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2011-04-16 6:00 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

Hello everyone! I thought I'd put my bio here for your pre-bedtime reading enjoyment (as will put you to sleep).


NAME: Trina

FAMILY SITUATION: Married 24 years to a wonderful husband who is also my cycling partner. We have a 26 year old son (yes, we lived in sin for a few years... :P), two 11 year old black miniature schnauzers, and a 16 year old tom cat. The dogs love my husband, and the cat is obsessed with me. We are a very close knit family as we have virtually zero extended family. 

STORY: This is my second year doing triathlon. It all started innocently enough: Hubby bought me a hybrid bicycle to ride around the lake that sits in front of our house - about an 8 mile ride. The first time I tried to ride around it, I had to stop twice. To make things worse, it's a super flat course. So I kept riding that darn bicycle and noticed that I felt a lot better mentally and emotionally, had more energy and was able to sleep. I was hooked! Then winter came and I was panicked on what to do as I've been doing the gym thing for years and am burnt-out. That's when I thought "Hey....swimming sounds fun..." I couldn't swim 25 yards without stopping when I started. I took swim lessons from a teenager at the Y and he taught me enough to get me swimming with my face in the water and in a straight line. One day I realized that I was doing 2 out of the three triathlon sports and this is where my flash of genius comes in, "I'll start running and do triathlon!" I was 44 and had never participated in endurance sports in my life. I'd always played softball and volleyball (I'm 5'10"). So I started running...if you can call it that...and did my first indoor mini sprint three months later. Two months after that I did a sprint. And so it began...

CURRENT TRAINING: I train six days a week. I have a coach who tells me what to do and when to do it. I follow his advice (most times, except I like to get in a really long bike ride one day a week for weight loss purposes - shhh...he doesn't know about this.) I have incorporated some upper body and core strength training to help prevent injury and increase performance/endurance.

2011 RACES/RIDES: YMCA Indoor Chili Multisport Festival, Memorial Hermann TX3 Triathlon (sprint), Redbud Classic (33 mile ride), OKC Memorial Marathon (10K), Cap Tex Tri (Olympic), Hotter 'N Hell Hundred, Redman Half Distance (Aquabike). I'm sure I'll add a sprint or two, a couple more 5Ks, as well as 4-5 more benefit rides to my schedule as the season progresses. It gets so hot here in Oklahoma that I have to split my season into two sections: Spring and fall because the summer heat is dangerous in these parts.

2011 GOALS: Race in my first Olympic distance triathlon, continue to work with a coach, improve fitness in all three sports...especially the run, lose another 25 lbs (almost 40lbs lost since last July), do a century ride, incorporate yoga into my workout schedule to help with flexibility and reduce injury/stay injury free as much as possible, and most importantly - have fun!

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, I need to lose more weight. As a woman I am of the ilk to not give-out details of my beginning or current weight as it's a vanity issue, but I will tell you that I was in the obese category when I started triathlon. Now I'm in the over weight category but hopefully will not be there long - I lose an average of 1-2lbs a week, so by the end of this summer I should be within normal weight for my height/age/gender. Also, I lift weights so my guns are huge....I'm sure this adds a lot to my weight issue, but I like flexing them in front of my husband as a method of intimidation so I'm not going to stop lifting.

2011-04-16 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

I rode 40 miles today. The last half mile I decided to turn around in the grass instead of waiting for a parking lot. Under the grass was a lot of sand, so down I went. So glad it didn't hurt. This will make the 5th time I've crashed my bike in a little over a year. Ugh.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

2011-04-16 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3449626

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

I guess it could've been an overuse injury, but usually something happening during squash is more along the lines of very suddena nd very painful; might that be how it was for you? With the Achilles in mind, you are very wise to be setting your sights on shorter distances --

You are right. Overuse, suddenly and very, very painful.  The thing is that the doctor, physiotherapist and myself, the 3 of us focused on where the pain was, in the middle of the calf. A couple of months later I noticed the ankle swollen. I never paid attention to it and when I went back to the doctor he said that we all missed it and it probably was chronic at that time. He thinks that it might be the same injury. I went back to around 15 physio sessions and it improved considerably during the first few ones and after that is almost the same.

I'm being very careful with running, and by the way, today is the first time that I ran 1 complete mile non-stop!!!! And almost no pain in the ankle. I started this week massaging the tendon myself. Maybe it will improve.

