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2017-01-22 10:22 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Oysterboy

Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Oysterboy

Guys, people said this about the Tea Party too but it ended up being an organic political movement that had a tangible effect in the election of a GOP majority. I will admit that as a left-leaning centrist I did not get the Tea Party at the time, and would have viewed it much like you viewed yesterdays marches. The question is can they keep it going like the Tea Party did, this is something that libs are not necessarily good at, they skip the midterm elections and fail to organize at the state level. With that said, I have done a lot of work with breast cancer survivors and I will tell you guys that if women have an issue they care about they will not let go of it like a dog with a bone. The ball is in Trump's court and he can do a great deal to soothe ruffled feathers from a historically contentious election. Just sayin', hard to credibly run the country with a 30% favorability rating.

That 30% favorability rating is generally taken with what 1000 or so people on the east and west coasts? I'd say since he took half of the popular election votes, his rating might be a bit higher than 30%. Same goes for obama being rated higher than 50% in any poll on any subject. I'd suspect the polling pool to be little bit on the blue side.

I hope he does absolutely nothing to soothe ruffled feathers. Extending an olive branch to the democrats will only result getting your hand bitten. The people have spoken the last four election cycles. Republicans have gained in the House and Senate since the ACA was jammed in during obamas first 2 years in office. These duly elected representatives of the people went to work, doing the things their constituents elected them to do. Only to be labeled as the party of 'NO' by the minority democrat party and their lapdog media. Even though it was obama saying no to everything they were trying to accomplish. The people have grown increasingly unhappy with this political stalemate and elected even more Republicans and now, Donald Trump, of all people to get things turned around. So no, I hope he goes into full on war mode against the left, the democrats and everything they accomplished through the past 8 years.

Well put Mr. Rove, well put.

Karl Rove is turnip.

2017-01-22 10:51 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Protests
Wasn't he terd blossom?

Just saying, you cannot credibly run the country from the extremes. Obama learned this after passing ACA with zero GOP support. Trump can play to the hard right and he has the congress to do that, just not a good long term strategy and given the mood of this country I think the long term will be pretty d@mn short.

Nearly 100% of the protests were concerning social issues, I did not hear any mention of economic issues, other than privatization of Medicare, something that Trump opposed in the campaign. I see room for an olive branch but if Red State america says no way, well then, don't be surprised to see marches like that on a regular basis. Just my view from a Purple State.
2017-01-22 11:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Protests
Yes, but obama continued to run the country from the extreme left. I'm not so sure that Trump will play from the 'hard right' position as you put it. Dumping the ACA is pretty much a given and is supported by the majority of Amerca, not just the righties. What social issues were being protested? I think the protests are directly against Trump, piggy-backed under the false premise of protesting for social causes. Look at madonna and ashley yesterday. No gray area there. These protests have one common goal and agenda; undermine the political shiittshow that is about to happen in Washington.

Edited by mdg2003 2017-01-22 11:01 AM
2017-01-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Protests
it'll be a shitshow alright.
2017-01-22 11:34 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Oysterboy

it'll be a shitshow alright.

See. We found common ground.

Gotta run, have a good day Sir.
2017-01-22 1:08 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Protests
Originally posted by Oysterboy

  • .. and this is not like the tea party, how?

  • Better get used to it, it isn't going away.

    The tea party had a central goal, reduce government spending. The protest yesterday were all over the place. Women's rights, abortion rights, homosexual rights, anti anything Trump, liberalism. They cancelled the invite to Hillary.

    500k may have marched but 60 million voted for Trump.

    Oh by the way.....they all went away last night. Nothing changed yesterday. They can come back every weekend and the GOP will still control congress. At least for the next 2 years.

    2017-01-22 1:12 PM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

    , California
    Subject: RE: Protests

    Nearly 100% of the protests were concerning social issues, I did not hear any mention of economic issues, other than privatization of Medicare, something that Trump opposed in the campaign. I see room for an olive branch but if Red State america says no way, well then, don't be surprised to see marches like that on a regular basis. Just my view from a Purple State.

    Well there was this

    2017-01-22 1:41 PM
    in reply to: spudone

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Rabel rouser, one in every crowd.
    2017-01-22 1:47 PM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

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    Subject: RE: Protests

    One of my 16 year old twins went on a rant yesterday morning at breakfast.  The best I can figure is that she wasn't participating in the march so she figured she might as well let her women's rights views be known during breakfast. (she sat there and raged on while I made breakfast for her.....poor downtrodden soul that she is)

    I wanted to rub scrambled eggs in my hair.


