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2021-01-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: #5274581

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Rick, good to see you check in here with the group!! Looks like things in 2020 threw you some additional curves on top of all the other crazy stuff that went on. Go slow on your return so you can stay on top of the things you mentioned. That BP thing can be tricky...I have had to increase my BP prescription here in the past couple of weeks. Hopefully some activity will assist with your progress.....

Stay well!!

2021-01-30 10:21 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

Another big training week and a race too!

Early in the week I decided not to race today (More on that later) so I trained pretty hard throughout the week. 2 bike, 3 run & 3 gym sessions. I worked really hard in Saturday's Running Group and I was looking forward to my rest & recovery day on Sunday.

At 4 PM on Saturday I received a text message from race organizers advising the swim leg had been cancelled as we had a month's rainfall in a day and water conditions were considered unsafe for swimming. The race would now be Run/Bike/Run. I hadn't raced at this venue before but I know that the water conditions are very tough so I was happy to sit this one out as I raced only 2 weeks ago.

I thought that I might as well treat this as a training run and join the race. The first run was 650 metres and I ran that at PB pace while keeping some energy in reserve for the following legs. The 8 KM bike course was hilly and had lots of curves yet I rode that at a good pace too. In the final leg, a 2 KM run I ran at a slower tempo but aimed to run without stopping. I made it to the half way drinks station without stopping. I grabbed a quick drink then headed back but there were a few short but steep hills that I walked up as I was starting to weaken. I was happy with the last run leg but was about a minute slower than I hoped.

Post race I felt good and I'm looking forward to a rest & recovery day tomorrow.

Edited by AussieTurtle 2021-01-30 10:28 PM
2021-02-04 8:46 AM
in reply to: #5274017

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever) are amazing!!! A short notice race and you kick butt!!! Congrats!!!!!
2021-02-04 6:53 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Originally posted by WebFootFreak

I'm still kicking. Sorry for falling off the map last year, but issues with my blood pressure and diabetes got in the way. I'm not starting in a good place... but things will get better.


Welcome back Rick. Don’t worry about where you are starting from this time. Congratulate yourself for starting again and know that it can and will get better. I see so many people now a days just throw their hands in the air and make out like it is what it is.
2021-02-04 7:09 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Harry, sorry for the late follow up reply. Your training plan has to be unique in a way to you. The run miles I see especially for a sprint seems excessive but that is only because I do not come with your running base, so no I would not see you giving up that conditioning if you are happy and can do it injury free. That said and addressing the hours per week comment that is when it does come into play because most of us only have so much free time so it has to be used wisely. You may decide to only run 6 miles instead of 10 to give yourself an extra 45 minutes on the bike for an extra 10 miles with something you are weaker in, Tri wise. Also some people really like and have to have plan, I am more of a seat of my pants kind of guy. My schedule is really screwed up as you can likely tell from my post. I got frustrated when I could not hit workouts and no fault of my own. Now I look a few days or hell the night before and say, okay what do I know I can do and get done. I had to stop trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. For instance I know what to expect from my upcoming 70.3 and know where I have to be before that day to finish happy and healthy. Remember I’m doing it for fun, health, and the challenge, not a podium. To use an example, I’m sure you have lined up for a half marathon not having put in a ton of work but you knew from past experiences that you could do it and what was necessary pace wise that day to make it happy. I just want To make sure you don’t go way overboard for the distance you are doing and get injured or burn yourself out.
2021-02-04 7:14 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Originally posted by AussieTurtle

Hi Turtles,

Another big training week and a race too!

Early in the week I decided not to race today (More on that later) so I trained pretty hard throughout the week. 2 bike, 3 run & 3 gym sessions. I worked really hard in Saturday's Running Group and I was looking forward to my rest & recovery day on Sunday.

