much easier.

Would love to know a little more about you such as:

- Who you are and what your life is like (family etc so we know what your time demands are)

- Are you using a tranining plan? If not what does your training currently look like?

- Do you have any weight loss goals?

- How are you going with the individual sports? Swim/Bike Run... and what are your strengths and weaknesses?

- Anything else you need help with in relation to the sport

At this stage Im still tryign to get to know everyone but please jump right in with the questions anytime!


2009-04-16 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2089696

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

patchadams - 2009-04-17 6:41 AM
kaqphin - 2009-04-16 1:00 AM

patchadams - 2009-04-16 3:29 PM Hey sorry it took me so long to introduce myself. But lets see, im a senior in college getting ready to graduate and go off to UNC med next year. Im a pretty decent swimmer I think. The biggest problem is im recovering from knee injuries (ACL surgery a year ago and torn meniscus 3 months ago). So im having trouble working the rehab exercises ive been doing in with tri-specific training. So I would like a little help on that. My goals are to compete in a number of tris this season, Sprint and olympics for now, and hopefully finish respectfully (MOP, I guess). I guess ill be competing in the Clydesdale division because im 6'6- 210ish. Any help you could give me on workouts and whatever would be great. Thanks!! One more thing...ive always been a basketball player, but due to injuries I switched to Tri.


Welcome! It would be great to have a name so I know what to call you! Or will patch do?

Forgive me but Im going to ask a bunch of questions in here so just a warning! Im trying to get to know you better and where I can help.

When it comes to your knees Im guessing you have the all clear for swimming and riding from the doctor. What is the call on running? Are you able to do it/do you have guidelines on how to ease into it?

With your rehab exercises - how long do they take and how often do you have to do them? My suggestion would be (if they only take say 10-15 minutes) to roll them into another workout. For example if you have a ride first it will warm up your muscles and joints - then you can do your rehab work and have a stretch which would be a great way to get your workouts in. The same could work for a swim if yuor pool has a gym facility.

Have you picked/signed up for your first race yet? When is it? Having a timeframa/date that you are aiming for will be great in working out what/how much training you need to do and when.

Are you using a training plan from BT or elsewhere? If not what does your weekly training look like? What specific sessions are you doing in the pool, on the bike, running and strength/pt?

If you dont have your training worked out yet we can look at that together but just need to workout what time your realistically have to train and how much exercise you have been getting in the last month to work out where to go from here.

Sorry I ask a lot of questions!!!! Just trying to get to know you right now

Yeah, im all clear for swimming and biking as I choose. As far as running, they said to increase at most 10% each week, and im at 1.75 miles/workout. It feels really easy, but O well. My rehab exercises take about 20-25 minutes. So going for a 40 minute bike ride and then doing the exercises would be ok? I havent signed up for my first race yet...I probably should do that. Umm, ill usually do 2000 yds in the pool when i make it their, or ride for 30-40 minutse or run 1.75 miles, for now. Im also trying to workout my upper body once or twice a week. Thanks!

Ok thats great news!!!

The 10% rule for running is a fabulous one and with your injuries i would definatley stick with it! I know its frustrating but reaggravating an old injury would be worse so take the lesser of two evils! Check with your doc but if you want to spend a bit more time on yout feet at some fast walking after the run of no more than the distance youve covered in the run workout. Its a great way to get used to the time on your feet without the imapct of running!

Definatley on the bike and PT exercises. Do them together back to back! That is exactly what I have always done with PT as the cardio acts as a warm up.

Signing up for your first race is a good idea. The reason being it gives you a date to aim for and then we can workout how to get you there

On your swim - sounds to me like you are swimming plenty! How are you structuring your workouts? Are you doing sets? A continuous swim? Drills etc?

Sounds like you have the beginnings of a good base week of training there so just keep easing into it and we will go from there. Let me know if yuo need any help with structuring the week or the workouts!

2009-04-16 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2089562

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Subject: RE: Super Cats Mentor Group - Open

Hi Shawn,

We meet again!

Dont worry about the commuting tyres - they are probably spot on for what you need given the type of bike you are riding. They will be less 'knobbly' and offer a bit less rolling resistance so you will go faster than with the old tyres! All good. Sounds like they probably recommended the best thing for your current bike '

You are right on the couch to sprint - it is very focused on getting the time in to be able to finish the race and that is all good. Stick with it but dont be afraid to look for other workout options if you need them or find yourself getting a little bored. Seems to me if you are someone that looses attention easily you will like a bit of variety in yuor training

Your running sounds spot on right now 3/1 is a great place to work with and if its working for you stick with it.

Keep on keeping on! You are doing great!

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