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2009-12-15 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2559087

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
gerrydiego - 2009-12-14 11:50 PM

Hola Karen,

I hope this is not a girls-only group ;-) I have read a lot of your posts on BT and like your approach and advice.

My name: Gerry

I am 39 years old, married, with 3 kids. (two daughters 7 and 5 and a great little ups (boy) that is now 9 months)

I am 6'1 and weigh around 185 lbs. Went to college in Austin, Tx  yep Hook'em Horns!!

I am very lucky to live in front of Cozumel 15 minutes south of Playa del Carmen in the beautiful Riviera Maya, so the only problem with training and weather is the heat in the summer.

Running is my weakest link as well and, although I have been a very sporty/competitive person all my life I had not done endurance/slow twitch sports. I did an Olympic tri 10 years ago, for the heck of it and definitively under-trained. I finished it in 3:10 which was not too bad if you consider that I had never biked the 40 ks or ran a full 10k.

I started training about 4 months ago to do an Olympic in November, but got the flu and sinus and had to settle for a local sprint. I did it in 1:30 which was, not great, but what I expected. I then went to IMCOZ and cheered a lot as all the people went by. After a few friends did something I previously thought I would never do, i signed up for 2010.

I have also had some knee issues and ITB stuff. I have been working on correcting my form and got a lot of inspiration from "Born to Run" and like the idea of minimalistic running.

I am very motivated and passionate, but not the most organized and a small kick in the behind from time to time helps keep me focused.

I do have some training partners down here that help a lot.

I am very excited about 2010 and where the journey will take me. I want to do a couple of Olympics, maybe a HIM and IMCozumel in November.

Looking forward to sharing the journey.



MEN ARE WELCOME!!!! Of course!

Thanks for the kind words!

3 kids and a 9 month old.. WOW!

Yes, you are VERY LUCKY! I'm so jealous! Hey, do you need to hire anyone... for anything? Cause I need a job and I'm willing to move! I can personal train down there and be a tri coach! HEY!

Dang, sorry to hear you were not able to do the Oly! How upsetting after putting in the training time.

You are nuts... signing up for IMCOZ in 2010! I'm going to pay extra attention to your training logs buddy! Your training should be going on NOW since you do not have a lot of base going into the training.

So.... do you have a training calendar for your IM training? If not... DO IT NOT! Do not train for an IM without a plan laid out for the 10 months (11?) until the race! It's a must!

If you are going to do a HIM you have to make sure it fits into your training for the IM. Your IM is your A race, your focus... not Oly's or a HIM... so everything you do needs to be pointed towards your IM and that training.

Oh on a side note, I use to SCUBA dive in Cozumel 1 to 2 times a year. I even got married there! So I know the island well. It's a great place!

Welcome to the group and please log ALL YOUR TRAINING!!!!

2009-12-15 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2559910

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
crews - 2009-12-15 11:12 AM

KSH - 2009-12-15 10:40 AM
crews - 2009-12-14 4:32 PM

Hi Karen...

May I join you?

I think I'll make a good mentee.  I have lots of lofty goals and don't mind putting in the work to get to them.

Crews you are in. So, why not tell us a little more about yourself. Also... if you log your workouts, that would be great! I haven't checked your logs yet.. but that would make you wonderful mentee. Welcome to the group!

OK, here goes...I'll try not to be too long winded.

I'm currently training for my first marathon which will be in March.  We are up to the 16 mile run this weekend...definatley my longest.  Started out my training with PF and lots of other nagging aches and pains, but with perserverance and a new pair of Brooks, I'm doing fairly well.  My biggest hang up now is getting in my shorter runs during the just gets in the way alot of times.

Speaking of life, I've been married for 7 years and have a 5 year old boy, 2 weimeriners and a cat.  We stay very busy with work and school!  Hubbs is fairly supportive as he love to do DUs.  He places well and is a definate FOP.  I, on the other hand, am a MOP in the athena division.  I completed 3 tris in '07 and 1 in '08.  All were sprints.  I also enjoy a couple of group (2000 or so participants) rides we have around here.  I've done the Big Dam Bridge ride (50 miles) a couple of times and the Tour de Rock (which we were on the committee for).  The Tour de Rock will be my first century this summer...very excited about that.  I'm comfortable with ows, biking and running, I'm just slow.

