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2009-12-19 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2559033

New user

Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Do you still have room in your group?  I would love to join.

2009-12-19 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
My name is Bryan. Put everything down in a rush the other day.
Had a question and looking for input. I put this on the general forum and got no real feedback.
I travel half the year for work. Looking for some ideas for on the road for alternate workouts when i have to miss out on training. Seems like running and even cycling go alright. May just be treadmill or stationary bike but it works for now. Seems like missing the swim right now is the largest obstacle.
Looking for ideas. Would even throwing in a run or cycle on those days be and option for general cardio?
I work 7 days on 7 days off so when i am home i follow the plan exactly.
2009-12-19 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
meaghan meyer - we can squeeze you in! post about yourself!

Bryan - do you typically travel to the same places or different all the time?  One option is to find hotels with pools - they aren't usually big pools, but better than nothing.  another is to find a gym, like 24 hr fitness that has locations everywhere (only some have pools), and go that route.  are you usually in big cities ?

2009-12-19 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2568662

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Bryan - I deal with this same problem when I travel for work. I've used the past to find pools. It will list all the pools in the area, and usually you can find a decent one on there. I hope that helps!
2009-12-19 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I am a pilot with a totally unpredictable schedule unfortunately.
I have used another pool finder but I like the one you suggested much better. More user friendly format.
Just sometimes get in later at night with no time to run to the pool if it is closed. Or it is small towns with no pool option. May just be stuck doing what I can for now.

Edited by bjb92550 2009-12-19 8:09 PM
2009-12-19 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2569187

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
bjb92550 - 2009-12-19 5:47 PM I am a pilot with a totally unpredictable schedule unfortunately.
I have used another pool finder but I like the one you suggested much better. More user friendly format.
Just sometimes get in later at night with no time to run to the pool if it is closed. Or it is small towns with no pool option. May just be stuck doing what I can for now.

How is your swimming right now?  With your schedule being all over the place, it may make more sense just to swim a lot on those days where you are home.  unfortunately, sometime those 'job' things do get in the way of training!

2009-12-19 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I am actually comfortable with swimming at this point. I am coming upon a period where i may focus on the swimming as I will be in a position with extra time off and a training event for a few weeks in a place that i know has a pool available and be able to stay on track for about seven weeks.
On another subject I am torn between Lake Stevens and Calgary Ford Half Ironman for my big race of the year. Any opinions there?
2009-12-19 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I don't know anything about the calgary 1/2 - but i did Lake stevens this year.  It was a great race, the course is nice and the weather was pretty awesome, maybe a tiny bit on the chilly side.  The bike is fairly hilly, I think something like 1250 elevation each loop and 2 loops total.  However, it is very much up and down, as apposed to just climbing

The run has a couple hills, but they aren't too bad.  it is also a dual loop setup.  best thing was after the race, they had a bunch of pizza for the post race food!
2009-12-20 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Just finished a pretty rough week of training and life, need to get back onto a solid schedule.  Does anyone have some good mid-intensity swim workouts I could do to get back into the swing of things this next week?  I really could use some help.
2009-12-20 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2569775

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
ethilo - 2009-12-20 10:38 AM Just finished a pretty rough week of training and life, need to get back onto a solid schedule.  Does anyone have some good mid-intensity swim workouts I could do to get back into the swing of things this next week?  I really could use some help.

Evan - I would recommend just getting slowly back into it.  Personally, i would do a swim like this:
Warm up: 200 swim, 200 pull, 200 kick, 200 swim
Main set: 2 x 500 or 5 x 200, whichever you prefer (rest 1 min between 500's or :20-:30 sec between 200's)
CD: 200 pull

that is 2k yds, which is a good distance.  don't kill yourself on it.  you will pick back up quicker than you think


Ran the Kirkland 12k's of Christmas today.  some brutal hills, i though i was going to blow up, but finished strong w/a 48:05, or 6:28 min/mile.  more importantly, beat my friend, who was over a minute ahead of me until about 10-11k where i finally caught him and passed him!
2009-12-20 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2569863

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
way to make your friend eat your dust! That's always a great feeling.  Thanks for the swim WO, I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning.

