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2008-01-03 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1104346

New user

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!
Hey Danny,

I'd like to join your group. I'll turn 36 on January 6th and am married with three children, two boys and a girl. All under the age of six (kill me). Anyway, I would like to join your group as we share some things in common. I am in the IT business as well. I work for IBM in Miami. Also, I am a bigger guy at six foot, 242 pounds. Historically I have been a very good athlete. I was good in football (all conference, all state and played linebacker for UW-Wisconsin 1990-93) wrestling (all state) and track (state semi-finals in shot put).
I have also no stranger to running as my parents are both marathoners. In fact my Dad has completed 27 Boston Marathons (he is an animal). But as of late I have fallen prey to the fate of most ex-athletes – the beer mug.. Since our children were born I have done less and less running and more and more beer exercises ?. Plainly stated, I am fat, out of shape and enough is enough. I want to be an athlete again.

Last year I completed the 7 mile bridge race in Marathon Key, Florida. It was hard but I did well (there was free beer at the finish). So I have a little running base.

Where I live in Fort Lauderdale is great training ground for triathlons. Miles of paved bike trails, and three Olympic pools within 4 miles of my house. Not to mention the Atlantic Ocean not 20 minutes away.

My goal is to run my first Olympic triathlon (my first triathlon really) by late spring 2008. I’d like to do no less than three triathlons in all of 2008. By 2009 I would like to complete a 1/2IM. The ULTIMATE would be to do a full in 2010.

You sound like a guy that can help me do it! Hope you let me join.



(Daddy and Paddy.jpg)

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2008-01-04 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1104346

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!

So, here is the final list for the Group:

Txhokie        (Brian)            Burelson, Texas
fullie64         (Jayson)         Quebec
njcavill65      (Cav)              UK
Sundevil87   (Thom)            Germany
ccessex        (Carol)            San Diego, CA
MilkeC          (Mike)              Dallas, Tx
LadyGator    (Nancy)           Florida
lauawill42    (Laura)            Shorewood, WI
JBIRDWHITE (Jason)            Miami, FL


dhyte          (Danny)            San Diego, CA

We have a good group with a lot of diversity (location, backgrounds, athletic/triathlon experience).

Please go out of your way to encourage each other (in this thread, as well as on their individual training log pages).



Edited by dhyte 2008-01-04 1:07 PM
2008-01-04 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1133345

New user

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!
Hello again!

Thanks for bringing me on! I'm excited to get started, and in fact found another event I'd like to try in late April. It's a super-sprint, (500m, 10mi, 3k, or something very close to that), so I think it might be a great way to gauge my progress halfway to the ultimate goal of the July 13 event. Best of all, the April event has a super-super-sprint category for kids, and my nine-year-old daughter is interested in giving it a try. Built-in training partner! Woo-hoo!

I see I forgot to give my location. I'm in beautiful Shorewood, Wisconsin, a tree-lined suburb of Milwaukee. Today it's fairly mild here: a balmy 27 degrees with a wind chill of 17. Pretty soon there will be sunbathers on the Lake Michigan beaches!

I look forward to getting to know you all. Happy training!
2008-01-04 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1104346

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!

A couple of general items before we dive into all the gory details:

- I'll try to respond to questions and update this thread every 1-2 days. I tend to set aside a block of time and do everything at once, as opposed to logging in throughout the day (wo am I kidding, I'm on BT all the time! But I will try to not let questions/topics go unaddressed more than 2 days).

- If the content may be helpful to other members of the group, I will post it here. If there is a question, or some detail that you would prefer not be part of this thread, you can email or pm me directly. I prefer email, but either are OK.

- If you have a burning question or issue, you could phone me directly. PM me for the #.

- If your questions, feedback, or anything else would be helpful to the group, please consider using this thread as an ongoing "discussion place".

- If you have not already "subscribed" to updates on this discussion thread, please consider doing so (bottom of the page). You will then be automatically notified when there is a change to this thread. It will keep you more tied into the conversation, and will keep the thread more active as a result.

- Encourage each other on your individual training logs. You can add each other as "buddies", or you can copy a little set of links to the rest of the group and put it at the top of your page (I will create one on my page by the end of today and make it available to you - if you want it).

- The biggest challenge will be to stay consistent in your training. If you have a lapse, don't sweat it, jump right back in. That includes participation in this thread also. It is intended to be an interchange back and forth between all of us, not just me providing input (although I plan to swamp you with info/resources).

- A caveat...I'm not a professional coach, just an enthusiast. I'll try to answer all questions, and help any way I can. If I don't know the answer, I will tell you so, and then help you find the answer.

- My plan for each person is:

    - assess goals
    - create race calendar (if needed).
    - establish time-frame for each goal completion
    - provide input to create/update training program (if needed)
    - tailor training programs to race calender
    - answer all questions
    - encourage each of you as you pursue your goals.
    - provide some accountability in your training.
    - be your biggest fan/supporter.

In return, I just ask that you do the following:

- Have fun. If nothing else comes out of it, triathlon is supposed to be fun. You are hereby ordered to enjoy yourself !!!!!!  

