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2009-04-22 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
My race is outside of Hartford, CT.  I realized after I posted that I really should share a little more about myself.....

I am married and have a little dog, no kids yet.  I work full time and my job keeps me very busy.  I travel about 50% of the time, but training for a triathlon can really be done anywhere so I can still keep up with the training schedule.  I was very athletic in HS, went to college, got married, and now its 10 years out of HS and I am so out of shape.  My biggest concern is the run with the triathlon, as I enjoy biking and swimming.

I really just want to finish the triathlon, I am not so concerned with how long it takes me or what I place.  Losing a bit of weight along the way would be a benefit as well.  My husband is a runner and doing his first marathon this summer so we motivate each other, but I think this board will really help with my confidence and not feelling so alone in this journey.

2009-04-22 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey stef!  You still have room? Cool
2009-04-22 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey Andi!  Welcome aboard!! 

Brittany!  We've all been there - or are there right now.  Don't worry - the run will come and having a spouse who is also active is wonderful!!
2009-04-23 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
THE FREAK OUT HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED.  So my question today is about warming up before the swim in a race.  What do most of you do?
2009-04-23 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
I dont really warm up - I do arm circles and jump in place - but I don't swim.  Is it a sprint?  You will probably want to get wet if you have a suit - so maybe a little to get the feel of the water?  Going under completely is always a good idea - just to blow out bubbles and remind yourself that you're going to have a great time. 
2009-04-23 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
yes.. its a sprint.

2009-04-23 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Good question MHM in my couch to sprint triathlon program  it said warm up and had no clue what they ment. I just jumped in and swam and did the same thing with the biking. The running is still mostly walking so i didnt you could realy warm up for that.
2009-04-23 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2105333

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

I did my first sprint tri a few weeks ago with the swim in a pool. I got in the pool about 20 mins before the start of the race a did about 150m swim. I'm a new swimmer so I felt like I needed to get in and deal with the nerves before the race started. From my experience, I think getting the feel of the water before you start is a good idea.
2009-04-24 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Okay everyone!  The weekend is almost here! Any big plans?  We know Marie is racing her first tri this weekend!!  She's going to have an amazing time!!  Anyone else racing?  Or big training plans? 

I'm running a 5k on Sunday morning - hoping to set a new PR... I haven't been running fast lately - just running - so I'm hoping that I can hold the pace that I want.  (I didn't want to "train" for the 5k - I wanted to stay on track with my 1/2 training...)

Tonight is my 48k ride and then tomorrow is my rest day for this week! Whooohooooo!  I am actually riding a little tomorrow - we have a Meet & Greet for the Lung Association Ride.

Have a great day everyone!!

2009-04-24 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
The weekend is here .  The forecast for my race on Sunday is humid and WINDY (eek).  I have a feeling that I am most worried about the swim, but that the bike will e the biggest challenge for me because of hills and wind.  But my concern right now is about being safe and not causing wrecks etc because of my inexperience.  

Are there water stations on the bike portion?  Do people get off their bike ever?  If they do what is the protocol?  Because I'm slow, I'll be BOP'er and so I don't think there  will be a group around me.  I figure I'll be by myself most of the way.  My goals is to just to finish - hopefully not DFL.    I'll be glad to finish at whatever time but I hope to finish the swim in under 10 minutes, the bike in an under an hour and my run in under 35.  All of those are very realistic goals.  I am considering not running with a watch at all so I can just enjoy the race and go for it.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.  Nervous energy I guess! 
2009-04-24 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2083866

New user

Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

We finally are suppose to have some good weather this weekend...YEAH Cool!!!! 

I plan on getting  a run in outside tomorrow.  Since I am so weak at the run, I am at 15 minutes, then a walk, then another 15 minutes.  I am good at keeping my pace inside, so I am going to work on that outside.  Sunday I am going biking, probably will do 5 or 10 miles, I am trying not to start out too hard.  I know I could do more, but haven't had much outside time so want to start slow.

Good Luck Marie!!!

2009-04-24 10:25 AM
in reply to: #2107412

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
mhm09 - 2009-04-24 8:01 AM The weekend is here .   But my concern right now is about being safe and not causing wrecks etc because of my inexperience.  

