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2010-04-18 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi Colin,

If there is still room in our goup I'd love to join.  My name is Chad, user name cquin534. I'm 28 from Boston and just signed up yesterday for my first tri in August.  I've always been active and and pretty fit right now, but a tri is definitely a  new challenge for me. 
I usually run about 15-20 miles a week and do weight lifting at least 3 or 4 days a week.  Up until now most of my work outs have focused on strength and basic fitness.  Lot of intervals and supersets, which don't really apply as much for a tri.  Once I decided I really wanted to do a tri I started a training plan more in line with this goal in mind.  I am running usually 3 or 4 days a week, two short, two longer and biking 3 days a week.  I'm new to biking and actually dont even own a road bike yet, but I'm not too worried about running or biking. 
Like many people swimming is a big concern for me.  Up until two weeks ago I hadn't been in a pool to actually swim in years, and I was never much of a swimmer to begin with.  I've been swimming 3 days a week (only for the past two weeks) and I think I've improved my form a bit, but I still have zero endurance in the pool and know my breathing technique still needs a lot of work.  Any tips you could give here on technique or workouts in general would be a big help.

2010-04-18 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2798068

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
sbright - 2010-04-17 9:50 AM Hi Colin and other mentees!

My name is Sarah, user name sbright, 33, and I'd like to join this group to help me get ready for my first triathlon.
Story: I have absolutely no background in sports - hated them as a kid and barely made it through PE classes.  I was a professional dancer for several years but I don't know if that counts as a sport!  Anyway, after having my child, I couldn't go back to dancing full time so I joined a gym.  That was 10 years ago and since then I have earned an MS in Kinesiology, Exercise Science concentration and worked as a personal trainer for 7 years.  I did fitness/figure competitions a few years ago but never had any interest in endurance sports until I saw my (out-of-shape) husband finish the Chicago Marathon last year.  I believe there is nothing like a goal to get people moving so I started training for a half-marathon and have now indulged my (until recently) secret fantasy to be a triathlete!
Status:  Married.  One daughter.

Current Training:  Two swim sessions, two bike sessions, two running sessions, and two strength training sessions each week.  

Hours to Train:  Plenty - time management has become my specialty!  Full time job, family, rehearsal?  No problem...its all about the schedule book.     

2010 Races:  Aug 1 - Rock n Roll Half Marathon, Chicago.  Aug 28 - Chicago Triathlon Sprint, a few other small races along the way.
Weightloss:  No thank you!

I'm looking forward to working with everyone.  Thanks!


Hey Sarah,

Welcome to the the group.  First off, I would absolutely consider dancing a sport!  You must have been in terrific shape to dance professionally and it takes tons of coordination!  Your background looks terrific and I'm very excited to have someone with your educational background in the group.  I have a feeling all our group could greatly benefit from your knowledge.

I'm very impressed by you!  I love how you are very organized.  As I've mentioned to some of the other mothers with full time jobs, I simply don't know how you do it and I commend you!!!  Once again, we might be looking to you for some advice on time management.

So its look like you'll be run focused with your training if you're doing a marathon.  Do you consider yourself to have any strengths/weaknesses when it comes to swim, bike, run?

Once again welcome Sarah, it looks like you're going to be a great asset to the group and I hope we can help you with your training.

Edited by hockeyhands 2010-04-18 12:15 PM
2010-04-18 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2798213

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
drew2219 - 2010-04-17 12:23 PM Colin-

I currently swim at a local aquatic facility, and have been trying to get at least 2 per week, but feel I should possibly consider increasing it to 3 since this is my weak area.

I'll definitely work on getting someone to video me soon here. But to speak a little about what I currently do at the pool, I just get in and swim lol. I don't tend to do much besides swim a few 500yd sets, so I'm sure I need to change that up, I've just found it hard to attempt to discipline myself with structured workouts since I can't really critique them or tell if I'm even spending my time wisely.

So, in regards to questions for you about swimming, I guess it would be this: I've read online and seen a lot of different choices for workouts, but I'd like to know what you believe would benefit me the most. I simply want to improve my swim for tris, and do it in the quickest and most efficient fashion.

As for training time per week, there is an interesting answer to that. Finals for school are in 2 weeks, so typically, it gets quite hectic, and training absolutely takes a back burner. But that aside, I'd really like to train around 10 hrs a week, but with the summer coming up, I have no opposition to increasing that, if you think it'd be wise. I'm currently trying to do 2/2/2, but like I said, I can increase the swim to 3, and keep or increase the others as well.

Thanks so much for your decision to help all of us out, I'm really looking forward to it! 

Oh, and one more thing, I currently use SportTracks to log all my workouts, but I just uploaded my recent workouts just with distance and time in case you want to get a feel for what I'm doing.

Everyone else- 

I'm glad to see everyone else signing up for this group. I'm excited to have some extra peer motivation and look forward to"training" with yall!!


Hey Drew,

Yeah, like I said it would be great to get some video of you so I hope you're able to make that happen.  As far as your swimming goes, we should definitely get some more structure in your workouts.  So when you do swim, how long do you usually swim for?  Do you feel winded/have trouble getting through the sets of 500 you do?  I think we should start throwing some interval and sprints into your workouts as well as some drills.  The next time you're in the pool, will you do a 200 yard timed swim for me?  I'd like to see what your current time would be so when we start making some changes to your workouts, we can see if its working or not. 

With finals coming up soon, I think we should hold off on making any changes to your schedule/training.  Obviously this should take priority over training.  Nonetheless, lets get some more structure in your swim workouts.  So let me know how much time you typically spend in the pool and we'll go from there.

