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2009-12-21 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2570452

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Skywashed - 2009-12-21 12:00 AM Hi, It looks like you are just filling up. Can I get in under the wire? I would love to be part of an all-female group and I have found a lot of inspiration from the BT site.


This will be my third season doing triathlons. So far I have only done sprints, due to time constraints and injuries, but I would like to do an Olympic this year.

I am 35, a single mom and I work full time. The first year I took on triathlon training mainly just to see whether I could get the training in around my other responsibilities.  I was surprised at how much I could do and how much I enjoyed the training. (I actually don't enjoy the racing so much Lora, I can really relate when you say you love the training!

Last year it was mainly about seeing how much I could do in spite of a shoulder and knee injury. 

Family Status
Single mom living in Chicago with 6 yr old daughter.

Current Training
I've been really out of the swing. I started taking a grad class at night and its eating up all my free time for training. Also, I just had shoulder surgery on Monday. My immediate plan is to get through the 9-14 wks of physical therapy and back in the pool again.

Last Year’s Races
March: Shamrock Shuffle 8k
May: Galena Duathlon
June: Prairie Sprint Triathlon (Rockton IL)
August: Pleasant Prairie Duathlon 
October: Go Go Green 5k 

This Year’s Races
I haven't decided yet. Contemplating an indoor tri as soon as my shoulder heals. Would like to do Pleasant Prairie or Kickapoo Valley Reserve again.

Well, Marcy, it looks like you've had quite the variety of challenges the last couple seasons. Hopefully your shoulder will mend as predicted and you can get back in that pool. Of course, don't rush it.

I've thought about taking a grad class myself, but I already work 45-50 hours a week and I'm already struggling trying to find time to train, so I completely understand how cramped your time must feel.

Hopefully this can be the season you get to tackle the Olympic. I think having the races that you have under your belt will help you so much.

Welcome aboard, Marcy.

2009-12-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2570472

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - OPEN
twohearted - 2009-12-21 12:32 AM

I think I might be too late. Looks like you already have 8. Is there still room for me? I would love to be a part of this group.


Come on board, Karen! Welcome!
2009-12-21 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2570537

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - OPEN
manfarr1974 - 2009-12-21 7:02 AM Name Mandy Story I was pretty athletic in high school and college but after college kind of got out of athletics. I have always been active, I am a whitewater raft guide, an avid skier, and work as a forester. I tend to dive into things full on and I started running when I was around 31 because I started gaining weight, and didn't really want to drastically change my eating habits, so I figured I should get more active. I decided I needed motivation to train, so I signed up for a marathon having never run a road race of any kind. I finished that race and since then have run 3 more marathons. But after my last marathon (Goofy Challenge 2008) I completely lost interest in running. I developed this dislike for running that I have never had, so I just stopped. I hadn't really biked much and so I got a hybrid bike and started biking some, but not really training, I would call it more recreational riding. I liked the road bike my friend had and got one second hand this spring. I have always been interested in triathlon, but never signed up because I was nervous about the swim. I finally bit the bullet and signed up for my first sprint in June 2009, did the race, and was hooked. Through training this summer, I fell in love with open water swimming, continued to improve on my bike, and came around to really liking running again. 2010 will be my second tri season. Family Status Not married but have a big dog and a great guy. Current Training I am swimming 1x/week (closest pool is 1hr15min away, and the lake is frozen), biking on trainer 3-4x/week, and running 3x/week. I am trying to maintain my base so I can really build this spring and summer. Last Year’s Races 6/07/09: Pirate Triathlon (sprint) 8/2/09: Bethel Triathlon (sprint) 9/19/09: Lobsterman Triathlon (Olympic) This Year’s Races 2/7/10 Mid-Winter 10 Mile Classic (road race) 5/8/10 Polar Bear Tri (sprint) 5/16/10 Sugarloaf Marathon 6/13/10 Pirate Triathlon 8/22/10 Timberman HIM ...that is as far as I have gotten in planning, but I might do Lobsterman again in Sept. Weight Loss I could still be cool with losing another 10 to 15; however, if I have to stay where I am and be able to enjoy the foods that I do, I’m okay with that. Yeah, me too.

Yay! Another GOTRIbal girl! Welcome, Mandy. Congrats on finishing your four marathons and on completing your first season of tris! They really are addictive, aren't they?

