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2006-12-20 3:56 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Subject: March To Sanity
Hi everyone,

I'm looking forward to this.

By march i shall need the following;

A) A bike to train on - at the moment i use the static bikes in the gym including spinning.
B) Swimming lessons, learn how to front crawl efficiently (engery saving)
C) Be sticking to my training plan (Sprint 20 weeks - Swim Focused)
D) Eating five times a day and cutting back on fatty foods
F) Loose the love handles and strengthen my core stability
E) Be more focused and motivated towards my Triathlon, i want to finish in a good time not just complete. (am a tad bit competitive)

I think this is about it for the moment, my main event is in August so i've got quite alot of time to train.

In the mean time i will be entering a swimathon. I'm not sure if i'll enter for running events due to time and i can run a mile in under 8 minutes with 10kg on my back, so not teribley worried about that.

From now until the new year i will not go to hard. some running, weights and core training.

Edited by wiltech 2006-12-20 5:01 AM

2006-12-23 8:08 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

Sorry group, I've had a few busy days.  What you need to do now is look at the goals you wrote down and determine, are they realistic for you!!!  Second you need to start logging, if you have not already began.  Now when logging it is important to log for the goals at which you are trying to obtain.  If you goal is weight loss, you need to be putting in your weight.  If you are trying to get to a mile/min pace, then we need to see that.  If there are any questions about using the site or anything tri related, let me know.

I know its a little before New Years but we can start with everything now.

2006-12-28 10:09 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

I did it, I'm officially signed up for my first tri on Jan 14.

400 m pool
20K bike (closed course)
5K run

Let's see how I do! :-)

I'll post pics.

2006-12-28 10:56 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Congrats and good luck, we will be waiting to hear all about it.
2006-12-28 10:56 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
So, no questions yet.  Is my group just that smart.   Remember you can ask anything, about BT, about tri's, whatever.
2006-12-28 11:07 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Jeff please read my workout comments from last night and today.. and give me some feedback please.. regarding the time

2007-01-02 4:03 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Happy New Year Everyone,

I'm now recovering from my house party on new years eve ao will be off to a slow start in traing this year.

I would like some help with streching. What to stretch, how many times and for how long and how often.

I've read stretching helps emensley with recovery and training so would like to do more then my hammies and quads which i currently do.


2007-01-02 1:12 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

Hi Will:

 One thing I learned a long time ago... Stretching is a must...period.

 When?- I usually do a short 3 minute stretch routine followed by a short 6 minute jog followed by another 3 minute stretch routine before the workout.

 After the workout- I do Flexibility Exercises (See Diagrams)





stretch1.png (37KB - 38 downloads)
stretch2.png (24KB - 40 downloads)
stretch3.png (24KB - 46 downloads)
2007-01-02 1:15 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Hope this helps
2007-01-02 1:27 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL


 Quick question on nutrition.


As you well know I've lost 35 lbs since September. I have not changed my diet and my training load is higher. There is something interesting. I have not lost any weight in the last 2 weeks. I'm stuck between 163 and 165 lbs. THis happened to me when I got to 180 lbs. Then I started loosing the weight again. It just wasn't this long. I'm eating well 3 full meals and 2 snacks.

With my increase in training (2 a days) mostlyand my caloric intake at the same level; Why am I not loosing weight? I think I hit a plateu. Should make some changes in the diet. But I just don't want to eat less.


2007-01-03 4:27 AM
in reply to: #639454

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Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Thanks for this Hector, I'll let you know how i get on, i'll be running tonight.

If there are any other suggestions for training preperation, warm up and warm down i'd love to know.

Thanks again.


2007-01-03 7:04 PM
in reply to: #638816

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

wiltech - 2007-01-02 5:03 AM Happy New Year Everyone, I'm now recovering from my house party on new years eve ao will be off to a slow start in traing this year. I would like some help with streching. What to stretch, how many times and for how long and how often. I've read stretching helps emensley with recovery and training so would like to do more then my hammies and quads which i currently do. Thanks. Will.

Will, sorry it has taken me so long.  Stretching is extremely important to train, especially for injury prevention.  The best time to stretch is after a workout when your muscle are at there warmest temp.  There is no set time limit to say stretch for this long or that long.  You need to make sure you are stretching all major muscle groups, i.e. quads, hammies, calfs, groin, hip flexors, back, upper body, etc..., Each stretch should be done for 30secs.  No need to hold a stretch for longer then 1min, there is no additional benefit after that.  But 30sec is the minimal.  You can find pics on this website for examples of stretching or pretty much anywhere on the internet if you need them.  Hope this helps.

2007-01-03 7:11 PM
in reply to: #639486

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
hlsantiago - 2007-01-02 2:27 PM


 Quick question on nutrition.

As you well know I've lost 35 lbs since September. I have not changed my diet and my training load is higher. There is something interesting. I have not lost any weight in the last 2 weeks. I'm stuck between 163 and 165 lbs. THis happened to me when I got to 180 lbs. Then I started loosing the weight again. It just wasn't this long. I'm eating well 3 full meals and 2 snacks.

With my increase in training (2 a days) mostlyand my caloric intake at the same level; Why am I not loosing weight? I think I hit a plateu. Should make some changes in the diet. But I just don't want to eat less.


I am not a nutritionist, but my guess would be, when you loss weight, you not only loss fat, but you loss muscle mass.  Now that fat you lost burned calories, not as much as the lean muscle mass you've loss.  So your overall caloric expenditure is now lower then what it was back in Sept.  So the same amount of calories now is just enough to support your body.  The theory is called the set point theory.  To decrease you weight now, you have to change you diet.  Plus, if you aren't counting calories on a daily basis, it is hard to say how many calories you are actually taking in.  Example, if you ate 100 more calories/day then you daily caloric expenditure, in one year you would gain an additional 10.5lbs.  100 calories is a granola bar or large banana or large apple.  So while it may not seem like a lot, I would say there is probably just some variation in your diet that is preventing you from getting any lower.

