BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - Re-Opened Rss Feed  
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2013-01-11 6:12 PM
in reply to: #4573322

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Hey Brad - welcome to the group.

Here is a site you can use to find Triathlons in your are (besides BT) Kentucky Tri's.  

Sounds like you fit this group to a T - I would imagine though that with steady training you will not be a clydesdale by the start of the season and by the time you make your Oly you will be solid in the ranks of the AGer's (Age Groupers).  As those are goals I have also set for myself we have that in common as well as both having terrier's as pets (I have a 12 year old Boston - named Beans).

I guess the shift I work would be classified as third shift as well - but I have found that I can really stay on a good structured diet and get quality training in by being on this shift - the only area that I suffer in is getting enough sleep - you may do better than I do in that regard as it is usually the kids activities that keep me going long after I want to be in bed.

Humidity and heat sap me on the run - and I do my best running in the weather we are having now 30-50 degrees and the humidity is either rain or snow.  How do you do in that regard?  You may want to look at doing the 5k's either incorporated into your training as "speed work" or go on a bike ride and then do a race to simulate "sprint tri" conditions.   

Share with the group - hopefully thru the support here and your training there you will meet your goals for the season.

2013-01-11 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Yesterday I did a VO2 Max test ... basically I was hooked up to a treadmill with a breathing apparatus and a heart rate monitor and he started me walking then jogging then running.  After I was at a comfortable pace (I think we were at 9:00 m/m) he added 3% incline, after 5 minutes he took it to 6% then he did it again ... I was a sweaty mess and wwinded hard when the test was done but now I have my HR training levels.

My ideal HR for aerobic exercise is 151-165 ... this fell in line to what I thought as I can run at an 8:40 pace fairly comfortably now for 13 miles and keep my HR at 158.  For the next 10 weeks, once a week I will meet with the therapist and he will put me through an interval session for an hour.  Hopefully this in conjunction with my other training will help boost my thresholds and let me increase my running speed - we'll see.

Today my coach limited me to a short session - interval training with speed for a max of 29 minutes ... I went for 30 and covered 4 1/2 miles I ran 3/4 of a mile at my HM pace and then sprinted as hard as I could for 1/4 mile or until my body started rebelling.  Sprinting is NOT something I usually do but once I uploaded my workout I was surprised to see that I was able to maintain some nice paces for almost 2 minutes at a time.  Baby steps ... the speed will come. 

2013-01-11 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Hey Paul

Thanks for the link. That will be helpful!

I actually like being on night shift pretty well, because like you, It helps me stay on a better diet and also gives me more time to train. I prefer training in the morning after I get off work, but despise indoor exercise, so I can't wait for warmer weather. For me, I'd rather deal with the heat and humidity in the summer as opposed to the bitter cold and rain of winter. I guess thatll be better for my situation if I ever get to do IM Louisville.. Kentucky in August is kind of brutal...

I'm like you on the sleep. I try to get 5 hours a day, but usually end up with 4-4.5 hours... I'm afraid as I get deeper in the training, I'm going to have to change something, or I'll break down. Family life, and job demands don't leave much time for sleep and training both, so for the past few months I've been giving up the sleep....

2013-01-12 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Paul, I would like to join your group if I could.  

Name: Mike

Story: I am 46 about to be 47.  Way back in the day I was an Airborne Ranger.  I left the service at the age of 27, as a Captain, in great shape (6.2 185).  By the time I hit 36 I was up to 280 and not sure I could run a mile and still be alive.  Still never did anything until about age 40 when I was going on a Boy Scout Scuba diving adventure with my son and they said you had to be under 250 to be able to dive.  What a wake up.  So I got 10 of my friends together and we decided to lose some weight.  4 months later I was at 220.  However, I like to eat so I thought the only way I can eat and keep the weight off is to run.  I've loved running my entire life.  Fastest 2 mile is 9:48 back in college.  So in 2009 ran the Charlevoix marathon in 4:07.  Started on a goal to qualify for the Boston.  Completed 5 more marathons between 2009 and 2012 but the fastest I've completed one is 3:41.  11 minutes shy of what I need for the Boston.  Most of my runs have been through several injuries: IT Band, Hip problems, Planter Fasciitis, etc.  I've found that about 10-12 weeks in a build up period for the marathon and I started developing some sort of injury.  So in June 2012 decided to buy a bike and do triathlons.  First one was in July in Texas, (was a highschool swimmer 30 years ago) and since I was in Marathon condition thought I could do an Olympic without any problems.  I had not swam more than 100 meters in that time and I did complete the swim, and ended up with a podium finish, only 9 people in my age group.  But not a fast time.  Around 2:38.  After getting off the bike I almost dropped out since I had no training experience with bike to run. LOL.  Did the Toyota US Nationals in October (40 degrees day of race in Dallas) go figure.  Did ok 2:36 finish time.  What I've found is that I don't get injured doing the shorter races and giving my legs time to rest in between.  

