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2010-12-27 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3262236

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
sdnebfan - 2010-12-26 7:32 PM My name is Brad. I am a 49 year old physical therapist from Greenville, SC who specializes in sportsmedicine. I have a lovely (and very understanding) wife of 20 years and we have three teenagers. A son and 2 daughters. Unfortunately none of them have an interest in triathlon. I have been involved in triathlons for the last 8 years with 3 70.3 races (Florida twice and Augusta) under my belt. Over the last 2 years however, my racing and training have been limited by injury. The latest was a microfracture on my knee which kept me out of running for 8 months. Now I feel I can finally start training again. Over the last 2 months I have been strength training 3 days a week and doing a small amount of running/swimming/cylcing. Once the New Year rolls along I will start to increase my activity. The only things on my race calendar at this moment are a 1/2 marathon in late April, the Clemson Triathlon in mid May, an international distance race in mid June and my A race, IM Wisconsin, in Sept. This will be my first time at the IM distance. My week points are my swim and my nutrition during the race, both of which I plan to address during my preparation for IM Wisconsin. I look forward to taking this journey with each of you.

Hi Brad, I see you are training for IMW too. Coming from SC, what made you pick Wis as your first IM?

I can't get my kids into triathlons either. My youngest tried one a few years ago and hated it. I know my oldest could do it, because he does good when he has to run in school. I think he just doesn't want to be the jock. So I am still hopefull that after he is out of school he might find and interest in it.

2010-12-27 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Good Morning all!

So did anyone get any good training in over the holidays? Anyone get any good training toys?

I got a dog leash that hooks around my waist so I can run with my dog without having to hold the leash, works great!

I filnally got some CC skiing in on Sunday.Trails were great! I am worried that they are calling for some rain on Friday, hope it doesn't ruin the trails.

2010-12-27 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3256514

New user
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Lumber Dad and other members. I am 54 and have spent the last 2 years losing weight and trying to get "back in shape" for an older guy. I would like to try and train for an Olympic Triathlon in August 2011. My goal is just to finish and have fun and get fit along the way. As many other folks it is balancing age and time that is the challenge. I start swim lessons on 1/3/11. Swim will be a challenge!!! ANY advice would be greatly appreciated. Need to train enough but not overtrain and end up with injuries.  I live in Cincinnati. Congrats to all who have already started or accomplished a triatlon.

2010-12-27 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3262741

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
jcrrankin - 2010-12-27 10:15 AM Hi Lumber Dad and other members. I am 54 and have spent the last 2 years losing weight and trying to get "back in shape" for an older guy. I would like to try and train for an Olympic Triathlon in August 2011. My goal is just to finish and have fun and get fit along the way. As many other folks it is balancing age and time that is the challenge. I start swim lessons on 1/3/11. Swim will be a challenge!!! ANY advice would be greatly appreciated. Need to train enough but not overtrain and end up with injuries.  I live in Cincinnati. Congrats to all who have already started or accomplished a triatlon.


Welcome to the group Jeff.

Taking swim lessons is a great idea. There is a lot to learn and it might take some time so don't get discouraged.

When you start increasing your distances you want to do it slowly. This shold help you avoid injuries. Finding the right plan that allows you to get enough training for each sport with the limited amount of training time we have available is one of the bigest challenges.

Let me know if you need help finining a plan. BT has some plans available. I will also be starting up a weekly weigh-in.

Good luck training.
2010-12-27 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3256514

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
I want in!  I am wide eyed looking at some of the goals and schedules set out here.  I am aiming for my first Sprint June 5 in Green Bay - since I live there. 

NAME: Erik

BACKGROUND: Played D3 college basketball when I was younger but 20 years and a desk job resulted in a lack of exercise and 45 added pounds.  I am one of those people who find exercise redundant so the variety of triathlons is what landed me here. 

STORY: Married with 3 kids and have been away from exercise way too long.  I turn 40 in 2011 so my gift to myself is to commit to exercise.  Was digging around this site and found the "get off the couch" and sprint training programs and realized that if I started that night it took me exactly to race date.  I took it as a sign and decided it was go time!

HOW'S IT GOING: I am through 6 weeks of the aggressive get of the couch phase. Realizing I started just before Thanksgiving and have still dropped 6 pounds, found a belt hole, and actually ran more than a mile last night duing the Holidays I am loving it!

Spent some time in the pool just to get a feel again and realized how much I had lost.  It's a long way back to that mile swim shape I was in as a teenager.

I work with a couple of avid cyclists (2k+ miles per year types) so I have plenty of guidance there.

