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2008-01-11 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1148873

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

wendysue - 2008-01-10 5:30 PM I'm having trouble finding an Olympic length tri to try. Any thoughts? Wendy

Hi Wendy,

Is you're willing to pop up to Canada here are two race series that run in Southern Ontario. I have particpated in events from both. All events are well run and have a variety of distances and venues. - Subaru Series - HSBC Series

I'm off to Mexico (Cabo San Lucas) tomorrow for week, so will check in when I get back. It will be a great way to try out some open water swims too.

2008-01-11 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1149730

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
richtherunner - 2008-01-11 7:31 AM

I'm off to Mexico (Cabo San Lucas) tomorrow for week, so will check in when I get back. It will be a great way to try out some open water swims too.

Ok new group rule...if you are going somewhere nice and warm in the winter, you must take the entire group with you.

Rich have a great time on vacation and enjoy the sun. We will have to make you work twice as hard when you get back...

2008-01-11 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1149445

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
forthegiirls - 2008-01-10 10:48 PM
Eric (and anyone else who has done the Total Immersion Swim method), I'd love your input on my swimming approach right now. I'm a bad swimmer. I get winded really easily and everything in the book makes sense to me as far as why I can't swim more than 4 laps without sucking some serious wind. I was swimming 2x a week but have decided to completely stop until I finish the book and can work on the whole balance thing. I figure it's better to not swim at all right now than to swim and do everything wrong. Was it hard for you to master the beginning of the TI technique? The other question is do you really need a partner? I'm going to FLorida in the beginning of March and will have a week with a pool where there aren't tons of people swimming laps. I thought about trying to teach myself the beginning of the program up to the point where you start to put the strokes together. Do you think I can do it in a week?

Well I wouldn't say that what I do as a swim would qualify as mastering anything since my swim times are still BOP, but I can say that the book made me comfortable in the water and the balancing drills really helped me out a ton. I was like you about 3 months ago. I had a hard time swimming more than 50-100yds. Whatever approach you take with it, just stay consistent. I am sure if I had stopped swimming and only worked on the drills I probably would have benefited more, but I didn't. I only did the drills as warm up before my swim and I only did the drills up to the point where I felt I was swimming good enough for me.

BTW- I have to admit, as I was reading about everyone lamenting about how they don't like treadmills, I was thinking about how much I LOVE THEM! I've never belonged to a gym before this fall and I'm having a blast trying out every piece of equipment I can. The only thing I have left is the rowing maching and I can't wait to try it. I guess I've spent so many years running that it's nice to have other options.


Yup no treadmill for me either. I don't mind them once in awhile, but since Cincinnati doesn't get to cold I will run out side all winter long. It is kind of refreshing running in the cold at times and it sure wakes you up if you aren't really awake yet.
2008-01-11 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1148873

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
wendysue - 2008-01-10 5:30 PM
I'm having trouble finding an Olympic length tri to try. Any thoughts?


Another thought I had was you might want to check out HFP racing.

They have a series called The Wheelie for Fun Series here in Ohio. It is I think 6 events that hit a lot of the Ohio State Parks all over Ohio. I am not sure if any of them hit up near the NE part of Ohio, but it might be worth a look. I did two events with HFP last year and both events where first class events.
2008-01-11 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1126063

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Fort Collins, CO
Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Thanks for having me in the group! I think it's going to be lots of fun.

I'd be glad to offer whatever advice I can about swimming to whoever wants it. Like I said, I haven't been a serious swimmer for a couple of years, but it's still my strongest area and I'm sure I can come up with some useful tips.

I would like to do a couple of tris this year if I can. I'm considering the 5430 sprint (Boulder, CO) in June and then another sprint in either August or September.

Other than that, any advice you guys can give about running and biking would be greatly appreciated - I have pretty much no experience in either area so I'm a little worried about those!

2008-01-12 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1149162

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Open
wendy , my daughter is 17 and went to germany as a 16 yr old. you will find you do get attached to your student, i realize now that some of my misinterpretation of their actions was their not understanding me. do you get the smile and nodding alot?
i was planning on spending around $500 on a bike so i glad you are happy enough with yours. i got laughs when i told my racing brother what i was going to spend.

2008-01-12 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1149214

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Open
i am glad you said you did the breast stroke for alot of the way. i actually can breast stroke fast and for a long(all relative) time. when i train should i be trying to do the free style- i am really bad at that and get so tired doing it. should i be traing to build endurance or perfecting a stroke. i think i will trythe Total Immersion Book. How many times a week are people swimming running and biking. Is the stationary bike a good option while it is cold and my sears bike has flats?
2008-01-12 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1152156

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Open
karenmc - 2008-01-12 3:42 PM

i am glad you said you did the breast stroke for alot of the way. i actually can breast stroke fast and for a long(all relative) time. when i train should i be trying to do the free style- i am really bad at that and get so tired doing it. should i be traing to build endurance or perfecting a stroke. i think i will trythe Total Immersion Book. How many times a week are people swimming running and biking. Is the stationary bike a good option while it is cold and my sears bike has flats?