Edited by dhyte 2008-01-04 1:29 PM
2008-01-05 2:15 AM
in reply to: #1129446

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Enjoy your last day for dessert, cuz we're working hard in 2008 - Open !!

Txhokie - 2008-01-02 5:00 PM I'm following the training plan on BT to the "T" pretty much......

...There is one May 4 race that I'm really interested in starting out on. It is a sprint 300 yard swim/13.8 mile bike/3.1 mile run. Then I plan to do another one in August or September. Should I look into racing in more? My time line for an Ironman would be in 3 years. Is that to far away or to soon? I figure that I would work on sprint/Olympic for 2 years and then half IM and full IM the next.


The BT training plan you are currently following is 12 weeks. When did you start it?
It may bring you right up to the May 4rth race date nicely, or may need a little adjustment to have to peak/taper properly.

Regarding when to race, how frequently, etc, that is a personal choice. It depends on your desire, available time, conditioning, and ability to avoid injury throughout the season.

Assuming you want to race frequently, then you should look at the entire year, pick your most important races (your "A" races) and cater everything to that.

If everything goes optimum. you could establish your base, and build properly for the May 4rth race with no problem. Being your 1st race, I would recommend that you NOT hammer the course. Rather, enjoy your first triathlon - take in every little bit of it - you'll be glad later for the memorable experience. It will also give you a chance to see how your body responds to a vigorous effort (while still holding back a bit).

Think of it as your coming out party.

Assuming that all is still well, and you want to continue racing, it is very reasonable to race once a month until the end of the season (sometime in the fall). However, you cannot maintain peak form that entire stretch, and plan to hammer every single race. Doing so will be a sure invitation for injury.

I'd suggest no more than 2-3 sprints, and 1 Olympic triathlon. Consider doing some 5/10Ks this year also (including later in the year when swimming is not as viable).

Depending on how you are feeling, and ho much time you have, it is conceivable to pack alot of racing in. Being your first year, I would say:

1. Don't overdo it.
2. Listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, give yourself a rest.

Depending on how your 1st season goes, I would not rule out moving up to HIM next year. Some people will jump into the longer races even sooner, but I'm not going to recommend that unless I thought you were really ready.



Edited by dhyte 2008-01-05 2:16 AM
2008-01-05 2:35 AM
in reply to: #1128761

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!


Take a look at mu previous post to Cav regarding some of your questions (below).

You guys are both following the same training plan and are considering racing in same time-frame.  

One difference is you mentioned doing the Berlin Marathon in the fall.  

- we want to get you through your sprint/olympic triathlon(s), and transition to a good marathon plan without re-injury of heels/knee.

- you might consider going easy on your 1st sprint (see my prev post), going hard on the second sprint, going for a moderate pace on the olympic (unless you are feeling excellent halfway through the run, otherwise hold back), and then focusing on getting to the Berlin marathon well conditioned, and healthy. 

As far as way too much...that something that only you can really answer.  Ideally its very possible.  Realistically, it depends on your schedule... 

Spinning classes are an excellent winter bike alternative.  Keep in mind that if your training plan is calling for X number of bike hours, you could reduce that time bike 30-40 percent if being performed on a trainer during a spin class.  This is due to the efficient/demanding nature of the workout.

sundevil87 - 2008-01-02 12:37 PM I'm not at the most northern latitude of the group, but this time of year it gets dark early - and doesn't get light until later in the morning. It's been pretty cold and icy in Germany, too much so to ride outdoors but when its light running outside is ok. I'm getting set up for my training. I've selected a training program from BT - the Silver Beginner Sprint with HR. I set my training to start on the upcoming Monday, but I have started the workouts on the plan. I ran yesterday and I got a lift in today. I have to find a pool to use to do the swim workouts, but from some folks I talked to today there are plenty. I haven't read any of the articles on winter training, but would be interested in the best indoor training options - specifically for bike training. I assume spinning is a better choice than a typical gym bike machine - is that correct? Any tips? I found a great resource - finally - for race information in Germany, so my worries about finding local races are no more. It looks like there will be plenty of sprint races - most beginning in the May / June time frame, running through October. Another question - whats reasonable race shedule for a beginner. I'm floating doing two sprints, one in May with another in July hoping to do a Olympic at the end of the year. Is that too ambitious? Add to that I've got that plan to do the Berlin Marathon in September. As I type this I'm thinking - "way too much". Thoughts? Tschuss for now. Thom

2008-01-05 3:04 AM
in reply to: #1131525

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Enjoy your last day for dessert, cuz we're working hard in 2008 - Open !!


Sounds like your shoulder is doing pretty good. Does that 98% rating include while swimming? If not, just take it very easy as you get back into the pool. Do try to find a pool soon, so that you can take your time getting your swim fitness re-established and not feel like you need to "cram" before your Sprint, and end up aggravating the shoulder.

The knee....I hate running on a track for long distances. I did 10 mile son the high school track one night and swore that was the last time....

