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2008-01-08 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Food questions: Eating is very personal. The right amount of calories for me might not be the right amount of calories for you. That said, this is what has helped me lose the 20 lbs this fall.

The key key key key to all of this is tracking your meals. I use and have for 4 years now. I find when I don't track I eat way too much and put on weight. It is an incredible site with foods in there that suprise me all the time. When I eat pre-packaged food I eat organic choices such as Seeds of Change or Amy's. They have all of them in the database.

Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean protein, good fats. I know, no one wants to hear that but it is the truth. And, total of 1400 calories a day. For days I work out more than an hour, I give myself an extra 250 calories per hour.

Losing weight is about the little choices you make every minute of every day. Every time I think about food, which is alot, I have a choice about how I react to it. Do I give in and eat it or not? Can I find a healthier option than the bag of chips I'm thinking about? Celebrate the little victories. Congratulate yourself for every good decision you make. Forgive yourself if you make a bad one. I still work on this every day. Unfortunately I'm not getting any younger and as I get closer to 40 my body is less and less interested in losing weight.

Listen to your body. If you are always hungry you might not be getting enough protein and fat. Or, you might not be eating enough calories. If you are training more than 5 hours a week you need to be eating more than most of the current diets suggest. Start by adding 100 calories a day for a week and see if that helps.  Experiment!

Geez. I could go on and on about this so I'll be quiet now.

2008-01-08 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1143481

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

First off - Jen 8 miles in hail - are you crazy - Oh wait we're triathletes so that's yes you're nuts....  Kudos for the run in such miserable weather. 

As for WW - I like it.  I'm given a set amount of points and when I'm at that number - which is usually by 5pm - I go to bed... but given that 3 kids are up till 7 I somehow manage not to nibble on everything in site and then promptly go to bed at 730 (now) for the first 2 weeks - this seems to be the time it takes my body to adjust to fewer calories and hunger pains.  Once I'm past this 2 week stage it's much easier and I don't feel like I am starving myself - plus I can make it till 9 or so without feeling the need to nibble all night and be tempted with the kitchen right beside the family room.   It is a change in behavior and my relationship with food.  Yes there are days when I eat those chips - but with WW I offer myself forgiveness for those weaknesses and re-start the next day.  Obviously though you can't fall off daily.  I believe there is a WW group in the nutritional forum if you want advise on the other WW program - I only use WW points.  My only concern will be hard core training and nutrition coem February when I'm ramping up on distance and times... I'll have to figure it out as i go and hope I feed my body correctly for training.


2008-01-08 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Figured out how to do the picture thing - thanks
I'm on WW as well and like it - it just makes sense.
Tracking everything is a good way to become aware of portion size and how to maximize one's calorie intake. I've been doing it for about 3.5 months now. I think it will be really compatible with training for a tri - plus it takes into consideration the amount of exercise you do and gives you more "points" depending on your activity level. I'm glad to know there's a forum about it. As I train harder I'll probably need more advice.
2008-01-09 4:23 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Jen~All I can say is wow to your training, WOW. I'm in awe, truly awesome and motivational. Thanks for the advice.

Thanks all to everyone for the diet info. I think I'm going to have to do something different than what I'm doing now. The calorie tracker sight is a great idea, another accountability thing for me.

Have a good workout today everyone, I'm off to work for 12 hours, woo hoo .

2008-01-09 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1123569


Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
hi everyone,

after begging, Jen let me join this group. I'm a third year law student in los angeles, trying to shake off the slump of law school by trying something new. I've never done a triathlon before; my partner used to do them, and suggested to me when we first started dating that I would enjoy them. I resisted for a while, but now I'm committed. I've never seen myself as an athlete at all, but I've been active during differnet parts of my life. I swam competatively (but not very well) in middle school and high school, ran regularly for a year, and then, well, I stopped. Three years ago, I started running again and swimming more. I lost about 50 pounds over two years. The past year though, I gained about 10-15 pounds of it back as the stress of law school kept me out of the gym and away from food tracking, etc. I'm doing the triathlon as a way to kick my butt back into shape, and keep me on track. I figure I should do it now, during my last sememster in law school, so I can get back into the habit before I start a really crazy year next year working for a judge.
My strength is definitely swimming. I can swim for a long time without stopping, so I need to work on speed and strenght. For the past two summers I've commuted with a bike, and on and off I've done trail running. I can handle all three okay, but I don't have much confidence in my strength and speed. In fact, that's the part that kind of terrifies me. Running is definitely my weakest, and I'm not particularly technically competent on a bike. So, with that, thanks for letting me join the group.

