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2009-12-18 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2567319

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


I was a compulsive water rat when I was a kid, but never had serious lessons or swam competitively -- just spent as much time as I could, in whatever water was available.

Taking up tri in '00, I figured lessons wouldn't hurt, so I had a few private ones at the Ottawa Y. These really helped me a lot, with the biggest thing involving the advice to switch from life-long left-side breathing to right-side breathing. The woman who instructed me noticed that even though I had NO histroy of right-side breathing, when she had me playing with bilateral breathing she saw that my movement was best to my right. And that's what's become of me --- I'm now a right-side breather (and find it awkward and relatively ineffective when I try to breathe to the left!)

ANYHOW, that's my story in support of you beginning with swimming lessons. Good tactical choice! Where will you be receiving lessons, and will they be private or as part of a group?

2009-12-18 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hey Steve,

I know you are going to be swamped with all these questions - thanks so much for helping us all out.

Couple of quick questions for you, as Triathlon Magazine and Be IRONFit has done an excellent job of confusing me about all sorts of stuff!!

Cycling:  I keep hearing two camps on cadence.  High cadence (90+ with a focus on 95-100) and lower cadence (80-85).  Both camps seem to think that their cadence leaves the legs fresher.  The higher cadence camp because you're bearing less load on the legs, keeping them fresher.  The low cadence saying that high rpm cyclists never ran after the bike, and that running is a fast-twitch muscle exercise, so use the slow-twitch on the bike by pushing a bigger gear.   Is there a "right" and "wrong" or is this really a "what works for you" kind of thing?

Running:  I'm a big fan of speed work (pickups, intervals, etc.).  The IronFit program seems adamant about keeping the HR in Z2, even during these pickups (5x1min type of stuff).  The problem is, if I'm already in the middle of Z2 or top end of Z2, how can I be doing pickups or sprints and STAY in Z2?  I'd need to start in Z1, and if I'm doing that, what's the point? 

Swimming:  Pretty soon, the plan calls for 3 sessions a week in swimming, and has all sorts of great pool workouts.  For 2 of the 3, the pool will be the only option.  Question is whether its more beneficial to do those pool sessions with all of the sets laid out for me, or to do a long, sustained open water swim if that's available to me as the third session?  I guess another way to ask is when it comes to swimming, is it better to consistently go long, or is there benefit in doing shorter sets?

Thanks again! 
2009-12-18 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2567339

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


I just read your bio a couple of times, and availed myself of the wonders of the internet in order to see your times for Malibu -- that was a very fine race you had there!! (I'm referring to this year's oly.) You posted a mighty sweet time for your first shot at that distance, and I agree with you completely that you are balanced in all three disciplines. In fact, your profile for Malibu is remarkably similar to mine for any given oly -- swim time is just about dead-on, bike is very close, run is very close. Maybe someday we ought to enter Triple T as a two-person team, where for at least two of the four events the team members have to cross the finsih line together. That is obviously a hassle for people who bring different strengths to the duo, but it looks as if the two of us could start at the same time and proceed from there -- stroke-for-stroke, pedal-for-pedal, stride-for-stride.

But I digress!!

As you look to St. George, your balance will help you hugely as you shouldn't have to spend an inordinate amount of time getting up to speed in any one discipline. That is a significant advantage!

A member of my still-existing mentor group lives in Hollywood and reported that it was 82 today. Now THAT takes some of the sting out of pools being closed for filtration work, doesn't it? And with Malibu swims right there handy for you --- hell's bells, who could ask for anything more? And count your blessings about the timing of the pool work there, as up here the two largest Ottawa pools are BOTH closed for three weeks around the end of August into mid-September. I'm still blissfully swimming open water at that time,. but for those folks who have late-season races and don't especially like open water, that schedule makes for a big headache and lots of anxiety!

When you say Vineman in July, that's 70.3, right? I think the full is in August; at least it used to be. And have you signed up for Vineman 70.3 yet? i hope so, because Neil-from-Hollywood tried last week only to find that it is full.

