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2009-12-17 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2563921

Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
The weight lost was mostly from following weight watchers. I am not to strict at following the plan. I stoped beating myself up for going off plan a few years ago and am much happyer for it.
I am hoping santa brings me a trainer for Christmas till then I am using the stationary bikes at the gym. I have spin class at the Y two mornings a week and one class with the multi sport group.  Starting Jan 11 there is also a Driland training once a week that will incoporate biking running and strength I think.

I swim with the masters swim club twice a week and try to add another swim in work schedual permiting. I am still in the slow lane but I am increasing my distance.

I have been running with the running room for three and a half years now we meet three times a week for steady runs hills and speed work. all gearing towards a certain race. The next one is the hypothermic half, in Feb.
I also run during my lunch hours weather permiting. It has to be pretty bad to not run. -25 is the cut off for solo runs.

My HIM is Aug 1 and I can do two or three olympic's before then. I know it is going to be tough, I just want to finnish and not get timed out. I need to learn pacing in the swim and bike portion of the race. 

looking forward to working with everyone just think of me as the mother hen of the group 

2009-12-17 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2563353

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
No problem not having a plan.  I am going to attach 20 week outline to prep for a sprint triathlon.  If you have a question about the format or HR zones in red let me know. 
2009-12-17 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2564217

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Sounds like you have most of your bases covered for the winter.  That's a good thing.  Will Santa bring you some Spinervals training DVDs with your trainer? 
2009-12-17 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2563666

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Glad your swimming is coming along and getting stronger and faster is always a goal for me in the water.  I know you swim alone, but do you have the capability to have someone videotape your stroke?  I know that might sound strange, but if you can videotape and actually watch your stroke you'll be able to see what you are doing right or wrong.  That might make you more efficient.   Also, a one day swim clinic might help as well.  Those are usually low cost and you get a lot out of the session.  I try and do two a year.  One pre-season and one in the summer to make sure I am on track. 

Once you get your base miles on your bike you should really look at the intervals.  You get a much better workout and build stamina during intervals.  My favorite is the "Power Intervals" DVD by Chris Carmichael.  By doing that winter workout twice a week last year I cut my bike time in my last 1/2 IM by 13:00 min.  Plus, it makes the time go by faster than watching a movie on the trainer. 
2009-12-17 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2562887

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open

irondg - 2009-12-16 3:38 PM Hey Joe,
Great to have you.   I have several friends that have done that 70.3 and loved it.  It looks like a great race.  Burnout is great concern to have.  If we stick with the periodization that might help you stay away from it.  I can help you with swimming (I think).  Do you swim with a group or on your own?  For me, swiming with a group of stronger swimmers makes me better.  I'm too competitve to let my wife (state swimmer in school) beat me!  Define "decent" biking and running for me.  What were some of your average splits for the races you've done?  If you can remember, how did you feel after each race during your first year?  Were you burnt out and trashed at the end we can work on that as well. 

I swim mostly on my own, following a plan (I signed up for BT in Oct and have been on the no-fluff winter mainanance plan) for the workout sets.  Once or twice a month I try to go to a tri swim class put on by a local triathlete coach/swim guru.  I've also done an underwater video session.  I think I've corrected a lot of issues with that.  My next goal is to feel comfortable breathing to both sides (I only feel good to my right now).  The plan has called for around 10,000 yds some weeks, and my right shoulder started bothering me, but now the plan's swimming lessened (though I'm still trying to do extra) and its gotten better.  My critical pace from the tri-coach's method (slope of 100, 200, 500 times) is 1:34 min/100 yds and my last 1000yd TT split was actually the same.

"Decent" running/biking...I have all my splits in my race logs, so its probably easiest to see them there rather than copy and paste them all here.  Cascade lake, Tri-to-win were hilly bike/run, Brierman was VERY hilly bike and run.  In my last two races I had bad cramping issues in my quads on the run...definitely a limiting factor and something I REALLY need to figure out.  I don't think its a nutrition/electrolyte/hydration issue but possibly poor positioning on my bike (added aero bars to my road my midway through the season...these were the longest bike to runs I've done with them).  I'm thinking about a pro-fit, but wondering if its worth the $300 from my LBS since its on a road bike, not a tri bike.  Here's a question: if I uploaded video of me on my trainer on my bike, could you be able to critique my position?  I know its not optimal or even a very good method, but anything would help I think.  I just got a fast forward seat post, so I'm hoping I can now really hit a decent tri position.

