BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2009-12-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2580485

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Jimi - 2009-12-28 1:56 PM can i join?

Been away from the sport for over a year with injury.  Now fat (fatter that is) and want to build back slow.  So I consider myself a beginner once again.  Mostly need a group to motivate and be motivated with.  Training will consist primarily of run/walk building to run...being gentle to my recovered knee.

Will be 50 in 2010.  Divorced with 2 awesome daughters.  Work like a dog and have to force myself not to say i am too tired at the end of the day to exercise, clean house, do my taxes, etc.....

Hi Jimi!

Running injuries are always a pain!  They always come at the wrong time and always take too long to recover from....  As you know, starting slowly and building slowly is the way to go.

I try to train each morning before work since I find it too easy to blow it off in the evenings (too tired, other stuff, etc.).  Or if I run in the evenings I'll put on my running clothes and shoes right when I arrive home from work even if I'm not planning on running for some time.  It makes it harder to blow off when you're already dressed for it!

This group includes a great variety of folks, from beginners to some fairly serious athletes getting into triathlons to those that already have some good triathlon experience.  Between all of us I'm sure we'll all find a good bit of motivation and inspiration!


2009-12-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2580646

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
chale - 2009-12-28 3:26 PM Hi Brian,

I would like to join your mentoring group please. My name is Chris Hale from the UK. I try and set myself a challenge each year and have decided (for my sins) that a triathlon would be a great way to get into shape, as I struggle to motivate myself to exercise unless I have something to strive for. I have never watched a triathlon, let alone compete in one, I did however complete a half marathon this year. Any hints, tips, and motivation would be very useful.
I am just starting up my own business, whilst studying part time for a masters degree.


Hi Chris,


How did your half marathon go?  How did you train for it?  Do you have a particular triathlon that you're thinking of doing?

Triathlon is a great way to get and stay in shape.  Once you've decided to enter a race (and especially once you sign up for it) it's amazing how motivated one can get to train.  I don't know if it's fear or if its just facing up to the challenge, but once I've committed to a race the training starts getting serious!

What kind of business are you starting?  What are you studying? 

2009-12-29 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Hi All!

The purpose of the mentor group is to motivate and inspire, not just from mentor to mentee, but between all of us in the group.  We have an interesting group of 13 (including myself) with a great variety of strengths and backgrounds.  We include 3 from the UK and 10 from the US.  Some have strong athletic backgrounds (running, cycling, and a couple of rugby players -- guess from which country!), some not as strong.  A few have already done some triathlons.  Some are starting a bit closer to the couch, others already quite fit.

We'll be using this thread to ask questions and offer suggestions and comments.  Ask away!  Jump in and post the answers or suggestion if you have the knowledge!  I may post an occasional topic to discuss (winter training, swim training, gear needed, what kind of wetsuit, etc.) if it seems appropriate.  Feel free to PM me if you have questions you wish to discuss privately.

Also, we'll be checking on each other's training logs (yes, you need to log all your training on this site!) so we can comment on each other's training.  It's always to nice to get an "inspire" message after a particularly good or bad workout, week, or race. 

So the first task for each of us is to "friend" one another on our training logs.  With this we can send individual "inspire" messages and comments on each other's training logs after an especially good or bad training day or week.  Click on the "+" button on the Friends part of your training log and add each of the tagnames below.  Jonathan and Jimi, you need to modify your privacy settings before you can be friended.

This is our mentor/training group:

bramdizle - Bram
tiesim - Tiernan
croyston - Chris
abr - Kristen
quincyf - Quincy
mitchell - Pete
longrun26 - Daniel
cspreiter - Caleb
jlags14 - Jonathan
deb c - Deb
jimi - james
chale - Chris

famelec - Brian

Edited by famelec 2009-12-29 2:26 PM
2009-12-29 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2582010

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

Thanks so much for the response and for volunteering to mentor us. What are we? The dirty (baker's) dozen? Anyway, you've planted a seed of mischief...costumes in triathlon?!? Genius! There has to be a way to incorporate the swim and bike...perhaps a 3 part thing that morphs as you go along. I am definitely uncomfortable with the "too serious" side of multisport, helps calm my nerves to think of ways to lighten things up.