One of my main goals in this quest is to lose weight.  Currently 5'5" and 170.  I've only managed to keep off 10 lbs or so since starting this journey in Jan. 07, but I haven't changed my eating habits all that much.  I stopped drinking as much realizing how empty those calories were.  We've cut back on eating out quite a bit also.  I have no will power, so I get what I want at restaurants instead of making a healthy choice.  So, this quest continues.  I work out as much as I can and try to make a healthier choice at each meal and snack hoping that at some point I will get rid of the weight.

Thanks for the details!

First marathon- exciting! WOW! Congrats!

Get those shorter runs in! DO IT! Not sure what your plan calls for, but I did a 4 day a week training plan- which made it very manageable. For my half mary training I do 3 days a week. Less running also means less chance for injury! I think that's what keeps me injury free.

Sounds like a nice little family!

Bike rallies are fun! First century... fun! You have some exciting plans for 2010!

About losing weight... if you REALLY WANT TO LOSE IT... you MUST log your food and change what you eat. While it means you can't eat what you want when you eat out... the end result is that you feel great. You also get faster at running.

When I am logging my food (, The Daily Plate), I just stop eating out. Or I plan what I will eat before I go.

You can lose weight, but unless you log what you eat... just eating what you want and exercising won't do it- those are the cold hard facts.

A personal trainer friend of mine said that he tells all his clients that he can't work them out enough to fix what they do with their diet. This is so true. When I was IM training and working out 20 hours a week... I gained weight! I was 130 pounds in Aug 2008. Now I'm at 120 pounds. I gained weight because I stuffed my face and ate crap. Yeah.

2009-12-15 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hey Karen,

Excited to be a part of the group and lucky to be amongst all the girls ;-)You are very welcome down here any time and I will keep my ears open for opportunities.

I will do my best to keep all the logs, but please feel free to give me hell from time to time if it looks like I am slaking. As I said a few local friends just did the IMCOZ and I know a few will do it again, so hopefully I will have some local support and knowledge base. I am considering the coach option, specially for proper fueling, etc... I sweat a lot and do not want to have any problems during the long race.

Looking forward to it and promise to log my last few workouts this afternoon.

Saludos to all

2009-12-15 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2560019

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
KSH - 2009-12-15 9:47 AM
 Hello and welcome our other San Fran lady! Rowing? Wow that is so cool! Yep, you have an inner athlete that is dying to be used- happy to hear you are doing to use it! That's great that swimming is easy for you! Many struggle with that- so much more so than running. Swimming in the Bay... crazy! Ha! Good job on working to fix the hip pain. Most will realize that their running pain comes from poor shoes or poor form. As for me, I'm not sure what my lower leg tightness was all about. Weird stuff. Sounds like a solid training plan for the season! First Half Mary... and HIM... congrats! Fun stuff! What training plans are you using? Do you have your entire race calendar laid out through the HIM? If not... do so. Trust me, it will be invaluable. It is your map to success. Your husband sounds like a wonderful support and training partner. Very cool. Trainers- a necessary evil. Ha! Reminds me, I should probably get on my mine again at some point. Yes, focus on fitness and not weight loss.. but remember the more you lose the faster you run! I would challenge you to log your food for a couple of weeks. Just to get some insight as to where most of your calories are coming from. And now is the time to lose those extra pounds... while you are strictly running. I went on 1400 calories a day, plus 1/2 of what I burned exercising, earlier this year during my marathon training. I lost weight and did fine through the training. I could not have done that through HIM training. Sounds like you are going to be a great addition to our group! Thanks for joining!

Thanks Karen! I'm excited to be part of the group.

