BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME Rss Feed  
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2007-12-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

ok now we are an official group, 3 boys and 3 girls plus me   One of the most motivating things I have found on this site is to inspire your "friends"...they in turn will inspire you.  Just knowing someone is watching can really make a difference.  Really. 

I'm sure you all know about these: the stick and trigger point products.  Just thought I'd mention them, as they were both of great assistance to me last year.  I keep them both by my bedside and use as needed   Now is the time to work out the kinks and address the trouble areas / weaknesses you may have.  Great time to do strength training, IMHO.  Also a great time to put together your race schedule.  You don't have to stick like glue to it, but definitely pick at least one "A" race and keep that.  Also a good time for goal writing.   What do you want to accomplish this year in your season.  I'm working on my goals, hoping to have them by Jan. 1.  It's probably a good time to back away from the chocolate , too, but I guess that's what next year is for

 ONe other thought..if you are going longer, say an oly or more, start thinking about your race nutrition and hydration strategy and practice this with every longer workout.   It can make or break a race.  I have learned this the hard way.


2007-12-27 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Lonestar is a festival so you might want to look at either the sprint if your not comfortable with the Oly by then or they may even have a Du.  I can't remember off the top of my head. Another option with your Tri club is if you could get a couple more people together and do a relay.  I would at least give you some early season experience and I just want to meet you.  

If you have flats and wind where you are II don't know that I would recommend going all the way to BFE to experience it in Lubbock for the B&S.  It is one UGLY drive.  There is one part of the HIM that is hilly but it's doable.  The worst is transition.  To get out you have one of the toughest grades within 50 yards of transition but I'm sure you can practice that.  I have lots of hills near me if you ever want to come this way for a weekend.

2007-12-27 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Don't know if any of you have seen it but if not, try to get ahold of the Running On The Sun DVD. It covers the Badwater 135-mile ultra through Death Valley....just an amazing and excruciating adventure for those who do it. You'll truly be inspired to go out and do your own magnificent things!
2007-12-27 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hi Suzanne....just wait until you schedule that first Sprint!! I think everyone's a newcomer to some extent because everyone's pushing themselves to their first time at a new distance or with a new goal.....I did a couple Sprint Tri's in the summer of '05 and was just looking back at my split times in the swim, bike, and run.....NOT pretty!! My bike was actually good in both, but my swim times were just horrifying, and you'd think I'd been running through the La Brea tarpits by the look of my run times. So for me, this is still all new!! I refuse to have those 2005 times constitute my 'beginning' in the sport! THIS is my true beginning because this time I'm FEELING it! Last time I was just scared (of drowning, mainly)!

I've always heard it's beneficial, motivationally, to go ahead and pick a target event (Sprint Distance for the first time) maybe 3-4 months out and then register!! Mimi probably has much better advice and timeframe in this regard, but I know that, for me, actually signing up for my first event(s) made a huge difference in how I approached the whole thing. And when those are done, register again for something new!! After I did my first two, I didn't do anything more....we came back to Korea and I just let it all go depsite the fact that Korea is loaded with tri's of all shapes and sizes.....whatever you do, just keep plugging and don't ever let yourself give up on yourself!
2007-12-27 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hey Steve!

Yeah, I've got a scale made by Taylor that measures BF% as well as % water and some other puzzling statistics. I, too, allow myself to go around in a state of perpetual dehydration. I know this sounds weird , but I hate the 'taste' of water!! It's so hard for me to get up in the morning and gag on a glass of water, but I'm forcing myself to do it! I tried Crystal Lite but then noticed it's also full of aspartame and that stuff is basically toxic. In Korea, homes are heated through the floor and this makes the air incredibly dry, so I do need to stay on this situation and make sure I get that % H2O elevated.

2007-12-27 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
CRT and John, just wanted to say 'hi'! I look forward to getting to know you guys in the weeks and months ahead!


2007-12-27 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1118197

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: PT Update
tri-chic - 2007-12-27 11:49 PM

Remember...NO SODA's Today!!!

Have a good one.


