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2007-12-28 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1099933

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Getting started
Yipeee I'm in, I'm in. Thanks

When I first decided to get into tri's this was the first web site I found. Now 2 years later, I still use it very often. I find the training plans to be helpful. It gives me a good gauge at how much I should be doing each session, and each month. It is easy to push to hard, especially as I get closer to race day. I spend hours tweaking the plans, and integrating a good running plan into the miles.

I like using the activity tracking tools. I use NutriCalc for the food tracking, which I just started this summer. I never paid much attention to the food part of things, but once I gained the 20lbs I knew I had to start being more vigilant about what I was eating. I always thought I ate well, but I was surprised at how much fat I was consuming. OK so now I have analyzed every nutrient to death, I am still a little confused about weight loss, calories in/out, and fat burning.

Yes I want to burn the extra fat, Yes I want to burn the extra calories. I've discovered that if i exercise at a 70% intensity for 1 hour, I burn more fat, but less calories. If I go at 85% for 30 minutes, I burn more calories but more carbs not fat. So to lose the 20lbs and get into shape, which approach do i use??

Right now, Im combining them. Some days, on my pace/distance runs, I do about 11-12 min miles for a good long hour (and try to go non stop as far as I can), other days, on my speed/interval days I try and go as fast as I can for as long as I can, with a small break inbetween, for about 3 -5 sets. So I hope that combining these two plans will help me lose the weight fast.

The interesting thing about weight loss and training, is that the more I analyze things, the more methods I find, and the more confusing it can be. I discovered that my HR monitor has a download feature which I am excited about using. Maybe I can start playing with that for a while instead of analyzing my nutrient intake so much.

And then there is diet and nutrition. I try I really do, but I have so many breakfast, caffeine, sugar, bread, and alcohol. Empty calories. I have lots to work on. The new year is a good time to begin a new eating regime. Logging the food really helps too.

How is everyone else coping with diet and nutrition. Do you have any methods that work for you?


2007-12-28 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1119924

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South Pasadena, CA
Subject: RE: Marina's Mah-velous Group --- Closed
Thanks Marina and Kevin!!! I am going to start figuring out how to use the training logs right now. Would it be advisible to get a paid subscription to this site?? Oh and also, is it ok to use treadmills for running workouts? Again, thank you so much!

2007-12-28 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1121181

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Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: training logs
Hi Paul

Welcome to BT. I'm sure you'll find the logs very helpful. I've been tracking my workouts since the beginning (mainly on paper) and it is very encouraging to see the gains and accomplishments. It may take a few minutes more during the first few entries, but once you get used to it, it's quite easy.

I have not upgraded to a bronze member yet, but plan to soon. I found that there are so many features available to all members that I did not find any reason to upgrade. However, recently, I have wanted to read some interesting articles that are for members only, so I will be upgrading soon. Once you get used to the site, and decide what functions you want to use that are only available to performance members, you can make that decision.

Im looking forward to inspiring you in your workouts - have fun

2007-12-28 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1120513

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Subject: Ian...

ILowe - 2007-12-28 11:12 AM
So glad to make the cut.I'm still trying hard to figre this site out I just signed on about 3 days ago.My goal is to try to find a plan that fits my busy schedule like all of us.When I first signed up with BT I went through a lengthy questionaire with one of the moderators,I'm usuming that they are working on finding a good plan for me??

With the Gold plan, one of the coaches will suggest a plan and point out any changes that you might make to the custom plans. They are really knowledgeable and supportive!

I'm looking into a Masters swim program in Abbotsford here to do some swim training.This will be my biggest challenge I can only swim about 50m without sinking.

Do join! I was intimidated by the Masters swim club, but found that there were people there of every skill level - some even at mine! When you start, tell the coach what your goals are so they can better help you.

One of the big goals I have is to loose about 20 - 25 lbs in the training process I'm a bulky athlete.I want to trim down and get some really needed core strengths.

You're soooo not alone here!! The weight will start to come off with more training, but of course, the eating has to be reasonable too!

2007-12-28 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1120554

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Subject: TR...