Thanks for posting your logs in here and that does help me.  Do you have a heart rate monitor?  If so, would you mind posting that info?  If you don't its OK and I know funds are tough as a college student, but I would highly recommend getting one if possible.  It can really help take your training to the next level.

Great stuff Drew.  Look forward to hearing back from you soon.
2010-04-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2798235

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
TdG717 - 2010-04-17 12:44 PM Hello, Colin!
I hope there's still room in your Mentor Group for one more.   My name is Frank; BT screen name TdG717.  

After a couple years of wishing/wanting to do a tri, I decided to make it happen this year.   So, I'm newbie with lots of questions.   Background: I started running about 10 years ago after 20 years of smoking.   Last November, I did the New York Marathon (my 7th marathon) so I do enjoy running.   Love the bike and love cycling.  Swimming...yeah, I could use some help there.   But I'm sticking with it and just wanting to understand and learn more there.


Hey Frank,

Of course we've got room for one more!  Smile  Actually I think we have room for 1 more after you, but you're in my man!

Glad to hear you're joining the tri community after being interested for a few years.  Looking at your background, I have a strong feeling you won't regret it as clearly it looks like you enjoy pushing yourself and staying active.  That is terrific that you've done 7 marathons!

I hope we can help you with your swimming.  How often are you swimming now?  How do you feel about your technique?  Do you have any specific questions about your stroke or swimming?  As I've mention to a few others in the group, if you can get someone to make a short video of you in the water, I'd be more than happy to take a look at it and give you some advice. 

So what are your goals for this season/what races are you doing?  Feel free to starting firing away with your questions about anything!

Welcome Frank.  I'm looking forward to having you in the group.
2010-04-18 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Colin,

My name is Tim and I am hoping you still may have room for one more.

Story:  48 year old Brewery worker.  I wrestled in High School and since then have basically let my self go over the past 30 years.  The last time I had attempted a mile run (walk) was 20 years ago in the Navy. I have tried, on several occasions through out my life, to get in or maintain some kind of shape with limited success.  I recently saw that a friend of mine from bootcamp at 46 had completed an Ironman and I have to say I was intrigued.  Around February, I came across Dave Ramsey's "High Performance Achievment" CD and decided to do a triathlon as my "Big Hairy Audacious Goal".  It seemed like a good idea at the time and because I am thinking the problem I have had with maintaining shape may be due to not having a focus for the workouts. In other words no goal for the workouts. 

Current Training: Unfortunately, until the past week I have not followed the work out plan very well.  I do seem to be on track now but, I only have 6 weeks left to train for my first Sprint.  The Tri for Joe in Cincinnati.  I am trying to play catch up with the 22 week Couch to Tri program. I have never been a runner, Did some biking as a teenager, and I have never had formal swim training.  I do excell at swimming under water but, I think those skills may only come in handy when I get water splashed in my fast while trying to breath in the 1st stage of the race.  LOL

Goals:  My first goal with this Tri is to finish and learn. Period.  In July I will be doing the Ceasar Creek Sprint, July 11.  My goal is to take what I experienced in the Tri For Joe, add to that another 6 weeks of training and place in the upper 75% of pack at Ceasar Creek.  After that I would like to do one more Sprint this year and from there build my way up to actually doing an Ironman sometime in my 50th year.

Status: Married, 3 children, 1 Son-in-Law, 1 Grandson.

Race Experience:  NONE

Weight:  5'10 240lbs

As far as being a good Mentee.....  I have nowhere to go but up!  Smile

I know you have exceeded the recommended number of folks but, I would really like to reap the benefits of your experience and training.



2010-04-18 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2798314

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-04-17 2:13 PM

Hi again Colin!

First of all, I am happy to hear your encouragement about a half-ironman in September!  I actually wasn't sure if it would be a bit too much to aim for.  I've been thinking long and hard about it recently because there's a $20 price increase after 4/30, so I'm thinking about whether or not I want to register soon!  I am really leaning towards registering though...

The half-marathon (on 6/6) is definitely a priority... but so is getting in my first tri!  haha!  Otherwise, if I don't do the 5/29 one, my first tri would be on 6/23, and honestly, that just seems sooo far away.   In addition, I'm thinking about sprints on 7/21 and 8/18.  These three are a series put on by our local running store, and they give $30 vouchers if you volunteer at their events.  I've volunteered at a few of their running events now, so I'm hoping to be able to use the vouchers for their triathlons as well.  If so, that'd be three tri's for $75, how can I pass that up!

Now, to let you know about my current training, I will try to explain what I've been doing:

Running.  I'm pretty much following the FIRST training program: so basically three "key" workouts.  I liked it in the beginning because quite honestly, I liked the idea of running less, haha.  But now I'm feeling like I want to run more, so I may add in an extra run, at half the distance of the week's long run.  So, this means about 4 runs a week.  I use McMillan's running calculator to determine my pacing.

Swimming. Like Andrew, I pretty much just get in the pool and swim.  haha.  In the beginning I was also doing interval workouts (I looked at some triathlon training plans), but honestly... I don't think I like intervals... (which I find to be a bit strange since it's the opposite with running- I love interval workouts!)  Drills, the same thing... the thought of them just bores me LOL.  So most recently, I have just been doing continuous swims, bilateral breathing.  I've been gradually increasing the length of my swims.  But, at 2:25/100m, I know I'm slow.  Honestly I don't think my form is that bad, but obviously something isn't right!  And, I do realize intervals and drills help, soooo at some point, I will be willing to do them.   I aim to swim at least 3 times a week.

