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2007-01-03 9:28 AM
in reply to: #640107

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I can sympathize.  I got to ring in the new year with a wicked head cold, which I'm still trying to completely shake.

In a rare twist, I actually made a dr.'s appt., AND have not done any training since last Friday......I must be in the Twilight Zone or something..... 

2007-01-03 10:56 AM
in reply to: #640424

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Good idea to lay off the work out until the back is healed.

What Scout did not tell you is that while he had his head cold he decided to go run 6 miles at a sub 7:30 pace. Shame on him....

2007-01-03 12:45 PM
in reply to: #640577

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
MarkQuiet - 2007-01-03 11:56 AM

Good idea to lay off the work out until the back is healed.

What Scout did not tell you is that while he had his head cold he decided to go run 6 miles at a sub 7:30 pace. Shame on him....

Hey, I didn't know colds could run faster than that........
Besides, it seemed like a good idea at the time.   I blame the fever.

2007-01-03 2:53 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
So sorry Scout -- now for a question define the pace 7:30 for me please????
2007-01-03 3:20 PM
in reply to: #629883

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East Greenbush
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I know it says this group is full but is there any chance that I can join anyway? I was reffdered to your group by TC117. I am currently training for a couple of sprints this summer near Albany NY.
2007-01-03 9:04 PM
in reply to: #641002

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Daisy126 - 2007-01-03 2:53 PM So sorry Scout -- now for a question define the pace 7:30 for me please????

Sorry Daisy. Scout is a bit of a rabbit (a term given to runners that usually finish at the front of the pack or FOP). Pace for running is usually given in time per mile. In Sout's case a 7:30 is an average of 7 minutes and 30 seconds per mile. I believe he actually ran a 7:10 (7 minutes 10 seconds) AVERAGE for 6.2 miles, so thus my term sub 7:30 (less then 7 minutes 30 seconds per mile, but more than 7 minutes).

Did that help or did I really confuse you?

2007-01-03 9:07 PM
in reply to: #641071

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

orphious - 2007-01-03 3:20 PM I know it says this group is full but is there any chance that I can join anyway? I was reffdered to your group by TC117. I am currently training for a couple of sprints this summer near Albany NY.

I see that many of the mentor groups are getting full. 5 was just the the "suggested" limit, but we have been told we can squeeze in more if we want to. I have no problem allowing another in the group. Especially if TC117 sent you on over.

2007-01-04 2:15 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks - I understand - WOW - way to go Scout - today I am doing interval sprints, not a true test of time but I am slow and this is supposed to help with speed......I am truly the turtle......have an excellent day!
2007-01-04 6:58 AM
in reply to: #641495

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
MarkQuiet - 2007-01-03 10:04 PM

Daisy126 - 2007-01-03 2:53 PM So sorry Scout -- now for a question define the pace 7:30 for me please????

Sorry Daisy. Scout is a bit of a rabbit (a term given to runners that usually finish at the front of the pack or FOP). Pace for running is usually given in time per mile. In Sout's case a 7:30 is an average of 7 minutes and 30 seconds per mile. I believe he actually ran a 7:10 (7 minutes 10 seconds) AVERAGE for 6.2 miles, so thus my term sub 7:30 (less then 7 minutes 30 seconds per mile, but more than 7 minutes).

Did that help or did I really confuse you?

It was 7:19/mi.  Don't make me greater than I am.  I do that enough as it is.

Daisy, don't worry about the speed.  It comes with time, and proper training.  Probably not the answer most people want to hear....How long have you  been running again? 

2007-01-04 8:25 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Let me see - I started from scratch - (never running before) about 2 months ago.......I am a middle aged beginner - also am 5'2" with really short legs!!!!!! - I am pretty good on the treadmill - outside every step is WORK!!!

I have another question - on the training logs under "inspire me" when you leave a message what is the difference between reply and blog and is there a way you can see my answer on your page or do you have to travel to each one????

I will figure it out! Thank you so much and how much time are we talking about as far as speed???? I have the endurance for 3 miles on the tread and two on the ground - I love intervals but realize that steady runs are important -- I have never raced at anything before but I really want to do this! I am not new to working out but this will be a new challenge!!!
2007-01-04 9:10 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

For the inspire thing. "Blog" will put your responses in the other persons inspire list (with their comment in quotes). The reply is putting a response in your inspire list. Most people use the Blog option when responding, however there are other that just use the Reply. Which ever one you use make sure that you scroll down to the bottom of the quote before typing your message.