I've never run out of energy during a race, or felt totally wiped at the end, though I haven't done anything longer than the "mid lite 50".  My plan this season was a bunch of sprints to get a feel/get comfortable then go up to olympic and the 50 to end the season, then do next season with mostly oly/HIM, with some sprints for fun/early season warmup.

2009-12-17 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2562043

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
irondg - 2009-12-16 11:01 AM It looks like Keely and Joe are both doing the Celtic Solstice 5k this weekend!!  Good luck.  Please post results and thoughts pre and post race. 

We're going to have a great group! 

hey now, don't sell us short! Its 5 miles, not 5k.  And the forcast is for freezing temps and up to a foot of snowfall...good conditions for a race!

2009-12-17 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2564725

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
jsiegs - 2009-12-17 12:39 PM

irondg - 2009-12-16 3:38 PM Hey Joe,
Great to have you.   I have several friends that have done that 70.3 and loved it.  It looks like a great race.  Burnout is great concern to have.  If we stick with the periodization that might help you stay away from it.  I can help you with swimming (I think).  Do you swim with a group or on your own?  For me, swiming with a group of stronger swimmers makes me better.  I'm too competitve to let my wife (state swimmer in school) beat me!  Define "decent" biking and running for me.  What were some of your average splits for the races you've done?  If you can remember, how did you feel after each race during your first year?  Were you burnt out and trashed at the end we can work on that as well. 

I swim mostly on my own, following a plan (I signed up for BT in Oct and have been on the no-fluff winter mainanance plan) for the workout sets.  Once or twice a month I try to go to a tri swim class put on by a local triathlete coach/swim guru.  I've also done an underwater video session.  I think I've corrected a lot of issues with that.  My next goal is to feel comfortable breathing to both sides (I only feel good to my right now).  The plan has called for around 10,000 yds some weeks, and my right shoulder started bothering me, but now the plan's swimming lessened (though I'm still trying to do extra) and its gotten better.  My critical pace from the tri-coach's method (slope of 100, 200, 500 times) is 1:34 min/100 yds and my last 1000yd TT split was actually the same.

"Decent" running/biking...I have all my splits in my race logs, so its probably easiest to see them there rather than copy and paste them all here.  Cascade lake, Tri-to-win were hilly bike/run, Brierman was VERY hilly bike and run.  In my last two races I had bad cramping issues in my quads on the run...definitely a limiting factor and something I REALLY need to figure out.  I don't think its a nutrition/electrolyte/hydration issue but possibly poor positioning on my bike (added aero bars to my road my midway through the season...these were the longest bike to runs I've done with them).  I'm thinking about a pro-fit, but wondering if its worth the $300 from my LBS since its on a road bike, not a tri bike.  Here's a question: if I uploaded video of me on my trainer on my bike, could you be able to critique my position?  I know its not optimal or even a very good method, but anything would help I think.  I just got a fast forward seat post, so I'm hoping I can now really hit a decent tri position.

I've never run out of energy during a race, or felt totally wiped at the end, though I haven't done anything longer than the "mid lite 50".  My plan this season was a bunch of sprints to get a feel/get comfortable then go up to olympic and the 50 to end the season, then do next season with mostly oly/HIM, with some sprints for fun/early season warmup.

  If it's not nutrition or hydration cramping or any type of twinge or pain coming off the bike is usually caused by a poor bike fit (or no fit at all).  I suffered through that for two seasons before I got a fit.  I've had the non-tech  $75.00 and a laser $375.00.  The laser was the best of course.  I only did that one because I got it "free" when I bought my Cervelo last year.  Videotape your bike position from all sides.  Not only will I look at it and give you some feedback, I have a good friend that is a professional cyclist (Rides for Team Blue) and I will have him look at it as well.  Too easy. 
2009-12-17 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2564737

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
jsiegs - 2009-12-17 12:45 PM
irondg - 2009-12-16 11:01 AM It looks like Keely and Joe are both doing the Celtic Solstice 5k this weekend!!  Good luck.  Please post results and thoughts pre and post race. 