Family Status:  Been married to the most wonderful woman for 24 years.  We have 2 young men 18 and 20.  Great life.  

Current Training:  I would love to train for a longer race, but running 2 businesses and a ministry no time for it.  I plan on competing in several Sprint races this year.  My business should be in a place by the end of 2013 that I can semi-retire and spend more time next year training.  I'm currently training for the Mean Green sprint on March 17th.

Weight Loss:  I was down to about 202 in October, then in November I got a cold and I never get sick, but when I do, I do it right.  Now up to 213 from the Holidays and my wife's good cooking.  Goal is to be down to 195 by my next race.

2 reasons why I train.  I love to eat, and I love to compete.  Unfortunately this is about the 5th thing on my list of priorities.

2013-01-12 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4553821

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Hello Paul and the "TRI" group,

My name is Daniel.  I live in Libertyville, IL and am 53 years old.  I have competed in four sprint tris in the past two years.  Not really sure what I was doing but completed them with little trouble - did not  check my times - and I really enjoyed the experience.  Just did them for fun.  I currently weigh 243.  Would love to drop weight and gain more confidence in myself and events as a result. 

If there is room in the group for me, I will write much more.  I am looking for a group that is supportive and pushes ourselves to try (tri) new things and hold everyone accountable.  I have access to a health club with a pool. Would love to know where to start.   Step 1, Step 2 ... and where to go from there...


2013-01-12 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN
Me too, me too!

I would love to join. Paul, I found your story really inspiring and would love to be a mentee.

I'm 53, married with two great kids - son 14, daughter 13.
Like many I was an athlete in high school, gymnastics, cross country and loved weight lifting.

Had my kids at 39 and 40 and stayed home with them. I don't do well with unstructured time and being home increased my depression. Ate alot. I'm 5'1" and ballooned to 198#'s. Usually around 160-171 now. I've always been a gym rat, I love heavy lifting and could stay for hours doing classes and bootcamps.
Got into tri's as I like the variety of sports, so wouldn't get bored and felt I could do it as a slow steady athlete.
I did two sprints about 4 or so years ago at about 180# and survived it.
For the first time in my life I'm just not into working out and my fitness shows it. I need to get my mojo back. I had wanted to do an IM at 50, but that came and went.

My weight is 163, and my hope is to not be an Athena in races. Haven't done anything in months so just getting to gym for walking on treadmill and stationary bike. Trying not to get tempted with heavy lifting though I get such a kick out of it.
I live in Ct. so I'm not hardy enough to go outside.

Am registering for a sprint in July, and an oly in August.

I really need help figuring how to get started. I'm not in shape enough to do any of the programs (I don't think) and I'm too athletic for the couch-sprint one.
Was thinking about doing the easy weeks from the winter maintenance and then move to an oly plan, or do I start with a sprint plan?
Before I stopped working out the last time I could jog 25 mins, do two spin classes in a row but didn't swim as I'm such a poor swimmer (was last coming out of the lake each time - it wasn't pretty)

Looking forward to seeing everyones progress,

Edited by MuscleMomma 2013-01-12 6:29 PM

2013-01-12 11:11 PM
in reply to: #4553821

New user

Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

HI Paul: I would like to join your group.