At 4 PM on Saturday I received a text message from race organizers advising the swim leg had been cancelled as we had a month's rainfall in a day and water conditions were considered unsafe for swimming. The race would now be Run/Bike/Run. I hadn't raced at this venue before but I know that the water conditions are very tough so I was happy to sit this one out as I raced only 2 weeks ago.

I thought that I might as well treat this as a training run and join the race. The first run was 650 metres and I ran that at PB pace while keeping some energy in reserve for the following legs. The 8 KM bike course was hilly and had lots of curves yet I rode that at a good pace too. In the final leg, a 2 KM run I ran at a slower tempo but aimed to run without stopping. I made it to the half way drinks station without stopping. I grabbed a quick drink then headed back but there were a few short but steep hills that I walked up as I was starting to weaken. I was happy with the last run leg but was about a minute slower than I hoped.

Post race I felt good and I'm looking forward to a rest & recovery day tomorrow.

Rod congrats on the second race and a superb overall week. It’s funny as I read your post I have done the exact same thing but with half marathons. I can not tell you have awesome it felt the first time I did one without walking. You would have thought I won the race. I still have yet to complete the half marathon portion of a 70.3 without walking but I feel that will happen in a 70.3 later this year but likely won’t happen in Galveston 2 months from now.

Congrats again Sir, great job.

2021-02-06 4:57 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

I've had a quiet week and much needed recovery time.

I had a session with my trainer / nutritionist during the week and she has advised me to revise my training by reducing the time spent training but to improve the quality of my training. I've been doing a lot of gym classes that combine weights and cardio which I will now change to training with heavier weights and getting my cardio from bike and run sessions.

I've also decided that I'm not going to race again until the end of March.

I hope you're all getting some training in and preparing for your next race.
2021-02-14 12:48 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

A mixed week this week.

The Good: I joined an new running group this week. We did a 7.4 KM run on Tuesday, 5.5 KM of hills on Thursday and I did a solo run on Saturday of 5 KM non stop in just under 35 minutes which is a PB for me, this century anyway. Also managed a strength session and a short ride.

The Bad: We're back in lock down for 5 days. That means most places are closed and we can exercise 2 hours a day but we're not allowed to go more than 5 KM from home. There was a race scheduled for this morning but that has been rescheduled until 28 February.

How is everybody else going?

2021-02-16 5:56 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Rod, the training change makes great sense to me and the group sounds like a good idea. We had a lady start a masters swim class and I can tell you while I was in it was the only time I have ever done structured swims because she was hollering them out and the whole group did them. I know also that I had much more productive swims during it.

Well I was starting to swim and run and now since Friday night we have had an extreme and highly unusual cold snap. It has not been about freezing for over 3 days, six + inches of snow, roads closed, people without water, electricity, and some losing their lives. I know for some this would be normal but it snows about once ever ten years and very seldom is below freezing for more than 12 - 18 hours. No runs but I have done some trainer rides the past 2 days. I have been looking and watched an Ironman video that left me feeling less than confident that my 70.3 on 4/11 will be taking place. I understand the safety side but don’t understand why Ironman keeps creating races and taking money with their own uncertainty. There are already so many rescheduled races and deferrals that even when they do start again it will be hard for some to get a spot even if they want to race for a year or two.

I will give more info about my new bike and thoughts about it in the next day or two. Stay safe and healthy.
2021-02-18 4:28 PM
in reply to: #5274748

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hey turtles

Sorry I haven’t been active on here as much, trying to get my act together. Up till this week I was riding only. So this week I started a run/walk program that will get me be able to run my whole race (sprint) and much more after that. That has been going well ran/walked 2.5 miles the other day.
I also started to swim (1st day today)after many many years of not swimming. I am not going yo lie I thought I was going to die. But i pushed through and got 500yds in at a very slow and many min rest in between pace. I now realize how out if shape I am.

Any ideas for a fat guy getting off the couch to be able to swim better?

On the better note, i am down 7 lbs only 49 more to go to my ultimate goal. But only taking 10 lb goals at a time.

