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2011-01-14 11:49 PM
in reply to: #3300623

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Karen--Yes, my parents are proud of me, which is why I have no problem persuading them to buy me a road bike or travel internationally (basically) alone. Where did you live in the Bay Area? I'm always looking for new trails/fun-runs, so if you remember any good places it would be helpful. I live in the East Bay and it is fantasti--you can't beat the weather for triathlon training! 

Elizabeth--Thank you! That site could come in handy when picking my races this year 

2011-01-15 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3300613

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
ebal - 2011-01-14 8:01 PM That came out a little longer than intended. Writing something that is important and interesting to me doesn't happen often in high school....I got a little overexcited!

Welcome Emily!

You come from a great background so it sounds like you have huge potential in triathlon.  It is really cool that you have a bike team.  There are not many of those here in Georgia.

It is interesting that you find that you lose faith on the swim.  I have the same problem on the bike!  We call it "the valley of darkness" and I plan special snacks to help me through it.   On the swim, you may want to have something especially nice to think about or a good song to sing when you feel it coming on.  Lots of coaches disagree with this, but I try to plan long easy continuous swims into my week to get used to going the race distance (or slightly over) - that seems to help me get used to working through the bad patches.  And, a race-distance, forever-pace swim is a good easy day to let your legs recover from hard bikes or runs while still getting a workout in.

2011-01-15 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3300836

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
julta - 2011-01-14 10:43 PM It says the group is still open just want to make sure you still have room? I would love to join your group also!

Welcome Julie!  We would love to have you in the group!  Tell us about yourself and set your goal for next week when you think of one.

I checked out your tentative race plan on your blog and it looks like you have some great races planned.  I did not realize that there was a 70.3 in Boulder.  That will be beautiful.  My DH is also trying to cook healthier for our family, so we can swap recipes.

2011-01-15 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Thanks Steph! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and hoping for some motivation and training help along the way.

Name: Julie
Story and Family: I'm 46, single and mother of 2 teenage boys (16 & 14) that are for the most part wonderful young men (I don't think I've ever called them that before!) I did my first women's only tri in 2008. At the time I didn't know how to swim to speak of, didn't own a bike and was just starting to run. (If I can do it anyone can!) I was hooked and have continued to train and enjoy tri's, road races and bike riding since.
Training and Races:
For some crazy reason I signed up for what is known as the Boulder series this year, 3 races sprint, oly, 70.3. (Steph I'm not sure how long the 70.3 has been in Boulder, awhile I'm pretty sure, last year was the first year that Ironman took over the races) I've only done one olympic distance last year and while I finished it wasn't fast. Nothing about me is fast but I seem to get there. My schedule is actually pretty ambitious for me this year. But I'm looking forward to it nervously! Right now I'm following the winter maintenance program and just started a 1/2 marathon program. It will be a little while before I start the 20 week half ironman program.
Platte River 1/2 marathon 4/10/11 (registered)
Community Classic Bike Tour 5/15/11 (Metric Century - tentative)
Boulder Sunrise 6/4/11 (registered but depending on weather may skip signed up for free for volunteering last year)
Denver Century 6/12/11(Century-registered)
5430 SPRINT 6/19/11 (registered)
BOULDER PEAK 7/10/11 (registered)
IRONMAN 70.3 BOULDER 8/7/11 (registered)

Weight...always an issues for me. I've lost 25-30 pounds in the last 6ish months doing Weight Watchers. I'm hoping to get rid of some more in the next few months. The less I have to carry around up there in Boulder the better! I eat pretty healthy most of the time just a question of quantity.

So those are my goals for the year. I will have to come up with some goals for the week...maybe to get to the pool...I seem to have a problem with that one. I also need to go back and read about everyone. Thanks for letting me join your group!

2011-01-15 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3300932

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
ebal - 2011-01-15 12:49 AM Karen--Yes, my parents are proud of me, which is why I have no problem persuading them to buy me a road bike or travel internationally (basically) alone. Where did you live in the Bay Area? I'm always looking for new trails/fun-runs, so if you remember any good places it would be helpful. I live in the East Bay and it is fantasti--you can't beat the weather for triathlon training! 