I am a 42 year old separated father of 3. I am a full-time firefighter/paramedic. I work part-time as a flight medic with a local hospital. I have not done any organized sports in the past hundred years and have watched my weight grow and grow. I reached 220 lbs ( not a hugh number but i'm 5'4" and most of it was gut and 4 chins). Although I never considered my self in bad shape and active in work I ate everything I wanted and all the time. with my busy schedule eating out had become the norm. In June we held our annual fund raiser Tri that the fire department puts on. A few of us got together and decided that we should do it next year. I swim like the Titanic, haven't run in year's and have always biked so I decided that I could at least do that. That was the last we talked about it. In August I decided that it was time to start losing weight. I have lost 44 lbs to date. Most of my weight was lost with not eating out. I bring my food from home everyday. I will alow my self a cheat meal every week but for the most part I eat fruit, Vegitables, Whole grains and NO pop. 2 months ago I finally started working out. Being in Iowa in the winter it is hard to get outside so most of my training is inside right now. After losing the weight and doing the workouts I have decided that I need to do this Tri by my self and not as a team. I feel great. I accually feel worse on rest days. I have lined up 3 sprint Tri's to be my first year. 1 each in may, June and July. I don't have any coaches and am training by my self mostly because that is how I push my self. I have been getting a lot of good advice from BT and would love to get advice and helping hands from people who have been through it and know what to expect.

MY TRAINING consists of:

the 20 week BT sprint balanced workout which I am just now starting the swim portion. have been doing strength training every third day at work and going to the Y for the rest.

My GOALS: First I want to get my first sprint fininshed and my overall goal is to move to a full Tri.

Thanks: Chuck. trucke343

2013-01-13 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4575090

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Welcome Mike!

As a former Airborne Ranger - the discipline it takes to follow a training schedule may be one thing working in your favor despite what sounds like ALOT going on in your life.  I can understand the wake up call to get healthy - you want to see your kids grow up, succeed in life - maybe have kids of your own someday - why not TRI ... 

What sort of training are you doing to prepare for your sprint?  Are you getting outside to bike and run?  (I imagine it is warm enough to still do this in Texas).  You have to do what is manageable - don't shortchange yourself because the distance is short - you're a marathon man!  Since it sounds like your weakest discipline may be cycling I would focus on rides - always longer than your sprint distance and vary my cadence and power on flats and do hill repeats (if you have hills near you).  A short 2 mile jog after your bike rides as a cool down will also benefit as you will get used to going from one to the other.  

You've done this before - sounds like you just need some fine tuning and you will hit and keep your target weight - and develop into a beast on the triathlon circuit.  

Share you training with us when you can and we'll do our best to keep you motivated.

2013-01-13 7:11 PM
in reply to: #4575107

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Welcome Daniel for Libertyville, IL ...

Competitive age group you happen to be in - you can race as a clyde if you wish put if one of your goals is to get your weight under 220 (and I hope it is) then we can get you competing as an AGer.

One of my self motivators - and how I start my season is to plan it out.  What races or events do I plan to partake in - not just triathlons but anything - century rides, open water swim races, mud runs.  Pick your possible events - put them in order of priority - and then build your training so that you PEAK for your A race ...

At your pool do they also have stationary bikes?  Could be a great way to get in some swim/bike bricks in a cold IL winter - even if it is just spinning on an easy speed for now ... if not do you have a bike on a trainer?  

Get back to us and elaborate about some of your plans, goals, and equipment at your disposal and hopefully we can help you meet your goals - or help you make them if you need an extra push. 

2013-01-13 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4575477

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN


Welcome to the group ... interesting background.

Since you like the gym and pushing weights you can use that to your benefit by structuring workouts to strengthen your core without pushing big weight for bulking - you can and will get a burn - if that is something that interests you PM me regarding that.

You have two goal races - a sprint in July and an Oly in August - good stuff.  I like that you don't want to just "survive it" this year - how about since we have 6 months - you make your plan to "kill it".   You are already under the weight for a Athena - so let's figure out what your weight goal will be.  Seems like right now stamina and cardio are your issue and by getting on the treadmill and stationary bike you are attacking that from now - solid plan.

Let's get you focused with a plan - working on strengthening your core/losing weight/building up your cardio.  You can be a muscle momma just be ripped right?  As for swimming - that will be your beast - thankfully it's the shortest part - we will touch on that later ... 

Think more on your goals and share your training with us - any training - let's make this fun!


2013-01-13 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4575706

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Hey Chuck welcome!