2021-02-18 5:36 PM
in reply to: Yakhead

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Congrats on the weight loss and kicking it back into gear. I too finally got going again. As far as the swimming it is just like running or cycling. You have to build up your endurance and that comes with time and doing it regularly. I can tell you what I found beneficial for me especially when I started. Go to the pool and start a 30 minute clock where you swim as many laps as you can. Start out by going as long as you safely can before the first break and go at as of a steady pace for you as you would if your race was tomorrow and you had to do so to swim the distance. Take breaks when you need to and for as long as needed to safely start back. Make a note of how many laps you swam, no need to know fast or how many breaks you took. Then swim 2 -3 times a week for a month or 2. Go back at the end of that time and do it again. I promise you will see a big change.

2021-02-20 7:43 AM
in reply to: #5275017

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Things here pretty much the usual schedule for me although the bad weather has limited any outdoor sessions; our dogs have “cabin fever”! are on top of things as usual! Nice changes!!!’s the bike coming along?

Ian...nice progress on weight loss!! It takes’ll do it! Todd is right on with the swim advice; time in the pool is what it takes.

I shared a lane with a swimmer yesterday (he’s larger than me and the lane was “crowded”) he’s evidently completed IM events in the past; I believe he and 4 other athletes are doing swim training for an event. They are all very fast!! I just plugged along!

No sessions for me today; I’m involved with a hardwood flooring project so I’ll be up and down a lot today!!

Safe training!!!!
2021-02-20 11:27 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
So here is the new bike, Vivian! Now here is the story behind it which may or may not help other in their future bike buying decision. Let me say in advance that so of the delays were obviously COVID related and supply and demand related as so many have been purchasing bikes.

So, I sold my previous bike when races got canceled and there did not appear to be a race on the horizon. If I’m being honest I purchased it used and just really did not like the fit and feel of it for me (09 Specialized Shiv). I felt myself getting lazy and missing the ability to ride. I had previously purchased parts with the plan of building a bike but never did. I had 3T aero bars, a dura ace crank and front derailer, fizik seat, and bar end shifters. I decided that I would buy everything else and build a bike up. I bought the frame off of a guy from slowtwitch (unused 2013 Ceepo Venom). I purchased this frame because I was professionally measured a while back and the stack and reach for it were almost perfect. I also got what I considered to be a great deal at 575 shipped. I purchased a bottom bracket, front and rear derailer, old Easton wheel set, tires, tubes, bar tape, front brake (back was installed on the frame from factory), and brake levers. So I quickly noted that my shifters would not work and had to buy new ones. I started to look at necessary tools and realized they would cost a fortune for a single build. I decided to take it to Bike Barn for a professional build 199.00. So they tell me its a week wait and then they get started. Once they start They say I have the wrong bottom bracket but once they order another and get it in realize that mine was right and a burr was not allowing it to screw in right (1 week delay). Now the build actually starts and then stops again because I purchased an incompatible front brake (my fault). The brake was a special order and with everything going on took almost 2 weeks. I went in with the seat while I waited and they rough fit me not doing full fittings because of COVID. I got a call Thursday before that everything was done and could pick it up. With the brake cost and stem plus build I was at 350 to them. Long store short I love the bike and it’s build with full dura ace and pricey bars and accessories, but was it worth it. I probably spent a total of 1750 for everything and sure a bike similar would probably cost 3000. That said the process took around a month and a half and a lot of time and communication through purchases and the build. I could have gone and spend 2000 and bought a great bike off the shelf and likely been just as happy. Like I said I’m very happy with it and the cold snap is finally done and will allow me to actually go ride outside today so we will see but I don’t know if I’d ever do it again and if I did I would not sell my bike until the other is finished.

