BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JeepFleeb's 2008 group - FULL! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-07 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1122754

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
So, I think I'm crazy because I'm thinking of doing a sprint in June. Here's my story. I can't believe I'm telling this.

I'm a 35 year old woman and am what the docs like to refer to as morbidly obese. Dare I share my weight? Ok, you talked me in to it. I'm 5'4" and currently at 232 lbs. I'm embarrassed to even be typing that. I've been overweight all of my life and have decided that 2008 is going to be a year of new beginnings for me. I'm about to go through a divorce and also want this to be my fittest year ever. But other than that, it's going to be a pretty boring year

I have a friend here in IL who is about my size and has already competed in a sprint. And, dammit, if she can do it, so can I! I know she will be a big help, but I'd like to bring in some additional reinforcements, if I may

I struggle with most everything about fitness...going to the gym, eating right, etc. I always have. But like I said, 2008 is my year to start my life over and live it the way I was intended.

I've got the couch to sprint training program and intend to start this week. I guess that means I actually have to get off the couch, then?

2008-01-08 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1140915

New user
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
kappie72 - 2008-01-07 10:55 PM

So, I think I'm crazy because I'm thinking of doing a sprint in June. Here's my story. I can't believe I'm telling this.

I'm a 35 year old woman and am what the docs like to refer to as morbidly obese. Dare I share my weight? Ok, you talked me in to it. I'm 5'4" and currently at 232 lbs. I'm embarrassed to even be typing that. I've been overweight all of my life and have decided that 2008 is going to be a year of new beginnings for me. I'm about to go through a divorce and also want this to be my fittest year ever. But other than that, it's going to be a pretty boring year

I have a friend here in IL who is about my size and has already competed in a sprint. And, dammit, if she can do it, so can I! I know she will be a big help, but I'd like to bring in some additional reinforcements, if I may

I struggle with most everything about fitness...going to the gym, eating right, etc. I always have. But like I said, 2008 is my year to start my life over and live it the way I was intended.

I've got the couch to sprint training program and intend to start this week. I guess that means I actually have to get off the couch, then?

If the sprint in June that you speak of is the Batavia, then I am in the same place as you. I look forward to crossing the finish line with you.
2008-01-08 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1140915

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2008-01-08 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1141244

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
I'm actually doing the one in Naperville. But I'm glad you're close
2008-01-08 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1122754

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Room for another Aaron?
2008-01-08 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1141456

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2008-01-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1122754

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Alright count me in!!

I'll follow the outline:
NAME: kellc09/Kellie and live in Michigan

STORY: Im 28. Im the typical "used to be a good athlete, then college hit" story. hah! I had always been in good shape, but at about 20 I gained about 20-30 pounds within a handful of months. After some testing due to there being bad diabetic genetics in the fam, I got the "you are on the verge of being insulin dependant". So what do I do I asked the doc. Change your eating, change your life, and EXERCISE!! At 20 I took it only half serious. I lost half that weight in a month with the diet, then kind of hovered there for about 3 years. So after getting sick of being out of shape and on the border of diabetes I joined a gym. Got bored of the gym and took up running outside for about a month and then joined a local 5k to stay motivated, and proceeded to do more races after that. About 6 months later I ran into a friends step dad who was into adventure racing and made the comment that it "sounded like fun!" Two weeks later I got a call to be part of his adventure racing team. The only way I could think to train for it was kind of like triathlon training. The rest is history and here I am, coming up on my third season of tri's and training for what once was unthinkable (yet intriguing) to me, Ironman.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married with a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: 3 swims, 3 bikes, 3 runs per week.... I'd say its between 11-14 hours a week right now

2007 RACES: The big two were my first HIM, and my first marathon (Detroit marathon). I did a couple sprints/olys and half marathons for fun to

2008 RACES: My 'A' race this year is Lake Placid. Before then I will do a local Olympic, HIM, and hopefully two or three centuries. I hope to come out of LP well enough to then do Marine Corps marathon in October.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am 5 pounds within my goal weight. About 2-3% away from my body fat percentage goal. From the little diabetic incident where I was up about 30, that puts me down 25. I'd like to race at 125 and around 17-18% bodyfat. Currently 130, 21% bodyfat. (I need to get that checked by my coach also since a friend did it)

I decided to hire a coach this year to take me through at least Ironman. I had been holding my own for the last 2-3 years, with some improvement, but not what I know I can do. Also, Ironman was out of my realm of knowledge. It was so nice to pass off my past training, my goals, and have someone else do the worrying!