My gym routine has been very light. I overtrained inbetween the 1/2 marathon and the sprint triathlon so after my October/November runs, I really went in a different direction. I wanted to concentrate on strength, core, and swimming. I've done best with the strength and core and the swimming...well, I'm doing it, but I don't really know what I am doing. I can swim 1500m, actually I can swim farther, I just get so flippin' bored, so I decided I am going to invest in a kickboard and maybe some other toys, and do the same distance, but break it up...I understand this is natural for swimmers, but it is hard to get my head around...

My new favorite thing is Yoga, it has been a very healthy physical and mental endeavor. I understand how to stretch now. I also have been doing a 12 exercise ab workout I found here called "Hard Core - Exercises to Strengthen Your Abs For Better Performance." Weirdly, my lower back pain intensified with this regimen until I replaced the pushups with an inverted v on a ball exercise...I think it concentrated too much on your front and not enough on your back...happy with the obliques though! Or maybe it had nothing to do with my substitution, low back pain is something I struggle with and I understand "tri" will do nothing to help that situation. Maybe the Yoga helped. My core is really strong now, the back pain is pretty much gone for now, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I have been running occasionally in the's not too bad down to about 20 and I think with a neoprene mask I could do just about any's more the road conditions and the lack of sunlight that slow me down. I don't run at night here, daytime drivers are hazardous enough. I also don't run with the children in this the summer they go in the jogger with me and I get to log bonus calories burned from the increased activity (running while pushing a wheelchair...haha).

I am getting a stationery trainer from a friend at the end of January so that is exciting. Right now my bike lacks a front wheel, and that is something my bike friends tell me is essential, so I am working on getting at least one of those. And a helmet. And a bike computer. I'd also like a heart rate monitor, because I have a hard time slowing down. Did I mention I don't have a job? Man this is some expensive hobby. I am trying to do it in a sane way, but it's hard! Good news is I asked all my relatives (who asked) for amazon gift certificates, so I think the helmet is a done deal! Hooray!

So I made you all my friends today. Hooray. In the interest of full disclosure, I am sick, I've been sick with my two sick kids since Christmas, it's cold outside, we're trapped inside, and, well, you get the picture. I don't usually sit around and write novels on message boards. Ok, maybe once in a while.


2009-12-29 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2581929

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Orangevale, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
famelec - 2009-12-29 8:29 AM
Hi Chris!

Which duathlon are you doing on the 2nd?  Make sure you write and post a race report on this site!

Like many new triathletes you have some run and bike background but may need some extra work in the pool to get started.  We might want to talk about what you need to do to get from you are to 1500m in an Oly.  When might your first srint race be?  Which Oly are you contemplating?  


I'm in the Sacramento, California area and most of my Tri / Du racing will be events hosted by Total Body Fitness ( ).  The Du is a free kick-off event, that will be a 2 mile run, 7 mile bike, and another 2 mile run.

Unless I jump into a MTB tri, my first Sprint will be in June.  I'll probably do additional sprints in July and August, with the August weekend as my chance of jumping up to an Oly.  Normally there would be an additional Sprint / Oly in Sept., but this year they're hosting a HIT (which I'll probably volunteer at ).

I'm heading over to one of the local gyms tomorrow to check out signing up for a membership, which will give me a better place to swim.  I also should be getting my x-mas wetsuit (Xterra Vortex - thank you BT for the discount ) this week, which will allow me to do some open water swimming at one of the local lakes.  I've never had any sort of formal swimming training, so I expect to be working on my form while trying to add distance in the pool.