Biking.  ahhh, the biking!  I believe this will be my weak spot... I'm slow at swimming, but I feel comfortable being able to go the distance.  The biking, I'm in the process of trying to slowly build up.  I was on the stationary bike during the cold winter months (well, February onwards), and ramped up too quickly apparently.  I started experiencing knee aggravation.   So now that I've shifted to outside biking with the weather being nicer, I'm just trying to take it slowly and ease into it, hoping the knee aggravation does not come back!  As of now I'm doing 5 mile rides.  I am thinking about building up one "longer" ride like 3-5 miles more than the previous week.  What is the baseline for increasing long rides?  Honestly, I am just very worried about getting injured!  I am aiming for 3 rides a week.

Also, I incorporate a "recovery week" every 4th week, and this is a drastic cutback. This is more of a mental thing than anything I think.  My paranoia of getting injured (I've had overuse running injuries in the past) has me thinking that I should play it really safe during this week.

Oh, and I lift weights like 2 times a week because I like it.  I have read there is no concrete evidence that points to strength training helping triathletes, but that doesn't really bother me.

This is where I'm at right now, and I hope to keep at it!

Thanks again for your time Colin!

And as a group I hope we'll be able to benefit from each other, it seems like we've got an assortment of backgrounds!

Hey Samantha,

Thanks for all the great info.  For your question on the Half Ironman (HIM), I really think you can do if you're committed to your training.  However, if you don't stick to it, you could be in for a really long day.

I don't have a problem at all with you only running 3 times a week, especially if you're swimming and biking as well.  Lots of people over train and end up getting themselves injured.  As long as every workout has a purpose, you should be fine with 3 runs per week.  However, if you are feeling up to 4 times a week and you feel your fitness level is there, I wouldn't have a problem with that either.

As for your swimming, yes, I will certainly admit that swimming isn't always the most exciting form of training and doing laps in a 25 yard pool can get quite tedious.  Nonetheless, its something we need to do if we want to get better.  That is very interesting that you enjoy interval run training, but not swimming.  But like I mentioned above, you're going to need to do some interval and some drills if you want to get better as efficiently as possible.  Hopefully these activities will become more enjoyable when you start seeing some results.  How much time are you willing to spend in the pool during your 3 swims per week?  You think we could do a 1 hour swim one day (or maybe 45 min), a 45 min another day, and a 30 min the other day?  I don't want to burn you out and get you dreading your trips to the pool, but I think we could make some good progress you could commit to that.

Very sorry to hear about the knee.  What type of bike do you have?  Was it fitted for you?  It sounds like the bike may not be fit properly and that is causing the problem.  It is definitely a good idea to take it easy if your knee if bothering you, but it actually sounds like this may be where we really want to focus on for you right now (assuming your knee is up to it).  Since you typically spend about half your time during a triathlon on the bike, it is a great place to make improvements.  Get back to me with more details on your bike.

I'm a big believer in a recovery week and really like to have people take 1 day off a week as well so I'm glad you have incorporated that in.  Any training you do is essentially worthless if you're not giving your body the time to recover from it.

Awesome about the strength training as well.  I do not currently do any strength straining at the gym during the season.  However, if you can do it and you enjoy, do it!

Good Stuff Samantha!

2010-04-18 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2798432

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
GA Tri(er) - 2010-04-17 3:44 PM

Hello Colin,

Name:  My name is Russ, and my username is GA Tri(er).

Story:  Last November (2009), I learned a former co-worker completed in the Hawaii Ironman which cemented in my mind that I wanted to compete in a triathlon.  I knew it would be a LONG time before I was ready to do an ironman distance, but after reading about the sprint distance, I felt like I could get ready for that and compete later this fall (maybe sooner).  I played baseball and soccer growing up and continued with baseball through high school.  I began mountain biking in college, and eventually stopped that due to moving, job, etc.  I'm ready for a new challenge and to get back into shape (although I don't really need to lose any weight).

Status:  I'm married (just celebrated our 8th anniversary last week) with two kids - daughter 5 and son 3.

Current Training: I began running in January (treadmill at work), but with tax season starting up (I'm a CPA.) and bronchitis mid-February, I haven't done anything since getting sick.  Now that tax season is over, I'm ready.

2010 Races:  I'm trying to talk my brother and a friend into doing a sprint tri during Labor day weekend or the first weekend in October.  I have nothing else planned.

Weight Loss:  5 or 10 pounds at most; I'm mainly looking to get fit "internally."

Additional Comments:  Even though I haven't ridden a bike in many years, and only recently started running, I'm not too concerned with those portions of the tri.  Swimming is my concern, and I think your experience is exactly what I need, Colin.  While I can swim, I'm definitely not great at it and probably tire out well before anyone else might.  I haven't done any swimming in years and have certainly never done any competitive swimming, so I have no idea what to expect.  I look forward to your suggestions, and I hope you still have room in your group.


Hey there Russ,

Yup, we've got room for you in the group so welcome.  That is very cool that your former co-worker has competed at Kona.  He must be one heck of an athlete to have done so and I'm glad he was able to motivate into doing a triathlon.

Oh boy, you must have plenty of stress to release if you're in a CPA Smile.  Haha in all seriousness, I agree that you shouldn't be overly concerned about the distances of a sprint triathlon.  As long as you get your training in you'll be fine.  So how long is the swim in the event you are looking at?  I know you said you haven't swam in years, but do you know how to swim with proper form?  Do you have a membership to a local pool to swim at?  If so, do they have any instructors you could do a private lesson with there?  If you're really uncomfortable in the water, getting a private lesson may go a long way for you.  I would certainly be more than happy to take a look at any video you can provide to me and I'm not recommending that you routinely get private lessons because they can get a little pricey, but you can probably get a lot of help from a lesson.  Let me know some more details about your swimming.