Hey Karen:

I personally would practice at the pool as much as you can doing the front crawl. Remembering that during the actual race if you have fatigue issues, you can always go back to breast stroke, side stroke, back stroke or whatever you have to do to get to the end of it.

Just keep going and give the swimming an honest effort. What I mean by that is try to get to the pool 3-4 times a week. You have plenty of time between now and the summer and you will be surprised how quickly it can come around. Look back at my logs starting in mid-October. I could barely swim 50-100 yards and I was dead tired. I am still not the fastest swimmer, but I can swim steady and not be wore out at the end.

You can always use a stationary bike in a pinch. Any riding is going to better than no riding.
2008-01-14 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1149445

Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
forthegiirls - 2008-01-11 2:48 AM

Eric (and anyone else who has done the Total Immersion Swim method), I'd love your input on my swimming approach right now. I'm a bad swimmer. I get winded really easily and everything in the book makes sense to me as far as why I can't swim more than 4 laps without sucking some serious wind. I was swimming 2x a week but have decided to completely stop until I finish the book and can work on the whole balance thing. I figure it's better to not swim at all right now than to swim and do everything wrong. Was it hard for you to master the beginning of the TI technique? The other question is do you really need a partner? I'm going to FLorida in the beginning of March and will have a week with a pool where there aren't tons of people swimming laps. I thought about trying to teach myself the beginning of the program up to the point where you start to put the strokes together. Do you think I can do it in a week?

I used the Total Immersion method when I 1st started. Looking back at it now I think it’s a little over hyped. There is nothing too revolutionary in it, seems to be old drills re-branded. However, I’m not too critical of it as this book got me from struggling to swim a few lengths to completing my 1st triathlon. So no doubt it worked for me.

My swimming improved the most after I joined a swimming group that cost me about $14 per week for two 1-hour sessions. Some of the TI stuff I unlearnt at these classes. There was also regular open water swimming session that was free and an invaluable experience. Open water swimming is a little daunting at 1st and the wetsuit makes everything a little different. Not sure what but takes a little getting used to.

Took me almost a year to be confidant enough to go to the group though and following the TI program gave me that confidence. Anyhow, guess what I’m saying is the TI book is good and helped me but I wouldn’t rely on it completely and it’s probably worth looking for classes/groups too.
2008-01-14 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1151236

Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Madeleine - 2008-01-11 10:00 PM
p>Other than that, any advice you guys can give about running and biking would be greatly appreciated - I have pretty much no experience in either area so I'm a little worried about those!

Unlike swimming cycling don’t require a whole lot of technique. I think this is why I’m better at cycling. It requires putting in a lot of miles on the bike. However there are a few things you can do.

Get used to cycling at a high cadence (rpm) this can be a little tiring at 1st but gets easier with time. There is some disagreement about if high or low cadence is better but bear in mind a “low” cadence is about 80rpm and high is over 100rpm. So a low cadence is still pretty quick for beginners.

Try to peddle smoothly. You absolutely need clips/clipless pedals for this. If you don’t have them they are a must really. Then you’ll be able to pull up as well as push down but this isn’t the biggest advantage. They allow you to push forward and pull back. With normal pedals the top and bottom of the cycle is a “dead” zone. You should try and keep constant power all the way around, not easy I know, I don’t when climbing or standing. If you have an indoor trainer try cycling with just one leg at a time with low resistance.

No matter what type of bike you have look after it well. Keep it clean, oiled/greased, tires well inflated and running true.

Keep your elbows tucked in and your body low and that’s pretty much it except for going out and cycling a lot.
2008-01-14 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1154678


Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Thanks for the swimming advice. Like I said, right now I'm not swimming because I want to at least get comfortable in the water. I think my week in FL should help with that. When I get back I'll start swimming 3-4x a week. I was contemplating taking a few swim lessons and I think I'll go ahead and do it. In the summers I can swim 3x a week with a group of masters swimmers. They train like crazy! I'll try to tag along this summer and I think I'll be fine by the time my tri rolls around- it's not til August.

2008-01-14 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1156005


Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

To answer your training question- right now I'm not swimming at all. When I can I work out 6 days a week-5 at the gym and one outside. I alternate weight resistance (2x/wk) with some sort of aerobic activity and try not to do the same one twice in the same week. I ride the stationary bike, do the elliptical, stair maching and treadmill at the gym and run outside on Saturdays.