2007-01-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: #625414


Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Hi Jeff
I really need some help with my diet. I'm not over weight 6'2" 185, but I really don't eat right. If I could learn proper nutrition I think I could be dangerous. Lets start with I normally don't eat breakfeast, and most of the time no lunch. I'm in the wine business so I spend many afternoon and evenings tasting/drinking wine. My run today was terrible because I ran out of energy. A few ideas would be greatly appreciated, from any in the group.

2007-01-03 11:13 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL


Breakfast is a must.  Its what gets your metabolism going in the morning.  Doesn't have to be a big breakfast, but a bowl of cereal and some fruit.  Plus eating or snacking throughout the day will keep your metabolism going strong.  Protein is a big help because the thermal effective to burn protein foodstuff is higher then carbs or fat.  So my first piece of advise would be eat more small meals throughout the day.  This will not only keep your metabolism going all day, but give you the energy you need when you go to workout or train.

2007-01-04 1:24 AM
in reply to: #641462

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Bend, Or
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Hey Carl,

Jeff knows his sh!t. I've found that eating more often through the day has helped immensely. I have a stash of bars in my truck that I dive into when I'm hungry between meals, and I have found a drive thru smoothie place for days when my only option for lunch is a drive thru. I was also like you in that I rarely ate breakfast (I'm definitely not a morning person) Now, I will at least eat a bowl of cereal or a "lean pocket" (low in calories, portable, and take only a min. in the microwave). My dinners have also become much smaller meals so that I am hungry in the morning.

Working in the wine biz has got to be tough. That's the other major thing I changed, I do not drink, as much as I used to! I'm a bit of a lush, but by cutting back on my consumption, things have definitely turned around. I have more energy, and I sleep better. I still like to have my glass of red a day though.

At my heavist I was 215! Now I'm down to 177, and I'm looking to drop to 160.

Anyways, that's my $.02

2007-01-04 1:28 AM
in reply to: #625414

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Bend, Or
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
I need to fingure out a strength training program. I've got those Bowflex dumbells, but I cannot seem to figure out a good workout. My current arsenal of equipment includes a exercise ball, a bench, and those dumbells. Got any ideas?
2007-01-04 8:04 AM
in reply to: #641661

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

buschy - 2007-01-04 2:28 AM I need to fingure out a strength training program. I've got those Bowflex dumbells, but I cannot seem to figure out a good workout. My current arsenal of equipment includes a exercise ball, a bench, and those dumbells. Got any ideas?

What are your goals for strength training and what is your background?

2007-01-04 7:21 PM
in reply to: #641787

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Bend, Or
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
I guess it's build up lean muscle mass further reducing my BF%. I don't want to "bulk up", but rather build a good foundation for endurance training. I want to be strong and faster for longer distances.

If done a few spells with trainers at some of the gyms I've belonged to, but they always seemed to lean more toward bulking up and building physique (spelling?).

2007-01-05 5:06 PM
in reply to: #642828

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

Then I will assume you probably don't need exercise ideas.  you can use the ones you've used in the past.  also there is a website,, they have lots of pictures and examples with explanations on how to do everything. 

By looking at your goals I would say you would be in whats called the prepartory phase of your training.  So for weight training you should be looking at doing 2, maybe 3 at most, sets of an exercise (i.e. leg press) for high reps (i.e. 12-15).  So make sure you weight is appropriate to be able to do this.  What you are doing here is building endurance in the muscle, which can then be translated to running or biking.  Giving yourself shorter rest intervals will also help you get a cardiovascular workout.  Remember, these can be just as hard as your running, biking, swimming workouts, so make sure to take enough recovery time.

2007-01-07 5:34 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Boca Raton, FL
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Hey i am back from my cruise..see my training log for my synopsis...great time!

I am back on track with my training routine tomorrow as well as my eating plan. I missed fresh berries and salads on my crusie.

2007-01-09 2:44 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Caguas, Puerto Rico
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL

Hi guys,

 I don't mean to be a pain in the @$$, but some of you guys need to start logging your progress, that way we can all work together. 

2007-01-09 3:52 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
I agree, we can't inspire or help you meet your goals if we don't know what you are doing.  KISS, keep it simple stupid.  no need to be fancy, just put in the basics.
2007-01-10 3:38 AM
in reply to: #648239

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Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
I've been really gluttonous over Christmas. I've been very busy and lazy not done any exercise this year at all hence the no progress.

The longer I’ve left it (no exercise for a month) the more of an obstacle it's become. This Friday see's my start to burning off the 10-15Kg's i put on over Crimbo.


2007-01-10 8:48 PM
in reply to: #625414

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Boca Raton, FL
Subject: RE: parrj's Group - FULL
Hey Jeff-
Ok, few questions regarding my training and training plan.
1. I am not able to do two a days and fit all my training in at night. but , on my training plan, (16 week sprint) it had two a days.... I have basically beeen doing bricks this ok even from the start. It shows that I shouldn't be doing bricks unitl the last 2 weeks.

2. The numbers on the plan are the times I should be doing for workouts? So, on my monday it says 12 for my swim...a 12 minute swim? that seems so short to me...

3. i do not know what it means when it says 5 x 100...does that mean I am to do 5 - 100 yeard swims...with breaks in between? How long for my break? A minute?


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