I'm using Hal Higdon's novice half marathon plan for the HM in February, and then will probably be using either the BT Beginner HIM plan or a plan from my tri club for the HIM, with the Wildflower Oly scheduled to fit into the training with a small taper beforehand.

Thanks for pointing out that it's easier to lose weight when doing a pure running program, I totally agree. I lost my weight through Weight Watchers so I log my food every day. I think I've gotten so comfortable that I do take some liberties with my eating through treats now and then, and with larger portion sizes. I totally need to buckle down now and see what I can lose, because I won't say no to free speed on the run!
2009-12-15 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2560291

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
calimavs - 2009-12-15 1:10 PM

KSH - 2009-12-15 9:47 AM
 Hello and welcome our other San Fran lady! Rowing? Wow that is so cool! Yep, you have an inner athlete that is dying to be used- happy to hear you are doing to use it! That's great that swimming is easy for you! Many struggle with that- so much more so than running. Swimming in the Bay... crazy! Ha! Good job on working to fix the hip pain. Most will realize that their running pain comes from poor shoes or poor form. As for me, I'm not sure what my lower leg tightness was all about. Weird stuff. Sounds like a solid training plan for the season! First Half Mary... and HIM... congrats! Fun stuff! What training plans are you using? Do you have your entire race calendar laid out through the HIM? If not... do so. Trust me, it will be invaluable. It is your map to success. Your husband sounds like a wonderful support and training partner. Very cool. Trainers- a necessary evil. Ha! Reminds me, I should probably get on my mine again at some point. Yes, focus on fitness and not weight loss.. but remember the more you lose the faster you run! I would challenge you to log your food for a couple of weeks. Just to get some insight as to where most of your calories are coming from. And now is the time to lose those extra pounds... while you are strictly running. I went on 1400 calories a day, plus 1/2 of what I burned exercising, earlier this year during my marathon training. I lost weight and did fine through the training. I could not have done that through HIM training. Sounds like you are going to be a great addition to our group! Thanks for joining!

Thanks Karen! I'm excited to be part of the group.

I'm using Hal Higdon's novice half marathon plan for the HM in February, and then will probably be using either the BT Beginner HIM plan or a plan from my tri club for the HIM, with the Wildflower Oly scheduled to fit into the training with a small taper beforehand.

Thanks for pointing out that it's easier to lose weight when doing a pure running program, I totally agree. I lost my weight through Weight Watchers so I log my food every day. I think I've gotten so comfortable that I do take some liberties with my eating through treats now and then, and with larger portion sizes. I totally need to buckle down now and see what I can lose, because I won't say no to free speed on the run!

Ah, great to hear you have a plan for the half mary training!

The BT beginner plan will get you to the finish line, but it is too light on the biking time. My boyfriend used it for his first HIM and suffered for it. You can add as many cycling miles as you want... and it won't hurt you in training. Do too little cycling in training and you will suffer at the HIM.

So if you use that, get more cycling in. You should be riding 55 miles once a week 3 months out... and when it's about 2 months out... start doing 65-75 mile rides. That's what I did for both my HIM's and I did not regret it.

Weight Watchers is a great program! Get back to your program and you should be able to lose that weight. If you can get it off now, your will be set up perfect for the tri season.

2009-12-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2560119

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2009-12-15 12:18 PM

Hey Karen,

Excited to be a part of the group and lucky to be amongst all the girls ;-)You are very welcome down here any time and I will keep my ears open for opportunities.

I will do my best to keep all the logs, but please feel free to give me hell from time to time if it looks like I am slaking. As I said a few local friends just did the IMCOZ and I know a few will do it again, so hopefully I will have some local support and knowledge base. I am considering the coach option, specially for proper fueling, etc... I sweat a lot and do not want to have any problems during the long race.

Looking forward to it and promise to log my last few workouts this afternoon.

Saludos to all


Well I will give ya hell... but if you aren't checking in... it will be easy to ignore me.

Use your friends to get a training plan. It's nice that you can all work together!

I would encourage using a coach, unless you feel secure doing your own plan. For me, for my first HIM and IM I wanted a coach. Now that I've done all the distances I feel secure with coaching myself.

