BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2007-12-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1090299

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Hamden, CT
Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group open
My Background: I ran the Mystic Sprint Tri and the Columbus Marathon last year. I’m a strong runner and a decent biker, but like a lot of people I could improve my swim. I was in the Marine Corp for 5 years and so I have a good running background and I currently work in Law Enforcement, so I try and stay in shape.

2008 Goals: I am traveling to Ohio to run the Cincinnati “One World” Oly. I’ll be competing against a good friend of mine and I don’t intend to lose, so training this year is a priority. I also plan to run a couple of other sprint distance races this year.

Current Training: I lift for most of the winter, I’ll start training again in January or February. I’m working on my training plan now, I have to have a plan or I’m screwed. I’ll use the training log here to record my progress when my training starts for real.

Biggest Challenge: Like others, finding time in the day can be difficult. I like to be out, but work has a way of intruding into my free time.

Other stuff: I’m a 29 year old male with a live in girlfriend and her cat.

2007-12-27 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1119144

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group open
Grimmco - 2007-12-27 5:35 PM
I’m a strong runner and a decent biker, but like a lot of people I could improve my swim.

Boy, have you come to the right place.

Pat is a great swimmer.....

Which is why I'm spying lurking here in your group. I wanted to see if he'd discussed swimming yet.

Since he hasn't, I'll probably spy lurk again later.

Whoops. Just realized that I've revealed my spying lurking status.

(Hi guys!)

2007-12-27 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
OK gal's and guys.

looks like we are set for a group.

the goals of this training group look to be centered around the OLY distance.

so we will work on getting to those distances..

I would like us to focus on doing one good work out for the week at a good distqance.

we will fallow the 10% rule for the most part..

some of us are better then others so in those aspects we will see those who are better going a little longer there.

we will talk about food and other stuff also..

once again LOG LOG LOG and subcribe to this thread.
2007-12-27 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1090299

New user

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
I know it just closed on me, but I've been running calls all afternoon and couldn't get a reply out fast enough. Can you take an overweight 5'11.5, 240 lb firefighter/paramedic in your group? I am going from almost zero to a half IM in October. I used to train hard and stopped 3 years ago. Resolution: hIM by end of year. PLEASE!!!!!!

2007-12-27 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1090299

New user

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
That usfpyro guy was a STRONG swimmer and cyclist back in the day. He just needs some motivation to get through the 13.2 miles on his feet.

2007-12-27 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
OK do post up more about your self...

2007-12-27 5:34 PM
in reply to: #1090299

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
I have a swimming question for the group. I have lots of endurance, but struggled with getting faster this past year, so have decided to focus on technique this winter. I've thought about joining a masters group, but my tri club coach recommended total immersion. Does anyone have any experience with that teaching technique? Can you learn it from the book, or is it better to take a workshop? Thanks


Edited by swgraham 2007-12-27 5:38 PM
2007-12-27 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1119279

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
while I have heard very good things about it i have never done it. if your a good learner I would say the book/dvd you work as i'm pretty sure it's mostly drills and stuff.

then again if you a little slow.. then i'd go for the full blown leasson...

if you have time check out..

he also does a chat once a month on here
2007-12-27 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1119304

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Here ya go. Copy and paste it. (I didn't make it pink or sparkly, either! LOL)

Bajapat's Mentor group

JenO Trigirl

2007-12-27 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1119317

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
And if copy/paste of the graphic didn't work for you.... Copy and paste the code below:

<table border="2" bgcolor="#FFFF66">
<tr><td align="center">
<b>Bajapat's Mentor group</b>
<a href="">Bajapat</a>
<hr><a href="">JenO Trigirl</a>
<a href="">asilrg</a>
<a href="">swgraham</a>
<a href="">allezmamma</a>
<a href="">Guerita</a>
<a href="">Grimmco</a>
<a href="">usfpyro</a>

2007-12-27 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Love the color......

thank's dee...

ok everyone else put this in your goals..

2007-12-27 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1090299

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
i'm confused -- where do we cut & paste the group thread??

also, I got a Polar RS400 heart rate monitor -- I am going to need LOTS of help figuring it out -- it looks a little overwhelming!
2007-12-27 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
On the topic of swimming - does anybody recommend any specific strength training exercises to do to help in my swimming? After my first tri, the only thing that hurt was my felt like I did a zillion flys?

2007-12-27 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1119368

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
asilrg - 2007-12-27 7:28 PM

i'm confused -- where do we cut & paste the group thread??

also, I got a Polar RS400 heart rate monitor -- I am going to need LOTS of help figuring it out -- it looks a little overwhelming!

on your training log .. there is a place for you to modifiy your goals.. cut and paste it in there..

it the first icon under quick links right next to the calender

then click on goals then paste it in to there..