We're going to have a great group! 

hey now, don't sell us short! Its 5 miles, not 5k.  And the forcast is for freezing temps and up to a foot of snowfall...good conditions for a race!
So sorry about that - 5 MILES.  GOOD LUCK with 5 MILES and post up results! 
2009-12-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!

Hi!  I'm Kate.  Damon let me join late.  I'm so glad b/c I think this is the right group for me.  Here is my info. 

NAME: Kate

STORY: I am a former Div 3 College Basketball player (5’11) that let my weight get out of control after college and babies.  I hurt my back a few years ago and realized I need to take control of my health.  That year I ran a marathon and tackled my first sprint triathlon.  I really liked it but was intimidated due to my weight and poor swimming abilities.  This year I started training more seriously, started swim lessons and bought a road bike.  I’m officially hooked. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 10 yrs, 2 children ages 6 and 4.  My husband is supportive and goes on the long bike rides with me. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Using the BT HIM training program.  I’m having a rough time meeting my times because of my work and family schedules. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): I will need help filling in my schedule.  I can race year round here in Arizona.  I tend to over schedule.  I could race almost every weekend if I wanted to. 

  • Rock ‘n Roll Full or Half Mary – January (leaning toward half, b/c not feeling ready)
  • Cal 70.3 – March
  • Tour de Phoenix (70 mile ride) – April
  • Nathan’s OLY – September
  • Splash ‘n Dash races until IM
  • Soma HIM – October
  • IMAZ - November 

2009 RACES:  4 Sprints, 1 OLY, 1 Half Mary, 1 ten mile run, several 5ks

WEIGHTLOSS: I started this process at 206.  I am now jumping around between 190 and 192 the past few weeks.  I’d really like to get down to about 170 or 165.  I think that would be a healthy weight for me.  I started logging my calories and have realized I might be taking in too many calories to lose weight.  Based on the first couple of weeks, I am going to change my calorie goal to 1750. 

WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR:  I’m looking for a mentor to help give me guidance and help me train more efficiently.  I am overwhelmed by all the information but I want to learn it.  I am clueless about Heart Rate training and cadence specifically and I think knowing more about these two things will help me.  I want people to give me feedback on my work outs.  I think I’m doing pretty decently but I could use a little structure. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I a competitive person.  I like to excel in things but I can handle it if I finish at the back of the back.  This sport is a competition with myself at this point.  I have finished last in a race and I can handle that.  (I know I am a little out of my league.  Arizona is home to some serious tri gods and goddesses) I am coachable and hard working. 

2009-12-17 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2564756

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
irondg - 2009-12-17 12:52 PM  If it's not nutrition or hydration cramping or any type of twinge or pain coming off the bike is usually caused by a poor bike fit (or no fit at all).  I suffered through that for two seasons before I got a fit.  I've had the non-tech  $75.00 and a laser $375.00.  The laser was the best of course.  I only did that one because I got it "free" when I bought my Cervelo last year.  Videotape your bike position from all sides.  Not only will I look at it and give you some feedback, I have a good friend that is a professional cyclist (Rides for Team Blue) and I will have him look at it as well.  Too easy. 

That would be awesome.  I just shipped my bike back from Yuma (cheaper than baggage fees) and should have it tuesday next week.  I'll try to get you some video then.

Haha, and no worries on the 5 miles/kilo...just giving you a hard time.
2009-12-17 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2564804

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
jsiegs - 2009-12-17 1:10 PM
irondg - 2009-12-17 12:52 PM  If it's not nutrition or hydration cramping or any type of twinge or pain coming off the bike is usually caused by a poor bike fit (or no fit at all).  I suffered through that for two seasons before I got a fit.  I've had the non-tech  $75.00 and a laser $375.00.  The laser was the best of course.  I only did that one because I got it "free" when I bought my Cervelo last year.  Videotape your bike position from all sides.  Not only will I look at it and give you some feedback, I have a good friend that is a professional cyclist (Rides for Team Blue) and I will have him look at it as well.  Too easy. 

That would be awesome.  I just shipped my bike back from Yuma (cheaper than baggage fees) and should have it tuesday next week.  I'll try to get you some video then.

