BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-04-13 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

650 yards in the pool completed!! 

Still have to get my insanity workout in later but for now I'm spending quality time with my puppy

2012-04-13 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Is this group still open?  If so, I'd love to join!

2012-04-13 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
yep, we're still open
2012-04-13 7:27 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Awesome!  Here's my info.

Name: Christy

Story: I was a swimmer in high school and college.  Did my first triathlon 8ish years ago.  I did a few then had kids.  I got back into it after my second was born. 

Family Status: Married with a daughter (5) and a son (2)

Current Training:  Mostly swimming and biking right now.  I have a stress fracture in my shin.  I'm about a week away from starting a run/walk program.  Hopefully I will be running soon.

2012 Races: Not 100% sure.  Registered for the Seattle Rock n Roll half and Issaquah sprint tri.  I'd also like to do Lake Stevens 70.3 and Seattle Marathon.  

Weightloss: I would like to lose a few pounds.  I'm around 133 right now. I'd like to be closer to 125-128.  


2012-04-14 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4134000


Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Hi Erin - I would like to join also. Signed up to do my 1st sprint tri in Sept. Just finished swimming lessons at my local Y.Bio: Turned 40 this year decided it was time to get in shape and do something. Married with3 children.
2012-04-14 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Dawn, welcome to the group!

2012-04-14 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4143109

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Remember your homework assignment

mountain_erin - 2012-04-11 9:31 AM

Ok everybody, I want to keep this pretty free flowing, but also have a teensy bit of structure to keep us focused and so we can help each other.  The teensy bit of structure is that on Monday morning (or Sunday night), I want everyone to post their goal for the week.  It can be something simple as "I want to do all of my planned workouts" or it can be specific "I want to run X miles at Y pace". 

On a personal note, as you all are warm and toasty tomorrow, please be thinking of me.  I have a half marathon and it is supposed to sleet.  Yes, SLEET.  I have run in snow and I have run in rain.  I have never run in sleet.  Ick.  It will be a great opportunity for mental training

2012-04-14 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Good luck Erin! We,ll be thinking of you!
2012-04-14 10:55 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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New user

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Good luck Erin! I've run in sleet before and I know It's no fun. Have fun!
2012-04-15 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4134000


Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
I am out of town this week so my goal is to not overeat.
2012-04-15 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Good luck Erin!My goal this week is keep up the training while on vacation. We leave on Wednesday for Florida, and my HIM training starts Sunday while we are gone. I should have ample time to run and swim.

2012-04-15 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
NAME: KellySTORY: Never an athlete, but I have been swimming since I was very young and was a lifeguard through high school and college. Almost two years ago while on vacation I remembered how much I loved swimming and decided that might be the thing to actually get back into shape. Then I saw a Brooklyn Bridge open water swim and made it my goal for the following summer. Turns out fear is a good motivator- fear of drowning, fear of embarrassment. I completed the one mile qualifying swim and then the Brooklyn Bridge swim and was hooked big time on races and open water swimming. Took up running (read- jogging slowly) to try and lose some weight and because my hubby seems to enjoy it so much. I absolutely hate running, but that made me angrily stick with it, thinking how awesome it would be if I could learn to like it. I'm to the point where I can tolerate it now, but like is a strong word. Did an aquathlon last October and had an absolute blast. Although, had a bit of triathlon envy since only 7 of us out of the 300+ in the triathlon were only doing the aquathlon. My high school friend invited me to train for a triathlon in my home town, and so I went and signed up. Just paid for my first real road bike last weekend and hope to pick it up this weekend. Already enjoying some Spinning classes I got a groupon for, just need to figure out the actual bike part. Super psyched to get into biking with the weather getting nice around here. And yes!!! I would love some swim workouts. LOVE swimming, but of do I run out of workouts after a while.FAMILY STATUS:Married 12 years this June, two daughters- 3 and 6 years.CURRENT TRAINING: Just upped my workouts to 6 a week when I can swing it, Excited to add the bike portion.2011 RACES: Oneida Shores Open Water Swim 1500meter, NYCSwim Brooklyn Bridge Swim, Cedar Beach Aquathlon, Smiles Change Lives Turkey Trot 5K2012 Races: NYCSwim Stars and Stripes Aquathlon (June), NYCSwim Liberty Island Swim (June), Cayuga Lake Triathlon (August), Cedar Beach Triathlon (October, hopefully!)WEIGHTLOSS: Slow, but steady. Turns out you have to work out AND eat less, lol. 8-9 lb so far, would absolutely LOVE to get down 10 more, but I'll take what I can get. What I love about this type of working out is I can focus on the race and the goal of finishing, instead of a number on a scale. Working out by myself is wonderful "me" time with two kids and a very stressful full-time job, but really looking forward to some camaraderie if the group is still open!Kelly

Edited by kellychorn 2012-04-15 8:11 PM
2012-04-15 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Ugh, I apologize that my post is all jumbled up. On my computer it was nicely spaced out like everyone else's. I am blaming my new bluetooth keyboard.
2012-04-15 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4134000

New user

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

My Goals for this week:

2,500 yards swimming

16 miles biking

10 miles running

2 sessions of full-body strength training

It was storming here all weekend, so it put a damper on trying to get in some good biking time. The bike is my weak point so I really need to start pushing that.



2012-04-15 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Welcome Kelly!