Well welcome once again Russ.  We've got plenty of time to get you ready for that tri!
2010-04-18 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2798902

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
Slowboy3094 - 2010-04-17 9:46 PM Hello,

Name:  Chris out of San Diego, love the weather out here.

Story:  After 8 years in the Marine Corps, I kind of let myself go fitness wise.  With work and school I did not think I had time to really think about fitness.  Well about a year ago and 70 lbs, I decided to join and MMA style gym.  I had a martial arts background in the military and as a Krav Maga instructor.  So, I joined with my wife.  After nearly dying my first session I was hooked.  The gym got me going Yoga (the best thing that I have done), kettlebells, BJJ, boxing, crossfit, etc.  So, at Christmas I decided I wanted to train for competitive Muay Thai fighting.  My wife had signed up for some mud runs, bike races and duathlons for the year.  After going to her first race in Feb.  we decided to do a Sprint Triathlon.  Well, I had been running a little maybe 1.5 miles and there was a 5k three weeks away and I signed up and did ok and three weeks later, I did a 10K.  I know not the smartest training schedule, buy my Muay Thai training, had me in good shape.  So, after the 5K and 10K we decided that we were going to do several more races and a Half Marathon in Sept.  The Sprint Tri is in Aug. 

After my wife duathlon, I decided that  I could not keep up with her on our rides with my MTN bike so I go a road bike with cleats and clipless pedals, and since then I have enjoyed biking so much.

Status: Married< no kids.  We have friends and family with kids if we ever get the itch.  HAHA

Current Training:  Everything,  Muaythai 5 times a week, Yoga 3 to 4 times a weeks, kettlebells 3 times a week.  Bike at least 12 miles  twice a week, starting up up mileage (we have a 37 mile ride coming up in May), Run 2-3 miles a week, at least 4 miles each time, swim, (probably my weakest point) I will start seriously training in about two weeks for all three.  But, I was a Water Survival Instructor in the Marine Corps, but I have never really learned how to swim.  I do have a wetsuit, (brand new from my in-laws so that is nice) I have done the occasional OWS, which I really enjoy more than pool swimming. 

Last Race Season: None only gym and Muay Thai training.

2010 Races- Devil Dog 5k (30:52), Mission Eco 10K (1:14) got lost, 37 Mile bike ride, 10 k Mud Run, Cinco de Mayo 10K, July 9 miler, Camp Pendleton Sprint Tri, Camp Pendleton Half Mary, MCRD Boot Camp challenge.  I am sure there are more, but that is all I can think of off the top of my head.

Weightloss: Since losing about 70lbs 220 from 288, it is not that much a concern however, it is part of training.  Realistically I will probably be happy at around 200 lbs.

What will make me a good men-tee:  I immerse myself into something that I enjoy, I do not do anything halfa$$, so I encourage the criticism, even if it makes me upset.  No one is harder than I am on myself, ask my Muay Thai Instructor.  I will also being helping my wife train (she has put me in charge, she is scared to death of OWS, so this should  be fun).  Any help will be help.



Hey there Chris!

Very cool background!  When I got into triathlons, I was actually on the fence between going into MMA training or triathlons.  I have the up most respect for MMAers and their work ethics.  I'm also very happy to see you're a yoga guy!  I'm a HUGE believer in yoga and do at least 2, usually 3 yoga classes a week.  I can't say enough about all the great benefits of doing it.  That is incredible about your weight loss!!!  People like you really inspire me and I very happy to hear you have chosen a more active lifestyle. 

So when is your first triathlon?  Just curious how long we have to get your swim in order.  Based on your schedule, it looks like sometime in July?  Are you planning to swim/train in a pool or the ocean (very jealous about your location by the way)?  If your wife is scared of OWS, my guess is you have a pool membership, but just wanted to make sure.  Any chance we can get some video of you swimming?  It would be very helpful if I could take a look at your current form.  However, if you're just looking for some recommendations, I would be more than happy to provide those to you as well.

Good Stuff Chris and welcome to the group!
2010-04-18 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2799303

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
htregear - 2010-04-18 10:40 AM
Hey Colin, got any room?

Name:  My name is Hans Tregear, username is htregear.

Story:  I've always had a passion for competition and wanted to be a bodybuilder. I'm sure your already questioning why I am doing this haha. After two years of training with some light cardio, I decided to go on a long distance run and ran a 5K in 20 minutes. The time itself isn't too great, but for someone who had not ran in 2 years, I was pretty surprised by it. I realized that I had never lost my cross country speed and that I was an endurance athlete all along. It explained why my body struggled to change to the fast twitch muscles and to grow into a bodybuilder. So I did a 180, changed my diet and started training for a triathlon. I have always had a coach when I've trained, so right now i'm pretty lost. I'm sure I'm over training with swimming and running every morning and biking when I get a chance in the evening after work. I hope you have the time to help me!

Status:  I am single.  I work at a medical center doing pharmacology/toxicology research and plan to attend med school by 2011.

Current Training:  I just swim and run as much as i possibly can in two hours every morning. I still lift weights as much as I can, but I'm sure I need some serious guidance on what to do to improve my triathlon shape.

Weightloss:  I am currently not trying to lose any weight.

Why I would be easy to train: I ran XC and track all of high school. I have a real passion for distance running. Swimming is something I've always enjoyed just never competed in. I have always dreamed of doing triathlons, specifically sprint tri's but never had the opportunity to get the training down and didn't have a bike. My brother upgraded bikes so I now have his "old" 08 Cervelo P2C. I am incredibly motivated to train and be given instruction as to how to improve my training. The hardest part for me in all of this is over-training. I have a tendency to over-do over-kill things. I'm sure running a minimum of 5K as fast and hard as I can every morning and swimming 1200-2000 meters per morning is hurt me in the long run. Plus the weight training every other night. And biking here and there. So as a mentor, I would be incredibly easy to coach because the motivation, drive and eagerness to compete is there. 