Haha, and no worries on the 5 miles/kilo...just giving you a hard time.

Awesome, just shoot it to me when you can.  I actually felt bad.  I hate getting short changed!  Thanks

2009-12-17 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2564761

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
~ AZ Sunshine ~ - 2009-12-17 12:54 PM

Hi!  I'm Kate.  Damon let me join late.  I'm so glad b/c I think this is the right group for me.  Here is my info. 

NAME: Kate

STORY: I am a former Div 3 College Basketball player (5’11) that let my weight get out of control after college and babies.  I hurt my back a few years ago and realized I need to take control of my health.  That year I ran a marathon and tackled my first sprint triathlon.  I really liked it but was intimidated due to my weight and poor swimming abilities.  This year I started training more seriously, started swim lessons and bought a road bike.  I’m officially hooked. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 10 yrs, 2 children ages 6 and 4.  My husband is supportive and goes on the long bike rides with me. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Using the BT HIM training program.  I’m having a rough time meeting my times because of my work and family schedules. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): I will need help filling in my schedule.  I can race year round here in Arizona.  I tend to over schedule.  I could race almost every weekend if I wanted to. 

  • Rock ‘n Roll Full or Half Mary – January (leaning toward half, b/c not feeling ready)
  • Cal 70.3 – March
  • Tour de Phoenix (70 mile ride) – April
  • Nathan’s OLY – September
  • Splash ‘n Dash races until IM
  • Soma HIM – October
  • IMAZ - November 

2009 RACES:  4 Sprints, 1 OLY, 1 Half Mary, 1 ten mile run, several 5ks

WEIGHTLOSS: I started this process at 206.  I am now jumping around between 190 and 192 the past few weeks.  I’d really like to get down to about 170 or 165.  I think that would be a healthy weight for me.  I started logging my calories and have realized I might be taking in too many calories to lose weight.  Based on the first couple of weeks, I am going to change my calorie goal to 1750. 

WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR:  I’m looking for a mentor to help give me guidance and help me train more efficiently.  I am overwhelmed by all the information but I want to learn it.  I am clueless about Heart Rate training and cadence specifically and I think knowing more about these two things will help me.  I want people to give me feedback on my work outs.  I think I’m doing pretty decently but I could use a little structure. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I a competitive person.  I like to excel in things but I can handle it if I finish at the back of the back.  This sport is a competition with myself at this point.  I have finished last in a race and I can handle that.  (I know I am a little out of my league.  Arizona is home to some serious tri gods and goddesses) I am coachable and hard working. 

Welcome.  Glad you hit me up.  You picked two really good "A" races for this year.  Have you thought about any specific time goals for Cal 70.3 and IMAZ or do you just want to finish?  I will post some Heart Rate training information over the next couple of days.  I am trying not to overwhelm folks with too much information as we get rolling.  Keep updating your logs they look great.  Don't worry about the stress of meeting the BT training plans.  I think they are pretty aggressive and unless we are all making money racing, they don't fit into work, kids, sports, life, spouses schedules the right way.  We'll get you ready don't you worry.  And don't put additional stress on the family (speaking from experience here) about missing workouts.  Quality vs quantity.  That's where knowing your HR zones and training your body to work them will help you succeed no matter what your goals are.  I remember my first consultation with my coach.  She's a pro.  I asked her "what type of bike do I need to get"  she replied "a bike".  I went on "no really, what type of tri-bike should I get"  Again, "a bike".  She continued "as long as your body is trained to keep your HR in zones you can finish a half IM sub 4:50 on a Huffy Sport"  She was right!  All except the Huffypart. 

Edited by irondg 2009-12-17 12:52 PM
2009-12-17 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Thanks for the welcome.  I'm excited.  I do have a quick question.  In anticipation of Heart Rate training, what type of monitor should I get?  Does it matter?  My sister-in-law recommended a polar.  I think I still have time to put it on my Christmas list. 
2009-12-17 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2565008

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Falls Church VA
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
I was also going to ask about recommended heart rate monitors.
2009-12-17 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2565008

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
~ AZ Sunshine ~ - 2009-12-17 2:16 PM Thanks for the welcome.  I'm excited.  I do have a quick question.  In anticipation of Heart Rate training, what type of monitor should I get?  Does it matter?  My sister-in-law recommended a polar.  I think I still have time to put it on my Christmas list. 