2009-12-21 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2565864

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - OPEN!
ultrahip_00 - 2009-12-18 12:45 PM

Welcome Stuart!  I envy you, for being in Australia, that is one place I would really like to go.  Sounds like a pretty smokin' time for a sprint, what where the distances (sprints can vary, it seems). 

Are you doing an OLY before a HIM?  You will have fun building up volume a little bit and WE WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE!

The sprint was 750m swim/20k/5k (look at my log, it may convert it to miles for you guys). That was a PR for me by 4mins, but I was still 12/14 for my AG (winner was 1:05:xx). Perhaps a rocketpack may help me.
Australian weather is awesome! Hot and humid, but I would prefer that to constant snow and/or cold anyday.

The Oly is at the end of March. The HIM, if I do it, is October, so that's really next season. But I'd be training through the winter for it. Absolutely no committment to it at the moment. Only a possibility.
2009-12-21 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Well - it's Monday!  The good news is that it is a short week this week because of the holidays.  Lets here some reports from the weekend, what did everybody do?
2009-12-21 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2559033


Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

I'm still recovering from a nasty cold, so I just did some body weight work and light sprinting over the weekend. Traveling for work today and tomorrow, but hoping to at least log in some miles on a treadmill at the hotel.

Everyone have a good weekend?

2009-12-21 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2570950

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
My Saturday workout consisted of 90 minutes of solid soccer scrimmaging with my ten year old's competitive team.  Sunday was 2 hours 30 min. on the bike followed immediately by 48 min on the treadmill.  I managed 37.8 miles on bike and 4 on treadmill.  I am trying to build up the times slowly over the winter with these Sunday workouts, so that I both put in the mileage, as well as get my body consistently used to the transition from sport to sport.  I also picked up my membership punch card to our rec. center, so now I will be getting back into the pool right after Christmas....
2009-12-21 4:39 PM
in reply to: #2571196

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
nice job on the brick - i'm going to go out on a limb here and guess it was on the trainer, as you live in denver?

2009-12-21 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Oh yeah, on the trainer, watching the debacle of a football game between Denver and Oakland.  I need the time on the bike, but I've got to be honest, there are some things that I don't like about the moving air equals basically nothing dries out, so by the second hour, the cyclling shorts are soaked, so it can get a little uncomfortable.  It is better than nothing, though....

Usually during the spring/summer months, I ride to and from work 2-3 days a week, so I pick up about 40 miles/day when the weather/sunlight permits.  This spring will be no different, except more long rides on the weekends and after work.
2009-12-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2568530

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - OPEN!

MechEChick - 2009-12-19 10:08 AM
jenni4 - 2009-12-18 8:30 PM

2010 RACES:  TBD-Bolder Boulder 10K, try a couple tris, and a long cycling event

Jennifer - You should definitely do the Bolder Boulder.  I did it last year and it was great.  Tons of people.  What cycling event are you looking at?

Yeah, I'm trying to get a couple of friends to do the Bolder Boulder with me. I;m looking at the Venus de Miles for a cycling event. Any other suggestions?

2009-12-21 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2570950

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

ultrahip_00 - 2009-12-21 10:01 AM Well - it's Monday!  The good news is that it is a short week this week because of the holidays.  Lets here some reports from the weekend, what did everybody do?


Well, I got up and went to cycling class on Saturday. Then got laid up by a migraine that evening for the rest of the weekend. Did get groceries for Christmas company though.

2009-12-21 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2572167

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - OPEN!

If you want a couple of suggestions for runs:

Lifeflight memorial 10K-pretty casual race down at Hudson Gardens on the Platte River trail (Late May)
Cherry Creek Sneak-5K or 5 mile at Cherry Creek Mall, still pretty casual, but a good course with good post-race activities (last weekend in April)
Resolution Run-5k on new year's eve (I'm thinking about doing this one, but haven't registered yet

For Tri's

Rattlesnake tri-sprint or olympic distance, in August
My way or the Tri way-sprint with a unique setup, you can start with any of the three events and do in any order, or pick two events and make a duathlon out of it...also in any order

2009-12-21 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2572263

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - OPEN!