I also realized that when I swim or bike after the few initial minutes I start daydreaming and enjoying what I'm doing. Can't say the same with running, I run under stress. First, because I'm new to it, and second I think is the fear of the unknown. I'm paying too much attention to everything. Breathing,  hearth rate, pains, too many new things for me!



2011-04-16 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3449681

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup
junthank - 2011-04-15 9:18 PM

Living and training where I do in Florida I'm familar with the  heat/humidity and wind.  Hills are a different story.  Biggest hill we have in Sarasota is the Ringling Bridge!!

stevebradley - 2011-04-15 9:02 PM JEFF -  I guess it was both hot and very windy

You have no idea how I would like a little bit of heat/humidity/wind and hills!!!Here in our flat and cold Winnipeg it snowed all night! When I woke up, everything was white again!

Spring: missing

Outdoor biking: canceled.


2011-04-16 10:26 PM
in reply to: #3450452

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)


Great bio! And far from falling asleep, I'm here alternately giggling, and grinnin' like a mule with a mouth full of briers!

You've done a great job in building your skills and keeping your ambitions reasonable along the way. I'm a very big fan of triathletes taking their time climbing the distance ranks, and I speak from both ends of that situation -- I started doing half-irons a bit earlier in my "career" than I should have, but at least waited a proper amount of time to do my first iron. But maybe more on that later!

Your story has a similar ring to mine. For me, I had been a runner who suffered a stress fracture, and began swimming in the depths of winter here to keep in sahpe and keep from going crazy. I didn't own a bike at the time, but my doctor had suggested I cycle so as to not beat myself up with running. One day in the pool the light came on and I thought "I will return to running, and I'm currently cycling, and my doc thinks I should get a bike -- so I will, and maybe even try this triathlon thing!" That was in early '00, and I haven't looked back. I refer to that stress fracture as "my best bad injury"!

ANYHOW, my light bulb was similar to your "flash of genius" -- both "Eureka!" moments! Great minds think alike, eh?

I also do lots of lifting, but since '06 have kept it the same as you -- upper body and core. I bailed out on lower body when I suffered a torn meniscus -- which wasn't from lifting, but scared me away from hefting weights with knees in flexion.

And we have to share Yoga thoughts sometime! I am five weeks into the addiction phase of Yoga, having not done it since just about exactly 11 years ago (and then, it was only about 8 sessions).

Where and when is Cap Tex? I guess that's your "A" race, or one of them? The oly is a superb distance, and over the past few seasons it has become my favorite distance (supplanting half-iron).

Another nifty thing you'll be doing is an aquabike. My '06 tri season was "ruined" by the torn meniscus, as all I could do was aquabikes. They satisfied my competitive cravings....but left me acutely frustrated as I couldn't run. I HATED seeing all those others heading out on the run, whike I was packing up my stuff to leave.

HOWEVER!!!! The huge breakthrough in my cycling came that season, as I learned how to push the bike REALLY hard in a race setting -- which is easy to do when you don't have to run after it! But I learned that I had really been holding back too much on the bike, and so after the menisus healed and I headed into a "normal" season in '07, the trick was the dance that edge between pushing the bike as hard as possible while still having good strength left to run well.

The upshot of that was that I became a very strong tri cyclist who can run really well off the bike, as opposed to what I was before the aquabike season --- a strong runner, but only a fairly decent cyclist. Again, then -- an injury that had a sweet silver lining to it!

So, more later on aquabikes, too! (And Redman has a very good rep, so that'll be a good'un!)

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-16 10:27 PM
2011-04-16 10:30 PM
in reply to: #3450452

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

TRINA again -

I'm guessing that today's 40-miler was one of those rides you're sneaking past your coach, yes? And speaking of that ride and your stated reason for doing long ones, you've done a really fine job of shawling off the weight. Losing 1-2lbs/week must be mighty nice!

2011-04-16 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3450457

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

TRINA once more -

Do you know the common cycling adage? It goes soemthing like" "There are two types of cyclists: those who have crashed and those who will crash."

I had that hanging over my head for years -- like form '00 until June of '09. Sure, I had had a few "tipples" when coming to a stop and forgetting to snap out, but nothing more than that.

Then on an otherwise fabulous Saturday morning ride, I swerved at high speed to avoid a car backing out, and ended up with a badly separted shoulder. I guess I wish I had been more like you -- a bunch of more minor wipe-outs, just to lessen the brutality of the crash I finally had. So, hopefully, for you it will be a case of "five-and-out", with no more crashes -- ever!

