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2010-06-24 12:22 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Alright, first am swim tomorrow....hope I can get up.  I'm trusting you guys when you say I will love these am workouts.   Wink


2010-06-24 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
CJ, in my opinion, a taper is not only about taking extra days off, but keep training super easy and low volume.  I have been told to take the Friday before a Sunday race completely off then do a light Jog, spin or swim on Saturday morning.  I do generally take 2 days completely off though. 

Tom, enjoy that time man, it is rare you get to spend that much time alone together!  My wife is going out with her sister Saturday night and I think I'm going to rent Star Wars for me and Evan. He knows about Star Wars but hasn't seen it yet.  I think he's ready! 

Ronda,  Good luck with the swim tomorrow morning, getting out of bed is the hardest part, the rest is cake! 

On my ride this morning, I had to jam on the breaks to avoid a black bear crossing the road.  I felt so bad, he had an injured front left paw and was hobbling.  He was obviously very malnurished too.  I waited for him to cross the road and hobble into the woods then I watched him for a few seconds.  He glanced back with a sad face almost screaming for help.  I really wish I could have helped him.  I thought about calling the town, but all they would have done is either ignored me, or found him and put him down.  I hope he is ok.  We get a lot of Black Bears by us. Sometimes they really make a mess with your garbage, but overall, they are very majestic creatures.
2010-06-24 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Bummer about that bear.  I always feel so bad for animals that I see hurting.  If you did call the city, chances are they'd just ignore you allowing for the Darwin effect to take place.  Doesn't make it any less sad though.  I crossed a coyote on my ride today.  I scared the ba-jesus out of it. 

I still remember seeing Star Wars for the first time when I was in grade school.  I was at home sick and my mom rented the entire original trilogy on VHS.  So effing amazing.  I hope Evan enjoys it as much as I did!
2010-06-24 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
so I feel like I am starting off again with my training.  Spent 3 out of the last 4 weeks travelling and did not manage to get much training done.

I am still shooting for an OWS in July but will play by ear to see how my training goes.  750 m in a pool is one thing, but in the lake, I still need to get mentally prepared!!!!

any of you up for a challenge in July?  I need something to keep me hones and stick to my training!!!
2010-06-24 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2941861

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2010-06-24 2:46 PM so I feel like I am starting off again with my training.  Spent 3 out of the last 4 weeks travelling and did not manage to get much training done.

I am still shooting for an OWS in July but will play by ear to see how my training goes.  750 m in a pool is one thing, but in the lake, I still need to get mentally prepared!!!!

any of you up for a challenge in July?  I need something to keep me hones and stick to my training!!!

Bring it on!  I'm always ready for a challenge.  I have a sprint tri on 7/17 then my "A" race on 8/8.  I will be tapering the week before my sprint, but will be ready to make my final push in the weeks after for my Oly race!!!!! 
2010-06-24 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2941861

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2010-06-24 2:46 PM so I feel like I am starting off again with my training.  Spent 3 out of the last 4 weeks travelling and did not manage to get much training done.

I am still shooting for an OWS in July but will play by ear to see how my training goes.  750 m in a pool is one thing, but in the lake, I still need to get mentally prepared!!!!

any of you up for a challenge in July?  I need something to keep me hones and stick to my training!!!

What do you have in mind?  I think our group needs an injection of something fresh!  I don't think I'm doing a very good job keeping everyone engaged! 

2010-06-24 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
alright, all you morning people...  tomorrow's the day!  I'm supposed to have a day off tomorrow, but my dh is whisking me away from my little darlings from Friday night to Saturday for our anniversary!  I've thought about it, and I don't want to work out on Saturday when I can sleep in... sooooooooo...  I'm getting up at 5 am to do a 90-120 minute bike followed by a 25-30 minute transition run.  The weather better be good.  I'm a fair-weather biker.  You'll be able to tell how it goes by my post tomorrow.  If I can make a coherent sentence, it wasn't that bad!

(Don't worry, we're not going anywhere fun-it's a staycation for one night.)

2010-06-24 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2942259

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
mchubri` - 2010-06-24 4:44 PM  I don't think I'm doing a very good job keeping everyone engaged! 

I think you're doing a great job!!!  Don't be so harsh on yourself!  I, for one, am having a wonderful time reading all of your posts and injecting my own.  (I don't post much.  I'm typically a quiet person.)