GOALS: Survive Green Bay.  If all goes well tack on another sprint or two this year and build toward an OLY next year.

I look forward to working with and learning from the group!

Edited by gbswan 2010-12-27 11:41 AM
2010-12-27 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3262898

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
gbswan - 2010-12-27 11:39 AM I want in!  I am wide eyed looking at some of the goals and schedules set out here.  I am aiming for my first Sprint June 5 in Green Bay - since I live there. 

NAME: Erik

BACKGROUND: Played D3 college basketball when I was younger but 20 years and a desk job resulted in a lack of exercise and 45 added pounds.  I am one of those people who find exercise redundant so the variety of triathlons is what landed me here. 

STORY: Married with 3 kids and have been away from exercise way too long.  I turn 40 in 2011 so my gift to myself is to commit to exercise.  Was digging around this site and found the "get off the couch" and sprint training programs and realized that if I started that night it took me exactly to race date.  I took it as a sign and decided it was go time!

HOW'S IT GOING: I am through 6 weeks of the aggressive get of the couch phase. Realizing I started just before Thanksgiving and have still dropped 6 pounds, found a belt hole, and actually ran more than a mile last night duing the Holidays I am loving it!

Spent some time in the pool just to get a feel again and realized how much I had lost.  It's a long way back to that mile swim shape I was in as a teenager.

I work with a couple of avid cyclists (2k+ miles per year types) so I have plenty of guidance there.

GOALS: Survive Green Bay.  If all goes well tack on another sprint or two this year and build toward an OLY next year.

I look forward to working with and learning from the group!

Welcome to the group Erik. Exciting to get back into sports again. Some people look at excercise as a chore, I hate missing a workout.

I did the Green Bay Tri a couple years ago. It was one of the coldest swims I ever had to do. It is a shallow swim so it will be nice for your first tri.

A few years ago I attended a weekend tri camp in Green Bay, learned a lot.

Good luck in training and welcome to the group
And Go Packers!

Edited by Lumber Dad 2010-12-27 12:35 PM

2010-12-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3262631

Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Colleagues (who are Marquette grads) talked me into doing the race. Wasn't planning on racing IM distance until my kids were gone from the house but this opportunity came up and decided it was time. Being here in the Blue Ridge Mountains should make for great training for a hilly IM Wisconsin.
2010-12-27 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3262639

Greenville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Santa took good care of me. Book about racing IM Wisconsin, DVD of the bike course to use will riding my trainer, new goggles, and a new Timex Ironman watch which was sweet because mine broke the week before Christmas.
2010-12-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Since race season is a few months for most of you I thought you might like to break up the winter a little and post some short term goals. Just something to get you motivated for the New Year.

Maybe you want to run 100 miles in January, or just get out and exercise every day. Just try not to over do it.

My goal will be to get 120 miles between running and skiing for the month.
2010-12-28 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Sunday I twisted my ankle moving some boxes down the basement (oops I missed a step) Its not swollen but very sore.  I will try to mend quickly and be ready for the schedule training program starting 15th of Jan. During that time I hope to keep working on my swimming.
I am seriously considering a half ironman to wrap up the season. (maybe one here in MI or the Half IRONMAN Branson). Having already done multiple century rides and Marathon, I am figuring my limiting factor of swimming to be my nemesis for a half iron.  A week from this Sunday the tri club starts Sunday group runs. I am hoping to be mended enough to run with them then.  Weight training, Swimming and biking on the trainer (till I have dain brammage lol) is what is scheduled for Jan.
2010-12-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3256514

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
McGee good luck with that ankle.  I hate it when a "wheel" gets messed up.

January Goals: Stay on the get off the coach progression and buy a bike!  I decided to do a tri and didn't even own one.  Stopped by the LBS yesterday and they suggested a Specialized Sirrus Elite.  I was talking to a friend at work who tore up a knee and he has an '04 Cannondale he would part with.  I have no idea what to do / buy for tri/training/family riding.  Help anyone?

More general question: Outside of something to swim in, a bike to ride, shoes to run in, and the preparation completed are there any other first time "must haves"?  Thanks in advance

2010-12-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3256514

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
McGee good luck with that ankle.  I hate it when a "wheel" gets messed up.

January Goals: Stay on the get off the coach progression and buy a bike!  I decided to do a tri and didn't even own one.  Stopped by the LBS yesterday and they suggested a Specialized Sirrus Elite.  I was talking to a friend at work who tore up a knee and he has an '04 Cannondale he would part with.  I have no idea what to do / buy for tri/training/family riding.  Help anyone?

