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2011-04-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3435636

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Tripopo - 2011-04-08 7:00 AM

I'd like to toss my hat into the ring if possible as well.

BIO:  My name is Kirk I'm still in my 20's for the next several months and am currently a bike patrol officer in Charleston SC.  I am a newly wed and my wife works night shift so it helps for me to be out of the house training while she is sleeping.  I grew up in and around the water as a springboard diver that swam occasionally and a lifeguard and swim instructor up through college.  My current ambition is to get onto a Federal law enforcement agency and have a couple of applications in but with the current mess most have gone on a hiring freeze meaning the 2 year application process is going to be even longer and I need something to keep me motivated. I'm also a mechanic for the unit so I can offer some...  interesting... fixes for bike issues that might make a LBS cringe but will last a while if parts are hard to get.  I'm also attending the instructor course for a law enforcement bicycle association next week and will be recieving training on cadence and proper bike fit etc. so hopefully I'll be able to add as much as to the group as I'll get.  Running is my weakest leg mostly because I have never done it that much always prefered the pool to the asphalt.

Current Training:  I have a sprint level (500 meter, 20k, 5k) race may 21st and hope to do some of the Charleston Sprint tri series this summer schedule permitting and an Olympic level mid september and hopefully the Charleston marathon in January.  I have been on the Olympic 2x balanced since January and have dropped it down to the sprint level training program to increase speed as I'm confident in my endurance levels for the May race.  I'm still working on getting a road bike and transitioning to skinny tires from the fat tires I'm used to.

I'm not a super serious training guy and my last group was a little... intense and I felt out of place as several were accomplished racers planning HIM and IM distance races.  looking for a group that balances training with having fun and is ok with the odd duck question

Welcome to the group, Kirk.  It sounds like you can bring some good swimming and biking background to the group which is most helpful.  I was never a fan of running either and it's still not my favorite but I am beginning to enjoy it more. Although I still cannot stand the treadmill at the gym. I would rather run outside in the snow (snow is this white, cold fluffy stuff that falls from the sky in case you didn't know living in SC). Haha sorry I am just jealous of your warm weather.

It sounds like you have a good race schedule ahead of you starting with the sprint next month. Are you excited for your first tri??  It seems like we have a lot of beginners in here for you. I like training but have a newborn in the house so I won't be too training intense for awhile. And feel free to ask any question at all and we will try our best to answer it. No question is too stupid especially if you have never raced before.  Do you have a hybrid or mtn bike now? Don't worry about a road bike too much for your first sprint. Make sure you like tris first before investing too much $. You will have plenty of time later to spend lots of $$


2011-04-08 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3435765

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
Viking58 - 2011-04-08 8:14 AM

Hi Guys:

I would love to also sign up if you have room.


I was always somewhat athletic, but never great in any sport.  I injured my knee and back in high school playing (of all things) softball.  I started powerlifting to build strength, and took to it with a passion through college and shortly after.  Over the years (I'm 52), I picked up weight, as my job is mostly a sit-down, sedentary one.   I started cycling about 20 years ago and enjoyed it, but an injury derailed it, and I gave my bike to my brother, as he was moving from running into tri's.  He's 48 and an avid cyclist, tri guy.  Very early in 2010, I realized that I needed to make a change.  I was 5'10", 278 (heaviest I'd ever been), and not in great health.  I started with the Biggest Loser workouts, progressed to P90X, and starting speed walking.  While talking to my brother, he mentioned that he and my other brother were planning to ride Cycle North Carolina this year (2011).  I put a bike together (TREK 2.3), and am working on getting ready for that.  My brother recently did the Gator HIM in a little over 6 hours, and it's inspired me to attempt to do some tri's next year.  My goals this year are my first 5k, CNC, and a 30 mile Tour De Cure ride here in Ohio.


Newly married with 3 grown kids, and a 7yo step-son.  Live in Central Ohio.   My wife and I are both very busy professionals, her owning her own business, and trying to find training time and juggle all the issues with her profession and her son is something I'm trying to figure out.