SpiritFire - 2007-12-28 11:32 AM

Today's a rest day (is my only day off work in about 10 days) so I'm just going to take it easy. Mountains of laundry to do and the house is a disorganized nightmare. And actually, I have a date tonight! haha tr

Enjoy the day off and have fun this evening

2007-12-28 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1121181

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2007-12-28 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1121044

Subject: Salma...

salma - 2007-12-28 3:19 PM

Right now, Im combining them. Some days, on my pace/distance runs, I do about 11-12 min miles for a good long hour (and try to go non stop as far as I can), other days, on my speed/interval days I try and go as fast as I can for as long as I can, with a small break inbetween, for about 3 -5 sets. So I hope that combining these two plans will help me lose the weight fast. 

That seems like the best approach. Interval training and low intensity is the way to go - you'll see that most training plans incorporate this method.

And then there is diet and nutrition. I try I really do, but I have so many breakfast, caffeine, sugar, bread, and alcohol. Empty calories. I have lots to work on. The new year is a good time to begin a new eating regime. Logging the food really helps too.

How is everyone else coping with diet and nutrition. Do you have any methods that work for you?

Ah...I think that you've identified what you need to work on, nutrition-wise. Logging helps me a great deal - I have a progam on my PDA/phone. Logging online and having others check-in on me helps even more!

Don't forget that nutrition is so individual since we all have different metabolisms and body types and training goals. That being said, without a doubt, moderation is also key - aiming for perfection is a recipe for disaster when it comes to dieting. Incorporating a few major changes slowly helps. And, most importantly, I think we need to be gentle with ourselves when we stray from the plan. Endurance training also demands a whole lot from our bodies so it becomes very important to eat to fuel so that our training is effective and bodies indeed do get stronger. Salma, you seem to have so much data interpreted so it'll probably be easier for you to see what works in the nutrition department as you get into training.

2007-12-28 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1120513

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Edited by Bopper 2007-12-28 7:45 PM
2007-12-28 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1120554

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2007-12-28 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1119856

British Columbia
Subject: RE: Marina's Mah-velous Group >>> OPEN

Hello Lindsy.

I'm reading your story and going "Hey thats What I wanted to write"!

I'm really in the same boat as you,was in very good shape got injured could'nt run and basically stopped most everything because of it.I started running again about four years ago.I love to run it makes me feel strong and releives a tremendous amount of stress for me.I have a very high pace demanding job witch needs a releif.I have been looking for a starting point triathlon and you mentioned Harrison? Is that the first triathlon series? I grew up out that way and was kinda warm to the idea.I have actually read some not so good reveiws about that race in one of the forums here,check out 2008 race schedule forum I think?I would like to wish you all the best in 2008 and will be here to cheer you on.

Best of Luck.


2007-12-29 1:08 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: off season

So if we are in the "off season" for training, when does "training season" actually start?

I would think your first race and distance might dictate a little about when month 1 starts in a 20 week training plan.


2007-12-29 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1121677

Subject: RE: off season

salma - 2007-12-29 12:08 AM hmmmm...... So if we are in the "off season" for training, when does "training season" actually start? I would think your first race and distance might dictate a little about when month 1 starts in a 20 week training plan. Salma

LOL...Salma. You're great at answering your questions! Usually an on-season training plan is divided into several different training phases: prep, base, build, and peak where each phase can last for 4 to 8 weeks each. But, the off-season is important to work on weaknesses, build up to base volumes, try new sports, lift heavier weights and just re-energize for next season. Here are a couple of good articles: Turning Off Season lnto On Season & Triathlon Off-Season.

Edited by marina 2007-12-29 8:14 AM
2007-12-29 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: Goal setting and planning, not resolutions, for the new year

We are a mighty successful and motivated group in our everyday lives so a note about goal setting may be old hat, but I thought that I could use a refresher.  Everyone outlined their goals in the introductions, but it's time to get more detailed about them, think about how to acheive them, and what might stand in our way.


The most important thing to remember is to make them S.M.A.R.T.  Here are some resources to make sure you set goals that can are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and have a timeframe - that is how you can hold yourself accountable and others can support you best to achieve them. OR make them S.M.A.R.T.E.R Add • E - goals should be challenging and Exciting and • R - record your goals.  It is also valuable to write down potential obstacles you may encounter that could derail you.