Some stuff I could not learn from your post - are you in a FD that the firefighters live in the house 4 days and have three days off?  What is your weekly schedule - as I imagine you don't work a standard shift?

Sounds like you have your diet plan well underway - that is awesome - stay on point.  Diet on my days off from work are always hardest because when I have to worry about the whole family and eating out and whatever else may come - well that is where my will power usually gives out.  

I think we have enough guys/gals in here who have traveled the same road as you have and we could mutually benefit each other - share your workouts/training and thoughts with the group and we will do the same.

2013-01-13 7:45 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Yesterday (Saturday) I did a gym workout and followed it up with an hour of spinning at 90 cadence.

The gyms workout consisted of planks with pushups, Barbell Squats, Tricep dips, bent over rows into bicep curls, box jumps and cable twists ...  

I overdid the weight on the barbell squats - and had to strip weight rather than add or I would never have completed the sets my coach had directed me to do.

Today my calves were still feeling it ... had a 5k race on tap and was beating myself up on the ride over that I shot myself in the foot by overdoing it yesterday.  Got to the state park in a blanket of fog and tried loosening up.  It was 45 degrees here in NY so the weather was ideal for a hard run.  The course was flat as a pancake and on the roads in a State Park.  I ran the entire race with my friend Joe at my shoulder with the goal of a sub-24 5k in our sights.  Hit mile marker one at 7:35, mile marker two at 15:14 ... and I thought we kicked it up to mile three but it didn't happen and I crossed the finish at 24:08 a new PR but 8 seconds off my target.

In the morning after I take my kids to school I have a 17 mile run on tap and I plan to take it slow - need to run a safe pace and not go out too hard like I usually do.

2013-01-13 8:48 PM
in reply to: #4553821

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Daniel here...  Excited to be on this journey with the group.

FOCUS - Fitness - dropping weight, toning up and gaining confidence.  Ideally complete two sprint tris and understand what is involved with an Olympic distance.

NAME - longrun26/Daniel

STORY - I am 53, married for 29 years and am a midlife career changer having left my corporate career and now I am a 7th grade literature/language arts teacher.  Have been teaching for 8 years.  I ran Chicago Marathon in October - my 10 marathon.  My goal is to be fit, healthy and and be a mentor for my students.  I am 6'0" and weight 242.  My most recent visit to my doctor went very well.  Still med free and all blood chemistry levels in great shape.  Just wants me to get to 200 pounds.  Sounds like a mountain in front of me.  My doctor told me to look at my diet - I am now Paleo (no processed foods/no grains/no sugars) - and to concentrate on triathlon training to drop weight.  So Paul, you are my mentor!!!  Have been focused on the Paleo diet since Chicago Marathon in October.  I am about 90% Paleo - I watch closely but do not panick if I eat something not on the plan.  No sugar, processed foods or grains.

FAMILY STATUS - Married for 29 years.  Live in Libertyville, IL (just north of Chicago).  Have two sons. My 25 year old lives in New Zealand and and manages an organic vineyard.  My youngest son is 21 and a junior in Anthropology at Illinois State - really supports the Paleo life style.  My wife is running Boston Marathon again and my boys are super fit and into health.  I mountain and road bike, run marathons - just want to do so under 200 pounds.

CURRENT TRAINING - My workouts have concentrated on upper and lower body weight - rotating each 2 - 3 days a week.  Intense cardio 3x a week for 40 minutes a time.  Have not run or swam for two months. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES - Completed two sprint tris, 6 half marathons and Chicago Marathon last year and many shorter running events.  My focus this year to focus on training and fitness (drop weight) and complete the Door County (WI) sprint tri in July. 

2013 - The sky is the limit.

WEIGHT LOSS - I am 6'0" 242.  My goal is sub 200.

WHY THIS GROUP? - Something inside tells me that this is meant to be.  Sometimes you just have to trust your gut and jump in with both feet!

2013-01-13 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4576603

New user

Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Thanks Paul,

I work a 24 hour live in shift on 48 hour off schedule 365 days a year. On the 48 off I work a second job that is rotating 12 hour days and nights so it has been hard for me to follow a standard workout schedule. I have done my best to make sure I get the workouts in but can't always do them in the order or fasion that the program lays out. I think I have a good start on cardio and strength training but really need to swim and run more. This week I picked up a bike trainer so that will get me off the Y bike but I am most concerned about my swim and run since right now I have to chase the schedule at the Y to get that in. as always I appreciate and welcome your thoughts and help.


