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2006-12-19 1:47 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
I love that you guys are runners! That is great motivation for me. I am happy to help with swimming, so in your logs, post actual workouts and not just total distance, if you want me to comment.

I'm starting to log again as of Jan. 1, I think, or maybe Jan. 2 because Jan. 1 the roads here are pretty locked up due to the Rose Parade, etc., and the pool is closed.

I would also love to see everyone's favorite race photo. Here is mine -- I was actually running! And I look like a total advertisement for the Tri Club, which was the goal at this race (USAT club nationals). It was taken by one of our teammates, who'd already finished.

2006-12-19 1:48 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
I love that you guys are runners! That is great motivation for me. I am happy to help with swimming, so in your logs, post actual workouts and not just total distance, if you want me to comment.

I'm starting to log again as of Jan. 1, I think, or maybe Jan. 2 because Jan. 1 the roads here are pretty locked up due to the Rose Parade, etc., and the pool (at the Rose Bowl) is closed.

I would also love to see everyone's favorite race photo!
2006-12-19 1:49 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
I love that you guys are runners! That is great motivation for me. I am happy to help with swimming, so in your logs, post actual workouts and not just total distance, if you want me to comment.

I'm starting to log again as of Jan. 1, I think, or maybe Jan. 2 because Jan. 1 the roads here are pretty locked up due to the Rose Parade, etc., and the pool (at the Rose Bowl) is closed.

I would also love to see everyone's favorite race photo!
2006-12-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: #628182

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

gailg - 2006-12-19 11:48 AM I love that you guys are runners! That is great motivation for me. I am happy to help with swimming, so in your logs, post actual workouts and not just total distance, if you want me to comment. I'm starting to log again as of Jan. 1, I think, or maybe Jan. 2 because Jan. 1 the roads here are pretty locked up due to the Rose Parade, etc., and the pool (at the Rose Bowl) is closed. I would also love to see everyone's favorite race photo!

Remember I only said running was my best because I did it the most often.....I wouldn't take any advice from me.

Do you live in the LA area?

I have a few pictures in my album, but need to upload pictures from my last Sprint and 10k. I'll have to try and do that one of these days.

So we know that Gail is going to start logging in a couple of weeks, how about Donato and Gina? I can't even see Gina's takes me to the forums. (thanks for the note on the 10k btw).

2006-12-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: #628182

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

gailg - 2006-12-19 11:48 AM I love that you guys are runners! That is great motivation for me. I am happy to help with swimming, so in your logs, post actual workouts and not just total distance, if you want me to comment. I'm starting to log again as of Jan. 1, I think, or maybe Jan. 2 because Jan. 1 the roads here are pretty locked up due to the Rose Parade, etc., and the pool (at the Rose Bowl) is closed. I would also love to see everyone's favorite race photo!

Remember I only said running was my best because I did it the most often.....I wouldn't take any advice from me.

Do you live in the LA area?

I have a few pictures in my album, but need to upload pictures from my last Sprint and 10k. I'll have to try and do that one of these days.

So we know that Gail is going to start logging in a couple of weeks, how about Donato and Gina? I can't even see Gina's takes me to the forums. (thanks for the note on the 10k btw).

2006-12-19 3:38 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Here is my attempt at attaching a photo. Hopefully itll work!

The first one is from a half marathon a month ago in Tulsa and the other is from the Rock and Roll Marathon in San Diego. Shortly after this second picture everything fell apart and turned into a run from hell. I have more photos posted in my album.

Good idea on the pictures!!


Edited by rjl171 2006-12-19 3:43 PM



rich5.jpg (30KB - 33 downloads)
Richard4.jpg (37KB - 30 downloads)

2006-12-19 5:44 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Let's see if I can get this to post only once ... Donato, do you still have edit privileges to make the extras all go away?