Hi Hans,

Yes, we do have room.  It looks like we're going to have a few more people than I planned, but I guess the more the merrier.  It sounds like you are more built for endurance sports than body building.  Either way, I'm really glad you've decided to train for triathlons.  I love the competitive spirit and it sounds like you could end up being quite a triathlete, but yes, it sounds like you're in some serious need of some coaching! Smile

We really need to make some adjustments to your training schedule and the way you're training during your workouts.  You are heavily over training and you're asking for trouble if you continue with your current training methods.  I strongly recommend that you stop running + swimming everyday.  More importantly, you should not be going all out in each workout.  So you have 2 hours to train every morning?  How is your cycling?  That's quite a score on getting that bike by the way!  Let me know you're schedule and we're going to make some major changes.

Also, please elaborate on your plans for races this season.

Welcome Hans!

2010-04-18 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2799479

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
cquin534 - 2010-04-18 12:51 PM Hi Colin,

If there is still room in our goup I'd love to join.  My name is Chad, user name cquin534. I'm 28 from Boston and just signed up yesterday for my first tri in August.  I've always been active and and pretty fit right now, but a tri is definitely a  new challenge for me. 
I usually run about 15-20 miles a week and do weight lifting at least 3 or 4 days a week.  Up until now most of my work outs have focused on strength and basic fitness.  Lot of intervals and supersets, which don't really apply as much for a tri.  Once I decided I really wanted to do a tri I started a training plan more in line with this goal in mind.  I am running usually 3 or 4 days a week, two short, two longer and biking 3 days a week.  I'm new to biking and actually dont even own a road bike yet, but I'm not too worried about running or biking. 
Like many people swimming is a big concern for me.  Up until two weeks ago I hadn't been in a pool to actually swim in years, and I was never much of a swimmer to begin with.  I've been swimming 3 days a week (only for the past two weeks) and I think I've improved my form a bit, but I still have zero endurance in the pool and know my breathing technique still needs a lot of work.  Any tips you could give here on technique or workouts in general would be a big help.

Hi Chad,

Welcome to the group and that's awesome that you're from Boston!  Which race did you sign up for?

Your background looks great.  Although the training you've been doing won't directly correlate to triathlon training, it certainly should help.  That's great that you're in the pool 3 times a week.  Hopefully we'll have you confident with your swimming in no time.

As for you breathing question, how often are you attempting to breath right now (every other stroke, every third, fourth)?  The key to proper breathing in the water is to be comfortable and make it as close to normal breathing out of the water as possible when you're starting out.  How and when are you exhaling?  Do you just become winded very quickly?  Would it be possible to get some video of you swimming?

I think that's enough questions for now Smile.  Looking forward to working with you Chad!
2010-04-18 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2799565

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
ET1SW47 - 2010-04-18 1:56 PM

Hi Colin,

My name is Tim and I am hoping you still may have room for one more.

Story:  48 year old Brewery worker.  I wrestled in High School and since then have basically let my self go over the past 30 years.  The last time I had attempted a mile run (walk) was 20 years ago in the Navy. I have tried, on several occasions through out my life, to get in or maintain some kind of shape with limited success.  I recently saw that a friend of mine from bootcamp at 46 had completed an Ironman and I have to say I was intrigued.  Around February, I came across Dave Ramsey's "High Performance Achievment" CD and decided to do a triathlon as my "Big Hairy Audacious Goal".  It seemed like a good idea at the time and because I am thinking the problem I have had with maintaining shape may be due to not having a focus for the workouts. In other words no goal for the workouts. 

Current Training: Unfortunately, until the past week I have not followed the work out plan very well.  I do seem to be on track now but, I only have 6 weeks left to train for my first Sprint.  The Tri for Joe in Cincinnati.  I am trying to play catch up with the 22 week Couch to Tri program. I have never been a runner, Did some biking as a teenager, and I have never had formal swim training.  I do excell at swimming under water but, I think those skills may only come in handy when I get water splashed in my fast while trying to breath in the 1st stage of the race.  LOL

Goals:  My first goal with this Tri is to finish and learn. Period.  In July I will be doing the Ceasar Creek Sprint, July 11.  My goal is to take what I experienced in the Tri For Joe, add to that another 6 weeks of training and place in the upper 75% of pack at Ceasar Creek.  After that I would like to do one more Sprint this year and from there build my way up to actually doing an Ironman sometime in my 50th year.

Status: Married, 3 children, 1 Son-in-Law, 1 Grandson.

Race Experience:  NONE

Weight:  5'10 240lbs

As far as being a good Mentee.....  I have nowhere to go but up!  Smile

I know you have exceeded the recommended number of folks but, I would really like to reap the benefits of your experience and training.



Hi Tim,

Welcome to the group and thanks for the PM.   That's terrific that you decided to get into triathlons and I love your goals!  The first advice I have for you is not worry about the training that you've missed.  There really isn't anything you can do about it now and you can only move forward and worry about today's training.  With that said, be very careful about doing too much training in an attempt to make up for missed training.  That can often lead to injury or getting burnt out.

Your logs look pretty solid for the last week.  It will be important that you stay on track with your training over the next 6 weeks, but as long as you do, I think you should be fine.  So do you have a heart rate monitor or were you using one on a treadmill?  Some heart rate information would be helpful to me if it is available.  If not, that's ok.

So it does appear you're struggling a little bit with your swimming.  Do you have any specific questions?  I noticed you've starting using a snorkel.  Are you having trouble with your breathing?

