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2009-12-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2578926

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - OPEN
Hi Colin,

No structured plan and I couldn't agree more on the swim.


2009-12-27 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2578953

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - OPEN
Hello Matt,

I would love to have you in the group!  I like your goals and would be honored to help keep you motivated and help you reach your goals.  Your background looks great and I'm sure you'll get back in tip top shape in no time.

I took a quick look at your logs and I noticed you're doing Jorge's biking program.   That is terrific!  I am following that program myself and I think this should definitely help with your cycling.  Hopefully we can get a few more members of the group doing this as well.

Besides Jorge's training program, do you have any kind of planned weekly training?  I think this is really the key to staying up on your training during the winter months. 

Well welcome once again Matt.  I'm really looking forward to helping you with your training and reaching your goals.
2009-12-27 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2579254

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Prairie Village, KS
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - OPEN

I am not following another program per se as far as running and swimming goes, but I am starting to pull swim workouts off the beginner HIM training program to help get me shake of the rust in the pool.

I am going to take a week or so off from running because I am having some soreness in my left shin.  I am making the transition to Newton shoes so I think this may be the cause of the pain.  However, I did get horrible shin splints last year and I want to take every precaution that it doesn't happen again.

Do you have any recommendations for swimming workouts as that is what I will be focusing on along with biking for the most part over the next month.

Glad to be in the group!

2009-12-27 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2579279

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - OPEN
Great Stuff Matt!  That is a great decision to take it easy on the running for a little bit.  You don't want to head into a season with a nagging injury.  This also leaves a great a chance to get some swimming in while were letting the shin heal.

I like your idea of taking the swim workouts from a BT HIM training program.  However, what do you think of this:

Most of the workouts take about an hour and I think that program makes a lot of sense for you.  This only calls for 3 workouts a week, but if you incorporate this in with a solid bike program, it should be adequate for your needs.

Let me know if you want something with more sessions per week or longer and I'll get something going for you.
2009-12-27 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone!

I just closed the group and we have a total of 9 members including myself.  I'm really excited about our group.  We definitely have a good variety of people and goals.  However, you all seem quite motivated and I am confident we can help each other reach our goals.

Here is a quick list of everyone's names and username:

Colin, HockeyHands

Dave, DaveBIM2010

Jason, Wooden Bell

Kathryn, Kathryn

Patrick, 17281posse

Jaime, birksj

spuphal, still waiting for her details

Matt, mjgardner


I hope everyone will become friends and try to help each ther.  We have a lot of experience among us and I hope we can put it to use.  Although I am the "mentor" I really hope that you will all be willing to put your input in to help each other and contribute to helping all of our members reach their goals.

Now its time to get down to business!  For the most part, it seems like we all need get some more structure in our training right now.  With that said, I would like to setup a weekly training plan for each of you.  So could each of you please get back to me with the amount of time you can commit to your training each day/week?  If you want to let me know the total number of hours you can commit per week, that would be fine, but it would be ideal if you would let me know roughly how many hours you would like to commit per day.  If you want to go one step further and create a "training plan" for yourself which we can consider and possible adjust, that would be even better.  For example, here is my current training plan:

SwimTri Swim PM Tri Swim AM    2(2)
Bike AM Ride AM Ride AM Ride after runLong Ride
~30+ Road
4 (4-5)
Run6 mile AM Tempo Run
Recovery Run after RidePM Track workout Recovery Run after Ride AM Long Run
9-12 miles
Recovery Run after Ride6 (4-5) 
 6:00 PM Yoga 7:00 PM Yoga 
11:30 AM Yoga



As you can see from my plan, my program is run focused so I run 6 times a week.  I also bike 4 times a week and swim twice a week.  I am also a huge believer in the benefits of Yoga so I do yoga 2-3 times per week.  Please try to be as realistic as you can with your plan, but at the same time, try to make it in a way that it will help you push yourself.  If you have a crazy completely unstructured weekly schedule that changes all the time, that's OK, we'll figure it out so just let me know.

Thanks a lot everyone.  Please let me know if you have any other questions or if you need any other help.

2009-12-27 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2575024

New user

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin:

I have no triathlon experience, and recently decided that it's time to get into it. While i have no swimming or biking experience, I played soccer in college and am pretty athletic. I live in Boston as well and would appreciate some training advice as I'm getting started. I'm about to join a gym with a pool and purchase a bike.  I'd like to complete a few sprints this year and step it up next year if all goes well. I'm scheduled to have my second shoulder surgery (both shoulders) in a few weeks so I have some time to plan. Any tips?