2013-01-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

I would love to be part of this mentor group if you still have room.

Here's some info about me:Fechter99 on BT and - Randi in real life!


FOCUS - Fitness and if I am lucky, finally seeing the numbers drop on the scale


STORY - I am 44 (turn 45 on Thursday). Where do I begin? Let's start with the weight loss (or lack thereof): I have always battled my weight and despite trying to lose weight, was never successful. I followed WW for 2 years and while it taught me to eat well, be healthy and love exercising, I was not able to lose much weight. I had multiple visits to endocrinologist testing for hypothyroid (family history), insulin resistance, etc, etc and all tests came back normal. This did not change the fact that I could not lose weight and felt horrible. About 2 years ago, I finally found a doctor that would treat the symptoms I was experiencing (something like 25 different symptoms of hypothyroid). After about 3 months on Synthroid I was finally feeling so much better. Unfortunately I still was not able to lose the weight and keep it off. I figured out how to maintain my weight really well. I lost and found the same pounds over and over again. My lowest since starting this journey to a healthier me was 185lb several years ago (highest was in March 2012 of 210lbs).


Triathlon story: In 2007, my family volunteered at the NJ State Triathlon. A friend of ours who is why we were there kept saying prior to that day that we would want to do the race the following year. You know the saying doth protest too much? That was my husband and me. We swore there was no way we would get out there to do a triathlon. Surprise, he was right and we got bit by the bug! The following day, I told Mike that I was going to do the triathlon the next summer and the rest, as they say, is history. I did the sprint distance race in 2008 and 2009. In 2010 and 2011 I did them as relays due to injuries - plantar fasciitis, runners knee, shin splints, arthritis in the shoulder irritating the rotator cuff. I took 2012 off to hopefully heal once and for all. We volunteered last year at the NJ State (have to add that we do volunteer each year during the race weekend) and it was at that moment that I swore I would be back out there racing again in 2013. I was not going to sit back and watch again. Unfortunately my shins, knees and feet still give me problems so running is a major issue for me. I love to swim and biking is getting easier. I did an aquabike race in 2010 and really enjoyed it - 3rd on the podium for Athena no less! Planning several aquabikes this year - running is painful despite me really wanting to get out there and run and on the advice of my orthopedist, not advised.


FAMILY STATUS - happily married to the love of my life for 22.5 years, Mike (mfechter67 here on BT). mom to two wonderful boys 16 and 12. in Central NJ. I am a stay-at-home mom who works 2 part time jobs (one as member services staff at my local Y and the other as Executive Director for the NJ State Municipal Prosecutors Assoc) Waiting to hear about a third position that I interviewed for recently. My entire family has the tri bug - Mike is training for a couple of races this year and the boys have both done several kids sprints in the past and planning to do at least one race each this year. My older son is now a swimmer on the H.S. Swim team and getting faster by the minute. He was also diagnosed with Crohns Disease in December 2011 which has been a emotional experience for all of us and adjusting to a new normal with a kid who has a chronic illness. Luckily he is feeling well and has a great attitude about life in general. My younger son unfortunately takes after me with his weight but hoping that our lifestyle changes will help him lose that weight as he matures. His doctor says for him not to lose weight but to avoid gaining more as he grows taller which seems to be working right now.

CURRENT TRAINING - a hybrid of an olympic maintenance plan for swimming and the cycling (indoor on the trainer) for weight loss plan from BT as well as doing what I feel like doing at times - spin class, walking on the track, step aerobics, yoga, weight training. Had some moderate weather here in NJ and got out on the road with my husband for a ride. Felt great to be out there but it told me that I have lots more training to do before I can comfortably finish 26 miles. I love being able to train on the actual course for my A race. The race is 2 loops, we did one. Swim won't be a problem. I can already swim 1800 yards nonstop, not afraid of the lake and now focusing on getting faster.