2009-12-15 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2559876

Bronze member
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

KSH - 2009-12-15 11:03 AM Hello and welcome! Thanks for all the kind words! Well it sounds like you are a season behind you, and you are ready to tackle a lot in 2010! I would encourage you to really pick what you want to do and to start creating a training calendar. The best thing I ever did for myself was to pick my A race, to put the training plan on a calendar and then to drop my other races in after that. Once you start seeing what it takes to say... train for the HIM... you can know where and if the marathon fits in. I found the book, Training Plans for Multisport Athletes, to be worth the money. I'll talk more on picking a training plan and how to use it... in another post for everyone. Great job on the weight loss! That's HARD TO DO! Keep this in mind... and I stress this to EVERYONE in this group who struggles with running... for every pound you lose... you gain .05 in time per mile. That can be a HUGE savings if you lose 10-20 pounds! So keeping your weight down is essential to being a strong runner. Thank you for using your training log! Everyone needs to use their training log! I can't inspire or make suggestions if I can't see what you are doing training wise! The first commitment everyone needs to make to this group... is to log ALL THEIR TRAINING! Thanks for your history and welcome to the group!

Hey Karen,
Thanks for the response.  You are right, I do really need to pick an A race and follow a plan for that.  With my first season, I basically just went out and worked on getting in enough s/b/r to get through the few sprints I did, and then added some races along the way.  That worked for my first year, but I want to see some improvements, and also realize that having a solid plan as I'm increasing my distances in all the sports, I want to make sure that I don't risk injury.

I will check out the book you recommended.  I've seen it mentioned around here before, and it does sound like it would be useful.

Thanks for the support around the weightloss.  It started out really hard, but over time its gotten easier (not that I don't hit plateaus, because I do).  I realized how much I was eating after working out, and realized that I was totally eating way too many calories for the amount that I had burned with exercise.  Once I got a handle on that issue, its been easier.  And you're right, I can tell that it has helped my running alot just being lighter.

And yes, I love my BT log.  It's been useful to see my progress over time and to help keep me motivated.

Looks like this is going to be a great group.

2009-12-15 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hello all,

Two updates. First the good one, I did my LT Test today... Here are the results if I did the math right.

Avg HR186 

Does that look right? I want to train using LT zones.

Second one, I was doing a trainer session last night and had a very funny but painful fall while riding in front of my computer. A very slow awkward fall to the left with clipped shoes and nothing to do but take it as "graceful" as possible. Have a nice little bump on my elbow, but nothing a little ice will not heal.

Anyway... just wanted to share.

Have a good one and I will upload my latest sessions.

2009-12-15 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Thanks for the welcome! My name is Margie, by the way. I didn't have time last night for a longer intro, so here's a little more:I've been active off and on all my life, but I really got into running when I was in grad school. I fell in love with it. The longest race I ran was a half marathon, but I did lots of 5 and 10ks. I tore my meniscus about 4 years ago and had to take a long time off after surgery. I eventually worked my way back to running and was even leaner and stronger until I started having knee issues again. Another surgery later, and a couple of years of struggling to recover from a surgery that was supposed to be simple with a quick recovery, here I am. Like I said in my earlier post, I tried a super sprint this past summer just walking the run portion and had a blast. Right now, I've sort of hit a point where I'm really struggling with motivation. I just saw a dr. and got an MRI that cleared me to try running, and I got a cortisone shot that I'm hoping will kick start my efforts to get back into things. Basically I have a lot of work ahead of me. I would like to lose about 20 lbs or so that I slowly put on when I stopped running. Swimming is probably my weakest area, but I've been working on it, biking, too. I would like to start a very slow run-walk program (I've done couch to 5k before) to test the waters with running, but if I have to walk instead of run, I think I can come to peace with that for now. I'm a little lost right now with training. The past 4 months have probably been the most inconsistent I've been at working out in a long time, and then I got sick, and then snowed in for a few days--of all things! Now I'm ready to get back on track. I had intended to start a BT training program in January, but maybe I should start now? I'm not sure.Thanks so much for all of your support and encouragement already!
2009-12-15 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2561251

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2009-12-15 9:34 PM

Hello all,

Two updates. First the good one, I did my LT Test today... Here are the results if I did the math right.