I need some motivation and support.  I missed a workout this morning due to a late and restless night due to some family issues.  I'm trying to convert from an evening workout person to an early morning workout person.  Any suggestions would be most helpful.. Having trouble falling asleep prior to 10pm.


Welcome to the group.  It sounds like you have very good goals as well.  I grew up in Ohio and was just in Central OH last weekend visiting some friends. And it's great that you have family/friends to inspire and race with you.  I know what you mean about struggling work and family and training. It can be really hard and I never really want to put training before family time. My first kid was born on March 2nd of this year so I am really lacking sleep as well.  And I have been working out a lot less because after work I feel as though I should spend time with her and not going to workout. But my wife bought me a bike trainer for xmas so I have been riding that a lot and still get to spend time being around my family. Although I am still working on changing diapers while riding at the same time...haha just kidding

I usually don't like to sleep before 11pm either but I started morning workouts last year. They actually made me feel more awake at work after working out in the early morning. I really hated getting out of bed but I always took a shower before working out. This sounds weird but the morning shower revived me a little and I felt a little energy burst. It took some time to get used to as I first felt really tired at work but eventually my body adjusted. It just takes some time. Plus getting up and working out early and then working all day made me a little more tired at night and I soon found myself being able to go to bed at 10pm.  Sorry I am not sure if that was really advice or not but I'll try to think of some suggestions.

2011-04-08 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3435769

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
sarahv717 - 2011-04-08 8:15 AM


Background: living in southeast michigan (also frequents the cleveland area for family and friends), single, and i've been fairly active my entire life.  ran a 10k and a marathon relay last year as my first actual races since my high school cross country days.

new to the sport, training for my first sprint tri in august.  i started out as a frequent mountain biker (about 15 miles/week) when the weather agrees, and have been running for a long time, and training for my first half marathon on may 7.  i wasn't sure about my swimming abilities, but i got in the pool last fall, and even though im slow, am loving it.  looking into the road bike purchase soon as well, so i feel like the basics are there, and i can do the distances in each event already. my biggest weakness is swimming, and i'll just have to figure out if i can do all the events in a row.  im pretty clueless on training, i do weights (p90x workouts) and yoga on a regular basis, so im trying to put together an organized training plan that isn't total overkill and still allows me to do all the things i enjoy.  either way im excited to train during the summer.  looking forward to seeing how everyone on here does! good luck!

Welcome Sarah!  I have family in the Akron area (about 30 min south of Cleveland). I actually did my first tri in Vermilion (near Sandusky). It's a really well-run small town race. And I have been back every year since to race it. 

There are some training plans on here if you want to follow it or there are a few books out there too that have basic training plans.  You will eventually want to do some "brick" workouts before doing a tri which basically means you put two disciplines together in training. For example you would go out and bike 10 miles and then immediately run 2 miles. What type of bike do you have now?  Swimming will come with time. Form is most important I think in swimming and then speed will build up with good form and training.

2011-04-08 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3435798

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
dnoble - 2011-04-08 8:27 AM

Hi guys,

I would love to join the group if you all will have me!  A quick bio.  I'm 42 and have been training for one whole week for my first triathlon.  I used to be a serious distance runner (50-60 miles a week) but that was in a previous life so it doesn't really count.  I have been kicking around the idea of doing this for a long time but never let that stop my sedentary habits.  So I have made the jump and know I'm doing a sprint race in August and maybe some races sooner if I can get ready in time.  I discovered this site and what I found here has convinced me I can be a triathlete if I put the work in, the previously unobtainable knowledge is here for the asking!

Full disclosure part: I weigh 227 (233 last week!) and want to get at least 40 of that off.  I live in St. Louis (born and raised in Chicago area) but I'm still a Cubs fan.  Married, two sons age 12 and 8, and my wife thinks I have absolutely lost my mind.  As mentioned all of my previous endurance sport experience is in running, biking and swimming are alien sports to me.  I know how to swim, just not at this level.  I also don't do moderation well, I'm either all in or all out, which makes it hard for me to "scale back".  I guess that's enough for now, I'm going to open up my logs right now!  Thanks guys.