Edited by sungirl919 2010-06-24 5:01 PM
2010-06-24 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

@ Chezz, I'm in for a challenge...what are we doing?

@ Robin, have a nice getaway!  Enjoy yourself.

@ Brian, I think you're doing last group never made it to 15 pages...we were really quiet.  I think this group is so much fun!

Ok so I made the am wasn't so hard getting up but man am I cranky and ready for bed.

I'm off this whole weekend...I won't have time for any exercise since I'll be at my daughter's dance recital all weekend and this is like the 5th ring of hell.  Lots of wild kids who are freaking out/having the time of their lives and a gajillion costume changes and the crazy, overzealous dance moms (ftr, I am NOT a crazy dance mom, I'm the anti-dance mom, this is soooo not my scene)!  If I live through the weekend, I'll be resuming regular activities Monday.  Plus this gives my leg a chance to rest.

Have a great weekend!  I'll check in as I can.


2010-06-25 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

If you don't understand Ohio's geography, we are on the west end of the time zone which is great for summer.  The sky still has a hint of light in it at 10 at night!!!  However, I also assumed that by 5:15 even 5:30 it would be light enough to ride a bike.  I wouldn't know-I'm never up that early (except on race day when I'm not paying attention to what time the sun rises). 

Needless to say, I was not comfortable with the level of light outside to get my full workout in.  Could I have gone anyway and shortened my ride?  Yes.  But I've done that for almost every long ride and run.  I always run out of time and, darn it, I want to meet my time goal!!!!  I decided to just get up and run Saturday morning and bike Sunday morning-keeping today as my off day.  Thoroughly frustrated, I tried to get back to sleep...  didn't work.  Now I'm cranky and frustrated.  (I am an angry tired-person.

I have learned something from this- there is no way I can do a long bike ride on a weekday due to the time the dh has to leave for work.  Life would be so much easier without work and jobs getting in the way!!!!

Have a good Friday and a great weekend!
2010-06-25 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2943444

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-06-25 10:38 AM

Life would be so much easier without work and jobs getting in the way!!!!

Have a good Friday and a great weekend!


Earlier in the season that happened to me a few times, I was ready to go before the sun was.  Not much you can do about it.  I'd give you an A for Effort! 

2010-06-25 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
WOW!  Lots of catching up to do!

@ Tom - I think it's awesome that you get to spend the week with your son!  It's very true that this is time you'll never get again!  I also laughed my butt off about the fan...that's some serious training there!  Life lessons he'll never forget! 

@ Chezz - I think a challenge for July is a great idea!  What's everyone thinking?  

@ Robin - I'm with you on the fair weather/daylight biking!  I rarely pull my bike out when it gets below about 50!  I didn't actually road bike at all this past winter!  Don't beat yourself up about it!  By the way...I think "staycations" are much more relaxing than vacations...hope you enjoy yourself!!

@ Ronda - Good job at actually getting up!  I promise it gets much better!   Enjoy the recitals this weekend...sounds like a blast!

@ Brian - You have done a great job with the group.   I think we have a group of people that have jobs, lives and do a lot of training!  Most of us very little time to be on here...but I think this group has a lot of knowledge and everyone is willing to share it!!

@ Nole - I looked at your training log and I'm sooo embarrassed.  I plan to work on my this weekend!!

As for me, I've had an exciting few days!!  I started putting everyone's suggestions to work in the pool and yesterday morning, I swam 800m straight without having to flip over onto my back!  It all just clicked into place!!!!  I could have kept going, but I had to get to work!!  Today, my hubby and I went to the beach area on base to try our first OWS.  There's a really nice roped off swim area.  It's about 75m long and I can stand up in it if I start to panic.  I was still a little apprehensive about getting in!!  I got in and was amazed by how much I liked it!!!  We didn't stay out long, but I did realize that I'll be able to do just fine!  We're going to start going there instead of the Y so that we can get ready for the Tri on July 31st!  After the last couple of days, I've decided that I'm going to do it (if I can figure out the registration fees)!!!!!  I am soooooo excited!!

2010-06-28 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Weekend update Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers  Robin -

Aaaahhhhhh.  Note to all the husbands out there who want to score some extra points---  take one evening, find a sitter for the night.  Book a local hotel in an area of town you want to explore.  Tell your wife to pack an overnight bag.  Check in at hotel, explore the city.  Eat somewhere.  Go back to hotel.  Relax. Sleep.  Wake up late.  Go home at noon fully refreshed.