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2021-02-28 6:00 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
So finally got out again and did an 18 mile very windy ride after feeling bad yesterday and most of today. So I’m less than 2 miles in on my country road when I hear a truck coming. As I see the truck coming the opposite way it starts honking it’s horn and kept doing so until I was able to see that he was flipping me off. Crap like this is why I enjoy mountain biking because there are no cars on the trails. I know he’s just a young, dumb, kid but naturally I continued to look over my shoulder for the next few miles in case he decided to come back and buzz me or worse. Please be safe out there when riding.
2021-03-01 7:04 PM
in reply to: #5275047

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Todd...there’s similar incidents here locally; so uncalled for; need to have our heads in a swivel to see what’s coming; my son has a video device; perhaps that’s something to consider.

All that said, I just can’t get myself to ge on the bike/trainer; range of motion makes it frustrating....I know “man up”!!! ;0)!!!

“Training” as usual here for me;
We continue to be healthy and have avoided the virus so far; trying to get in line for luck so far....

Good swim today!!
2021-03-03 10:18 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
So I went on my 18 mile loop again tonight and was 3 minutes faster because of way less wind. I started out the ride by having a suburban slowing drifting towards me until she got her head out of anus and got back into her lane. At mile 14.5 I approached a curve and saw a vehicle coming the opposite direction. Something told me to go low so I did. I watched as the car came down low and was cutting the corner. I came out of aero and went into the small dirt section between the road and a barb wire fence. She finally saw me and locked up her brakes as she skidded by me at no more than 3 feet. I loved how once she stopped she continued to stare at me like I was in the wrong or then again maybe it caused her a minor heart attack. My wife got home and I told her to which I was meet with a very angry sell the bike. I know it’s part of it but I have went back and forth with xterra and trail riding only and these last two rides have me thinking that way again, as well as my fear of my wife. It just gets more dangerous all the time and really sucks. I told her the problem with what she was saying is there is not enough trails near me to build endurance, which would still leave me riding on the road. I don’t want to stop riding but I also don’t want to end up in a wheelchair or worse because of our sorry drivers in Texas.

2021-03-06 10:03 AM
in reply to: #5275170

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Todd, Sorry for all the crazy drivers down there! We saw a biker yesterday who was wearing very very bright colors-hard to miss along with the flashing head & tail lights.

Tough swim for me yesterday; sore from my flooring project. Pool has now had to back off lane sharing due to a mess up from the dept of health. Crazy stupid of you ask me.....oh well...

Stay safe everyone!!
2021-03-13 11:09 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Well gang I have made up my mind and had help with the decision through day to day life. I will not be doing Texas 70.3 as I have not trained and in a lot of cases not had time to train. I also with my wife’s anger have decided to sell / trade my Tri bike for an XC or light Trail mountain bike. What I’ve decided would be best is to keep running and swimming while utilizing mountain bike trails while we camp or I have time to access them. I will also utilize a good in door training for it. With this I will be ready and able for road or trail events as well as Xterra off road triathlons. I have also found that there are a lot more long distance endurance mountain bike events than I ever imagined. My goal is to have everything in place and ready to roll at the start of April. I’ll keep those still here up to date with the process. I look forward to doing something similar but largely different
2021-03-13 10:23 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Hi Turtles,

It's been a while but it was good to catch up with the recent posts and stay connected.

Todd, Over the last few years that we've been on this forum you've frequently highlighted your love of the great outdoors and getting away. If you combine that with your triathlon goals, it's no surprise that you're heading toward off road triathlon. I think that's a great challenge and a positive step to try something new. The lack of respect that drivers show cyclists must be a world wide thing.

I'm really enjoying my running now. I ditched the run/walk approach and now I'm running until I can't run any further. My last 2 runs have been an hour non stop except waiting for traffic at an intersection.

I have a fun tri next weekend: 150/7/2.5 It's a great course and I last raced there 2 years ago. I'm interested to see how my times compare.