I'm sodaless for two days running. I almost blew it at lunch yesterday (at a restaurant with a couple of my wife's running friends) but restrained myself just enough to order time I hope to show enough retsraint to just drink water

As CRAZY as it may seem, I've slept really well the last two nights, what with ZERO caffeine floating around in my veins. Go figure. I've also let go of some stress I had with an organization I founded and had been running for the past year (to the neglect of my family). I have been able to turn this operation over to two partners and step back...really quite a relief.

Also -- don't know if you have anyone you can ask locally, but Oriental Medicine is absolutely amazing. I shredded my right hamstring a few years ago doing martial arts. The entire back of my leg turned purple and blood was pooled up in the bottom of my foot. It was really gross. I hobbled off to the neighborhood Korean OMD and they did some amazing things to that leg and I was back in action WAY faster than western medicine had told me was possible.

Edited by Krakatoa 2007-12-27 4:20 PM
2007-12-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Coach Mimi,

In your honest assessment, do you think late April might be too early to do reasonably well in an Olympic distance event? Based on where I am right NOW, I think I'd be fine on the bike, could stagger through the run....but am really worried about the swim. I'm going to the gym today to sign up so I can get started with swimming (again - this will be the third time I've STARTED to become a swimmer)......that Oly distance swim looks a bit intimidating, but then again it's four months out......

What do you think?


2007-12-27 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hello everyone.
Suzanne, I agree with Bob pick a sprint tri and just go out there and do it. I didn't even know how to swim when I signed up for my first race. Knowing that I had a few months to get ready really motivated me to get in the pool! Plus with your first race you will always have a PR! We can help you get ready for the race. I have the best pictures of me getting out of the water after my first tri. Mainly because I was so happy to be out of the water and on my beloved bike!

Tri-chic- After my run today I'm wondering if the Lonestar aqua bike would be a better option instead of a sprint. My foot was fine when I ran 2 miles. Now it hurts again. Can you switch over to the aqua bike? Are you able to swim and bike? That might also be an option for you. I don't know if I can pull off that distance swimming by the end of March or not. If I don't race I'll plan on meeting you up there. I could always volunteer at the race. Last year the weather from what i remember was horrible.

Mimir-I have the stick but have wondered about the trigger point products. The foam roller is also a great product. Thanks for the inspiration to plan my goals by the 1st.
2007-12-27 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1119125

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hi all,

I am signed up for my first tri - a sprint distance tri on March 16 here in Tucson. As long as I don't get another shin splint I should be ok on the run. My big challenge has been finding time to train in the other two sports. You'd think that living in warm Tucson, that wouldn't be a problem, but since I work as a teacher and have the 2 girls (plus a husband who works really crazy hours), getting the swimming and biking in have been difficult.

Two questions:

#1: Does anyone have experience with an indoor bicycle trainer? I'm thinking that I need to prioritize my "free" time for swimming, and could do most of the biking on a trainer in the evenings.

#2: Would I be absolutely insane to go to a swim practice at an outdoor pool tomorrow morning at 6AM (Projected temperature will be in the low 20's).

Thanks for the advice!

2007-12-27 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I have a trainer. Just started using it again last night. It is a great way to get in those extra miles while watching tv or a training video. We ride most of the year outside. With the time change it is hard to get in the miles after work. Just make sure you have everything near the trainer so you don't have to get off. Phone, fan, water, changer or ipod etc.,

2007-12-27 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I have a trainer as well, and though being on it is not my favorite thing in the world, I can tolerate it. The advice to have everything within arm's reach is golden! Make sure you stay on the water.

The outdoor pool gig sounds AWEsome! Even though it's 20' outside, the pool will be heated and the contrast could be really fun. It's what they do every day in Scandinavia and they seem pretty healthy.