Looking forward to the exciting journey to becoming a real triathlete!

2009-12-30 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2582234

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN

Thanks, Brian. 

I was actually a little overwhelmed by the idea of training for the swim, even though I have no trouble swimming. Technique is only OK even with high elbows.  Last night I found a video on a website on the finger drag technique.  It wasn't something I was familiar with.  My husband is a former high school swimmer, and we both scuba dive.  I've asked him to be my eyes while swimming, as I obviously cannot "see" what I would be doing wrong. 

I think the entry is where I may be the most concerned, but I just read an article from someone on this site that gave his experience about "respecting" the swim.  I bought a couple of books and a DVD yesterday on Amazon, so those should be here soon. 

I plan to head to the rec. center at lunch to get a pass for the pool so I can get started.  You know, I guess I hadn't thought about the altitude while swimming.  Let me know when you are in town again. . .I have a great "mountain" we can run up.  South Table Mountain overlooks Golden and the Coors Brewery.  It's a great start to a spring morning. 


2009-12-30 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2582173

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Brian and Group,

Thanks for the congrats - Debbie and I have definitely been enjoying our first couple months of marriage. 
As for my current training - i haven't really been doing too much - i've been trying to get in 15 miles a week running, but haven't always been able to.  But i've started again this week and have 6 miles so far and will put in another 4 or 5 today, so i'm feeling good.  

My main goal is to drop some weight before February, so I can keep up with 2 of my training buddies and not tax my body physically with the extra weight (i definitely want to avoid injuries).  I've gone ahead and included my 2010 goals and I am finding that writing and tracking everything (training and nutrition) on the site is already helping me to stay committed and positive.

2010 Goals:

Short term
- Start spin classes by early Jan
- Get in the pool by mid-Jan
- Drop 10-15lbs by Feb
- Nail down a training plan by mid-March 

Long term
- Get to competition weight 170-175 by June
- Complete first Olympic (June) - goal time TBD
- Complete first 70.3 (July) sub 5.5 hours

- And of course make my new wife smile as much as possible

Happy New Year team!



193 days to go until Rhode Island 70.3

2009-12-30 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2577093

New user

Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
felt great to be in the pool the last couple of days and tommorow i am gonna try out my new bicycle i got for christmas, a fuji roubaix. i am really excited to be a part of this mentor group and to be training for a triathlon! i also think i may buy a bronze membership so i can import my training plan. also, as this is my first year training for any distance event (minus a half marathon i did in november) is it too lofty of a goal to shoot for a HIT by septemberish?
2009-12-30 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2584905

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
bramdizle - 2009-12-30 4:14 PM felt great to be in the pool the last couple of days and tommorow i am gonna try out my new bicycle i got for christmas, a fuji roubaix. i am really excited to be a part of this mentor group and to be training for a triathlon! i also think i may buy a bronze membership so i can import my training plan. also, as this is my first year training for any distance event (minus a half marathon i did in november) is it too lofty of a goal to shoot for a HIT by septemberish?

Being able to import your training log is nice.  Each week you'll see a graph with your planned hours vs your actual hours.  It's encouraging when you reach your training goals and motivating when you're a bit behind!

If you can swim 2000m, bike 56 miles, and run 13.1 miles on separate days you'll be able to complete a HIM.  You've got the 13.1 miles under control and you have some great areas to ride out there so getting to 56 miles by Sept should be relatively easy for you.  You have plenty of time to work on the swim, too, so I think it's a reasonable goal! 

Is this Lake Stevens 70.3 you're thinking about?  I hear it's a great venue.

2009-12-31 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2582099

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Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
My swimming is definitely going to be the toughest part for me.  I can swim, just not efficiently or fast.  My swim sessions are from 15-25 mins right now.  Distance-wise I'm going from 300-500 yds.  I'm struggling with the coordination it takes to breath and swim.  I'll start out pretty well but when I start to get a little tired, it gets a lot harder for me.  It's gotten better each swim but I still have a long ways to go.