Rich--great quads, wow! And yes, Jeff, I am SoCal, just northeast of Pasadena. Didn't know about the album feature -- I'll try to update that along with my logs. Gina, I have about 100 bike miles in 8 hours this week (that includes a lot of drills and hills, plus traffic light and stand-in-line-at-the-bank time), so I'm actually contemplating the Aquabike full, which might be as close to an Ironman as I'll ever get. Do you know anyone who's ever done Aquabike?

So here are my mentor questions for the week:
1. Ride lots is great, but there has to be a good mix of intensity. I mean, 10mph at 65 rpm for three hours isn't going to help me improve as much as something harder. Is it better to climb at higher cadence/lower gear, or higher gear/lower cadence while training, and is that the same for racing? (I don't have a HRM ... yet)

2. How do you successfully clean your bike helmet straps? It was a hot summer, and I can't detach the strap from this helmet. Soaking the whole thing seems like a bad idea.
2006-12-19 6:22 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Feel free to delete my double post as well. Funny that we had four and then a double.

I live down in South OC but my brother lives up in Silver Lake and just got his bike all fixed after an accident with a car, so he's all hot to start riding again. Perhaps I'll head up there one day.

2006-12-19 9:59 PM
in reply to: #628464

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
gailg - 2006-12-19 3:44 PM

Let's see if I can get this to post only once ... Donato, do you still have edit privileges to make the extras all go away?

I only have edit rights on my posts, but I'll PM Ron to see if we can get that cleaned up.

I am SoCal, just northeast of Pasadena.

I used to live in Sierra Madre before I moved up to San Francisco.

So here are my mentor questions for the week:
1. Ride lots is great, but there has to be a good mix of intensity. I mean, 10mph at 65 rpm for three hours isn't going to help me improve as much as something harder. Is it better to climb at higher cadence/lower gear, or higher gear/lower cadence while training, and is that the same for racing? (I don't have a HRM ... yet)

Great question. I'd be interested to hear from the peanut gallery, but my understanding has been lower intensity and longer duration for base building, high intensity/shorter duration for speed and strength. True for all disciplines. Of course, I'm not disciplined that way myself...

2. How do you successfully clean your bike helmet straps? It was a hot summer, and I can't detach the strap from this helmet. Soaking the whole thing seems like a bad idea.

I haven't had a helmet for longer than a season, but I was just going to soap and lather on the helmet and then rinse. The rest of the helmet really is high density foam and plastic so water and mild soap shouldn't effect it.
2006-12-19 10:07 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
How cool, someone who knows where Sierra Madre is...I knew this was the right group! I am in the Sierra Madre canyon, just at the edge of the forest (above Mary's Market, base of Mt. Wilson trail). I keep intending to add Santa Anita Canyon (Chantry Flats) to my bike training. Definitely need a triple ring up here, and watch out for the deer.

2006-12-19 11:11 PM
in reply to: #625451

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Here's are a few of my favorite race photos.

Post race from the Escape from the Rock tri.

Before the Tri for Real in Pleasanton

At the Angel Island 12K trail race

2006-12-19 11:17 PM
in reply to: #628630

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
gailg - 2006-12-19 8:07 PM

How cool, someone who knows where Sierra Madre is...I knew this was the right group! I am in the Sierra Madre canyon, just at the edge of the forest (above Mary's Market, base of Mt. Wilson trail). I keep intending to add Santa Anita Canyon (Chantry Flats) to my bike training. Definitely need a triple ring up here, and watch out for the deer.

That is cool! I know the Mt. Wilson trail well. Hiked up to the top a few times and have hiked to Orchard Camp many dozens of times. Here's a picture from from March 2001, the last time I hiked up there

Yes, I can definitely see how you need a triple - plenty of hills/mountains around you.
2006-12-19 11:51 PM
in reply to: #628353

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Richard - I agree with Gail. Those aren't legs - those are tree trunks. Mega quads! You look great in most of your RnR SD pix (a bit beat in a couple of them). Looking strong in Tulsa, although it looks chilly!

Gail - Your photo didn't show up. Pictures please!