Congrats on signing up for the first Sprint!!
2007-12-28 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1119117

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Krakatoa - 2007-12-27 5:25 PM Coach Mimi, In your honest assessment, do you think late April might be too early to do reasonably well in an Olympic distance event? Based on where I am right NOW, I think I'd be fine on the bike, could stagger through the run....but am really worried about the swim. I'm going to the gym today to sign up so I can get started with swimming (again - this will be the third time I've STARTED to become a swimmer)......that Oly distance swim looks a bit intimidating, but then again it's four months out...... What do you think? Thx, Bob

Bob....anyone can do most anything, so you decide if you have the time to put in the work  Really, it will take some consistent work.  The olympic distance is the only distance where the swim is heavier comparatively.  What is your swim background?  Do you have access to a master's program or a coach?  Is the swim for the oly in a lake, ocean or pool?  Figure maybe 45 min of straight swimming...totally within reason for late april, with a plan to get there.  

With regards to another post you made....3 months is plenty of time to train for a sprint.   I would sign up for a season opener then have the rest of my calendar in my mind's eye.  Have a plan, but be flexible.  Some people like to race every chance they get,  others like to have a few key races to keep them focused on the training.  But for sure sign up for one - you're more likely to fit in your training if you have put money down on a race! 

2007-12-28 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I have access to a 25-meter pool and that's about it! No coaches or classes or anything like that. I've gone over some of the TI stuff (their free online videos are pretty helpful). My swim background is pretty much non-existent. Both swims are in the East Sea (Sea of Japan), one down south and one on the east coast. They're before monsoon season, though, so the water would probably be fairly stable.

You're right, though..if I train for an Olympic swim, I can do an Olympic swim!!
2007-12-28 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hope everyone's keeping their eyes on the prize.....not always easy in winter weather!!

I went back (despite my inner voice saying 'Don't look back!') and found my race stats from the two Sprints I did in summer '05.......I did so crappy. I thought I had trained, but in retrospect I was just jackin' around with no real plan....just go run some, go bike some, go swim some laps......just making it up as I went along. Big Mistake! When I got to these events, it's as if I hadn't trained at all. I still remember my wife and kids sitting in the grass along the course and cheering for me despite the fact that everybody and their mother was blowing past me.......anyway, this is just fuel for the fire. I'm not going to get back into this just to suck at it all over again.

Here are my '05 results:

Benaroya/Seafair Sprint (Seattle)

Swim: 30:01
t1: 9:03 (what was I doing for NINE minutes?!!)
Bike: 43:21
t2: 3:12
Run: 33:30

Columbus International Sprint (Ohio)

Swim: 27:02
t1: 4:52
Bike: 47:21
t2: 2:50
Run: 33:24

All those numbers have got to be torched! I really need to find a plan this weekend and solidify my goals and commitment (and figure out how to register for races on a Korean website!)

Edited by Krakatoa 2007-12-28 2:05 PM
2007-12-28 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Bob- Search for my former posts on swimming from last year. I felt the same way that you did. I'm still concerned about being able to swim a half distance in OW. If you notice my icon it is a swimmer. I put that there to remind myself that I am a swimmer in addition to being a cyclist and runner.
Last year, I signed up for a sprint tri not really even knowing how to swim. Up until the tri I swam 3-5 times a week. After the tri, I decided that I really needed to work on my swim. Found the best coach in the Houston area and started driving up there everyday this summer. I'm a teacher so I could go every morning once school got out. I swam 9 hours a week from June-August. Left our house at 4:30 a.m and drove an hour to practice.
I swim with a great group. I started in lane 1 and I'm still there. What made me feel better was to see people in lanes 2 and 3 with Ironman tattoos on their shoulders. What type of aqua man is down there in lane 12? Geez!!!! Actually he works for the Coast Guard. When I started it was pretty pathetic! Having a great coach really made a difference for me. I went from not being able to swim 25 yards without hanging on the wall and gasping to where I am today.

You can do it. With time, patience and practice you will be able to achieve your goals. Set a small goals each day. Have you sent out a post on BT looking for a training partner in your area? You never know someone might be living right next door!


Edited by CYCLISTtuRUNsTRI 2007-12-28 2:30 PM

2007-12-28 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
t1: 9:03 (what was I doing for NINE minutes?!!)