I would love to do Silverman someday, but each year I get a bit less interested in long-distance travel, so I'm not sure it will happen. If you do it (and if the Vineman you're considering is NOT the full), then that is great spacing between it and St.George. It will be very easy for you to Peak twice in the season for those two irons, given that they are, what -- six months apart?? Perfect! And although St. George is rumored to be not exactly easy, it is not likley to be as tough as Silverman, so having Silveramn coming second is probably a very good thing. Get weaned at St. George, and be ready for the bruisin' of Silverman!

Finally, your weight goals seem very intelligent, given your build. I don't remember if I wrote it in my bio this time around, but I (as do most people ) have a more-or-less ideal race weight; in my case, at 6'2", it is 168-172 or so. You seem to have a good idea of your ideal weight, and without actually seeing what you look like, I think you're wise to not want to drop below 155, for the reasons you give (power and strength).

2009-12-18 6:54 PM
in reply to: #2567974

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

STEVE again -

We just cyber-crossed. (And that happened earlier today with me and Neil-from-Hollywood -- it must have something to do with trans-continental connections! )

Great questions ----- to which I maybe have some thoughts?? I will get back to you later on those - likely tomorrow, but tonight if I can get through posts to Dwayne and Diane expeditiously!


2009-12-18 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2567616

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


January what? I'm the 13th.

That's an intersting diagnosis from the orthopedic surgeon -- arthritis, don't run ever again. He's a surgeon and I'm just your average chowderhead, but I'm awfully wary of such a broad pronouncement as "arthritis". It COULD well be that, but there is just so much that can go wrong in those pesty legs....and so many potential ways to fix things so that one can indeed run again. My guess is that he hates running and, by extension, all runners, and you were smart to get a second opinion.

When the scond guy gave you a shot, what exactly was it for, and where exactly in your back was it given? Was your problem sciatica, or something disc-related? And did he offer any further remedies, such as orthotics or a biomechanical assessment to determine what type of foot you have and what type of running shoe might serve you best? Final question (for now - ) -- what running shoe are you in now? Company? Model?

Don't apologize about being lazy logging the training hours, as with two sprints in your sights right now, you have lots of time to get into a doable routine. But the trainer work is laudable, and the run/walk combo every other day is a grwat way to ease your leg back into the game. Again, there is no hurry to rush anything at this stage of the deep off-season!

Finally, aside from what you say about the weight and the snuff, have you been able to make some inroads into governing your food intake? Alot of this will work itself out as you progress through training, and fairly regular swim sessions will help a lot in pointing your weight in the direction you want.

Let me know more about your leg problem when you get a chance, okay?

2009-12-18 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2567693

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Despite your misgivings, certain of the stars seem to be aligned for you to do a sprint in '10! You've started running again, your sciatica has split the scene, your tri-focused neice is back on this side of the Atlantic, and you ave access to a triathlete trainer who is willing to create a program for you. Holy moly!

Add to that the purchase of a bike and the plans for more swimming to build on your late-summer swims, and that all adds up to a goal that won't easily be denied. The timeline you have tentatively set for yourself is very prudent, giving you loads of time to not only get back in shape, but to be truly race-worthy! Chaaaaaarge!!

No need to tell anyone about your plans (and your secret is safe with us!). That way you can proceed at your own pace without too many people hounding you. So for now, doing the running, working on strength, and keeping up with Pilates is an excellent way to begin.

Does the TX in your user name suggest that you live in Texas? if so, you have the opportunities to get on your bike, whenever it suits you. There is no need to push that right now -- just do what you feel is right to comfortably work yourself back into shape, as well as just getting used to the feel of riding.