2008-01-09 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Welcome Jill!
I'm wondering if I can get some advice from folks ...?
I'm trying to decide between two races for my first Sprint and would love some feedback.
The one that first caught my eye was the Columbia, MD Ryka Irongirl race.
It is Aug 24 and involves a 1000M swim, 18.6 mile bike, and 3.11 mile run.
The positives are that it's about 30 min from my home and all women- its known to have a very positive & encouraging atmosphere.
The a big negative is that last year there were more than 2000 participants. Yikes. I'm worried about the large group - will it be confusing, will I be trampled underfoot?
I investigated other races and found out about a Northeast, MD race
It's on Aug 17 and involves a 750M swim, 15.5 mile bike and 3.5 mile run
It looks like last year there were @ 400 participants.
It seems like it would be a no brainer to do the Northeast one, but it's coed and I found the all women race really appealing. It's also farther away - about an hour to an hour and a half drive.
Maryland in August is brutally hot and humid but that'll be the case for both of those choices.
Can anybody weigh in on your own experiences with large groups, all female vs coed, etc?


2008-01-09 11:44 PM
in reply to: #1146424

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I suggest you pick the all women's one. Yes, it will be busy, but they will start everyone in waves so you aren't swamped. This will be a much less competative field, supportive and the organization will be well done since it is a national group behind it. Smaller races are great once you have some experience. They tend to have a more competative/aggressive field.

A short morning drive is huge too.  You don't need the stress of travelling the morning before the race. Make this as stress free as possible.  If you want to do a smaller race, do one later in the season when you are more comfortable with the process.

2008-01-10 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I second Jen's advice. The all women field will offer you more encouragement as you swim/bike/run.  Just place yourself in the correct wave - sometimes it's based on age sometimes on swim time it depends on the race director - found on your application form.  I think an all women race will do wonders for your confidence in later races.


2008-01-10 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Welcome Jill!
2008-01-10 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Welcome aboard Jill! I read your post last night and thought about it this AM while I was drinking up the pool like I was guzzling the last beer on earth. My goal for the week was to swim three laps at the pool without stopping, I made one complete lap this morning and was out of gas. I need your swimming tips and everyone elses as well. HA! I asked the lifeguard about private lessons to help my technique and they don't do that there. Her only advice was to practice, practice, practice. Well, I'm going to practice again in the morning. I did complete 10 laps but it was with lots of gasping breaks.

On the upside, I completed week four of the couch potato to 5K plan. Starting week five tomorrow before my swim. It may not be an advanced plan but it works for anyone that needs help building up to a 5K run. I ran my first 5K using the plan after seven weeks. I think I'm probably the low woman of the group on the triathlon totum pole though so you're all probably past that point.

How's everyone doing? Did we lose Lisa already? Where's Teresa?
2008-01-10 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi All,
Amy- you're definitely not alone as far as being in the earlier phases of training and stamina.....I'm as low on the totum pole as you can get - trying to regain some strength in my injured knee and taking everything slow. When I broke my leg, my ACL was badly torn and that's what gives me the most discomfort. Any tips on strengthening it would be appreciated. I'm looking for swimming tips too.
Have a great night, everyone!

2008-01-10 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Nellie~We can link arms, skip, and be tri-newbies together. Ha! Here is the running program I am using:

I used it for the first time last April, following it to a T and it really worked, which shocked me. I was 100% out of shape when I started and seven weeks later I completed my first 5K. This plan does start out slow and you could repeat a week if you needed to. Maybe someone else will have some better suggestions for your knee, I'm definitely not an expert.

Did you decide on which triathlon go for?
2008-01-10 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Hi ladies,  I took the day off - had myself a nice little massage...AHHHHHH my back feels much better.  But my baby (2yr) had a rough day - we were at baby gym and she was so happy to be there (1st time) but she needed the bathroom so we go and come back and she gets ahead of herself and her foot is under the door and well - the door riped her skin off her big toe and the toe beside it.... Needless to say she was torn between crying and sucking it up and going back to baby gym... she chose baby gym but Mama here was traumatized.  her trauma started after i dragged her out of baby gym and she started to realize she really hurt herself!  a little motrin and a nap took care of us both!

my advice for swimming is unless you do it correctly 1) you could injure your shoulder rotator cuffs and 2)not build the stamina.  There is a swim video - "total immersion" (I think that's the name) that many people here at BT reccommend - especially if you can't get with a coach.  Start with that and see if that helps with the technique/stamina.  As for running - I just suck air to try and get thru my times... I'm using the BT 16 week 3x balanced program... having been off for 2 months, gaining a few pounds during the holiday - i'm back to square 1 sucking air... arhgggg i hate running!

Off to bed... see you all tomorrow night!

