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2007-01-30 4:18 PM
in reply to: #663877

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
I would really like to see Counselor reply to some of the issues that have been posted! Or does this group not work like that?

2007-01-30 7:38 PM
in reply to: #663877

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
I have picked out (kind of) my first triathlon, either the Cap City Tri in Austin on May 28 or the Women's Danskin Tri on June 10. Most likely the first one, though. I start training tomorrow, following the 16 Week 3x balanced program.

It seems like a lot of people here will actually be competitive, which is awesome. I'm competing against myself to just do the race
2007-01-31 8:51 AM
in reply to: #673489

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, USA
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
quaskye - 2007-01-30 7:38 PM

I start training tomorrow, following the 16 Week 3x balanced program.

It seems like a lot of people here will actually be competitive, which is awesome. I'm competing against myself to just do the race

I am starting the 16-wk 3x (sprint) begginer program as well. Don't know how competitive I'll be, but my goals are the top 50% in a sprint and oly. I'm in the KC area.
2007-01-31 6:33 PM
in reply to: #673874

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
VeganMan - 2007-01-31 8:51 AM

I am starting the 16-wk 3x (sprint) begginer program as well. Don't know how competitive I'll be, but my goals are the top 50% in a sprint and oly. I'm in the KC area.

Are you aiming for a specific time that will most likely put you in the top 50% for the sprint? I have no idea how the range of times breaks down. What is a good time? What is a "back of the pack" time? What is a "you should probably wait until next year" time?
2007-02-01 7:25 AM
in reply to: #673270

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN

RunDanRun - 2007-01-30 4:14 PM I've been looking for a group to join, and if this one is still open, I'd like to become a part of it. I'm a beginner tri guy, but I've been running for years. I tried to break into the sport a few years back, doing some senior swimming at none other than Counselor's "back yard"...that would be Drury University. Unfortunately, time was not on my side and I'm just now getting back to "a dream." : ) Well, I'll share more if there's room for me to join. This sounds like a great group! Dan
Hey Dan - Cool screen name.  I'm run joe run, Joe for short.  I like in Republic and have been working at this tri thing since last summer.

I'm sorry to be an eavesdropper, but as I'm sure you know, today is a snow day and I've got a little time to kill.  It's good to finally see some folks from the Springfield area starting to show up here on BT.

2007-02-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #674761

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN

As far as sprint times, when I came up with the plans (Sprint 3x balanced, and the 13 week sprint), I researched fininshing time for some representative spritn races, here is the range that I found:

For a typical sprint triathlon (~0.5mile swim, 12mile bike, 3mile run), here are some results of the best and worst times from ages 15 to 70:

Swim:  10-35min    Bike:  30-55min    Run: 18-45min  Total: 55-135min

NOTE, these programs that a few of you mentioned that you are using are designed for the make sure you HAVE TRAINED and CAN cross the finishline.

quaskye - 2007-01-31 7:33 PM
VeganMan - 2007-01-31 8:51 AM I am starting the 16-wk 3x (sprint) begginer program as well. Don't know how competitive I'll be, but my goals are the top 50% in a sprint and oly. I'm in the KC area.
Are you aiming for a specific time that will most likely put you in the top 50% for the sprint? I have no idea how the range of times breaks down. What is a good time? What is a "back of the pack" time? What is a "you should probably wait until next year" time?

2007-02-01 8:50 AM
in reply to: #674761

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, USA
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
Hello Missouri,

I'm from the KC area

quaskye - 2007-01-31 6:33 PM
Are you aiming for a specific time that will most likely put you in the top 50% for the sprint? I have no idea how the range of times breaks down. What is a good time? What is a "back of the pack" time? What is a "you should probably wait until next year" time?

I'm going to shoot for 10min/500m swim, 30min/40k bike, 22min/5k run. Don't know if it's do-able but that's my goal. I think that would be a very good finish.

BOP breakdowns range from 13-18'/swim, 35-45'/bike, 30-40m/run = about 1:30 to 1:45 total. These are just estimates, I'm sure the times change as terrain, competition levels increase, and what your strength and weakness might be.

Hope that helps,

2007-02-01 8:54 AM
in reply to: #669675

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN

Funny you asked amyinsyr, 

I did peel everything off after the swim for my first tri.  I hadn't any tri-specific gear.  I used regular swim trunks then used the 'towel wrap around' technique to change in the transition area into something dry for the worked, but do yourself a favor and get a pair of trishorts to wear during the swim at the slip of the towel and...well, you get the idea. 

amyinsr - 2007-01-27 12:01 PM Michael, Thank you, your response was very helpful to me. Although, I still am a bit confused (I know I really need to go watch a tri in action), but where and how do you change from the swim to run? Do you just peal everything off right there? Do you have your sports stuff under the wet suit?