    2017-01-22 1:59 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Protests
    2017-01-22 2:47 PM
    in reply to: spudone

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    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Protests

    I like that kid and agree with him.  I'm sick and tired of political based science and am looking forward to getting back to real science. 

    2017-01-22 3:11 PM
    in reply to: tuwood

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by tuwood

    I like that kid and agree with him.  I'm sick and tired of political based science and am looking forward to getting back to real science. 

    According to my 16 year old you got it half right.....her twin calls her out on global warming issues constantly....to which her sister responds that she is "sick and ignorant". LOL. I can't have peace anywhere.
    2017-01-22 3:32 PM
    in reply to: spudone

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by spudone

    Nearly 100% of the protests were concerning social issues, I did not hear any mention of economic issues, other than privatization of Medicare, something that Trump opposed in the campaign. I see room for an olive branch but if Red State america says no way, well then, don't be surprised to see marches like that on a regular basis. Just my view from a Purple State.

    Well there was this

    This was no tea party? It's like everyone with a beef about something came out to protest. It's like the occupy protests. Woman carrying signs demanding equal rights. Really?
    2017-01-22 5:07 PM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    I see yesterday as a participation trophy for those who didn't vote for President Trump. I don't know what else to call it. Their side lost, now the conservatives get to make the rules for 4 years. That's how it goes. March on!!
    2017-01-23 8:37 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Fair enough Lefty, if they cannot organize and congeal that energy into a tangible political force, just as the Tea Party did 6-7 years ago, then it was just a participation trophy. Time will tell, I wish our country the best.
    2017-01-23 9:54 AM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by Oysterboy

    Fair enough Lefty, if they cannot organize and congeal that energy into a tangible political force, just as the Tea Party did 6-7 years ago, then it was just a participation trophy. Time will tell, I wish our country the best.

    I don't think Madonna is someone the left wants as their spokeswoman.

    Some of the vulgar signs are posted all over social media.

    They lack focus. Anti Trump is not an agenda people wii congeal around. Especially when jobs start being created and trade deals are renegotiated to be fair to America. How can anyone oppose that?

    2017-01-23 10:10 AM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Just heard an interview with a dnc political strategist. She likened the movement, particularly the women's protests this weekend, to the start of the Tea Party and their success in helping take the House and Senate away from the democrats. About how it started small and ultimately got Trump elected. Soooooooo, it appears all the hoopla is a dnc backed and funded attempt to get a grass roots movement similar to the Tea Party going. Again, they fail to recognize what defines a REAL movement and why their party took one in the shorts, again. Desperately grabbing the rim of the bowl as they swirl into the abyss.
    2017-01-23 10:21 AM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

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    Subject: RE: Protests

    Originally posted by Oysterboy Fair enough Lefty, if they cannot organize and congeal that energy into a tangible political force, just as the Tea Party did 6-7 years ago, then it was just a participation trophy. Time will tell, I wish our country the best.

    It seems to me that the central issue is protect Roe v Wade......the force for that has been organized for years.

    My daughter, who is finding her political wings, says that she won't be happy until women can walk down a street at night alone with no more fear than a man has.  Well ok, I agree that would be a great thing.....as a father of 4 daughters, perhaps the greatest thing ever....I also know that it's never going to happen.  There are some men who are predators, and they are physically stronger than most women.  It's not a women's rights issue, it's a safety issue.  So we had a long discussion about just what the march hopes to accomplish.......and there sure is no central message being passed down to my kid.  And Madonna's "speech".........please, is there something there I can help educate my daughter with?  Other than "don't be like that moron"?

    I'm glad it was peaceful and a nice day for a walk.  I suppose it's always good to be able to walk and shout vulgarities at people you don't agree with. LMAO

    2017-01-23 10:42 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    There were many agendas.....


    IMG_0277.JPG (88KB - 1 downloads)
    2017-01-23 11:44 AM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by Rogillio
    Especially when jobs start being created and trade deals are renegotiated to be fair to America. How can anyone oppose that?