My wife and I have been doing a couch-to-5k running program for the last few months.  We just did 2.5 miles.  We're on the last week and the sessions are 2.75 miles, 2.75 miles then a brief walk and then another 1/4, and then 3.0 miles.  The 5k is more of my wife's goal and she hasn't picked a 5k for us to do yet.  We're probably going to wait for it to warm up a little bit. 
2009-12-31 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
OK All,

Since it's time for New Year's resolutions and goal setting (not necessarily the same thing), what are yours??

Jlags14 has stated his goals quite clearly already.

My NY resolutions are:  sleep more, do my shoulder exercises regularly, dedicate myself more to my job this year (or get a new one),  and be more social.

My training goals are:  
  - minimum 25+ miles per month running Jan-Apr
  - minimum 100+ miles per month riding Jan-Apr
  - 2:21 at Capital of Texas Oly

I want to swim an avg of 9,000 meters a week, but that probably isn't realistic since the first thing I skip when life gets in the way is swimming...


Happy New Year to you and your families!

Edited by famelec 2009-12-31 11:04 AM

2009-12-31 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: 2010 Training Goal - Jimi
Hey all-

Nice to be part of the group.  Here are my don't laugh, I realize that i am being an overcautious wimp:

1)  I am currently in the couch-5K conservative program - week 12 of forever (actually it is good because I have been slacking) is actually 28 weeks long.  Havent been running much during the holidays so need to pick it back up.  Help, encouragement , pestering and threats are welcome from all.  I plan to cheat a little and get in the pool and on the bike because I cant stand not to but those will not be scheduled and not intense.
2) complete program 3rd week of April and run my first 5K race since being injured with one of those nasty knee things.  Hopefully by that time I will have lost at least 20 pounds and will be hovering around the clydesdale (sp?) line.

So basically during the mentor period, I am going to be a recovering couch potato doing the run/walk shuffle until well into Spring.....uggg, doesnt sound very interesting.  Wait, what am i saying......I LOVE TO RUN.  I LOVE TO RUN.  Can someone please pass me the kool aid.

After the mentor group hug is over, this is how i plan to continue (for all those interested):

3) last week of April - start 20-week Sprint Tri program - i imported the plan but for the life of me cant remember which one it is....I am pretty sure it was a balanced program working out 5 days a week.  A-Race - Ukiah Tri  September 12, 2010.

4) Half Mary training program from September 13 thru December 5, 2010 - Sacramento Marathon Half-Distance.

5) Oly Training Program - Start November 15th and yes it will overlap half mary can only be expected to do single sport training for so long...20-week program with A-race around April 1, 2011.

There it is boys and girls!  Jimi's life for the next year and some.  Glad to be on the journey with you all.  Now get out there and get that workout done!  Or else I will send you emails every 10 minutes and come to your house at the most inappropriate times to check and make sure it is happening!  I know you think I am kidding but do you really want to test the theory?

JIM  aka "the fat slob guy who is making the new decade all about multi-sport competition" OR " the guy turning 50 who is dealing with a huge mid-life crisis (gettin- f'in old) and figures triathlons are alot safer and more reasonable than a Harley".  Yikes just got the mental picture of me in bike leathers......cover your children's eyes or better yet cover everyone's eyes.  
2009-12-31 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: Links
if anyone wants to drop this in their training goals section......