Welcome Tim!  I'm looking forward to working with you and I'm confident if you stay devoted over the next 6 weeks we'll have you ready for your first tri!  Smile

2010-04-18 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

OK, so our group is set!  We've got 16 members (including myself), which is a little more than I planned, but  I'm really happy with our group.  We have quite a variety of different people with different goals and backgrounds.  With that said, I do want to mention to everyone that we are a group and although I am the "mentor" and will certainly do my best to answer everyone's question, I hope that everyone will contribute on other people's questions and add in any recommendations they have. 

Just to recap quickly, here is a list of everyone in the group and their real names:

Native is Natasha
drew2219 is Andrew
shake-n-bake is Tim number 1
JakeC3850 is Jake
michgirlsk is Samantha
syoung is Sarah number 1
jedwards001 is Joni
mdgould is Mark
sbright is Sarah number 2
TdG717 is Frank
GA Tri(er) is Russ
Slowboy3094 is Chris
htregear is Hans
cquin534 is Chad
ET1SW47 is Tim number 2

Well I've asked most of you some questions specifically for your training which should keep us pretty busy at the beginning here, but I would like people to check in at least weekly and let everyone know how their training went over the past week.

Thanks everyone!  Now let's get to training so we can all kick some butt this spring/summer Smile
2010-04-18 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2776638

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

OK, one more post from me tonight and then I'm calling it quits for the day.  It seems like a lot of people in our group are concerned or really want to work on their swimming.  As a result, I just wanted to do a quick recap of the proper swim technique.

For starters, I would like to say that I am a big fan of SwimSmooth.  They have terrific information about swimming in general and open water swimming (OWS)/triahtlon swimming.  They also have a really cool downloadable tool called Mr. Smooth that can really help you see what proper swim technique looks like so I recommend people take a look at that.  With that said, here is a video of theirs that I really like.  Please take a look at this video.  When watching the video, please watch how the swimmer really extends his arms and fully extends at the end of each stroke.  This really helps you with rotating your hips and making your stroke as efficient as possible.   

Let me know what people's thoughts and questions are.
2010-04-18 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2799530

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
hockeyhands - 2010-04-18 1:34 PM
Hey Drew,

Yeah, like I said it would be great to get some video of you so I hope you're able to make that happen.  As far as your swimming goes, we should definitely get some more structure in your workouts.  So when you do swim, how long do you usually swim for?  Do you feel winded/have trouble getting through the sets of 500 you do?  I think we should start throwing some interval and sprints into your workouts as well as some drills.  The next time you're in the pool, will you do a 200 yard timed swim for me?  I'd like to see what your current time would be so when we start making some changes to your workouts, we can see if its working or not. 

With finals coming up soon, I think we should hold off on making any changes to your schedule/training.  Obviously this should take priority over training.  Nonetheless, lets get some more structure in your swim workouts.  So let me know how much time you typically spend in the pool and we'll go from there.

Thanks for posting your logs in here and that does help me.  Do you have a heart rate monitor?  If so, would you mind posting that info?  If you don't its OK and I know funds are tough as a college student, but I would highly recommend getting one if possible.  It can really help take your training to the next level.

Great stuff Drew.  Look forward to hearing back from you soon.

I just wanted to mention, if you don't currently have a heart rate monitor and decide to opt not to get one, you can go old school!  As soon as you're done working out, measure the pulse for 15 seconds, then multiple by 4 to get your heart rate in beats per minute. (or you can wait for 30 seconds or the full minute... ) The key would be to number one- not forget! and two- do it immediately following the workout, or else you're already recovering and it will be less of a reflection of your HR during the workout.  Yeah it's not perfect and it's got its flaws, but I think overall it's a good gauge and the next best thing to having a heart rate monitor!  This is what I do (when I don't forget) since I don't have a HRM and I'm curious about my heart rate.

Edit:  Oh, but I guess part of the point of a HRM is to be able to determine your effort during a workout and adjust accordingly... oh well, I still do this because I like to gauge my heart rate.

Edited by michgirlsk 2010-04-18 6:47 PM
2010-04-18 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2798042

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

My biking knee aggrevation came from riding the stationary bike at the gym, so I was just adjusting the bike as I thought was fine for me.  But I'm totally finished with riding the stationary at the gym! ...for now anyway.  As for my actual bike.  It's a Trek 7.5fx... (livestrong edition- yeah! hahaha!)  so it's a hybrid, and I have also heard of it as a step below a road bike.  But anyway, I have not had a chance to ride that bike yet this year.  I had taken it in for a maintenance check-up... got it back today, only to discover a minor problem so I'll be taking it back to them.... but I guess it's a good thing, because I'll use that opportunity to ask them about fitting the bike for me!

As for my training time... in theory, well, I've got time.  At the moment, I have no job.  (I haven't figure out yet if that's a fortunate or unfortunate thing. )  Triathlons are something I've always wanted to do, so I see this as THE time to do it, because I can have ample time!  So for now, the only thing stopping me from swimming, biking, and running would be my sheer laziness.

As for the swimming, at the moment my long (only?) swims are at 1750m, so my swim workouts can be adjusted according to that I guess.  This past week I did three swims of continuous 1750m.  I would definitely be willing to incorporate intervals and drills though.  Not sure if it makes a difference, but in general, I like planning workouts according to distance as opposed to time.


2010-04-18 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2776638

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
A few things:

At the last minute, I decide to do a 5K today. My overweight roommate had mentioned he was doing it, and the money went to a good cause, so I figured joining in wouldn't hurt. 

Exciting part was I placed first overall, but I think that's primarily due to it being no more than 60 runners total! Since I hadn't raced in a LONG time, I was unsure what I would be able to finish in, and also ran with no watch, so had to rely on "gut" feelings, I finished in 19:58. Nothing like the glory days, but still enjoyable!