Avg HR186 

Does that look right? I want to train using LT zones.

Second one, I was doing a trainer session last night and had a very funny but painful fall while riding in front of my computer. A very slow awkward fall to the left with clipped shoes and nothing to do but take it as "graceful" as possible. Have a nice little bump on my elbow, but nothing a little ice will not heal.

Anyway... just wanted to share.

Have a good one and I will upload my latest sessions.


OK, let me check out my NASM cert book and see if your numbers are right.

Zone 1- Max HR x .65 and .75
Zone 2- Max HR x .80 and .85
Zone 3- Max HR x .86 and .90

Wait... you didn't give a max HR... right? Then I'm not sure what to do with the numbers. Sorry. This book uses the lame and NOT accurate 220-age to get the max HR. Which is not correct... FYI to everyone!

Yes, falling off the trainer... on the bike... OR the bike flying OFF the trainer is a common occurrence. There was a thread awhile back where people talked about it. Sad, but oh so funny!

My boyfriend had it happen to him too. Slow fall to the ground with his back on the trainer... then his cat hissed at him to add insult to injury!

Edited by KSH 2009-12-15 10:37 PM
2009-12-16 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi Karen and Group!

I am happy to say I've been using my log for about a month now.  I love the BT log!  It's nice to have everything in one place.  However, if you check my log out, you'll see the past five days I've been sick.  It's annoying.  I even stayed home from work yesterday.  Job hazard of working with kids.  Germs are everywhere!  Aside from that, I do love my work.

My brother actually got me into The Daily Plate a while ago.  It's helped me get from 162 to 153 (well, I  may be a little over that now due to the couch sitting for the past few days).  I really like The Daily Plate since it has a huge database, saves what I regularly eat, and tells me all the nutrients I'm getting through food.  Its very helpful when tracking food intake.

About a month ago was when I realized I had to get my act in gear with dropping pounds.  I'm tall, so the extra weight tends to be disguised, but running brought the extra pounds to light.  My PR for The Big Sur Half is 2:17 (ran that in 2007).  When I ran it a month ago, I felt healthy, yet for the first time ever my knees started to hurt on the run, and it was just tough getting through it.  I ran the entire time, but the run turned into  slow trot.  I know it was the extra 17 lbs.  So, that really motivated me to get serious about getting back to 145. 

Margot- How do you like Golden Gate Triathlon Club?  I'm bouncing between SF Tri Club and Golden Gate.  It's difficult figuring out differences just by looking online.  Right now, Golden Gate's training looks more like something I'd be interested in.  However, just like Karen mentioned above, my biggest fear is being dropped on rides or holding people back because I'm new.  If you can give me any insight it would be much appreciated! 

Have a great day all!

2009-12-16 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hola Karen,

It seems I was plugging the numbers incorrectly. I used the BT Hear rate calculator and it makes much more sense. Here is a link to a post I made with it and the comments.

Today I am going to try to make a foam roller as I have not seen one for sale around here. Will let you know how that turns out.

Have a good one,

2009-12-16 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2562058

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
gerrydiego - 2009-12-16 10:07 AM

Hola Karen,

It seems I was plugging the numbers incorrectly. I used the BT Hear rate calculator and it makes much more sense. Here is a link to a post I made with it and the comments.

Today I am going to try to make a foam roller as I have not seen one for sale around here. Will let you know how that turns out.

Have a good one,


I'll check out that thread... thanks!

I have to fess up and say I don't do much with HR when it comes to training. In fact, I don't use it at all. I think my struggle comes from the fact that you have to do a max HR test... (not 220-age) to even start with the proper numbers. And at the end of the day, I like going off feel.

