BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JeepFleeb's Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2006-12-22 9:01 AM
in reply to: #631164

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2006-12-22 9:03 AM

2006-12-22 10:52 AM
in reply to: #625429

New York City
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
I'm sure the answer to this question can be found somewhere obvious on the site, but I can't seem to find it: Do you have to be a bronze member/etc. to have the other features in your training logs?

I've noticed that other members in our group are able to use other fonts, show planned workout schedule, and other features that I don't have. Thanks.

2006-12-22 11:06 AM
in reply to: #631563

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
bjg26pt2 - 2006-12-22 10:52 AM

I'm sure the answer to this question can be found somewhere obvious on the site, but I can't seem to find it: Do you have to be a bronze member/etc. to have the other features in your training logs?

I've noticed that other members in our group are able to use other fonts, show planned workout schedule, and other features that I don't have. Thanks.


try this link. scroll down some and you will see what you get with certain memberships. I believe some of the "extra" feature in the logs, you have to be bronze or higher..( I could be wrong)... But as far as font, I would think that you can use all the fonts that everyone else can use. It would just be a matter of changing tags, or enabling html or other codes in your settings.

Send me a pm on what you are trying to do, and I will see if I can help.

2006-12-22 12:22 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: ...
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2006-12-22 4:34 PM
in reply to: #625429

New York City
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Cool, many thanks.

Aaron - btw, I read your IMFL race report this morning. Awesome stuff, very inspirational.
2006-12-26 1:29 PM
in reply to: #632032

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

I picked up some Speedplay pedals (x/5) and Sidi shoes....I will finish my shopping tomorrow and get the fit adjusted.


I have been spending a lot of time at RBM lately and have been seeing a lot of MS150 flyers....Do you think someone could go from very little biking to doing this in May?


Edited by Ten9T6 2006-12-26 1:40 PM

2006-12-26 7:18 PM
in reply to: #633308

Subject: ...
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2006-12-29 9:07 AM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Wow...just saw our famous Mentor online....Check out the link. Right after the start of the video, you see a finisher at Badwater and then you see Aaron on a trail run. Pretty cool!

2006-12-29 9:15 AM
in reply to: #636288

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

Ten9T6 - 2006-12-29 9:07 AM Wow...just saw our famous Mentor online....Check out the link. Right after the start of the video, you see a finisher at Badwater and then you see Aaron on a trail run. Pretty cool!

ohh...they're in trouble. Aaron has never worn their socks and sent them an email a while back asking them to remove him from their promotional material. When you sign up for a race you authorize the race to use your image in promotion with the race but not to other companies.

Wish I was a lawyer.

2006-12-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #636302

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Comet - 2006-12-29 9:15 AM

Ten9T6 - 2006-12-29 9:07 AM Wow...just saw our famous Mentor online....Check out the link. Right after the start of the video, you see a finisher at Badwater and then you see Aaron on a trail run. Pretty cool!

ohh...they're in trouble. Aaron has never worn their socks and sent them an email a while back asking them to remove him from their promotional material. When you sign up for a race you authorize the race to use your image in promotion with the race but not to other companies.

Wish I was a lawyer.

oops... looks like I stirred the pot! You know the Army has Lawers too. They are not as cool as the nurses though.

2007-01-03 3:50 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Replying to a message by JeepFleeb on 2007-01-02

Nice bike yesterday!

I'm adding a link to our group's discussion page so everyone can ask questions there. And just for my own amusement I'd like to hear everyone's goals and any planned races for next season.

To tell you the truth...I haven't mapped out the races yet. I have been concentrating on getting out there and getting off my @$$. I will probably do my first either 2/25 (Run Bi Tri) or 3/10 (Athens). I know I will get "faster", the more I work on it, but I don't think I will be "fast" any time soom. My goal at this point is to work on increasing the distance..without injuries..and..working towards a full 140.6 in about 2 years.

I also plan to running another half mary or two this year ( a little faster w/ less pain than the last one..haha)....maybe finishing with a full at the next White Rock. I have also been eyeing two cycling events....

I know as I get going, my interests may change.....this is all pretty new to me. So, I am just going to work on having fun.....Oh yeah, and lose a 85 or so lbs over the next year.


2007-01-03 4:05 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
My Goals for 2007 are firstly to complete my first Half-Ironman on Saturday and then Xterra in April.

Will look at where to from here after Saturday's event, but will probably focus some more on the running and considering going to Australia for the Gold Coast Marathon in July.
2007-01-06 1:10 PM
in reply to: #625429

New York City
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

My goals for this year are to complete an olympic distance race and run in the NYC marathon.  I'd also like to do as many sprint distance races or road races as I can along the way.  This is my first season of racing and I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice as to how to set up my race schedule?

My 'A' races for this year are:

May/June - sprint tri

September - olympic tri

November - NYC marathon

I live in Boston (soon to be NYC), so the northeast triathlons seem to get started in May or June, but that's a long time away.  Should I just keep building up my base before starting a sprint-focused plan?  After the sprint race, my plan is to start an olympic training plan that is run focused.  After the olympic race, it will be all about the marathon.

Does this plan make sense?

2007-01-07 7:34 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

I have a Power Cranks question for you. I have been doing some reading around this site and a couple of others about these cranks.......I know you have some and have put in quite a bit of time on them.