2011-04-16 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3450752

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Great job on the one-miler! I have had enough injuries over the years so that I know what it's like to go back to the beginning and start in again on the one-milers. One mile non-stop is no mean feat, and you should be very pleased with yoruself for pulling it off -- especially with no ankle pain. Halleloo!!!

I also know what you might be feeling about fear and the unknown, and how that can hamper your enjoyment of running. I can get over-focused on one or two body parts, and they consume my running thoughts until the day finally arrives when I begin to believe that the injury isn't going to reappear. Hopefully that time will come sooner than later for you.

Massaging the tendon will help. As you know, the blood supply to the Achilles is very poor, so that is one reason why recovery of it is often slow. Buit massaging will help some with the blood circulation there, so do it as much as you can. And just curious -- what foot type do you have, and what running shoes are you currently using?

A final thought is this:
Most of us have a weak area in triathlon, and for me it's the swim (I love swimming, but just don't do it as well as I would like!). It sounds as if you enjoy swimming and cycling, but running is a dfifferent matter -- so there it is, your weak link! I'm not sayimng you should embrace it as a weakness, but at least don't beat up on yourself for not enjoying it --- yet! I will work on you quite diligently to make you love (okay, maybe just "like") running!

2011-04-16 10:52 PM
in reply to: #3450776

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

SANDRA again -

I heard that the prairies was getting blizzarded; my condolensces!

I lived in Edmonton from '74-'77, and then in Saskatoon until '79, so I have some knowledge of those brutal prairie winters. The big problem with Winnipeg (aside from Portage and Main) is the truly staggeringly awful numbers of mosquitoes that can take over the city and its surroundings. In about '90 or '91, they literally cahsed us back inside from a nice walk through the Prairie Wildflower Garden, or some such name.

Are you caught up in Jets fever? I think everybody in Canada is hoping that as soon as Phoenix is eliminated from the playoffs, they will announce that they're moving back to Winnipeg.

2011-04-16 10:56 PM
in reply to: #3450779

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

GANG OF FOUR! ------

Keep the faith that more people will join us over the nexy few weeks. I'm hoping for 10-15, and I think that will happen before may arrives. Also, weekends are usually slower than weekdays* here at the groups, so maybe on Monday it will pick up again.

* Yeah, this is my anecdotal evidence that much of the labor force spends much of their work days playing on their work computers! (Call it an "informed hunch"! )

2011-04-17 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3450314

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Bummer for the Bruins.  Montreal took my team out in the 1t round last year.

stevebradley - 2011-04-16 4:30 PM watching the Bruins -- HOPEFULLY -- beat Montreal.

2011-04-17 4:10 PM
in reply to: #3450457

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

Nice ride Trina.  I'm known for forgetting to unclip at intersections.  It always gives the people stopped at the light a nice giggle.

kickitinok - 2011-04-16 7:04 PM

I rode 40 miles today. The last half mile I decided to turn around in the grass instead of waiting for a parking lot. Under the grass was a lot of sand, so down I went. So glad it didn't hurt. This will make the 5th time I've crashed my bike in a little over a year. Ugh.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

2011-04-17 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3450759

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Come late July, August and early September I'll be wishing I'm in Winnipeg Sandra.

sanl - 2011-04-16 11:20 PM
junthank - 2011-04-15 9:18 PM
stevebradley - 2011-04-15 9:02 PM JEFF -  I guess it was both hot and very windy

2011-04-17 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3451277

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Which team is yours? I can't temember who Montreal beat.....but I can tell you that Boston was up on the Flyers 3 agmes to none, lost game four in OT, lost David Krecji to an injury along about then, and proceded to lose the final thre games as well. It just hurts SO much more when the losses are against montreal. Granted, this isn't quite as agonozing as when the Red Sox lose to the hatedreviled deploreddespised pig-dogs-from-hell Yankess......but really not all that far off.

I grew up outside Boston, and my dad took me to loads of Sox and Bruins games. He wasn't much of a basketball fan, so I had to whine a lot to get him to take me to see the Celtics. And it wasn't 'til I was 11 that the Patriots were born, so football didn't factor into my large list of Games Attended. A pity, don't you know?