I think the warm thoughts helped.  We had SUNSHINE at the start (but it was still cold... maybe low 40's).  The wind decided to really kick up (headwind) at mile 8 or so, but the precipitation stayed away.  And for some crazy reason, my legs just wanted to go.  I was running with a friend and I kept having to tell my legs to slow down.  Finally at mile 5 I just let them do as they pleased and actually had a really good race.  I managed to find my friends who were several minutes ahead of me and pass them.  Today was one of those magical running days where everything is easy and awesome.

2012-04-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: #4152383

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
mountain_erin - 2012-04-15 9:24 PM

Welcome Kelly!

I think the warm thoughts helped.  We had SUNSHINE at the start (but it was still cold... maybe low 40's).  The wind decided to really kick up (headwind) at mile 8 or so, but the precipitation stayed away.  And for some crazy reason, my legs just wanted to go.  I was running with a friend and I kept having to tell my legs to slow down.  Finally at mile 5 I just let them do as they pleased and actually had a really good race.  I managed to find my friends who were several minutes ahead of me and pass them.  Today was one of those magical running days where everything is easy and awesome.

Sounds like an awesome race!  Great job! And YAY for no sleet!!

2012-04-15 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

My goals for this week:

Run 3 times 5-6 miles total for the week

Bike two times

Swim on Sunday

Get all my insanity workouts in 

2012-04-15 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4134000

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New user

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Glad to hear you had a great race Erin.
This week I am also on vacation. I leave tomorrow. My goals this week are:
Bike 13 miles
Run 2x at least 5 miles each time
Swim 3x practicing the things I learn from Coach Wendy

I hope everyone has a good week.
2012-04-15 10:28 PM
in reply to: #4134000

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
Great race! I so long for the time when my legs want to run despite me trying to slow them down. Glad you had such a great day.Goals for this week- get all my 6 workouts in, run at least twice this week, get my bike and finally try this sucker out this weekend.
2012-04-16 12:28 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

My goals for this week-

run - thrice (MWTh)
bike - twice (TSa)
swim - twice (one down, got wet today!)

And in balance, goals for the rest of my life include:
tiling - finish field tile and start bullnose
sewing - finish swim parka for DS
slides - two 5 minute talks on something about Thailand 


2012-04-16 1:13 AM
in reply to: #4152383

Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Well done Erin!  I'm still waiting for one of those magical running days to come my way Smile

My goals for this week:

Swim, run & bike 3 times each. 

Make sure I give my body at least one full 24hr rest day which I'm finding difficult to do mentally.

Swim my 400m Try a Tri distance in one go without any pauses - nearly there!

Have a super week of training everyone. 

2012-04-16 1:23 AM
in reply to: #4134000

New user

Regina, Saskatchewan
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN
I'd like to jump in as well

Name: Brittany

Story: I used to be really active when I was younger - biking, running cross country, playing hockey etc. But over the years I've been doing less and less of that, and even though I've been fairly active on/off with going to the gym and such I feel like I've been losing my discipline when it comes to that.. A marathon or triathlon has been something that I've always wanted to do at some point in my life, and I recently decided that I want this year to be the year that I do that, and that working towards that goal would be a good way to get my butt in gear and keep myself disciplined.

Family Status: Currently single, I'm a university young'en :P

Current Training: Need to get going! I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels workouts while easing into biking/running. I'm planning on starting a 12-16 week training schedule on May 1st, so I'm currently working on planning that out and creating a schedule that I can stick to. I'm also looking into working with a club for the summer, since although I've swam in the past, I'm scared that I won't be able to get the proper techniques down (any tips or resources on this would be much appreciated!)

2012 races: Nothing officially set yet, but I think I'm going to aim for either a 5/10k on July 8th, a "Try-a-Tri" on August 4th, working up to a Sprint tri on either Sept 1st or 15th

Weight Loss: Would like to lose about 20 pounds

I'm both excited and terrified to get started :D


Edited by nirvie 2012-04-16 1:25 AM
2012-04-16 1:31 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Hi!  I would be so happy to be a part of this group!  I came to triathlon via running, I've been a slow and steady runner since 2002 or so.  Last summer I suspected my trails would get closed due to fire danger and decided to sign up for a sprint tri.  The bug bit me and I did a second sprint and accidentally signed up for an olympic distance as well--my first open water, too!  I LOVED it and couldn't believe the season was already over.  I did a lot of reading over the winter and can't wait for this year. 

I'm married with a two year old and four year old, and work full time (but random hours), so I have the usual troubles with fitting everything in.

My first race is on SATURDAY, the Coyote Carrera Sprint tri. May--Tempe International Oly  June--Valle Caldera Trail Half Marathon  July--Cochiti Lake Oly, August--Chile Harvest Sprint and Live Love Tri Sprint, and September Elephant Man Oly is what the rest of the schedule looks like.  I think I'd like to a HIM in 2013. 


I have a first question, too, if that's OK.  Any tips on the swim for a reverse sprint tri with a pool swim?  I'm trying to imagine my 400 meters with 139 of my closest friends kicking and punching me. 



2012-04-16 1:54 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

Assuming this group is still open and you take me, I guess I should do my homework.  This week my goals are to:

Modify my training plan for this week so I'm ready for my race on Saturday (e.g. take it easy)

Bike the course and practice transitions and logistical issues

Stay focused during the run and the bike on Saturday instead of getting so excited I forget to push the pace

Have a great week, everyone!



2012-04-16 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4134000

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Erin's "Insanity is Relative" Group - OPEN

If you have room for one more, I'd like to join.  I'm at work, but can provide an update later today.




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