BT Development Mentor Program Archives » cayrip's and AbbieR's Mentor Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2009-12-27 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Wow...We grew FAST.  I was only going to take 6 but I've decided to take everyone.  It should be fun.  I'll get to know everyone tomorrow.  A very diverse group.  Make sure to update your logs (mine isn't!). 

2009-12-27 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
Cameron, I would love to join your group. Let me know if there is still room and I will post all my info! Thanks
2009-12-27 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Do you have room for another?

Name: Nathan
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Family: Married with a 2 year old son
Location: Anchorage, Alaska--formerly of Alpharetta, GA and Lexington, KY (Go Big Blue!)
Occupation: Controller/Marketing Manager for a Promotional Products Distributor

Here is my story:

I am a former high school athlete (swimming and soccer) that gave it all up once I went off to college.  For some reason beer and girls were more important

After college I would spend about 3 months every year trying to get/stay in shape.  Nothing seemed to keep me motivated.  My wife encourages me, but she is not an athlete.  That kind of makes it difficult.  I would run or swim at the gym with no real plan. 

Last spring someone told me about a sprint triathlon that was scheduled for August 23rd.  I had no idea that there were such things as sprint triathlons.  Whenever I heard the word triathlon, I always thought of long distance endurance races.  This sprint triathlon peaked my interest so I started doing some research.  That is when I found this site.

To my surprise, I learned that some people (beginners typically) compete these sprint triathlons on their mountain bike.  That made me feel much better as all I own is a mountain bike and I didn't think that a new bike would be a wise investment.

I loosely followed an 8 week training program in preparation for the sprint triathlon.  I was pleasantly surprised with how my running came along.  The swimming was easy for me b/c of my past experience.  The bike was a major challenge for several reasons: no experince, mountain bike, limited belief in myself.

I enjoyed every minute of the race.  Front of pack in swim, back of pack on the bike, and middle of pack on run.   I am awful on the bike.  It has little to do with conditioning and more to do with leg strength and the type of bike I use.  

Unfortunately, I haven't done any training since the triathlon.  Uugh.  I have had a bad Autumn.  I developed shingles just a week after the race.  The shingles lasted for about a month--very painful at times and generally were just a nuesance. I encourage anyone that thinks they may have  shingles to get in to their doctor as soon as you can. Then I had the flu at the begining of November. 

I don't like excuses and am upset with myself that I haven't done any training since August.  

But all changed the other day when my wife gave me a bike trainer for Christmas.  So I am ready to do this!!

I plan on doing one sprint, one oly, and maybe a half marathon in 2010.  I will be buying either a road or tri bike within the next couple of months.

I am ready to start.  Please count me in.

2009-12-27 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2578864

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
stefanier - 2009-12-27 12:05 PM Cameron, I would love to join your group. Let me know if there is still room and I will post all my info! Thanks

Oops I just noticed that the top of this thread said Closed. Sorry about that. (I followed the link here from the open mentor group listing).

No problems, I found another to join. Have a great time gang!
2009-12-28 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Can you confirm me if I am in your group? Did you have time to read a little bit of my blog?

After my request, I think you said you were accepting all before...and I think I am the last one?

Thanks a lot,

"XTB" Xavi.
2009-12-28 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Okay is our group.  I've added links to everyone's log if it is private.  Remember if you want to keep it private feel free to but we can only inspire you if you add us as a friend.  At the very least, please add me as a friend so I can check in on you.

I do expect everyone to keep thier logs posted.  Not only does this help us review our training but it also helps focus our future.  Keeping up with the log is great motivation.  Even if you just record how many hours you slept, it gets you thinking about our mental illness (yes triathlons are a mental illness---just ask anyone who DOES NOT do them.)

I originally wanted a small mentor group but it is okay that we grew.  It just means a more lively discussion.  If you want a smaller group or do not plan on keeping up with your log, please let me know.  That way I will know that you have left our group and I don't pester you too much about your training although I will continue to check in every once and a while.

Our members (if no link, then log is private--again no sweat but please add me so I can spy on you  















Xavi "XTB"--xavi

2009-12-28 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

We will really get this thing going next week but in the meantime:

  1. 2010 goals
  2. Limiting sport
  3. dream job (I think Cara already has hers!--nice profile photos from the pit).


Here are my answers:

  1. 12 hr IM, Boston Qualify
  2. swimming
  3. enviromental educational host for TV series on Discovery or National Geographic (I've been on both while in grad school stepping on cottonmouths with my advisor)--I'm working towards this goal but need some connections--anyone have any?


2009-12-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Since our group expanded beyond my expectations, I am recruiting a fellow BT veteran to help with the group.  She said yes from her cell phone but I want to double check with her before she gets added to the list.  She is great!  She is a great motivator, multiple IM finisher (including two this year), and has more than achieved her goals over the last two years.

