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2006-12-31 6:36 AM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Sweet bike Ken...hopefully the weather is ok and you can get out on it for a ride...what a great post xmas gift! I'd like to let you guys know I don't do much on the computer...not sure exactly how to do the training I have to put your names on the friends list? My training logs won't be too fact I'll honestly be embarrased to log the little I do...remember I haven't trained in some time and am starting at ground zero. My motto is progress...not perfection. Also as far as a training program I don't really have one....I just try to go a little harder, a little faster and a little longer each time...with in reason...till I'm able to do more then what a sprint requires. When I was training for my super sprint last year I would do 2 events a day...swim,bike,run,weight some combo and take 1-2 days off per week for rest...and that seemed to work out ok. First however, I feel like I need to get back in the groove of exercising regularly and building up some endurance/distance in the 3 events...mostly in the swim and run. Does that sound ok? My A race is in July so I can surely have plenty of time to train for it. Any suggestions?

You gents seem pretty accepting so one of my New Year's resolutions is to stop putting myself down for being inactive and give myself a little credit for being back in the saddle! Lisa

2006-12-31 8:39 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full


Logging is to bag.  To the right of the days date you want to log for will be "edit today's log".  Click on that and you will get the edit screen.  Drop down the screen until you get to what "event" you may want to edit and click on the distance make your edit, the time make you edit, let BT calculate the pace by clicking on the "calc" button.  The is also a place to log some thoughts from the workout or what you did - looks very similar to the thread positng.

Hey don't get down on yourself.  YOu're off the couch that is better than 90% of the people out there!  I'm proud of you for that.  Remember three yearsa ago i was learning to walk again!

As for a plan it sounds like you have the beginning of one already. (very similar to mine by the way).  Just pen it to paper and you have a motivator!

Happy New Year!

2006-12-31 7:42 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Possible group Chat

Are any of you interested in setting up a weekly? group chat time?  If so what times would work best for you?  I am home almost every evening from 6:30 pm  - 10 pm central time.  The first one on could set up a Hikergerb's Mentor Group Room and we could meet there.  Let me know!

2006-12-31 7:48 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I'm avalible most evenings
Later (9 or so) would work beter for me, by then family stuff and training is done.
2006-12-31 8:30 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

I promised my goals for jan and my training schedule. 

I have attached my training schedule.  I write my own to fit my time schedule and my abilities.  I'll make changes in it for Feb. as  we get closer to then.  I schedule Fri evening as a rest time since i am pretty shot from work.  I take my rest days as my body demands them.  I also can play witht he intensity of the workout depending on where my body is at.

Here is my goals for jan (and they are pretty aggresive considering I've been sick the past week)

Swim - 16500 yds

Bike - 220 miles

run  - 45 miles

core 2.5 hours

Jan 2007 training plan.xls (13KB - 53 downloads)
2007-01-01 5:42 PM
in reply to: #638109

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Sweet ride Ken!!! Congrats!!! Many nights I'm working. I work the 6pm-2am shift in a local ER here in the Seattle area. Not quite sure how the time difference would factor in to the group chat but I will try to make it as often as possibe. Happy NEW YEAR everyone!!! Chris

2007-01-02 9:55 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: Sorry I've been away...

Good morning all!  -  Sorry I have been away.  A few days at the in-laws without internet access.  My logs are all caught up and my goals for the month are:


680 min


54 min


108 min


240 min


60 min

Details attached...  I end my running only portion of my endurance build on 1/14 and start the pre-13 Week Sprint Program.  Should prove interesting to say the least!

As far as a possible chat...  Evenings after 9pm (Eastern) would work best for me. 

Edited by tadyergey 2007-01-02 9:59 AM

Jan-Tad.xls (16KB - 43 downloads)
2007-01-02 10:14 AM
in reply to: #637393

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Lisa9909 - 2006-12-30 5:49 PM also Just do it....anyone else have a favorite expression that keeps them going?

Not really a motto, but I NEVER want to be mistaken for BUDDA again! 


2007-01-02 10:16 AM
in reply to: #637532

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

kdogtoo - 2006-12-30 9:51 PM What a day Found out one of the local bike shops still had an 05 Specialized Transition elite. Now I have a new bike.


The bike might be blue...  But I'm very green with envy!

2007-01-02 7:07 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
After 9:00 pm works for me. Today I did a spinning class..I could certainly see how it is a great workout but didn't like the fact I couldn't tell the distance I pedaled! Also 1 hour aerobic class...I'll sleep good tonight. I hope everyone has their New Year off to a good start! Lisa
2007-01-02 9:25 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full


After 9 what time zone (for chatroom time).  I'm looking at Thursday.  I'll let you all know tomorrow.