Mentor Group:

Our Thread

famelec - Brian (oh fearless leader)

bramdizle - Bram
tiesim - Tiernan
croyston - Chris
abr - Kristen
quincyf - Quincy
mitchell - Pete
longrun26 - Daniel
cspreiter - Caleb
jlags14 - Jonathan
Deb C - Deb
chale - Chris
jimi - James

Edited by Jimi 2009-12-31 1:27 PM
2010-01-01 1:20 AM
in reply to: #2581958

New user

Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - OPEN
From Kristen:

Wow the group really did fill up fast! Central Coast meaning Central California, closest Swim is Santa Barbara 25 minutes away--pool swimming is so unmotivating between now and May-but there are clubs with lap pools. I am a school nurse--should be predictable hours but I always find myself at home visits checking on sick families or meetings with parents late in the day, and then my own family needs me . My husband and I just re-arranged the garage for  GOOD WORKOUT ROOM pushed all the barbie dolls out of the way and have weights, treadmill and a gym-quality spin bike as christmas presents to each other. No excuse for lack of babysitting at home now. I have trained in the past with a women's sprint tri training group that starts season June-August but I would like to start mynown base training now, and have a goal to do the full race in Santa Barbara this Summer. My training in the past has included Ocean Swims, max 800-900yards, 16m bike and 3 mile runs. terrified of bike accidents (as a previous trauma nurse, this is a real fear, and keeps me from training in traffic and in group rides, although there are very good groups I could be joining)
2010-01-01 4:03 AM
in reply to: #2586628

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Links
Jimi - 2009-12-31 1:27 PM

if anyone wants to drop this in their training goals section......

Mentor Group:

Our Thread

famelec - Brian (oh fearless leader)

bramdizle - Bram
tiesim - Tiernan
croyston - Chris
abr - Kristen
quincyf - Quincy
mitchell - Pete
longrun26 - Daniel
cspreiter - Caleb
jlags14 - Jonathan
Deb C - Deb
chale - Chris
jimi - James

James, how does one drop this into their training goals section, and what would that accomplish? Sorry I'm new to this site so I don't know all the tricks of this forum.


Edited by quincyf 2010-01-01 4:04 AM
2010-01-01 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2577093

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Brian, etal...can someone give me a quick down and dirty about heart rate monitors? I think I am going to use my Christmas amazon gift certificates for a HRM because I can start using it ASAP versus a helmet which is not going to be useful until March at the earliest! I would love something a bit gucci...with swimming or cadence available...something that won't limit me too soon after I buy it...

2010-01-02 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2588080

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Hi Quincy,

Garmin makes some nice watches which do everything and incorporate a GPS system.  The newer models which seem to be more popular with geekier triathletes are the Garmin 310XT and Garmin Forerunner 405.  They're really quite amazing in terms of information offered and computer connectivity.  You can download your workouts directly from the unit into your training logs on this site, I believe.  You may have to buy the cadence sensor separately.  These seem to work great, though are expensive compared to other options.  The one thing that GPS gives you that other systems don't is the ability to see your run pace accurately at any moment. 

My personal setup is a just basic Polar heart rate monitor with a separate bike computer.  There are a lot of good HR monitor options at Polar and others.  Personally I like having the bike computer (about half the size of a credit card) mounted on the bike and watch or HR monitor on my wrist.  It's easier to glance at your speed and cadence on the bike computer than on your wrist.  And while you can mount your watch on the bike for easy viewing (that was my plan when I started), it's not practical in a triathlon since you'll want to take it with you on the run.  I have a very basic bike computer with wires which works great  Cateye Astrale 8 though most people seem to prefer wireless models like this one Cateye Wireless

There are probably some good review in the Gear section of the forums, and probably in the Articles section also.

Let us know what you decide!


2010-01-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
A couple of of training log suggestions:

1)  Enter your hometown in the Account Settings area, you can have a 5-day weather forecast appear at the top of your training log.  It's great for planning your outdoor training!  You'll also be able to see easily your neighbors' training routes and will be updated each time they enter a new one.  It's especially nice for getting new routes for riding.

2) If you're into blogging, enter a creative title on your training log.  Each time you update your log it will be noted near the bottom of the the BT homepage and you'll start getting other BTers visiting your blog.  As you post more in the forum sections you'll start friending plenty of other folks.   Quincy and James have their titles up on their training logs already, and I think a couple of others in our group also.  I'm not much into blogging, hence no title on mine...