What were you doing for 9 minutes? LOL! Great post! It looks like you were enjoying the experience!

Edited by CYCLISTtuRUNsTRI 2007-12-28 2:28 PM
2007-12-29 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Posting this so you can see what a typical year might look 05 I did sprints and an 06 sprints, olys and one HIM...07 was sprints, oly, HIM and IM.  Your training should be based on a number of things, but one of them is your life....don't bite off more than you can chew and end up frustrated when you miss too many workouts.  Be realistic when figuring the hours you have available to train. 

2005 totals
Bike:53h 57m 40s  - 930.55 Mi
Run:93h 33m 06s  - 647.41 Mi

55h 54m 30s  - 188670.5 M

2006 totals
Bike:139h 42m 17s  - 2626.1 Mi
Run:100h 25m 28s  - 653.06 Mi

117h 27m 14s  - 340109.8 M


2007 totals
Bike:226h 51m 35s  - 3802.43 Mi
Run:141h 42m 23s  - 859.87 Mi
Swim:120h 36m 04s  - 342789.7 M
2007-12-29 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Anyone have any good training to report from today??  My daughter and I did a 5k this morning. Cute stuff.  I will be starting back for real on Jan 1 with a 100 mile ride   Going out in the morning to practice for that  
2007-12-29 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1122117

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
Hey Mimi,

I love when parents get their kids involved and active and give them a good role model. More parents should try it!

A century to start the new year sounds fantastic. Is this an organized ride, or just You-vs-100?

I believe I'm 14 hours ahead of EST, so it's Sunday morning for me already -- am about to head in and use the pool for the first time. I'm also going to get in a run later if at all possible (even if it's just a couple miles) - bizzy day today.

Take Care!

2007-12-29 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1122240

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Krakatoa - 2007-12-29 6:54 PM A century to start the new year sounds fantastic. Is this an organized ride, or just You-vs-100?

My coach's plan/ride...I wouldn't dare go at it alone at this point in the game !! 

Edited by Mimir98 2007-12-29 9:47 PM

2007-12-30 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1120764

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
CYCLISTtuRUNsTRI - 2007-12-29 5:21 AM

You can do it. With time, patience and practice you will be able to achieve your goals. Set a small goals each day. Have you sent out a post on BT looking for a training partner in your area? You never know someone might be living right next door!

I think Lane 12 must be strictly reserved for swimmers with names like Cody, Alexander, and Amanda!

Thanks for sharing your report and proving to the rest of us that it can be conquered.

BTW, if you do an IM, would you get the tat?

Edited by Krakatoa 2007-12-30 12:14 PM
2007-12-30 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Sorry guys for the disappearing act - no internet connection for a bit - didn't have anything to log anyway but ....I have almost gotten my goals for 08 in place & will post later today/tomorrow. Looks like everyone else has stayed busy! Good job!

Krakatoa - BTW, if you do an IM, would you get the tat?

I want to say "You betcher !@# I would!" I don't have any tats but have always wanted one - I just never found anything that I connected with enough to make it a life committment - luckily - I think that none of those spring breaks amounted to enough to allow me the freedom to get a "Fred Flintstone-ish" type of tat - even though some of the things I partook in during those times definitely allowed me to do things considered more reckless than a tat!

Anyway - I think an IM would give me an accomplishment worthy of a tat - not sure which one - I have seen some I liked very much and some not so much. I like simple. How about the rest of you?  


2007-12-30 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I have the Sanskrit 'aum' or 'om' symbol on my right calf. I got it in Bali seven years ago.

I probably would not get the IM tattoo.
2007-12-30 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I am getting a sea turtle tat with the m-dot built will be recognizable to those who know what an m-dot is, but not so clear to least that's the plan. My husband has worked up the draft of the design, we'll leave the specifics to the tat artist.  I do have to admit I'm a little skeerd, though     I birthed both my babies under water w/o so much as an advil and felt like I kind of "earned" a tat...but never got the nerve!  Guess that's what tequila is for? 
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