2011-04-17 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3451280

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Today was even a bigger howler than yesterday, and gifted us with a period of sleet this evening. I managed a 44-minute run in the mid-afternoon gale, and then did a tough 90-minute hog Yoga class. Some parts of Yoga I do well, such as inversions and some twists, but mostly I'm terrible. I've been clinically proven to be one of the 339 most inflexible humanoids on the planet, and it shows in my almost-total inability to do any forward bends. Also, due to my dicey feet and their various problems, balance poses are laughable at best. I'm loving doing the slower classes, though, but in any given class there is a portion or two of humble pie that I eat. Sigh.

Edited by stevebradley 2011-04-17 7:46 PM
2011-04-17 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3451495

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

To Whom It May Concern (ultimately, just me, I suppose.....)

I'm thinking of making this coming week a "step-back" week. Recently-hatched psoas/groin/hip problems have made cycling and running increasingly unpleasant, so I will keep those at a minimum up through next Sunday (we'll be on the road Friday-Sunday, anyhow). That's minimum, as in maybe none?

I will swim 2-3 times, lift once or twice, do 2 or 3 Yoga classes, and see my massage/A.R.T. person at least once. I've had a very heavy-duty winter, mostly, and while that seemed to be good, it appears that I am paying a certain price along about now.

For the record, I try hard to keep my raw data up-to-date in my log here. HOWEVER, I have yet to commit the time and energy to providing details, which will always have a first home in my pencil-and-paper log. In fact, it wasn't until January that I started keeping my log here at BT, having avoided doing it for my first two groups, even though I received many requests. I would LIKE to get to the point of giving details about my workouts in my logs here....but so far it hasb't happened.

As for "up-to-date", um, uh, I have yet to put in anything for this week. Oops. Tonight, then? Tomorrow??

2011-04-17 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3451487

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


CAPS.  No Stanley Cups, yet...

As a kid I was a huge Red Sox's fan.  Back in the days when Bob Gibson had their number.  I loved Yaz., Rico P., Big George on 1st base.  I even really liked them when they had Fisk, Lynn and Rice.  But then they got Manny R.  and Pedro M. and I got turned off on them (perhaps it was after the Zimmer episode).  Even when they play the Yankees.  Yikes.

stevebradley - 2011-04-17 8:40 PM JEFF - Which team is yours? I can't temember who Montreal beat.....but I can tell you that Boston was up on the Flyers 3 agmes to none, lost game four in OT, lost David Krecji to an injury along about then, and proceded to lose the final thre games as well. It just hurts SO much more when the losses are against montreal. Granted, this isn't quite as agonozing as when the Red Sox lose to the hatedreviled deploreddespised pig-dogs-from-hell Yankess......but really not all that far off. I grew up outside Boston, and my dad took me to loads of Sox and Bruins games. He wasn't much of a basketball fan, so I had to whine a lot to get him to take me to see the Celtics. And it wasn't 'til I was 11 that the Patriots were born, so football didn't factor into my large list of Games Attended. A pity, don't you know?

2011-04-17 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3451495

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


According to Brett Sutton flexibilty is not that important in triathlon.  I don't know if you listen to IMTALK but the episodes where they interviewed Sutton where quite entertaining.

You might be "mostly terrible" at Yoga but 2:20-2:30 Olympic distance racing is ripping fast for any AG. 

stevebradley - 2011-04-17 8:45 PM Today was even a bigger howler than yesterday, and gifted us with a period of sleet this evening. I managed a 44-minute run in the mid-afternoon gale, and then did a tough 90-minute hog Yoga class. Some parts of Yoga I do well, such as inversions and some twists, but mostly I'm terrible. I've been clinically proven to be one of the 339 most inflexible humanoids on the planet, and it shows in my almost-total inability to do any forward bends. Also, due to my dicey feet and their various problems, balance poses are laughable at best. I'm loving doing the slower classes, though, but in any given class there is a portion or two of humble pie that I eat. Sigh.

Edited by junthank 2011-04-17 8:48 PM
2011-04-18 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3451573

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup


Caps were looking great -- until last night. A 3-0 series lead would've done wonders for their recent first-round departures, but 2-1 just has a tone to it. I'd like to see them advance, to be sure!

More later on the Sox, and flexibility!

2011-04-18 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)
Good day Sandra and Trina! Nice to meet you.
2011-04-18 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)


The playoffs are being interesting so far. The Red Wings had me about yelling at the TV on Saturday...Up 4-0 and win 4-3. Yes a win is a win but common now.