S - Specific
Make sure you know exactly what you are trying to accomplish.
Lose 20 pounds, Gain 5kgs of lean muscle Get body fat % to 16%, etc.
Don't just right I want to lose weight or gain more muscle. You may just set yourself up for failure!

M - Measurable
How are you going to track it?
A scale, a tape measure, or a special instrument.
Also keep in mind how often as well (daily, weekly, etc.)

A - Attainable/Acceptable
Does it make sense?
Can you feel like the small steps along the way can be achieved?

R - Realistic
Can you reach this goal in the time you set in the amount you want?
Like losing 20 pounds in a week - don't set yourself up for failure.
This doesn't mean easy - by stretching yourself will make the success even more rewarding.

T - Timed
Put it on your calendar. How long is it going to take you?
Make sure you do not put to short of a time line on this one either.
E - Exciting
Do it as part of a 12 week challenge, set a fitness goal like entering a fun run along the way, try a new fitness activity.

R - Record
Record your goals in writing so that you can refer back to them along the journey.

2007-12-29 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: GOAL SETTING FOR 2008

So, as we come to the new year, let's get some of these goals on paper and into our logs to motivate us...


First Most Important Season Goal:
Second Most Important Season Goal:
Third Most Important Season Goal:

For each goal:
Why do you want to accomplish it?
How are you going to acheive this goal?
What is standing between you and success in achieving your goal?
How do you plan on pro-actively dealing barriers and setbacks along the way?
How will you feel once you achieve this goal?

These are the big picture goals. I plan on having each of us set mini-goals each week to help us achieve our biggies and to be accountable to ourselves and eachother.  The big goals can be scary, but by breaking down all the steps to get there, I find that it all become more manageable and attainable.

2007-12-29 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
TR's goals:

Thankfully it's a slow day at work and I have time to think about this. I'm going to try and keep it simple, but here we go:

S - Specific:
Gain speed. I know it's not very specific, but it's my goal! My cardio/endurance levels are fine (I think) however I am always MOP if not BOP in my races. I am not overtired or overstressed during the races, I just can't seem to make myself go faster. This could be mental, not physical.
I just want to beat my times from last year.

M - Measurable:
Clock my times.

A - Attainable/Acceptable:
Seems pretty basic to me. ;-)

R - Realistic:
I'm not expecting super-human speed, just an improvement overall.

T - Timed:
My first A race is Banff-Jasper June 7, 18K leg all uphill. And my second A race is Sri Chinmoy Oly 8 weeks later, August 3. Every other race I enter I will treat as training, and not put too much pressure on myself.
I'm also tentatively considering the San Francisco Marathon in October - but have never raced further than 10K. So I'm unsure if this is a realistic goal.

2007-12-29 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1121762

New user

South Pasadena, CA
Subject: RE: GOAL SETTING FOR 2008
Hey everyone, I am going on a short vacation until about January 4th. When I get back I was planning on starting "The Aggressive Couch to 5K Program - 4 Months". It is a running only plan, and I was wondering if maybe I should mix in some swimming or maybe some spinning classes along the way? Would this be a good course to take?


2007-12-29 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
And as for putting goals into my log - I have to be a paying member, do I not?
2007-12-29 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1122023

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2007-12-29 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1122014

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2007-12-29 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1122063

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: RE: GOAL SETTING FOR 2008
GOALS 2008 - ok here goes....

1ST GOAL - establish a regular training plan and stick to it.

I need to exercise regularly, it makes me feel better, keeps me healthy and I am easier to get along with. I plan on achieving this goal with my new weekly / monthly plan. Because of my busy work and school schedule, I have to make every hour count. I am giving myself 5x a week to exercise. Some of these days will be short early morning pool drills, others will be long leisurely runs outdoors. The main thing standing in my way is time. My job and school are very stressful, so many times I am basically tired. That combined with feeding the kids, (which includes the husband) I have to squeeze time in. I plan on getting my families commitment to help. Dividing up chores so it's not all left to me. I know how wonderful it feels to be regular in my exercise routine, and how much better and stronger I feel. In the last 3 years I have lost that feeling and I want it back.