Welcome to the group, Dan.  Wow you did do a lot of running in the past but don't worry I am sure it will all start to come back to you. Most people seem to fear the swimming but just work on your form at first.  I know what you mean about not being able ot scale back sometimes. I also want it to be fun and it is but sometimes I am too hard on myself when racing, with times, etc.  Is it hard being a Cubs fan in St. Louis??


2011-04-08 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3435862

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
yardleybates - 2011-04-08 8:57 AM

Hey Allison and Ryan,


I'd love to join the group if there's still room.

I'm 41 years old. Married, no kids.

Have been an off and on distance runner since high school. I've run 4 half marathons between 2004 and 2007. Finished my last one in 1:58:20 and convinced that was my personal best, didn't do any more races. Last year, did my first full marathon, and did OK but had an injury and lots of excuses, so didn't train properly at all! Finished in  5:52:03 which was under the race limit of 6:30, but don't feel like I really did it. 

I'm registered for the Chicago Marathon in October, but don't plan to run another after that.

I am hoping that triathlon's will be as enjoyable for me as the half marathon was and give me loads of room for personal improvement, so I can continue them for a long time.

I love the atmosphere of a race, as well as NEED something to work toward to keep me on track with my fitness routine. I have a goal to lose 30-35 pounds this year (before September) and this is part of that for me as well.

I was a fish when I was a kid, but haven't done much swimming in the last 20 years. I am amazed at how terrible my cardio fitness seems to be in the lap pool, definitely can use any and all tips and training ideas to improve that aspect.

I have a hybrid bike, and just switched to clipless pedals this week. I'm not super speedy, but feel pretty confidant (other than the new clipless thing - yikes) there.

Running will be my strong suit, and I know this will help me build a strong base for my marathon training.

My goal or plan is to try to be as efficient as possible in the bike and swim so I can take advantage of my running abilities

Oh, yeah, I'm training for the Lake Zurich Oly tri in July.

Hi. Yes, there is still room in our just made it in so welcome.  It sounds like you have a good running base which is great.  I'll cheer for you in the Chicago marathon this year because you run right by my condo towards the end of the race.

I really enjoy triathlons because I don't become too focused and thus bored working on just 1 discipline. Just keep working on your form in the pool or take a few classes with an instructor that can help your form. Then speed will come with time and proper form and fitness. I actually did notice my swim times improving with my overall fitness level (had easier time breathing). I started out with a hybrid too and lots of people ride them in races so don't worry about it. I have actually seen people on hybrids pass people in $5000 race bikes. It's all in the motor (you). Clipless pedals should help you a lot and expect to fall in the beginning. We all do it

2011-04-08 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3435872

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN
bakerswife - 2011-04-08 9:02 AM

Do you still have room?

My name is Mary and I live in St. Paul Minnesota. 50 years old, never been an athlete. I grew up in California and swam like a fish back then. But my eye sight got so bad I couldn't find my way back to the locker room, so I gave it up. But in December I discovered prescription swim googles, joined the local Y and remembered how to swim(!). But after a couple weeks of laps, thought I needed some good reason to do the laps and decided for no apparent reason to do a triathlon.

My Y runs an all womens sprint in August, so i signed up. I also registered for a beginners tri in June.  i started a Couch to 5K running program (this would be my weakest area) and signed up for a 5K run at the end of April. I'm running 20 minutes now but pretty slow. I have ridden my bike to work, so I think I can do the bike stuff, but I've been following the 13 week program since the beginning of april to try and get ready for my first event at the end of June.

I'm pretty nervous, since I'm old - 50. Not really any experience with training or athletics and sometimes wonder why the heck I thought I could do this. But I keep plugging away and love to hear about peoples stories on this site.

I'm married and have 2 hunting dogs. I have a cabin in Western Wisconsin where I go each weekend -it's pretty rustic and awfully hilly but I'm hoping the hills will be good for training! I'm a computer geek at work. Given to fits of silly enthusiasms, but generally good natured

Hoping you still have room!