The heels:

This sounds like the biggest risk area. I have a training partner who has had an ongoing heel problem that has been very persistant. He believes his problems were shoe related, and ramping up to long runs too quickly. Definitely watch this closely. Running on the treadmill is probably a good plan for now (at least as much as possible). The regular pace, and lack of stones or sharp object that your heel could come down on is a big benefit. You will definitely need to do some outdoor running, but I wouldn't rush it right away. I would consider alternating some eliptical machines or water jogging on some days.

Sounds kind of silly, but the more you can build your run conditioning, and protect your heels, the more successful your season will be.

I'll have to revisit the Galloway plan, but most plans assume you have a base established, and then progressively stretch your distance over 12-24 weeks. I think if we have you running 3 times per week (with one run a bit longer) , then you will have an excellent base by May. I will be pretty easy to shift your training to a more run dominant plan, and build for the marathon.

A mountain bike is fine for the 1-2 sprints, and maybe an olympic. If you have access to a road bike, taht would be even better, I think you would be happier with the result (but I wouldn't sweat this too much).

Regarding the Olympic being in Oct/Nov... would there be any candidate races in August? If you are racing in Oct/Nov, do you have a wetsuit?


sundevil87 - 2008-01-03 12:43 PM Danny, Update / info on my injuries: Shoulder: I had impingement syndrome in my right shoulder. It is about 98% recovered after serveral months of PT. No limits to my exercise or other activities. PT says that swimming will actually be benefitial. Knee: Tendonitis; healed. I stayed off it for several weeks and gradually eased back into running/lifting. I injured it on my last long run (24 mile) prior to the Berlin marathon. It was most likely caused by the course I was on - it was a .9km oval course at a nearby municipal park where I participated in a charity event. The course was a counter clockwise run that had a slight incline on the backside. The pain started at about 18 miles, I should have stopped, but didn't - big mistake. Heels: I have bursitis in both my heels. I've never had this problem before and I've been running for many years. This was caused by a change to the wrong running shoe. I moved to an Asics shoe type that was wrong for me - these were motion control, and I need a cushion shoe. My choices of shoes are limited at our military PX and I took what they had. When I was back in the states on leave this past summer I went to my favorite running store and got properly fitted. The bursitis is resolving but it is taking time. I am at about 80%. I experience some pain from time to time, but not near as much as I did. I track it in my logs. A regime of stretching and some Ionto treatment from my PT has helped. Barring any additional issues - this should not slow me down (crossed fingers). In any case the pain, if any, normally occurs in the beginning of a run and subsides later. My last few runs I haven't had any pain. The Berlin marathon is a commitment to some German friends of mine - and I have unfinished business, since I didn't get to run last year. My running will be beyond what is required for my sprint - I'll be interested in help in figuring out how to balance. The running program I use is from Jeff Galloway, based on long Sunday runs with lesser distances during the week and employs a run / walk regime. Biking is all new. I have a mountain bike that I will use initially to train with until I can get a road bike. I found a great resource for local races in Germany. I am looking at a local sprint in May (the earliest avail), another in July, the marathon in September and an Oly in Oct / Nov (the latest dates I've seen). Does this seem overly ambitious? With my schedule I am in a mostly good position. We Army types get up early for PT (physical training) - for me that's around 0530. So if I'm not traveling I am up anyway. This is on the weekdays, the challenge is the weekend where I tend to like to sleep in - so I'l have to work on that. Right now the plan I got from BT seems like it will work - I will have to tweak it to fit the right days plus any changes you recommend. Thom

Edited by dhyte 2008-01-05 3:05 AM
2008-01-05 3:30 AM
in reply to: #1127285

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Wide Open !!

Hi Jayson,

Glad to hear your are up for a great triathlon challenge !!

Sounds like you have some challenge areas (like all of us) but if you are committed to your goal of doing an IM distance race, then we'll all do everything we can to make sure you're successful!!

Having said that, let's jump right in !

Glad to hear you have a "Go far it" approach.  Getting started is the hardest part.  Setting some good routines, sticking to and being a bulldog about it will get you to the start line.  I have said on many occasions (including at the start line of an IM), that the hard part was getting to the start line, the race itself was going to be easy.  And it's true.  Once you do the work, put in the workouts...well, I'm sure you understand what I trying to say....You can do it.   And I love that you mention that your getting into better health and fitness is a gift to your kids...  That's a powerful thought....hang onto it, and it will keep you going. 

Even though you ultimate goal is the IM race, consider including some of the shorter distance races as part of your progression to the "big one".  There is a lot of good stuff that you will learn along the way.

As far as finding an Iron Distance race, look at this thread:

I won't lecture about the smoking, but you really need to kick the habit.  It will make your training incredibly better, you would be doing your health a BIG favor, and would be doing your kids an even bigger favor.  