I'll keep you posted.


2009-12-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed


  1. Do a few sprint tri's in Orlando over the summer and complete the Miami HIM in October. Plus do good in grad school!
  2. Swimming!
  3. Mine might be in the same field as Cara but I really can't get too excited about the racing in America and thinking about maybe furthing my education in England.
2009-12-28 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
Just wanted to check in and say Hi to everyone (and lots of people now wow).  I'm travelling and it won't be until next week until I am able to get everything set up on the site, but in the meantime:
  1. 2010 goals :  stay uninjured (all year), finish HIM in respectable fashion (July 11), break 5k PR (early fall), BQ (late fall)
  2. Limiting sport - bike -definitely the bike (long story for another day).
  3. dream job - run a foundation that gives away money

So, I'm curious what training plans those of you who are doing IM or HIM are using.  I was planning to use the BT free beginner plan, but add on some longer bike rides (and my runs will prob. be a longer too).  What else are people planning to use?


2009-12-28 11:42 PM
in reply to: #2581135


Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
2010 Goals - Complete my first olympic triathlon, train to work up to completing half iron man at the end of the year.

Weakest sport - all of them. Swimming comes naturally but need to improve the speed.

Ideal Job - Running and owning a scuba dive charter.

2009-12-29 12:34 AM
in reply to: #2581345

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

2010 Goals-Complete IM St. George <12 hrs, win state TT championship for my cat (35+ 4), podium in a crit and RR, move up to Cat 3

Weakest Sport-running. . .hopefully Chi Running will improve that.

Ideal job-running my own consulting business focused on leadership development, or owning and wrenching at my combo bike/coffee shop

2009-12-29 12:56 AM
in reply to: #2581135

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

I am using TrainingPeaks ( and the Matt Fitzgerald Level V IM training plan.  I've used trainingpeaks for about a year now and love it.  I had great results with their virtual coach last year (you choose your sport, plug in your A, B, and C races and it spits out a training plan focused on prepping you for your A races). 

I haven't used the plans on the BT website so I can't comment on those.

2009-12-29 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

First of all, welcome to all Cameron's training mates...and if you want to know a little bit more about me, please, join my triblog,

  1. 2010 goals: HIM Singapore March, 2 or 3 Olympics, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Bintan and final HIM Asia Pacific December to be qualified from Singapore under my age group...and 2 or 3 HM and Mountain HM, for training purpose.
  2. Limiting sport: running
  3. dream job (I think Cara already has hers!--nice profile photos from the pit): no working, just sailing around the World!

 Talk to you soon!

"XTB" Xavi.


2009-12-29 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey Group!

AbbieR has agreed to co-mentor.  YEAH!  As I said earlier, she is a great motivator.  She runs the Peach Challenge every month and has successfully been active everyday for over a year (check her logs...pretty amazing stuff).   She has definitely motivated me to set some real goals about weightloss in my preparation for IM St. George. 

AbbieR is also a multiple IM finisher and seems to knock off 30 minutes each time she competes.  

We have a great mentor in AbbieR and I can't wait for the new year.  Let's get training!


2009-12-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

That last post put me to 300 posts and made me an Extreme Veteran.  Funny little things that make my day and it isn't even 8 am yet.

2009-12-29 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed


As we get to know each other and watch each other's training, the "inspire" feature in our trianing logs will be fun and very useful.  All you need to do is click the inspire word above the day you want to comment on and it will open a new window. 

When responding to inspires remember to click on the "reply" button and not the "post comment" button.  "Reply" will open the original inspirers training log and allow you to "inspire" them while retaining their original note to you.  The "post comment" button only comments in your log.  The original inspirer will not know that you posted a response.

Let me know if you have any questions.  If your log is open to me, I will get an inspire to you and we can see how they work.


Edited by cayrip 2009-12-29 9:40 AM
2009-12-29 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2579866

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
1. 2010 Goals: Improve my Portage Lakes Sprint triathlon by 3 minutes or more. Put in a respectable time in an Olympic triathlon this summer. Improve my half marathon time by 7 minutes. 2. My limiting sport is biking, I think. I'm not really fast at any individual event, so they can all use some work. 3. Yes, I do have my dream job. I love racing and am very much a gear head, and my job is quite challenging.

Edited by GotTorque? 2009-12-29 10:10 AM
2009-12-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2574061

Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
1.  2010 Goals: First Oly and first HIM
2.  Limiting sport: Biking, not much power in these legs yet.
3.  Dream job.  Farmer, or something mechanical engineery and active (airplane repair/mfg).
2009-12-29 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
  1. 2010 goals - Finish Country Music 1/2 Marathon and Finish Memphis in May Olympic Triathlon
  2. Limiting Sport - Running I am not very good at any of them but I can improve in the run the most.
  3. Dream Job- Hunting Personality
2009-12-30 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed


This is the killer of any good training plan.  How do you stay active and eat well while traveling?  When I travel, I'm given unlimited access to good food and drink.  I stay up way too late and am usually drunk by the time I go to sleep which makes getting up in the morning damn near impossible.  Hotel gyms are worthless and packing running shoes is sometimes impractical (carry on only).  Pools are always way too small and the only bike is a recumbent.