What a wonderful 18 hours.  We hit a Clippers game (AAA farm team for the Indians -Go Tribe!), had tapas at a Spanish restaurant, and a nice leisurely run in the morning...  aahhh.

Moved my ride to Sunday morning, too!  Great change!  Only a handful of cars passed me.  Got in 27 miles and successfully rode the entire time I was supposed to.  No going back early.  I will have to maintain the long run/long bike switcheroo.

Hope everyone had a productive weekend!
2010-06-28 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Sounds like a nice weekend.  I will have to give that a try.

My weekend was nice although my ride Sunday was a disaster.  I felt great when I took off.  Got about 4 miles from home and flat number 1 happened.  I thought OK good experience changing the flat.  I did so in about 5 minutes.  By the way, the tube I used was one I previously fixed from a previous flat and the patch kit was one that my wife had from about 20 years ago (a piece of info I did not have at the time I fixed that tire tube).  problem number 1.  I was good for about 10 miles until I noticed the tire loosing air. Only being about 5 miles form home I decided to hightail it home.  I would have gotten in my one hour ride and still had a 1 hour run to do. I pumped the tire and away I went.  All was well until about 1 mile from home when I took a corner.  The tire had gone low hence I looked like a big sack of potatoes hitting the pavement.  Fortunately other than several bumps, bruises and calf muscle tear my knees did not get hurt.  Anyway the moral of the story.  Always use new tubes and don't try to blame spouse for old patch kit causing accident.  It does not work and you walk away with a bruised ego.  I am off to get new tubes today although I am not sure if I can run due to calf muscle.

Other than that my week with jake was great!

Have a great week all!



Edited by Tkimble01 2010-06-28 11:04 AM
2010-06-28 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Tom, Sorry to hear about your incident, I hope the calf isn't too bad!  Don't you know by now that trying to blame things on the wife never results in anything positive?

Robin, Sounds like an awesome weekend!  I'll take keep your advice into consideration.  I usually pull a stunt like that every other year or so, I guess I'm due. 

Noel, Congrats on a great race, it appears that you blew away every goal you set out for yourself!  

Evan's inaugural Star Wars viewing this weekend was a huge success!  He loves it, he now wants to be Darth Vader for Haloween! 

I put together a nice day of training on Saturday, 2000yd swim, 27 mile ride and a 2 mile run off the bike, followed by a family nap on the couch watching the U.S. get beat, oh well.  I was hoping to take Sunday off, but I only needed 7 minutes total to meet my volume goal and 7 miles on the bike to maintain my goal of 50+ mile weeks, so I put in a quick 8 to appease the logs.  

So June is just about done and July is upon us.  Did you acheive what you set out to in June?  What goals will you set for yourself in July?   

My goal for June was to have the biggest month on the bike ever, I've definitly acheived that and have less than 18 miles to hit a 300 mile month, so I'm going to try and do that tomorow am.  I would like to maintain a 50 mile per week bike average through July. I would also like to increase my run speed off the bike.  Running alone I can put in a decent pace, but during Bricks I struggle.  I also need to focus on and create a race day nutrition plan for myself in July.  Eating a power bar 1/2 way through a long workout is hardly a nutrition plan and has a serious efffect on my run pace after the bike.

I hope everyone has a nice week planned, 4th of July weekend up next, time to get some serious training followed by some serious BBQ'ing done!  (That's my plan at least)


2010-06-29 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Robin- sounds like you had a great time, nice to come back refreshed like that.

Brian- gotta love introducing the little guy to Star Wars, rite of passage.

I am working on my race report, will finish and share it as soon as they post the splits.  A few thoughts:

Highlights- PB on my max speed, 51.7 mph, didn't feel like I got up that fast on the downhills.  Seeing Michellie Jones fly by me on her international run before I even got in the water.  Amazing how these pros finish their long distance before I finish my sprint.  Finishing shoot sprint, nobody caught me, I looked like I am fast to the people watching me at the finish, fortunately they don't know my actual time.

Lowlights- saw a guy with a big hole in his foot at the swim start, he didn't even make his wave, day was over before it began.  Felt bad for him, found out later he stepped on a stingray, ouch!  My run, I am slow on the run, lots of work to do there.  My swim navigation SUCKED!  I was all over the place. 