Jeff - I took a peek at your album and read your race report on the Jamba Juice tri. Esp. like your photo with your kids. They must be proud of you. You're fast!
2006-12-20 12:51 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Hi Everybody!

First off... Gail: No, don't know anyone who's done the AquaBike so we can be the first people we know. Your off to a great start with your miles.

Second....Jeff: I haven't made my logs public yet because I will start logging Jan. as well. I'm crazy, busy trying to get ready for my Christmas vacation to Tennessee this weekend!

Third.... favorite race pic......

edit: tired of trying to resize photos to fit- see my album for pictures!

Edited by ginac007 2006-12-20 1:02 AM
2006-12-20 12:14 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
I put some photos into the album for y'all to see. I also went running (oops), so I decided to start logging a few days early -- it helps me to keep a record for my doctors, and it is kind of motivating.

Looks like most of you are still somewhat balanced in tri-training or prepping for a long run -- is anyone doing a preseason limiter focus? I'm barely swimming and not running, but just focusing on bike and core, on advice of the crackerjack coaching staff at the tri club. In Jan. I will start with a more balanced base routine.
2006-12-20 12:39 PM
in reply to: #628177

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

When I swim I don’t do any technique drills. I have tried to do some but I am not sure that I do them right therefore I simply just do laps. So if I log 2400 that means that I have swam 2400 continuously. My thinking is that until I can get some help with my technique I will focus on volume and endurance. Hopefully by joining a master’s class I can get the technique corrected. Any thoughts?


It will take me a little while to post some pictures. For the past year I have gutted and restored my 1926 craftsman home. I am currently working on the basement and I expect to be done by the end of January. I won’t be able to get to my computer until then as it is buried in my garage somewhere. I use my computer at work to type this. Maybe I’ll take some time over Christmas to look for it...

In peace,

2006-12-20 1:26 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Looks like we are the first group to move onto the second page of posts, although we do have some duplicates.....

Gina - I forget that people travel during the holidays. I never do so it slips my mind. Plus the weather and all the craziness makes it hard to get stuff in.

Donato - Thanks for the compliment about being fast, although I don't feel like it. Quite the opposite in fact. I think that's one of the things I'd like to be better at is speed. I'm hoping that by increasing my endurance my speed will ramp up as well, but we'll have to see.

Gail - I'm focusing on running right now as I have the 1/2 mary in February. I'm running three times a week with my Sunday being the long run. I've modified the plan to include two days of biking and two days of swimming but I've been slacking in that area as of late. I don't beat myself up about it as the run is what I care about right now.

2006-12-20 7:19 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
Jon, do you swim 2400 without stopping, or in sets? I think sets are less boring and more beneficial. One workout, for example, would be 200 w/u swim, 100 pull, 100 kick, 200 swim. Drills usually go here; masters will definitely help with that, if it's a good masters program. Then, 10x100 on some interval (to set your interval, do a workout where you do a 100 and clock your time, then recover till your HR goes down near rest, then do another on time, recover, etc. When you find your time going UP, rather than staying stable, take the stable time and add, say, 15 seconds for rest, and that's your pace time. So, if you have a 2:00 swim, then watch the clock and leave at 2:15 for each of the 100s). Then 200 cooldown.
Or, if you don't want to pace so much and want more distance, do a slow warm-up like the 200/100/100/200, and then swim a ladder set -- 100, 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100 -- then cool down. I find that sets help with pacing. Too many swimmers seem to start fast and then fade out, struggling by half-way and very tired by T1.
2006-12-21 10:36 AM
in reply to: #629739

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Thanks for the input. So for I have not swam any sets. I typically warm-up by doing a 100 at a slow pace and then 100 at a faster pace to get the HR up. I then stop and stretch for about 2 minutes. After that I will swim continuously without stopping for whatever distance I plan to swim. So 2400 means I swam 2400 without stopping. For the next workout I will try to breakup the distance into sets and see how it feels. I appreciate the feedback. Thanks!

