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2007-12-18 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1107429

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Cheri,  I just got my HRM and for now all I am doing is keeping an eye on my heart rate while I exercise or even while I am dealing with the kids.  They like to see how high they can get it by getting me angry...nice kids huh?  No, seriously,  I did get angry with them the other day when I was wearing my HRM and it did go up, now it is our joke.  I am still trying to figure out how to use it with  my training and the ranges, etc.  I have not done the lactate threshold test because honestly that scares the $^%&^&* out of me. I can barely jog at 4 mph, the thought of running full out to assess my heart rate would probably cause an asthma attack.  I use it right now to make sure I am not pushing too hard and if it does get too high that I need to ease off a bit.  The funny thing is that I notice my hr does go higher on the bike than on the treadmill even when I run whereas I thought it would be the opposite.



2007-12-18 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!

I am having a hard time getting motivated this week to get to the Y.  I have an open day today and had thought I would go do the weights, ride the bike and maybe try running again but right now all I want to do is sit at home and be a couch potato.  My concern is that the next few days are going to be very busy for me and I am afraid I might not make it to the Y at all.

My hips are feeling better but I am also afraid that I might aggravate them again if I push too much.  Maybe I will just make sure to do some core work and yoga again today at home.

It is SOOO cold out there that I don't want to leave the house again.  I can also do some cleaning.  The house sure needs it.

2007-12-18 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Hi there Christine!  I hope I'm typing fast enough to get in on the 2 more spots.  I'm 41, work full time, mother of 2 (5 and 7), and looking to do my first triathlon(s) this spring/summer.  I live in Calgary, Canada - a bit far away from you - but I think our lives are similar enough.  I love a challenge, as well!

I got bit by the triathlon bug this summer - I've run for many years but my swimming and biking need work.  I have lost a little motivation in the past couple of weeks and could definitely use a little push from others.  My training log is currently on 'private' but if I am in this group, I'll make it available.


2007-12-18 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Tracy - Welcome, you're IN!

I have rice boiling over on the stove right now, so I'll be back later with HRM ideas and some swim thoughts for you all!


Ok, back and editing the post. 

Somewhat unfortunately, I don't train with an HRM.  BUT, I do train with folks who do!  Once you get your Zones established, I think they're really helpful in providing feedback during your workout, and for tracking your progress as you Tri.   My friend Kathy uses it for biking mostly, so she can gauge her cardio efforts when we do hills.  She also uses it for longer running distances or interval workouts - for distance, she makes sure she stays in a zone that she can maintain for a good long period of time, and for interval workouts, for getting into the higher zones for the right amount of time (as given in her workout).

I think Sally Edwards' book has a lot of information on using HRM for training, and I know these boards do as well.  If you use the "search" feature, you can target the Tri Talk forum and search for HRM training information.  Just make sure you select a time interval for the posts (say 6 monts or a year) because I always forget to click that and get no search results... well duh,  I only searched the last day of posts!

As for Motivation (with a Capital M!) - this time of year is really difficult.  It always has been for me, I have S.A.D. and have since I was a teen.  Long dark days do nothing for my training efforts!  (Tracy, how do you fare with that in Calgary??)  And with the insanity and schedule changes during the holidays - well, it's a recipe for Yellow Boxes on your training log!!

So it's almost Wednesday.  I challenge each of us to get in 4 workouts of at least 30 minutes each between NOW and Saturday.  If you report minutes to me either here or via PM, I will tally minutes and send the winner a "treat" in the mail on Monday.  But you gotta beat MY minutes! Who's in?  

Edited by maxpixie 2007-12-18 7:19 PM
2007-12-18 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1108570

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!
maxpixie - 2007-12-18 5:41 PM

So it's almost Wednesday.  I challenge each of us to get in 4 workouts of at least 30 minutes each between NOW and Saturday.  If you report minutes to me either here or via PM, I will tally minutes and send the winner a "treat" in the mail on Monday.  But you gotta beat MY minutes! Who's in?  

Never let it be said that I won't take on a challenge. I'm in! No promises with my crazy work schedule this week, and we're leaving for Atlanta on Saturday morning. But if two workouts in one day is legal, I had already planned on doing 4...

2007-12-19 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!
I just completed my first workout since "NOW".  I ran my normal 4 mile route this morning in 35:41.  So that's one down.