Elizabeth--Thank you! That site could come in handy when picking my races this year 

I grew up in Los Altos Hills / Palo Alto area.  Later moved to Sacramento when I got married.  Then I was transferred to the Northern Atlanta area for work back in '96 so we all picked up and moved.  I really miss it out there, you are right - the weather cannot be beat!  Every time we go back to visit family I've got to get out for a run or bike ride every day.

The running places I know of are more on the Peninsula, like Los Altos, Redwood City, Los Gatos area.  Maybe a little far for you.  Rancho San Antonio park is off of 280 in Los Altos/Mt. View area and that's my favorite place to run.  It's trails, long steep switch backs, then some nice downhills.  Crystal Springs Reservoir near San Mateo is a nice lake off of 280 that has a paved path to run on.  Then you can't beat biking in Woodside along Canada Rd. and up to Skyline.
2011-01-15 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
OK, I've thought about my goal for next week and here it is -

1) Goal is to start back with strength training
2) I picked this as my goal because one of my goals for January on the GA Goal Challenge was to start core work.  When doing core work (only two days/week right now) I can tell that I've lost so much strength since the summer.  What would have been somewhat of a breeze for me is now a struggle (and I do not like it one bit!)
3) I will start back with strength training 2 days per week before spin class (like I was doing over the summer)

2011-01-15 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Hello there...I would love to join your group.  I am a 39 yr old mother of 4, my youngest is 6 weeks.  i have been planning this training since halfway thru my pregnancy.  Ive decided to be in the best shape of my life by the time i turn 40, which will be in September, so im anxious to get started. I have been a runner before mostly for exercise and have never trained for a race, same with biking, have gotten to 30 miles there, my challenge will lie with swimming, but looking forward to the challenge.  im not sure where to navigate to get a training regimen but definately want to shoot for september to do my 1st that possible?
2011-01-15 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3301271

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
ssmith12 - 2011-01-15 10:43 AM Hello there...I would love to join your group.  I am a 39 yr old mother of 4, my youngest is 6 weeks.  i have been planning this training since halfway thru my pregnancy.  Ive decided to be in the best shape of my life by the time i turn 40, which will be in September, so im anxious to get started. I have been a runner before mostly for exercise and have never trained for a race, same with biking, have gotten to 30 miles there, my challenge will lie with swimming, but looking forward to the challenge.  im not sure where to navigate to get a training regimen but definately want to shoot for september to do my 1st that possible?

Welcome Stephanie! 

Congratulations on your new baby. : )  Good for you for getting back at the exercise so soon!

Yes, it is definitely possible to do your first race in September.  I believe that the training plans are located under the "Programs" button at the top of the page so you can find one that looks good and start from there.  There are some free ones and if you subscribe as a member, you have access to even more.  You can also do your training without a set plan.  Just do each thing (swim, bike or run) 2 times a week, gradually increasing your distances until you can do the race distances with no trouble.  Some people prefer the accountability of a plan, while others like the flexibility of no plan.  I did my first triathlon using the plan (very loosely) in "Triathlon Training in 3 hrs a Week" and that worked great. 

In the group, we are all "friending" each other and starting to use the workout logs.  Your logs are open, so I've already friended you.  We are also making goals for next week, so thing about that and let us know what you are going to do.
2011-01-15 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3301271

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
ssmith12 - 2011-01-15 10:43 AM Hello there...I would love to join your group.  I am a 39 yr old mother of 4, my youngest is 6 weeks.  i have been planning this training since halfway thru my pregnancy.  Ive decided to be in the best shape of my life by the time i turn 40, which will be in September, so im anxious to get started. I have been a runner before mostly for exercise and have never trained for a race, same with biking, have gotten to 30 miles there, my challenge will lie with swimming, but looking forward to the challenge.  im not sure where to navigate to get a training regimen but definately want to shoot for september to do my 1st that possible?