2007-12-27 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1119368

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
asilrg - 2007-12-27 7:28 PM
i'm confused -- where do we cut & paste the group thread??

At the top left of the BT window, click "Control Panel."

Click "Edit your training settings."

Click "Goals."

Paste it in there.

Scroll down to the bottom and click "Apply."

2007-12-27 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1090299

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Dee Im amazed the table doesnt include glitter!

2007-12-27 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1119438

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
kaqphin - 2007-12-27 8:05 PM

Dee Im amazed the table doesnt include glitter!

Heh. Pat said it could. He has a daughter. He can take it - even if it's pink.

Probably because of that, I opted for yellow.

(Would have gone with red, but it's hard to read.)

2007-12-27 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1090299

New user

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Enough about pretty colors. Sorry, I needed the floor.

Hello Everyone,

I can't really tell you who I work for, but I do some really cool things that are not advertised in the news. The new guys are really starting to show this old timer up though. I trained really hard for tri's (but never competed) up until 3 years ago. That was when I got smart, married, went back to grad school, had a baby girl (I am still showing), took over a farm, etc. Not so smart, essentially, I stopped training and every pound the mom gained, so did I. So I have been meaning for 6 months to get back on the horse. My New Years Resolution: Complete a 1/2 Ironman by the end of the year. Really this is a two year goal. If I can complete this year my real goal is an Ironman next fall.

Prior Races: None

Prior Training: Lots, back in the day

Life goals: Boston Marathon
Ironman Tri (Hawaii)
Hike the entire App Trail (continuous)

Age: Almost 30

Time: To get started

2008 Races: March-Sprint to learn the race process
October- hIM

Lets do this!

2007-12-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1117496

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group open

how did you like TNT? I'm doing the Mooseman tri with them this year - the first meeting is in a few weeks. Did you do most of the group practices? How challenging were the drills?

I'm also doing the NYC tri this year too!

2007-12-28 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Hi Lisa,

I really enjoyed my TNT experience as I have found as long as I have a group and a schedule, I will definitely follow-it! I think it is good for the beginner triathlete. At least my coaches didn’t get too much into which heart rate zone to be working in (for cycling a lot of the times the schedule would say – 10 mins going at 90 cadence, etc). I did go to most of the practices – esp the swimming, as I really needed that. Plus, at the time I didn’t care much for running so there was no way I would run by myself! (Times have definitely changed for me in that regard!) They also had nutrition, injury prevention talks, gear clinic, etc. We had a few open water clinics at Coney Island. In my mind the drills were not very challenging. The coaches were all tri coaches from the local NYC tri community as well.

So you get to swim in the beautiful Hudson too? Be prepared for the “Hudson moustache.” Yuck!

2007-12-31 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1090299

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Happy Last Day of 2007!

I'm trying to get everything set up here, but I'm not sure how to "subscribe" to this thread, can you help? Also, I can't cut and paste the pretty box with everyone's names, I just get the list..but I guess that works.

Everyone have a safe celebration and lets get 2008 started out on the right foot....or wheel or stroke!

2007-12-31 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1119370

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED

Hey Cheryl,

I have been told that hammer curls (bicep) and straight-arm pulldowns (like lat pulldowns but you are standing up and bent over) are helpful for swim.  I have tried to integrate them into my weights workout.  I have found that the straight arm pulldowns are tough!

Good luck.. Jen

2007-12-31 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1090299

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Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED

By the way...  what is the 'Hudson moustache'?  Eew!!  I have swam in the lovely Schulykill river which is the main river through Philadelphia for a triathlon .... the idea of it freaked me out a little but it actually ended up being not so bad.    I grew up in the NYC suburbs and the idea of swimming in the Hudson gives me the same shudder! 

Sorry I havent been too active on this thread - but welcome to everyone!!  We are all going to rock it in 2008!!

Dee, thanks for posting the list of members.  I have it in my blog now. Laughing

2007-12-31 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Hi Dee,

The Hudson moustache - the sludgy brown stuff that is crusted on you after swimming in the Hudson. My colleague did a sprint tri in that river in Philly - he said it was just as nasty as the Hudson. I just recall kicking the ground/bottom of the water in the Hudson about 200 meters left and it was the nastiest thing I ever felt in my life. I think I sprinted those last 200 meters!

Regarding the straight arm pulldowns, is it where you stand up, grab the bar and keep arms straight and bring the bar towards you (sort of on an angle) while not bending your arms? (Not understanding the bent over part?)

Happy Holidays to all!

2007-12-31 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1090299

Subject: RE: Bajapat's Mentor group CLOSED
Ok the E-mail is right under the reply clicker.. it says toggle E-mail..

you see the LONG list of HTML code that is what you should copy...

now for swimming.. Let me consult the book...
suggested wieght exersizes for swimming

Inclined bench press

upright rows

Lat pull downs


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