A few years ago I impinged my rotator cuff, and it took quite a while - involving lots of physio - to get it back into shape. Fortunately it happened at the tale end of a season, so it didn't affect any racing plans. I'm really glad you have an experienced person to guide you through swimming while having rotator cuff problems, but if you want further cautious guidelines, I can provide some for you. First on the list is to avoid using hand paddles, as they create a whole lot of extra load on the shoulders. That was NOT a contributing factor in my r.c. problem, and I can now use them without problems (knock on wood -- clunk, clunk), but the triathlon and swimming worlds are full of people whose rotator cuffs have been severely compromised through the use of hand paddles.

Have you prowled through this site in search of some of the beginner training plans? If so, have you found anything that appeals to you, that seems feasible? If not, let me know. I'm also uncertain as to how deeply your trainer is going to get involved in designing a training program. that is obviously the best scenerio, especially if she/he is in it with you for the long haul.

So, carry on with what you've been doing! You sound very focused and determined, but also realistic about where you're at currently and what your limiters are likely to be. Let me know about your trainer's commitment to you, okay?

2009-12-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Wow, what a mentor we have! Thank you for accepting me into your group. :-)

I dont even know enough to know what my questions are yet, lol.  I am learning from others though! 

So, as I mentioned I am 43 years old and live in Kimberley BC with my family.  I have never done a triathlon but have been the runner on a female recreational team a few times.  I have been planning to learn to swim and do a full triathon (all elements, but just a sprint for now) for a few years.  This year my 5 year old daughter did her first triathlon and all of those kids that day inspired me so much!

I plan to do the Gericks Rocky Mtn triathlon in Wasa near where I live.  I have a bunch of friends that do this and some great comraderie.  

I also plan to lose 20 pounds during my training.  I also want to incorporate quite a bit of strength training into my workouts.  

I started my fitness journey a few years ago with Body for Life. It was great, but I found I became a transformation junkie.  I got my satisfaction from losing the weight and would go without too much to do that, then gain it back again and repeat.  I really am searching for something that I do just because I love to do it and is also a challenge and maintains my fitness.

I also am very prone to injury and have to be so careful with the running.  I have had shin splints, fracture and it band sydrome.  I have a treadmill now and seem to do better running on that then the roads.  I try to get out for long runs when I can, but conditions are rarely ideal here in the winter. 

I dont have a clue about where to even start with bike training and swimming is pretty much limited to learning how for now!

Thanks again so much Steve and I am so excited to share this journey with all of you!


2009-12-18 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Hi Steve. I'd love to join your group. You have an impressive record! My name is Tracey and I'm 38 years old. I'm going to be doing my first sprint in August 2010. I work as a consultant for the pharmaceutical industry, am married and have a 3-year-old son. I had always been overweight my entire life, since I was a child. About 7 years ago, I lost 90 pounds through diet and exercise. Since then, I have always dreamed of becoming a true "athlete". I work out regularly and have done a few 5k races. I'm really excited about this triathlon but also very apprehensive! I learned to freestyle with my face in the water just 6 weeks ago, so that is the area where I'm going to need the most work. If I finish this race, I hope to do more and eventually move on to Olympic. Completing this race will be a huge personal accomplishment for me, second only to losing weight. I look forward to learning from you and the group!
2009-12-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Wow, congrats on the weight loss Tracey! You are ahead of me with the swimming :-)
2009-12-18 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2568110

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN



BUT!!! For now, welcome to the group!

2009-12-18 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2568086

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Many thanks for the bio info, and as with tracey, i'll be back more fully (awake) tomorrow.

Quickly, though -- what shoes are you running in now, and if you had to characterize your feet, owuld you say you have high arches or flat feet. Have you ever done the "wet test", or had someone REALLY experienced examine your foot type? And was the fracture a stress fracture? If so, of which bone?


2009-12-18 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-23 7:08 PM
2009-12-18 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

room for one more?