2009-12-27 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi again! Back with a real computer tonight! Thanks for letting me in, even if I am 1/2 Canadian.

Name: Shannon

Story: My New Year's resolution last year was to compete in a triathlon. Well, I did that and was hooked. I love this sport! I'm originally from California (Bay Area & Central) and moved to the Fort Worth, Texas area about three years ago. Texas has some great weather for training and soooo many races throughout the year, within in relatively short drive! I've always been extremely athletic and was a competitive gymnast until I grew 7 inches in the summer before my senior year. That ended any college team hopes. I started running post-college with some friends, which lead to competing in my first marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma's Team in Training program. I'm currently a marketing & communications director for a hospital and can honestly say that I get to do what I love and love what I do.

Status: 33, Married, with a 1-1/2 year old daughter

This year's races: This year I completed 4 Sprints and 2 Olympic Distance tri's. I also ran 2 half marathons and finished my season this year with (my 5th to date) full marathon. I'm competitive, but mostly with myself. I'm quick to admit that I'm not first, but I'm not last either. I'm your typical middle-of-the-pack age grouper. I hear "On Your Left!" way too often on the bike, but I'll do what I can to hunt them down on the run!

2010 races: I did, however, qualify to participate in the USAT Age Group National Championships in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for 2010, so I'm definitely going! I plan on doing at least a 70.3 and really want to do a full Ironman, but need to seriously consider time/family/work/financial commitments, which means my inability to commit will relegate me to competing in a "non- Mdot" race, as they fill up so fast.

Current training: I swim about 3x/ week during lunch (I'm lucky to have a pool & gym at the hospital that I work at.) Ride (on the trainer at night) 2x/week and run about 3x/week with 4-mile runs + weights twice during the week at lunch and long runs (6+ miles) early on Saturday mornings. My training schedule is structured around work and spending as much time with my little girl as possible. She just got her first tricycle for Christmas and is already preparing for a career in triathlons!

Weight loss: I've lost about 20lbs from earlier this year and am now comfortable with my race weight. For me, it's all about building muscle- especially in my quadriceps - so that I can do better in the bike.

Goals: Definitely to get faster/ stronger on the bike. Biking is my weakest event and the only part that concerns me about attempting longer races. I do what I can to talk myself into liking the darn thing at all. I am riding a Trek 5000, which doesn't quite match up with the Cervelo's out there, but it is an all-carbon frame and received solid reviews. It was an upgrade for me this year and I'm happy with it. I figure I'll get a faster bike, when I become a faster rider.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and prepare for an awesome upcoming Tri season!
2009-12-27 11:58 PM
in reply to: #2578215

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - OPEN
Hey Colin, sorry for the late rep;y. My training program is just going to the gym right now about 3 times a week for an hour and a half. I do about 30-40 minutes of cardio, with the rest of the time spent on weights and the weight machines. I usually do 30 minutes on the treadmill with a plan of 5 walk briskly (3.5 mph, 3.0 incline), then 5 minutes run (4.8 mph, 1.0 incline), 4 minutes walk (3.5 mph, 3.0 incline) 4 minutes run (4.8 mph, 1.5 incline), 4 minutes walk (3.5 mh, 3.0 incline), 2 minutes run (5.0 mphm 1.5 incline), then cool down the last  minutes (3.0 mph, 0.0 incline)
2009-12-28 12:07 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED

I've attached my current training schedule which I am able to stick to most of the time.  You'll notice I've been a little light on the bike the last 2 months, and could definitely use a kick in the butt there.

Runs are runs, and rides are rides, in that I don't do any tempo work etc at current.  Swimming is usually various combo's of sets ranging from 50 yds to some 500 yd sets lately.

Lifting is something I've put back in the last month, I really enjoy it and actually is quite helpful with weight loss for me.  Since everything else is "cardio", I tend to take a traditional lifting approach, a couple muscle groups a day, plus core/abs, with no circuit training or super setting these days.

Let me know what you think, input would be awesome.

I'm stoked to be working together with the group.

SwimOFF 12-1500 Yds12-1500 Yds 1:30
BikeOFF     25-30 Miles1:30
RunOFF4-5 Miles 4-5 Miles 7 + Miles 2:20
WeightsOFF45 mins 45 mins 45 mins 2:15

Edited by 17281posse 2009-12-28 12:08 AM
2009-12-28 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2579409

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the world of triathlon!  Being a college soccer player, I'd assume you have a pretty strong or fast running background.  This typically equates to being pretty strong on the bike as well.  As for the swim, you'll probably be surprised how quickly you can pick it up.  It takes quite some time to become a good swimmer and really develop your stroke, but we'll get you there.  If you enjoy working out and pushing yourself, you're are going to absolutely love triathlons.  I truly can't get enough of this sport and I'll love to help you get started.