Today on my group ride one of the guys was helping me out said to make sure I was also "pulling" up on the pedal...make sure that your doing full circles... Well, this got me thinking about those cranks. I have also read that they have helped to improve run times.

So, since I suck at the Bike and Run (and swim..haha..but that is another post)... What is the down side for a newbie using these....other than sore legs and an empty wallet? Why wouldn't everyone want to use these if they work as good as I hear. (leaving the price out)...

2007-01-07 9:11 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: ...
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2007-01-07 9:14 PM
in reply to: #644747

Subject: ...
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2007-01-07 9:26 PM
in reply to: #645612

Subject: ...
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2007-01-08 1:29 AM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Hi Guy's

Thanks for the support last week, finished the half in 6:42 and just completed my race report for your viewing pleasure. Will upload photo's later as my Wife has left for San Francisco and taken the camera with her.

2007-01-08 10:47 PM
in reply to: #625429

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
Hello everyone.
Chief Sloth here, at least that's how I feel looking at your training logs! I'm having a bit of a hard time getting back on track here, which is why I'm hoping the group will be a source of encouragement for me. My palns this year are to do a 1/2 IM in June and Sept. The main reason for this is to try and put last year's DFL behind me. I work as a paramedic, and my shifts are all over the place, sometimes 38 hours straight, so workouts can be a challenge sometimes. I'm hoping to do the Black Bear 1/2 IM, and the Diamondman. Hopefully I'll be able to do IMLP next year, but I'll see how this year goes. Another goal is to lose some weight, as the past few years have not been good to me, and as I've said before, I need to do something for myself. Under 210 by June would be great, but I'll take anything right now. Looking forward to seeing everyone achieve their goals, and here's hoping that I can achieve mine as well .
Also forgot to mention my trip home to the UK in June for a month, so will be working a lot of OT and swaps to make that happen. This may have a serious impact on my training, but we go back so infrequently that it will be worth it!

Edited by truebrits 2007-01-09 8:48 AM
2007-01-09 11:16 AM
in reply to: #645709

New York City
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

JeepFleeb - 2007-01-07 10:26 PM

PowerCranks doesn't do a huge amount of promotion toward beginners.  It's very discouraging when you first start using them so you're really making a long-term investment when you buy them.  But on Slowtwitch (the hardcore triathlete board) you'll see a lot more discussions about them.

Stupid question:  What makes PowerCranks different than normal cranks and why are they so difficult to use at first?

2007-01-09 12:41 PM
in reply to: #647795

Subject: ...
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Edited by JeepFleeb 2007-01-09 12:41 PM

2007-01-10 8:32 PM
in reply to: #625429

New York City
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

Thanks - always wondered what PC's were for.

Let me throw another question out there... for those of you with heart rate monitors, when did you decide to start training with them?  I think I know my body fairly well, so I always speed up/slow down based upon perceived effort, but part of me always wonders whether I am doing too much or too little.  Has a HRM made a big difference in your training and would you recommend them for beginners or more experienced athletes?

OK, that was more than one question, but they're related!  

Thanks, Brian

2007-01-11 8:54 AM
in reply to: #649998

Subject: ...
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Edited by JeepFleeb 2007-01-11 8:55 AM
2007-01-15 12:04 PM
in reply to: #625429

Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL

Aloha Guys

I'm back to annoy you all again and so I will get round to replying to all the inspires in the next few days. Thanks for the support.

Now I'm back I have penciled in my events for the year and I am turning my eyes to the training plan. I am planning to use the Oly 20 week 3x balanced plan but replace the running with the running from the Begginer 1/2 IM plan. I want to maintain my base for the two 1/2 marys I am planning to run. I will mix the running up by making use of fast and slow runs and introducing Fartlek/interval training. I want to be able to get to round about the 60m mark for the 7m x/country, which I know is optimistic but I think I could do it if I stay injury free and focused, as the weight drops. I should be about 200lbs by then.

I don't know much about it but I guess the same principles would apply to biking so I would plan to mix that up a bit to.

The swimming I will continue with the TI drills for about two months then start to practice with the full stroke.

I wondered if you guys and perhaps Aaron would give my plans a quick thought and give me any feeback you might have. I'd sure appreciate it.

2007-01-23 6:10 PM
in reply to: #649998

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's Group - FULL
bjg26pt2 - 2007-01-10 9:32 PM

Thanks - always wondered what PC's were for.

Let me throw another question out there... for those of you with heart rate monitors, when did you decide to start training with them?  I think I know my body fairly well, so I always speed up/slow down based upon perceived effort, but part of me always wonders whether I am doing too much or too little.  Has a HRM made a big difference in your training and would you recommend them for beginners or more experienced athletes?

OK, that was more than one question, but they're related!  

Thanks, Brian

Aaron, I'm going to hop on your thread, if you don't mind! Disclaimer: I am no where near the athlete that Aaron is, but I know a thing or two about a functioning heart.

Hi guys! I'm Chippy. I started training using my HRM in January. I have been doing all HR zone based training for the past year.

In February, I ran a half marathon keeping my HR in zone 2. I ran it in about 2:40ish ... about 13 minute miles. In September, I ran another half marathon ... in about 2 hours, or 9:30 min/miles. For the same amount of effort, I dropped over 3 minutes/mile. HR based training teaches your heart to work more efficiently, so you can do more without actually working harder. It's awesome. I HIGHLY recommend it if you are looking to build some solid base.

Edited by Chippy 2007-01-23 6:10 PM
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