Welcome Mary. You're the last one in I think?!  Congrats on signing up for the races and training programs....that's awesome. And you are NOT old.  There are 20 year olds out there who are not doing what you do!  Are you excited for your 5k at the end of the month? Will this be your first ever 5k? And aren't prescription goggles great?  I love them! Plus sometimes they help me find my bike in transition

2011-04-08 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I noticed you said you think you are full. 

Welcome Mary. You're the last one in I think?! 

If you decide you have room for one more let me know as I would love to join your group.  I am a 47 year old woman.  I started running 5ks in 2009.  I did a sprint tri and and olympic tri last year and LOVE triathlons. I was inspired during my sprint tri when I got passed by a lady who was 67.  That is my goal - long term triathlon racing to keep me young and healthy.

If you are truely full, no problem.  I will sign up for another group.

2011-04-08 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3436087

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

I'm so happy to be in this group!!  I'm pumped!  Yes, I used to run way too much, even in my short time of working on all three sports I've been happier than I ever was just running, even with my horrible swim technique!  I've been doing my biking at the gym on a stationary while my bike is getting tuned up, I even like that because I get to watch tv at the same time.Laughing  Yes, it is very hard to be a Cubs fan in this town, even though it's a pretty friendly rivalry.  Our kids have gone native and only root for the Cubs when Mom and Dad are around.  And they only wear Cards stuff to school, couple of cowards!  My wife is a bigger sports fan than I am and loves to hang flags and banners on our house supporting Chicago teams and U of I, I'm waiting to get vandalized.....  Thanks a ton for being willing to spend some of your precious "Dad of a newborn" time and energy helping newbies like me.


2011-04-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3436183

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
jeanawright - 2011-04-08 11:13 AM

I noticed you said you think you are full. 

Welcome Mary. You're the last one in I think?! 

If you decide you have room for one more let me know as I would love to join your group.  I am a 47 year old woman.  I started running 5ks in 2009.  I did a sprint tri and and olympic tri last year and LOVE triathlons. I was inspired during my sprint tri when I got passed by a lady who was 67.  That is my goal - long term triathlon racing to keep me young and healthy.

If you are truely full, no problem.  I will sign up for another group.

Ok Jeana you can join us But I think you are now the last one so welcome aboard.  It sounds like you have become addicted to tris too which is great. 

2011-04-08 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Thanks for letting me in the group. 


STORY - I was raised in small town Illinois (Farmington) but currently live in Alexandria, Virginia.  My husband is a submariner in the navy, so we have moved about 20 times.  In April 2009 I watched my husband participate in a perimeter relay in Guam. 10 people - 48 miles - 2 runs each.  I decided then I wanted to do that race next year.  I started run/ walking 5 Ks.  In Guam 5ks usually cost $5. so we did them often. In 2009 I ran fourteen  5ks and my best time was 35:00. Honestly, I was just thrilled I could actually run 3 miles. I did run the Perimeter relay the next year. Our team tied for last place, but we made the cut off time. I loved it.  Our goal was survival not winning.  Then I moved back to the states where races are expensive.  So sad.  I love to race.  I read a book Run for Life and decided to cross train, so In 2010 I ran six 5Ks, DC sprint triathlon, Nations triathlon Olympic distance and two 10Ks.   During the winter I joined a masters swim team for a couple months to work on my stroke.  2011 started with another great run  -Krispie Kreme Challenge in North Carolina( run 2 miles, eat a dozen donuts, and run 2 more miles in an hour)  It was great, but it took me an hour and 5 minutes so I have to do that again next year.  Last weekend I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 mile run.  I am thrilled and shocked that I actually ran 10 miles.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 47 and have been happily married for 25 years.  22 year old son recently graduated from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.  He is headed to Law School at Tulane University.  18 year old daughter will go to University of Illinois next year.  My daughter and husband train with me. They both love running ( I don't), but they will both be doing their first triathlon with me in June.  This summer I move to North Carolina. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am just finishing up a training program for 10 mile runs.  I usually swim twice a week and it is just warming up enough for me to ride. So it is time to regroup and focus on tri training.