2007-12-19 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1109162

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!

Count me in on the challenge!  Thanks for the motivation.

 Hurray, Cheri!  Way to go! 

This morning, after I drop the boys at school,  I am headed to the Y for a planned 1300 yd swim so it will probably take me about an hour.  I hope it will stretch out my hips a bit.  If I have time, I might get on the treadmill and try a little running (or brisk walking) too.    I will do some yoga this afternoon too.  It definitely helped on Monday. 

Anyone ever tried deep-water running?  I have read about it and watched some videos on it. Looks like it might  be fun but a little challenging to get the swing of it.

2007-12-19 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!

Woo, Cheri, you're FAST! Nice work. 

Glad you're in too, Randi!

I got in a 1500 yd swim this morning in 34 min.  I have a list of things a mile long to do when I get off work today, and on that list is a 40+ min trainer ride.  Tomorrow is a 4 mile treddie run + core, and Friday will be more fish-time.  Saturday, I'm undecided.  Maybe spin class??

Just so you all know what you're up against

2007-12-19 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1108570

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - 2 More Spots, Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Good to be IN and I can see the motivation will be very good for me!  I am in for the 4 day challenge; I hope you will count Tuesday's workout, which I did before I signed up for this group!  I was thinking about skipping my swim today and heading out to the malls at lunch,  but now I will go to the Y.  My workouts over the next few days won't be earth-shattering:  I probably will only find the time for 30 minutes a day.

Re: S.A.D. - I am definitely affected by the lack of sunlight, as is my husband.  Sunset right now is around 4:30 pm!  Luckily Calgary is a fairly sunny place during the day.  My family is less active at this time of year (especially in the evenings) than in the summer.  Good news is the kids go to bed earlier!  I'm just hanging on until the shortest day of the year (tomorrow or Friday?) and then I know things will get better!  My husband & I bought something called a Litebook which my sister-in-law swears by.  Having that light on for 15 minutes a day shining just off to the side while you read the paper or work does seem to make a difference for us.

Have a great day everyone!  I am off to un-privatize my training logs.


2007-12-19 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1109184

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!

Randi, I've done some water-running, when injured and also back when I was pregnant.  It is a nice alternative to running.  Some people do find it boring but I enjoyed it.  I even took a class once.  The instructor mixed things up by throwing in some breaststroke arms and scissor legs, among other things (it was a while ago).  Most people wear those float belts which are usually available at most pools.  Our YMCAs (and it sounds like your pools as well) devote a lane to water running.



2007-12-19 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!

Back from the pool.  Swam 1800yds in 61 minutes.  I feel great.  I did not make it onto the treadmill this morning,  barely made it home in time to shower and dress before taking my MIL to her dr appointment. 

I have some  baking and cleaning to do today and a Boy Scout christmas party this evening so probably not much more exercising today unless you want to count my million trips up and down the stairs to do laundry, put it away and get the cleaning stuff and then putting it away (hehe).  I really could use some stretching and yoga today, will have to find some time for that.

Tomorrow will be the bike, treadmill, some core and weights.  Friday will be back to the pool before the class parties start at school.  Looks like I will have to definitely plan to hit the gym on Saturday or Sunday just to keep up with Christine!

Thanks for the info Tracy.  I did read that some people thought it was boring but it might be a good alternative when my hips are bothering me.

2007-12-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1108570

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - Challenge

Wednesday's workout:  32 minutes in the pool, about 42 lengths or 1050 m

I'm trying to connect with an instructor for a few classes in the new year.  I feel like I could breast stroke forever; front crawl needs work...



2007-12-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1104971


Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - Open!!
My name is Karen. Planning on getting serious about training once the holidays are over, way too much to do now. Continuing my regular workouts which include weight training and stationary biking - about 60 miles a week. Is it possible to train for a sprint by only swimming once a week, if I start in January, and the race is in June? I've got limited access to a pool, that's the problem. Opinions?
2007-12-19 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1110827

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - Open!!

kkzimm - 2007-12-19 7:41 PM Is it possible to train for a sprint by only swimming once a week, if I start in January, and the race is in June? I've got limited access to a pool, that's the problem. Opinions?