Anyhow, let me (and the rest of the group) know how we can best help in all regard of this new adventure of yours !


fullie64 - 2008-01-02 3:03 AM Hello there. I was looking over the different groups and think if you still have room that your group would be the best for me. Mostly due to the fact that our bodies are similar and so are our ages and a not-to-healthy appetite for junk! As it stands I haven't exercised with any frequency for a few months. I have never done a race and as usual am setting my sites on the big one. I would do it here in Canada (live in Quebec), and don't own any equipment as of yet other than runners. Actually I have been smoking again for about 4 months after a 15 yr. break plus a couple of other bad habits so this is a very important thing for me to succeed at. I know I do need advice and encouragement so that is why I am applying to join in with you and see where it may lead! Thanks Jayson Gilmour

2008-01-05 3:41 AM
in reply to: #1130014

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!


-22 celsius  .....  I may only understand Fahrenheit, but that sounds cold !!!! 

Crosstraining is awesome!  

Running indoors on the treadmills is excellent, swimming (I assume indoors) is excellent 2-3 times per week if possible. Hopefully you could find exercise bikes, or a spin (bike) class in a gym.   Or if you have a bike, and a trainer to mount it on, it can be used indoors and then take the bike outdoors in the spring (is that June in Quebec???).

Cross-country skiing is incredibly good also.  I have to mention that hockey is a great workout, but I would worry about injury.  I used to play a lot of basketball, but always seemed to get injured (especially right before a race that was important to me).  I skip basketball mode of the time lately because I always seem to have a race on the nearby horizon.


fullie64 - 2008-01-02 9:10 PM Hello again everyone!! Thanks so much for allowing me to join your group first of all! So far I haven't done anything other than some outdoor walks. Currently it is -22 celsius with a wind so this is not really inspiring weather to run in. However I understand there is a new place close by that has a couple of treadmills so I am checking into that tomorrow. The local pool is open 2x/week and a free swim on the weekend so I can get what I need that way. So that will leave bicycling to take care of. I do have a cross-training question however. I have obvious access to snow and have some cross-country skis and also there is the local outdoor rink to play hockey on with a pick-up type theme. So my question would be (and I understand that much of our training will have to be spend actually doing the three areas) how much of this type of activity would you feel might make up at least for now? Anyone with experience would be welcome to give an opinion! Just to add a bit more to the bio aspect. I was 260 as well last year and sit at about 210 now. I am divorced but have two great children who are close by. I too want to give myself the birthday present (45 in November 2008) of an Ironman and still am looking as to which race might be the best for me. Thanks again to our mentor and I look forward to getting to know the group members too!!! Bye for now Jay

2008-01-05 3:58 AM
in reply to: #1130120

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!


So...the standard disclaimer....if you ever have any concerns about heart rate being abnormal, (or any other health concerns in general), you should check with your doctor.

I'm assuming everyone is in good health and not putting themself at risk.  If anyone has any specific issue that is a concern, or needs to considered as part of their training, please let me know that (PM or email).


So...sorry to pick on you Jayson, it just made me think of the importance of that last statement.

I have a Garmin 305 (GPS/HRM).  I never wear the chest strap because of the same issue you mention.  On the swim and bike my HR is pretty average/moderate.  On the run, My HR is always high.  I'm a big guy...I'm working hard on the run....  I know my HR is always higher when I run, so I don't want to focus on it and be distracted/discouraged by it.

For that reason, I go by perceived effort when I run.  I have learned to understand when I am about to go anaerobic and hit the wall, without looking at my HRM readout!

I was actually trying to do the Mark Allen method of training at one point where you always keep your HR roughly at (180 minus your age).  That meant I had to keep 142 bps during the run.  On most days I couldn't do it.  Especially on those long hilly trail running days.  So I took off the chest strap, and went by what I was comfortable pushing myself to, and had a much better running experience as a result.


fullie64 - 2008-01-03 3:13 AM One last question for now if I may? It is in regards to HR training. I have not availed myself as of yet, of a monitor but have found in the past I am totally unable keep myself within the limits of my age. I can certainly understand how it will be beneficial later on but if I was to follow the guides I would never get past a fast walk. So in the beginning is it that important? As I get in better shape wisdom would dictate that my HR would natually descend on a gradual basis and become a bit more stable. So should I concern myself more with just getting at it? Thanks Jay P.S. that workout log is starting to bug me!!!! (that's a good thing btw).

2008-01-05 4:08 AM
in reply to: #1130016

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!


Congrats on graduating !! Woo-hoo!  Life is good !
And congrats on getting back in triathlon again.

You know we want to hear the embarrassing story you mentioned below...
I think if we ask Carol (ccessex) real nice she tell us the great story from last year about her black eye she got... 

Good job on picking out the 15K run.  It looks like that wil be on March 8.  Wil you be ready by then?  Do you have a time goal for the race?

What 10 week training plan are you following? 