2ND GOAL - lose 20lbs by the end of summer

I have struggled with this weight gain. I have always been fit and athletic, but gaining 20lbs has been difficult. My clothes don't fit me, I hate the way I look in pictures, it all has to stop. I don't have to go back to my little 115lbs, I'd be happy with 130lbs. All i want is my tone and body back. My plan includes the regular exercise and the better nutrition. The calorie goal per day is 1090, of healthy fruit and veggies, with organic meats. I'll have to cook more and pack my lunch (eating out at lunch has contributed to the gain). I will give myself one day a week to eat out with the girls, but all my choices will be part of the nutritional plan. No more bread, sugar, or processed stuff. I just want to fit in my clothes again.

3RD GOAL - improve my bike and run.

I dont have a lot of power and speed. I need to work on this to have a better time. I always end up at the BOP and I just want to do better. I am comfortable with a 10min mile, but lately I have been slower. Injuries and lack of bike training have contributed to this. I plan on building a good base with the run, and sticking to 5m in 50 at least 3 -5x a week. I will also take a regular spin class, starting January. Must admit I am nervous about this - I hate the bike. It is the hardest part for me. Practice practice practice.
2007-12-29 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
Salma, it sounds like we face a lot of the same challenges! My job is very stressful (police dispatcher and 911 operator) and I work a combination of 9 and 12-hour shifts that usually leave me absolutely physically and mentally exhausted at the end of the day. It's all I can do to get the dog walked. And I've also taken on the extra burden of full-time school, and although I'm lucky I'm doing it online so it's on my own schedule, it still requires a lot of my time!
So ... motivate me sister!
Like you, exercise makes me feel better overall - more energy, better outlook, etc - but I am finding it tough to find the time that I need. However I am now going to make it an absolute priority in 2008.

2007-12-29 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1122084

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Goals and time
Hi Spirit Fire.

Wow full time school... that's tough. The online course can be just as hard if not harder. A lot of time is needed on the computer. I found a way that works for me to get the training in. Here is a quick summary:

School nites are 2x per week. On those days I get up an hour early and head to the pool. I do mainly drills and maybe some speed work. When I come home from school (around 10pm) I stretch and do crunches on my ball.

Weekends I spend at least 2-3 hours on my training. I do a long swim on Friday night, a long ride on Saturday, and a long run on Sunday. I also get to the gym in the evening and do some weights and maybe a short cardio on a piece of equipment. (i keep to 1 hour since I have homework)

My weekdays, non school night, I do shorter sessions at the gym, and on the day that I feel completely wiped, i go for a short run.

Couple of tricks, keep all your gear in the car so you can go right from work. Anything you can squeeze into lunch time or before work is a bonus.

We'll have to motivate each other, because there are many mornings that I hit the snooze button too many times, and getting on the bike is always the hardest for me. But this year will be OUR year. Somehow we will balance it all and also become stronger, more powerful and super fast ......vroom vrooom

2007-12-29 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1099933

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2007-12-29 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Goals and time
Thanks - we are on the quest to become Super women!!!

Everyone tells me that the bike is their strongest or the easiest part of the race. And I just cannot get there. I like to ride my bike, and I do quite often along the lake front, (with my son) but my idea of riding is lesuirely, and maybe with a beer stop along the way. LOL.

When Im racing, i do well on the swim, and as soon as I get on the wheels, everyone passes me. I never pass anyone grrrr....even the people on the knobby wheels, or the lady with the basket on her Schwinn, and of course the guy with his portable, fold up bike....they all pass me. I start strong (around 17-20mph) and then i slow down.

Im hoping that a few spin classes will help me. I cannot ride to work because my job requires my car, but I hope to get at least two long rides in a week.

I will need motivation to get stronger on the bike. Better cadence, more power. There are a few triathlon bike courses here, but I think I will do that next year.

2007-12-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1099933

New user

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it!
I need help. I am having a hard time getting motitvated to start running again. Any words of advice will be so helpful!

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