2007-02-02 7:11 AM
in reply to: #663877

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

I was perusing training logs this morning and found that some of you have got a good start logging.  That's great.  I have found that to be very helpful with my training.

Who's got training plans for the weekend? 

Edited by run joe run 2007-02-02 7:11 AM
2007-02-02 10:46 AM
in reply to: #675237

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
Ron - 2007-02-01 8:54 AM

Funny you asked amyinsyr, 

I did peel everything off after the swim for my first tri.  I hadn't any tri-specific gear.  I used regular swim trunks then used the 'towel wrap around' technique to change in the transition area into something dry for the worked, but do yourself a favor and get a pair of trishorts to wear during the swim at the slip of the towel and...well, you get the idea. 

amyinsr - 2007-01-27 12:01 PM Michael, Thank you, your response was very helpful to me. Although, I still am a bit confused (I know I really need to go watch a tri in action), but where and how do you change from the swim to run? Do you just peal everything off right there? Do you have your sports stuff under the wet suit?

I guess then that a tri suit would be my best bet! That would offer me the "support" that I need without weighing me down to much!

2007-02-02 11:47 AM
in reply to: #676868

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
amyinsr - 2007-02-02 10:46 AM
Ron - 2007-02-01 8:54 AM

Funny you asked amyinsyr, 

I did peel everything off after the swim for my first tri.  I hadn't any tri-specific gear.  I used regular swim trunks then used the 'towel wrap around' technique to change in the transition area into something dry for the worked, but do yourself a favor and get a pair of trishorts to wear during the swim at the slip of the towel and...well, you get the idea. 

amyinsr - 2007-01-27 12:01 PM Michael, Thank you, your response was very helpful to me. Although, I still am a bit confused (I know I really need to go watch a tri in action), but where and how do you change from the swim to run? Do you just peal everything off right there? Do you have your sports stuff under the wet suit?

Ron, I guess then that a tri suit would be my best bet! That would offer me the "support" that I need without weighing me down to much! Thanks! Amy
My wife had this same question when she started.  Every so often there is a thread on this topic.  Here's one:

2007-02-02 12:41 PM
in reply to: #676982

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
run joe run - 2007-02-02 11:47 AM

amyinsr - 2007-02-02 10:46 AM
Ron - 2007-02-01 8:54 AM

Funny you asked amyinsyr, 

I did peel everything off after the swim for my first tri.  I hadn't any tri-specific gear.  I used regular swim trunks then used the 'towel wrap around' technique to change in the transition area into something dry for the worked, but do yourself a favor and get a pair of trishorts to wear during the swim at the slip of the towel and...well, you get the idea. 

amyinsr - 2007-01-27 12:01 PM Michael, Thank you, your response was very helpful to me. Although, I still am a bit confused (I know I really need to go watch a tri in action), but where and how do you change from the swim to run? Do you just peal everything off right there? Do you have your sports stuff under the wet suit?

Ron, I guess then that a tri suit would be my best bet! That would offer me the "support" that I need without weighing me down to much! Thanks! Amy
My wife had this same question when she started.  Every so often there is a thread on this topic.  Here's one:

That was great!
2007-02-02 3:29 PM
in reply to: #663877

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Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
I personally don't like tri suits so I wear a pair of tri ski pants and a training costume under my wetsuit. I find that's what works best for me.
2007-02-02 3:53 PM
in reply to: #677456

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
wilde7 - 2007-02-02 3:29 PM

I personally don't like tri suits so I wear a pair of tri ski pants and a training costume under my wetsuit. I find that's what works best for me.

my problem is that a wet suit will not be needed, Northern CA in June for the race...but I do need a sports bra...I guess I could wear one under my swimsuit, but that looks kind of funny, so I am trying to find the "best" combination that will allow for comfort and support.
2007-02-03 11:57 AM
in reply to: #676456

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
run joe run - 2007-02-02 7:11 AM

I was perusing training logs this morning and found that some of you have got a good start logging. That's great. I have found that to be very helpful with my training.

Who's got training plans for the weekend?