LadyGator - 2008-01-02 9:15 PM Hey! If you still have room for one more, I'd love to take that spot. I'm Nancy, 24, from Florida. I just graduated from school and will be working as a mechanical engineer soon so not quite sure right now how my training schedule will look with a totally new daily schedule coming my way. I consider myself a beginner although I've toyed with tri's on and off for a few years. I did my very first sprint on a heavy mountain bike in 2001 (embarrassing story there...but had enough fun to keep me coming back) and didn't touch it again until 2 summers ago when I did 2 sprints. History repeated itself and I'm just now trying to get back into it. My strongest of the three would definitely be the swim, I have never been a runner or a biker, but I can do both (although maybe slowly). I got myself a road bike in the winter before last that has served me well, but I'm hoping if I can get back into the sport again this summer after I start working to get myself something newer and better. I have had issues with shin splints and slight knee problems which have usually caused the downfall of my training efforts. My goals for the year: Run the Gate River Run 15K... I started the 10 week training program for that this week Run a couple sprints over the summer Not stop training after a couple months Shed the pounds I gained while writing my thesis last year

2008-01-05 4:28 AM
in reply to: #1131561

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!

Hi Laura,

The Danskin race will be awesome.  My wife did that race in San Diego a few years ago.  I volunteer as a "swim buddy" during that race also, and it is a great time !  You will have a wonderful race experience!

Yes, I unfortunately understand what its like to get side tracked from injuries.  I have been know to go into a funk..... 

So good job on getting over the hand injury and moving on! And for planning to give yourself a great 38th BDAY gift !

Sounds like the swimming will be a piece of cake (although we don't want to underestimate it (including swimming in a unfamiliar location, swimming in a group) - but you will be ready and will do great.

The bikin sounds like it is not going to be too tough.  What is the nature of your hand injury? Will it bother you on the bike?

So...the run... 
Let's not concede the run just yet...

I was always athletic but was never a runner growing up.  But with some good practice, good shoes, etc, I'm getting there 

With the right  mix of care/training you may surprise yourself?  How about we agree to leave that option open for now and see how it goes?

Run/ walk / crawl...we'll get you to that finish line though!  Deal ?



lauawill42 - 2008-01-03 12:53 PM Hi, Danny! Still have room for one more? I came late to the mentor party, and there don't seem to be that many groups still open. I'd like to get into yours specifically because I also come from a swimming background -- I swam competitively from age 9 to age 17 -- but I don't bike more than recreationally and I Do Not Run At All. My short profile: I'm 37 years old, wife and mom to a 9-year-old daughter. I sit at a desk all day writing catalogs and don't have a ton of time to devote to training, but am determined to work it in. I also am a brown belt in taekwondo and am working towards red and then black, hopefully by the end of 2008. Unfortunately, just as my martial arts training was starting to take hold, I suffered a hand injury in a sparring match that pretty much sidelined me for six months. Consequenly, I started packing on the pounds, and am now a good 30+ pounds overweight. Hooray. Not being able to participate in taekwondo really dampened my enthusiasm for exercise in general. Everything just seemed boring and not goal- or skill-oriented enough for me. I'm not a person who can get on the treadmill or bike and just exercise. I need a goal, a game, a match -- something competitive to occupy my mind while I work out. (Oddly, I can get in a pool and swim for lengthy periods, probably because I put in so many waterlogged hours as a kid. My mind finds its own things to do while I exercise.) I'm hoping having a goal -- namely, finishing the Danskin Sprint event on my 38th birthday in July -- will give me something to work towards. Training: I've just started this thing, and am hoping to use the 28-week couch-to-sprint program. Finding the time is going to be tough, especially for the swimming. The gym I belong to has very limited pool hours, and they are really inconvenient for my work and family schedules. Fortunately, the swim doesn't scare me too much. I couldn't get in and do it today, but after a couple hours in the pool each week I think I'll be able to work up to it fairly quickly. I don't have the obstacle of having to learn to swim efficiently to get over. I have been biking and walking, though, and can do those activities at my convenience either in the gym or, once the long Wisconsin winter is over, on the road. The biggest problem for me is going to be the run. I Do Not Run. I have really bad knees and ankles from too many years of fast-pitch softball -- catching, specifically. I'm pretty much resigned to having to walk the 5k. And I'm cool with that. I just want to finish. That's my only goal: To celebrate my 38th birthday as a Triathlete. So if there's room, I'd like to join the fray! Thanks, Laura

2008-01-05 4:41 AM
in reply to: #1135396

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: Into the pool
Well, I found a pool and was able to get a swim in yesterday.

I made some comments on my training blog...overall I felt pretty good.

I thought I might ask the group what you are paying to swim so I can gauge how expensive it is here. The pool I swam at charged 4 euro 20 - a little over 5 bucks. That seems expensive - hows that compare with where you swim? There are some pools that are a little less expensive - down around 3 euro - or a little over 4 bucks.

For Danny - I didn't experience any pain in my shoulder while swimming. There was some discomfort when my arm was fully extended overhead - which is where the 1 - 2 % lack of range of motion is at. I think that it was a 'good' discomfort as it felt about the same way as it did when I was going through my physical therapy. I think this will go toward helping to recover fully.

I plan to settle in today on my race schedule for the year. Based on the info that I read in some of your other posts I think I have an idea of how to sequence the races. I'll post here and get your advice.