RACES:  George Washington Parkway 10 mile run (This race is on Sunday, but will be postponed if there is a government shutdown, so while eating my pasta and tapering I am watching the news to see if I will run on Sunday)

May 1 - Gettysburg North-South Marathon Relay ( 5.8 miles for me)

June 19 - DC Triathlon - Olympic

Haven't figured out the rest of the year, but hope to do a half marathon in the fall and hopefully a couple more tris. 




2011-04-08 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3435924

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - OPEN

huntnjerm - 2011-04-08 9:26 AM Had a good 5 mile run yesterday and I am off today and tomorrow as I have a 1/2 Marathon to run on Sunday. Back on schedule next week

Nice run yesterday. Good luck at your 1/2 this weekend.  I cannot wait to read your race report.

2011-04-08 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3436446

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
jeanawright - 2011-04-08 1:05 PM

Thanks for letting me in the group. 


STORY - I was raised in small town Illinois (Farmington) but currently live in Alexandria, Virginia.  My husband is a submariner in the navy, so we have moved about 20 times.  In April 2009 I watched my husband participate in a perimeter relay in Guam. 10 people - 48 miles - 2 runs each.  I decided then I wanted to do that race next year.  I started run/ walking 5 Ks.  In Guam 5ks usually cost $5. so we did them often. In 2009 I ran fourteen  5ks and my best time was 35:00. Honestly, I was just thrilled I could actually run 3 miles. I did run the Perimeter relay the next year. Our team tied for last place, but we made the cut off time. I loved it.  Our goal was survival not winning.  Then I moved back to the states where races are expensive.  So sad.  I love to race.  I read a book Run for Life and decided to cross train, so In 2010 I ran six 5Ks, DC sprint triathlon, Nations triathlon Olympic distance and two 10Ks.   During the winter I joined a masters swim team for a couple months to work on my stroke.  2011 started with another great run  -Krispie Kreme Challenge in North Carolina( run 2 miles, eat a dozen donuts, and run 2 more miles in an hour)  It was great, but it took me an hour and 5 minutes so I have to do that again next year.  Last weekend I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 mile run.  I am thrilled and shocked that I actually ran 10 miles.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 47 and have been happily married for 25 years.  22 year old son recently graduated from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.  He is headed to Law School at Tulane University.  18 year old daughter will go to University of Illinois next year.  My daughter and husband train with me. They both love running ( I don't), but they will both be doing their first triathlon with me in June.  This summer I move to North Carolina. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  I am just finishing up a training program for 10 mile runs.  I usually swim twice a week and it is just warming up enough for me to ride. So it is time to regroup and focus on tri training.

RACES:  George Washington Parkway 10 mile run (This race is on Sunday, but will be postponed if there is a government shutdown, so while eating my pasta and tapering I am watching the news to see if I will run on Sunday)

May 1 - Gettysburg North-South Marathon Relay ( 5.8 miles for me)

June 19 - DC Triathlon - Olympic

Haven't figured out the rest of the year, but hope to do a half marathon in the fall and hopefully a couple more tris. 





cool to meet you! Sounds like you will have lots of great advice to share. My husband's uncle was Admiral Hyman Rickover, so I have a special love for all submariners (above my immense gratitude for all service men and women).

2011-04-08 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Just a quick update.  Been on vacation in Palm Springs this week so my wife can attend a conference.  My training has been sidetracked a little.  I have to watch our 2 year old all day and have only gotten to the pool once.  Even then I have no idea what's going on because it's a "resort" pool so I don't know how far I'm swimming.  No bike either.  I have been able to get a good amount of running in since we brought the Chariot along for my daughter to ride in.

In fact we did a 5K yesterday that the conference was hosting.  I ran with my wife while pushing the Chariot.  We had to start last because we were pushing the stroller, which kind of sucked to be stuck back there.  We did end up passing a lot of people but were still held back because a lot of the course was on a sidewalk.  It was until we got well past the 2mile mark that things cleared up a bit.  Still we ran the 5k in 30:40 which isn't too terrible.  I think we could've done much better if we didn't start in the back, didn't have traffic, and didn't have 50lbs of toddler and stoller to push! I'm relatively happy with my performance.