I had my munchkin in October of 08 and did a tri in May of 09, so September is definitely doable and gives you plenty of time for your body to gradually adjust but consistent training is certainly a challenge with a little one.  You should definitely look for one of the "couch to ....." plans though as the whole "gradual" part is especially important post pregnancy.
2011-01-15 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3265665

New user

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Hi!  My name is Katie and I wanted to see if you were still open.  I have never done a triathlon but want to do one on May 1 (Historic McKinney Kiwanis Tri).  I see many of the members have small children (I have a 3 yr old daughter and an 8 month old son) so I thought it might be a good fit for me.  The longest race I have ever done is a 5k although I am planning to run the Houston Half Marathon at the end of January.  I have always been plagued by IT band problems.  I've always been interested in triathlons--in college I took "Triathlon Training" but all we did was swim, bike and run (there was no instruction on form, transitions, and no actual triathlon).  I bought a book on beginner triathlons two years ago but was sidelined with IT problems and then got pregnant.  I am ready to do something for me this year--especially because I am the one usually supporting my husband's marathon training.  I thought it might be fun to have him come watch me do something for a change!  I just committed myself to doing a race last night and found this site when I was buying a trisuit.  I don't have a bike--and may need to use my hubby's mountain bike--but at least I should look cool while cruising along on a mountain bike
2011-01-15 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3301660

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
klinhart - 2011-01-15 3:59 PM Hi!  My name is Katie and I wanted to see if you were still open.  I have never done a triathlon but want to do one on May 1 (Historic McKinney Kiwanis Tri).  I see many of the members have small children (I have a 3 yr old daughter and an 8 month old son) so I thought it might be a good fit for me.  The longest race I have ever done is a 5k although I am planning to run the Houston Half Marathon at the end of January.  I have always been plagued by IT band problems.  I've always been interested in triathlons--in college I took "Triathlon Training" but all we did was swim, bike and run (there was no instruction on form, transitions, and no actual triathlon).  I bought a book on beginner triathlons two years ago but was sidelined with IT problems and then got pregnant.  I am ready to do something for me this year--especially because I am the one usually supporting my husband's marathon training.  I thought it might be fun to have him come watch me do something for a change!  I just committed myself to doing a race last night and found this site when I was buying a trisuit.  I don't have a bike--and may need to use my hubby's mountain bike--but at least I should look cool while cruising along on a mountain bike

Welcome Katie!

I'm sorry to hear that you are having IT band problems.  I get that on and off and it is no fun. 

Congratulations on registering for your first race!  You have lots of time to get ready for the sprint distance.  Up above, we discussed a couple options for finding a training plan so maybe one of those will work for you.  Plenty of people ride mountain bikes at the sprint distance and I was even passed (not on the bike, but on the run) at a race by a girl who did the race on a mountain bike.

A lot of us do have kids so we can all talk about how to schedule triathlon training around them and get them involved.  Everyone does it differently, but it's always an issue.

If you have not activated your logs yet, go and check them out.  I'm encouraging everyone in the group to start logging their workouts so that we can all encourage each other and because it is a good way to stay accountable.


2011-01-15 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
I just read through everyone's intro's and looks like a really great and diverse group so should be much fun! It's nice to see that there all different abilities and levels of experience. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better and being able to encourage and support you in any way I can.

I'm going to make my goal for this week to get to the pool 2 times. No matter how long or short the workout I will get in the pool!
2011-01-15 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
I think that this is going to be a great group!

My weekly goal is to do my physical therapy/hip strenthening/stretching at least three times this week.  I'm working on my running form and have a weak right hip which has led to hip busistis/IT band problems.  The only way I could complete my HM was with a cortisone shot in my hip and I DO NOT want to have to do that again (not a long term  solution).  But I usually wait until it starts to hurt until I do anything about it and then its too late.  I'm really trying to be more preventative and stay injury free this time around.  
2011-01-16 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3302245

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
I'm just posting to bump us back to the first page.  All of those other groups were posting fools today!  Hopefully you guys were all too busy doing fun stuff to be on the internet.  : )

I started watching "Chariots of Fire" on the trainer.  Not bad at all.  Netflix is my friend.  Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

2011-01-16 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: Room for one more
I'm hoping there is room for one more, as this group sounds great!
I am 42, no kids and have been halfheartedly doing tris for 2 years. This year its time to get serious. I have changed jobs to give myself more time to do the things I enjoy and get more work life balance and tris is one of the things I want to spend more time on.
I live i Melbourne Australia, so we are in the middle of the season her. My goal is to do 2 sprint distances, one in Feb and one in March and then do my first Oly in September at the Noosa Triathlon. Not sure if the Oly is a bit over-ambitious, but for now, I'd like to aim for that.
I train with a great group here in Melbourne called Tri-Alliance. They have different sessions everyday- the challenge for me is the time and motivation to get along!
Like so many of you, swim is my best leg and I feel most at home in the pool. For that reason I want to ramp up my running and I think I need to get some strength into my core- so I have a separate little programme I intend to do to cover that off.
I have a very supportive husband, he is a mad keen rider- but I can't ride with him as I just am not at his level!
Anyways, thats me, hope you have room!