2008-01-10 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I'm still here gals!  I just had a brief time of not feeling very whippy.  I don't know if it was something I ate, but I was down for the count for a day.  Tomorrow I'll get back into it!  I did read the posts about the eating.  Well, I'm an expert at eating.  I love to eat--even when I am really not truly hungry, but think I am.  Usually I'm really thirsty and need to drink water.  I have also found that using the nutrition log on this website helps me to get honest about what I really am putting into my mouth rather than what I would like to think I eat.  It keeps me honest.  When I am faithful to log what I have actually eaten, I am surprised at the amount of calories I'm actually consuming.  I don't know if that would help anyone else, but I am committed to keeping track of my consumption of calories to get some control over it.  Now, excuse me, I am really wanting to eat some popcorn....


2008-01-11 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

teresa I too log what i eat w/ WW... unfortunately some days it would take a page or 2 to write it all down LOL...

happy weekend to everyone... I'm a weekend widow this weekend and will be busy taking care of 3 kids and house... catch all you Monday or in the late hours this weekend.


2008-01-11 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1150974

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Hi ladies -

Checking in on everyone. I hope you are all getting in a workout even if you aren't writing about it. 

We got a new treadmill at the house and I got in a great 6 mile run in on it yesterday. My husband has decided he wants to finally get in shape. We are both turning 29 in a month and a half and I think his mortality is sneaking up on him. We are working on getting him to run a 5k and I'm really excited to have some company.

Tomorrow I'll be watching football all afternoon after brunch with my gfriends so my 2 hour run will be on the treadmill so it will get a good test. I have a 60 minute easy spin on my bike trainer after the run so I get to eat pancakes to fuel that workout! Yippee!

Sunday is a 4 hour snowshoe followed by pancakes.  Can you tell I like pancakes?

Have a great weekend everyone.

Quick tip: For those of you who don't always have time for a workout, instead of worrying about getting in an hour, get in a high intensity 30 minutes at your house.  Do a hard run, a hill climbing session on the trainer or jump rope, whatever works. Something is better than nothing!

2008-01-12 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1151299

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Happy Saturday morning to everyone.  I got a sick son on my hands today - just tending to him today and not much else planned.  But tomorrow I hope to get a ride in the actually saddle completed!!!  Yeah....  Happy training everyone.


Edited by houston-tri-mama 2008-01-12 6:49 AM
2008-01-12 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
Hi all!

Had a crazy rude woman try to butt me out of my swim lane yesterday at the pool. I was swimming away, huffing and puffing, trying to concentrate and focus, I reach the end of my lap, pop up and there standing in my lane is this woman. She asks ARE YOU DONE YET????
Uh, what?? NO, I'm not done!! Are you serious?? The nerve of some people.

I polished my toe nails red today, I think that will help me swim better.


Do you all take supplements? I bought a multivitamin, extra vitamin C, Glucosamine, and vitamin B-Complex yesterday. Winging it when it comes to what I bought, looks good sitting on my countertop though. Hee hee.

How about music? Do you all use an ipod to train? THat is my weakness when it comes to running, I feel like I have to listen to some good tunes. IF you do rock it out when your exercising what do you listen to?
2008-01-12 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1152000

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

1sttrimomma - 2008-01-12 11:48 AM Hi all! Had a crazy rude woman try to butt me out of my swim lane yesterday at the pool. I was swimming away, huffing and puffing, trying to concentrate and focus, I reach the end of my lap, pop up and there standing in my lane is this woman. She asks ARE YOU DONE YET???? Uh, what?? NO, I'm not done!! Are you serious?? The nerve of some people.

was she willing to share the lane??? if not then she would have to wait for you to finish... lane courtesy.  

I polished my toe nails red today, I think that will help me swim better.

red is the BT color of fast so in theory it should help 

 HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you all take supplements? I bought a multivitamin, extra vitamin C, Glucosamine, and vitamin B-Complex yesterday. Winging it when it comes to what I bought, looks good sitting on my countertop though. Hee hee.

nothing to say her - no vitamins.... maybe i should though

How about music? Do you all use an ipod to train? THat is my weakness when it comes to running, I feel like I have to listen to some good tunes. IF you do rock it out when your exercising what do you listen to?

I listen to whatever is on TV at Y... and radio channel on earphones on home treadmill.  Be careful though - you can not wear earphones/ipods etc.. during USAT sanctioned races.  You will be DQ'd.  use music for now to get a pace going or to help pass the time - but in the weeks leading up to a race go without so you can learn to pace yourself on your own.


2008-01-13 12:42 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Carnation, WA
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

I managed to get in 2 hours on the treadmill during the Patriots game tonight. Yay Pats!!  I'm a transplanted New Englander so my heart belongs to Tom Brady.