Fantastic question.  There are SOOOO many different types of Heart Rate Monitors and companies out there.  I can only speak from my experience.  Questions to ask yourself before you go looking.  What do you want your monitor to do?  Do you just want it to measure your hr and that's all?  Do you want it to track calories burned, have lap options for intervals, interface with a GPS, link to your computer for tracking and the list goes on and on and on. 
HR monitors range in price from about $35.00 - $450.00.  My wife only wants to track her heart rate and total race time so she has a pretty inexpensive, but duralbe Nike HRM.  She's had it for two years with no problems. 
I have had both Polar and Timex.  Both solid, solid products.  I have trained and raced the Timex Body Link monitor for the last two years.  I have the ability to track laps, intervals, HR, estimated finish time, race/training recall so I can log results and a GPS that tracks MPH and distance so I can log actual miles.  Also, it has a bike mounting system so I don't have to buy a bike computer. 
Polar has about 40 products on the market and they are all SOLID!  If you want to spend some cash the Garmin is the way to go.  Garmin is strong, solid and you can pretty much upload any information to a training log automatically.  You've seen the Garmin upload option on your BT Training Logs.    I've had middle of the road to high end Polars and had no issues.  I switched to Timex because my coach got me a 40% discount.  That's the only reason. 
The one drawback of the Timex is that I use it so much that I have to replace the battery on the chest strap at least once every other month.  I never replaced a battery in a Polar.  Polar, Timex or Garmin would be my go to companies to look at.  Hope that helps. 

Edited by irondg 2009-12-17 1:44 PM
2009-12-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2565025

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
vibratingp00 - 2009-12-17 2:21 PMI was also going to ask about recommended heart rate monitors.
FWIW I have a garmin 310xt and love it. GPS integration is awesome. For a lot less $$ the 305 does almost as much, but was missing a few key features of the 310xt I really wanted. Either can go from bike to run (or swim, with caveats) in a snap. There are a bunch of threads on this site comparing them both. If you just want hr data a polar would probably do that better but I don't have much experience with them. The garmin upload is wicked easy though their software for analyzing data leaves a little to be desired. They have been improving consistently though and it's becoming a much more robust. There is 3rd party alalyzing software too. BT natively accepts garmin uploads too, which is really nice.

2009-12-17 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2557130

Outside B'more
Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
WHOO HOO!! A foot of snow for a 5 mile run Saturday morning!! I've been saying I think I might show up and when the gun goes off head over to the table for some Spiced Wassail..LOL. But I'll give it a try!

Kate!! Glad to see you on here too!! YAY!! We can keep tabs on each other in both forums!!

I haven't checked on a Master's Swim program around here, think I'm a little intimidated by them since I'm horrifically slow. But I guess I should Man Up and check it out to improve my stroke and distance!

Eagleman is June 13th. Irongirl isn't until the end of August. I'll be looking for a sprint to do about a month to 6 weeks out from Eagleman as a warm up. That's the big race for me next year..everything else is after Eagleman and kind of like the cigarette after sex...sorry, was that ok?? LOL

I uploaded a training program into my log but I haven't been following it so you see the "Actual" is way sub-par the "Planned"...I'll start working on it.

I lost my first 50 pounds doing Weight Watchers also but really need to get back on the band wagon before my training gets too intense to try to lose a bit more just for comfort...well and speed because I know those 20 pounds will make me "Wicked sharp" in my trisuit!

Note - Anytime I say "wicked" anything I'm usually hyper, nervous, excited or whatever and my New England accent starts ripping through....I think Joe would agree with me there!
2009-12-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2562909

Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Hi Damon

Over summer, a colleague from work introduced me to road bike.  We were doing 20 mile loops and really got into it.  But work and my half mary training came in the way and I was not very consistent.  Then it just started to get dark and I did not want to go out by myself as he was no longer able to guide me.

That's where I really started to look into TRI as I enjoyed the scenary and was a fresh change to only running.

I have a trainer at home and that's where I do my rides.  I own a GIANT entry level road bike and just recently bought the clips (have not actually fallen since all training has been indoors!)