Overall I am satisfied with the race, 6th out of 14 in my AG.  Lots of improvement to be made though.

2010-06-29 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
2010-06-29 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Alright.  I think I'm hitting a plateau.  Need to bust a move to get over the hump.  I think my new long bike route will help.  I'm also going to try to swim a mile in OW this weekend...  any other suggestions?

I also met a goal of mine today.  The DH was finally "enrolled" in his first tri!!!!!!  He made me wait until the bitter deadline to sign him up.  I get to cross that one off of my list!

2010-06-30 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
looks like I have a lot of catching up to do!!

@ Robin, congrats on signing up your husband to his first tri.  I am working my wife on buying a road bike so we can train together.
@ Justin, nice job on your race!
@ Brian, congrats on your highest bike month yet!
@ Tom, sorry to hear about your crash, this is actually why I can't seem to convince my wife to get a road bike!
@ Nole,  looks like you are hitting the training really hard.  you are raising the bar!
@ Crisi, I am thinking about the Outer banks sprint too, but do not have a clue as to how the swim could be.  Actually, have not been to any of the NC beaches since I moved here.  Do you have an idea?  is it choppy?

I got back to my training over the last couple of days.  for those of you who have been consistent, keep at it.  My last month of travelling did not help at all.  I rode 20 miles on my bike on saturday and was exhausted!!  The 90F temperatures were also not the best conditions.
Got back to my master's training, and I continue to struggle with the 50 m pool, a lot of it has to be mental, I get frustrated right about half way when I cannot feel a wall to go back

as for the challenge in July, there's a non TdF challenge in the Challenge forum.  I've only entered once and hope to do a lot better.  Why don't we all sign up??  we'll have to provide targets for july and we could even enter as a team - actually, I am not so sure, Brian do you know anything about this?  I am still really new to this whole BT thing
2010-06-30 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2948917

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

So June is just about done and July is upon us.  Did you acheive what you set out to in June?  What goals will you set for yourself in July?

June's totals:
Bike:10h 48m 23s  - 162.2 Mi
Run:7h 19m 24s  - 43.41 Mi
Swim:7h 21m 18s  - 18747 Yd

I did not have very specific goals in mind for June, I wanted to get some consistency back to my training and up my volume, I did that over May for sure.

I think my goal for July is going to be to keep up my consistency, get onto a training plan, and create some more specific goals.

Do you guys use protein drinks?
2010-06-30 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I may still put in a run tonight, haven't decided yet. Here is what my June looked like. 

Bike:18h 09m 34s  - 302.59 Mi
Run:8h 34m 38s  - 60.5 Mi
Swim:7h 59m 15s  - 20600 Yd

I'm pretty satisified with that, the run is a little light. 

2010-06-30 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2951968

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-06-29 9:19 PM Alright.  I think I'm hitting a plateau.  Need to bust a move to get over the hump.  I think my new long bike route will help.  I'm also going to try to swim a mile in OW this weekend...  any other suggestions?

I also met a goal of mine today.  The DH was finally "enrolled" in his first tri!!!!!!  He made me wait until the bitter deadline to sign him up.  I get to cross that one off of my list!

Incorporate interval training if you don't already!  They are plateau busters for sure!  

Congrats on the DH, now can you work on my wife? 
2010-06-30 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2954022

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Incorporate interval training if you don't already!  They are plateau busters for sure!  

Congrats on the DH, now can you work on my wife? 

Um, yeah.  See the above post about the weekend away.  Throw in some Sangria or Margarita, whisper sweet nothings, then go in for the kill!  (that would be the triathlon part-get your mind out of the gutterInnocent
2010-06-30 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
June's totals:
Bike:4h 09m 29s  - 60.69 Mi
Run:7h 23m 48s  - 31.41 Mi
Swim:6h 34m 17s  - 9561.48 M 

June was nowhere close to where I wanted to be!!  I have A LOT of catching up to do in July!
2010-06-30 8:30 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Here are my totals for June.  Pretty low but I do expect a significant increase in July due to starting training a 12 week HIM training program for the September 26th HIM.  I hope everyone has a great July 4th weekend.
June's totals:
Bike:3h 09m 34s  - 50 Mi
Run:3h 55m 29s  - 21.16 Mi
Swim:3h 02m 36s  - 8899.91 Yd
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