I try not to listen to music unless I'm at the gym. For me, it is a a sfety issue.  I want to know what or who is coming at me when I'm running or on the bike.  There is a local trail that is well travelled that I will use it on but I always am sure to have the volume down low enough that I can hear my own footsteps.  When I do listen, I vary my listening.  I'm into Elvis right now but also listen to The Killers, Fountains of Wayne, Green Day. I'm also big into women singers such as Brandi Carlile, the Indigo Girls and KT Tunstall. My standard pre-race mix includes Black Eyed Peas, Eminem and a few other odd people.

As far as suppliments. I'm terrible about taking mine but when I'm good I take flaxseed oil, vitamin C, a multivitamin and B complex. 

I'm snowshoeing in the morning and need to get packed up. I hope everyone's workouts go well!

2008-01-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Didn't get any workouts in yesterday at all.  We had to go out of town to a funeral and it took the entire day.  And they had one of those "big lunches" that all those cute little old ladies serve at a church when there is a service.  I ate quite well.  But, I did not eat any of the desserts.  A big deal for me to do!  Today I woke up and was having a bit of vertigo (sometimes I get that with my MS) so I will wait until later today and see if I can get in some kind of workout.  If not, I will at least do some stretching exercises. I'm supposed to go to the Y tomorrow and swim.  Hope I can get that in...I'm actually ready to get in the water and see how I'm doing.  I haven't been swimming since last November so I will have to start all over again.  

 As for the supplement husband and I get ours from Hammer Nutrition.  We both take the multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.  We add to that a fish oil supplement.  I am thinking about adding another supplement that Hammer has (which I can't think of the name of it right now) but it helps with ammonia.  I know it sounds weird, but if I work out more than 45 minutes or so, I can actually smell ammonia when I am done.  Apparently it has something to do with your body not breaking something down and it's not getting rid of the ammonia.  I thought I was crazy until I actually read that it was an actual thing that happens.  Other than that I don't take anything else.  I probably should take calcium since I'm considered an "older adult" now.  

2008-01-13 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1123569

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Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
No, she didn't want to share a lane. She probably saw that I swim in a weird zigzag but that's still no reason to be rude. It was funny because some of the old lady regulars that were taking water aerobics saw us talking and in the locker room wanted to know what I said to her because apparently she scares people out of the pool. Pool politics at the Y, gotta love it.

I swam, ran, and biked today, I'm beat and hungry. How were those pancakes Jen? Mmmmm.

Dumb question, don't laugh... My first sprint Tri is April 19 at 8am. The swim is in a pool, then we got outside for the bike and run. Any suggestions of what to wear for the bike/run when the average temp in Ohio is anywhere between 39-61 degrees in April? If its cold don't you freeze with a wet head even though your hot and sweaty?

2008-01-13 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1153289

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

1sttrimomma - 2008-01-13 5:16 PM 

 Dumb question, don't laugh... My first sprint Tri is April 19 at 8am. The swim is in a pool, then we got outside for the bike and run. Any suggestions of what to wear for the bike/run when the average temp in Ohio is anywhere between 39-61 degrees in April? If its cold don't you freeze with a wet head even though your hot and sweaty?

wear a swim cap so your hair isn't wet... as for other attire... go to the Ohio forum and ask there - they'll have a good idea of what to wear without freezing.... or ask on Cup of joe... those folks can scare you but a harmless non-political questions won't get you any grief and they do come up with good suggestions....


2008-01-13 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1123569


Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL
i took a road bike out for the first time today. i'm used to commuting to work during the summers on a hybrid. Negotiating the streets of New York, LA and San Francisco requires a sturdy bike, so I have a really solid Marin bike that handles potholes and stopping really well. However, after riding the ultra-light roadbike, it finally dawned on me how heavy it is. The road bike was so much fun! I nearly got run off the road negotiating traffic to get to the bike lane, and the potholes around my house were no fun, but otherwise, it was a great time. I'm thinking about buying one, so if anyone has any suggestions for a not-so-expensive bike or tips on how to pick one, please let me know.

I'm also in search of good music. i use it when i'm running, since i run on trails usually or on a path around the UCLA campus, and i use it at the gym. i do have one suggestion though. If you like a strong beat, there's a podcast called "podrunner" that is designed to runfor music. It builds in its intensity, and lasts about 50 minutes to an hour and five minutes. It's good to run to sometimes, but you really do have to like techno or electronica. if you do, you can get it online on itunes.
2008-01-14 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1123569

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: UltraIronJen's Club - FULL

Good Monday morning to everyone!  Had a rough weekend with ill son and girl scout cookie sales starting (5 hours of walking door to door)... so didn't get the ride in. and didn't start today off well either - son is home still recovering so no Y - but I  figured I'd run on home treadmill only it didn't work - but after perservering I got the tread to work and I got my run in for today.  Missed the first swim workout of the season but can only do what i can do.

Hope everyone is off to a good start for the week!


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