@Shannon: We're a mil-fam too! But that's not what caught my eye.  We're in FL now but own a house out in CA on Mare Island.  It's a former Navy Yard but one of the streets in the neighborhood is Rickover! No doubt named after your husband's uncle.

Edited by wushunut 2011-04-08 4:22 PM
2011-04-08 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Hey midwesterners (especially Chicago area!) Has anyone done, or is planning to do, the Steelman/Tiger 5k? It's held at the Chicago Motor Speedway in Joliet. It's two laps around the 1.5 mile track. Looked like an interesting race....something a little different from running on streets and sidwalks. It's coming up on May 7....I was considering adding it to my schedule. Doing another quirky race on April 23rd at Purdue University Calumet. It's also 5k but 1.5 miles in, it enters the Parking garage and ascends the ramps up to the top then back down.....they call it the Ramp Run Challenge.
2011-04-08 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Interesting about the Rickover connection.  Definitely heard of him my whole adult life.

How do you all keep track of your workouts?

I had been logging my workouts on facebook since the start of 2010, but am ready to switch to something else.  

Any body have any advice or great system for logging workouts?  Do you use the training log on this site? I might like something that is actually on my computer also.  I do have a garmin forerunner 305,  and use the Garmin training center software to get the info off my watch.


2011-04-08 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3436949

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
I don't have a Garmin yet. Right now I use my iPhone and Runmeter app to log my runs and cycle workouts. I will start posting them on BT's workout logs as well now.

2011-04-08 10:58 PM
in reply to: #3436949

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I have been using the log on BT to log my workouts and nutrition.  I'm not super sophisticated with my logging needs but what is available here works great for me.  Also, I figure that in order to get good feedback on what I'm doing, and not doing, I need our mentors to be able to see my logs if they want.  Just my two cents, have a great night.


2011-04-09 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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London, AR
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Good luck to all those that are racing this weekend or just training. I'm about to leave for Fayetteville, AR for the 35th Annual Hogeye Marathon in which I will be running the 1/2 tomorrow. Talk to everyone Sunday evening or Monday! Smile
2011-04-09 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

@jeanawright enjoy the run today, I know that road like the back of my hand had to take it to High School for three years, Go Gonzaga, and your son is going to love Tulane my little brother went there for his undergrad, how he was able to get through it living in New Orleans is beyond me...


Don't worry Ryan, transplant from DC I know what cold and snow are, that's why I left, we actually got snow down here the week of Christmass which was fun riding around at work with the snow...  Right now I have a 1984 Trek 500 which is in ok shape, all original equipment but the wheels need to be replaced, due to rust issues and I think the wheels have a bit of dry rot so mostly I've been doing the exercise or spin bike at the gym or showing up to work early and doing my workouts on the mountain bikes but I have to be in full uniform when I do that and a 2 hour ride in kevlar is less than ideal.  Most likely I am going to buy a new wheelset for my first tri unless I find a great deal on ebay/craigslist in the next couple of weeks


Not much for me this weekend finishing yard work etc hope to get a ride in later but have an overtime job later tonight so we'll see.  I mostly log my workouts on BT I will add everyone at some point this weekend, haven't done much towards the nutrition logging but will start soon

2011-04-09 11:20 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL


I hope you'll all excuse my fashionably late entrance.  My body has this annoying habit of not functioning quite right at all the wrong times and I've been sidelined with vertigo the last few days.  As a result the computer screen made me a bit dizzy so I avoided it.

On the up side, I got to scan all your stories at one time and I am so amazed at all the wonderful people Ryan and I get to hang with this season.  I will spend some time a little later responding to each of you individually but for now I just wanted to saw "Welcome aboard!"

I don't know if Ryan mentioned this yet but I wanted to recommend tracking your training in the BT logger.  Tracking your workouts will help you see your progress over time and tracking them here will give us more information to help answer your questions and a place where we can offer more encouragement.