I swim by myself and will try to get some lessons Q1 2010 for technique improvement.  I am focusing on the swim because the sprint I chose is 750m in a lake!  I am also familiar with the different types of training (speed/tempo/long) and I guess this also goes for TRI, so here goes the first set of questions.  You said spinnervals were the best bang for the buck but I recall reading somewhere that most training needed to be aerobic on TRI.  Right now, I am struggling to do S/B/R 2x/week due to schedule/holiday and honestly, terrible at getting up early in the morning but I do want to go up to 3x/w on each sport in Jan.  How should I structure the training plan?  Do I need a speed/tempo/long on each discipline?

I have my Garmin with HRM but did not use it much, I did use the pace features to set up my running training.  I am using one of the winter programs but do not reach the swim levels they require.  Run I am ok, Cycling I should be ok.

I will keep my eye own a masters swimming group as well

2009-12-17 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2565171

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
KiwiJDRPH - 2009-12-17 3:07 PM WHOO HOO!! A foot of snow for a 5 mile run Saturday morning!! I've been saying I think I might show up and when the gun goes off head over to the table for some Spiced Wassail..LOL. But I'll give it a try! Kate!! Glad to see you on here too!! YAY!! We can keep tabs on each other in both forums!! I haven't checked on a Master's Swim program around here, think I'm a little intimidated by them since I'm horrifically slow. But I guess I should Man Up and check it out to improve my stroke and distance! Eagleman is June 13th. Irongirl isn't until the end of August. I'll be looking for a sprint to do about a month to 6 weeks out from Eagleman as a warm up. That's the big race for me next year..everything else is after Eagleman and kind of like the cigarette after sex...sorry, was that ok?? LOL I uploaded a training program into my log but I haven't been following it so you see the "Actual" is way sub-par the "Planned"...I'll start working on it. I lost my first 50 pounds doing Weight Watchers also but really need to get back on the band wagon before my training gets too intense to try to lose a bit more just for comfort...well and speed because I know those 20 pounds will make me "Wicked sharp" in my trisuit! Note - Anytime I say "wicked" anything I'm usually hyper, nervous, excited or whatever and my New England accent starts ripping through....I think Joe would agree with me there!
  I was intimidated about Masters programs too.  Once you Man Up and show up you'll find most folks were the same way when they started.  We're gonna need some pics of you folks running the 5 MILES in the snow this weekend. How awesome.  With Eagleman being the sexy race for you this year we'll make sure you look wicked in your tri suit.  That's our goal  Right now, don't worry about the "actual vs planned".  If you look at my log, which I need to update for today, you'll see I'm way off.  But as long as you get a good BASE this month going into January - wow- that's in 2 weeks you should be fine.  Once I get it complete I am going to post an excel file that I used with my group here in Atlanta for all distances with periodization, HR Zones, RPE catagories that you can use as a guide.  We haven't had one DNF using it.  I hope to have that up in the morning.  Can you tell I work from home most of the time.
2009-12-17 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2565252

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - Open
Chezz - 2009-12-17 3:38 PM Hi Damon

Over summer, a colleague from work introduced me to road bike.  We were doing 20 mile loops and really got into it.  But work and my half mary training came in the way and I was not very consistent.  Then it just started to get dark and I did not want to go out by myself as he was no longer able to guide me.

That's where I really started to look into TRI as I enjoyed the scenary and was a fresh change to only running.

I have a trainer at home and that's where I do my rides.  I own a GIANT entry level road bike and just recently bought the clips (have not actually fallen since all training has been indoors!)

I swim by myself and will try to get some lessons Q1 2010 for technique improvement.  I am focusing on the swim because the sprint I chose is 750m in a lake!  I am also familiar with the different types of training (speed/tempo/long) and I guess this also goes for TRI, so here goes the first set of questions.  You said spinnervals were the best bang for the buck but I recall reading somewhere that most training needed to be aerobic on TRI.  Right now, I am struggling to do S/B/R 2x/week due to schedule/holiday and honestly, terrible at getting up early in the morning but I do want to go up to 3x/w on each sport in Jan.  How should I structure the training plan?  Do I need a speed/tempo/long on each discipline?

