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2011-01-21 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3275529

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Hi All,
and again, welcome to the group, welcome to triathlon.  The purpose of the group is to answer questions, give input, share ideas on triathlons.  of course, if you want a more structured system where you are given specific workouts for each day, the thing to do is print out a plan, join a local group, or hire a coach (I do know pros who also coach).  because everyone on here is at different points in fitness, training and time until the next race, it's impossible for me to set up a program and work though it on a daily basis.  If you want some help on deciding which plan to use, if a coach would work, etc., I am happy to do it.  questions about which races to do, experiences on tris, marathons, centuries, just let me know.  group or no group, pretty much all the questions you may have, this is the place. 

Tomorrow is Saturday -- regardless of where you are, get out and run, walk, bike or swim! 

2011-01-22 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3314750

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN

I am doing the Half Iron in Augusta, Georgia.  I know I need to focus on more time in the water, however, I think I have now gotten to the point of just getting out and playing catch up.  I taught myself how to swim for those distances and surely did not teach myself correctly.  I am now very comfortable in the water but my times do not improve.  I actually completed my first 2 sprint triathlons in 2008 without ever training for the swim at all.  No time in the water.  I suffered the consequences for that stupidity.  It is funny what people will do just to compete amongst friends.  I did train quite a bit for the olympic and half iron distance swims.  I swam a 36 some minute in the olympic but 54 in the half.  Current played a big role in my poor half swim time.  I probably swam more like 1.4 miles instead of the 1.2 due to getting off course.  I still finished the half in 5:54 so not bad for a first timer. My 3 man training group now has the benefit of doing open water swims in the local lake on the weekends (after it gets warm enough), so hopefully that will help.  I do put much more time in on runs and the bike.  I train police officers at the police academy so a big portion of my day is engaged in exercise.  I have the luxery of working out whenever I want to because it is a big part of my job.  That however does not keep me from getting up at 4 every morning and putting in time at the gym lifting, running biking and/or swimming.  I also usually get in about 3 workouts a day lasting around an hour each.  I only work M-T so that leaves Friday and Saturday for long ride or run days. I have weighed the idea of doing a full iron this year, however, my wife wants me (along with my training partners) to wait a year due to the cost.  Thanks for letting me in your group to gain ideas and support.

2011-01-22 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3275529

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
hi Richie,
jeepers, if you swam a 56 in a half iron, with a current, that's actually pretty decent for a non-swimmer.  sounds like you know all the info on the swim part -- i.e. it's not where you win the race, you can easily recover from ten minutes down on the swim, etc., the bike and the run is what really counts.  I have found that to be true in my experience.  my first tri I was in the last ten people coming out of the water.  my friend was captain of her swim team, and she started earlier than i because of the age difference (she's 8 years younger), yet, I caught her on the bike -- and this is a sprint, so if you are comfortable in the water, get to do open water swims, and have some training pals, I wouldn't worry about the swim and really focus on the bike and run at this point.  you can always come back to the swim another season once you feel you have done all you can on the bike and run to improve.  ...and, of course, don't forget the transitions.  the swim captain buddy i passed on the bike spent 9 minutes in T1.  11 in T2.  lots of little things you can do in the other disciplines to knock off ten minutes.  then, fix the swim when you know it's time. 
2011-01-22 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3275529

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN

I will be out of the country beginning this evening, returning next weekend.  Feel free to engage in discussions with others, but I will not be able to get back to people until next Sunday night.

remember, even walking one mile or 12 miles on the bike is better than no miles when you can't get motivated.


2011-01-23 2:17 AM
in reply to: #3275529

New user

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Hi Deb and everyone here! I'd like to join the group too if you still have space available. My name's Sami, I'm 34, female. I'm a total newb and have never done a tri before, but I've always wanted to do one. I absolutely love being on the bike and that is my favorite part of a tri. I really like to be in the water, but I can't swim too well. I don't even know how to hold my breath under water without plugging my nose! I'm thinking maybe my first step should be to take swimming lessons??! I have run a few 5Ks but have gotten out of running shape. So now I'm hoping to start swimming, biking and running in an effort to lose weight and get in shape, with my final goal being to do a sprint triathlon. I started this week eating better and exercising again and I lost a pound! Cool

Actually I was doing good last year with the exercising and then somewhere along the way became a couch potato again. Now I'm 5'5" and 177 pounds! I am overweight but I actually love to be active and outdoors. I know that if I train to do a tri and actually do one that I will start myself on the path of a healthy lifestyle because I know I will enjoy it. The problem is, I'm scared! I don't know why, but I'm totally nervous about doing a tri. I'm not nervous about the actual swimming or running or biking but more about the other people there. Will I end up doing the wrong thing, not knowing the rules or ettiquette, will I end up looking totally stupid??! That's why this mentor program is a really great idea and sounds like exactly what I need. Okay that is my life story. Hope to join you all! p.s. my location is long beach, ca (los angeles area)

Edited by runsamirun 2011-01-23 11:12 AM
2011-01-23 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3275529

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN

Can I join the beginner triathlete mentor program with you? I'm doing my first triathlon on May 22, 2011, which is the Summer Open Sprint Triathlon in Longmont, CO.