I am doing my first medium bike/swim and my first long run day this weekend. The run shouldn't be too hard, since it is still shorter than the last runs I was doing on the couch-to-5k program. But yesterday I tried to go faster and it was pretty awful. I am just slow. Hopefully training will help with that.
2007-02-03 3:41 PM
in reply to: #668406

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN

quaskye - 2007-01-25 7:43 PM Ok, I have a couple questions, 1) my knees hurt. What to do? I did not run for almost a full week last week, should I take more time off? do shorter runs? bike around town less? 2) what is a decent (but slow) time to finish a sprint in?
1.)  I can't really help you with your knees, but if you look at the threads in "Injuries & Health Issues" or post something there your likely to find some info.

2.)  In the two races I've done I established my race goal by using my training times and doing a mock race.  I don't think this is a very good system since I ended up with an overuse injury, but I was pretty close.  I did the distances and added some time for transitions.

Do you have a race picked out?

2007-02-04 9:28 AM
in reply to: #678091

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

I find the same thing... the times are doable but I'm just slow. I find that as long as I complete the time results begin to show. Slowly at the start... so much so that it can be discouraging. I've found if you put the in the times and concern yourself with taking care of your body and that your technique is proper enough to avoid injury and that you're being efficient speed will come. As long as your goal isn't to win your first triathlon you won't be disappointed if you just keep up with the times in your plan. Good luck!

P.S. looking at my own training logs I should definitely follow my own advice! I tend to take weekends off from training as I work double shifts all weekend and I go to the gym/pool at school when I attend class through the week. I will find balance though... if it kills me!
2007-02-04 12:00 PM
in reply to: #678635

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

Meech - 2007-02-04 9:28 AM quaskye, I find the same thing... the times are doable but I'm just slow. I find that as long as I complete the time results begin to show. Slowly at the start... so much so that it can be discouraging. I've found if you put the in the times and concern yourself with taking care of your body and that your technique is proper enough to avoid injury and that you're being efficient speed will come. As long as your goal isn't to win your first triathlon you won't be disappointed if you just keep up with the times in your plan. Good luck! P.S. looking at my own training logs I should definitely follow my own advice! I tend to take weekends off from training as I work double shifts all weekend and I go to the gym/pool at school when I attend class through the week. I will find balance though... if it kills me!
Wise words Meech. 

Don't forget we get stronger when we rest, so not training on the weekends is not necessarily a bad thing.  However, over training and/or training at too high of an intensity is.

2007-02-04 12:39 PM
in reply to: #663877

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

Hey guys I just realized that I haven't introduced myself.  I'm Joe.  HERE is a link to the mentor group I belong to if you want to see my "bio".  

I ran across counselor on another thread and was curious since we are from the same area, so I stopped by this thread to see what was going on.  I lurked around here a little bit and it seemed like you guys weren't getting as much interaction and support as you wanted.  I have had a good...great an unbelievably great experience here on BT and it would be unfortunate if you didn't have a chance to have a good experience too.  If you all would like, I am interested in participating in your group.  Counselor definitely has more experience than I do and we could all learn a lot from him.  I hope he comes back, but if he doesn't maybe I can at least help direct you toward some answers and I have no doubt that I can learn from you as well.  It always seems to work that way.  I just hope you guys have a good experience.

2007-02-04 1:36 PM
in reply to: #678091

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL

Nice job on the first two workouts this weekend.  Looking at your training log, you are making some good, repeatable progress.  Speed will come.  It shouldn't be a focus now.  You want to build up your 'base' first before you can safely work on speed.

quaskye - 2007-02-03 12:57 PM

I am doing my first medium bike/swim and my first long run day this weekend. The run shouldn't be too hard, since it is still shorter than the last runs I was doing on the couch-to-5k program. But yesterday I tried to go faster and it was pretty awful. I am just slow. Hopefully training will help with that.

2007-02-04 11:11 PM
in reply to: #678230

New user

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
run joe run - 2007-02-03 3:41 PM

quaskye - 2007-01-25 7:43 PM Ok, I have a couple questions, 1) my knees hurt. What to do? I did not run for almost a full week last week, should I take more time off? do shorter runs? bike around town less? 2) what is a decent (but slow) time to finish a sprint in?
1.)  I can't really help you with your knees, but if you look at the threads in "Injuries & Health Issues" or post something there your likely to find some info.

2.)  In the two races I've done I established my race goal by using my training times and doing a mock race.  I don't think this is a very good system since I ended up with an overuse injury, but I was pretty close.  I did the distances and added some time for transitions.

Do you have a race picked out?