2010-01-02 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2577093

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Tyler, TX
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Never mind...

Edited by famelec 2010-01-02 9:48 AM
2010-01-02 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2577093

New user

Solvang california
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
There are two cycling groups in my area, I am on their group email list, and read about upcoming rides, "beginners welcome" but they are usually 30-45 mile rides, and as I have previously mentioned, down steep hills is an issue for me to overcome. One of the groups started a racing team with  a professional coach, and he spent 3 paragraphs talking about how perfect he would be for beginners. and that he would focus on the beginners the entire first month on proper group riding, how to increase your speed and overcome fear of riding! sounded great, but what I have learned about cyclists ---terms "beginner" easy ride" "no-drop" are defined differently.
I emailed him back for clarification, letting him know I had done 2 sprints triathlons, and that my current fitness level was a max of 16 miles on Santa Rosa Road (this is in the Sante Ynez Valley--yes near the late M. Jackson Neverland Ranch, but that is another blog).
this morning I got a  return message from Mr. Super-Cycling Coach stating I was not the level of "beginner" they were targeting  maybe next year . They will be training on the AMGEN Tour time trial road.   Glad I have joined this group as it looks like I will be training on my own. I will be starting with the training plan of weights and indoor cycling for the month of January that is geared to start of with some weight loss, and using the weekend to go on a real ride outdoors, will work on cadence now that I will have a cateye basic bike computer.  Kristen -not yet ready to ride with the big kids.
2010-01-02 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2589347

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Kudos to you for figuring out the "psyche" of the bike club...and the various interpretations of "beginner." I would have showed up like a wrecking ball and then been pissed off that they thought I was not an advanced enough beginner!

If you've done a sprint triathlon, you've got the aerobic endurance to go much further than 16 miles on the bike...don't sell yourself short lady! And don't let Mr. Fabulous Cycling Coach sell you short either. I'm just sayin'.

2010-01-02 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2588977

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

I thought this would be easy and now I am floundering in a sea of choices. Maybe I should just go basic and add on a cycling computer...

Amazon has timex cheap but polar has the sports bra angle...not bad!

Back to the drawing board, yo! I'll report back when I figure out where I'm headed...

2010-01-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2582309


Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL

Brian, Happy New Year. My half marathon went better than expected, I ran it in 1hr48 which I was very happy with, despite not being able to walk for a few days after due to my lack of training. I have learnt that lesson, and will have a much more structured training regime this time. I am targeting a sprint triathlon at the end of May, and start training tomorrow with a steady run. I found a 10 week training schedule for beginner triathletes to get me upto speed before I push on a little harder.

Do you have many events lined up this year? Do you train daily?

I have started an altitude simulation business, which is a very useful training aid itself, whilst studying a part time masters in Business studies.

Did I read that you have spent a bit of time in Seattle? I coached soccer out there for a couple of summers.

2010-01-03 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2586209


Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
Hey all!

It is great to see we have a real mixture of abilities in the group. I am really looking forward to getting into a training routine and not feeling like an over eating, over drinking slob......that's Christmas though!!

My aims for the near future are:
 - Get into a training routine
 - Improve my diet and cook more often
 - Find ways to motivate myself when feeling lazy.

For 2010:
 - Keep learning about myself
 - Complete a sprint triathlon
2010-01-03 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2588080

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Extreme Veteran
Cotati, CA
Subject: RE: Famelec Brian's Mentor Group - FULL
I use the Garmin it!

quincyf - 2010-01-01 1:33 PM Brian, etal...can someone give me a quick down and dirty about heart rate monitors? I think I am going to use my Christmas amazon gift certificates for a HRM because I can start using it ASAP versus a helmet which is not going to be useful until March at the earliest! I would love something a bit gucci...with swimming or cadence available...something that won't limit me too soon after I buy it...
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