In peace,
2006-12-21 2:44 PM
in reply to: #625451

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Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL

Do any of you use a HRM for training? I have on and have never tried to use it to train until today. I figured out my LT with the help of the Mike Ricci and then calc'd my zones. I tried to do my run in Zone 2 today and it was very very hard. I wrote more about it in my blog if anyone cares to take a look and then make any comments. It just didn't seem like it was right.



2006-12-22 12:34 AM
in reply to: #625451

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Extreme Veteran
Bay Area- California
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
I'm trying to learn how to use my Garmin 305- very techy and I am not! I'm hoping to study the manual while on my trip.

2006-12-22 9:38 AM
in reply to: #631230

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
ginac007 - 2006-12-21 10:34 PM

I'm trying to learn how to use my Garmin 305- very techy and I am not! I'm hoping to study the manual while on my trip.

I have a Garmin 305. I love it, although I use it primarily just to log distances, times, and heartrates (I haven't done courses or workouts). I bought the cadence sensor, but haven't quite gotten that to work correctly. It's great to be able to download the data to PC, etc. I'll be curious how you have yours set up once you do that.
2006-12-22 9:47 AM
in reply to: #630792

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
elheffe99 - 2006-12-21 12:44 PM

Do any of you use a HRM for training? I have on and have never tried to use it to train until today. I figured out my LT with the help of the Mike Ricci and then calc'd my zones. I tried to do my run in Zone 2 today and it was very very hard. I wrote more about it in my blog if anyone cares to take a look and then make any comments. It just didn't seem like it was right.



Hi Jeff. I just read your blog. I've never used that feature on this site. I might need to start doing that. All your talk about massage makes me want to get a massage. Wow, 6 beers and 3 vodka sodas at the game - I'd be passed out for sure! Glad your ipod is working again. I love the maple and brown sugar frosted mini wheats too. Vanilla creme is okay. Strawberry is very artificial. plain is plain too, but the maple and brown sugar is awesome. can't always find it on sale though so I always stock up when i can.

How did you calculate your LT, max, and zone 2? That zone 2 sounds awfully high. Most people complain that their zones seem too low and it's hard for them to stay down in their zone. I think my max zone 2 is something like 143.
2006-12-22 9:55 AM
in reply to: #630346

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
CaptainQuiche - 2006-12-21 8:36 AM


Thanks for the input. So for I have not swam any sets. I typically warm-up by doing a 100 at a slow pace and then 100 at a faster pace to get the HR up. I then stop and stretch for about 2 minutes. After that I will swim continuously without stopping for whatever distance I plan to swim. So 2400 means I swam 2400 without stopping. For the next workout I will try to breakup the distance into sets and see how it feels. I appreciate the feedback. Thanks!

In peace,

This year, I swam pretty much the same way as you did - long distance for my workouts. I told myself that it was the equivalent of building base as in the other disciplines and mentally I wanted to know I could do 1.5 mile swim before I had to do it in one of my tris this year. But from everything I read and hearing from Gail (our resident swim expert - how cool is that?), this doesn't really seem the way to build speed. Plus your form can deteriorate at those distances and you don't want to build your muscle memory to have poor form. I've started to look into Masters programs too and think I'll make that a training goal for the new year.
2006-12-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: #629130

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's Group - FULL
gailg - 2006-12-20 10:14 AM

I put some photos into the album for y'all to see. I also went running (oops), so I decided to start logging a few days early -- it helps me to keep a record for my doctors, and it is kind of motivating.

Looks like most of you are still somewhat balanced in tri-training or prepping for a long run -- is anyone doing a preseason limiter focus? I'm barely swimming and not running, but just focusing on bike and core, on advice of the crackerjack coaching staff at the tri club. In Jan. I will start with a more balanced base routine.

Hi Gail. Great set of photos!

I dropped off my swimming after my last tri (early november) and haven't been swimming since. I focused on running to ramp up for my mary in early dec. I've been trying to maintain my running, maintain my biking. My plan is to ramp these all up in the new year.

Looks like you did a good sized workout at the pool yesterday!
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