2011-01-23 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3275529


Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
This looks like it may be the right group for me if you're still open. I'm more of a restarter than anything else, although i've never managed to get all three activites running together at the same time. But what the hell, it's a new year and i'm sure with the help of this group i'll finally get it together.

My story.

I'm 45 probably need to shed about 40lbs and haven't put my running shoes on, or jumped on the bike since november, but tomorrow is a new day and i'm ready to start.

2011-01-24 1:35 AM
in reply to: #3275529


Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN

Hi Deb,

I'd like to join your group if there is room!  My name is Mel and I'm 33 years old with two young children.  I signed up for my first triathlon, which will take place in August.  I've never been much of an athlete, so I'm trying to follow the "couch to triathlon" program.  I think swimming will be the toughest part for me since I'm not a strong swimmer.  I've never competed in cycling or running, but I think I'll be okay there since it's on land .  Any advice you can give to a complete newbie would be appreciated!  Thanks!

2011-01-24 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3275529

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Hello Deb! I, too, would like to join this group if space allows. I have read through some other people's posts. Everyone has different life situations, different levels of fitness, but all with the similar desire to be a triathlete (or a better one). I think that will create a fabulous environment to grow and learn and develop. I hope it's not to late to join.

I want to say hi to everyone. If you are another member reading this, thanks!

A little about me: My name is Melissa. I am a chemical engineering student - 21 years old. I will participating in my first triathlon in August. The SheRox series race in Philly, Pa. I am very eager for it to be August as well as incredibly scared. My stepmom bought me "Triathlon and Women" by Sally Edwards for xmas. While I have yet to finish, I would recommend this book to every female looking to get into the sport or improve themselves as a triathlete. It is so motivational, informative, and supportive. It literally brings tears to my eyes at times.

The reason I am interesting in becoming a triathlete is because of the challenge and variety. I like that there are 3 components (plus transitions of course). Another goal of mine is weight loss. In 2010, I lost 40lbs. I have hit a plateau though.  I still would like to lose another 30lbs. It may sound like a lot, but it is well within the healthy range of weight goal for my height and age.

I believe completing my first triathlon will give me a sense of accomplishment I have never felt before.

I very much look forward to being a member of this group as well as the triathlete community in general. Laughing
2011-01-24 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3275529

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The Oil Patch
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Count me in if you have the room. I was in BostonBobs group last year where I started the year at 278 pounds. I ran 4 half marathons then jumped in to the Texas Tri Series where I completed every race, which ranged in distances from the Rookie Tri to the Longhorn Ironman 70.3. In total I competed in 9 Triathlons and finished them all. I have the same ambition this year with my first Half Marathon this coming weekend 1/30/2011 in Austin Texas. I now weigh 225 pounds with a goal to be at 185 at the end of this season.
BTW I hate running! I mean I REALLY HATE RUNNING! HIM Results below:

Swim                              Bike                                         Run   

Edited by whiskyride 2011-01-24 8:17 PM
2011-01-24 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3275529

Townsville, Australia
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
if there is room, I would love to join this group.. pretty pretty please ?

I am a 40yo Male in Townsville, Australia (north east on the map)

I am a big unit, and will always be a clyde.. looking at improving on my last two finishes.. DNF and DFL.


2011-01-24 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3275529


Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Hi, I'm Melissa. I have been working out, running and strength training for 6 years. I have never run a marathon or even a half but have always wanted to do a tri and I feel the time has come. I am a mother of 3 children, my youngest is 6months old and I feel like I am in the best condition now. I will be 33 this summer and I am ready to move to the next level but definitely with some guidance. I pumped and ready to get serious on training so I can do my first sprint hopefully in May.
2011-01-25 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3275529

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Allright all.  I just signed up for the Blue Ridge Marathon on April 16.  I hope they are kidding when they call it America's Toughest Road Marathon.
2011-01-25 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3275529

New user

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
I would love to join the group if you still have room!  My name is Casey and I am a 48 year old male, just recovered from prostate cancer in November and on my way back to regular fitness.  I have never done a triathlon but have targeted a sprint triathlon in July 2011 in North Carolina.  I am a single father with two teenagers.  I have been running for years and just started back to the spin classes at my local gym until the weather gets a little warmer and have been swimming 3X per week at the gym lap pool since the beginning of the year.  My swimming is by far my weakest link and it has kept me from pursuing a triathlon in the past but I have committed to finishing one this year as a way to show myself that I have kicked cancer and am back to normal health.  Any tips you can give me with regards to swimming would be greatly appreciated.  I am hoping to lose 20 lbs in the process of getting in shape to do my first tri.   
2011-01-26 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3319342

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Good luck whiskeyride on your half marathon this weekend.  I wish I could run outside instead of on the dreadmill, but the Mid Atlantic is under a cold wet snow.
2011-01-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3323052

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The Oil Patch
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
It should be a good time. I tell the guys at work that its sad when you look forward to running 13.1 miles more than going to work. I think they are getting the point. I hope you have a great day

2011-01-27 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3275529

Spruce Grove
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
It seems like a lot of people have joined this group but if I could join I would really love it! It seems like a lot of the participants are newbies like me so very appropriate.