Hope all is going well with everybody's training - keep after it.


P.S. Danny - notice you're on-line right now - its 11 AM in Germany, pretty late in San Diego - thanks for your commitment to the group!

Edited by sundevil87 2008-01-05 4:45 AM
2008-01-05 4:49 AM
in reply to: #1131603

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!

Hi MIke,


I like the detail in the race schedule - excellent! 

Some comments...

The 1st half of your schedule has you racing 6 times (almost every 2 weeks).  You may want to consider treating your Apr 6 race a training day and not hammer the race.  If Apr 20 is your "A" race you want to be careful.

Same thing with your Nov 9 race.  I would skip it and focus on long runs for the marathon. It's totally up to you, but if the marathon is your other "A" race, you need to prepare for it.  You should be doing an run somewhere between 18-22 miles that weekend instead (depends on what plan you are following).

Is this all a good progression to do an IM in 2009? Absolutely!  Start think about which one you might like to do and make preparations to register in 2008 for the 2009 race (they sell out extremely quickly 1 year in advance).

Give me a day or two to work out a training plan for you.  I'd like to know how much time you have/want to train.  How many days a week is reasonable for you?  Focus on Swim/Bike/Run/Weights?


MilkeC - 2008-01-03 1:04 PM Danny, Thanks for your reply, honestly I want to transition to duathlons and as you can see on my proposed calendar a tri is included. Still I don't want to abandon MTB, it gives me that adrenaline rush, so that's why I included 1 - 100Km race and 1 - 12hr race. About soccer, I decided to stop playing this past season (Beginning of Dec) since it wasn't fun anymore due to team problems. My weakest point would be swimming, and that is why I want to build a strong base this year and thus that is why I only want to attempt to do one tri *let me know what you think about this*, my next weak point would be running since soccer is not a continous running sport. And I believe I'm fairly ok on the bike. Right now I'm trying to focus on the first half of the calendar, on this first half my A event is marked , the rest I try to use them as preparation events and the MTB event as something fun.

Feb. 17 - Texas Motor Speedway Duathlon (2m run - 15m bike - 2m run)
March 2 - 10m MTB race - Bar H Bash
Mar. 16 - Fast & Furious Duathlon - (5K run - 20Km bike - 2.5 km run)
Apr. 6 - Double Play Duathlon - (2m run - 11m bike - 2m run - 11m bike)
* A * Apr. 20 - Striders Duathlon - (8km run - 74km bike - 8km run)
May 15 - 12hr MTB race in El Paso, TX.

This second half of the calendar, again, some of the events I see them as preparation only, I have 2 main goals on this second part of the year.

Jun 13 - The Dam Bike Time Trial - 8 miles
* C * Jul 6 - Pioneer Power Sprint Tri (300m S- 20KM B - 3.3m r) - GOAL - Finish in good form
Aug. 23 - Hotter n' Hell 100 Mile ride *FUN RIDE* * B *
Oct. 13 - Chupacabras 100KM MTB Race - GOAL - place in the first 400 (this race has more than 2000 competitors)
Nov. 9 - High Octane Duathlon - (2m run - 15m bike - 2m run)
* A * Dec. 9 - Dallas White Rock Marathon - GOAL - Finish the marathon.

I believe that my goals are very doable, but I also know that I need to have a very strong discipline to stick with training and eating habits. Please let me know what you think about my goals, Can this be a good base to start thinking in doing an Iron-man by the end of 2009 or mid of 2010? What recommendations would you give at this point? What programs would you recommend to start a good swimming and running base? By the way, I live in Dallas, Texas. Thanks !!!! Mike C.

2008-01-05 5:04 AM
in reply to: #1131652

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!

Hi Jason, 

Oh yessss...the curse of the beer mug....I know it well...

The good news, is you will b soon burning so many calories you will need to be doing so carbo loading....

I like your goal of 3 triathlons this year.  Consider some running events also.

I don't know about you, but my weight follows my running.  If I slack of the miles, the weight goes up.  That is true even if I am biking/swimming.  When I run, the waist line shrinks (or at least stays under control).

With the nice weather in FL, you have a very long season, and races to choose from.
Start looking for a 1/2 IM to do next spring.  Plan to do Ironman Florida or Arizona in Nov 2009.  Whichever you choose, I highly recommend going to that same event this year to volunteer (and scout the course).  You will be much more successful registering for 2009 if you are on site in 2008.  I have done both of those races, and they are both good candidates for 1st time races (especially FL).

 In the meanwhile, if your 1st race will be an olympic this spring, let's get you going!
Find a race, book it, and mark it on the calendar.

Do you have a training plan that you are using? 