I know that if I use my HR for some things, that it would be better... but I just hate being tied down to my HR. My boyfriend goes my HR religiously and I think it holds him back at a times. I do see the value of it in training though.

If I do end up being a tri coach (if I can get into the session I want!)... I'm sure I'll need to start using HR training zones with my clients.

Making your own foam roller... cool.

At the gym, I have seen PVC pipe used (large ones!)... and they cover it with something that has cushion. It works. You might just go for a large PVC pipe?

This is great information for everyone! About foam rolling!

My NASM book says the following about using self-myofascial release as a form of stretching:

By applying gentle force to an adhesion or "knot", the elastic muscle fibers are altered from a bundled position (that causes the adhesion) into a straighter alignment with the direction of the muscle of fascia. The gentle pressure (applied with implements such as a foam roller) will stimulate the Golgi tendon organ and create autogenic inhibition, decreasing muscle spindle excitation and releasing the hypertonicity of the underlying musculature.

It is crucial to not that when a person is using self-myofascial release he or she must find a tender spot and sustain pressure on that sport for a minimum of 20-30 seconds. It may take longer, depending on the client's ability to consciously relax.

2009-12-16 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2561729

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-16 8:24 AM

Hi Karen and Group!

I am happy to say I've been using my log for about a month now.  I love the BT log!  It's nice to have everything in one place.  However, if you check my log out, you'll see the past five days I've been sick.  It's annoying.  I even stayed home from work yesterday.  Job hazard of working with kids.  Germs are everywhere!  Aside from that, I do love my work.

My brother actually got me into The Daily Plate a while ago.  It's helped me get from 162 to 153 (well, I  may be a little over that now due to the couch sitting for the past few days).  I really like The Daily Plate since it has a huge database, saves what I regularly eat, and tells me all the nutrients I'm getting through food.  Its very helpful when tracking food intake.

About a month ago was when I realized I had to get my act in gear with dropping pounds.  I'm tall, so the extra weight tends to be disguised, but running brought the extra pounds to light.  My PR for The Big Sur Half is 2:17 (ran that in 2007).  When I ran it a month ago, I felt healthy, yet for the first time ever my knees started to hurt on the run, and it was just tough getting through it.  I ran the entire time, but the run turned into  slow trot.  I know it was the extra 17 lbs.  So, that really motivated me to get serious about getting back to 145. 

Margot- How do you like Golden Gate Triathlon Club?  I'm bouncing between SF Tri Club and Golden Gate.  It's difficult figuring out differences just by looking online.  Right now, Golden Gate's training looks more like something I'd be interested in.  However, just like Karen mentioned above, my biggest fear is being dropped on rides or holding people back because I'm new.  If you can give me any insight it would be much appreciated! 

Have a great day all!

Great job on using your log!

I know year after year I get a huge kick off of comparing all the data. I started logging all my workouts in May 2006. I wasn't going to at first because it seemed just too serious... but when I started doing it... I really liked it!

Sorry to hear you are sick! Rest up! It's the holidays anyways.

Great to hear you are using the Daily Plate! I am TriGirl2009 on there if you want to "friend" me. If you do "friend" me I can view what you are eating and visa versa. I have just started logging my food again, as I have a few pounds to get off. If you want me to help you stay on track during this mentoring time, I am more than willing.

The Big Sur Half... cool! I keep hearing that's an amazing marathon! I should hit up Abbie for a place to stay and go do it! Uh, maybe 2011. I want to get really solid on running 13.1 miles before I tackle the marathon again.

Yes, your weight can have a huge impact on your running and knees. Good job on recognizing that.

At my last half marathon I wanted to run a 9:30 mm. I ran a 9:40 mm. If I lose 2 pounds (.10 sec per mile!) I have my goal! Well that and if I train.

What's great about signing up for races and training... is that you have goals and you are motivated towards those goals... your only goes isn't just "I want to be thin". While I know the gym is a necessary evil, I don't find it surprising that people who JUST got to the gym with the only goal being to lose weight... quickly lose focus and give up.