2011-01-16 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Alright, after two weeks of failing to get in any significant biking (spinning, actually) and months of neglecting the bike.  My goals for the week are to: 
1. Get on my trainer (I haven't been on it once since the tri season ended)
2. Bike at least 2 x this week
3. Run 3 x this week

I'm traveling the end of this week and that always seems to throw me off but I can still meet my goal. 

2011-01-16 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3303096

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Subject: RE: Room for one more
mareelouise - 2011-01-16 5:56 PM Hi, I'm hoping there is room for one more, as this group sounds great! I am 42, no kids and have been halfheartedly doing tris for 2 years. This year its time to get serious. I have changed jobs to give myself more time to do the things I enjoy and get more work life balance and tris is one of the things I want to spend more time on. I live i Melbourne Australia, so we are in the middle of the season her. My goal is to do 2 sprint distances, one in Feb and one in March and then do my first Oly in September at the Noosa Triathlon. Not sure if the Oly is a bit over-ambitious, but for now, I'd like to aim for that. I train with a great group here in Melbourne called Tri-Alliance. They have different sessions everyday- the challenge for me is the time and motivation to get along! Like so many of you, swim is my best leg and I feel most at home in the pool. For that reason I want to ramp up my running and I think I need to get some strength into my core- so I have a separate little programme I intend to do to cover that off. I have a very supportive husband, he is a mad keen rider- but I can't ride with him as I just am not at his level! Anyways, thats me, hope you have room! Cheers Maree

Welcome Maree!  We would love to have you!

I, for one, am very jealous that you are in the middle of the season.  It has been very cold here, so we have not been able willing to ride outside in months.  Your tri-club sounds great.  It would be neat to have a daily workout to attend!

It sounds like a lot of us are working on our running and biking, so you will find lots of support for that here.  I will go and friend you now so that we can share logs.  Let us know what your goal for next week is and let's get started.
2011-01-16 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: This weeks goals

thats great, glad I could still squeeze in! Goals for this week? Good question. I wanted to do a session a day at least, but maybe more realistic would be to say that this week I should try and do 2 of everything, just to get back into the groove.
So as a minimum, I commit to 2 x swim, 2 x bike (probably windtrainer) and 2 x run.
One swim down, only 5 sessions to go!

2011-01-16 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Maree - you totally can do an Olympic.  I signed up for an Olympic a couple of years ago, after only doing sprints, and I was so nervous.  My husband kept saying I could do it, but I was so nervous.  Well, I did it and never looked back.  The following year I did a HIM, then last year I did an IM.  It's addicting, so be for-warned.

2011-01-16 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3265665

Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
How do the inspires work?  I tried to go back and respond to one but cant find it anywhere.  do they just disappear after I see it?  Also, how do i inspire others?

Edited by elizabethk 2011-01-16 9:10 PM
2011-01-16 9:52 PM
in reply to: #3265665


Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN

I hope I'm not too late to join the group. My name is Meghan and I am newly divorced and have been into fitness for the last year. I have been doing a lot of spinning and running as well as weights at my local gym. I thought about doing a triathalon about a year ago but I wasn't fully committed.

I now feel that I have the time and energy to concentrate on training for a triathalon. I have to admit that I am a bit apprehensive about the swim part, I can swim, but I don't feel that I do very well. I also seem to have problems since I wear contacts, never been able to find a pair of goggles that worked.

I want to complete a sprint triathalon in August or September of this year, somewhere in Southern CA hopefully. I welcome any advice and support that anyone has, I feel that I will need it.

Thanks so much,

2011-01-16 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3265665

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
Steph, if you're still open I think I'd like to join this group.