What you experienced with burning out on running is one of the reasons I love tris. I think if I just did one sport and got burnt out (temporarily or much longer), I would get depressed that I'd lost my motivation to exercise. With tris, if you experience burn out in one of the disciplines, you've still got two where you can still train hard and get the benefits of exercise.

Please tell me the Polar Bear Tri is indoors? I'm getting colder as I sit here reading about it.

Again, welcome aboard, Mandy!
2009-12-21 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2572097

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
jgrigg - 2009-12-21 9:18 PM

Age: 42

I have always been fairly active, but never competed in anything but team sports.  Following my husband's lead, I started running in 5K races a few years ago.  Although I always enjoy participating, running has never been a passion of mine.  Two years ago I bought a road bike and found my real passion...cycling.  I have done many charity rides and have completed 2 Century rides (100 miles). 

I am interested in a triathalon because I think it would be such a challange.  I would like to learn to be a better swimmer and perhaps training for a triathalon will help me enjoy running more.

Family Status
Married with 1 teenaged daugher.

Current Training
1 hour spin class, once a week.
30 minutes running, once a week.
30 minutes swimming, once a week.
1 hour or so on bike trainer, once a week
1 hour stregth training, twice a week
Wallyball team, 1-2 hours, once a week.
Walking, 45 minutes, 5 days a week (I watch my soap opera while on the treadmill!)

Last Year’s Races
Hmmm....can't remember specifics, but here's a guess:

Sept., 2009: 100 mile Century bike ride
May, 2009: 50 mile charity bike ride
May, 2009: 5k run
July, 2009: 5k run
Sept. 2009: 5k run

This Year’s Races

May, 2010: St. Clair Shores 5k
June, 2010: Belle Isle Sprint Triathalon
Sept. 2010: Peach of Ride Century Bike Ride

Weight Loss
Right now I am pretty active but am still about 8 pounds heavier than I am during the warmer months.  I would like to drop that weight BEFORE the spring and summer months, rather than during.  I always feel like I can do more when I am not lugging around extra pounds.


I work full time and have a husband who works out of State so most of the daily household things are my responsibility.  Most of my spare time is spent at the gym or going to my daughter's school or sporting events.

I really am looking forward to getting to know some new people through this program.  I think that sharing the ups and downs of training with others will be helpful.  I am hoping for encouragement and advice, but at the same time hope that I can motivate others in the group.  I have read about some of the other gals and think that their stories are terrific.

Thank you for having me Lora!

Well, Jeri, with your cycling and running background, you're at quite the advantage heading in to the sport. I, too, hope you can rediscover enjoying running. Most triathletes will tell you that running - in any distance tri - is easier after having swum and biked than if you'd just run alone. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it does seem to be true for a lot of us. Hopefully, that can help you out.

Looking forward to having you as part of the group! Welcome aboard!

- Lora
2009-12-21 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hello to everyone! Its fun reading your stories. You seem like a great group of women!

And a big thank you to Lora for volunteering to be our mentor! 

I'll add each of you to my friends list so you can see my logs (if you so choose)  
2009-12-22 4:18 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED

Everyone is my friend's!!!

2009-12-22 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey all,

I have added you all to my friends list too - good idea Marcy.  Very psyched, sounds like this is an awesome group!  Thanks so much Lora for starting it!  I liked your video, it is so awesome you found triathlon, it seems to fit you! 

All the best,

2009-12-22 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey Everyone!  I'm excited to be a part of this group!  Lora your video is great!  I have also enjoyed reading your blog.  Thanks for mentoring!
Looking forward to learning more about everyone and learning from everyone!
2009-12-23 12:00 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey Groupies!

Does anybody have any creative ideas in mind for keeping the training up during the inevitable schedule irregularities of the holidays?

I got my thoughts together the other day and starting making a list of goals for January. I put them in my blog. Here they are so far. May still be edited before Jan 1.

Goals for January
-Complete 5th week of physical therapy
-Log training every day
-Find an indoor tri for late Q1 or Q2
-Explore temporary part time work option in order to restore life balance

Edited by Skywashed 2009-12-23 12:05 AM
2009-12-23 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2574620

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey there Marcy-

My plan for the holidays is to run in the morning when everyone else is sleeping.  With the traveling around the state we do, all I need to bring is running shoes and clothes, and commit to getting up early.  I am trying to front-load my week with some bike workouts since I won't be able to do that later this week (thank you Coach Troy - any of you do Spinnervals? They are awesome!