Don't worry - just stay to the right and you'll be fine.  People will go around you.  Everyone who's passed me has given me lots of room - so don't worry about that. 

mhm09 - 2009-04-24 8:01 AM Are there water stations on the bike portion?  Do people get off their bike ever?  If they do what is the protocol?  Because I'm slow, I'll be BOP'er and so I don't think there  will be a group around me.  I figure I'll be by myself most of the way.  My goals is to just to finish - hopefully not DFL.    I'll be glad to finish at whatever time but I hope to finish the swim in under 10 minutes, the bike in an under an hour and my run in under 35.  All of those are very realistic goals.  I am considering not running with a watch at all so I can just enjoy the race and go for it.

I haven't ever had water stations on the bike in a sprint.  You probably have cages for water bottles right?  Just load those.  (I'm not a big drinker - so I rarely use much - plus too much liquid just sloshes in my stomach on the run...)

If you get off your bike - stay hard to the right and dismount to the right away from traffic.  You'll be running with so much energy you won't have to - you'll be fine!!!

I always forget to start my watch - or forget to mark splits.  *laughing*  I'm such a spaz on race day....

mhm09 - 2009-04-24 8:01 AM Thanks for reading my ramblings.  Nervous energy I guess! 

Nervous energy is totally okay!  You'll have a great time! I'm sure it starts early - so hopefully the wind hasn't picked up too much.  I hope you have nice weather!  Relax, have fun and enjoy!  We train so that we can race - but remember - it's an experience! Enjoy!
2009-04-24 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2107679

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
seghibs - 2009-04-24 9:38 AM

We finally are suppose to have some good weather this weekend...YEAH Cool!!!! 

I plan on getting  a run in outside tomorrow.  Since I am so weak at the run, I am at 15 minutes, then a walk, then another 15 minutes.  I am good at keeping my pace inside, so I am going to work on that outside.  Sunday I am going biking, probably will do 5 or 10 miles, I am trying not to start out too hard.  I know I could do more, but haven't had much outside time so want to start slow.

Good Luck Marie!!!

Yay!! Nice weather makes training SO much more fun!! *smiling*  It's important to recognize our weaknesses - it helps us work on them.  It is easier to keep pace with something that keeps you on track bike/treadmill/etc.  There are lots of toys you can invest in to help you outside as you learn how you ride/run...

I have a Nike+ for my iPod which tells me my pace.  It's not 100% accurate - but it was 25$ and is a lot cheaper than a Garmin... It does enough for me... Plus it's fun to play with.  You can get a speedometer with cadence that tells you your RPMs on the bike - so you know where you're at.

However, the more you do - the better you know yourself.  Plus - if you start slow you're less likely to overdo it and then not want to go out again.... being successful is motivating!

Enjoy your workouts!!
2009-04-24 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2107270

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey Guys

I'm running the Derby Mini Marathon (13.1) on Saturday. Looking forward to the sunshine and warm weather. Good luck Stef on your 5k and Marie just enjoy the race. Trust me when I say you will not be the only newbie doing the sprint tri. I was in your shoes just a month ago and I got passed a lot in the pool. I was one of those hanging on to the wall but not the only one. I finally made it out of the pool and was so pumped just to make it out that I did better on the bike and run than expected.

2009-04-24 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2108294

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Carrie!  Good luck in your race!!  I'm glad you've got nice weather too!!  Let us know how it goes!!

2009-04-24 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Good Luck Carrie

2009-04-25 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
It's Saturday - it's sunny and beautiful here in Southern Ontario.  Last night I tangled with a pair of dogs on the bike and lost - so I'm suffering a little from the crash.  The bike seems to be A-Okay with the exception of the handlebar tape.  I haven't checked my shoes yet - but I didn't like them anyway - so it's an excellent excuse for a new pair! 

I'm hoping that I'll still be able to run tomorrow- although I might not be racing....