So hello everyone!! I'll go add you all to my list and start the inspiring!

Edited by kellc09 2008-01-08 9:59 AM
2008-01-08 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1122754

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
As for this week, Im in the 4th week (so recovery week for me) of my second phase. So 8 weeks in my workouts for Ironman. During recovery week heres what I have:

Mon - Endurance Swim
Tue - Run TT, Tempo Bike
Wed - Swim TT
Thur - Run Tempo, TT Bike
Fri - Tempo Swim
Sat - Endurance Run
Sun - Endurance Bike

So we'll be re-setting my zones and pace for Month 3 this week
2008-01-08 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1140915

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
You go!
2008-01-08 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1141522

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Wow--I'm feeling pretty intimidated by all you great athletes! But I also look forward to hearing about how you do it. Just a little patience for those of us who are middle aged!
2008-01-08 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1141692

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
It takes time!! You will get there no worries!

JHellwarth - 2008-01-08 10:28 AM

Wow--I'm feeling pretty intimidated by all you great athletes! But I also look forward to hearing about how you do it. Just a little patience for those of us who are middle aged!

2008-01-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1122754

New user
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
So Aaron I just have to ask, I know you are doing Ironmans and everything, but 4k-5k calories a day? I see on your logs that you are working out 5 hours a day plus 5k calories, do you have any other time left over?
2008-01-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1141442

New user
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
kappie72 - 2008-01-08 9:20 AM

I'm actually doing the one in Naperville. But I'm glad you're close

I am shooting to do the one in Naperville in August.
2008-01-08 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1141844

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2008-01-08 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1141889

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Soooo... what would those "healthy high calorie foods" be?? Ive been finding the same problem lately in tried to eat much more clean. Where the cheeseburger and fries dont seem to help me at all but get the cals in

JeepFleeb - 2008-01-08 11:07 AM

sleslie - 2008-01-08 10:58 AM
So Aaron I just have to ask, I know you are doing Ironmans and everything, but 4k-5k calories a day? I see on your logs that you are working out 5 hours a day plus 5k calories, do you have any other time left over?

HA!  Self-employed and working from home makes things much easier to deal with, but no there isn't much time left over.

I've had my RMR tested as well as my caloric expenditures for the bike and run via VO2max test.  So I know exactly how many calories I burn from fat/carbs at what heart rates.  RMR + workout length * intensity = calories for the day to maintain my weight.  Obviously I'm gonna fall short on the high volume days but at least I know and I'm getting better at finding healthy high calorie foods.

2008-01-08 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1142113

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2008-01-08 2:37 PM

(nutrition log.JPG)

nutrition log.JPG (81KB - 10 downloads)

2008-01-08 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1122754

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN

NAME: Comet/Haley

STORY: 26 years old originally from Galveston, Texas. Moved to Atlanta, GA after college where I picked up a running group to meet people and train for my first marathon, got hooked on tri's and race. Then back to Texas (DFW) in 2006... Joined the Army to be a nurse and thats been my life for the last year and a half. I'm in school and finish here in El Paso in July and await orders to be sent somewhere else... At the end of last year I started to have a 'normal' life again with a regular work day schedule and weekends to myself. This year I'll have more time to train and race than last year.

