Subject: RE: Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives Steps Down Amid Sexual Miscondut Allegations Originally posted by Left Brain
So you'd sue them because YOU resigned?? Well......lemme know if you find a lawyer to take that case.
Looks like most lawyers would take this case now...seems like there are some glaring inconsistencies.
Odd how even an accusation in today's age can cost a man his job, his reputation...everything....
Both the females who made allegations (still anonymous by the way.. ) knew CTV reporters socially when the story was who said the door was closed when Brown tried to kiss her...apparantly wasn't aware he lived in an open concept apartment at the time...with no door....
Ya, this is going to be interesting.
Like I said before. Canada is a bit different then the USA. Even during an allegation whether true or false your supposed to leave your post unless its fairly evident the story is baseless. Always err on the side of safety. Thats what he did...
If the allegations are found to be false...does #metoo have recourse to support victims being falsely accused? |