baldbuyer - 2009-12-21 9:52 PM

If you want a couple of suggestions for runs:

Lifeflight memorial 10K-pretty casual race down at Hudson Gardens on the Platte River trail (Late May)
Cherry Creek Sneak-5K or 5 mile at Cherry Creek Mall, still pretty casual, but a good course with good post-race activities (last weekend in April)
Resolution Run-5k on new year's eve (I'm thinking about doing this one, but haven't registered yet

For Tri's

Rattlesnake tri-sprint or olympic distance, in August
My way or the Tri way-sprint with a unique setup, you can start with any of the three events and do in any order, or pick two events and make a duathlon out of it...also in any order


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into them. I thought about the Resolution Run, depends on the weather really.

2009-12-21 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I'd also suggest the Tri for the Cure, it's a women's only tri held in early August at Cherry Creek Reservoir. I haven't done it myself, but have heard good things. As for the weekend, got in a good hour and a half ride on the trainer Saturday morning, a half day of snowboarding that afternoon and a full day on Sunday with some hiking involved (it's been over a week since the last storm, good snow was hard to come by, but still there). All in all, a good weekend. Now just battling it out with a cold I picked up and probably aggravated yesterday...
2009-12-21 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

Sat-1:45 run
Sun-2:00 spin
Tonight-3000yd swim workout. Hurt a bit having missed swims all week being on the road.

2009-12-22 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2559033

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

Thanks for having me and sorry it's taken me a while to get this up. Sounds like it's going to be a great group
NAME: Mike M. . My screen name refers to a few cyclists( friends) who thought my fanny pack made me look stupid when I first started cycling. I told them they would get to know it well becase they would always be behind me!

STORY: I swam and ran some track in high school. Lifted alot of weights in early 20's. Swam some more. Hurt my right shoulder(labrum). Started running only in mid 20s, because of the shoulder. Hurt right knee about 2007. So I had to get the shoulder fixed. I had surgery 2/09. Almost 11 months out now I am able to swim about 2000 yards twice per week, but have had to take a week off( that's when i figured out I should only do 2000 twice a week). During My shoulder recovery I started spin class then outside riding, and found I love it. Got a road bike and love it too. And then I try to run again and found I can manage it alot better now. I guess the cycling helped. I'm drawn to tri because I like the idea of testing one's self. 
I am a nurse in a cardiac cath lab. I have to wear lead about 15 #s worth most of the day. I work 4 10 hour shifts per week. My girl is supportive of me and is even thinking of doing some of the tri herself! I have been the swim leg of a tri relay before.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: Try to swim about 2000 twice a week, run twice a week(currently at about 5 miles), and cycle twice a week up to 50 miles weather permitting. I've been doing this about 3 months. As of today though I'm taking 6 days off to let right groin and my shoulder stop nagging me. Oh yea I try to lift weights once a week for the shoulder and core stuff.

2010 RACES:  Heart and Sole sprint Versailles KY in april. Shelbyville Chiropractic Oly in June, Taylorville Lake Aquabike may, Cincinnati Oly July 25, Tri for sight lexington sept. 

WEIGHTLOSS: I've dropped a little weight since I started and am happy where I'm at(175, 6'0")
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER: I know what it's like to be injured and have to lay off when you don't want to. I've done lots of research regarding all sorts of stuff related to tri and am willing to help out in any way I can.

2009-12-22 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
eatmyfannypac - i was wondering where the name came from!  Why do you where a fanny pac while biking?  Super long rides - i can understand, but i find i can carry quite a bit of stuff between a bike bag (which i always use for a spare tube, patch kit, tire irons and $5), and jersey pockets. 

nice job hitting the spin class and trainers!  i finally did a spin class last night. . my biking has been exterminated since august. . due to lack of motivation - i am going to get back on it though!  it amuses me how biking used to be my strength, but then i improved so much at swimming and running, now it is my weakness!

MechEChick - have you setup your logs?  I am going to compile a list of everyone in the group w/links to their logs and put it in my logs - making it easy to find everyone!

Edited by ultrahip_00 2009-12-22 12:54 PM
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