As for how long will it take to build up speed. That is entirely up to the individual. I have been a runner for most of my life (except for those 5 or 10 year stints where I practiced being a couch potato). It was only recently that I took up running as serious as I do it now. I am about to complete my second year of serious running and I am barely able to keep up with Scout - if I push myself hard. However, he doesn't bike or swim as much as he should.

Don't do the speed work too much in one week. Quite honestly, I would suggest you just work on your base miles first even BEFORE you really add speed work. The endurance will take longer then the speed - but the speed comes with endurance. At least that is my opinion.

2007-01-04 9:25 AM
in reply to: #641927

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
MarkQuiet - 2007-01-04 10:10 AM

Don't do the speed work too much in one week. Quite honestly, I would suggest you just work on your base miles first even BEFORE you really add speed work. The endurance will take longer then the speed - but the speed comes with endurance. At least that is my opinion.

He got to it first, but that's what I was going to say.

And for the record, I'm eyeing a nice trainer right now......Plus I'm sick.  It's tough to swim when you have snot running out of your nose. 

2007-01-04 10:50 AM
in reply to: #641955

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Scout7 - 2007-01-04 9:25 AM
MarkQuiet - 2007-01-04 10:10 AM

Don't do the speed work too much in one week. Quite honestly, I would suggest you just work on your base miles first even BEFORE you really add speed work. The endurance will take longer then the speed - but the speed comes with endurance. At least that is my opinion.

He got to it first, but that's what I was going to say.

And for the record, I'm eyeing a nice trainer right now......Plus I'm sick.  It's tough to swim when you have snot running out of your nose. 

You didn't swim much when you weren't sick!! And "eyeing a trainer" is like saying that you "almost" ran.  Of course when and if you ever do get a trainer you actually have to USE it to be useful.

2007-01-04 12:09 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
For the inspire thing. "Blog" will put your responses in the other persons inspire list (with their comment in quotes). The reply is putting a response in your inspire list. Most people use the Blog option when responding, however there are other that just use the Reply:

Hmmmm.....why does WD come to mind when I read this....LOL

Glad to see Orphious got into your group Kirk! I will help keep him on track once I return from Disney Marathon. Looks like you have a great group here.
2007-01-04 2:48 PM
in reply to: #642258

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

TC117 - 2007-01-04 12:09 PM For the inspire thing. "Blog" will put your responses in the other persons inspire list (with their comment in quotes). The reply is putting a response in your inspire list. Most people use the Blog option when responding, however there are other that just use the Reply: Hmmmm.....why does WD come to mind when I read this....LOL Glad to see Orphious got into your group Kirk! I will help keep him on track once I return from Disney Marathon. Looks like you have a great group here.

Yeah he does like to stack his own inspires a bit doesn't he. But that's Wilson for you.

You need to get Orphious online a properly introduce himself.

BTW - thanks for stopping by and good luck at the Disney Marathon. I'll be anxiously awaiting your results.

2007-01-04 5:49 PM
in reply to: #629883

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East Greenbush
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Ok here I am!!! I am 34 years old and looking to get into shape and lose some weight. I actually started training for a sprint tri 2 years ago but was interupted by Uncle Sam and a deployment to Iraq. I am out of the Army now and put some weight back on for the year I have been back. I worked out sporatically through out that year and never lost any weight. I then realized that I needed the motivation of some kind of competition to continually work out and decided to go for a Tri again this summer. I started the beginner 20 week free program listed on the site. I have been pretty faithful to my workouts until this past week. I traveled to visit family and when I got back I started at a new job. My hours of work have basically changed from having to work 8:30 - 4:30 to 7 - 3. This means I will probably have to rearrange my work out schedule as getting an early morning work out in is harder now with the earlier hours. My YMCA opens at 5:30 so that leaves 1 1/2 hours to work out, shower and commute to work. I own a treadmill and my bike is on layaway.