Vancouver up 3-0 over Chicago, Sharks and Kings tied at 1, Washington having trouble with the Rangers, Buffalo (another team I'll cheer for) giving the Flyers some trouble, Nashville beating up on the Ducks and Pittsburgh having troubles with Tampa.

I'd like to see Buffalo beat Philadelphia or at least give them a real hard time. Tampa beat Pittsburgh. I'd rather see some of the eastern teams in the west stay in so Detroit isn't flying back and forth as much. However, Nashville gave Detroit some troubles all year. However, I'll take the Kings over the Sharks for the next round, providing we get there.

2011-04-18 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3447849

New user
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup

Steve again,

I as well hope the lackluster is more bark than bite. I'm hoping once I can get outside more, it will be a bit easier. Planning on a 5k practice run this weekend and if things line up I'll be riding with a group of guys that do the Zoo de Mackinaw that's a huge 50 mile bike tour in northern MI in the middle of May. More casual, but if I can ride with them I'll at least be getting some decent saddle time.

Picked myself up one of the Park Tools mechanic stands so now I'll be doing most of my own bike maintenance as well. I have wanted one of those for a long time. Now I've just got to get my bikes on it. First off is changing over the brakes on the mountain bike then I plan on attempting to do the aero bars on the tri bike. Last year I picked up a barely used pair of Profile Designs T2+ which are more or less straight bars vs the ski bars I have now. Maybe I'll wait on this later one for now until I thin out a bit....

I've got about 35 miles on the Nike Free Runs now. Still like them for the most part but thinking I might want to something a bit more substantial for longer runs. Does that make any sense? Maybe it is the socks I have been wearing or the shoes are too loose (I've been thinking about taking the laces right out since the tongue is sewn to the sides) but after a while it feels like there is a bit of abrasion under the balls of my feet. Maybe the socks moving around? Maybe the soles slopping around? I'm not sure. Might have to stop by the local running shop and see what they recommend. The local tri shop only carries Newton's now after at one point having Zoot shoes. We'll see what the running shop says before I go the Newton route.

Just to add to the lackluster feeling I'm not sure if I've got a cold coming on or if all of the wind kicked my allergies into high gear. Yesterday and today I've been congested and all around not feeling great. I know I can train through it but I'm going to take another day off and maybe get some other stuff done that's begging to be done!

2011-04-18 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

If there's room, I'd like to join...

Name: George Jones/cornchexs

Story: This is the start of my 10th year of triathlon, although participation has been sporadic some years due to injury.  I've got 50+ races in, including (1) IM and (4) HIM's.  The rest are a mixture of sprints and olympics.  I'm 47, clydesdale, and racing as long as my body, aka knees, will allow.  I had my 3rd knee surgery on my left knee in February.  At that time my doctor, who is also a triathlete, informed me that it would be in my best interest to cease all weight bearing activity due to the extensive wear in my knee.  (Through my surgeries I have had 98% of the meniscus removed from my knee, as well as having the ACL reconstructed.)  I've decided that I'm willing to deal with the discomfort and with the knowledge that I'm expediting the trip down the tkr path in the name of the quality of life that training brings me.  Perhaps it's not the most wise decision that I've made but I'd rather go out enjoying myself than sitting on the couch.

Family:  I've been married for 14 years to my current (and last) wife and have 4 sons, 2 from each marriage, ages 17, 16, 11 & 10.  My 2 youngest are special needs kids and have taught me a level of patience and understanding that I was not sure that I could possess.  They have also brought out a level of maturity in their older brothers that I think is uncommon for kids not in their world.  I am extremely proud of all of them.  I live in Pflugerville, TX, a suburb of Austin.  I grew up in south Austin but spent about 10 years in VA Beach in the mid 80's-mid 90's.

Current Training:  Training has been sporadic for me since February.  I actually just started back today, with my first run since surgery.  (I didn't go far or fast but felt good doing it.)  I got on the scale last week and it sank in that I'd gained more than 20 lbs since IM last year.  That was the slap that I needed that it was time to get back in the saddle of training.

2011 Races:  Right now, my schedule is loose.  I've got an Aquabike scheduled Memorial Day weekend.  That's the only commitment that I have now.  I'm strongly considering the Aquabike at Longhorn 70.3 in October.  Between now and then, I'm going to find some shorter events locally that I may be able to complete.  Even though I'm running, I am going to focus on sprints so that I can keep the run down to 5K.  (I'm justifying my decision to run again, I know.)