FAMILY STATUS: Dating the Mentor. I like to say we met through mutual friends...through BT.
CURRENT TRAINING: Ummm...non-existent? Its sporadic at best, but I try to do something everyday. I don't have time to follow a tri training plan right now other than the marathon plan I wrote up myself.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I didn't have time to race as my training schedule was intense and time wasn't mine. I did a sprint in July and a 10miler in August on NO training, at a 9:30 pace which I was very happy with. At that time I decided to do as many races as I could in the fall...I did 3 marathons in 3 weeks during Oct., which basically sidelined my running for the rest of the year.

2008 RACES: I just started training for Bataan Death March Marathon (3/30), as I think I'm recovered from the madness of Oct. Maybe a couple tri's, at least 2 more marathons the rest of the year. Maybe some 50k's. It all depends on my next duty station.

WEIGHTLOSS: I hit my peak in 2004/Jan. 2005. Size 12, about 170. Now I fluctuate in the 140's, sometimes lower 150's if I'm not working out enough. Size 6-8. Happy with my size, fitness is most important and right now I'm in better shape for weightlifting than endurance, so my weight is a little higher.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I wouldn't as I don't have enough time to be on the BT forums daily.

I just wanted to be here because Aaron's here, as I don't know how much mentoring I really need. I'm getting more and more time to be on BT and there are so many new people here I don't know! Its great to see all the new, motivated people. And I've been on here since 2004!

2008-01-08 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1122754

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Thanks for the info Aaron. You blow me out of the water on food, which my hubby thought was hard for someone to do Im starting to get pretty darn particular on what I'll eat and where I'll eat out, so Im getting there. Its not that bad really. Now I want the good stuff. I didnt eat horrible before this year, but I didnt make a lot of effort either. No more of that!

Hi Haley!! I guess your allowed to join since your dating the mentor and all. 3 marathons in 3 weeks on pretty much no training?? YIKES !! Im glad you came out of that alive

Edited by kellc09 2008-01-08 3:01 PM
2008-01-08 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1142886

Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN

Edited by kellc09 2008-01-08 3:01 PM
2008-01-08 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1122754

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Room for 1 more?
2008-01-08 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1143187

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2008-01-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1122754

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Name: Jay Campbell, 38 Memphis, TN

Story: I think it was shortly after I found out that my wife and I were expecting twin boys I realized I needed to get in shape. I was around 190 pounds (I'm 6') and had not done much for exercise in several years. A freind of mine had done a local tri , and there was a mini-sprint not to far in the distant future so I signed up, trained, dropped about 25#, and actually got 2nd in my age group. From then on I was hooked.

Family status: Married for 12 years and have twin boys, Gavin and Dylan, 2 yrs old.

Current Training: I'm between gyms right now so I'm focusing on my bike and running as well as trying to work in some strength training.

2007 Races; I did 2 tris, Dragonfly spring and an mini-sprint offroad tri, Several 5ks & 4 milers, (3) 1/2 marathons and my first full marathon

2008 Races: IMFL is the my main race. I'll fill in the blanks with another marathon, at least 1 sprint, and a 1/2 Iron distance somewhere.

Weightloss: I'm fairly happy with my current weight, 162, but would like to move it around a bit. Preferably from south to north!

Looking forward to any advise you might have! Thanks!
2008-01-08 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1122754

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2008-01-08 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1143331

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2008-01-08 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1122754

New user

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's 2008 group - OPEN
Hi Jeep

Hoping i can bring some south Pacific flavour (flavor) to the group if accepted.

Here's my bio:

Male: Yes!

Age: 40 (man that came around fast)

Nationality: New Zealander (kiwi)

Status: married and lovin it

Health: Good, but six pack over past ten years has developed into mini keg. I am blaming global warming for this.. not the beers! So doing triathlons for challenge, and to resculpt myself back into excellent shape.

Past: Sport nut, former college champion swimmer, rugby etc. Ironically am finding swimming hardest of 3 diciplines. Simply not putting hours in to swimming.

Hoping mentor and group support will keep me focused on nailing full Olympic Tri in May. Plan to do in 2 hours.

Cheers and Kia Ora


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