I started working with my friend last night... as my first personal training test client (I am not certified yet!)... and we are giving her a goal to keep her focused... a 100 mile bike ride in 6 months!

2009-12-16 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2561729

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
justtrichris - 2009-12-16 6:24 AM

Margot- How do you like Golden Gate Triathlon Club?  I'm bouncing between SF Tri Club and Golden Gate.  It's difficult figuring out differences just by looking online.  Right now, Golden Gate's training looks more like something I'd be interested in.  However, just like Karen mentioned above, my biggest fear is being dropped on rides or holding people back because I'm new.  If you can give me any insight it would be much appreciated! 

Have a great day all!

I joined GGTC back in August and so far I really like it! I had the same issue when signing up, the two clubs look so similar from the websites. I haven't done any specific group workouts since I joined right when the season started winding down but I've gone to a few social events and the North Face Endurance Challenge trail race (50 miler, 50k, 13.3 and 10k races) where I think about 30 team members raced in all the different distances. I did the 10k. I also volunteered with a bunch of club members at the Marin Oly.

There is a good group of members who are super active and are racing and volunteering quite a bit all over the Bay Area. I'm planning on joining their TAG group to train for Wildflower and will probably do the club's Half Ironman training program for Vineman. So far everyone has been really welcoming, and while there are some crazy fast people there are also a lot of beginners and people who are just doing tris to stay active and have fun.
2009-12-16 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2562365

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED

just a drive by note to tell all of you how lucky you are to have Karen as a Mentor...

You will learn alot while having some fun.

If I  realize this was starting up  I would have joined also 

2009-12-16 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2559951

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
KSH - 2009-12-15 12:25 PM  You might want to read more on the Galloway method of running. It's uses a walk/run combo... and will help you stay injury free. 

I'm interested.  Got any good links / books to recommend?

Cheryl / lovesreading
2009-12-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Something cool:  Margot / calimays and I (Cheryl / lovesreading) were in the same mentor group last year (Running Jayhawk's).
2009-12-16 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
*sneaking in the back door*

Karen let me slide in......what can I say, I'm kind of a brat Innocent (Thanks Karen! =)

NAME: Tania



2009 was my first year tri'ng. I only did one Tri, the Toyota US Open in October due to time and injuries. I started working out again consistently this April after 6 months of inconsistent (and in some cases nonexistance) activity. I am a former competitive swimmer (6-16) primarily as a sprinter, but I took a 9 yr hiatus from the pool. I am currently working on fixing my stroke (I've got a few inconsistencies) before I rebuild my swim endurance. Picked up cycling this May and I love riding. I'm not terribly fast but I know I just need a lot more time in the saddle. Running......I'm definately working on that. This is my archilles heel and it's not exactly my fave. I am currently slowly ramping up for a half marathon in March. Running is where I need the most help. I get injured easily with run sooooooo slow, hence the run forcus during the off season. I am really excited and pumped for 2010 season where I hope to compete in 3-5 sprint/oly tris after my 1/2 marathon. My ultimate goal is to eventually do a HIM and IM in the next few years when I feel that I have a solid base.

Single and loving it!

I gained some weight through college but I really packed on the pounds right after I graduated. I'm 5'5 and have a small frame so any amount of weight is noticeable. I lost 35+ lbs in 2007 and have kept most of it off. I am usually up and down 10lbs through the year. My goal isn't to lose a ton of weight but I would like to tone up and be a little leaner after the holidays. I know my problem is portion control and don't really like to deny myself of my favorite foods (ice cream!). During my tri training I was able to burn it off but now that my training volume is cut in half I'm starting to pack it on again (eeeeek) because I'm not watching my diet.
2009-12-16 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2563443

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
lovesreading - 2009-12-16 7:24 PM

KSH - 2009-12-15 12:25 PM  You might want to read more on the Galloway method of running. It's uses a walk/run combo... and will help you stay injury free. 

I'm interested.  Got any good links / books to recommend?