I have my Garmin with HRM but did not use it much, I did use the pace features to set up my running training.  I am using one of the winter programs but do not reach the swim levels they require.  Run I am ok, Cycling I should be ok.

I will keep my eye own a masters swimming group as well

  Hey Chezz,  Your local YMCA might have a Masters Group.  That might be an economical way to start.  As for as Spinnervals and Aerobic you are right on both ends.  The "Power Intervals" DVD I mentioned before is a good workout, but should not be the only workout you do on a bike.  Once you get your bike legs ready and you have a good idea of your HR zones and how to train yourself to maintain a good aerobic training session there are many more "Spinerval" options.  There is a great 90 minute DVD from Chris Carmichael called "Build your Base".  This walks you through your HR zones keeping you aerobic.  If you do something similar to that workout 2-3 times a week you'll get the hang of it.  Ahhh, the getting up early.  That is my spouses nemisis as well.  I can tell you like I tell her.  If you want to play, put in the work and the pain.  I am blessed by never being able to sleep past 5:00 am so I am on the trainer watching the news or at the gym by 5:30 for a good hour to hour and a half morning session and I hit the gym at lunch for another hour or hour and a half (during build and peak - not during base, I'll burn out).  Not that this would work for you, but as the temp goes up in March and the days get longer that might help you.  As far as S/B/R 3 times a week right now - I'd maintain your bike and run base and really focus on your swim - maybe mix some core strength in as well. 
2009-12-17 11:42 PM
in reply to: #2565477

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
irondg - 2009-12-17 2:08 PM I am going to post an excel file that I used with my group here in Atlanta for all distances with periodization, HR Zones, RPE catagories that you can use as a guide.  We haven't had one DNF using it.  I hope to have that up in the morning.  Can you tell I work from home most of the time.

This is what I need.  Right now it sounds like you are speaking a different language.  Periodization, RPE catories  ????  I know what HR Zones are but no clue why they are important.  See why I wanted to be in your group?!!

I wanted to chime in on my swim.  I am a newbie swimmer but I've come a long way.  I'm taken about 6 months of lessons for an hour once a week.  Once I was feeling good in the pool I had to overcome OWS panic.  My OLY swim was so bad that I doubled my pool time and almost quit.  Luckily, I ended the season with a 2,000m OWS at a local splash n dash.  It was a great mental boost for me to know I could do the distance.  Unfortunately, I was the last finisher.  I was so last, that they started pulling the bouies in before I finished.  I was also so last that they stopped timing the event.  (I wasn't happy b/c I wanted my swim time)  In my recent pool practice swims, my 50m range from 1:10 to 1:30.  SLOW!! 

I tried one Masters swim and didn't go back.  I was out of my league.  They were too fast and I didn't understand what was going on.  Can't I just keep doing laps and increasing distance? 

Edited by ~ AZ Sunshine ~ 2009-12-17 11:42 PM

2009-12-18 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2566030

Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Don't be scared of the masters swim club they have all ranges of ability's. You start in the slow lane and work your way up. (or stay in the slow lane like me)  
2009-12-18 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2557130

Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Is there anyway to save this thread so I can find it easily? If someone can PM me how it would be appreciated.

Also, DG thanks for your number I put it in my iphone to save it.

My A-race is obviously going to be my HIM on July 18th.  The week before my HIM is slightly shorter than a Olympic distance, so both of those are important.

One final thing I might need to mention, I am getting married June 12th.  Honeymoon is June 19-25th in Baja Mexico.  As I have never been gone that long on a vacation...3.5-4 weeks before my HIM training is somewhat important.  My fiance knows how important triathlons and the honeymoon is to me, what would your suggestion be for training etc?  As obv. I will not have a bike and the tide in Baja is a little fierce I read.
2009-12-18 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2557130

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
Sorry.  I don't know of any way to make it easier to find.  I just hunt each time I enter the forums. 
2009-12-18 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2567330

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Subject: RE: DG's Group - We're FULL! 2010 here we come!
~ AZ Sunshine ~ - 2009-12-18 2:42 PMSorry.  I don't know of any way to make it easier to find.  I just hunt each time I enter the forums. 
you can set it to notify you via email every time the thread is updated if you want, then you'll get an email with the post and a link to it. All the email can get to be a nuisance (sp?) though.
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