Any tips?  What do or would you do to be successful?  Do you bribe yourself with new gear?  Do justify the lapse in training by trying to double up when you get home?  How effective is a gym bicycle/recumbent?  What do you do when the treadmill belt is too loose to run on--do you walk?

Lots of questions and I'd love to hear everyone's response.

2009-12-30 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2583735

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Well anything is better than nothing. I'd really try to bring my running shoes! Can the recumbent bikes be adjusted with a bnuch of resistance?

I don't have much experience in business traveling so my ideas my not be the best!

2009-12-30 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2583735

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
cayrip - 2009-12-30 9:57 AM


This is the killer of any good training plan.  How do you stay active and eat well while traveling?  When I travel, I'm given unlimited access to good food and drink.  I stay up way too late and am usually drunk by the time I go to sleep which makes getting up in the morning damn near impossible.  Hotel gyms are worthless and packing running shoes is sometimes impractical (carry on only).  Pools are always way too small and the only bike is a recumbent.

Any tips?  What do or would you do to be successful?  Do you bribe yourself with new gear?  Do justify the lapse in training by trying to double up when you get home?  How effective is a gym bicycle/recumbent?  What do you do when the treadmill belt is too loose to run on--do you walk?

Lots of questions and I'd love to hear everyone's response.

I have a crazy travel schedule.  When you travel, do you travel with a group or by yourself?  The group I travel with knows I eat healthy, so they've come to expect it.  The actually give me a hard time if I eat crap foods.  Do you pick out your hotel?  Can you choose one near a fitness center?

As for drinking, most of my trips are 3-5 days long, and I limit myself to only having alcohol one day on the trip.  Everyone else around me is drinking, but it makes me a good designated driver.  As far as quantity of food, I know the restaurants we go to, and if not, I look up the nutrition information beforehand.  I eat a reasonable portion and save the rest for a lunch if it's good, if not, I throw it away (my frugal parents would be horrified, ha!).      

I always pack my running shoes, and run everywhere we go that is safe.  No excuse for leaving your running shoes.    Tie them onto your bag if there's no room.  Stuff them in your laptop bag.  I struggle with trying not to pack too much, and one think I've tried is substituting my running shoes for another pair.  We have to use black shoes at the track, so I tried to find a pair of running shoes that was black, but that didn't work out so well.      

I talk about running enough that I have friends in the racing series I work with that will run with me, as I hate running by myself anywhere but my neighborhood and a couple parks close to my house.  If I can't find a running buddy or a close park, the treadmill it is.  I've suffered through a 12 mile run on the treadmill, and I thought I was not going to make it.  Repeat after me... no excuse not to run!      

Biking is usually iffy on the road.  If recumbent is the only thing in the hotel gym and you need to get a bike in, use it anyways.  It's still better than doing nothing.      

Swimming is the only area I struggle with.  I've done laps in a 10 yard pool for an hour, and I don't think that was very effective at all.  I do have a YMCA membership, so I've thought about trying to find a YMCA on the road, but I don't always have access to a car.    

So if all else fails- city is not safe to run outside, treadmill is broken, no workout room, you can resort to plyometrics and some simple exercises.  I have a great list of plyometrics that will really help you with your running, and a few simple 20-min workouts you can do in your hotel room that are guaranteed to make you sweat.  If you're interested, let me know, and I will post them up, and I can go more into what I do when I find my hotel doesn't have a gym.    

Schedule is always a challenge.  I have to be flexible around my work schedule (which can sometimes be leaving for the racetrack at 5:30 am and getting back at midnight, 1 or 2.  On those days, I'm pretty much out of luck.  Usually we don't leave until 7:30, so I can get an hour and a half in if I wake up at 5. This also has the side effect of limiting how much I can drink.    We tend to go out to eat as a group, but I have opted for a pre-dinner workout at times.    

You just need to decide whether your schedule and surroundings will dictate what you can do, or if you will take charge of your situation.

Well that's my 2 cents worth.  Travel is always a challenge!   
2009-12-30 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2574061

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Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed

Reading Cara's post lead me directly to two thoughts:

  1. No Excuses--written several times by Cara
  2. Self-discipline--must have when co-workers are drinking, etc.

That sums up travel training--if it were really that simple. 

2009-12-30 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2584029

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: cayrip's Mentor Group - Closed
I had one last thought... Convert one of your fellow travelers to triathlon or running.  If you can do that, you could have a workout buddy!  >;-D
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