Cheryl / lovesreading

Yep, here you go:

2009-12-16 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2563558

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
tnguyen1 - 2009-12-16 8:33 PM

*sneaking in the back door*

Karen let me slide in......what can I say, I'm kind of a brat Innocent (Thanks Karen! =)

NAME: Tania



2009 was my first year tri'ng. I only did one Tri, the Toyota US Open in October due to time and injuries. I started working out again consistently this April after 6 months of inconsistent (and in some cases nonexistance) activity. I am a former competitive swimmer (6-16) primarily as a sprinter, but I took a 9 yr hiatus from the pool. I am currently working on fixing my stroke (I've got a few inconsistencies) before I rebuild my swim endurance. Picked up cycling this May and I love riding. I'm not terribly fast but I know I just need a lot more time in the saddle. Running......I'm definately working on that. This is my archilles heel and it's not exactly my fave. I am currently slowly ramping up for a half marathon in March. Running is where I need the most help. I get injured easily with run sooooooo slow, hence the run forcus during the off season. I am really excited and pumped for 2010 season where I hope to compete in 3-5 sprint/oly tris after my 1/2 marathon. My ultimate goal is to eventually do a HIM and IM in the next few years when I feel that I have a solid base.

Single and loving it!

I gained some weight through college but I really packed on the pounds right after I graduated. I'm 5'5 and have a small frame so any amount of weight is noticeable. I lost 35+ lbs in 2007 and have kept most of it off. I am usually up and down 10lbs through the year. My goal isn't to lose a ton of weight but I would like to tone up and be a little leaner after the holidays. I know my problem is portion control and don't really like to deny myself of my favorite foods (ice cream!). During my tri training I was able to burn it off but now that my training volume is cut in half I'm starting to pack it on again (eeeeek) because I'm not watching my diet.

Hello and welcome!

WOW so you only started this year? Nice to know! I guess I did realize that the US Open was your first tri... I made sure to ask Derek later that day how you did. You did a great job!

I hear ya on the running! We are very similar... with the swimming background and running being our "issue".

So you know there is hope... cause now days I'm an OK runner... whereas I use to not be able to run hardly at all!

Thanks for joining the group!

2009-12-16 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
All right everyone... here is our final group listing. PLEASE go add everyone as FRIEND on your log, so we can all inspire and keep tabs on everyone!

While I'm the mentor, I expect everyone to encourage and inspire... and to give any tips and input you might have!

crews - ?

hussybowler5000- Erica

AngieF02- Angie

jtsn- Jody

Luvhairz- Kyndal

TritoTeach- Margie

justtrichris- Christina (Chris)

lovesreading- Cheryl

calimavs- Margot

gerrydiego- Gerry

tnguyen1- Tania

2009-12-16 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2562668

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Gaarryy - 2009-12-16 1:40 PM

just a drive by note to tell all of you how lucky you are to have Karen as a Mentor...

You will learn alot while having some fun.

If I  realize this was starting up  I would have joined also 

Ah, thanks Gary!

And hun you are a pro at this stuff!

2009-12-16 11:46 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
Hi team! Things are busy here as my husband and I get ready to head to his parent's house for Christmas. They live in Ontario, so I'm excited for some snow while we are there! I just wanted to pop on and post so that you all can hold me accountable to this tomorrow morning. I need to get up and run tomorrow before work! I've always been an evening workout girl but I know I'll be doing two-a-days a few times a week for HIM training later in 2010 and running after work has become a pain as my mileage increases. So, tomorrow I'm starting to venture into the world of getting my run in before work. I promise to report back on how it goes!
2009-12-17 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2563677

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
" I hear ya on the running! We are very similar... with the swimming background and running being our "issue". So you know there is hope... cause now days I'm an OK runner... whereas I use to not be able to run hardly at all! "

That is ^^^^ EXACTLY why I wanted to join you're group! You've totally been rocking you're runs though! Thanks again for letting me slide in.

And HELLO everyone! Happy to be a part of this group.

Edited by tnguyen1 2009-12-17 8:53 AM
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