Also, I've been playing around with my schedule, and was hoping Colin and others could look it over and give me some input. I based it off of this: which seemed like a good starting point. So far I've only mapped out the times that it works for me, and have yet to really get into what I'll do each day. I also shifted it, so that the first workout of the week falls on Sunday, like so:

From Recently Updated

In regards to my swimming...

I usually just do a quick warm-up of 50, then 3 sets of 500, cool down, and get outta there. Also, I feel pretty winded after each 500, they take a bit of effort to complete. 

I'll be swimming on tuesday, so I'll get my time for a 200, as well as a friend that agreed to video me. I'm quite worried to see for myself how I look. Laughing

Oh, and one more thing, I'm currently looking at the forerunner 305. I've read a lot about it and it seems to be quite useful, does anyone have any input on it, or other similarly qualified gps/heart rate watch?

Have a good week everyone!


2010-04-18 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2799646

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey there Chris!

Very cool background!  When I got into triathlons, I was actually on the fence between going into MMA training or triathlons.  I have the up most respect for MMAers and their work ethics.  I'm also very happy to see you're a yoga guy!  I'm a HUGE believer in yoga and do at least 2, usually 3 yoga classes a week.  I can't say enough about all the great benefits of doing it.  That is incredible about your weight loss!!!  People like you really inspire me and I very happy to hear you have chosen a more active lifestyle. 

So when is your first triathlon?  Just curious how long we have to get your swim in order.  Based on your schedule, it looks like sometime in July?  Are you planning to swim/train in a pool or the ocean (very jealous about your location by the way)?  If your wife is scared of OWS, my guess is you have a pool membership, but just wanted to make sure.  Any chance we can get some video of you swimming?  It would be very helpful if I could take a look at your current form.  However, if you're just looking for some recommendations, I would be more than happy to provide those to you as well.

Good Stuff Chris and welcome to the group!

I tell people all the time that yoga has been the most beneficial activity that I have done.  My first Tri is in August. Unless I decide to do one before then.  I have a pool at my work, but it is 30 meters which is wierd (I have measured numerous times) and laps can get strange.  I also live 5 blocks from the ocean.  So, that is nice.  I would like to do one OWS and one pool workout a week.  The swim portion of the tri is only 500m, which I have already done in an OWS.  As far as my wife, she is scared of sharks, but I told her that she is going to have to swim in the ocean for the triatlon.  So the first time we go out I might rent a kayak or something with her.  I will see about getting video. 

As with my martial arts, I can swim a long time but my form sucks, and something that I learned in Muay Thai training form and technique is superior to endurance and strength.

I look forward to learning with you.

2010-04-18 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2799624

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
Great; I'm glad I responded soon enough to claim one of the coveted spots. 

Actually, my former co-worker is a she, and yes, she is a great athlete.  She swam competitively at UGA in Athens (Univ. of GA for those that don't live down here) and even swam in an Olympic trial for a spot, but didn't quite make it into that.  She won her AG up in Cincinatti (I think) last summer to qualify for Kona.  If I recall correctly, she was 2nd (in AG) out of the water, 3rd or 4th (in AG) for bike, then got sick during the run.  I can't remember what her overall finish was, but it took her around 12 1/2 to finish (??).  Anyway, she knows she can do much better than that, so she's eager to get back there again.

The swim portions are 1000m (in Sept.) and 600m (in Oct) - both open water.  I've never had any formal lesson, so I doubt very seriously my technique is correct.  However, I am very teachable.  I don't have any problems listening to and applying what is taught.  I don't believe in wasting time trying to "figure it out" on my own when someone with experience has already gone through what I need to get through.  My wife belongs to the Gold's Gym near our house, so I'll be joining there tomorrow or Tuesday.  They have an indoor pool and a Triathlon Club there as well, so I believe someone there should be able to point me to a coach.  The water doesn't bother me at all; I'm comfortable in the water (did a TON of water skiing growing up - 2x / wk during my Jr and Sr years in college), so I enjoy being in and around the water.  I'll keep you posted, and if you (or anyone else in the group) knows a good instructor in the Woodstock, GA area, please let me know.

PS I don't know if I'll be able to offer others too much advice since I'm brand new to this.  However, if anyone has a tax question, I can handle that!  Smile
2010-04-18 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2798106

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

I'll have to re-arrange my work schedule to leave earlier to make the pool a few times a week. I've also found another pool on the way home that I can make it to, if I'm running late from work. My biggest concern with the swimming leg, is that I've never really learned to swim freestyle. I can swim the breaststroke and backstroke for quite a while, but am working on learning freestyle.

Once I get a training plan laid out, I'll have an easier time with organized workouts. Shouldn't be a problem though. Probably the worst thing will be having to resort to a stationary bike when traveling. I can haul my bike on some trips, but there will be weeks where that's not possible.

Yeah, I like the shooting sports, but they're certainly not for everyone. I shoot mainly Int'l rifle, but dabble in pistol and long-range rifle. I'll try to avoid talking about it on here; probably just bore everyone to tears.

BTW: It's official, I signed up for the Nations Tri today. The other events are spread out over the summer, mostly Sprints. First one is 30 May, but we've not decided which ones we'll do yet.

Take Care,
2010-04-19 4:15 AM
in reply to: #2798074

Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Colin,
Thanks for the note--I am looking forward to spending more time with my daughter. Smile 

We're registered for the August 15th Danskin tri in Seattle.  So far, we've been trying to follow a balanced program (16 week).   I usually have to squeeze in my training just before the pool/gym closes at night so it sometimes makes the days for swimming and anything else difficult.