More general question: Outside of something to swim in, a bike to ride, shoes to run in, and the preparation completed are there any other first time "must haves"?  Thanks in advance
2010-12-28 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Hey there!  Can I join your mentor group?  I've seen you around the challenges, but I've been away from BT for awhile.  Life got a bit crazy and cut into computer time.

I am a yoga teacher and run my own yoga studio.  I have two kids, 17 and 7 and a supportive husband. 

I did two sprints and an olympic distance tri this year, and my first half-marathon.  Killed my knee running and have taken some time off from training, but ready to get back into it in the new year.

My 2011 plans are another olympic, my first half-ironman distance race and a full marathon.  I've picked late-summer races because I have no place to swim until the lake melts in the spring, so swim training is out for now.  (There is no pool here.)

My weight is right where I want it to be, so I just have maintenance goals there.  I really need to focus on strength training.

Looking forward to 2011!
2010-12-28 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3256514

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Skokie, IL
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Lumber Dad, with an Avatar of running in Lambeau Field, you are the mentor for me, if it is still open. How do I get to run in Lambeau?

Here is my info:

Name - McLuvin Age 47

Family - Daugher 11 and Son 9

Story and History - Always was athletic, but kids and job slowed me down to basically playing softball and drinking beer. Did my first marathon at 41 and soon moved into Triathlons as it was easier on my body than running (6'2" 205) and I enjoyed not being so one dimensional in my workouts. I did a HIM 2 years ago and have the bug to do an IM, but it took me a couple of years to convince my wife, finally this fall she told me to get it out of my system, so I am signed up for IMWI on 9/11. Plan to do the Cutting Edge Classic HIM in Effingham in late August along with a few Centuries and the Madison Half Mary on Memorial Day Weekend

Weight loss - currently just under 200 and goal to be 190 or less by races. Already took of about 7 since November

Training Plan - Doing Jorge's winter cycle and swimming to increase my total meters/workout along with some strength and crossfit. I am still trying to figure out a training plan. I have BeIronFit and checked out Gale Berhardts book from the library. Also been looking at the BT plans and even the BT Custom Plan which really intrigues me. It'll be something to talk about over the next few week.s
2010-12-28 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3264733

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
wmcgee62 - 2010-12-28 1:58 PM Sunday I twisted my ankle moving some boxes down the basement (oops I missed a step) Its not swollen but very sore.  I will try to mend quickly and be ready for the schedule training program starting 15th of Jan. During that time I hope to keep working on my swimming.
I am seriously considering a half ironman to wrap up the season. (maybe one here in MI or the Half IRONMAN Branson). Having already done multiple century rides and Marathon, I am figuring my limiting factor of swimming to be my nemesis for a half iron.  A week from this Sunday the tri club starts Sunday group runs. I am hoping to be mended enough to run with them then.  Weight training, Swimming and biking on the trainer (till I have dain brammage lol) is what is scheduled for Jan.

Hope your ankle gets better soon. Group runs are nice, just make sure you don't run too fast. Seems like every time I run with our running club it turns into a tempo run.

Does your tri club have a masters swim? That is always a great place to get help with your swim.  
2010-12-28 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3264922

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
gbswan - 2010-12-28 3:27 PM McGee good luck with that ankle.  I hate it when a "wheel" gets messed up.

January Goals: Stay on the get off the coach progression and buy a bike!  I decided to do a tri and didn't even own one.  Stopped by the LBS yesterday and they suggested a Specialized Sirrus Elite.  I was talking to a friend at work who tore up a knee and he has an '04 Cannondale he would part with.  I have no idea what to do / buy for tri/training/family riding.  Help anyone?

More general question: Outside of something to swim in, a bike to ride, shoes to run in, and the preparation completed are there any other first time "must haves"?  Thanks in advance

If this is your first year in tri, I think a used bike would work for your. Tri shorts are nice to have. For the bike your can get clip peddles and tri shoes, but don't have to have them the first year. If the cannondale is a road bike your could get tri bars for it, another thing you don't have to have for your first year.  

2010-12-28 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3265193

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
serendipity - 2010-12-28 6:53 PM Hey there!  Can I join your mentor group?  I've seen you around the challenges, but I've been away from BT for awhile.  Life got a bit crazy and cut into computer time.

I am a yoga teacher and run my own yoga studio.  I have two kids, 17 and 7 and a supportive husband. 

I did two sprints and an olympic distance tri this year, and my first half-marathon.  Killed my knee running and have taken some time off from training, but ready to get back into it in the new year.

My 2011 plans are another olympic, my first half-ironman distance race and a full marathon.  I've picked late-summer races because I have no place to swim until the lake melts in the spring, so swim training is out for now.  (There is no pool here.)