THIS YEAR'S RACES - NJ State Olympic Aquabike ( A race -already registered - and doing the aquabike because of the leg issues), and have a couple other aquabikes on the radar but have not made a final decision as to which I want to do or fit into the schedule. I have even offered to do the sprint swim at the NJ State for a relay team if someone needs a swimmer. Sprint is Saturday, Olympic is Sunday. Keeping my fingers crossed that someone needs a teammate.2013 - Can't wait to see what it has to offer!


WEIGHT LOSS - I am 5'3 and weigh 195.8 but I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I got the Body Media Link armband and have since learned that I am just not eating enough and had put my body into starvation mode. Since doing this right after Thanksgiving, I have lost 2.5lbs and 4+ inches from my waist. It has been a long road and hoping I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with the weight loss journey. I have really been trying to stay focused on the health aspect regardless of what the scale says. It is not always about what the scale sales but how I feel. It is strange to shift from trying to see the scale number shrink to really making it a lifestyle change but we are really getting there.


WHY THIS GROUP? - Seems like a perfect fit with others who have experienced many of the things I have with weight loss, injuries, etc.

Edited by Fechter99 2013-01-14 8:01 AM
2013-01-14 11:00 AM
in reply to: #4553821

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN
So today I learned a good lesson about rest days.Saturday was a scheduled rest day in mt 13 week sprint plan, so I didn't do any training. Yesterday (Sunday) was supposed to be my long bike day. I had to go to Cincinnati with my wife and didn't get back until the gym was closed. Because it was cold, raining, and windy, and I'm a fair weather biker I ended up skipping my workout for the day.... I was feeling really bad about it all night and this morning. At about 9:00 this morning I hit up the gym treadmill for my short run (25 minutes this week). It was the best un I've ever done! My legs never once complained and my heart rate stayed steady. I even upped my speed to 6.5 my last 10 minutes from the 6.0 I normally struggle to finish 25 minutes with. I am guessing this great feeling is from the extra rest day. The only downside is my plan has me resting tomorrow but I need to make up that bike ride so I'll probably do that instead of rest. Hopefully my swim goes this good later!

2013-01-14 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4577448

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

My workout today has me pretty exhausted - going to eat something and get back on again after I pick up the kids after school ...


Ran 17 miles today ... Goal was to keep HR in zone, eat and hydrate properly and run a steady pace ... mile splits: 9:15, 9:17, 9:17, 9:04, 9:21, 9:11, 9:27, 9:11, 9:15, 8:59, 9:07, 9:25, 9:07, 9:24, 9:34, 9:28, 8:57.

Ate an e-gel at miles 4 and 10 (150 calories) and consumed 32 ounces of liquid over the course of the run.

Total run time 2:37:29 - total time HR in zone 2:14:00 ... BUT I felt like crap the last three miles ... weighed myself when I got home and I lost EIGHT pounds so obviously I screwed my nutrition and hydration ... 2 out of three ain't bad but thats the one that will knock me out f a marathon or put a DNF on my Ironman ... ugh!

2013-01-14 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4577643

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN
Man, that's pretty freaking impressive! I hope I have the will power and fitness level to run 17 miles some day!
2013-01-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

So I think I've figured out a few of the races I'll for sure be doing this season. As the schedules are updated i'll probably add some more. Hopefully a couple 5ks and at least one 10k, but these are what I can see so far.

Saturday March 2 - Extreme Rampage - 3-4 mile Obstacle Mud Run

Sunday March 24 - Shelbyville Tri Series Race #4 - Sprint

Sunday June 2 - Race the Bridge - Olympic


The Olympic is actually a little bit before my peak training week on the Olympic plan, but this is the only olympic distance race around me, so it is that date or next year.... I'm sure I'll end up suffering a little extra, but hopefully I'll at least finish....

2013-01-14 1:28 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Well my weekend didn't go exactly to plan. 

Time got away from me on Friday after work, so I only ended up with time for an hour on the bike (It was a good hour tho)

Saturday, 80ish km bike ride in 3 hours. Mostly on the HIM course. Was a very good ride, and has given me a boost of confidence ahead of Sunday. 

Saturday, after 10 consecutive days with no rest day, a week from race day and feeling quite run down I gave myself the day off. 

Monday, Had planned on a 45 min bike, 15 min run brick. Just to practice transitions. But a flat tire, which I failed to fix properly first time convinced me to change the plan to a longer run. 