2009-12-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2559115


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Steve, it was a stress fracture in my shin. That was years ago though in high school. I always worry though as I was so much lighter then! I have good shoes according to the "expert" at the shoe store. I certainly paid enough for them! I still get the it band issues and shin pain if I run enough. I think I overpronate?
2009-12-18 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2568050

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Steve, I am in North Texas so the weather is good for biking a good deal of the time, too hot for some of the summer months.  I do not have a bike that will work but in the meantime plan on working on the bikes at the gym for now.  I downloaded a couple of the plans, they seem a little overwhelming on the swimming side.  I can swim for up to 30 minutes at a very slow pace (as is everything at this point!) but I only do freestyle every fourth lap and use other strokes to avoid any further damage to my shoulders.  I don't know what I am going to get from my trainer in terms of a plan, will not meet with her again until the first week in January.  So for now I am focusing on beginning on the bike, running and strength training.  Any suggestions you have for a training plan will be appreciated!  Although I would like to not be the LAST one to finish my first sprint, finishing is really my only goalSmile  Given where I am coming from with a huge weight loss I can't believe that I am truly thinking of doing this.  But two months ago I told a friend I didn't think I would ever run again, and now know that I can do it with work and determination.  My real issue is whether I can get over the shoulder issues to do the swimming.  I have lived with them the way they are for 20+ years so just working on improving them is a new challenge for me.  Thanks so much for all your help.
2009-12-18 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2568138


Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
I love P90X. What a great sport and mom you are doing a triathlon so your daughter wouldnt be lonely! Very cool. If triathlons did something for hair colour I would be a vet by now!Hi Hoos!I think you might have to wait until the am to see if there is room here. We have worked very hard to wear Steve out today, and its very late there.Heres a link to my 5 year old's triathlon. Goofy home vid warning...

Edited by lmcvetty 2009-12-18 9:51 PM

2009-12-18 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Steve, you figured it out ... Spring is just about 25 miles north of Houston. Will post my bio tomorrow.  It's been a crazy day and I just got home ... guess it's that time of year.  I'll be getting up at 5am for a run with my running group, so need to get to bed. 

It looks like it's going to be a great group!  I look forward to "meeting" everyone.

2009-12-19 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

I just got caught up on all the posts and I have to say we have an amazing and inspirational group!!! I'm looking forward to being part of the GrooveTime group and following everyone's progress.

Cathy, congratulations on the new addition to your family.  What a perfect Christmas present for you!

2009-12-19 6:34 AM
in reply to: #2567852

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Thank you Steve!   Will get back to you today on my injury history and a bit of other information on my training, etc. that might help you figure out where my problem areas are.   I already feel so very fortunate to have 'stumbled' across you - didn't know the mentor program was open.    Looking forward to having you help me have my best season yet!  


2009-12-19 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Hello Everyone,

Just finished reading through all the posts.   Took me forever to READ them; simply amazing that Steve can read, AND reply to us that quickly with sound, positive advice. 

I am so glad I was able to join this group.  Looks like I'm one of the oldest but am happy that there are several at least in the same decade.  Cool   Looking forward to getting to know you all better and the encouraging words when times get tough. 


2009-12-19 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2567999

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
January 28th same as my mother.

Can't remember the exact word he used on where he was putting the shots. it was on my right side and he said, that they were just deteriorating from old age. Before the shots If I would run or walk for 30 min or more, the next morning and for 2-3 days following I could barely walk, and have to brace myself when getting up, because of the pain in my upper right leg as well as not being to put any weight on it at first.

I wear a Brooks shoe that I was fiitted for at a running store after being video taped. This helped my knee problem before the other problem arose. I was not given any further instruction on what to do about my problem other than I could go back to my regular lifestyle 3 weeks after the shots. And so far so good.

 Another man I work with, who is about my age was told the same thing about his leg that it was arthritis and to quit running. Come to find out, his problem was one leg was shorter than the other and he just needed some extra support.

Edited by Dwayne 2009-12-19 8:30 AM

2009-12-19 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2568138

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

M -

Yup! Adoption papers have been filed and approved, just like that. You're adopted!

I'm off for several hours, but will return this afternoon.

But quickly, re your comment "Sure wish triathlons could do something about hair color" ----

You know, in ten years in tri, my own hair has only become sparser and sparser and sparser. You can even ask the person in the next post below.....