There were some very helpful articles in the "injuries and health issues" , I have been struggling with some very bad knee pain too, after my last long run I could hardly even walk the next day. I have done a lot of looking into the different pains runner's get on their knees. I am no expert, but it seems that due to lack of certain leg muscles, your kneecap moves to adjust for the lack of muscles in a run. At about a 1000 steps a mile, it adds up. to help me. find which 'ache' fits you, and it should give some good stretching for that. For the moment I am taking it easy and working on weights and stretching and giving the running a rest. also, on the inj. and health links it mentions a knee strap at wal-mart for 7$ that goes under the knee cap to help it stablize, i'm going to give that a try. sorry for the novel, just throwing that out there.

2007-02-04 11:19 PM
in reply to: #678744

Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
run joe run - 2007-02-04 12:39 PM

Hey guys I just realized that I haven't introduced myself.  I'm Joe.  HERE is a link to the mentor group I belong to if you want to see my "bio".  

I ran across counselor on another thread and was curious since we are from the same area, so I stopped by this thread to see what was going on.  I lurked around here a little bit and it seemed like you guys weren't getting as much interaction and support as you wanted.  I have had a good...great an unbelievably great experience here on BT and it would be unfortunate if you didn't have a chance to have a good experience too.  If you all would like, I am interested in participating in your group.  Counselor definitely has more experience than I do and we could all learn a lot from him.  I hope he comes back, but if he doesn't maybe I can at least help direct you toward some answers and I have no doubt that I can learn from you as well.  It always seems to work that way.  I just hope you guys have a good experience.

thanks for your imput, it has been well recieved. At least by me. I am terribly new to any kind of racing event. I thought I wouldnt really need very much support, but am finding that getting questions answered has been a priority. I train hard, and am looking forward to friendships in the support area, so again, thank you.
2007-02-05 9:46 AM
in reply to: #678744

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - FULL
Run Joe Run,

I was curious to know what happened to Counselor too! It seems like you've got some invaluable knowledge and your help and participation with our mentor group is more than welcome! Thanks a ton!
2007-02-05 11:41 AM
in reply to: #678230

New user
Willard/Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
Okay, I'm not a doctor (though I've always wanted to play one on TV ), but in reference to knee pain, a few questions come to mind:

1) How old are your shoes?
2) How many miles do you have on your shoes?
3) What type of surface do you run on for your long runs?
4) Do you stretch after your long runs?
5) Do you stay hydrated?

--old shoes, even if never worn, do break down (cushioning and flexibility)
--too often runners fall in love with the "broken in" feel of their favorite shoes...which only leads to broken down bodies. In other words, perhaps you need a new pair of quality running shoes?
--concrete is a killer...if you can find a crushed gravel trail or even one of those rubberized tracks (local college or high school), you may find some relief...though running in circles for miles on end without changing directions can lead to its own problems. Asphalt/black top is better than concrete as well.
--stretching before running...not too beneficial (if at all). Stretching after warming up a bit...beneficial. Stretching after your warmdown...VERY beneficial.
--hydration is key to sound mind and muscle performance. Improper hydration leads to poor decisions as well as injuries/pain. Don't run you car without oil; don't run yourself without water.

Of course, a little Ibuprofen after a long run can help with pain and reduce swelling (irritation) that could lead to pain.

Some things we experience as runners are injuries that are generated from over use or pushing too far too soon (you have to harden your body to distance, slowly). In my opinion, running is like weight don't start out benching 200 (or whatever) pounds...your muscles and tendons have to be hardened and strengthened to that weight by slowly building to it over time. Same way with running and doing distance. Jump your distances up too quickly (more than 10 percent a week is too quickly) and you risk injury.

Okay, so if none of this helps, I apologize...but maybe somewhere in here there's something someone can use in our group! : )
2007-02-05 12:09 PM
in reply to: #679662

New user
Subject: RE: Counselor's Group - OPEN
RunDanRun - 2007-02-05 11:41 AM

Okay, I'm not a doctor (though I've always wanted to play one on TV ), but in reference to knee pain, a few questions come to mind:

1) How old are your shoes?
2) How many miles do you have on your shoes?
3) What type of surface do you run on for your long runs?
4) Do you stretch after your long runs?
5) Do you stay hydrated?

I am doing all these things right, with the exception of hydration, which could use a little work. After looking at some info on, I think that I'm having the knee-cap not following quite the right path problem. Right now, I'm not having knee PAIN exactly, more like knee weirdness. I am going to try adding the quadricep exercises to my routine. Hopefully since they are just body weight exercises, they won't make my quads bigger, just stronger.

Thanks everyone for the help.
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