Today, I'm planning a lunchtime swim, followed by a 45/15min brick tonight, that I didn't get done yesterday. 

2013-01-14 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4553821

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Paul, I'm interested in joining the group.

Last year was my first big year for TRI (improvement that is).  I lost 65 pounds and completed my first half-iron race (and first triathlon in about four years).  I am married with two young children- and so my life, including training & racing, is framed by family and work. 

After several years of gaining weight (while growing my family), I was really excited to reverse the tide and reach my college weight.  Having gone through several yo-yo diets in the past I know that keeping off the weight will be every bit as challenging.

This year my goal is to complete an Iron distance triathlon (B2B in October).  I obviously don't have the years of training & racing that many seem to have when they reach these distances, but I think I can build on last year's improvements and take my training to the next level.  In between now and October I am signed up for my first marathon, which is serving to help focus my training on my weakest link.

I am starting to run into issues like weight maintenance, injury, nutrition & endurance that I have less experience in, and so I am excited to join a group, ask, listen, and learn.

2012 RACES:
Finish Strong Half-Iron Distance Triathlon (September 2012)

2013 RACES:
Tobacco Road Marathon (March);
Beach 2 Battleship Iron-Distance Triathlon (October).

Lose 0-15 pounds to get closer to an ideal racing body weight;
Complete Marathon & Iron-Distance Triathlon; 
Have Fun. 

2013-01-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4553821


Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Hello Paul Id love to join the group.


My Name is Justin


Im a 33 yr old firefighter who has always struggled with my weight and currently weigh 260.  I have always been fairly active despite my size however fairly active isn't cutting it anymore and triathlon is going to be my motivation to change things this year.  I have run a few 5ks in the past and last summer was doing rides up to 30 miles on my fixed gear road bike.


Current Training: Some jogging and swimming just getting over th flu

Goals: 185lbs and at least two sprint distance races this summer/fall

2013-01-14 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4577054

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Wow Randi - really interesting background and you are right in my backyard.

My B race this year is the Bassman in May where I hope to ensure I have all the logistics in play for my IM in July ... they have a Aquabike option at that one as well though I have no idea if that is close to you.  

Do you feel unhealthy at your current weight?  Do you have sleep issues?  I know when I was heavier (I capped out at 308#) I snored like a chainsaw and my wife said I would stop breathing and gasp (sleep apnea) - weight loss helped me with that - just a question ... not advocating a sleep study (as they reallly suck).   If you can figure out the ideal HR for you to burn fat that could be helpful also - run a defect on calories but don't overdo it (seems like you hit that one already on your own).

Love the family involvement - my boys are into running - and are still working on swimming/biking but I expect they will attempt something when they (and their parents) think they are ready.  I have promised my eldest son a mud run this year so we need to find one in August/September when my season is in wind down mode.  There are races here that have family relay categories - do they have any by you guys?

In regards to your training - do you plot it out or just wing it?  Just need to know what kind of structure you have to your plan - I know you are following a BT plan (but it sounds like you don't think it is enough - am I right?) ... 

Sorry to hit you with so many questions - I thing you will be a great fit with this group - your trials and daily efforts will provide insight to us all and hopefully we can keep you motivated and help you as well.  Welcome!

2013-01-14 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4577809

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN

Brad ...

I like the choice of races - mud runs are a blast just be careful on the obstacles.  Don't be afraid to modify your plan based on how your body reacts or how your real life interferes.  As you saw today the day of rest resulted in a better than average run today - in fact your best yet.  Don't stress that your Olympic plan won't "work" - you can make it work by making slight changes in volume 4-6 weeks out so it "catches up".  Again you have to go with your body's reaction but it can work.

As for my run today - my upper legs feel like cinder blocks - squats on Saturday plus a hard ran 5k on Sunday left me fried before I even took my first stride today - I am honestly surprised I persevered today.  Things I need to fix - hydration and nutrition - next weeks the long run is 18.  Hope the final three will not be another sufferfest. 

2013-01-14 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4577815

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors - OPEN
Andrew less than a week out - don't go hard - everything easy this week.  Glad you got on the bike course, knocking it down will come so much easier now.  Can't wait to hear how you do this weekend.
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