    Nope, no one will oppose that if it comes without compromise to the clean water and air that (some of us) now take for granted. I grew up in Western Mass, ground zero for acid rain in the 60's. I remember dead lakes and rivers, the Cuyahoga river catching on fire, bald eagles nearly extinct, the horror the first time I flew into LA. I understand, and to a great deal sympathize, with the view that there is too much over-regulation out of DC, and if lowering some standard can help a guy (or gal) climb up the economic ladder then I am 100% OK with it. Start polluting the land to squeeze an extra 10% profit, yeah, I got a problem with that.
    2017-01-24 8:22 AM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    I flipped between the cable news stations last night and they all had their take on the protest with most saying this was the liberal tea party. One guy on CNN got all excited making the comparison and said the tea party is how the DNC lost the house. Others, said this was no tea party. Krauthammer likened it to the OWS movement that died out when the weather got cold.

    Personally I don't think you cab build a movement against campaign rhetoric. He already backed off deporting children that have lived here their whole life. And they are talking about a giving work permits to illegals....not giving them citizenship but allowing them to stay and work. I think might be the compromise that both sides might be able to support. If you were born here, you can become a citizen. If you came here illegally, you can get a work permit and stay but can never become a citizen. If you are a criminal, you get deported. And build a wall to control who comes and goes.

    If they go this route, the will anger people on both side....but I think most reasonable people would be ok with it.

    2017-01-24 8:48 AM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by Rogillio

    I flipped between the cable news stations last night and they all had their take on the protest with most saying this was the liberal tea party. One guy on CNN got all excited making the comparison and said the tea party is how the DNC lost the house. Others, said this was no tea party. Krauthammer likened it to the OWS movement that died out when the weather got cold.

    Personally I don't think you cab build a movement against campaign rhetoric. He already backed off deporting children that have lived here their whole life. And they are talking about a giving work permits to illegals....not giving them citizenship but allowing them to stay and work. I think might be the compromise that both sides might be able to support. If you were born here, you can become a citizen. If you came here illegally, you can get a work permit and stay but can never become a citizen. If you are a criminal, you get deported. And build a wall to control who comes and goes.

    If they go this route, the will anger people on both side....but I think most reasonable people would be ok with it.

    Exactly, a REASONABLE middle path. But remember, this is NOT what he said during the campaign. Look, the fringe (right and left) will protest anything, but if you develop policies that 75% of the US population can get behind you can effectively govern. Get closer to 50% and you start to see rumblings, enact policies that only 30% approve of, you will see regular protests and governing becomes impossible. Ask LBJ how 1968 went for him.
    2017-01-24 9:21 AM
    in reply to: Oysterboy

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    Originally posted by Oysterboy

    Originally posted by Rogillio

    I flipped between the cable news stations last night and they all had their take on the protest with most saying this was the liberal tea party. One guy on CNN got all excited making the comparison and said the tea party is how the DNC lost the house. Others, said this was no tea party. Krauthammer likened it to the OWS movement that died out when the weather got cold.

    Personally I don't think you cab build a movement against campaign rhetoric. He already backed off deporting children that have lived here their whole life. And they are talking about a giving work permits to illegals....not giving them citizenship but allowing them to stay and work. I think might be the compromise that both sides might be able to support. If you were born here, you can become a citizen. If you came here illegally, you can get a work permit and stay but can never become a citizen. If you are a criminal, you get deported. And build a wall to control who comes and goes.

    If they go this route, the will anger people on both side....but I think most reasonable people would be ok with it.

    Exactly, a REASONABLE middle path. But remember, this is NOT what he said during the campaign. Look, the fringe (right and left) will protest anything, but if you develop policies that 75% of the US population can get behind you can effectively govern. Get closer to 50% and you start to see rumblings, enact policies that only 30% approve of, you will see regular protests and governing becomes impossible. Ask LBJ how 1968 went for him.

    And Obama said he was gonna be the most transparent administration ever....turn out to be the least. He also said he'd post legislation before signing it and he did not. He said he'd close Gitmo. It is still open. He said he'd get us out of Afghanistan. We are still there.

    What he said in the campaign was simply the art of the deal.

    At any rate, I don't think fringe people like Michael Moore, Madonna, Judd and Cher have widespread appeal. Most civil democrats are embarrassed being associated with them. There were a few KKK signs that showed up at Tea Party rallies and they were quickly kicked out. Of course, someone took pictures of them at the rally and tried to tied claim the tea party was racists......till they black tea party members spoke up.

    Trump would not have been elected if not for rust-belt democrats who voted on the economy.

    2017-01-24 10:46 AM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Subject: RE: Protests
    2017-01-24 12:28 PM
    in reply to: Rogillio

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    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Protests

    You guys watched the Big Joe video?

    Holy smokes, this guy gets it.


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