Sorry to hear about needing shoulder surgery.  Are you having surgery on both shoulders at once or do you just mean its the second surgery on the opposite shoulder?  I've been there before and certainly feel for you.  Make sure your are committed to your rehab because you will need full range of motion in your shoulders to swim properly.   How long is your rehab planned for?  When roughly do you think you will be ready to start training?  I would assume we'll be able to get you started on your bike + run training a little sooner than you'll be ready to swim.

As for the new bike, are you planning to get a road bike?  Do you have a price range?  New or used?  If you are looking for a used bike, this could be a great time to get a good deal on one.  There are some terrific bike shops in the area and we'll make sure you get the most of your money.

Glad to have you here Matt and we should have you well prepared and equipped for your first race. 
2009-12-28 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2579550

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Shannon,

Thanks for getting back to me with that information.  I certainly see how you fell in love with the sport and it sounds like you have committed yourself to the sport.  I'm not sure how your are able to find that much time with a 1-1/2 daughter, but that is terrific!  Your strong running background should really help you as we move forward.  However, we're going get you faster on that bike so you're the one saying "on your left!"

Your training schedule looks pretty solid right now.  However, as we shift the focus to the bike, we need to at least 1 more, ideally 2 more, rides in per week.  It sounds like the swim workouts are very convenient for you and I'm jealous you have such great access to the pool.  However, what are the chances of us cutting you down to 2 swims per week to make some room for another ride?  Your work in with the weights should help you with your riding as well so I definitely keep that up.  So do you think we could make that adjustment?

What are you doing for workouts when you do ride?  I'm not sure if you have seen it or not, but a BT coach named Jorge has created an excellent winter training plan for getting stronger/faster on the bike.  I have been following them and I have really liked the program.  I have actually been saving these workouts and we could start you on these if that interests you.  Hopefully we're going to have a few more members of the group doing this as well.

Thanks again Shannon.  I'm looking forward to hearing back from you.

2009-12-28 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2579574

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Good morning Patrick,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and your schedule looks great!  However, I would like to make a couple adjustments.  First off, as we want to focus on your swim, I think we need make your swim workouts a little longer.  Initially I wanted to try to add in a 3rd swim, but I think we could be OK if we just added another 15 minutes or so to each swim.  So would it be possible to make each of your swims an hour long as opposed to 45 minutes?  This could go a long way in building muscle and muscle memory for the swim.  Next, I really think you need to be riding more than once a week.  The bike is so critical to the triathlon as typically you spend about half of your race on the bike.  With that said, we need to add in at least 1 more ride per week.  The strength training, assuming you are doing high repetitions and working your legs mainly, is great and since you like it a lot, I don't want to take it away. However, do you think we could add in an additional ride or possibly take out a weightlifting workout and make it a ride instead?  You definitely want to have a full day off once a week so we should not consider adding it on Monday.

Let me know what you think.
2009-12-28 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2580092

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Extreme Veteran
Huntington Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Colin,

Yes and yes.  Consider the swims lengthened.  And I'll drop a weight day, but do a bike/run day on Tuesday or Thursday.

Nice one.
2009-12-28 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Team
here is my WT SCHEDULE,
I had been following Jorge's WT schedule and even started it this year and got to week 4 then stopped because i was told that for IM training it was not really what I wanted. I need long slow Zone 1-2 stuff. so I have not been doing it for a few weeks
So my question to you Colin is should I do this or should I stick with the long slow stuff?  It is very tuff stuff, but man did it feel good after. My next question is I need to mix in a 3rd run somwhere.....where is the best day to do this, or if you have a better schedule idea, then have at er my man.
I can swim in the am or evening, run at lunch or evening and ride the trainer at night.
Total time available is  1-1.5 hrs in the am, 1 hr at lunch and any amount in the pm.
I am battling a nasty cold right now so I am kind of hooped for training, might try to get in the pool today or mix in a run in the fresh air outside. Just nothing to heavy,  need to burn some Xmas dinners off. Sounds like a great group we have so lets get it going.