I'm 38, professor currently sidetracked into running  a grant, have 2 kids (boys, 9 & 13). And a bunch of furpeople in the house. Lots to balance with family and work, as you might imagine! Like many others here.

About me and exercise and tris: I worked hard last year to lose a lot of weight, and did. During that time I did a lot of exercising as part of the process. I swam pretty regularly and biked a huge amount. Biking was my main form of exercise, fact. I can run, but at the moment I'd consider it my weakness. I was toying last year with the idea of sprint triathlons, even going so far as to try a couple of bricks. I had a medical setback that kept me sedentary for Sept-December but have been picking it back up in January. Slowly.

I've not participated in any tris - am a complete newbie, hoping to do my first one either in late may when I'm out east or June 6, when there is a sprint tri in my area. I'm leaning toward June. I do still have some weight to lose, but really the fitness is my focus. If I want to not be overweight, I need a sport to be part of and enjoy.

My partner was a runner and triathlete in past years, so hopefully I can draw on his experience.
2011-01-17 6:22 AM
in reply to: #3303503

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
elizabethk - 2011-01-16 10:07 PM How do the inspires work?  I tried to go back and respond to one but cant find it anywhere.  do they just disappear after I see it?  Also, how do i inspire others?

Hopefully no one else has already answered, but the inspires are still there - they just don't show up in the info block after you have read them.  However, if you look on the day of your log where they are, you will see them and can click there to read them.  You can either reply back in your own log or in the sender's log.  It is easier to send back in the sender's log because then they can see it.
2011-01-17 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3303563

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
napawinegirl - 2011-01-16 10:52 PM Hi-

I hope I'm not too late to join the group. My name is Meghan and I am newly divorced and have been into fitness for the last year. I have been doing a lot of spinning and running as well as weights at my local gym. I thought about doing a triathalon about a year ago but I wasn't fully committed.

I now feel that I have the time and energy to concentrate on training for a triathalon. I have to admit that I am a bit apprehensive about the swim part, I can swim, but I don't feel that I do very well. I also seem to have problems since I wear contacts, never been able to find a pair of goggles that worked.

I want to complete a sprint triathalon in August or September of this year, somewhere in Southern CA hopefully. I welcome any advice and support that anyone has, I feel that I will need it.

Thanks so much,

Hi Meghan -

Welcome!  Of course you can join!

You have plenty of time to get ready for a sprint, especially if it is later in the season. 

On the googles, what works for you is dependent on your head shape so you may have to try several different kinds before you find "your" goggles.  I use Speedo Hydrospecs that I bought at Target, which was just a happy accident.  Also, I find that as the goggles get older, I have to tighten them more to keep from leaking.  You may want to go to a swim store so that you can try several pairs on to see which works best on you.

2011-01-17 6:30 AM
in reply to: #3303601

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Subject: RE: Steph's Group - OPEN
calluna - 2011-01-16 11:17 PM Steph, if you're still open I think I'd like to join this group.

I'm 38, professor currently sidetracked into running  a grant, have 2 kids (boys, 9 & 13). And a bunch of furpeople in the house. Lots to balance with family and work, as you might imagine! Like many others here.

About me and exercise and tris: I worked hard last year to lose a lot of weight, and did. During that time I did a lot of exercising as part of the process. I swam pretty regularly and biked a huge amount. Biking was my main form of exercise, fact. I can run, but at the moment I'd consider it my weakness. I was toying last year with the idea of sprint triathlons, even going so far as to try a couple of bricks. I had a medical setback that kept me sedentary for Sept-December but have been picking it back up in January. Slowly.

I've not participated in any tris - am a complete newbie, hoping to do my first one either in late may when I'm out east or June 6, when there is a sprint tri in my area. I'm leaning toward June. I do still have some weight to lose, but really the fitness is my focus. If I want to not be overweight, I need a sport to be part of and enjoy.

My partner was a runner and triathlete in past years, so hopefully I can draw on his experience.

Welcome Calluna!  We are glad to have you in the group!

We have all levels in the group, from newbies to people training for Ironman-distances, but I think we can all help each other out.  We are all "friending" each other in our logs so that we can support each other's training and making a goal for the week of January 17.  So, get your logs started and tell us your goal!

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