I'm not planning on starting an actual tri training program until April or May, although I will pick up the swimming in March. I figure since I only have one tri planned this year, I have plenty of time and should focus on builing a solid base.
2008-01-14 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1156016

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
forthegiirls - 2008-01-14 8:47 PM


To answer your training question- right now I'm not swimming at all. When I can I work out 6 days a week-5 at the gym and one outside. I alternate weight resistance (2x/wk) with some sort of aerobic activity and try not to do the same one twice in the same week. I ride the stationary bike, do the elliptical, stair maching and treadmill at the gym and run outside on Saturdays.

I'm not planning on starting an actual tri training program until April or May, although I will pick up the swimming in March. I figure since I only have one tri planned this year, I have plenty of time and should focus on builing a solid base.

Hi Lisa,

If you know when your triathlon is, the best thing to do is to find a plan that will fit you and then just back up the weeks according to the plan and you will have when you need to start. Stay focused and keep working.
2008-01-17 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1126063


Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hi Everyone,
Just checking in. It's quiet around here- how's everyone doing? I haven't worked out at all this week. My husband is out of town and I can only work out when he's here. I go to the gym at 6 am before he leaves for work. My youngest is sick so I probably wouldn't be working out even if he was here. Not fun! Hopefully next week will be better.

I hope everyone is doing well. What are people doing as far as specific training? Who's got the first tri on the schedule? I feel like mine's so far away! I need a mid- January and it's snowing outside pick me up!

2008-01-17 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1126063

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hey Lisa! It's snowing here too!! I've been on the treadmill a couple times this week.... I haven't been on the bike...and not in the pool at all. I'm lucky enough to work from home so I can jump on the treadmill during lunch and not worry about getting sweaty. Sorry to hear about sick kids! My daughter is home sick, too...she has Mono and it's driving me nuts! Makes me run faster!

I get to fly to Chicago this weekend for corporate kick-off meeting and out of mind prepping my presentation to 400 peopls..ugh. After that, maybe a tri looks easy? I don't have a tri scheduled yet, I'm having scheduling problems, but just got a great e-mail from a buddy of my husbands who is a tri-freak, he sent me a bunch of links I need to browse thru when time permits.

A week off working out will make you stronger next week, right? And then you'll be so happy to be back at it, your morale will improve??

2008-01-17 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1126063

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hey Guys!

Sorry, I have a really rough week work wise this week. Got a surprise trip to NYC and had to leave this morning to fly out. I don't get back until tomorrow night, and that is if I am lucky. It has been snowing in Dayton/Cincinnati area and they are calling for a storm here in NYC. Hopefully it won't be so bad that I can't get out in the afternoon.

As far as workouts go, I swam on Monday, but that was it. I came down with a stomach virus or something Monday night. Oh yea I did do a Lactate Threshold test on Monday night also, but I think I need to do it again because I was sick and don't think I gave it my all.

My first Tri is in May, the Memphis Triathlon. I will be signing up for it here in a week or two. I am really looking forward to it.

As for training, I am currently working on a winter maintenance swimming program and very slowly increasing my run mileage. Only up to about a 1.5 mile run right now...I miss those long runs.

Just stay focused folks get some kind of work in, either on the treadmill, a stationary bike or get to the pool and get a short swim in. Anything is good.

Stay warm folks!

2008-01-21 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1126063


Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
I was wondering how you did your Lactate Threshold test? I've read many different ways to do it but have never tried any myself. I want to eventually do one.

Well, after a full week of not working out- I'm back at it today. I ran 2.5 miles and did a little weight training. It's hard to get back into it but I need to!

Have a great day,
2008-01-21 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1167479

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
forthegiirls - 2008-01-21 8:28 AM

I was wondering how you did your Lactate Threshold test? I've read many different ways to do it but have never tried any myself. I want to eventually do one.

Well, after a full week of not working out- I'm back at it today. I ran 2.5 miles and did a little weight training. It's hard to get back into it but I need to!

Have a great day,

Hey Lisa:

For the LT test on my bike what I did was a warm up for about 10 minutes to get things moving and loose. Then I hit the lap button on my HR monitor so that I could get an average HR for the last 20 minutes. During this last 20 minutes I had my bike in a gear that allowed me to keep up a pace of 90 - 100RPMs and I held that pace for the entire 20 minutes. It hurt like crazy but I was able to finish it. Then I took that average HR and plugged it into the zone calculator here on the site to calculate my zones.

I think I may need to do it again because I was not feeling very good that night when I did it and the next two days I was really sick. My HR seemed a little low during the ride. Oh, all this was done on my trainer because I am a wimp and won't ride outside right now here in Cincinnati.

So basically you are going to be doing a 30 minute bike ride with the last 20 minutes at a pace that will allow you to keep a 90-100RPM for the entire 20 minutes. Everything that I have read is to start off a little easier than you think you need to so that you don't slow down towards the end of the 20 minutes.