2007-01-03 4:38 AM
in reply to: #640102

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I'm not sure what time zone the chat room is in...I'm in Ohio if that helps. My son has Scouts on Thurs. and often times I have to pick him up a little after 9:00 pm ...I'd be MIA for about 15 mins but will try to join in when I can. Lisa
2007-01-03 6:37 AM
in reply to: #640226

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Lisa - What part of Ohio?  I grew up west of Cleveland in the towns of Avon Lake and Amherst.  I went to Ohio Northern University but moved east after graduation and haven't been back...


2007-01-04 6:26 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Northeastern Ohio...I am an OSU grad and can't wait for the game on Monday..GOOOOOOOOOO BUCKS!!! Lisa PS Biked for 30 mins and was in the pool for 30 mins....working on building up some endurance.
2007-01-05 7:25 AM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Lisa, where in NE Ohio are you?  My wife and her family are from Conneaut, up in the NE corner of the state. 
2007-01-05 2:28 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Any idea for a chat time this weekend?  Ken and I met last night.  Hope you're all doing well!

2007-01-05 4:47 PM
in reply to: #643906

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
Sorry I missed everyone last night. I worked, it was my Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Keep at it!! Chris
2007-01-05 7:40 PM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
I'm in Lake County...we've been to Conneaut Lake a couple of times...a cute little amusement park. Steve..I guess I miss understood...I thought you were going to get back to us...oops. Do we do anything special to get in the chat room...never done that before...remember I don't do much with computers. Had an hour weight training class...there are a bunch of people in there 10-15 years older then me that can just crank out those crunches and hold the plank...I have absolutely no abd/back muscle strength!! Progress not perfection. Also ran a mile and swam some laps....I'm plugging was a good know how some are better then others. Lisa
2007-01-05 9:25 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Lisa - no problem on the chat.  It was the first time I used it so i was winging it.  All you do is click on the Beginner Chat link in the upper left coner area of the blog page (below the control panel) and then on the ride side of the screen you'll see a room set up for our group (under Hikergerb if I get there first) click on that and you should be ready to go.

Good job on the workouts today.  There is a guy i swim with who I thought was about 10 years younger than me but turns out to be 5 years older.  He can swim circles around me.  He's helped me learn it is about progress.  Isn't it great when you get one of those swims that feels good!  I kind of miss the pool (closed for the last two weeks).  Of course i don'r miss my sweat smelling like chlorine.

2007-01-08 7:44 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Hey guys!  HOw did your weekend go?

 I think I am starting to get over this crud so I have started to ramp up my training agian.  I had a decent racewalk workout Sat morning and an hour trainer ride in the evening (the my normal speed wasn't there).  Yesterday I had my bike guru fit my bike (few minor adjustmenst since I was having lower back pain) and then we did a 30 min intense Spinerval that was filmed here in MN (Man did i work my butt off on that one).

How about a recap from you guys?

Let's plan on hitting the chatroom at 9 pm (central time) on Thursday.

2007-01-08 9:45 AM
in reply to: #645875

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Hey all...  Sorry I missed Thursday, we had a huge fire in the neighboring town and I spent the better part of the night there.  I have never seen a house with that much fire!  A total loss...

I am starting my last week of pure running.  I start dabbling in all three disciplines Monday the 15th.  I am planning to start the basic 13 week Sprint Tri training plan in April, starting really easy next week with 10 minutes swimming, 20 minutes biking and build on my running with a 30 minute short and increasing my long run to 120 minutes.  I have reacently flirted with the idea of chaning my plan and utilizing the 16 week Olympic tri training plan that would start at the end of March instead.  That gives me almost 3 months to get to ready for that program...  Any thoughts?

2007-01-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Delano, MN
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full
What does your race scedule look like?  Will you start with a sprint firswt and then do an oly?  Are you looking at an Oly for your first race?  I'd probably recommend doing a sprint for a first race just to get the feel of it all.  Race day is ALOT different than training.
2007-01-08 9:37 PM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

My first race is a reverse mini "tune-up-tri" in March.  The 2nd is a mini in June.  My primary race is a sprint in early August.  I'm looking for a Olympic in September, but if I don't find one atleast I have a good base for the Army 10-miler in October and the off-season.  I'll upload my training plan tomorrow for you all to see...

 G'night -


2007-01-09 6:29 AM
in reply to: #629829

Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

My first race was supposed to be a half marathon on Feb 17.  Given my current injury situation I might have to dial that back to a 10k.  Im playing it day by day.

2007-01-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #629829

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: hikergerb's Group - Full

Good morning all...  As promised, here is my planned training regimen.  I've pretty much made up my mind to do it but if I need to alter the times downward, at least I'll still complete my goal of the Sprint!

Anyone have thoughts on a trainer vs. spin class?


tadworkout.xls (47KB - 28 downloads)
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