My weakness is definitely the running but I think it's just a matter of building endurance. 

Also, based on what I've been reading on the site it seems that I should work on my swim stroke too (and I keep forgetting to kick) but the training part of the swim isn't bad at all.

I'm so impressed with your dad.  I was just telling my older brother (turning 50 this year) that running as part of a 20 mile relay is definitely possible.


2010-04-19 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2799511

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
It has been so interesting reading everyone's story and training/race plans.  Its tough not to get intimidated!

Colin, my strengths/weaknesses...

Swimming:  I have good basic technique that probably needs some cleanup.  I can't tell if I'm fast or slow, though.  I feel slow, but even swimming in the "fast" lane at my pool, I pass other swimmers regularly.  I need to build up my endurance and I know that my form starts to break down after a while.  I will use the resources you've provided and start hitting the pool an extra workout each week when the show I'm in closes.

Biking:  WEAKNESS!!!  Until last week, it had been 20 years since I rode a bike.  But I got on and practiced a few times and will keep doing so.

Running:  I feel like I have this pretty well under control and I love that the swimming and biking give me a better option that an easy run or recovery run. 

If I can figure out how, I'll give the group access to my training logs so that people can make comments or suggestions.  And I'll be happy to offer any theoretical/book knowledge that I can - that degree ought to be good for something!

2010-04-19 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2799804

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi Colin,

Glad to be part of the group.  I signed up for the Marlborough Tri on August 1st and I can't wait.  Should hopefully leave enough time to improve my awful swimming.

As for my breathing, I tend to breath every stroke and this point, and I am way more comfortable breathing on my left.  I think every stroke is probably far to often from what I've seen and I think it has a lot to do with my exhaling.  As soon as my face goes back in the water I tend to exhale all the air from my lungs, so I need that next breath right away.  So I do become winded very quickly, and by 75 meters I'm dying for air which is annoying considering I think of myself as someone with pretty good endurance. I also know that I am getting far more power on my right side after I rotate back from breathing so I tend to speed up then slow down every other stroke. 
 I can send a video of myself that I got done three weeks ago, but it was taken the day after I got into a pool to swim for the first time in about 10 years so my form is AWFUL.  I've improved it quite a bit since then (it really was embarassingly bad), but I know I still need a lot of work.  I will definitely check out that video/link you sent in the mean time.
I will also make my Training log public, so if anyone wants to make any comments feel free!

2010-04-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2800380

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Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I just bought the Polar RS300x with the foot pod last week and I love it.  The whole thing cost $229 and its simple to use, and I've found it to be very accurate.  Its really easy to see your stats while your running, etc and you can easily change options while you're on the go. The screen can display running pace, HR, total miles and total time in any order with your specific focus, ie Heart Rate, in the largest font.
Hope that helps
2010-04-19 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2800380


Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Colin may want to put you on a different plan or feel that a 50 is plenty...which is totally fine with me! Every person is different when it comes to training but just from swim coaching experience..I typically recommend doing more than a 50 for a warm up! Maybe a 200 easy free or back is a really great way to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for your upcoming workout!

Just some food for thought. 
2010-04-19 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2800335

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Colin Cook's Mentor Group - OPEN
michgirlsk - 2010-04-18 10:41 PM

My biking knee aggrevation came from riding the stationary bike at the gym, so I was just adjusting the bike as I thought was fine for me.  But I'm totally finished with riding the stationary at the gym! ...for now anyway.  As for my actual bike.  It's a Trek 7.5fx... (livestrong edition- yeah! hahaha!)  so it's a hybrid, and I have also heard of it as a step below a road bike.  But anyway, I have not had a chance to ride that bike yet this year.  I had taken it in for a maintenance check-up... got it back today, only to discover a minor problem so I'll be taking it back to them.... but I guess it's a good thing, because I'll use that opportunity to ask them about fitting the bike for me!

As for my training time... in theory, well, I've got time.  At the moment, I have no job.  (I haven't figure out yet if that's a fortunate or unfortunate thing. )  Triathlons are something I've always wanted to do, so I see this as THE time to do it, because I can have ample time!  So for now, the only thing stopping me from swimming, biking, and running would be my sheer laziness.

As for the swimming, at the moment my long (only?) swims are at 1750m, so my swim workouts can be adjusted according to that I guess.  This past week I did three swims of continuous 1750m.  I would definitely be willing to incorporate intervals and drills though.  Not sure if it makes a difference, but in general, I like planning workouts according to distance as opposed to time.


Thanks for the additional info Samantha.  Hopefully the stationary bike was the cause of the knee issue.  Unfortunately it can be difficult to gets those things setup/fit properly each time and as I mentioned before, the fit is very important.  I would definitely have the shop take a look at the fitting of your bike if possible when you bring it over to get the issue you noticed fixed.

We're going to see you not having a job a positive because it means you have plenty of time to train Smile.  I'm really surprised that you don't mind doing the longer sets in the pool if you dislike intervals.  I find that I get bored in some of the longer sets I do.  As I asked Andrew to do, would you like to do a timed 200 yard or meter swim next time you hit the pool so we can track your improvements?

What do you think of the video I sent you?  Is it a spot image of what you look like in the pool?  Smile  Haha well I hope you guys all find that looking at that beneficial.

Perfectly fine to plan your workouts according to distance as opposed to time.  So how long does it usually take for you to get your 1750m swim in?  Let me know and we'll whip up a new workout to try.

Also, thanks for contributing on the heart rate monitoring.  However, as you mentioned at the end, it would be ideal do know your HR during the workouts as it will vary quite a bit during the workout depending on the many variables that go into that particular workout.  Nonetheless, it certainly wouldn't hurt to get an idea of what your HR is as you are finishing the workout.
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