I too didn't have a good week last week working out. I had to travel and I had a lot of stress from work, and on top of that I got sick. So I am hoping that this week will be a little bit better.

With getting back into this, just take it slow. Like I said before don't sweat it too much on the bad week, just try not to have too many of them.

Stick with it, Spring time is just around the corner and then we can all be outside enjoying the weather!
2008-01-21 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1126063

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Hi Eric and Group, thanks for the info about the LT testing. I have never done one before and have always thought that you needed to go a licensed trainer to get a test done. I'll give your method a try this week and see what sorry shape I'm in. 

Last week was a great time in Mexico, a little cooler than expected, but sunny everyday and no rain at all. Managed to get a bit of tan, I burn then peal and then I'm white again. So because of last week, I did basically no training, other than a couple of "swims" in the pool and one in the Sea of Cortez (which was cold). However my wife and I walked on the beach everyday at least 2 hours each day, with our max being 4.5 hours on one day. And it was not easy walking on the beach as it was not flat and the sand was very sharp, so had wear footwear. Anyway, got back late Saturday night and then wend for a very cold run on Sunday morning (6.5k) and then today have done another 6.7k (the pool was being used so could get a swim in today, but will swim tomorrow).

Hope everyone is doing well and the training plans and race schedules are coming along.

Edited by richtherunner 2008-01-21 4:06 PM
2008-01-21 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1168435

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hey Rich!

Glad to have you back from vacation. You can also do an LT test for the run too if you desire. It has the same general routine, do a 10 minute warm up and then run on a relatively flat surface for 20 minutes. Try to keep your pace for the 30 minutes even and constant and try not to slow down at the end.

Once you are done, see what your HR monitor says the avg HR was for that 20 minute period and plug that number into the zone calculator here to get your zones.

It is best to do both of the LT tests when you are fully rested, usually after a recovery week so that you are well prepared for them.
2008-01-22 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1126063

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Thanks Eric, I'll try that too! I have an HRM, but I have only used it a few times. I will be using it more for my training this year I think.

 Well I did another 40 minute swim this morning. Getting more comfortable with the freestyle stroke, but boy do I have a long way to go. I think that if I keep up the 2 or 4 times a week, I should be ok by my goal HIM race in September.

2008-01-23 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1162405

New user

Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hi everyone, it sounds like we are all having issues with getting workouts in. I had food poisoning and then kidney stones so the past two weeks have been sporadic with trainingg. It is amazing how quickly you can lose when you don't work out. I have gotten in the pool and it is slow but i can see how it may work with a lot of practice. I do hope to get outside to run if it gets above freezing ever. Does anyone else find the treadmill so much harder than road running? I am struggling with 30 min but can run much longer outside.
2008-01-23 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1171714

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Hi Karen, yep the dreadmill is hard for me to. Even when I'm watching a video or listening to my music I can't handle it. I find running outside in the cold is pretty exhilerating as long as you are dressed the part. Dress for 10C warmer than the actual part and you will be fine. For those really cold days (like last Sunday when it was -13c with wind chill of -20), I worked up a good sweat. Just covered the exposed bits with Vaseline and wore a balaclava and all was well. Was ready to take off the gloves near the end as I had become so toasty.

The bike trainer is also hard I find, but I am dealing with it as it is the only way to get training on bike. Spin classes are not available at my gym when I have the time, so I am doing the riding in my basement in front of the TV and home theatre watching videos. It does help. Also last night I was rehearsing a speech while riding.

2008-01-27 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1126063

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Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed

Well how is everyone. It's been a bit quiet on the forum this week.

 I just came back from my first race of 2008. I PB'd at the Robbie Burns 8K race this morning. Almost 3 minutes of last years time. I feel great and I think this training I am doing for the HIM is helped with this race time. Click on the RACES icon of this post to see the race report.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and that the training is coming along well.



2008-01-27 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1178299


Subject: RE: Eric's 2008 Group - Closed
Hey Everyone,

I had my first full workout week in what feels like forever. It was great! I ran 3x, biked 1x and did strength training 2x. I'm still holding out on the swimming. I also printed out a 20 week training program which I can't wait to start. I'll officially start in April. In the meantime I'm working on my base.

I went to look at road bikes yesterday. I'm kind of deciding between a Fuji and a Giant. I test rode the Giant and loved it. I won't make a purchase until March at the earliest but in the meantime am trying to get as much info I can. I'll test ride the Fuji soon. I'm pretty sure I'm going the route of geting a new bike and putting the money in on the front end. I've read on this website about plenty of people who purchased a cheap bike and regretted it later because they had to get another one. Even though this is my first tri, I think I'm going to stick with it so think I'm going to go with the better bike right away. Any thoughts?

Rich- congratulations on your race! It sounds like it went great- a PB too! Looks like you've got a great start to the season.

Have a great week- My goal is to get 6 workouts in again this week.

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