But for Marcy, I wonder how PT is going to fit into your schedule this week - if you travel, getting your later week PT in is going to be tough.  All I can think of is try to get in the PT now so you get as many days in as you can before the holiday's take you away unless you are using bands or really light weights that are easily portable - then the early am sneak in might work.  Can you run with your bad shoulder?  I think that might be tough, but I am not sure. 

I hope someone is more creative than I am on this one, I would love some ideas...

Happy Holidays to all!


Edited by manfarr1974 2009-12-23 7:29 AM
2009-12-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey, ya'll (I am from West Virginia afterall)! I just wanted to let you know that I was swamped cleaning and cooking for a dinner party today and tonight, but I'll read the latest posts and check in with you tomorrow. Just didn't want to leave ya hangin'.

- Lora

2009-12-24 4:57 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

I will be doing a lot of stretching over this next couple of days to much going on for me!! But everyone keep it up and LORA, you spend as much time as you need with your family I know you will not desert me!!
2009-12-24 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Ha ha. Glad ya'll enjoyed the video. I really need to update it. It's way over a year old.

Glad to see you guys are getting added to each others' friends list.  Let me know if you guys (gals) have any questions about how to do that.  I'll be glad to help.
2009-12-24 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2574620

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Skywashed - 2009-12-23 1:00 AM Hey Groupies!

Does anybody have any creative ideas in mind for keeping the training up during the inevitable schedule irregularities of the holidays?

I got my thoughts together the other day and starting making a list of goals for January. I put them in my blog. Here they are so far. May still be edited before Jan 1.

Goals for January
-Complete 5th week of physical therapy
-Log training every day
-Find an indoor tri for late Q1 or Q2
-Explore temporary part time work option in order to restore life balance

I've actually found that training has been easier because of my holiday schedule, but I'm quite sure I'm the irregularity. I'm on staycation, though, so I get to go for a swim in the middle of the day which has been really nice.

I think you'll find that having listed those goals will help kick you into gear. I think that, because your physical therapy is the main priority right now, that will help you to see where the other things can fall into your life after that.

I can also tell you that registering for that indoor tri I'm doing in a couple weeks really brought back the motivation for me, so perhaps finding a tri and registering for it will help you maintain.

Well, I hope that helps...somewhat.
2009-12-24 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  I'll be back in touch after tomorrow.


2009-12-26 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2574750

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the holidays!

Mandy, yes I've done something call spintervals and I do like it. Lately I have only done them on my own and not in a group- alternating spinning with core exercises. What does your Spinnervals consist of?

But for Marcy, I wonder how PT is going to fit into your schedule this week - if you travel, getting your later week PT in is going to be tough.  All I can think of is try to get in the PT now so you get as many days in as you can before the holiday's take you away unless you are using bands or really light weights that are easily portable - then the early am sneak in might work.  Can you run with your bad shoulder? 

I actually start my PT sessions again next week. Up through now I've just been doing some simple exercises on my own at home. Its a challenge getting them in while working. I schedule them over lunch, but then I don't get a lunch or any other workout in that day. Becasue of the missed workout time, I feel that my overall fitness decreases.

Other than PT, I have been doing elliptical and whatever core that can be done without moving the shoulder.

Mandy, I think running is a great thing to do when you're out of town. It requires little equipment and can be done almost anywhere.

2009-12-26 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2578109

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Skywashed - 2009-12-26 11:48 AM Hey everyone,

Mandy, yes I've done something call spintervals and I do like it. Lately I have only done them on my own and not in a group- alternating spinning with core exercises. What does your Spinnervals consist of?

I do Spinnervals with Coach Troy DVD - I have the Iron Girl one, and really like that.  It has easy, med, and hard workouts, and so, say for the easy one, you do a warm up, then fast cadence (~100rpm or better) 30sec on middle chain, 30sec on large chain, 30sec middle chain - I think there must be a 15 sec rest between.  So 3 sets of that. Then 2 30sec sets of 15 sec on mid chain, 15 on big chain...  The med and hard workouts have standing and longer reps for the sets.  Do you have any of his other DVD's?  I want to get another one.