My plan is to concentrate more on my running ( I think running is my worst sport) until I get my bike....gonna get a trainer when I pick it up. Since I have a tready, I can pretty much run anytime I want. I know I should be running outside but that is still hard because when I am done with work I have to get my kids (ages 3 and 5) and get supper ready for when my wife gets home. I was thinking of getting my swims done in the evening after the kids go to bed or I think that the other YMCAs pool in opens at 5 am but that still would be pushing it for work. Once I get the bike and the trainer I will be able to pretty much do most of the workouts from home. Now all I need to do is rearrange my schedule and that is where I am having difficulty right now and why I have only 1 run in the week. I have only been 3 days on my new job so it might take a little time to get used to the new schedule and some serious reaaranging of my workout plan.

Swimming by far is my best sport. I think I can pretty much pace at 1:30 per 100 yds easily. If I sprint I can come real close to breaking a minute. As stated earlier running is my worst sport. Lately, I have been feeling fatigued in my ankles going up into my shins while I run. Not sure if its shin splints but it feels more like burning feeling you would get when your muscles get tired from lifting weights. Just have been doing real slow runs and stretching to get it worked out. Im not sure how I will be at the bike. I have never really riden any distance before and definately havnt for any type of work out. The best I have been able to do as far as bike workouts is the exer-bikes at the Y. Now that the times are increasing, I am wondering how in the world am I going to get the time in because they only allow 30 minutes at a time on the machines. That will change in a couple weeks once I get my bike.

I am highly motivated to get into a tri this summer. My wife will kill me if I dont especially since I bought a new bike for it!!! LOL!!! Anyway, I am looking forward to joing this group!!!


oh btw....I am from Troy NY....where is everyone else from????

2007-01-04 7:06 PM
in reply to: #642754

New user

Winston-Salem, NC
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi Tom.
You have a southerner in the group - Tarheel through and through (so glad basketball season is finally here) - oh, that means I live in North Carolina. Swimming is my best of the three as well - so we can work on the running together. Unfortunately, I'm down with the crud this week.

To the group:
Question on biking - until the days get longer, I will likely only be able to get out on my bike on the week-ends. I can ride the stationary bike at the gym during the week. Any advice on how to adapt the time/course to be as comparable to the road as possible?

2007-01-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #629883

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East Greenbush
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi mary. I have just been doing the exer bikes at the ymca for trainig as well but that is getting really difficult as they only allow 30 mins at a time on the machines and my plan is starting to get into biking workouts as long as 58 mins. Not sure if this is the right thing to do but I going to back off the bike for awhile (my bike is on layway) and concentrate more on running until i get my bike. I work until 3 but I have to get my kids then. So i cant ride until my wife gets then its dark. If the weather stays no snow and ice I will probably try to do some riding on the weekends. If not I forsee the the pruchase of a trainer for workouts until its light enough in the evening for rides.

I would be interested in your question as well since I wont be getting my bike for a couple of weeks.

Edited by orphious 2007-01-04 8:03 PM
2007-01-04 8:15 PM
in reply to: #642803

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
If possible, get a trainer for your bike. Riding a stationary bike at the gym is MUCH different from riding your own bike. A trainer is a great investment. Many say a better workout than riding on the road. I have never been able to use a stationary bike and get the feel of my own bike. Nashbar has affordable trainers. The Kurt Kinetic trainer is available from Bikesportmichagin at a very affordable price. Very well made, very stable.
2007-01-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Welcome Oprhius!!!

Edited by Daisy126 2007-01-05 2:34 PM
2007-01-05 11:52 AM
in reply to: #642754

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey orphius, welcome aboard.

2007-01-05 2:39 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
OK, here is an extreme newbie bike did not come with instructions -- how do I know which gear is what? I can tell the easy from the hard but everytime I switch from a really easy to a hard for intervals the chain falls off - is there a trick to it? then I have to stop and put it back on which isn't hard but it is time consuming.
2007-01-05 2:59 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Make sure you don't try to shift through to many gears at the same time. Also some bikes have problems shifting when maximum effort is applied to the pedals (IE. Pressure) and results in the thrown chain. is this happening when you are beginning to climb a hill?

Hope this helps.

2007-01-05 3:00 PM
in reply to: #643936

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I'll give some links related to the gearing question, hopefully they answer it better than I ever could.

2007-01-05 3:04 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Oh yeah,

One other thing.

Maybe your brackets (front & back) are not alligned properly......putting extra stress on the chain and throwing it from the teeth.

If these aren't the cause you may want to take it in for a tuneup and professional service.
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