My weight is right where I want it to be, so I just have maintenance goals there.  I really need to focus on strength training.

Looking forward to 2011!

Welcome to the group. That is cool that your are a yoga instructor, I try and do some yoga. This year I had two hamstring pulls and hope yoga will help. Hope your can keep your knee healthy this year while training for a marathon and HIM. Are you planning a fall marathon?
2010-12-28 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3265278

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
McLuvin - 2010-12-28 7:50 PM Lumber Dad, with an Avatar of running in Lambeau Field, you are the mentor for me, if it is still open. How do I get to run in Lambeau? Here is my info: Name - McLuvin Age 47 Family - Daugher 11 and Son 9 Story and History - Always was athletic, but kids and job slowed me down to basically playing softball and drinking beer. Did my first marathon at 41 and soon moved into Triathlons as it was easier on my body than running (6'2" 205) and I enjoyed not being so one dimensional in my workouts. I did a HIM 2 years ago and have the bug to do an IM, but it took me a couple of years to convince my wife, finally this fall she told me to get it out of my system, so I am signed up for IMWI on 9/11. Plan to do the Cutting Edge Classic HIM in Effingham in late August along with a few Centuries and the Madison Half Mary on Memorial Day Weekend Weight loss - currently just under 200 and goal to be 190 or less by races. Already took of about 7 since November Training Plan - Doing Jorge's winter cycle and swimming to increase my total meters/workout along with some strength and crossfit. I am still trying to figure out a training plan. I have BeIronFit and checked out Gale Berhardts book from the library. Also been looking at the BT plans and even the BT Custom Plan which really intrigues me. It'll be something to talk about over the next few week.s

Welcome to the group. First off, I got to run through Lambeau field during the Green Bay 1/2 marathon. With all the people in this group doing Wis we should be able to help find a training plan that works for everyone. I used be Iron Fit when I did IMW. Doing a HIM and this century rides will help a lot. Jorge's cycling plan is great, it did it a couple years ago. 
2010-12-29 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3265438

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Yes, a fall marathon.  End of September.  The Adirondack Marathon is run in our town, around the lake (just happens to be 26 miles).

Oh, and my goal for January is just to get started again, and do something every day.  I am going to do the run-focused winter maintenance plan until my race training plan starts in March.
2010-12-29 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3265671

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
serendipity - 2010-12-29 7:13 AM Yes, a fall marathon.  End of September.  The Adirondack Marathon is run in our town, around the lake (just happens to be 26 miles).

Oh, and my goal for January is just to get started again, and do something every day.  I am going to do the run-focused winter maintenance plan until my race training plan starts in March.

Sounds like you will need to combine your marathon training with your HIM training. If you can find a good training plan and increase the run mileage.

Running in the adirondacks sounds so cool. Are there a lot of trails to run on? Running on trails would be easyer on your knees.
2010-12-29 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Here is a web site I use to get swim workouts;

Doing drills in a swim workout is a good way to work on form. one are drill, catch up, and others. I like to use fins for doing my drills. I also like to use hand paddles and pull-bouy in my main set. Better swimmers my advise against using the paddles too much.

2010-12-29 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open

Hey all, here is my story (sorry for the late response, I am on vacation visiting family).

Name:  53epilot/Eric

Status: 39 years old (almost 40), married to an awesome wife, father of two great boys (8 and 4).  I work for a major company as an Application Engineer (spent a lot of time sitting so I need to get out and train).

Story:  I was active throughout high school (track) and college (volleyball) and spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, but really never like running.   A friend of mine encourage me to try my first triathlon in 2003 (Wilmington YMCA Sprint) and I was hooked.  I have run about 8-10 triathlons total and have been plagued by injuries almost every year (this year will be different).  I am very comfortable swimming and biking, but running is definitely my weakness.  I have had a stress fracture in my right foot and been hampered by shin splints for the past three years (which limited my 2010 racing to 1 total race).

2010 Achievements: Finished my only triathlon in 2010 with a calf strain.  Set course PR on the bike and swim.

2011 Goals:  Train smart and injury free.  Finish my first 1/2 marathon and 1/2 Ironman (potentially my first Olympic Distance Triathlon).  I am taking my training slow and methodical this year after suffering so many injuries.  I am looking to lose about 15-20 lbs of total body weight and get back to a weight of around 155 - 160 (currently I am at 176 at 5 foot 9 inches).