Good luck with workouts/races/fun this weekend and keep us all posted on how you're doing!!!
2009-04-25 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2083866

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
I hope that you are feeling okay today after your crash Stef! I know that jaw clenching experience as I think "God please keep that dog in its yard" as I run or bike by, I'm so sorry that this happened... I'm Thinkin positive and good thoughts for all the members racing today!
How exciting! let us know how everything goes please?please? nervous energy for you all and P.B's wishes!
Have an awesome day, we are off to the foothills. I got a new Specialized road bike yesterday as an early B-day gift. I rode around the block with it but that is all so far. I am getting used to using clips on my Mtn Bike so I'm hoping the tranisition to the road bike will be an easy one. That one leg balancing as you flip your other leg over the seat will be my goal to achieve someday lol...
I'm getting myself geared up for commiting to the olympic distance tri now. It will be possible to do the distance with my new bike. I will be slow but maybe I wouldn't be last in my age group...I think I could finish! So that is the positive self talk I'm engaged with today, lol, hugs,
2009-04-25 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2109720

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
kerilynn - 2009-04-25 11:32 AM
Have an awesome day, we are off to the foothills. I got a new Specialized road bike yesterday as an early B-day gift. I rode around the block with it but that is all so far. I am getting used to using clips on my Mtn Bike so I'm hoping the tranisition to the road bike will be an easy one.

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO exciting!!!!!  Wow!!!  Enjoy your ride!

kerilynn - 2009-04-25 11:32 AM
That one leg balancing as you flip your other leg over the seat will be my goal to achieve someday lol...

Okay - let me know when you get this one!! I've always been jealous of that move.  I grew up doing the fancy kick your right leg over the horse and drop down with your back to the saddle when I was riding - but I've never mastered that spectacular one leg dismount on a bike!

kerilynn - 2009-04-25 11:32 AM 
I'm getting myself geared up for commiting to the olympic distance tri now. It will be possible to do the distance with my new bike. I will be slow but maybe I wouldn't be last in my age group...I think I could finish! So that is the positive self talk I'm engaged with today, lol, hugs,

Excellent!! Positive self-talk is important!  We are our own best cheerleaders!!!  You'll definitely be able to do it and setting a goal to complete one is excellent!!  Whooohoooo!!

I'm better - I'm sore and feeling just a little sorry for myself - but I'll be okay.  I'm going to run tomorrow - my brother broke his toe - so he's out ... but I'll go and just jog it anyway - it will be fun and it's for a great cause!
2009-04-25 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Good luck to everyone who is racng this weekend. MHM let me know how your first race went. My first race still coming but in July. Saturday is my day off so im relaxing on the couch perfect. Tomorrow i swim and walk maybe start running a little im on the couch potato plan to sprint triathlon. And its raining pooring here. I'm still near the couch potato s a work in progress
2009-04-25 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2083866

New user

Hartford, CT
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Stef - glad to hear you are feeling okay.

It was a beautiful day here in CT.  I did my 15 minute run today, without stopping.  First time I have done it without stopping!!  Maybe I will be able to do this run part after all.  Tomorrow its my bike ride, and I am looking forward to that b/c I enjoy biking so much.

I hope everyone did well in their races today!! 

2009-04-25 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2109478

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Hey Stef,

Glad to hear you survived the run in with the dogs. Hope your body heals quickly for your run tomorrow. I love dogs but hate when they mess with me and my bike. I live in a rural area so I have plenty of experience fighting off dogs.


2009-04-25 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2110324

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Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL

Good job on your run! Yes, you will be able to do the run part. As you extend your run time you will feel yourself getting stronger. Keep up the good work!
2009-04-26 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2083866

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Hey everyone!!  I had a GREAT race this morning!!! I won overall for the ladies - which was amazing!! Except that there were no awards for the 5k.... *bummer*  I also went under 25 minutes for my 5k which was awesome! I'm SO pleased!!

I talked to animal control - but unless I file a formal complaint nothing can be done - and if I do - then they will know who I am.  I'm really torn....  At least animal control has seen the damage and they did say they would stop out if I didn't file a complaint.

So I'm going to enjoy my sunny, warm afternoon and relax!!  Waiting for race reports from everyone else who was out today!!!

Enjoy the weekend!!!
2009-04-26 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2083866

Subject: RE: Stef's Peer-Support Group - FULL
Congrats sound like you did awesome. Seems like your run with dogs allright then lol. Keep going your doing awesome.
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