Weight loss continues at a reasonable pace.
2021-03-14 2:56 PM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Rod thank you for the words and support. It is awesome to hear how you have really taken to running and how much stronger you have gotten. You really seem to be coming into your own and have hit a steady and great stride.
2021-03-17 8:09 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Great outdoors. First day of the trip and great photo by my sweet daughter, Tricia. Plan 2 to 3 runs while here to kick off Xterra training!

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2021-03-22 2:08 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: Race Report
Hi Turtles,

I raced yesterday in an Enticer tri: 150 M / 7 KM / 2.5 KM


In the week leading up to the race I tapered my training to about 45 minutes a day at about 50% effort in order to be fully rested for the race. I watched what I ate and was feeling pretty good in the lead up. Friday night I helped one of my boys move into an apartment which turned into 3 of us wrestling with a fridge up 3 flights of stairs for 2 hours. The fridge won and we called in professionals the next day. I didn't sleep well that night. I had an early night on Saturday but some neighbors had a party and I woke about 2:30 AM while they were "singing" and then had an interrupted sleep until 6:00 AM. So much for being rested.


I had raced at this venue 2 years ago and was keen to compare my times with this years results. Unfortunately this wasn't a true comparison as this years weather was very windy compared to a still morning on the previous occasion. Transition location had changed adding about 250 metres to the course. While we swam approx 150 metres we had to wade about 80 metres in and out which added to our times. The bike and run were identical but the strong cross wind made things harder.


As usual I let most of the serious athletes head off and I set off after them. I'm going to have to rethink this strategy as I don't think anybody passed me and I overtook a few. For the first time in my life I actually enjoyed the swim. I found a nice rhythm and was disappointed when it was finished. I've lost about 25 lbs recently and I felt like I was gliding through the water.


I set my bike up with mountain bike pedals and ditched the clips for this race. I'd experimented during the week and could get the same times for the ride and save a lot of time in transition by putting my runners on at T1 and not needing to change at T2. I could also mount and dismount faster and run with my bike a lot faster too. The ride itself while short is very tough with steep hills and gear selection is critical on the climb and descent. ( Momentum is your friend.) Half way through the ride I was feeling great and the figures on my bike computer were encouraging. I passed quite a few riders and smashed the dismount and T2


I was looking forward to the run but I just couldn't seem to get going. I checked my HRM and I was at 155 at the start of the run and it stayed pretty constant. On reflection the fast transition at T2 did not allow for a brief rest while I changed shoes or plodded along in transition area wearing cleats. I pushed on and finished the run 2 minutes better than I did 2 years ago.


You wouldn't believe it............. I had a faulty timing chip and I don't have an official time. I think this was my best race ever and I'm so disappointed. I didn't set my watch properly so I missed my swim time. The bike was around the same as my previous race but given the conditions I'm claiming this as a win and the run was better. T1 & T2 were definitely faster.

Looks like I'll have to come back next year and try again.
2021-03-22 6:45 AM
in reply to: AussieTurtle

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Subject: RE: Race Report
An update on the race results..............

The race photos were time stamped so I asked that the photo of me crossing the finish line be used as a guide. That means I completed the race in approximately 40 minutes and finished 60th out of 121. I'm happy with that.
2021-03-24 10:28 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Just signed up for my first trail run. 10K very hilly run on Friday, April 2 in conjunction with a three day camping trip at the race location. Not adequately trained for 6 miles but if I need to walk I will. I just really want / need
to do something.
2021-03-28 9:10 PM
in reply to: #5275222

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Subject: RE: Todd’s Tri Turtles 9 (Sprints, 5K, 10K, Whatever)
Rod, what a fantastic race report! Congrats on your success!!!! early April race is coming up quickly for you!! Give it your best!!!!!

Usual swim, lifts, walks here; nothing exciting. We’ve been busy with a flooring project (DIY)....600 sq ft of hardwood flooring in our 3 upstairs bedrooms so a lot of trips up/down the stairs. I suppose that’s some “training”......

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