Hi Karen,

I'm not the expert or mentor here, but I did do a couple of sprints last year.  In those races, swimming was such a small part of the total time spent racing (5 minutes out of 59 and 11 minutes out of 68).  The only training I did was in my backyard pool, so it was a lot of back and forth and back and forth.  And I had a plate put in to heal my collarbone (that wouldn't heal -- that's another story!) in April and raced in June, could only swim breaststroke, yet still managed to do well.  So I guess my opinion is that you'll do fine with swimming once a week!

2007-12-20 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!
35:20 for my 4 mile run this morning.  That's it for today, though.  I've got a full day at work then we're meeting friends tonight for a Christmas celebration.  I'll probably damage all of the healthy stuff I've accomplished this week!
2007-12-20 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!
Hi I'm Michele...

I would love to fill out this group. I am 37 and have been wanting to Tri for several years.... My only Tri experience was on a team...I did the swim then let my coworkers do the run and bike. Anyway I have a darling 3 year old son and after 3 years thought it was time to lose the "baby" weight. In August I joined WW and have lost 30 lbs (11.4 to go) I have been pretty regular going to the gym but want to challenge, motivate myself to the end.

I work at a local community college (Political Science Professor) that sponsers a sprint triathalon each year....I also want my first race to be the Danskin race in Austin (June).... I currently live in Houston.

I love to neutral on the bike and ughhhhh I am not a runner..... but hopefully I can survive 3 miles.

anyway looking forward to meeting working with the group.


2007-12-20 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!

Michele, welcome!!  You're in, and I'm going to close us up like a happy clam

I'm excited to hear you're going to be a Danskin Newbie too - such a wonderful way to get into Tris, it really is   Just make sure you sign up early, they are selling out SO fast these days!

Karen   Good to know your name!  How long is the swim in the tri you've signed up for?   If you're comfortable with the distance already, or are at least halfway there now, swimming one day a week to train shouldn't be a problem. Is it a pool swim or an open water swim?  If it's an OWS, I strongly recommend doing at least one OWS in addition to your pool training before the event.  (That goes for ALL of you! )  Siting is really important (and it's an art, really) in an OWS, and you don't want to try it the first time during the race.  You'll have enough to get used to with a "mass start," which is affectionately known as The Washing Machine for good reason

Oh dear, I'm being lapped in the Challenge already!  I had to skip the gym this morning in favor of putting in TWO new brake lights this morning, because I discovered last night (at 9pm) that I went from one out to BOTH out!  I thought it would be safer to sleep in and fix it in the daylight, rather than try to drive to the gym at 5:30 am, in the dark, with other drivers who hadn't had a full cup of coffee yet and me with NO brake lights....

2007-12-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
YAY I'm In....

Ok now a little confused about where I should start... I am not sure which training plan to pick...

All around 22 week plan ...which seems perfect as I have about 23 weeks before the Danskin Race. BUT...I think the first month is too easy

Right now I train 5-6 days a week, about 1 hour a session. But up to now since my main goal since August was getting off the couch and weight loss... I have been doing elliptical training, weights, aerobic classes etc.... Now I want to transition into workouts for the tri. I looked at the balanced 3X 20 week plan and I think that is best...but did I mention I hate (well not hate just feel like I am going to die) running. Not sure if I can meet the "prereq" on the running.

Also... when it says swim 12 and bike 20 does that mean together or split morning/evening.

And finally when should I add the strength trainning.

Sorry to be high maintenace from the get go...but want to start the new year off with a plan I can follow...


2007-12-20 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Yeah,  did 60 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the stationary bike and 23 minutes stretching- mostly my hips since they are still a bit sore but not painful anymore.

Welcome Michele.  Congrats on your weight loss and it seems you are getting into tris for the same reason I did.  I have been on WW for almost 3 years and got into exercising 2 years ago.  I am hooked but was looking for another motivator to keep exercising.  The training is definitely working.  My first triathlon is a sprint in July so I have lots of time and am even looking to see if there is anything I can register for before that.   I have not lost any of the last 30 lbs I have to lose but things are toning up and I feel great. 