winter training program                    

          Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Saturday    Sunday
swim                 1000-1500                     1500-2000            
bike     Jorge WT                Jorge WT                      Jorge WT                    Long ride
run                      5-7 km                          5-7 km                       
strength                                 60 min                     60 min        

    Following Jorges winter training program on bike trainer                        
    Swim, working on form and speed                        
    Run, tempo day,speed and strength (intervals/hills), long slow day ?                       
    All are in specific training zones, except Swimming is in RPE                       
2009-12-28 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2580140

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
AWESOME Patrick!  Terrific idea on the bike/run brick workout.  Recent research has been showing how beneficial brick workouts can be.  That is a great looking schedule!  Now its time to execute it.  Smile
2009-12-28 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2580205

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

OK, here's my take on the your question.  Is Jorge's workout program geared toward people training for an IM?  No.  However, although your goal is to complete an IM this season, you are not currently in training for your IM right?  To clarify, you're not within 6 months of your IM and following a specific training program for the IM right?  Assuming this is true, you are currently working to improve your fitness/skills on the bike for when you are officially training for your IM.  Jorge's plan is to try and help you get faster on the bike so that once you get into your official training, you'll be prepared and faster.  Does that make sense?  With that said, yes, that long ride on Sunday is important.  You want to focus on staying in zone 1-2 and you could switch to 2 of Jorge's workouts and then do 2 longer rides if you want.  However, I have been following Jorge's plan pretty much to the T and have been very happy with the results.  How do other people feel about this?  I am going to post your question about this on the IM section of the forums and see what other people think.   Once I hear back on that, we'll reevaluate your training schedule.

2009-12-28 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin,
appreciate the feedback. I agree that the program will make me stronger but as you stated the long rides should be in z1-2 so doing 2 long rides a week and Jorge's 2 times a week makes perfect sense. The program I am following is Matt Fitzgeralds 24 week level 3 IM  . It starts in March for the Aug race. let me know what you come up with on the other forums
thanks again Colin
2009-12-28 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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New user

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey all, as I'm between jobs right now, I'm about to redo my workout schedule. I'll let you know what that turns into. Yesterday was a big endurance day for me. I referee'd two games then did 45 min spin followed by a 30 min run. It was pretty tough when I started the run, I had to slow my pace a bit to keep running. 

My question is how many brick workouts should I be doing a week? I'm trying to do one or two a week is that enough for training or should I be doing more?

Feeling good today and hitting the pool after work tomorow

2009-12-28 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys,

I don't have a formal plan in mind just yet, but I want my main race to be a HIM in late August, so I'm looking at some of the BT HIM plans leading up to that (probably starting March/April).  Any suggestions?

Before the big HIM, I have the following races in mind:

15k in April
10k in May
Sprint Duathlon in June
15k in July
Triathlon (Sprint or Oly...) in August, 2 weeks before the HIM ---- good idea or bad idea?
HIM - August 29th

I need serious work on my bike, but am not in the position to buy a trainer/rollers right now, and the winter here doesn't make for the best outdoor riding.  I should be able to do some stationary bike/spinning work though... I also need to work on my swim (I think form is the major issue).  I think the above road races should be short enough that I could just work them into my training.  What do you think?  I would like to get another Tri or 2 in there, but there just aren't too many near by. 

I know I'm kind of all over the board, but I'm not sure what kind of schedule I should get on leading up to the HIM plan.  Should I just do 3-4 run days, 2-3 bike days, and 2-3 swim days to get a base going?  I have never done any structured training before (as you can see in my logs)... I just kind of go out and work up to the distances I need to reach.  I am open to any/all feedback.  This year, I want to see what I can really do.
2009-12-29 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2580205

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Dave,

Haven't got quite as much feedback as I would have hoped on the forums about the bike training.  However, I think if we do a half and half mix of speed workouts and z1 or z2 long rides, we'll have you ready for a strong bike split at the IM.  However, I think we need to make some adjustments to your schedule.  First off, I think you need more time in the pool.  If you're only going to be in the pool twice a week, which is OK, you'll need to be in there longer.  I think each swim should be 2,000+ yards or meters.  Let's not forget the IM swim is 4224 yards and we need to get you comfortable with going longer, especially considering that you think the swim is your weakness.

I also think we need to add a long run in there.  You will need to log more run miles to really get yourself ready for an IM.  We certainly do not want to burn you out during this phase of your training, but I think a long run is critical.  Do you think we could incorporate a long run in there?  It may make sense at this point to drop a ride and switch to 3 rides a week and 3 runs.