I'm a 35 year old mom of three. I decided this past fall that this year I was going to do a triathlon and I started very slowly adding running and biking into my days. I can now run for most of a 5k and I bike around 10-12k on my indoor trainer - definitely need to ramp up that mileage soon!

My first race (of 2011 and EVER) will be on May 8th - it's a try-a-tri so only 400m swim, 10k bike, 2.5k run. In June I'm doing a full sprint and deciding about what my third race will be. Probably in August or September - I'm in a wedding in July and the month will be kind of hectic.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
2011-01-27 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3301661

Spruce Grove
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Weather can totally become an excuse for me not to get out and go! I bought a treadmill and use an in indoor trainer so I can't blame the snow now!

sheesleeva - 2011-01-15 1:59 PM Hi everyone,

It is a rainy, rainy day here.  With the weather, I wanted to throw a thought out there regarding training with the weather is not particularly hospitable.  Over the years I have read a number of articles about the time of day people should exercise for the best health benefits.  The results are non-definitive, with the conclusion depending on the researcher.  My own experience has been, the time of day does have a direct bearing on whether the weather makes a difference.  If I get into a morning routine, I get up and go regardless of weather.  When I lived in Minnesota, I would get up and run even when it was -20 --- I had great winter gear.  On the other hand, if I get into a routine where I wait until later in the day, the weather gives me a lot of excuses when it's crummy weather time of the year. 

What have the rest of you experienced?

2011-01-27 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3275529


Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
iwould also like to join the group,
i am 36 yrs old 5"10 n@ 91.5kg. hav undertaken a tri last yr with v.little training doing it in under 1:52 for 400/25/5
currently in training for a sprint in apr, and 1 line up in june and hopefully 1 end of june agter that dont know.
2011-01-27 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3301661

New user

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
I prefer to work out in the mid-afternoon after lunch.  I find that when I have the flexibility to do that, my body is rested and awake and feels the best.  At times I have to really push myself to get to the gym after work, as it is real easy to head home after a long day.  But once I get to the gym or outside, I do OK, its just making sure I don't talk myself out of a workout on the way home from work.  I don't do well in cold weather, and prefer heat over cold. 
2011-01-27 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3275529

New user

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Good luck on the half whiskeyride!

And roliver: woah! America's toughest road marathon? Why? Uphill? Altitude? And is it in the Blue Ridge Mountains? Because that's a beautiful area.

Okay all I am thinking about doing the Los Alamitos (california) reverse tri on Feb. 26. I am absolutely not ready at all but it looks really fun. It's on a military base and there will be military helicopters and stuff lining the course. And every participant will get dog tags when they finish. looks like a good time. And the swim is only in the pool. much less intimidating. hmmm......

Also kind of a dumb question do you guys get to this forum? Is there a quick link or something? Or did you just add the page to your favorites or something? When I go directly to the home page I can't find this forum too easily.

2011-01-27 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3325920

Spruce Grove
Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
If you toggle the email notifications (bottom of page) and subscribe to the thread you'll be able to just click the link from your email whenever there are new responses.

Also kind of a dumb question do you guys get to this forum? Is there a quick link or something? Or did you just add the page to your favorites or something? When I go directly to the home page I can't find this forum too easily.
2011-01-27 11:32 PM
in reply to: #3275529

New user

Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Oh perfect. Got it. Thaks Laurie! Laughing
2011-01-28 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3325920

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Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN

The Blue Ridge Marathon has a 7234 foot elevation gain/loss covering several mountains in Roanoke, Virginia.  Most of that happens in the first 10 miles covering Roanoke Mountain and Mill Mountain.  The marathon is in its second year, however, had a few hundred complete it last year with several hundred more expected this year.  I live here so at least I get the benefit of training on those mountains.  I bike those areas on a fairly regular basis and know how punishing that is, so I know running them will be a challenge.  I have ran the Blue Ridge Parkway to the mountains but never up the mountains.  I also just signed up for the Beach to Battlefield half iron in Wilminton, NC in October so that will give me 2 half irons to complete for the year.  I hope doing this marathon will help with the pain I felt during the last 10k when I did the Patriots half iron last year. 
2011-01-28 6:18 PM
in reply to: #3275529


Subject: RE: Deb's Group OPEN
Hello Deb!! I will like to join your group is there is space!! I turn 49 last summer & my Doc got me so bad news!! Diabetes type 2. So I decided to make a change & started to excerse. Thus far 30lbs and the Doc took of the meds cause Im doing so well with my diet. So I want to take to the next level with my first triathlon. I dont know where to start or how to trained for this so I need some guidance!!!Smile
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