JBIRDWHITE - 2008-01-03 1:14 PM Hey Danny, I'd like to join your group. I'll turn 36 on January 6th and am married with three children, two boys and a girl. All under the age of six (kill me). Anyway, I would like to join your group as we share some things in common. I am in the IT business as well. I work for IBM in Miami. Also, I am a bigger guy at six foot, 242 pounds. Historically I have been a very good athlete. I was good in football (all conference, all state and played linebacker for UW-Wisconsin 1990-93) wrestling (all state) and track (state semi-finals in shot put). I have also no stranger to running as my parents are both marathoners. In fact my Dad has completed 27 Boston Marathons (he is an animal). But as of late I have fallen prey to the fate of most ex-athletes – the beer mug.. Since our children were born I have done less and less running and more and more beer exercises ?. Plainly stated, I am fat, out of shape and enough is enough. I want to be an athlete again. Last year I completed the 7 mile bridge race in Marathon Key, Florida. It was hard but I did well (there was free beer at the finish). So I have a little running base. Where I live in Fort Lauderdale is great training ground for triathlons. Miles of paved bike trails, and three Olympic pools within 4 miles of my house. Not to mention the Atlantic Ocean not 20 minutes away. My goal is to run my first Olympic triathlon (my first triathlon really) by late spring 2008. I’d like to do no less than three triathlons in all of 2008. By 2009 I would like to complete a 1/2IM. The ULTIMATE would be to do a full in 2010. You sound like a guy that can help me do it! Hope you let me join. Cheers, Jason

2008-01-05 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1135424

New user

Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Somewhat Open (room for a couple more) !!
Hi, Danny!

Yep, I'm totally psyched about the Danskin thing. I know it will be a humongous event, but uplifting as well. I'm trying to drag a couple of friends into it with me. They're both marathoners, but neither of them swims. So it'll be challenging for them as well.

Since I don't want to get completely overwhelmed and lost in my first race, I've decided to do an indoor/outdoor one at the end of April with my husband. The distances are a bit shorter so it should be a good way to gauge how close I am to the Danskin distances. My husband is a bike commuter and a fitness runner, so this is going to be a piece of cake for him. The swim doesn't even scare him, since it's only 400 meters. With a little prodding, my daughter should be able handle the kids' event that same afternoon. I can't wait!

My hand injury is now 18 months old. I got kicked during a sparring match and dislocated my right thumb. The first 6 months were the worst; I couldn't do much of anything at the dojang except watch. There was nothing the orthopod could repair, so I just had to work through all the physical therapy and hope for the best. At the beginning of 2007 it seemed to get a bit better, so I cautiously re-joined my regular training...and promptly got nailed again. (Both times were my fault. I have a tendency to block with an open hand, which leaves all my fingers hanging out there to be smashed. Not smart.) That's when I slid into the funk you mentioned. I trained on an off for the year, getting to the gym when I could, but my heart really wasn't in it. So the pounds just started packing on. Now I'm overweight and out of shape, but determined not to slide back into the funk. I'll be able to start taekwondo again in early February.

I don't think the hand will bother me on the bike. I biked a lot this past summer and while it was usually sore afterwards, it wasn't insurmountable. At the gym I usually ride a recumbent to take the pressure off it, but I'll go back to the upright this week and see how it feels. I don't think it'll be a problem.

And the run...Well, I won't concede the run yet, I guess. I'm going to start in on the 22-week couch to sprint this week, and since it starts with just walking, I'll hold off on bagging the run until I've actually attempted a few minutes of jogging. I played intermural basketball in both high school and college, so I know I CAN run if I have to. I just don't enjoy it. If I don't have a ball to chase, all I can think about when I run is how much I hate it!

I will get to the finish line somehow, I promise!


2008-01-05 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1128684

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Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Enjoy your last day for dessert, cuz we're working hard in 2008 - Open !!

Thanks for the note my response is as follows:

Running Personal Bests
I’ve never trained specifically for an event. I just tend to run when I feel like it, various distances from 5 to 12 miles, then turn up and see how it goes. I haven’t done any speed work for a couple of years as I damaged a hamstring last time. I run occasionally with a local club with athletes at a higher level than me but I’m working away on those nights at the moment so that’s not on the agenda currently. I’m going to pick up cpl of races and focus on training properly for them, do some speed work etc and see how I go.

Doing a fair bit of spin biking now and will get the racer out shortly, I used to ride once a week up to 50 miles with a couple of decent climbs, sure I’ll be fine on the bike and I do love it!

Local gym where I go has a 25m pool I’ll be in it twice a week. Focus is to get my breaststroke strong again and start to do some front crawl. I guess for sprint distance I wont lose too much by breast-stroking. I’ll look for a masters or triathlon club locally and hook up with them once I’ve had some time in the pool.


Draft Schedule looks like this, I may skip some of the 10ks for the sprint triathlons below depending on dates

Beverley – May
Humber Bridge – Jun
Burton Pidsea - Jul
Elloughton - Aug

Half Marathons
Doncaster – Mar
Humber Bridge – Jun
Bridlington – Oct

All those races are regular events for me and I do a few midweek summer races (4 – 8 miles with my club)

Sprint Triathlons
Mansfield - 4 swim / 17 bike / 5 run – May
Woodhall Spa .4 swim / 24 bike / 5 run - Jun
  • 4 swim / 24 bike / 5 run – Jul

  • I’ll look for some events post July following my holiday.