2011 Races: 
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 5K (2/12/2011)
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 10K (3/7/2011)
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 15K (4/9/2011)
-OneAmerica Mini 500 1/2 Marathon (5/7/2011)
-Grand Rapids Sprint or Olympic Triathlon (6/5/2011)
-Tri Del Sol Sprint Triathlon (7/16/2011)
-Whirlpool Ironman 70.3 Steelhead (8/14/2011)
-VOLUNTEER:  Ironman Louisville (8/28/2011)

Mentor Group Goals:  I am hoping for support and encouragement from Lumber Dad's Mentor Group as well as some accountability and advice.  Please check my training log for weekly goals and progress.  I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing us all progress towards our 2011 goals.

Edited by 53epilot 2010-12-29 11:16 AM
2010-12-29 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3256514

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
Hey guys,

Just got a chance to read through all of your information and latest questions.  I thought it would be good to post who is in the group right now (Lenny, I hope you don't mind).

Here is what I have so far, 13 motivated triathletes:


Lumber Dad - Lenny

Crea0029 - Pam

Monicamm68 - Monica

Isenc2002 -

Countryvoodoo -

Zombie - Ian

Wmcgee62 -

Merriann -

Sbnebfan - Brad

Jcrrankin - Jeff

Gbswan - Erik

Serendipity -

McLuvin -

If I missed your real name and you want to share it, please let us know. 

Take Care,

2010-12-29 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3266176

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
53epilot - 2010-12-29 10:57 AM

Hey all, here is my story (sorry for the late response, I am on vacation visiting family).

Name:  53epilot/Eric

Status: 39 years old (almost 40), married to an awesome wife, father of two great boys (8 and 4).  I work for a major company as a Application Engineer (spent a lot of time sitting so I need to get out and train).

Story:  I was active throughout high school (track) and college (volleyball) and spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, but really never like running.   A friend of mine encourage me to try my first triathlon in 2003 (Wilmington YMCA Sprint) and I was hooked.  I have run about 8-10 triathlons total and have been plagued by injuries almost every year (this year will be different).  I am very comfortable swimming and biking, but running is definitely my weakness.  I have had a stress fracture in my right foot and been hampered by shin splints for the past three years (which limited my 2010 racing to 1 total race).

2010 Achievements: Finished my only triathlon in 2010 with a calf strain.  Set course PR on the bike and swim.

2011 Goals:  Train smart and injury free.  Finish my first 1/2 marathon and 1/2 Ironman (potentially my first Olympic Distance Triathlon).  I am taking my training slow and methodical this year after suffering so many injuries.  I am looking to lose about 15-20 lbs of total body weight and get back to a weight of around 155 - 160 (currently I am at 176 at 5 foot 9 inches).

2011 Races: 
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 5K (2/12/2011)
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 10K (3/7/2011)
-OrthoIndy Mini 500 Training Series 15K (4/9/2011)
-OneAmerica Mini 500 1/2 Marathon (5/7/2011)
-Grand Rapids Sprint or Olympic Triathlon (6/5/2011)
-Tri Del Sol Sprint Triathlon (7/16/2011)
-Whirlpool Ironman 70.3 Steelhead (8/14/2011)
-VOLUNTEER:  Ironman Louisville (8/28/2011)

Mentor Group Goals:  I am hoping for support and encouragement from Lumber Dad's Mentor Group as well as some accountability and advice.  Please check my training log for weekly goals and progress.  I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing us all progress towards our 2011 goals.

Welcome to the group Eric,
Looks like you will have an exciting year if you can stay healthy. Have you checked with any sports doctors some excercises that would help with your injuries? I had 2 hamstring pulls last year and have been trying to do more stretching.
Maybe doing some running on the grass to strengthen your feet. I got a pair of Vibrams this past year, I use them as a training tool. They strenghen the feet and I can also feel it im my calf.

So what is an Application Engineer? My son is in high school but wants to go to college for engineering.

2010-12-29 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3266217

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Mentor Group - Open
53epilot - 2010-12-29 11:15 AM Hey guys,

Just got a chance to read through all of your information and latest questions.  I thought it would be good to post who is in the group right now (Lenny, I hope you don't mind).

Here is what I have so far, 13 motivated triathletes:


Lumber Dad - Lenny

Crea0029 - Pam

Monicamm68 - Monica

Isenc2002 -

Countryvoodoo -

Zombie - Ian

Wmcgee62 -

Merriann -

Sbnebfan - Brad

Jcrrankin - Jeff

Gbswan - Erik

Serendipity -

McLuvin -

If I missed your real name and you want to share it, please let us know. 

Take Care,

Thats fine with me. I thought I was missing someone, but I think that should be jsenc2002.
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