I am doing the couch to sprint training plan and while it did seem to start easy, I went with it and even added extra time to the bike mostly. The plan I am following builds in the strength training into the plan.  I did sign up for the gold membership so I can even move things around on my training plan to fit my schedule.   It is better to start slower and add to it than go full out from the start.  I was not a runner at all when I started but am gradually building up.  When I first started,  I could not run for a minute,  now, on certain days, I can run for 10 or more minutes.  I started walking briskly for 8 minutes then running as long as I could and then walking another 8.  I would push myself a little bit more each week (not day) to run a little longer and tada, here I am.  I have had days that I actually ran for 30 minutes straight. I am definitely not fast nor I think graceful but it is working.  I am hoping that once the holidays are over I can actually lose some of the weight that just won't go away.  I know that will make me faster.

As for the times on the plan,  you can do it either during the same session or split over the day.  It is just that you need to do it on the same day.


Edited by Fechter99 2007-12-20 10:44 AM
2007-12-20 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Michele,  one thing I am struggling with right now is the nutritional needs for training vs the WW.  I found I was not eating enough to keep my body healthy through the training but also the balance to lose weight...needless to say it has been difficult.  I am ok to just be maintaining right now but would be thrilled to even lose another 10lbs. 

I am taking some time off from my WW meetings but that is a long story in itself -it is mostly on my log if you want to know more. 


2007-12-20 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1111419

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!
maxpixie - 2007-12-20 9:36 AM

 If it's an OWS, I strongly recommend doing at least one OWS in addition to your pool training before the event.  (That goes for ALL of you! )  Siting is really important (and it's an art, really) in an OWS, and you don't want to try it the first time during the race.  You'll have enough to get used to with a "mass start," which is affectionately known as The Washing Machine for good reason

How do you practice sighting in a pool?  Also,  Christine,  do you do the Thursday OWS through CGI?  I will have to wait until late spring to do that until the water warms up because I don't have a wet suit nor do I really plan to purchase one which I think also limits what I will be able sign up to do prior to the NJ State in July because of water temps.  Any suggested events to look at for mid-spring that might work for me or do you think I should just focus on the NJ State since it will be my first triathlon? 

2007-12-20 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1110174

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - Challenge

34 minutes swimming today - pretty much the same workout as yesterday but with an extra couple of laps.  Today's workout was in a saltwater pool (different YMCA than usual) and I much preferred it.

You are all having much longer workouts than me - I'm envious!  But keep up the good work.

Now I'm off to wrap presents and get ready for the kids' Xmas concert tonight.

Welcome Michele!

Tracy in Calgary 


Edited by tracyhmcd 2007-12-20 1:32 PM
2007-12-21 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1111960

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - Challenge

52:29 for 5.74 miles today.  And I'm biking this afternoon.

Today is Christmas for us.  My husband is an airline pilot and is leaving on a trip on Sunday.  So my Mom is coming over tonight and we'll have dinner and open gifts.  I've asked Santa for a Garmin Forerunner -- keep your fingers crossed for me.  And what is Santa going to bring you guys?

2007-12-21 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1111549

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - One Hot Spot Left! Who's the Lucky Taker?!
Fechter99 - 2007-12-20 10:38 AM

How do you practice sighting in a pool? 

Funny you should ask this -- there is an article on this site about just that.  He simply says "I learned in this race that in order to finish the swim, you have to know where you are going. And in order to know where you are going, you have to learn to sight. This was a concept that honestly, I hadn’t even thought about in all of my swim training. So take my mistake and run with it. When swimming in the pool, especially when you are tired and struggling (because that is how you will be come race day), practice looking up every so often to see where you are going. You might even swim with your eyes closed except when sighting because in many cases in open water, you won’t be able to see two inches in front of your face! Don’t be like me! Learn to sight and make your first tri experience a lot easier on yourself!"


2007-12-21 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I did read that article you mentioned on BT but did not feel like it really told me how to learn to sight.   In the pool, is it just knowing where you are in relation to the lane marker, side of the pool, end of the pool?  I guess I am doing that but maybe I should practice swimming in the open lanes without the markers to see if I can keep straight without the lane marker keeping in line.  I have tried swimming with my eyes closed but find that I forget to open them when I breathe so I don't think that will help me sight where I am. 

Bottom line I guess is that I have to just make sure to get some ows time before July.

Training for me today was 43 minutes in the pool (1400yds) and 30 minutes on the treadmill (ran 22, walked 8 altogether)  I am very pleased with both. 

Cheri - hope you get your forerunner!  Enjoy your christmas celebration this evening.


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