While don't you get back to me on this and we'll go from there.
2009-12-29 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2581044

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Nice work the other day Jaime!  Way to battle through.  Even if you have to stop walk at times, its really important to keep moving.  Don't worry if you have to slow your pace, that will come with time.

No worries about the schedule.  As long as you feel you can train adequately without a set schedule that is perfectly fine with me.  However, if you want to setup some kind of schedule now, we can always tweak it once you get your new job/schedule going.

As for the number of brick workouts per week, 1 to 2 would be great.

Keep up the good work!

Edited by hockeyhands 2009-12-29 12:11 PM

2009-12-29 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2581120

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hi Jason,

I'll start with your training schedule.  For your HIM training plan, I like a few of BT's HIM programs.  However, I think the Half Ironman 20 week (silver membership required and its the first one that comes up when you choose HIM programs) would be perfect for you.  I've done that program myself and it worked out great for me.

As for your training prior to this plan, almost everyone benefits from have a structured training plans.  People in general just seem to be a lot more successful with their training when it is organized.  It helps motivate you to get your workouts in.  Its a lot easier to pass on training on a day if you don't have anything officially scheduled on that day.   You may have a strong enough drive to do this as some people do, but I really recommend we set something up.

Would you be willing to setup a schedule where you ride 3 times a week, running 3 times, and swim 2-3 times per week?  Ideally having 1-2 of those being brick workouts.  I think this would be great for you.

For your bike training, it would certainly be ideal for you to get a trainer or rollers, but its not the end of the world.  The bottom line is we need you on a bike.  If its a station bike, that's perfectly fine for now.  Does your gym offer any spin classes?  You could probably really benefit from something like this.  As for a bike trainer/rollers, you may want to keep an eye on craiglist's/ebay.  I bet you would be surprised how cheap you could find something.  It may not be top of the line, but at this point like I said, we just need you riding on something.  One other option may be to post something as a "want to buy" in the classified section of BT.  Some one may have one laying around and give you a terrific deal.

As for the swim form, have you checked out youtube?  This isn't quite as good as getting a coach to look at your form, but the price is right!  Here's a link to one that I like:

If you get in the pool and spend some time focusing on your stroke, it will come.  So let's get you in the pool and we'll see what happens.

Now on to your race schedule, which looks great.  I highly recommend you get at least one Oly in before your HIM.  Two weeks out is fine for the time between an Oly and a HIM.  You certainly wouldn't want to do it the weekend before and 3 week outs would be fine as well.  I'd like to see you get another sprint or maybe in Oly in during July if possible.  However, depending on when exactly the 15K is, that may not make sense.

Let me know me what you think Jason.


2009-12-29 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2581950

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Port Moody
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin,
I agree, I have been reading a couple of books(Triathletes Bible Joe Friel and Going Long by Gord Byrne and Joe Friel) in both books they claim that for IM training it is long slow runs,bike and swim (base building) is what gets you thru the day. You have to mix in the z3-4 days to build strentgth and power which I will add to my schedule. I will adjust my schedule to add the long run and drop the the extra ride. I will also try and add some distance in the swim. The issue right now with the swim is I am still trying to build the strength back in my shoulder so my method has been to build it up to that length (2000m+) by March. 3 times a week will not be a problem tho. So I will try to increase it a little now.
Thanks again for the help


2009-12-29 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2582296

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Sounds great Dave and I completely forgot about your shoulder issue.  You definitely don't want to push that should too hard too soon.  Basically do what you can, but you feel any pain or strain in that shoulder stop.  We certainly don't want to make things any worse at this point.

I've read Friel's stuff as well and I this will put you in great shape for your IM training plan. 
2009-12-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2575024

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Group - CLOSED
Hey Colin,
I definitely agree that I should have something structured set up.  I think 3 days bike, 3 days run, and 2-3 days swim should be do-able.  It will mean some early mornings and late nights, but I'm up for it.
I have been checking for second hand trainers/rollers, and will keep my eyes open.  I'll also get a wanted ad up in the BT classified section.
The 15k is July 1st (Canada Day).  There is a Triathlon on July 4th that is in the same area as the HIM, and there is one on the 31st that isn't so far away (PEI).  Maybe I could forget the 15k and do an Oly on the 4th, then do a Sprint August 15th and the HIM on the 29th.  Or would you flip the Sprint and Oly?
I can't access YouTube from work, but I'll check out that swimming video when I get home tonight.  Thanks for all of your help so far.  I'm really looking forward to getting started!
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