It's a beautiful day here in the suburbs and I've been spinny-vision-free for almost 24 hours so I'm going to ditch the dizzy police and head outside for a ride this afternoon.  Enjoy your training today!

2011-04-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Davenport, Iowa
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I have many training questions, but I will start with my first one. 

How do I do the heart rate training thing?  I do all my training by distance and time.  I have a heart rate monitor (Garmin 305) and sometimes wear it, but never use it for training.   From your experience is it better to train by heart rate?  I have read about it online, but never actually got around to figuring it all out.  

@tripopo  What high school did you go to? and I also am a bit stressed about my son in New Orleans.  Hope he can stay focused there.


2011-04-09 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I went to Gonzaga, the people with the big purple G's on the cars...

Not much in the way of training today but on the upside finally finished the paver patio my wife and I have been trying to finish for about three weeks hope to get a run in tomorrow since my week is going to be bike heavy with the class, expecting 35+ training rides every morning with 14-18 mph speeds on the mountain bikes...

2011-04-09 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3436949

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
jeanawright - 2011-04-08 6:56 PM

Interesting about the Rickover connection.  Definitely heard of him my whole adult life.

How do you all keep track of your workouts?

I had been logging my workouts on facebook since the start of 2010, but am ready to switch to something else.  

Any body have any advice or great system for logging workouts?  Do you use the training log on this site? I might like something that is actually on my computer also.  I do have a garmin forerunner 305,  and use the Garmin training center software to get the info off my watch.



love love LOVE my Garmin - I have a 301 but it works great for both my outdoor biking and running. I've been using running ahead to log my workouts, and will continue to but have also started logging in the BT - both can pull your workouts right off of your Garmin as long as it's connected (USB) to your pc. Swims I just log manually.

2011-04-09 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3436770

Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
wushunut - 2011-04-08 4:14 PM

Just a quick update.  Been on vacation in Palm Springs this week so my wife can attend a conference.  My training has been sidetracked a little.  I have to watch our 2 year old all day and have only gotten to the pool once.  Even then I have no idea what's going on because it's a "resort" pool so I don't know how far I'm swimming.  No bike either.  I have been able to get a good amount of running in since we brought the Chariot along for my daughter to ride in.

In fact we did a 5K yesterday that the conference was hosting.  I ran with my wife while pushing the Chariot.  We had to start last because we were pushing the stroller, which kind of sucked to be stuck back there.  We did end up passing a lot of people but were still held back because a lot of the course was on a sidewalk.  It was until we got well past the 2mile mark that things cleared up a bit.  Still we ran the 5k in 30:40 which isn't too terrible.  I think we could've done much better if we didn't start in the back, didn't have traffic, and didn't have 50lbs of toddler and stoller to push! I'm relatively happy with my performance.

@Shannon: We're a mil-fam too! But that's not what caught my eye.  We're in FL now but own a house out in CA on Mare Island.  It's a former Navy Yard but one of the streets in the neighborhood is Rickover! No doubt named after your husband's uncle.


That's pretty cool. Good for you for running with the toddler!

2011-04-10 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3276373

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd gloat about the fact that the snow has finally melted from my back yard... except for one little pile on the north side of the house.

I ran today outside my little cabin in Wisconsin and it felt good. I'm on week 3 of the 13 week program and finally feel better about running. I read somewhere in BT about how beginners ought to focus on just doing the time and since I stopped trying to go fast, running has been way more pleasant. Of course, my husband thinks he could walk as fast as I run but I say pooh on him!

I did have a general training question tho - I started working out in December - did the couch to 5K walking and running; and then signed up for a couple of tris. One is at the end of June and is a short sprint (400 yd swim, 12 mile bike and 2 mile run). My second tri is middle of August (800 yd swim, 18 mile bike and 5 k run). I was having a terrible time trying to figure out what training plan to follow and just decided to quit worrying about it and follow the 13 week sprint plan.

But how do you train for 2 different events? I mean - i will be at the end of the 13 week plan by the time i do the short tri. So what do I do between June and August? I'm so new to this that thinking too much really screws me up. So I just need direction - do this and I seem to be OK.


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