I actually start my PT sessions again next week. Up through now I've just been doing some simple exercises on my own at home. Its a challenge getting them in while working. I schedule them over lunch, but then I don't get a lunch or any other workout in that day. Becasue of the missed workout time, I feel that my overall fitness decreases.

Other than PT, I have been doing elliptical and whatever core that can be done without moving the shoulder.

Good luck with your recovery.  I know it is frustrating to be injured, and there is only so much time in the day to fit everything in - and the most important thing fitness-wise right now is to get your shoulder healthy.  I bet your fitness hasn't decreased that much (although it might feel like it), but it is tough not being able to keep up what you are used to or want to. 

Back to more holiday madness!

Edited by manfarr1974 2009-12-26 12:35 PM
2009-12-27 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
OK, so we're almost through with the holiday weekend. How did everyone do with training, with eating and did you get any fun tri-related gear for Christmas?

I was pretty happy with how training went this week. My husband got me some body glide for my wetsuit and with some money I'll be buying a bike trainer.

Your turn...
2009-12-27 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Hi Girls -

Still here and still don't have a response yet.  Been on bedrest because of a spinal tap headache (ER thought I had menangitis last Tuesday but it turned out to just be the flu).  Looking to get a blood patch tomorrow so hopefully life will be back to normal soon.  Not a very fun Christmas.

Anyways - looking forward to using my new Forerunner 305 soon.

2009-12-27 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2562810

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
I was pretty happy with my training...just didn't get swimming in as the gym was closed Christmas Eve and Christmas.  Then I was out of town!  But ready to hit the pool this week!!
I used my new Garmin Forerunner 305 today!  I love it!!  I also got running gloves, arm warmers and a warm, long sleeve running pullover from Florida Ironman.  I just got my bike trainer before Christmas.  It is a Nashbar fluid and loving it so far!

Amy take care of yourself...what a way to spend your Christmas!  I hope you get to feeling better soon!!  I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! Smile
2009-12-28 12:17 AM
in reply to: #2579016

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the encouraging words, Mandy!Amy, my goodness, I am glad you did not have meningitis! I hope you are back to feeling top-notch soon!As for me, my shoulder has been worse in the past few days and also my knee is acting up, which leaves only elliptical as an option. I haven't wanted to leave my daughter to get to the elliptical at the gym since she had been away for nearly a week visiting her dad. So...... I've done very little! I am however, remembering what it feels like to relax and veg out.I hope the rest of you all have been more industrious in your training!

2009-12-28 12:19 AM
in reply to: #2579559

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Oooo... Amyleigh, I have a new indoor trainer, too. It is a Kurt Kinetic. I'm excited to start using it more regularly.
2009-12-28 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Training went well for me - no swimming, but I got some running and biking in.

Amy, sounds like some awesome gear!  I got a gift cert to, and some cash to get an aerobar and maybe a new seat.  Any of you have an aerobar? I found a fairly inexpensive Profile ($80 + they will fit me) and although it is pretty basic, I don't know that I will know the difference between that and a more expensive one, except that I spent more $$.  I thought if I really wanted to in the future I could upgrade. 

Happy Monday!

2009-12-28 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2562810

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Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
Ok training is getting back!! I did running and a swim I need to get on the bike. For Christmas I got nothing because funds are tight but I am ok with that. I really have everything I need. I got my trainier last year so I don't need anything!

Amykmo I will say a big pray for you to get well soon!! I am also glad you don't have that condition!!

Everyone have a good Monday!!
2009-12-28 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2579396

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's Just Us Girls Group - CLOSED
amykmo - 2009-12-27 9:15 PM Hi Girls -

Still here and still don't have a response yet.  Been on bedrest because of a spinal tap headache (ER thought I had menangitis last Tuesday but it turned out to just be the flu).  Looking to get a blood patch tomorrow so hopefully life will be back to normal soon.  Not a very fun Christmas.

Anyways - looking forward to using my new Forerunner 305 soon.


Well, that DOESN'T sound like a fun Christmas at all! Yikes, Amy! So glad to hear it wasn't menangitis, though I'm sorry you've got the flu! Hope things are better today. Love that you got a 305! Awesome!
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