run4yrlif - 2005-08-03 6:10 PM
fcarter389 - 2005-08-03 7:12 PM network liberal crap
I tell ya...I don't get the "liberal network" media thing. I mean, look at the major conglomerates that own the networks. Viacom, Disney (OK...mayb Disney's a liberal organization, but it's still BIG BUSINESS), and General Electric. And then look at the rest of the "media": Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Sowell and Ann Coulter. And Rich Lowery, Bill O’Reilly, William Safire, Robert Novak, William Buckley and George Will. And John Gibson, Tony Snow, Britt Hume, Sean Hannity, William Kristol and Hugh Huewitt. And Allen Keys, Dave Kopel, Michael Savage. And Matt Drudge, Mike Rosen, John Caulden...
Where's the liberal representation? Al Franken and Air America? NPR? Seems to me that liberals are underrepresented in the media...
That's because liberal leaders are out of touch with the populus right now. The pendulum will swing back eventually. Hopefully we can get a couple leaders worthy of our vote in the next big election.