Edited by stevebradley 2009-12-19 2:05 PM
2009-12-19 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2568386

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN


Aw, you know I'll always have room for you!
2009-12-19 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2568328

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN
Good morning all.  Anne, I am right behind on you age, turned 56 last month, and from the sounds of it in much worse shape than you are!  Lost 70 pounds in 2009 and started working out again in August.  In early October, I never thought I would run again but am now looking at my first 5K sometime in the first quarter of 2010.  The strength training is great but I also highly recommend Pilates, particularly for women.  I started it primarily to deal with my abs after the weight loss and was stunned that it has strengthened my back and core so much that the sciatica I have struggled with for eight years has completely disappeared.  But the key to Pilates is the instructor.  I have several Pilates tapes and if they are typical they are not nearly what my instructor puts us through in class.  (This instructor is also a tri-athlete and pushes us hard.)  In any event, I think particularly for women that strengthening our core is one of the keys in addition to the standard strength training.  So many women I know have back and core issues after years of lifting kids, groceries, housework, etc.  In any event, it is so nice to be part of a group that has others who are just beginning and similar in age.
2009-12-19 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - OPEN

Hey Steve, I am interested in joining your group.

My name is Shaun, I'm 29 and I hail from a suburb of Detroit, MI currently. However, I am from the Niagara Falls, ON area and lived in Ottawa for 6 years (how I miss that city...). Was fairly active as a kid into high school (football, baseball, basketball, golf, dryland rowing training, etc) but was never particularly great at anything. Then came late high school and university and all that that brings. Earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Carleton University and spent 2 years working jobs that either involved 90% travel or 14+ hour days, 6 days a week. I've been in Detroit for 2 years now, working a steady job with regular hours and have changed my lifestyle significantly for the healthier. No prior multisport triaining. This summer was looking for more fun than the gym and bought a mountain bike. Love riding it but have the fear of injuring my noggin as I know that what is between my ears is my money maker.

Family Status: Single with no kids and no pets. Just expensive hobbies...

Current training: Slowing down for the holidays as I will be taking 2 weeks off while I am in Niagara. This will also give my body some time to rest. Found out I have tendonitis in both shoulders earlier this year and recently seems like I have an IT band issue. My regular training consists of 2-3 spins 1 hour spin classes a week. 2-3 20 minute swim sessions a week (I took lessons through lifegaurding until I was 16). 3-4 stength training sessions a week. Running is my weakness. I had gotten to 5k in 30 minutes then had a 8lb dumb bell fall on my big toe. Stopped running for 2 weeks and first time back same leg as the toe injury is where the IT band symptoms started. I plan on starting back with some running in the new year. Thinking doing a 0-5k plan with reduced emphasis on leg strengthening.

2010 Races: None planned right now due to my leg and would like to run pain free before trying a tri where I have adrenaline pumping to go faster. Also, I am being primed for a transition at work and not sure if I am staying in the same building or what shift or if I am going to end up travelling regularly. Providing things go well, I plan participating in a Sprint in the early part of the summer and some 5-10k's. Further out, if things look good would like to try an Oly towards the end of the year at which point a mountain bike on slicks might start to be a hinderance.

Weight Loss - Oct 2007 - 235 lbs. Dec 2009 - 203lbs at 5'10" tall. With strength training for 2 years with mild cardio I am in much better condition however still desire to lose 20+ pounds of fat. With increasing cardio work as of late I have started to notice I've crested the plateau and gotten back to losing 1-2 lbs a week. In Oct 2007, I also significantly changed my diet due to not having to travel and cooking for myself. Lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains. Still a sucker for some good oatmeal cookies though!

I'm new to the whole mentor thing on BT and have not been logging my training thus far, so that will be another step in my training. I am planning on getting a HRM/Cyclometer so I can get a better idea of what I am accomplishing.

Edited by smarx 2009-12-19 11:14 AM
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