    So there you have it buddy, please feedback your comments.

    Have a crazy day folks!
    2008-01-05 11:15 AM
    in reply to: #1104346

    Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!

    Thanks for the congrats. Now if only everything could get finalized so I could figure out when I'm starting work then I'd be happy.

    That first sprint tri I did in 2001 I had an old heavy mtb and I'd never ridden more than 5 miles on it on flat roads (the race included 2 causeways), and I had never run a full 5K before then either. I had joined UF's tri club and wanted to do the race to try it out. I finished, I won the 3rd place trophy for the age group, but I was also the 2nd to last overall finisher My embarrassing moment came in the second transition. To save time (haha) I decided I'd try to do a hop off of the bike so I could keep momentum and get to running. Well, my legs didn't agree with that, and I fell flat on my face coming into the transition as my legs just gave out. Needless to say the run was a little painful with those scrapes on my knees. But, anyway it wasn't enough to scare me away.

    The River Run's been something I've been wanting to do for several years (I live in Jacksonville) but I always forget about it until late January when it's a little too late to go couch-to-15K. But I've already registered for this years, and I'm following Hal Higdon's Novice program. My runs are a good bit of run/walk right now. The last time I've regularly run before this week was fall of 2006 when I did a couple sprints. I don't really have a goal finish time for the race, or at least I haven't thought of one. I sure hope I'll be ready

    I haven't picked out any races for the summer yet. I want to do some sprints, and I'd like to maybe finish off the year with an olympic. Would it also be good to try to throw some 5K's in the overall schedule as well?

    I don't have anywhere I can swim right now, and probably won't until mid-March, or until I join somewhere that has an indoor pool. But, the swim is the one thing I do have a stronger background in as I swam growing up. Although I did find out in one of the races I did in 2006 that I do need open water training to get used to that.
    2008-01-07 2:53 PM
    in reply to: #1104346

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    Burleson, TX
    Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!
    Nobody has said much since Saturday, so I thought that I would chime in. The weather down here in Texas has been awesome with 75 degrees for 3 days now. I motivate anyone else that is having good weather to go out and take a good long ride on your bike. I have never been a biker and for the first time on Saturday I road for 2 hours. It was great to see dowtwon Fort Worth from a different perspective. I also loved the feeling of my legs being like tree trunks afterwards. I was a little sore on Sunday, but it was a good sore.

    Hope eveyone else is getting started off on the right trail for a new year.

    Thanks for the help Danny
    2008-01-07 3:23 PM
    in reply to: #1104346

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    Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!
    hi brian

    oh i long for for sunny days and long rides, cold wet and windy in my part of the UK!! Training is going well, starting to work on my swimming in the morning which is my weak point, so that'll make me feel better. How's things with you, had a good start to 2008 and wot are your goals for the year?
    2008-01-07 9:23 PM
    in reply to: #1104346


    Subject: Running shoes question.
    Hello guys,

    This question goes to the runners (or anyone that can help). Me, being new to running, What is is that I should look for on a running tennis shoes? What would be a good price range to spend?

    Any tips, recommendations welcome


    2008-01-07 9:38 PM
    in reply to: #1104346

    Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!
    Hey guys,

    Looks like we're having similar weather, Brian. Warmed back up into the mid-upper 70s the past couple days and has been great out. On my run Sat I tried to see just how I'd manage to run a full mile without walking (I really hate being this out of shape). And suprisingly.. I ran, or jogged, the whole mile. I was planning on doing some strength training today, but, didn't quite make it. Maybe after tomorrow's run I'll squeeze it in.

    I did realize today that I'll probably be able to squeeze a swim in this week as I am back at the university for a week, and still have my student ID so I can sneak in a time or two.

    Wish all a great week this week and sweet workouts!

    2008-01-08 2:38 AM
    in reply to: #1140616

    User image

    Subject: RE: Running shoes question.

    Simple answer is to visit a speciliast running shop and have them look at your feet, posture etc to determine what sort of shoe you need. Its so important to get the right pair for your individual style otherwise you'll risk injury and also feel uncomfortable. As for price range I pay anything from around £50 - £70.

    I hope this helps, have a crazy day folks!
    2008-01-08 7:11 AM
    in reply to: #1139594

    New user

    Subject: RE: dhyte's Group - Freshly Closed !!
    The weather had been the pits here in Wisconsin. Warm, but rainy and very foggy. Sunday there was a 100-car pileup just east of Madison due to dense fog, and last night we had tornadoes in the southeastern part of the state. Visibility on my drive to work this morning was down to about 1/8 of a mile, less in places. Crazy. I wanted to get the bike out while it was warm this week, but with the dense fog making visibility a problem, I'm reluctant to do it. And of course we're supposed to get snow later in the week. Good old Wisconsin weather. Gotta love it!

    2008-01-08 12:29 PM
    in reply to: #1141029


    Subject: RE: Running shoes question.
    Thanks, it does help

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