2011 Goals:  My main triathlon goal is just to get back in shape and restore the training base that I had last year.  I don't think that I'll have too much racing success as my goal is just to keep the body healthy.  If I accomplish that, I'll be happy with the year.  My oldest son is going to college this year, so that, too will be a large part of the year.  It's going to be a major transition for all of us.

Weightloss:  As I stated earler, I'm about 20 (or 30) lbs over my ideal weight.  I'm 6'5" and currently weigh about 260lbs.  I typically race between 235-240lbs.  Clyde for life but still trying to be healthy!

I was drawn to this group, other than for the mentoring opportunity, by the Red Sox talk.  My mom is from Cambridge, MA, and brought me up on the Sox, Celtics, Bruins and Pats.  I had Dave Cowens posters on my wall, pictures of Luis Tiant, Red Auerbach books, Bobby Orr posters, etc.  My 1st football helmet was a Pats helmet with Pat Patriot on the side.  I'll talk Boston sports with anyone!

2011-04-18 5:32 PM
in reply to: #3453168

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)


Yes! You're MOST welcome to join!

Your tri story (and story, overall) is fascinating, and you've obviously paid your dues in more ways than one. I am, of course, sorry you have had some surgeries, but they seem to do nothing, really, to deter you over the long run. You're one tough customer!

I will respond more later, as right now I have to surrender the computer to Lynn.

In parting, though:
Celts last night!!!
Sox won their third straight COMMANDINGLY!!!

One other parting thought:
I was blessed to grow up listening to Johnny Most broadcast Celtics games in the years when it was Russell, Cousy, Sharman, Ramsey, Luscotoff, both Joneses, Sanders, Havlicek, Siegfried, and quite a few others. Sadly, though, those years coincided with less-than-stellar Sox and Bruins teams.

I shall return, but for now -- welcome aboard!!

2011-04-18 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - WIDE OPEN ("huddled masses" welcome!)

Hey everybody! 


Thanks for the welcome, smarx. That was awfully nice of you. Guys....I don't know about all this talk of Red Sox or hockey or whatever. I DO know that the OKC Thunder beat the Denver Nuggets last night in the NBA playoffs, and that the OU Sooners are ranked #1 pre-season college football. Those are the only two teams I follow and I'm just fine with that Tongue out

Steve - I guess you could call my bike crashes "spills" as I haven't ever been going at fast speeds when they happen, but I have sustained painful injury on two of them. Once was when I first started clipping-in and came to a stop on a hill approaching an intersection. My husband made the mistake of pulling up next to me, and I fell on his front tire hitting the middle of the left side of my back and bending his wheel well into the fubar category. I'm still paying for that fall with my current back problems (Doc says my back pain is idiopathic as it didn't manifest until months later, but my bet is that the fall did something.) The second time was when I pulled-into my garage before I clipped-out, lost my balance and landed on my right knee with hand extended to keep me from hitting my head on a bench. Lesson learned on that one: Never wait until your indoors to clip out! Worst of all is that my neighbor witnessed the entire thing and didn't say a word....which means to me that she had to rush inside before she burst out laughing for fear that I'd get offended. So embarrassing. Anyway, that kept me from running for about a month. Then the back acting up kept me from running for a couple more months, so I'm pretty much still trying to build my run base. I guess I should quit smoking those two packs of cigarettes a day, too... (Joking...)

My gradual increase in tri distance came out of necessity. As I stated, I was obese when I first started getting serious about triathlon. Running long distances was out of the question, and the distances I was running started affecting my post tib tendon in my left leg. My doc suggested losing weight to help with this problem.....seriously, it took me 8 months to wrap my head around the fact that I'd have to diet in addition to train in order to lose weight. Previously I thought that training alone would do the job. Wrong!! I don't know if I will ever get to the IM level of triathlon, but I won't rule it out. Completing an IM is a dream of mine with which I'm trying to stay in the realm of reality. If I continue to lose weight and improve on my distance/time maybe one day I will go for it. Right now I'd be happy to complete a HIM. I'd like to do triathlon for years to come so if all I ever do are sprints and olys, I'm fine with that also. I actually enjoy training so for me it's all about the journey...

Did a test on my bike today to determine my bike zones which my coach is requesting. Wouldn't you know it, the wind was light until I got out on my bike. Oh well. Darn weather here is schizophrenic. Anyway, I have a long run (for me) tomorrow - 1hr 5 minutes. Building up to that Oly distance


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